(Araneae) Community Structure in an Intertidal Salt : Effects of Vegetation Structure and Tidal Flooding


Department of Entomology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742

Environ. Entomol. 19(5): 1356-1370(1990) ABSTRACT The effects of vegetation structure and tidal flooding on the organization of a spider community were studied along an elevational gradient in an intertidal marsh. High marsh were dominated by the grass Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl., a char- acterized by a low, matted profile and a complex layer of thatch. Another grass, Spartina alterniftora Lois., is more upright in structure, has a poorly developed thatch layer, and abounds in habitats that extend from the high marsh to much lower elevations. Along this elevational gradient, the structure of S. alterniftora changes from a short form on the high marsh to a tall form on the low marsh, and the frequency and duration of tidal flooding increases. Although more robust in structure during the summer months, the tall-form of S. alterniftora is selectively destroyed and defaunated during the winter by shifting ice and storms and must be recolonized by every spring from the more protected overwintering short-form habitat of S. alterniftora on the high marsh. In all, 21 species of resident spiders were sampled from the two grasses. The community of spiders in S. patens was less diverse than in S. alterniftora and consisted mostly of hunting spiders (Lycosidae, Gnaphosidae, Clubionidae, Thomisidae, Philodromidae, and Salticidae), which were more abundant in this low-profile grass. Web-building spiders (Dictynidae, , Araneidae, and Tetragnathidae), which were rare in S. patens, occurred commonly in the more upright- structured S. alterniftora because of the abundance of sites for web attachment. Down the elevational gradient from short-form to tall-form S. alterniftora, the abundance of most hunting spiders and several web-building species decreased and was associated with an increase in the frequency and duration of tidal flooding. Winter defaunation of tall-form S. alterniftora contributed further to the depauperate spider community in this low marsh habitat. Thus, vegetation structure and elevational factors act in concert to influence the distribution, abundance, and community structure of spiders in intertidal .

KEY WORDS Arachnida, Spartina architecture, spider community structure, tidal flooding

THE STRUCTURE of spider communities in natural gations on the diversity and structure of spider as well as agricultural ecosystems has received con- communities have been conducted in marshes along siderable attention (e.g., Lowrie 1948, Barnes 1953, the Gulf coast of North America (Barnes 1953, Rey Duffey 1968, Sudd 1972, Uetz 1976, Culin & Year- & McCoy 1983, LaSalle & DeLaCruz 1985), and gan 1983, LaSalle & DeLaCruz 1985, Spiller & along the North Sea in West Germany (Heyde- Schoener 1988). This emphasis undoubtedly results mann 1960a,b). Others have investigated spiders from the fact that spiders are widely distributed as part of the general trophic structure of marsh and predominant predators in terrestrial ecosys- ecosystems (Marples 1966, Cameron 1972, Webb terns (Barnes 1953, Headstrom 1972, Moulder & 1976, Pfeiffer & Wiegert 1981, Roderick 1987) or Reichle 1972, Turnbull 1973, Nyffeler & Benz 1979, have focused on the regulatory role of spiders in Foelix 1982, Sunderland et al. 1985) and because the population dynamics of their prey (Greenstone of their potential role as biological control agents 1978, Vince et al. 1981). (Specht & Dondale 1960, Whitcomb et al. 1963, Studies of community change along altitudinal Sunderland et al. 1985, Provencher & Vickery 1988; and successional gradients can elucidate how cer- for a review see Riechert & Lockley 1984). tain habitat factors influence community structure Despite our knowledge of spiders in terrestrial and organization (MacArthur 1965, Pianka 1966, habitats, relatively few studies of spiders have been Simberloff & Wilson 1969, Whittaker 1975). The conducted in ecosystems. Several investi- main objective of our study was to describe changes in the spider communities associated with Spartina grasses along an elevational gradient from low- to 1 Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural His- high-marsh habitats. Along this elevational gradi- tory, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 20560. ent, changes in several environmental factors oc-

