LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL NOTICE PAPER No. 95 Tuesday, 13 November 2012

The President takes the Chair at 2.00 p.m.



22 MR HALL — To move — That this House notes the continuing unacceptable high levels of university offer deferral rates in regional and outer suburban areas and calls on the Federal Government to guarantee better income support for students required to live away from home.

205 MS LOVELL — To move — That this House notes that, during Question Time on 15 September 2011, the Member for Northern and former Minister for Housing, Ms Candy Broad, MLC, made comments that led this House to believe that the position of Director of Housing is a Ministerial appointment, and further notes that — (1) on 15 April 2005, the Governor-in-Council declared, by Order, that the Director of Housing would be a Declared Authority under section 104 of the Public Administration Act 2004, and further specified that the Public Service body head in relation to the Declared Authority, is the Secretary of the Department of Human Services; and (2) the Minister for Housing at the time of the declaration was Ms Candy Broad, MLC; and calls on Ms Candy Broad, MLC, to fully explain why she was unaware of this important change during her administration.

366 MR FINN — To move — That this House condemns Mr Brian Tee, MLC, for his opposition to changes to ’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) in growth areas given that in the June 2010 debate to expand Melbourne’s UGB, Mr Tee supported a boundary expansion seven times greater than what is currently proposed and stated to the House that — (1) "we need to maintain the investment and the focus, and that is about safeguarding future housing now; it is about making sure we are planning for the next 5, 10, 15 and indeed 20 years…"; (2) "the challenge for us is to find more space for housing for young families, or others who want to live in the suburbs, and this amendment is about getting that balance right…"; (3) "it makes sure that we have that competitive advantage in terms of affordable housing…"; (4) "families are for it (UGB expansion)… people who want to have affordable housing are for it…"; 2 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95

(5) "I think it is worth reflecting on the size of the growth and the land that will be available for those families… what is at stake here is some 43 000 hectares of land that will be brought inside Melbourne's urban growth boundary…"; and (6) "for working families, what is at stake here is affordable housing…"; and further notes that Mr Tee was a Ministerial Adviser to the then Minister for Planning, Hon. Rob Hulls, who expanded Melbourne’s UGB in 2005 and 2006. [Notice given on 19 June 2012 — Listed for 19 days].

380 MR O’DONOHUE — To move — That this House — (1) congratulates the Government for allocating $15 million in the 2012-13 Budget for the development and construction of Stage 2 works at Boronia K-12 College; (2) notes the funding provided by the Coalition Government has secured the future of Boronia K-12 College, allowing the school to become a significant education leader in the local community; (3) notes the Coalition Government has invested $2 million in the 2012-13 Budget for planning works for Officer Secondary College; (4) congratulates the Coalition Government for placing the future Officer Secondary College and Officer Special School side-by-side, developing an education hub near the proposed town centre and placing education at the heart of the growing Officer community; (5) condemns the previous Labor Government for failing to commit a figure to fund the Officer Special School; and (6) condemns the Member for Bundoora, Mr Colin Brooks, for playing politics with some of the most vulnerable members of the community, by referring to the additional investment in the Officer Special School as a “cost blow-out”. [Notice given on 14 August 2012 — Listed for 16 days].

387 MR ONDARCHIE — To move — That this House notes that — (1) Ms Jenny Mikakos and Mr Nazih Elasmar from the Northern Metropolitan Region each gave notices of motion on 15 August 2012 (No. 382 and No. 385 respectively), condemning the Baillieu Government for its failure to include any projects in Melbourne's north in its submission to Infrastructure Australia and failure to invest in any roads in Melbourne’s north; (2) Infrastructure Australia has backed the Victorian Coalition Government's plan to build an east-west road connection for Melbourne; (3) the Victorian Coalition Government is pushing ahead with the development of a business case for East West Link and is well advanced with the preliminary technical investigations started in May this year; (4) drilling work to develop a rock profile for the section of the project that is close to CityLink began on 13 July 2012; (5) work at seven sites along Alexandra Parade near the Eastern Freeway has already been carried out and further drilling is to take place around the Royal Park area and on local streets in Parkville and Flemington; (6) it may be a revelation to Ms Mikakos and Mr Elasmar that the locations of CityLink, Alexandra Parade near the Eastern Freeway, Royal Park area and Flemington are all based in Northern Metropolitan Region; and (7) the state Labor Party and Leader of the Opposition, Mr , in actively opposing this important project, have failed, as usual, in recognising the economic benefits and jobs generated. [Notice given on 16 August 2012 — Listed for 14 days]. 13 November 2012 3

388 MRS KRONBERG — To move — That this House — (1) notes the importance of the proposed East West Link for the people of Melbourne’s eastern suburbs to connect to the M80 Ring Road, the Hume Freeway, Melbourne Airport and the north and west of the city; (2) congratulates the Victorian Coalition Government on its commitment to the project; (3) congratulates Tony Abbott and the Federal Opposition for their commitment to fund $1.5 billion for planning and construction of the East West Link in partnership with the Victorian State Government; and (4) calls on the Labor Members for Eastern Metropolitan Region, Mr Brian Tee and Mr Shaun Leane, to act in the interests of their constituents and reconsider their opposition to this critical piece of infrastructure for Melbourne’s east. [Notice given on 16 August 2012 — Listed for 14 days].

389 MR P.R. DAVIS — To move — That this House — (1) congratulates the Victorian Government on the recent announcements made by the Premier and Minister for Ports that will see the construction of a new container terminal at Webb Dock, upgrades at Swanson Dock and the consolidation of the import and export auto trade at Webb Dock; (2) notes that these works will directly generate 1100 jobs and secure employment for many thousands of people across the state; (3) notes the importance of the East West Link for the efficient and effective transportation of freight to and from the Port of Melbourne; and (4) condemns the Australian Labor Party and its leader Mr Daniel Andrews for their opposition to the East West link and the jobs the project will generate. [Notice given on 16 August 2012 — Listed for 14 days].

391 MR FINN — To move — That this House — (1) notes the importance of an alternative river crossing to the Westgate Bridge for the people of Melbourne’s western suburbs to access jobs and services and address crippling congestion on the Eastern and Westgate Freeways; (2) notes the Victorian Labor Party has turned its back yet again on Melbourne’s west by opposing the East West Link; (3) notes in the absence of any alternative river crossing, Melbourne is overly reliant on the Westgate Bridge and M1 corridor; (4) congratulates the Victorian Coalition Government for its determination to deliver the important East West Link and notes the benefits it will deliver to the west; (5) highlights comments in Hansard on 19 August 2008 by the Member for Western Metropolitan Region, Mr Martin Pakula, MLC, that ‘the Greens have told motorists in the middle and outer west to stick it - no new river crossings and no new roads for them. Car drivers in the west are to be punished, sacrificed on the altar of Green ideology’; and (6) condemns the Australian Labor Party for its backflip and opposition to this critical infrastructure project. [Notice given on 16 August 2012 — Listed for 14 days].

393 MR RAMSAY — To move — That this House — (1) thanks the Australian Workers Union (AWU) for its support of the East West Link; (2) notes the AWU submission to the East West Link Needs Assessment Study (2008) stating ‘The East Link project could not be considered fully completed until the East West tunnel had been built. Without the East West tunnel, the Eastern Freeway would turn into a congested car park and will defeat the purpose of East Link’; 4 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95

(3) further notes the comments of AWU State Secretary, Mr Cesar Melham, as reported in The Age on 20 July 2012: ‘It is just crazy not to go ahead with the East West Project…one electorate could not determine the best interests of the whole state’; and (4) calls on Labor members of Parliament affiliated with the AWU, including Mr Ben Carroll, Mr Anthony Carbines, Mr John Eren, Ms Danielle Green, Ms Natalie Hutchins, Mr Frank McGuire and Ms Marsha Thomson, to listen to their union bosses on this critical project. [Notice given on 16 August 2012 — Listed for 14 days].

394 MR O’DONOHUE — To move — That this House — (1) notes the construction of the East West link has broad support, including from the following: (a) The Committee for Melbourne; (b) Victorian Employers Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI); (c) Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV); (d) Australian Workers Union; (e) Former Premiers Bracks and Brumby; (f) Infrastructure Partnerships Australia; and (g) Members for Footscray and Williamstown who said in their submission to the Eddington East West Link Needs Assessment Study (2008) ‘The road tunnel has the opportunity of linking the growth in the west to the growth in the east. That will have an important multiplier effect in terms of options and choices for residents on both sides of the city. With greater access and connectivity will come more local jobs and investments’; and (2) calls on the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Daniel Andrews, to listen to his former and current colleagues and those stakeholders to reconsider his opposition to this critical job generating infrastructure project. [Notice given on 16 August 2012 — Listed for 14 days].

395 MR ELSBURY — To move — That this House — (1) notes the importance of an alternative river crossing to the Westgate Bridge for the people of Melbourne’s western suburbs to access jobs and services; (2) notes that Sir Rod Eddington’s East West Link Needs Assessment Study (2008) showed that more than 160,000 vehicles travel across the Westgate Bridge per day and that Victoria cannot afford to continue its over-reliance on the West Gate Bridge; (3) notes that Infrastructure Australia has listed the East West Link among its national infrastructure priorities; (4) condemns the members of the Australian Greens and the Australian Labor Party who purport to represent Melbourne’s west for their opposition to this critical project; and (5) thanks the Committee for Wyndham for its support of this critical project. [Notice given on 16 August 2012 — Listed for 14 days].

397 MR ONDARCHIE — To move — That this House — (1) notes the importance of the East West Link to relieving congestion on many roads and public transport routes in the Northern Metropolitan Region; (2) condemns the Victorian Greens political party for its opposition to the East West Link; and (3) congratulates the Victorian Coalition Government for its determination to deliver the important East West Link. [Notice given on 16 August 2012 — Listed for 14 days]. 13 November 2012 5

398 MR KOCH — To move — That this House — (1) acknowledges the importance of the East West link to the communities, businesses and individuals of Western Victoria; (2) notes the comments of former Premier, who said ‘I think what is undeniable, in Rod Eddington’s report, is that the city does need a second East West crossing…one way or another we’ve got to address this issue of a second East West crossing’; and (3) notes the Bracks Labor Government’s 2006 Meeting Our Transport Challenges Policy asserts: ‘Improving the capacity of East West connections across Melbourne will also be critical to reducing congestion and meeting the growing demand for cross town travel’. [Notice given on 16 August 2012 — Listed for 14 days].

417 MS LOVELL — To move — That this House — (1) notes the strong support of the Baillieu Government for the community of Eaglehawk with $2 million in funding provided to save the Eaglehawk Primary School, $100,000 for the “Our Place” community centre to support vital community services, $36,000 for an employment and training initiative for public housing tenants and a commitment for $400,000 towards community sporting infrastructure; and (2) further notes the lack of support from the former Government for the needs of the Eaglehawk community.

419 MR ONDARCHIE — To move — That this House — (1) recognises the contributions of the Australian Automotive Aftermarket are a vital part of the automotive market and that the aftermarket component industry contributes significant enhancements to vehicles on Australian roads such as performance improvements, emission controls, stability, safety, replacement parts and four-wheel drive components; and (2) acknowledges that there are many manufacturers and exporters in Central and Western Victoria who provide valuable automotive aftermarket services, such as BTB Auto Glass and Body Shop Tools in Bendigo which focuses on the collision repair sector, Black Widow in New Gisborne which provides shelving systems for 4x4 vehicles and Albins Off Road Gear in Delacombe which are a multi-award winning manufacturer/exporter that engages in regular trade missions to the United States. [Notice given on 6 September 2012 — Listed for 10 days].

421 MRS COOTE — To move — That this House — (1) congratulates the Baillieu Government for establishing a multidisciplinary centre (MDC) in Bendigo; and (2) notes that — (a) MDCs co-locate specialist responders – Victoria Police, sexual assault support services, and Child Protection – to provide collaborative and integrated responses to sexual assault; (b) three of these centres are currently operating in Frankston, Mildura and Geelong; (c) the 2012-13 budget allocated $20 million over four years to establish a further three MDCs in areas of high need; (d) Bendigo is an ideal location for a MDC because the foundations for success are already in place through the strong partnerships between the Centre Against Sexual Assault, Victoria Police and Child Protection; and 6 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95

(e) combined with the development of a whole-of-government Action plan to Address Violence Against Women and their Children, and the recent allocation of additional funding to reduce waiting times for sexual assault services, this initiative reflects the Government’s commitment to responding to the needs of adults and children who have experienced sexual assault. [Notice given on 6 September 2012 — Listed for 10 days].

423 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House congratulates the Coalition Government for providing more than $14 million in funding for local school facilities since its election less than 2 years ago, despite significant budget constraints, exacerbated by the financial loss resulting from Labor’s mismanagement of major projects, including myki, the desalination plant, smart meters and other ICT projects, as well as the mismanagement of the electronic gaming machines auction, which resulted in $3 billion of revenue being lost to Victoria. [Notice given on 6 September 2012 — Listed for 10 days].

425 MR DRUM — To move — That this House congratulates the Coalition Government for its strong support of the development of a $25 million new performing arts theatre in the Old Bendigo Gaol, and further notes that this project will — (1) build on the growing reputation of Bendigo as a major cultural centre in regional Australia; (2) attract a greater range of major national tourism companies and visitors to the region; (3) provide an estimated 56 new jobs in the long-term, 50 direct jobs during construction and a further 70 jobs in supporting industries; and (4) represent a true partnership between Bendigo Senior Secondary College, City of Greater Bendigo, the Victorian Government and the Commonwealth Government. [Notice given on 6 September 2012 — Listed for 10 days].

427 MRS PETROVICH — To move — That this House congratulates the Baillieu Coalition on its provision of $5 million in the 2012- 13 Budget for the major upgrade works of Golden Square Primary School, and calls on Victorian Labor to apologise for not making adequate provision in its own budget allocations over its 11 years in office for school facilities and upgrades for this school and other schools in Victoria and the . [Notice given on 6 September 2012 — Listed for 10 days].

429 MR ELSBURY — To move — That this House congratulates the Coalition Government for its action in improving this State’s long-neglected corrections system, specifically noting the — (1) 54 bed expansion at the Langi Kal Kal medium security prison; (2) 54 bed expansion at the Dhurringle medium security prison; (3) opening of a new disability program room at Loddon prison; and (4) commitment to construct a 500 bed prison in Ravenhall; and recognises that these moves not only increase the capacity of our corrections system, but also improve the reintegration outcomes for inmates. [Notice given on 6 September 2012 — Listed for 10 days].

430 MR O’DONOHUE — To move — That this House notes — (1) the Coalition Government’s commitment to improved rail services for Bendigo and regional Victoria; (2) work on the Regional Rail Link is well underway, which once completed, will provide Bendigo rail lines with dedicated tracks through the metropolitan rail network from Sunshine to Southern Cross Station; 13 November 2012 7

(3) that $100 million is being invested over four years for the Maintaining our Rail Network Fund; (4) that $172 million is being invested over four years for regional rail maintenance and renewal works; and (5) that the Government has committed to the delivery of new rolling stock for the V/Line and Metro rail network. [Notice given on 6 September 2012 — Listed for 10 days].

431 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House congratulates the Coalition Government on making the necessary reform Labor failed to deliver to make our vocational training system sustainable and affordable into the future, with a focus on delivering the skills that lead to jobs and, further, notes the positive changes include — (1) $1.2 billion per year will now be set aside to fund subsidised training through TAFEs and Learn Local providers; (2) increased subsidies for training in areas of skills shortages, but lower subsidies for courses with comparatively lower return to the Victorian economy, such as many lifestyle courses; (3) increased funding to every apprenticeship course; (4) direct industry engagement so that training that is relevant to industry needs, which leads to more jobs for Victorians; (5) expanding eligibility for publicly funded training to students who have completed VCE and VCAL who were previously denied public support for Certificate II training; and (6) continued additional assistance enabling disadvantaged young people and indigenous Victorian students to access accredited training, which includes a 1.3 multiple loading on subsidies provided. [Notice given on 6 September 2012 — Listed for 10 days].

437 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House congratulates the Victorian Coalition Government on its provision of $7 million in the 2012-13 Budget for the consolidation of two school sites of the Castlemaine Secondary College and calls on Victorian Labor to apologise to the school community for not making this provision during its 11 years of office. [Notice given on 12 September 2012 — Listed for 8 days].

438 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House commends the Baillieu Government initiative for funding primary welfare officers resulting in 16 Bendigo local government area schools currently receiving funding, with the most recent being Epsom Primary School which received more than $33,000 in funding in 2012 as part of the Government’s 4 year $113 million initiative to provide 150 primary welfare officers in its first term of government. [Notice given on 12 September 2012 — Listed for 8 days].

439 MR ONDARCHIE — To move — That this House calls on the Labor Opposition to use a non-Government business day to admit their failure to deliver to Victorians and for their legacy of reckless mismanagement over 11 years and further, that they acknowledge — (1) the mismanagement of the desalination project that will cost Victorians $2 million a day for the next 28 years; (2) the monumental mismanagement of the Melbourne Market Relocation Project that will see a cost blow-out of millions of dollars, as identified by the Auditor-General; 8 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95

(3) the $3 billion of revenue lost to Victorian taxpayers due to Labor’s bungling of the Gaming Machine License Auction; (4) the disastrous mismanagement of ICT projects such as the myki ticketing scheme which will cost Victoria $1.44 billion in blow-outs; (5) the ineptitude of the previous Labor Government which has seen a $1.1 billion blow-out in the cost of the Regional Rail Link; (6) the blow-outs in the cost of roads of more than $360 million dollars such as the M1 upgrade; (7) the funding black holes left at the Olivia Newton-John Wellness Centre and Royal Children’s Hospital ICT which the Coalition had to fix in its first budget; (8) Healthsmart, which has blow-outs of $243 million and that the Auditor-General found had no business case; (9) the failure of appropriate rigour in relation to the north-south pipeline project; (10) spending more than $1 billion in taxpayer funds for blatant political advertising for the previous Labor Government; (11) failing Victorian students with run down schools and overcrowded classrooms; (12) failing to plan for the growing of the population by not investing diligently in road and rail infrastructure; (13) failing to plan for the growth and ageing of the population by using out of date and inaccurate data to determine health planning; (14) the $25 million blow-outs in State sports facilities; (15) the 11 years of mismanagement of ambulance services including Mr Andrews’ botched merger of the ambulance services as well as declining operational and financial performance as identified by the Auditor-General in October 2010; and (16) the systematic neglect and mismanagement of public housing. [Notice given on 13 September 2012 — Listed for 7 days].