0046-225X/90/1356-1370$02.00/0 © 1990 Entomological Society of America October 1990 DOBEL ET AL.: SPIDER COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN AN INTERTIDAL MARSH 1357 cur. First and foremost, the degree and frequency Materials and Methods of tidal flooding increases with a decrease in ele- vation (Denno 1977, Bertness & Ellison 1987). Sec- Study Area and Habitats. Our research was con- ond, grass architecture changes along this eleva- ducted in an extensive intertidal marsh in the Mul- tional gradient; the amount of thatch (litter) and lica River-Great Bay estuarine system where Great density of culms increase with elevation, whereas Bay Boulevard crosses over Little Thorofare Creek grass height decreases (Blum 1968, Redfield 1972, near Tuckerton, Ocean Co., N.J. The main floral Denno 1977). Each of these environmental vari- elements on this marsh are two cordgrasses, S. al- ables may influence the composition and structure terniflora ( cordgrass) and S. patens (salt of the spider communities in the various Spartina meadow cordgrass), which often grow in expansive habitats. For example, changes in grass architec- pure stands (Denno 1977). S. alterniflora has erect ture along the gradient may constrain certain web- culms and forms stands with reduced culm density builders, and flooding frequency may alter the for- compared with S. patens. aging ability of hunting spiders. Spartina alterniflora grows over an elevational Based on elevational changes in plant architec- gradient from 1.5 m below mean high water level ture and tidal flooding, we test the following three up to mean high water level (Redfield 1972), along hypotheses. First (Hypothesis 1), the degree and which one can distinguish three different growth frequency of tidal flooding will selectively reduce forms (Fig. 1). At the lowest end of its tidal range populations of hunting spiders in low-marsh hab- along the depressed borders of tidal creeks and bay itats because of their ground-dwelling habit. Flood- edges, tall-form S. alterniflora grows with culms ing was shown to influence the distribution of hunt- reaching heights well >2 m (Adams 1963, Blum ing spiders in streamside forest (Uetz 1976) and 1968). It is thought that greater tidal subsidy of intertidal marsh habitats (LaSalle & DeLaCruz nutrients and more oxygenated soils contribute to 1985). In both studies, spider diversity and abun- the robust structure of plants in these habitats dance were higher in habitats that were less fre- (Adams 1963, Blum 1968, Redfield 1972, Bertness quently inundated by flood waters. & Ellison 1987). Along tidal creeks, culms grow in Second (Hypothesis 2), hunting spiders will be reduced densities (~250/m2), and thatch rarely ac- more abundant and diverse in habitats with a well- cumulates because it is quickly washed away by established layer of thatch on the marsh surface retreating tides (Denno & Grissell 1979). In the compared with areas with a reduced litter layer. tall-form habitat of S. alterniflora, tidal flooding Uetz (1975, 1976,1979, in press) showed that spider occurs twice daily, and plants growing at the lowest diversity was correlated with the amount of litter level in the tidal range may incur inundation 55% accumulation in a deciduous forest ecosystem. Also, of the time (Redfield 1972). Further up the ele- ground-dwelling spiders were more abundant in vational gradient, tall-form S. alterniflora grades alfalfa, a perennial crop with a well-developed lit- into stands of an intermediate growth form where ter layer, compared with soybeans, an annual crop the culms grow only 30-50 cm high (Niering & without an established litter layer (Culin & Year- Warren 1980). Here, nutrient influx is reduced and gan 1983). the soil is less porous, resulting in slow tidal run off Third (Hypothesis 3), we expect changes in the and partial anaerobic soil conditions (Adams 1963, height and culm density of Spartina to have the Blum 1968, Redfield 1972, Niering & Warren 1980, most influence on the abundance and diversity of Bertness & Ellison 1987). Under these conditions, web-building spiders. We expect habitats with short, plants grow slower and are less productive (Men- dense and compact-growing grass (e.g., S. patens delssohn et al. 1981). The culms of S. alterniflora (Ait.) Muhl.) to support fewer numbers and species (intermediate form) are less robust and grow in of web-building spiders because of the paucity of denser stands (~2,400/m2) compared with tall-form sites for web attachment. For example, in several S. alterniflora (Denno & Grissell 1979). In these field studies involving experimental manipulations habitats, tidal forces are dampened, allowing for of habitat structure, the abundance of web-build- the accumulation of a thin layer of thatch. ing spiders was positively related to the number of On the high marsh near mean high water level, attachment sites (Hatley & MacMahon 1980, Rob- short-form S. alterniflora grows where culms grow inson 1981). at high density (>3,000 culms/m2) and reach The structure of Spartina marshes is ideal for heights of only 10-30 cm (Denno & Grissell 1979). isolating the effects of grass architecture from tidal Various environmental factors have been proposed inundation on the organization of spider commu- to explain the stunted nature of plants on the high nities. Along an elevational gradient in S. alter- marsh. These include reduced soil porosity, high niflora Lois, habitats, changes in flooding frequen- concentrations of salt, reduced tidal subsidy of nu- cy are great, whereas changes in plant architecture trients, and anaerobic soil conditions (Adams 1963, are less extreme. Yet, a comparison on the high Blum 1968, Redfield 1972, Mendelssohn et al. 1981, marsh between the spiders in S. patens and S. Bertness & Ellison 1987). In addition to these en- alterniflora provides a dramatic difference in plant vironmental influences, genetic factors also may architecture in habitats that are exposed to very contribute to architectural variation in Spartina similar patterns of tidal inundation. clones along the elevational gradient (Gallagher et 1358 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 19, no. 5

Fig. 1. Distribution of Spartina habitats along an elevational gradient (referenced to MHWL = mean high water level) during summer at Tuckerton, N.J. SP = S. patens; SAS = short-form S. alterniflora; SAI = intermediate- form S. alterniflora; SAT = tall-form S. alterniflora.

al. 1988). Short-form S. alterniflora habitats are tens is much slower than that for S. alterniflora, characterized by a well-established thatch layer, apparently because the lower layer of thatch is which builds up under conditions of less severe tidal suspended by the dense crowns of individual plants wash (Blum 1968, Denno & Grissell 1979). At mean and fails to contact the moist surface of the marsh high water level, short-form S. alterniflora habitats (Blum 1968, Denno 1980). incur tidal flooding infrequently (<1% of the time) Abrupt changes in environmental factors result (Redfield 1972). in large, pure stands of S. patens, as well as short, In addition to differences in architecture, the intermediate, and tall-form S. alterniflora (Adams persistence of S. alterniflora plants differs along 1963, Redfield 1972). The result is a mosaic of the elevational gradient. During the winter months, large, irregularly shaped stands of S. alterniflora culms of tall-form S. alterniflora can be sheared and S. patens that abut and interdigitate but rarely off completely by the action of waves and shifting grow together (Blum 1968, Redfield 1972, Denno ice along tidal creek banks on the low marsh (Den- 1980). These relatively simple, naturally occurring no & Grissell 1979). The habitats of short and in- monocultures are attractive for studying plant-ar- termediate forms of S. alterniflora are not de- thropod interactions because of the absence of stroyed during winter and thatch remains in these mixed vegetational effects (Denno et al. 1987). habitats; consequently, spiders and their prey can Sampling. To determine patterns of spider di- overwinter effectively only in these habitats (Den- versity and abundance along the elevational gra- no & Grissell 1979, Tallamy & Denno 1979). Fol- dient, two study plots (each 10 mz and separated lowing spring, after the culms of tall-form S. al- by >100 m) were established in each of the four terniflora have grown tall enough to outstrip all Spartina habitats (tall, intermediate, and short-form but the highest tidewaters, the fauna S. alterniflora as well as in S. patens; see Fig. 1). recolonizes this temporary habitat by dispersing On a biweekly basis from early May until late from overwintering habitats on the high marsh October 1985 (11 dates in all), four samples were (Denno & Grissell 1979; Denno 1983, 1985; Denno taken from each plot with a D-VAC suction sam- et al. 1980, 1987). pler (D-VAC Company, Ventura, Calif.) (Dietrick On the high marsh just above mean high water 1961). Each sample consisted of four 15-s random level where tidal inundations are infrequent and placements of a D-VAC sampling head (0.0929 m2) soils are better drained, there is an abrupt transition on the vegetation surface. were killed from short-form S. alterniflora to a different marsh with ethyl acetate and transferred into jars con- grass, S. patens (Adams 1963, Blum 1968, Redfield taining 90% ethanol. Spiders were sorted to species 1972, Denno 1977) (Fig. 1). S. patens has very and age class (adults and immatures) and counted. slender culms with narrow blades that grow in very D-VAC sampling efficiently removes most spiders dense stands (up to 42,000/m2). As the season pro- from low-profile vegetation; 97 ± 2% and 95 ± gresses, the culms of S. patens elongate, lodge over, 2% of spiders are extracted from S. alterniflora and and become matted on top of a persistent thatch S. patens, respectively (H.G.D. & R.F.D., unpub- layer (Blum 1968; Denno 1977, 1980). In contrast lished data). to that of S. alterniflora, the thatch of S. patens is Analysis. For each habitat, the absolute abun- complex and is composed of a dense entanglement dance (number per square meter) of all resident of dead culms with layers from three or more pre- spider species was determined. Patterns of voltin- vious growing seasons (Adams 1963, Blum 1968, ism and reproduction (occurrence of spiderlings) Redfield 1972). The decomposition rate of S. pa- were determined for the nine most abundant spider October 1990 DOBEL ET AL.: SPIDER COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN AN INTERTIDAL MARSH 1359 species. In each of the four Spartina habitats, the of the species under consideration, we used a sec- richness (S) and diversity of the spider community ond similarity index (Kendall's rank correlation), were also determined. Spider diversity (//') was whereby species are ranked according to their measured over the course of the season using the abundances. The rank abundance of the different Shannon-Wiener information index (Shannon species is used to calculate Kendall's T (for details 1948): see Sokal & Bohlf 1981, Ghent 1963). Both indices are constrained between 0 (no taxonomic overlap) and 1 (taxonomic unity). H' = •s P,log2p, (1) Data were examined for normality and homo- scedasticity and, if necessary, were transformed where H' is the amount of observed diversity in a before analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was community, S is the number of species (species the statistical model used to test for significant dif- richness), and p, is the relative abundance of the ferences in all calculated community indices among i'1' species. The greater the number of species (S) the four Spartina habitats. Differences among hab- and the more even their abundances, the higher itat means for all community indices were tested the diversity index H' will be. The maximum pos- using Duncan's multiple range test (P < 0.05) (So- sible diversity for a community can be calculated kal & Bohlf 1981). as follows:

H• log2S. (2) Results Using the equitability index (Pielou 1966), the Thirty-four spider species, 20 web-building and evenness of spider species representation in the 14 hunting species, in 12 families were sampled Spartina habitats was calculated as from the four Spartina habitats at Tuckerton (Ta- ble 1). However, we considered only 21 of the 34 E = H'/H• (3) m species to be residents on the marsh. Of the re- where H' is the observed diversity as defined in maining 13 species, each was represented by four