φ 446 MR D.M DAVIS — To move — That, with reference to the Department of Planning and Community Development’s Report, 2011-12, and a commitment to cut red tape in planning, this House requires the Environment and Planning Legislation Committee to inquire into, consider and report on reform of the application of the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) process and in particular: (1) Regulatory Impact Assessment models; (2) Business Impact Assessment models; (3) possible legislative reform; (4) economic modelling and methodology application including: (a) discount rates; and (b) consultant costs; (5) regulatory impacts of the RIS process; and (6) the annual cost to government of RIS processes; and the Committee is required to present its final report no later than 29 November 2013.

448 MR D.M DAVIS — To move — That this House requires the Economy and Infrastructure Legislation Committee to inquire into and report on the impact on Victoria of National Partnership Agreements, as detailed in Budget Paper No. 5, 2012-13, Chapter 4, pages 176-83, not being renewed including the service impacts on Victorians associated with non-renewal of funding of National partnerships, especially agreements expiring on 30 June 2013 and the Committee is required to present an interim report no later than 29 March 2013 and a final report no later than 29 November 2013.

φ Notice amended pursuant to Standing Order 6.04. 13 November 2012 9


1* JUSTICE LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (MISCELLANEOUS) BILL 2012 — (from Assembly — Mr Dalla-Riva) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Pakula).

2* ROAD MANAGEMENT AMENDMENT (PENINSULA LINK) BILL 2012 — (from Assembly — Mr Guy) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Pakula).

3* TOBACCO AMENDMENT (SMOKING AT PATROLLED BEACHES) BILL 2012 — (from Assembly — Mr D.M. Davis) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Jennings).

4 FREE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PROPERTY AMENDMENT BILL 2012 — (from Assembly — Mr Dalla-Riva) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Pakula).

5 RETAIL LEASES AMENDMENT BILL 2012 — (from Assembly — Mr Dalla-Riva) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Somyurek).


7 OMBUDSMAN’S REPORTS, 2011 — Motion to take note of the reports tabled by the Ombudsman in 2011 (Mr D.M. Davis) — Resumption of debate (Mrs Peulich).

8 KINGSTON GREEN WEDGE — PETITION — To be considered. [Listed for 18 days].






* Indicates new entry. 10 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95



360 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Baillieu Government for scrapping the School Start Bonus and cutting the Education Maintenance Allowance, hurting low socio-economic families across Victoria; and (2) notes that a number of south west Victorian school principals have expressed their concern and dissatisfaction with the Government’s decisions, including the Warrnambool College Principal who stated in the Warrnambool Standard on 29 May 2012 that “It’s a direct hit to the heart of the disadvantaged… It’s a hit to the notion of equality and an egalitarian society… Those people who don’t have a disposable income, they’re the people that (this is affecting)”. [Notice given on 7 June 2012 — Listed for 20 days].

361 MR SCHEFFER — To move — That, under section 33 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003, the Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee is required to inquire into, consider and report on the administration of Naloxone by non-medical personnel, in particular, the Committee should — (1) examine the nature and extent of illicit drug overdose deaths in Victoria; (2) assess the adequacy of existing strategies, particularly the administration of Naloxone by paramedics and emergency room physicians for dealing with illicit drug overdoses involving heroin; (3) investigate the experience and effectiveness of non-medical staff administering Naloxone in states and territories in Australia and overseas where this practice exists; (4) consider whether the administration of Naloxone by non-medical personnel should be introduced into Victoria; and (5) review national and international legislation, reports and materials relevant to the issue. [Notice given on 7 June 2012 — Listed for 20 days].

362 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House — (1) notes that in terms of Victoria’s Agriculture Technology sector, the previous Labor State Government contributed $103.5 million from 2006 to 2010, however the current Coalition Government has contributed just $33 million; (2) condemns the Baillieu Government for under-funding such an important industry to farmers and agricultural businesses across rural and regional Victoria; (3) notes that in terms of climate change planning funding in Victoria the previous Labor State Government contributed $11.4 million from 2006 to 2010, yet the current Coalition Government has contributed nothing at all; (4) condemns the Baillieu Government for failing to address climate change in rural and regional Victoria; (5) notes that in terms of the National Centre for Farmer Health the previous Labor State Government contributed $12 million, yet the current Coalition Government has contributed nothing at all; (6) condemns the Baillieu Government for failing to recognise the importance of issues associated with the health, well-being and safety of farm families in our regions; (7) condemns the Government for jeopardising farm families in regional Victoria and jeopardising the continuation of the National Centre for Farmer Health; (8) notes that in terms of rail freight, the previous Labor Government invested $42.7 million, however from 2010 to 2012, the Baillieu Government has invested just $10 million; 13 November 2012 11

(9) condemns the Baillieu Government for failing to invest adequate funding for regional rail freight in Victoria; (10) notes that as a result of the Baillieu Government’s 2012-13 State Budget, two Government departments will experience significant funding cuts; (11) notes that because of these funding cuts the Department of Primary Industries will close regional offices and sack more than 100 public servants; and (12) notes that because of the Baillieu Government’s funding cuts, the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) will sack more than 130 workers from Parks Victoria and several hundred from the DSE. [Notice given on 7 June 2012 — Listed for 20 days].

364 MR LENDERS — To move — That this House — (1) notes that — (a) the Baillieu Coalition Government has increased the Environmental Levy on Water Authorities from $70 million to $117 million per annum with a flow-on cost of $56 per household; (b) the Premier and the Minister for Water have both stated that this is not a tax grab and that expenditure on environment programs will continue; (c) there are no new capital works in the 2012-13 Budget papers for environmental water projects; and (d) the Department of Sustainability and Environment annual report shows only $47 of the $70 million allocated in the 2010-11 financial year for these programs spent; and (2) further notes that contrary to the Premier and Minister’s statements that — (a) 17 jobs are being cut at West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority with a further 8 staff being told to reapply for their positions in a time of severe flood recovery; (b) 7 jobs are being cut from the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority; (c) 5 jobs are being cut from the Mallee Catchment Management Authority; (d) 4 jobs are being cut from the Wimmera Catchment Management Authority; (e) 3 jobs are being cut from the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority; and (f) at this stage the remaining 5 Catchment Management Authorities have not yet announced their job cuts. [Notice given on 19 June 2012 — Listed for 19 days].

ɸ 369 MR LENDERS — To move — That this House notes that the Minister for Manufacturing, Exports and Trade could not define ‘productivity’ during Question Time in this House on 28 February 2012 and further notes that the — (1) very first act of the Baillieu Government was to expand the Cabinet by 10 per cent; and (2) Efficient Government dividend is designed to boost productivity by cutting unnecessary employees off the Government payroll; and consequently calls on the Premier to apply his Efficient Government dividend to his Cabinet and remove Mr Dalla Riva, MLC as a Minister therefore saving the Budget in excess of $500,000 per year. [Notice given on 19 June 2012 — Listed for 19 days].

370 MS PENNICUIK — To move — That this House notes that — (1) on 29 February 2012, the Senate Committee on Community Affairs tabled its report “Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices”, in which the Committee recommended that — 12 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95

(a) state and territory governments and non-government institutions that administered adoptions should issue formal statements of apology that acknowledge practices that were illegal or unethical, as well as other practices that contributed to the harm suffered by many parents whose children were forcibly removed and by the children who were separated from their parents; and (b) formal apologies should always be accompanied by undertakings to take concrete actions that offer appropriate redress for past mistakes; (2) on 19 October 2010, the Western Australian Legislative Assembly apologised for the removal of children from unmarried mothers; and (3) on 27 October 2010, the ACT Legislative Assembly passed a motion calling on the ACT Government to — (a) apologise on behalf of the ACT Legislative Assembly and the community to those ACT residents who have been affected by forcible removal practices; and (b) support initiatives that assist young parents and their children; and calls on the Government to acknowledge that similar practices occurred in Victoria, that those practices have caused long-term anguish and suffering for the mothers, children and the families who have been affected, and to apologise on behalf of the Victorian community for past forced adoption practices. [Notice given on 19 June 2012 — Listed for 19 days].