Equation (1), Hm• is the maximal possible diversity or fewer individuals and was found only on a single as defined in Equation (2), and £ is the measure- date. Because of their sporadic and rare appearance ment of equitability. The equitability index ranges in samples, it is likely that these 13 species were from 0 to 1, and the closer E is to 1, the more transients; consequently, they were not included in equally abundant are the species in the community our calculations of community statistics. under study. The taxonomic composition of the spider com- The Berger-Parker index was used to estimate munity across the four Spartina habitats was quite dominance (Berger & Parker 1970): similar as evidenced by the relatively high Sorensen indices, which ranged from 0.79 to 0.88 (Fig. 2). D = N /N• (4) m However, by measuring community similarity with where D is a measure of the dominance of the most Kendall's T, which adjusts for differences in species abundant species in the community (range 0 to 1), abundance, habitat differences emerge. Now the Nm is the absolute abundance of the most common assemblage of spiders in S. patens stands out as species in the community under consideration, and being considerably different in taxonomic com- Nt is the overall density of all the species in that position than that in the three S. alterniflora com- community. The higher the proportion of a single munities (T = 0.23, 0.31, and 0.13 for short, inter- species, the more unevenly distributed are the mediate, and tall-form S. alterniflora, respectively) species in a community. (Fig. 2). Kendall's T, like the Sorensen index, re- Because similar values for any one of the com- vealed high taxonomic similarity among the spider munity indices (e.g., species diversity) can be ob- communities in the three S. alterniflora habitats (T tained with a mutually exclusive set of spider taxa, w 0.70 for all pairwise combinations of short, in- these values do not indicate how similar the taxo- termediate, and tall-form S. alterniflora) (Fig. 2). nomic compositions of spider communities are The species richness of the spider community among the four Spartina habitats. Therefore, mea- increased along an elevational gradient in the S. surements of similarity were calculated using the alterniflora habitats from 5.6 species in tall-form Serensen index of taxonomic similarity (Sorensen S. alterniflora to 9.2 species in short-form S. al- 1948, Bloom 1981): terniflora; the S. patens habitat was intermediate, with an average of 7.2 spider species (Fig. 3A). An C, = 2S•/(S. + S•) (5) examination of the seasonal fluctuations in species where C, is the measurement of taxonomic simi- richness shows that in early May, short- and inter- larity (range 0 to 1), Sc is the number of species mediate-form S. alterniflora as well as S. patens sampled throughout the entire year the two hab- harbored about six species each, whereas only one itats a and b have in common, and Sa and S,, are the species was found in tall-form S. alterniflora (Fig. total numbers of species in habitats a and b, re- 4A). Although the number of species in tall-form spectively. Because the Sorensen index of similarity S. alterniflora increased sharply over a period of does not take into account the relative abundances 6 wk, species richness remained below the level in 1360 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 19, no. 5

Table 1. Spider species and their average annual densities in each of the four Spartina habitats at Tuckerton, IN.J.

Average annual densities, no./m2/yrfc Species0 SP SAS SAI SAT Web-builders Dictynidae "Dictyna altamira Gertsch & Davis 1.74 25.13 42.89 8.90 Theridiidae Achaearanaea globosus (Hentz) 0.03 Linyphiidae *Grammonota trivitatta Banks 0.40 150.85 18.19 22.93 "Erigone tenuipalpis (Emerton) 0.31 12.44 2.84 1.16 Floricomus crosbyi Iviet & Barrows 0.03 Pelecopsis excavatum (Emerton) 0.03 sp. A 0.03 Araneidae 'Hyposinga variabilis (Emerton) 0.64 15.93 8.53 1.99 *Neoscona pratensis (Hentz) 0.34 0.70 2.35 1.50 Argiope trifasciata (Forskal) 0.03 Acanthepeira sp. 0.03 Eustala emertoni (Banks) 0.09 I sp. B 0.03 sp. C 0.12 sp. D 0.03 • • sp. E 0.03 Tetragnathidae *Gtenognatha ivei Levi 0.03 0.06 *Glenognatha n. sp. 0.67 6.85 7.89 0.40 * caudata Emerton 0.03 0.09 *sp. F 0.06 0.03 0.06 Hunters Lycosidae *Pardosa littoralis Banks 64.13 2.45 24.73 11.37 *Lycosa modesta (Keyserling) 0.03 37.81 0.49 0.12 *Pirata marxii Stone 0.03 0.95 0.15 0.09 Oxyopidae sp. G • • • 0.03 Gnaphosidae •Zelotes pullis (Bryant) 2.51 0.03 0.03 " sp. 0.70 • Clubionidae *Clubiona saltitans Emerton 0.67 10.45 4.3 1.13 Clubiona nicholsi Gertsch 0.06 Thomisidae *Misumenops sp. 0.25 0.03 • 0.09 Philodromidae *Tibellus oblongus (Walckenaer) 0.18 0.03 0.64 0.03 *Thanatus striatus C. L. Koch 3.33 0.03 0.12 Salticidae * pikei (G. & E. Peckham) 0.15 0.70 0.21 *Metacyrba undaia (DeGeer) 0.12 mSitticus palustris (G & E. Peckham) 3.88 0.92 0.12

a *, resident species; 22 samples taken from two plots in each habitat on 11 dates from 7 May to 11 October 1985. '' SP, Spartina patens; SAS, short-form S. alterniflora; SAI, intermediate-form S. alterniflora; SAT, tall-form S. alternifiora.

the three other habitats for the remainder of the and C). Differences in spider diversity as well as season (Fig. 4A). equitability among the four Spartina habitats were Spider diversity and equitability were highest in reflected in the Berger-Parker index of dominance intermediate-form S. alterniflora (//', 2.3; E, 0.75) (Fig. 3D). Communities that were characterized and lowest in S. patens (H, 1.2; E, 0.45) (Fig. 3 B by low diversity (e.g., S. patens) tended to be dom- and C). In intermediate-form S. alterniflora and inated by one or a few species. For example, 77% S. patens, spider diversity and equitability re- of all spiders sampled in the S. patens habitat be- mained rather constant throughout the season. This longed to a single species {Pardosa littoralis Banks) pattern contrasted with that for the short- and tall- compared with only 40% in intermediate-form S. form S. alterniflora habitats, where species diver- alterniflora. Over the course of the season, domi- sity and equitability were low in spring, increased nance values changed only slightly in intermediate- until midsummer, and then leveled out (Fig. 4 B form S. alterniflora and more in S. patens, but October 1990 DOBEL ET AL.: SPIDER COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN AN INTERTIDAL MARSH 1361