371 MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House notes that — (1) the Federal Gillard Government is providing $210 million to Victoria to help implement the National Partnership Agreement on Early Childhood Education to offer 15 hours kindergarten per week for every four year old in Australia by 2013; (2) Victoria is experiencing a ‘baby boom’ that is putting additional pressure on kindergartens for placements; (3) the Baillieu Government has provided no funding whatsoever in the 2012-13 Budget towards kindergarten infrastructure in Victoria; and (4) the Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development has conceded that only 60 per cent of Victorian kindergartens will be ready to implement the ’15 hours’ plan in 2013; and calls on the Baillieu Government to provide additional resources towards the implementation of the National Partnership Agreement on Early Childhood Education and meet the additional demand for kindergarten places resulting from the ‘baby boom’. [Notice given on 19 June 2012 — Listed for 19 days].

372 MR LEANE — To move — That Sessional Order No. 2 adopted by this House on 11 October 2011 be omitted and the following be inserted in its place —

‘2. Time Limits

That the time limits specified in Standing Order 5.03 for the following business be suspended — Address in Reply Government business Motions of urgent public importance Government Bills — second reading debate Budget debate and that the following will apply:

13 November 2012 13

“Address in Reply (Standing Order 1.10) Total time No limit Government lead speaker 60 minutes Opposition lead speaker 60 minutes Other Party lead speaker 45 minutes Remaining speakers 15 minutes

Government business (Standing Order 5.06) Total time No limit Government lead speaker 60 minutes Opposition lead speaker 60 minutes Other Party lead speaker 45 minutes Remaining speakers 15 minutes

Motions of urgent public importance (Standing Order 6.09) Total time No limit Government lead speaker 60 minutes Opposition lead speaker 60 minutes Other Party lead speaker 45 minutes Remaining speakers 15 minutes

Government Bills — second reading debate Total time No limit Government lead speaker 60 minutes Opposition lead speaker 60 minutes Other Party lead speaker 45 minutes Remaining speakers 15 minutes

Budget debate Total time No limit Government lead speaker 60 minutes Opposition lead speaker 60 minutes Other Party lead speaker 45 minutes Remaining speakers 15 minutes

For the purposes of this Sessional Order, “Government lead speaker” means a member of the Liberal Party or National Party”.’. [Notice given on 19 June 2012 — Listed for 19 days].

373 MR LENDERS — To move — That this House — (1) notes that the Liberal Party first committed to a railway station at Monash University on 30 September 1958 and has done so on several occasions since, the most recent of which was in the 2010 election campaign; (2) notes that the Liberal Party during the Thompson and Kennett Governments closed down large sections of the existing rail network; (3) notes that the Liberal and National Parties, when in opposition, were critical of the establishment of Regional Fast Rail networks but have since demanded more services on those lines; and (4) calls on the Baillieu-Ryan Government to produce a comprehensive and funded transport plan that both honours the Government’s multiple infrastructure promises and outlines which of the existing priorities of the Victorian Transport Plan they will replace. [Notice given on 19 June 2012 — Listed for 19 days]. 14 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95

374 MS PENNICUIK — To move — That this House calls on the Baillieu Government to adhere to the principle of secular education in government schools by removing the provision for special religious instruction in the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 and committing instead to funding general religious and ethics education. [Notice given on 21 June 2012 — Listed for 17 days].

375 MS BROAD — To move — That this House notes — (1) the decision of the Baillieu-Ryan Government to cut $300 million of funding to TAFE; (2) that these funding cuts have already caused TAFE job cuts and will reduce access to vocational education and training opportunities; (3) statements by the Member for Mildura, Mr Peter Crisp, MP — (a) defending these funding cuts to TAFE; (b) referring to a small number of training providers rorting the system; and (c) concluding that the local Sunraysia TAFE was not responsible for rorting the system; and condemns Mr Crisp for his statements in support of funding cuts to TAFE by the Baillieu- Ryan Government, his failure to defend Sunraysia TAFE from funding cuts and his refusal to identify and hold to account those he believes to be responsible for rorting the system. [Notice given on 21 June 2012 — Listed for 17 days].

379 MR LEANE — To move — That this House agrees that — (1) in 2010 the ALP made an election commitment to fund the $100 million Maroondah Education Coalition Regeneration Project; (2) the Liberal Party did not make the same election commitment; and (3) if the Maroondah Education Coalition Regeneration Project had been funded, the parents and students at Parkwood Secondary College would not be going through the stress and anguish they are currently going through with the potential of the school closing. [Notice given on 14 August 2012 — Listed for 16 days].

381 MR LEANE — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Baillieu Government’s slashing of TAFE funding which will see the loss of courses at Swinburne University Croydon campus and the closure of Swinburne University Lilydale campus, impacting on families and businesses of the outer east; and (2) calls on the Members for Evelyn and Kilsyth to stand up for families and jobs in their communities by demanding that the Baillieu Government reinstate funding to Swinburne University so that the Lilydale campus remains open to allow access to tertiary and vocational studies for families of the outer east. [Notice given on 14 August 2012 — Listed for 16 days].

382 MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for its failure to include any projects in Melbourne’s north in its submission to Infrastructure Australia despite this area being one of the fastest growing in the country. [Notice given on 15 August 2012 — Listed for 15 days].

383 MR BARBER — To introduce a Bill for an Act to amend the Alcoa (Portland Aluminium Smelter) (Amendment) Act 1984 and for other purposes. [Notice given on 15 August 2012 — Listed for 15 days]. 13 November 2012 15

385 MR ELASMAR — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for its failure to invest in any roads in Melbourne’s north which is seriously impacting on the expansion of industry and jobs in the region. [Notice given on 15 August 2012 — Listed for 15 days].

386 MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for its cruel cuts to TAFE including many courses that train disability professionals, leaving Victoria seriously short of the skilled workforce that will be needed to deliver the National Disability Insurance Scheme. [Notice given on 15 August 2012 — Listed for 15 days].

392 MR LENDERS — To move — That this House notes that — (1) on 11 October 2011 the Leader of the Government, Mr David Davis, sincerely undertook in Parliament to answer several outstanding Adjournment matters addressed to himself and the Premier; (2) 309 days later three of those matters were still not answered and Mr Davis again sincerely undertook to respond to them; (3) in Opposition Mr Davis voted to hold the Executive to account and agreed to amend the Sessional Orders so as to require responses to Adjournment matters be given within 30 days; (4) Mr Davis is treating the Legislative Council with contempt in his indifference to its requirements for Ministers to respond to Adjournment matters and to answer Questions on notice; and (5) it is concerned that Mr Davis’ insincerity in dialogue as displayed in the Parliament may be causing even greater grief in his portfolio areas. [Notice given on 16 August 2012 — Listed for 14 days].

396 MR LEANE — To move — That this House agrees that the Baillieu Government will not build a rail line to Doncaster. [Notice given on 16 August 2012 — Listed for 14 days].

400 MR LENDERS — To move — That this House takes note of the Minister for Energy and Resources, Mr Michael O'Brien's press release of 12 April 2012 titled "Labor's fracking hypocrisy knows no bounds". [Notice given on 28 August 2012 — Listed for 13 days].

404 MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House — (1) notes the comments made by the Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development on 16 August 2012 during the Adjournment debate in relation to occasional child care in Victoria in which she claimed that the Federal Labor Government had not yet allocated additional occasional care places in Victoria; (2) notes that the Federal Minister for Child Care in fact announced the additional occasional child care places in Victoria on 9 August 2012; (3) notes that the Baillieu Government's priorities to fund a search for the mythical big cat yet refuses to fund occasional child care in Victoria; (4) notes that as a result of the Baillieu Government’s axing of ‘Take A Break Occasional Child Care’ funding, some occasional childcare providers have already closed and further centres are now closing; and (5) calls on the Baillieu Government to urgently reinstate funding to the ‘Take A Break Occasional Child Care’ Program. [Notice given on 28 August 2012 — Listed for 13 days]. 16 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95

ɸ 405 MR LENDERS — To move — That, under section 33 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003, this House requires the Environment and Natural Resources Committee to inquire, consider and report, no later than 30 August 2013, on unconventional gas explorations, including coal seam gas in regional and rural Victoria and, in particular, the Committee should: (1) investigate the extent of unconventional exploration for gas in Victoria; (2) consider methodologies for measurement of the effects of unconventional gas exploration, including any potential issues associated with the measurement of those effects; (3) consider the impact of unconventional exploration, including the various extraction methods used on the — (a) natural environment; (b) human health; and (c) economy and jobs in Victoria; (4) consider the appropriateness of current policies governing decisions about unconventional gas explorations and whether they are adequate to ensure community consultation; and (5) draw on and incorporate relevant materials from other Australian Parliamentary investigations in the interests of a concise report within the required timeline. [Notice given on 28 August 2012 — Listed for 13 days].

407 MS PULFORD — To move — That this House notes that the Baillieu–Ryan Government is looking for the ‘big cat’ to detract from its failure to adequately fund services to regional and rural Victorian communities and calls on the Government to consider how a bounty may be a more effective means to flush out this elusive creature. [Notice given on 28 August 2012 — Listed for 13 days].

408 MS BROAD — To move — That this House notes — (1) the Baillieu-Ryan Government's funding cuts to TAFE; (2) opposition to funding cuts to TAFE by Moira Shire and Mitchell Shire and many others; and (3) the Minister for Higher Education and Skills statement in response to Moira Shire that "This is a great chance for TAFE institutions to consolidate their prime place in Victoria's training system, capitalise on the TAFE brand and make positive changes in the form of greater collaboration between providers, sharing of services and delivery, innovative delivery modes, greater productivity in employment conditions and closer alignment with higher education programs"; and calls on the Minister to explain how cutting almost $300 million from TAFE will contribute to the prime place of TAFE in Victoria's training system and to a well-trained, job-ready workforce. [Notice given on 29 August 2012 — Listed for 12 days].

409 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House — (1) notes that in an article in The Age newspaper on 23 August 2012, Victoria’s family violence agencies including ‘No To Violence’ spokesman Rodney Vlais said demand had jumped in recent years; (2) notes that the Baillieu Government has not funded state services in line with this increase in demand; (3) condemns the Baillieu Government for forcing men who were seeking help with domestic violence to wait two months or more for an appointment; and 13 November 2012 17

(4) calls on the Baillieu Government to provide more funding for such services. [Notice given on 29 August 2012 — Listed for 12 days].

410 MS BROAD — To move — That this House — (1) notes the promise by Premier Ted Baillieu to build a bypass to the north of Kilmore; (2) notes the strong community rally in heavy rain in Kilmore calling on Premier Baillieu to keep his promise and build a proper bypass; (3) notes the failure of the Member for Seymour, Ms Cindy Mcleish, MP, or any representative of the Baillieu-Ryan Government to attend the community rally; (4) notes the Minister for Transport’s statement on 18 July 2012 that traffic modelling will be conducted for a northern bypass route identified by the Wallan Kilmore Bypass Group and published in the North Central Review on 26 June 2012; (5) notes the fact that this route is not included in VicRoads material distributed to the Wallan and Kilmore communities or on the VicRoads website; (6) notes indications to the communities of Kilmore and Wallan that VicRoads requires authorisation by the Minister in order to investigate this route; and (7) calls on the Government to inform the people of Wallan and Kilmore — (a) whether it is genuine about investigating a northern route as promised; (b) whether VicRoads has been authorised to investigate this route, and if so, when the Minister provided the necessary authorisation; and (c) if VicRoads has not been authorised to investigate this route, when the Minister intends to do so in accordance with his media statement of 18 July 2012. [Notice given on 29 August 2012 — Listed for 12 days].

411 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Baillieu Government for its decision to further disadvantage Victoria’s most needy by cutting funding for Home and Community Care Services; (2) notes that this is a program that supports older people in our communities, as well as those with dementia and other disabilities, and their families, with basic everyday needs that most Victorians take for granted; (3) notes the comments of Cr Kylie Fisher of the City of Greater Geelong in the Geelong Advertiser on 28 August 2012 that “though the short-term effect is manageable, in the long term this decision will have a greater financial impact especially with a growing and aging population”; (4) notes that Cr Fisher also stated that “the funding base for Geelong was already below the benchmarked standard forecasting long-term challenges in providing care for the elderly, disabled and their families”; and (5) notes that this callous decision will hit hard in our regional communities where access to services for the disadvantaged is already difficult, and where regional councils are already struggling with service and program costs. [Notice given on 29 August 2012 — Listed for 12 days].

412 MS BROAD — To move — That this House notes that — (1) at the 2010 Victorian election Mr Ted Baillieu, MP, and Mr Peter Ryan, MP, promised that a Baillieu-Ryan Government would fast track the delivery of natural gas to the priority regional towns of Avoca, Lakes Entrance, Invermay, Winchelsea, Heathcote, Orbost, Warburton, Marong, Bannockburn, Terang, Maldon, Huntly and Wandong- Heathcote Junction; 18 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95

(2) following the 2010 election Mr Ryan announced a staged approach to implementing the Government’s promise of natural gas to regional towns and this staged approach has resulted in an agreement to deliver natural gas to just one of these regional communities, namely Huntly; and (3) Mr Ryan has now terminated the first stage of the program and committed to commencing a second stage of the program in the second half of 2012; and calls on Premier Baillieu and Deputy Premier Ryan to explain to the priority regional towns of Avoca, Lakes Entrance, Invermay, Winchelsea, Heathcote, Orbost, Warburton, Marong, Bannockburn, Terang, Maldon, and Wandong-Heathcote Junction when they can expect natural gas to be delivered as promised. [Notice given on 30 August 2012 — Listed for 11 days].

418 MR TEE — To move — That this House notes — (1) the Victorian building industry is the second biggest employer in the State; (2) that Baillieu Government neglect has seen a dramatic slump in building industry activity which is hurting families; (3) while the Baillieu Government neglect has been felt across Victoria the pain has been worse in regional cities like Bendigo, where the most recent data shows a 10.5 per cent fall in building permits approved for June 2012, nearly double the decline for Melbourne; and (4) a fall in the number of building approvals will result in fewer construction jobs, which will hurt families in regional Victoria; and calls on the Baillieu Government to stop attempts to distract the community with futile attempts to pursue the black cat, and start delivering outcomes that will help families by protecting jobs in regional Victoria. [Notice given on 6 September 2012 — Listed for 10 days].

420 MR VINEY — To move — That this House notes with grave concern — (1) the unemployment rate in regional Victoria is continuing to escalate under the Liberal- National Government, especially for young people; (2) the devastating impact that cuts to TAFE are having and the short-sightedness of cutting skills training at a time of employment reductions; (3) that the sacking of public servants is further impacting on unemployment in regional Victoria; and (4) that the Government is failing to create employment opportunities in regional Victoria; and calls on the Victorian Government to immediately develop and implement a comprehensive regional jobs plan for Victoria. [Notice given on 6 September 2012 — Listed for 10 days].

422 MR SCHEFFER — To move — That this House notes the negative impact of the Liberal-National Government’s multi-million dollar budget cuts to the school component of the education maintenance allowance is having on schools in the Bendigo area, particularly primary schools in Guildford, Kangaroo Flat, Campbells Creeks, Winters Flat, Big Hill and Malmsbury, and further notes, in particular, that the withdrawal of the school component of the education maintenance allowance affects — (1) the most disadvantaged students in each of these schools whose families rely on the allowance to help them obtain school books and to enable children to attend school camps; (2) the capacity of schools to forward plan because the Government has not told them how the funding changes will be applied; and 13 November 2012 19

(3) school communities who are concerned that they will miss out on important education resources; and calls on the Liberal-National Government to use the 2012-13 Budget as an opportunity to restore the school component of the education maintenance allowance in recognition of the evidence that those school communities that experience the most financial stress have been hardest hit. [Notice given on 6 September 2012 — Listed for 10 days].

424 MS DARVENIZA — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Baillieu Government for reducing the funding for Home and Community Care (HACC) services across Victoria targeting some of the most vulnerable people in our community; (2) expresses its concern with the Baillieu Government over the alarming state-wide two per cent cut in home care hours, despite spiralling demand due to an ageing population; (3) notes that the HACC budget for the City of Greater Bendigo has been cut by $137,000 which will translate into a reduction of funding for home care of over $114,000; (4) notes that this program is essential to keep people living independently in their own homes for longer and out of the high care aged care system well before it’s needed; and (5) expresses its disappointment with the Baillieu Government for forcing local councils to choose between cutting services or asking ratepayers to cover the shortfall. [Notice given on 6 September 2012 — Listed for 10 days].

426 MR LEANE — To move — That this House notes that — (1) the Baillieu Government is cutting overall funding to psychiatric, disability and rehabilitation support services by $1 million each year over the next three years which has put the 48 community mental health service providers across regional Victoria in a position that they will have to make decisions about whether to cut staff or programs; and (2) the Baillieu Government’s decision to cut funding to community mental health services will leave some of our most vulnerable citizens without support; and calls on the Baillieu Government to do the right thing by strengthening regional mental health services, not squeezing them dry. [Notice given on 6 September 2012 — Listed for 10 days].