S0rensen Index SP SAS SAI SAT

si- 0.80 0.81 0.79

SAS 0.23 0.85 0.88

T3 c SAI 0.31 0.71 0.84 B. SAT 0.13 0.70 0.70

Fig. 2. Taxonomic similarity among the spider com- munities in the four Spartina habitats. SP, Spartina patens; SAS, short-form S. alterniflora; SAI, intermedi- ate-form S. alterniflora; SAT, tall-form S. alterniflora. Pair-wise comparisons of habitats are measured by S0- rensen's index (above the diagonal) and Kendall's tau (below the diagonal). Both indices are constrained be- tween 0 (no taxonomic overlap) and 1 (taxonomic unity). dropped considerably from about 1.0 to 0.5 in the short- and tall-form S. alterniflora habitats (Fig. 4D). Decreases in dominance occurred in tall-form S. alterniflora as more spider species colonized that temporary habitat and short-form S. alterniflora D. as populations of the rarer species increased (Fig. 4 A and D). Total spider density was low during spring in tall- and intermediate-form S. alterniflora as well as in S. patens but was relatively high in short- form S. alterniflora (Fig. 4E). Populations in- creased in all four habitats, reaching a maximum SAT during mid-June in intermediate-form S. alterni- flora and mid-July in short-form S. alterniflora and S. patens. Maximum spider density did not occur Habitat until mid-August in tall-form S. alterniflora, and Fig. 3. Species richness (A), diversity (B), equitabil- populations never attained the level they did in the ity (C), and dominance (D) of the spider community in other three habitats. the four Spartina habitats along an elevational gradient at Tuckerton, N.J. SP, S. patens; SAS, short-form S. al- The spider community in S. patens differed from terniflora; SAI, intermediate-form S. alterniflora; SAT, those in the three S. alterniflora communities in tall-form S. alterniflora. Means (±SE, n = 22) with dif- the proportion of hunting to web-building species ferent letters are significantly different (P < 0.05). (Fig. 5). About 95% of all spiders in S. patens belonged to the hunting guild (e.g., P. littoralis, and Clubiona saltitans Emerton), whereas only unique occurrence of many species in either S. 23% of spiders were hunters in the S. alterniflora patens or S. alterniflora, a few hunters (e.g., P. habitats. In particular, hunting spiders were rare littoralis) ranged across all habitats and were sam- in tall-form S. alterniflora (Fig. 5). Web-builders pled in both S. patens and S. alterniflora (Fig. 6G). (e.g., Grammonota trivitatta Banks, Dictyna al- The species composition in the three S. alter- tamira Gertsch & Davis, Hyposinga variabilis niflora communities was similar, but spider species (Emerton), and Erigone tenuipalpis (Emerton)) that varied in abundance among the three habitats (Fig. were rare in S. patens occurred abundantly in S. 5 B-D). For example, G. trivittata, D. altamira, alterniflora (Fig. 5). In addition to the dominance and P. littoralis were the three most abundant spi- of hunting spiders in S. patens, this community ders (about 80% of all individuals) in all three S. also contained several species (also hunters) that alterniflora habitats. Generally, however, many were never or rarely sampled in S. alterniflora. spider species, including both hunters and web- These were the two gnaphosids, Zelotes pullis builders, decreased in abundance along the ele- (Bryant) and Callilepis sp., the philodromid Than- vational gradient from short- to tall-form S. alter- atus striatus C. L. Koch, and the salticid Sitticus niflora (Fig. 6 A-D, H and I). These included the palustris (G. & E. Peckham) (Table 1). Despite the web-builders G. trivittata, E. tenuipalpis, H. var- 1362 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 19, no. 5