428 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Baillieu Government’s decision to cut $1 million annually from the National Centre for Farmer Health; (2) notes the detrimental impact this funding cut will have to the health, safety and wellbeing of farm men and women, their families and local rural communities; (3) notes that the Baillieu Government’s decision to cut funding for the National Farmer Health Centre will mean that the Centre will no longer carry out its important work, such as research and service delivery for farming families across regional Victoria; and (4) calls on the Baillieu Government to immediately restore the $1 million per annum State Government contribution to the Centre and ensure that there are no job cuts at the Centre. [Notice given on 6 September 2012 — Listed for 10 days]. 20 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95

432 MR LEANE — To move — That this House notes, that — (1) in 2009, in this House, Mr David Davis, MLC, Mr Peter Hall, MLC, Ms Wendy Lovell, MLC, Mrs Donna Petrovich, MLC, Mr Phillip Davis, MLC, Mr Edward O’Donohue, MLC and Mrs Jan Kronberg, MLC, argued the previous Government’s 60 cent per kilowatt- hour, premium solar net feed-in tariff was not a good enough incentive for Victorians to invest in solar panels on their roofs, therefore arguing the importance of the 60 cent per kilowatt-hour feed-in tariff being a gross rate; and (2) the Baillieu Government’s Minister for Energy and Resources, Mr Michael O’Brien, MP, recently announced a cut in the feed-in rate effective from 1 January 2013 to just 8 cents per kilowatt-hour, from the rate of 25 cents per kilowatt-hour, which the Baillieu Government reduced from 60 cents shortly after coming into government; and calls on Mr David Davis, Mr Hall, Ms Lovell, Mrs Petrovich, Mr Philip Davis, Mr O’Donohue and Mrs Kronberg to re-state their previous passionate support for a viable solar energy industry in Victoria by joining other members of this House to demand the Minister for Energy and Resources immediately reinstate the 60 cent per kilowatt-hour feed-in tariff, whether it be a gross or net rate. [Notice given on 11 September 2012 — Listed for 9 days].

433 MS BROAD — To move — That this House notes — (1) the Mildura Base Hospital Services Agreement made on 24 March 1999 by the then Minister for Health, Robert Knowles, with the Mildura Base Hospital Pty Ltd; (2) statements by the Member for Mildura, Mr Peter Crisp, MP on 5 September 2012 on Facebook regarding the Mildura Base Hospital contract; (3) the statement by the Minister for Health, Mr David Davis, MLC, on 8 September 2012 to the Sunraysia Daily that “The government is currently negotiating with the owners and will not necessarily restrict itself to the five-year term extension option, or the time frame of September 2012, set out in the contract.”; (4) several motions endorsed at a community rally in Mildura on 26 August 2012 regarding the Mildura Base Hospital including that all current contractual negotiations in regard to the Hospital be suspended to allow for a 12 month period for the investigation, development, reporting and community endorsement for a Mildura health and vision plan; and calls on the Minister for Health, Mr David Davis, MLC, to visit Mildura at the earliest opportunity to respond in person to the motions endorsed by the community rally. [Notice given on 11 September 2012 — Listed for 9 days].

435 MS PENNICUIK — To move — That this House requires the Procedure Committee to inquire into and report no later than 31 March 2013 on a suitable alternative to the daily prayer, including looking at options adopted by other Parliaments and calls on the Committee to request submissions from the public and conduct public hearings in the completion of its inquiries. [Notice given on 11 September 2012 — Listed for 9 days].

436 MR LEANE — To move — That this House notes — (1) that in an article in the Weekly Times on 18 March 2009, the then President of the Victorian Farmers Federation, Mr Simon Ramsay, indicated the previous Government’s net 60 cents per kilowatt-hour premier feed-in tariff was not good enough for farmers in Victoria to invest in solar technology; (2) that in the same article, Mr Ramsay argued the premium 60 cents per kilowatt-hour feed-in tariff should have been a gross tariff rather than a net tariff, and that companies, farmers and individuals who invest in solar panels should be paid for every unit of 13 November 2012 21

power produced, even if they use it themselves, to provide incentives to install solar panels to power their own energy needs; (3) the current silence of Mr Ramsay and other members of the Baillieu Government in not protesting to the Minister for Energy and Resources the savage cut to the solar feed-in tariffs, which will reduce the rate to 8 cents per kilowatt-hour at the start of 2013; and (4) that Mr Ramsay and his Government colleagues have turned their backs on the Victorian solar industry and Victorian farmers who hoped to reduce their power costs by investing in solar technology. [Notice given on 12 September 2012 — Listed for 8 days].

441 MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House — (1) notes the Minister for Housing’s answer to a question without notice on 16 August 2012 that contracts had been signed between Urban Communities and the Office of Housing for the management of the 152 unit property at 160 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, which is still largely vacant; (2) notes in particular the Minister’s claim that the contracts were signed by 10 August 2012; (3) notes that the Minister misled the House as no contract was signed between the parties until 14 August 2012; and (4) calls on the Minister to correctly advise the House of when the parties signed the contracts. [Notice given on 13 September 2012 — Listed for 7 days].

442 MR VINEY — To move — That this House requires the Leader of the Government to table in the Legislative Council by 12 noon on Wednesday, 24 October 2012 a copy of the Business Transition Plan for each TAFE Institute in Victoria. [Notice given on 13 September 2012 — Listed for 7 days].

443 MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House — (1) notes the comments made on 15 August 2012 during General Business by Mr Andrew Elsbury, MLC relating to the Brunswick Street, Fitzroy housing development in which he claimed that the Government could not house tenants in the Brunswick Street building as it did not yet have a certificate of occupancy; (2) notes that the Brunswick Street building received its certificate of occupancy in June 2012; and (3) calls on Mr Elsbury to correct the record at the earliest opportunity. [Notice given on 13 September 2012 — Listed for 7 days].

444 MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House — (1) draws to the attention of the Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development her Government’s reduction of indexation by 2 per cent in respect of the funding provided to local government and non-government agencies delivering a range of services, including early childhood services; (2) notes that this reduction in funding will impact on the ability of local councils to provide much needed early childhood services; (3) notes that the Baillieu Government has also reduced indexation by 2 per cent in funding provided to Home and Community Care (HACC) services, which will impact on the ability of local councils to take on new clients and will see existing waiting lists grow; 22 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95

(4) notes that despite Victoria’s ageing population, the Baillieu Government has also reduced local government funding for HACC; and (5) calls on the Baillieu Government to consult with local government about the impact that these cuts are having on local services, given that Ministers appear to be unaware of the impact of these cuts in their own portfolios. [Notice given on 13 September 2012 — Listed for 7 days].

447 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Baillieu Government for its decision to further cut the solar feed-in-tariff scheme by over 60 per cent back to just 8 cents per kilowatt hour; (2) notes that before the last election, the Baillieu Government made a commitment to implement a gross tariff scheme to encourage Victorian households to invest in solar and other lower emissions power sources; (3) notes that to save costs on energy usage and protect the environment, many Victorians installed solar panels as a way to reduce their power bills; (4) condemns the Baillieu Government for this decision which means small solar electricity generators won’t be receiving a fair price; and (5) condemns the Baillieu Government for putting the interests of energy retailers and large polluters ahead of cost pressures for local families. [Notice given on 9 October 2012 — Listed for 6 days].

449 MS PENNICUIK — To move — That this House takes note of the Petition bearing 706 signatures tabled in the House on 1 May 2012 from certain citizens of Victoria requesting the Legislative Council follow the Governments of , New South Wales and Queensland and permanently ban the recreational shooting of Australian native waterbirds in Victoria. [Notice given on 9 October 2012 — Listed for 6 days].

454 MR TEE — To move — That this House — (1) notes that — (a) the Baillieu Government has introduced proposed new commercial, residential and green wedge zones; (b) the proposed new zones will increase commercial development in suburban streets and on the green wedge; (c) communities have only been given two months to comment on the new zones; (d) councils were asked to comment on the new zones while council elections are underway; (e) there has been no economic analysis of the downturn in house prices that will result from the introduction of the new zones; (f) there has been no analysis of the increased fire risk on Melbourne’s green wedges as a result of development on the green wedge; (g) there has been no analysis of the loss of green open space, native animal habitat and valuable farm land that will be lost as a result of the new zones; and (2) requires the Environment and Planning References Committee to inquire into, consider and report no later than 1 July 2013 on the impact of the zones, including the impact on the liveability of Melbourne’s suburbs, businesses and on the Green Wedge. [Notice given on 11 October 2012 — Listed for 4 days].

458 MR TARLAMIS — To move — That this House condemns the Minister for Health, Mr David Davis, MLC, and the Member for Frankston, Mr Geoff Shaw, MP, for — 13 November 2012 23

(1) their lack of care for the people of Frankston and their lack of attention to the healthcare for people living in the Frankston electorate; (2) the lack of oversight and assistance to Peninsula Health which has seen a $4.319 million operating loss over the course of the 2011-12 financial year; (3) the 61 hours that Frankston Hospital spent on ambulance bypass which is an increase of 34 hours from the previous quarter; (4) the 11 per cent of emergency patients not treated within timeframes that were set in October 2011; (5) the increase in the median wait time for emergency department treatment that has blown out from 3 minutes to 15 minutes which is a fivefold increase in the wait time since 2011; (6) the 61 extra patients who are waiting for elective surgery at Frankston Hospital; and (7) the lack of action in regards to a new and expanded emergency ward at Frankston Hospital as promised prior to the 2010 election. [Notice given on 23 October 2012 — Listed for 3 days].

459 MS PULFORD — To move — That this House notes that — (1) in November 2010 the Coalition promised to deliver a new public hospital for Geelong and that the new hospital would — (a) be a public hospital; (b) have 32 beds; (c) be located at Deakin University’s Waurn Ponds campus; and (2) according to the Minister for Health, “construction would begin sometime within the Coalition’s first term”; and calls on the Minister for Health to keep the promises made to the Geelong community before the 2010 election. [Notice given on 23 October 2012 — Listed for 3 days].