15 32. r on B. 12 c/3 c 9 o 6

5 3

O o.o

1.0 C. D. Q OB »-*s. o c 0.6 4^» X3 ca c 0.4 JCfrQ/ .*&. Q 0 '5 >-_J- O" 1o 02. Q o.o 1 T M J ' A Season 500 \ o 400 • SP z -D C^c 300 o SAS 200 c SAI o 100 Q yW SAT O u*^*^^ M J J A o Season Fig. 4. Seasonal fluctuations in the species richness (A), diversity (B), equitability (C), dominance (D), and total abundance (E) of the spider community in the four Spartina habitats at Tuckerton, N.J. SP, S. patens; SAS, short- form S. alterniflora; SAI, intermediate-form S. alterniflora; SAT, tall-form S. alterniflora. Plotted are the means of two plots in each habitat sampled on 11 dates from 7 May to 11 October 1985. iabilis, and Glenognatha n. sp. and the hunters form S. alterniflora. (mostly the mi- Lycosa modesta (Keyserling) and C. saltitans. Two gratory forms of Prokelisia) constituted 94 and 70% exceptions were the web-builders D. altamira and of the prey captured in the webs of N. pratensis Neoscona pratensis (Hentz), which were most and H. variabilis, respectively (H.G.D., unpub- abundant in intermediate-form S. alterniflora (Fig. lished data). D. altamira is a small (2-3 mm) dic- 6 E and F). Across the four habitats sampled, no tynid which builds a lacy, irregular web supported resident spider species occurred most abundantly by a framework of threads. On occasion in inter- in tall-form S. alterniflora. mediate-form S. alterniflora, planthoppers and Nine species of spiders were sufficiently abun- small Diptera were seen in the webs, but obser- dant to obtain detailed information on their pop- vations were too few to establish patterns of prey ulation dynamics and natural history. G. trivittata capture. Glenognatha n. sp. is a small (2-3 mm), and E. tenuipalpis are small (2-3 mm) aerial sheet- previously undescribed tetragnathid (Hormiga & weavers in the family Linyphiidae. Webs are ori- Dobel in press) which builds horizontal webs close ented horizontally, are convex in shape, and are to the marsh surface. Of the three common hunting suspended close to the marsh surface in short-form spiders, the two lycosids P. littoralis (5-6 mm) and S. alterniflora by an irregular network of threads. L. modesta (10-12 mm) captured mostly (60-70% Information on prey capture for these species is of all prey) planthoppers in the genera Prokelisia difficult to obtain because webs are not sticky, and and Delphacodes. C. saltitans (4-5 mm) was too prey can easily escape if they are not seized im- shy for us to observe feeding because it would mediately. The araneids H. variabilis (4-6 mm) scurry rapidly back into its retreat. and N. pratensis (10-15 mm) build vertically ori- The population dynamics of these nine domi- ented, regular webs in short- and intermediate- nants differed dramatically among the four Spar- October 1990 DOBEL ET AL.: SPIDER COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN AN INTERTIDAL MARSH 1363

Una habitats (Fig. 7). For example, most web- builders occurred abundantly during May and June in short-form S. alterniflora on the high marsh but were rare at this time in tall-form S. alterniflora, suggesting that spiders overwintered successfully only at higher elevations on the marsh (Fig. 7 A- E). As the season progressed, these species colo- nized tall-form S. alterniflora, and their popula- tions grew to a maximum in mid-August. By con- trast, hunting spiders, which were abundant in both S. patens and short-form S. alterniflora from June through August, failed to colonize tall-form S. al- terniflora successfully, and their populations never increased in this habitat (Fig. 7 G-I). Of the four web-builders that occurred most s abundantly in short-form S. alterniflora, three were 6 bivoltine (G. trivatatta, E. tenuipalpis, and H. var- Z iabilis) (Fig. 8 A-C) with peaks of juvenile abun- dance in May-June and again in July-August. Glenognatha n. sp., the only univoltine species in c short-form S. alterniflora, produced juveniles dur- ing July-August (Fig. 8D). The two web-builders Q in intermediate-form S. alterniflora (D. altamira and N. pratensis) were univoltine with juveniles prevalent during June-July and September, re- spectively (Fig. 8 E and F). All web-builders (with the exception of N. pratensis) overwintered as adults. Hunting spiders were all univoltine; juve- niles were common from June through August (Fig. 8 G-I). However, differences in overwintering strategies were evident. P. littoralis overwintered as juveniles, whereas most L. modesta and C. sal- titans spent the winter in the adult stage.

Discussion Our data show that the spider community in S. Da Gl El Hv Np Gn | PI Lm Zp Cs Ts Sp Web-builders Hunters patens is very different from the communities in the three S. alterniflora habitats. The S. patens Species community consisted almost exclusively of hunting spiders. We attribute the scarcity of web-builders Fig. 5. Absolute abundance (number per square me- in S. patens to the architecture of the grass. The ter per year) of the 12 most common web-building and hunting spider species in the four Spartina habitats at matted nature of S. patens and the tendency for Tuckerton, NJ. Habitat symbols: SP, S. patens; SAS, culms to lodge results in few upright attachment short-form S. alterniflora; SAI, intermediate-form S. al- sites for spider webs (Hypothesis 3 supported). It terniflora; SAT, tall-form S. alterniflora. Species sym- is very unlikely that any factor associated with bols: Da, Dictyna altamira; Gt, Grammonota trivittata; elevation, such as frequency of tidal flooding, is Et, Erigone tenuipalpis; Hv, Hyposinga variabilis; Np, responsible for the dramatic difference in the com- Neoscona pratensis; G, Glenognatha n. sp.; Pi, Pardosa position of the spider communities between S. pa- littoralis; Lm, Lycosa modesta; Zp, Zelotes pullis; Cs, tens and short-form S. alterniflora. On mid-Atlan- Clubiona saltitans; Ts, Thanatus striatus; Sp, Sitticus tic marshes, these habitats are separated by only a palustris. Plotted are the mean number of individuals per species in two plots of each habitat sampled on 11 few centimeters in elevation, and patterns of tidal dates from 7 May to 11 October 1985. inundation are very similar (Adams 1963, Blum 1968, Redheld 1972, Denno 1977). Although the structure of S. patens may exclude many web- tured thatch of S. patens provides such microhab- builders, it may provide specific microhabitats or itats and may explain why Z. pullis and Callilepis foraging space (thatch) (or both) for certain hunt- sp. are restricted to S. patens. Generally, the mat- ing spiders which do not occur in S. alterniflora ted structure of S. patens is easily negotiated by (Hypothesis 2 supported). For example, gnaphosids most hunting species. Wolf spiders the size of P. depend upon dense vegetation in which to build littoralis (5-6 mm) easily pass through the matted their tunnellike retreats; they emerge from these culms. However, very large hunters like L. mo- tunnels to hunt (Kaston 1978). The complex-struc- desta (10-12 mm) cannot enter the dense structure 1364 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 19, no. 5 Web-builders