460 MS PULFORD — To move — That this House notes that — (1) in February 2008 the Coalition promised to deliver — (a) 20 additional doctors for Ballarat Base Hospital; (b) 10 additional GPs recruited from interstate; (c) an increase to the Ballarat hospital’s treatment capacity by one third; and (2) in June 2011, Ballarat Health Services had 175.58 EFT doctors but by June 2012 Ballarat Health Services had only 168.49; and calls on the Minister for Health to keep the promises made to the Ballarat community before the 2010 election. [Notice given on 23 October 2012 — Listed for 3 days].

461 MR LEANE — To move — That this House notes the disgraceful manner in which the Baillieu Government has treated Victorians with mental illness by — (1) cutting more than $600 million from the Health Budget, resulting in a severe impact on mental health services; (2) closing the 24-hour mental health advice line; (3) disbanding the mental health reform council; and (4) reducing the indexation payments to more than 100 community mental health providers across the state. [Notice given on 24 October 2012 — Listed for 2 days]. 24 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95

462 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House — (1) notes that prior to the last election the Baillieu Government made a commitment to build a cancer care centre in Warrnambool by the end of its first term in government; (2) notes that the Baillieu Government, shortly after being elected in 2010, rebadged a feasibility study into a Warrnambool cancer care centre as an ‘implementation study’ and committed to seeing a ‘bricks and mortar’ outcome by the end of its first term; (3) notes that this implementation study was to release its findings in February before it was to be endorsed by the Minister for Health; (4) notes that the implementation study was directed to investigate possible sites for the centre; (5) notes that the Member for South West Coast, Dr Denis Napthine, MP, was quoted in the Warrnambool Standard on 20 December 2010 saying, “The question isn’t whether it is feasible or not, the question is how we are going to implement a cancer centre… is it going to be based at St John of God Hospital or be part of the stage two development of South West Health Care”; (6) notes that almost two years since these comments were made, the South West community and Peter’s Project are still waiting for answers to these questions; (7) condemns the Baillieu Government for stalling on their commitment to have a cancer care centre up and running in their first term of government; and (8) calls on the Government to release all information on the promised cancer care centre. [Notice given on 24 October 2012 — Listed for 2 days].

463 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House notes that — (1) prior to the 2010 election, the Liberal-National Coalition made an election commitment to build a 32 bed hospital in the South Barwon Electorate; (2) this was an election commitment made by the previous Labor Government and matched by the Liberal Government to the tune of $85 million; (3) two years into this Government’s tenure, no money has been allocated in the Budget for this promise; (4) after numerous calls by the Opposition and the community to fufil this promise, the Baillieu Government has been silent; (5) the Opposition has had to pursue a request for FOI from the Baillieu Government to access information for the many constituents asking when the promised hospital will be built; and condemns the Baillieu Government for breaking its promise of openness and transparency and not providing information on the construction of the 32 bed public hospital it promised. [Notice given on 24 October 2012 — Listed for 2 days].

464* MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House notes that — (1) the Minister for Children and Early Childhood Develpoment, in response to a question from a Member of the Government on 24 October 2012, claimed that the kindergarten participation rate in Victoria had increased to 97.9 per cent; (2) the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) Report for 2011-12 states that Victoria’s kindergarten participation rate was 94.6 per cent; (3) this is a decline from the 95.1 per cent participation rate published in the DEECD Report from 2010-11; and calls on the Minister to advise the House which is the correct figure for Victoria’s kindergarten participation rate in 2012. [Notice given on 25 October 2012 — Listed for 1 day]. 13 November 2012 25



2 MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT (SERIOUS MISCONDUCT) AMENDMENT BILL 2011 — (Mr Barber) — Second reading and reasoned amendment of Mr Pakula — Resumption of debate (Mr Barber).

3 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AMENDMENT (BEVERAGE CONTAINER DEPOSIT AND RECOVERY SCHEME) BILL 2011 — (Ms Hartland) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mrs Petrovich).

4 MARRIAGE EQUALITY BILL 2012 — (Ms Pennicuik) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr P.R. Davis).

5 ROAD SAFETY AMENDMENT (CAR DOORS) BILL 2012 — (Mr Barber) — To be committed.




9 SCHOOL BUS SERVICE, RUPANYUP, MURTOA AND MINYIP — PETITION — To be considered. [Listed for 19 days].





14 TAFE FUNDING — PETITIONS, 21 JUNE AND 6 SEPTEMBER 2012 — To be considered. [Listed for 17 days]. 26 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95



17 PUBLIC HOUSING PROVISION — Motion condemning the Government for poor performance in relation to the provision of public housing (Ms Pulford) — Resumption of debate (Mr Elsbury). [Listed for 16 days].




21 AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY — Motion calling on the Government to support strategic co- investment to the Victorian automobile industry (Mr Somyurek) — Resumption of debate (Mr Leane). [Listed for 12 days].

22 GOVERNMENT JOBS PLAN — Motion noting loss of jobs and government priorities and calling for the Government to focus on measures that will deliver real jobs (Mr Lenders). [Listed for 12 days].



25 SOCIAL HOUSING SYSTEM — PETITION — To be considered. [Listed for 10 days].


27 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY PRAHRAN CAMPUS FUNDING — PETITION — To be considered. [Listed for 7 days]. 13 November 2012 27


29Ø STANDING COMMITTEE REFERRALS — Motions to refer certain annual reports to the Legislative Council Standing Legislation Committees (Mr Viney, Ms Pulford, Ms Tierney and Mr Barber) — Resumption of debate (Mrs Peulich). [Listed for 7 days].

30 VICTRACK’S LEASE PREMISES, CASTLEMAINE — LETTER FROM MINISTER FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT, 7 OCTOBER 2012 — Motion to take note of Minister’s letter of 7 October 2012 regarding VicTrack’s lease premises at Castlemaine (Ms Hartland) — Resumption of debate (Mr Ondarchie). [Listed for 4 days].


32 HEALTH BUDGET — Motion condemning the Minister for Health for poor health portfolio budget outcomes (Mr Jennings) — Resumption of debate (Mr Leane). [Listed for 2 days].

33 MILDURA HEALTHCARE SERVICES — Motion calling on the Minsiter for Health to guarantee ongoing provision of publicly accountable quality healthcare in the Mildura region (Mr Jennings) — Resumption of debate (Mr Leane). [Listed for 2 days].

* * * * * WEDNESDAY, 14 NOVEMBER 2012

STATEMENTS ON REPORTS AND PAPERS [Pursuant to Standing Order 9.10]

1* Queen Elizabeth Centre Report, 2011-12 (Mrs Coote). 2* Auditor-General’s Report on Managing Major Projects, October 2012 (Mr Ondarchie).

WAYNE TUNNECLIFFE BRUCE ATKINSON Clerk of the Legislative Council President

Ø Cognate debate — To be debated concurrently pursuant to Order of the Council on 10 October 2012. 28 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95

13 November 2012 29


Tuesday — 2.00 p.m. Wednesday — 9.30 a.m. Thursday — 9.30 a.m. Friday — 9.30 a.m.


TUESDAY Messages Questions Answers to Questions on Notice Formal Business Members’ Statements (up to 15 Members) Government Business Adjournment (up to 20 Members)

WEDNESDAY Messages Formal Business Members’ Statements (up to 15 Members) General Business At 12 noon Questions Answers to Questions on Notice General Business (continues) At 5.30 p.m. Statements on reports and papers (60 minutes) At 6.30 p.m. Adjournment (up to 20 Members) (if a Standing or Select Committee is meeting) At 8.00 p.m. Standing or Select Committees (if meeting) OR General Business OR Government Business (if Committees not meeting) At 10.00 p.m. Adjournment (up to 20 Members) (if Committees not meeting)

THURSDAY Messages Formal Business Members’ Statements (up to 15 Members) Government Business At 12 noon Questions Answers to Questions on Notice Government Business (continues) Adjournment (up to 20 Members)

FRIDAY Messages Formal Business Government Business At 12 noon Questions Answers to Questions on Notice Government Business (continues) Adjournment (maximum 30 minutes)

Note: Unless otherwise ordered, the Adjournment of the House will be moved automatically at 10.00 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, or at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday if a Standing or Select Committee is meeting, and at 4.00 p.m. on Friday. 30 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95