H. variabilis G. trivittata

E tenuipalpis

D. altamira


a Hunters H.12 Q G. 70 P. littoralis C saltitans 60 9 50 40 6 30 20 3 10 0 0 SP SAS SAI SAT L modesta Habitat

SAT Habitat Fig. 6. Annual mean densities (number per square meter per year) of G. trivitatta (A), H. variabilis (B), E. tenuipalpis (C), Glenognatha n. sp. (D), D. altamira (E), N. pratensis (F), P. littoralis (G), C. saltitans (H), and L. modesta (I) in the four Spartina habitats along an elevational gradient at Tuckerton, N.J. SP, S. patens; SAS, short- form S. alterniflora; SAI, intermediate-form S. alterniflora; SAT, tall-form S. alterniflora. Means (±SE, n = 22) with different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05). October 1990 DOBEL ET AL.: SPIDER COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN AN INTERTIDAL MARSH 1365 Web-builders

A. 400 G. trivitatta B. 40 H. vanabilis 30 v 300 /A v / x 200 \ 20 100 vA 10 o *^~-t-t-rlr,~rfc*m o

C. 30 E. tenuipalpis D. 30r Glenognatha n. sp. 25 25 20 i v \ 20 15 15 10 o 10 5 5 0 0

I/) /V pratensis rE. 100 D. altamira s F. 15 r S 80 12 • 60 Q 9 o 40 6 20 3 0 0 Hunters Density

0 • 160 P. littoralis H. C saltitans 120 80 40 0

80 L. modesta Season 60 • • sp 40 o > SAS 20 / *>•o 0 *• •• SAI M J J A S O H • SAT Season Fig. 7. Seasonal abundance (number per square meter) of G. trivitatta (A), H. variabilis (B), E. tenuipalpis (C), Glenognatha n. sp. (D), D. altamira (E), N. pratensis (F), E. littoralis (G), C. saltitans (H), and L. modesta (I) in the four Spartina habitats at Tuckerton, N.J. SP, S. patens; SAS, short-form S. alternifiora; SAI, intermediate- form S. alternifiora; SAT, tall-form S. alternifiora. Plotted are the means of two plots for each habitat sampled on 11 dates from 7 May to 11 October 1985. 1366 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 19, no. 5

Web-builders A. 150 t G. trivitatta B. 120 90 60 30 0 o m o C. D. 8 6 Efl c s 4 c • 2 Q o Q o fc 0 50 "S £> E. 3 Gfl 40 = s 35 30 C Q 20 Q 4> 10 • •• s 0 s 0> T3 > 3 1-9 Hunters G. 50 40 30 20 10 0 M J'J'A'S'O I. 60 Season 50 40 30 a . Adults 20 10 o o Juveniles