DEPUTY PRESIDENT AND ACTING PRESIDENTS DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Mr Viney. ACTING PRESIDENTS — Ms Crozier, Mr Eideh, Mr Elasmar, Mr Finn, Mr O’Brien, Ms Pennicuik, Mr Ramsay and Mr Tarlamis. * * * * COMMITTEES DISPUTE RESOLUTION COMMITTEE — Mr D.M. Davis, Mr Hall, Mr Lenders, Ms Lovell and Ms Pennicuik. DRUGS AND CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE (JOINT) — Mr Leane, Mr Scheffer and Mr Ramsay. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE — Mrs Peulich. ECONOMY AND INFRASTRUCTURE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE — Mr Barber, Ms Broad, Mrs Coote, Ms Crozier (Participating member), Mr Drum, Mr Finn, Ms Hartland (Participating member), Mr Leane (Participating member), Mr Lenders (Participating member), Ms Pulford, Mr Ondarchie (Participating member), Mr Ramsay and Mr Somyurek. ECONOMY AND INFRASTRUCTURE REFERENCES COMMITTEE — Mr Barber, Ms Broad, Mrs Coote, Ms Crozier (Participating member), Mr Drum, Mr Finn, Mr Leane (Participating member), Mr Lenders (Participating member), Mr Ondarchie (Participating member), Ms Pulford, Mr Ramsay and Mr Somyurek. EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMITTEE (JOINT) — Mr Elasmar and Ms Tierney. ELECTORAL MATTERS COMMITTEE (JOINT) — Mr Finn, Mr Somyurek and Mr Tarlamis. ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE — Mr Koch. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING LEGISLATION COMMITTEE — Mr Elsbury, Mr Finn (Participating member), Ms Hartland (Participating member), Mr Leane (Participating member), Mrs Kronberg, Mr Ondarchie, Ms Pennicuik, Mrs Petrovich (Participating member), Mrs Peulich, Mr Scheffer, Mr Tarlamis (Participating member), Mr Tee and Ms Tierney. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING REFERENCES COMMITTEE — Mr Elsbury, Mr Finn (Participating member), Ms Hartland (Participating member), Mrs Kronberg, Mr Leane (Participating member), Mr Ondarchie, Ms Pennicuik, Mrs Petrovich (Participating member), Mrs Peulich, Mr Scheffer, Mr Tarlamis (Participating member), Mr Tee and Ms Tierney. FAMILY AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (JOINT) — Mrs Coote, Ms Crozier and Mr O’Brien. HOUSE COMMITTEE — Mr Drum, Mr Eideh, Mr Finn, Ms Hartland and Mr P.R. Davis. LAW REFORM COMMITTEE — Mrs Petrovich. LEGAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES LEGISLATION COMMITTEE — Ms Crozier, Mr Elasmar, Mr Elsbury (Participating member), Ms Hartland, Mr Leane (Participating member), Ms Mikakos, Mr O’Brien, Mr O’Donohue, Mrs Petrovich, Mr Ramsay (Participating member) and Mr Viney. LEGAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES REFERENCES COMMITTEE — Ms Crozier, Mr Elasmar, Mr Elsbury (Participating member), Ms Hartland, Mr Leane (Participating member), Ms Mikakos, Mr O’Brien, Mr O’Donohue, Mrs Petrovich, Mr Ramsay (Participating member) and Mr Viney. OUTER SUBURBAN/INTERFACE SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (JOINT) — Mrs Kronberg and Mr Ondarchie. PRIVILEGES COMMITTEE — Ms Darveniza, Mr D.M. Davis, Mr P.R. Davis, Mr Hall, Ms Lovell, Ms Pennicuik and Mr Scheffer. PROCEDURE COMMITTEE — The President, Mr Dalla-Riva, Mr D.M. Davis, Mr Hall, Mr Lenders, Ms Pennicuik and Mr Viney. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS AND ESTIMATES COMMITTEE (JOINT) — Mr P.R. Davis, Mr O’Brien and Mr Pakula. ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEE — Mr Elsbury. RURAL AND REGIONAL COMMITTEE — Mr Drum. SCRUTINY OF ACTS AND REGULATIONS COMMITTEE (JOINT) — Mr O’Donohue. 13 November 2012 31


Questions appearing for the first time and a list of all other questions remaining unanswered will appear in each edition of the Notice Paper. All unanswered questions will be reprinted and circulated separately towards the end of each sitting month. The provisions of Standing Order 8.11 [the "30 day rule"] apply in relation to answers to questions on notice.

Notice Paper No. Notice received Questions remaining unanswered 7 3 March 2011 No. 156.

10 24 March 2011 No. 217.

11 5 April 2011 Nos. 367, 414, 430, 433, 435, 442, 447, 448, 449, 451, 460, 463, 466, 468, 481 and 484.

12 6 April 2011 Nos. 605 and 606.

14 3 May 2011 No. 6211.

17 24 May 2011 Nos. 711 and 714.

19 26 May 2011 Nos. 752 and 757.

26 28 June 2011 Nos. 963, 970, 973, 980, 981, 996, 999, 1012, 1026, 1027, 1029, 1030 and 1035.

28 30 June 2011 No. 2268.

32 30 August 2011 Nos. 3583, 3806, 3807 and 4016.

34 1 September 2011 No. 44992.

38 11 October 2011 Nos. 8088 and 8091.

41 25 October 2011 No. 81523.

44 8 November 2011 No. 8159.

45 9 November 2011 No. 8164.

47 22 November 2011 No. 8179.

50 6 December 2011 No. 8188.

1 Question 621 reinstated by order of the President on 13 September 2011. 2 Question 4499 reinstated by order of the President on 21 June 2012. 3 Question 8152 reinstated by order of the President on 28 February 2012. 32 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 95

53 7 February 2012 Nos. 8199, 8204 and 8215.

54 8 February 2012 No. 82334.

59 13 March 2012 No. 8248.

62 27 March 2012 Nos. 8255 and 8256.

65 17 April 2012 Nos. 8272 and 8274.

66 18 April 2012 No. 8307.

71 22 May 2012 No. 83915.

75 6 June 2012 Nos. 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410, 8411, 8412, 8413, 8414, 8415, 8416, 8417, 8418, 8419, 8420, 8421, 8422, 8423, 8424, 8425, 8426, 8427, 8428, 8429, 8430, 8431, 8432, 8433, 8434, 8435, 8436, 8437, 8438, 8439, 8440, 8441, 8442, 8443, 8444, 8445, 8446, 8447, 8448, 8449, 8450, 8451, 8452 and 8453.

78 20 June 2012 Nos. 8476, 8477, 8478, 8479, 8480, 8481, 8482, 8483, 8484, 8486 and 8487.

80 14 August 2012 Nos. 8520, 8521, 8522, 8523, 8524, 8525, 8526, 8527, 8528, 8529, 8530, 8531, 8532, 8533, 8534, 8535, 8536, 8537, 8538, 8539, 8540, 8541, 8542, 8543, 8544, 8545, 8546, 8547, 8548, 8549, 8550 and 8551.

81 15 August 2012 No. 8554.

82 16 August 2012 Nos. 8556, 8557, 8558, 8559, 8560, 8561, 8562, 8563, 8564, 8565, 8566, 8567, 8568, 8569, 8570, 8571, 8572, 8573 and 8574.

83 28 August 2012 Nos. 8576, 8585, 8586, 8587, 8589, 8591, 8595, 8596, 8602, 8603, 8604, 8605, 8606, 8607, 8608, 8609, 8610, 8611, 8612, 8613, 8614, 8615, 8616, 8617, 8618, 8619, 8620, 8621, 8622, 8623, 8624, 8625, 8626, 8627, 8628, 8629, 8630, 8631, 8632, 8633, 8634, 8635, 8636, 8637, 8638, 8639, 8640, 8641, 8642, 8643, 8644, 8645, 8646, 8647, 8648, 8649, 8650, 8651, 8652, 8653, 8654, 8655, 8656, 8657, 8658, 8659, 8660, 8661, 8662, 8663, 8664, 8665, 8666, 8667, 8668, 8669,

4 Parts 2 and 3 of Question 8233 reinstated by order of the President on 3 May 2012. 5 Question 8391 reinstated by order of the President on 10 October 2012. 13 November 2012 33

8670, 8671, 8672, 8673, 8674, 8675, 8676, 8677, 8678, 8679, 8680 and 8681.

84 29 August 2012 Nos. 8684 and 8685.

86 6 September 2012 Nos. 8686, 8687 and 8688.

87 11 September 2012 Nos. 8689, 8690, 8691, 8693, 8694, 8695 and 8699.

88 12 September 2012 Nos. 8702, 8703 and 8704.

90 9 October 2012 Nos. 8705, 8706, 8707, 8708, 8709, 8710, 8711, 8712, 8713, 8714, 8715, 8716, 8717, 8718, 8719, 8720, 8721, 8722 and 8723.

91 10 October 2012 Nos. 8724, 8725, 8726, 8727, 8728 and 8729.

92 11 October 2012 Nos. 8730, 8731 and 8732.

93 23 October 2012 Nos. 8733, 8734, 8735, 8736, 8737, 8738, 8739, 8740, 8741, 8742 and 8743.

94 24 October 2012 Nos. 8744, 8745, 8746, 8747, 8748, 8749, 8750 and 8751.

(Notice received 25 October 2012)

8752 MS PENNICUIK — To ask the Assistant Treasurer: In relation to WorkSafe Victoria’s Report for 2011-12 which states that the number of claims by employees in 2009-10 was 10, in 2010-11 was 10 and in 2011-12 it was 13, what is the breakdown of the types of claims and the number of each type for each reporting period stated above.

By Authority: Government Printer for the State of Victoria