Season Fig. 8. Seasonal abundance (number per square meter, averaged across all habitats) of the adults and juveniles of G. trivitatta (A), H. variabilis (B), E. tenuipalpis (C), Glenognatha n. sp. (D), D. altamira (E), N. pratensis (F), P. littoratis (G), C. saltitans (H), and L. modesta (I) at Tuckerton, N.J. of S. patens easily and remain mostly on top of the Although the taxonomic composition of the spi- matted culms to forage. This may explain the pref- der community in the three S. alterniflora habitats erence of L. modesta for more open-structured was similar, there are noteworthy differences in habitats like short-form S. alterniflora. the abundance of species. For example, the relative October 1990 DOBEL ET AL.: SPIDER COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN AN INTERTIDAL MARSH 1367 rarity of hunting spiders in tall-form S. alterniflora imum abundance in tall-form S. alterniflora until is most likely caused by the combined effects of fall, >1 mo after maximum population size is frequent tidal flooding and the lack of thatch in achieved in the other habitats (Fig. 7 A, B, and E). this habitat. Flooding interferes directly with the As pointed out previously, the low richness and ground-foraging habit of most hunting spiders, even abundance of spiders in tall-form S. alterniflora is though species such as P. littoralis are able to walk not solely a reflection of the colonization process on the surface of the water (H.G.D., unpublished of temporary habitats. Wolf spiders such as P. lit- data). As a general pattern, the population densities toralis colonize tall-form S. alterniflora rapidly in of several hunting spiders (L. modesta, C. saltitans, spring (Fig 7 G), but their populations simply do and S. palustris) tended to decrease down the el- not build for a variety of reasons. Conditions may evational gradient from short- to tall-form S. al- not be conducive for population growth (tidal terniflora, suggesting that tidal inundation limits flooding), but storm conditions may reduce spider their distribution to the high marsh (Hypothesis 1 populations in tall-form S. alterniflora directly and supported). Also, by artificially manipulating the selectively. For example, 1 d before sampling on biomass of thatch in short-form S. alterniflora, Do- 9 July, a strong storm with heavy precipitation bel (1987) showed that hunting spiders like P. lit- affected the marsh and its spider fauna, possibly toralis avoid thatch-free patches for foraging, even causing the lower densities of several spider species though prey is abundant there. Furthermore, thatch (e.g., P. littoralis and N. pratensis) compared with is an important correlate with spider density in samples taken before and after this particular date deciduous forest habitats (Uetz 1975). The relative (first July sampling date shown in Fig. 7 F and G) lack of thatch in tall-form S. alterniflora also may (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- contribute to the rarity of ground-foraging species tion 1985). Consequently, a combination of harsh in this habitat. conditions and mandatory recolonization of this Most web-building species also were rare in temporary habitat results in the depauperate spider tall-form S. alterniflora and several increased in community in tall-form S. alterniflora. density with elevation (e.g., G. trivitatta, E. ten- Because spiders (especially hunters) can show uipalpis, and H. variabilis). Even though the oc- strong numerical (aggregative) responses to in- currence of a physical gill allows some web-build- creases in prey density (Kobayashi 1975, Kenmore ing species to withstand submergence (Rovner 1986, 1980, Bultman & Uetz 1982, Rypstra 1983, Ken- 1987), we never observed this phenomenon in salt more et al. 1984, Dobel 1987), it could be argued marsh spiders. Although tidal flooding is implicat- that spiders avoid tall-form S. alterniflora because ed, it cannot be the only factor that influences the prey are rare. In fact, planthoppers, the most pre- abundance of web-builders in tall-form S. alter- ferred prey of all spiders studied (Dobel 1987), niflora. We expected the tall culms of tall-form S. colonize tall-form S. alterniflora habitats in spring, alterniflora to compensate somewhat for the low and by midsummer, populations can exceed those elevation of this habitat, allowing web-builders to in short- and intermediate-form S. alterniflora by construct their webs in the upper canopy of the one order of magnitude (Denno & Grissell 1979). grass. However, winds blow constantly throughout Also, planthoppers and leafhoppers are extremely much of the year in coastal marsh habitats, and abundant in S. patens, and densities are similar to spider webs may be easily destroyed by the whip- those found in S. alterniflora (Denno 1976, 1977). ping action of tall-form S. alterniflora culms and Consequently, differences in prey availability are leaf blades. In particular, the short culms of short- not likely responsible for the low densities of most form S. alterniflora are not as affected by winds, spider species in tall-form S. alterniflora or for and webs can be seen remaining in this habitat differences in habitat selection in general. after having been destroyed in tall-form S. alter- Several web-building species (e.g., D. altamira niflora (H.G.D., unpublished data). and N. pratensis) were most abundant at mideleva- In addition to the direct effects of flooding and tions on the marsh in intermediate-form S. alter- vegetation structure on spiders in the tall-form S. niflora, making arguments that are based solely on alterniflora habitat, its temporary nature also is tidal influence problematical. In these cases, struc- very influential in dictating population dynamics tural differences (culm density and height) be- and community structure. Because no spider species tween intermediate and short-form S. alterniflora is able to overwinter on the exposed creek banks likely contribute to patterns of habitat selection. where tall-form S. alterniflora grows, this habitat Interactions between web-builders for attachment must be colonized from persistent high marsh hab- sites also may contribute to habitat divergence (see itats every year. The low species richness as well Wise 1984; Spiller 1984, 1986). For example, of as the low overall abundance of spiders in the tall- the two most abundant web-builders, D. altamira form S. alterniflora habitat during spring (Fig. 4 occurred most commonly in intermediate-form S. A and E) documents the ephemerality of tall-form alterniflora, whereas G. trivitatta was most abun- S. alterniflora. As the season progresses, spider dant in short-form S. alterniflora. However, in their (mostly web-builders) richness and abundance in- shared short-form S. alterniflora habitat, the sim- crease. However, several species (e.g., G. trivittata, ilar population fluctuations of these two species H. variabilis, and D. altamira) do not reach max- from July through October does not suggest any 1368 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 19, no. 5

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Contributions in marine science, vol. struction during winter increase down the eleva- 27. Marine Science Institute, University of Texas at tional gradient from short- to tall-form S. alter- Austin, Port Aransas, Tex. niflora and together act to influence the distribution, Denno, R. F. & E. E. Grissell. 1979. The adaptiveness abundance, and community structure of spiders on of wing-dimorphism in the salt marsh-inhabiting , Prokelisia marginata (Homoptera: Del- intertidal S. alterniflora marshes. Our findings sup- phacidae). Ecology 60: 221-236. port the general notion that habitat structure and Denno, R. F., M. J. Raupp, D. W. Tallamy & C. F. physical factors are important in determining the Reichelderfer. 1980. Migration in heterogeneous organization of spider communities. environments: differences in habitat selection be- tween the wing forms of the dimorphic planthopper, Acknowledgment Prokelisia marginata (Homoptera: ). Ecology 61: 859-867. We thank George K. Roderick, George W. Uetz, David Denno, R. F., M. E. Schauff, S. W. Wilson & K. L. H. Wise, and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful Olmstead. 1987. Practical diagnosis and natural comments on earlier drafts of this report. This research history of two sibling salt marsh-inhabiting planthop- was supported by National Science Foundation grants pers in the genus Prokelisia (Homoptera: Delphaci- BSR-8206603 and BSR-8614651. The computer time for dae). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 89: 687-700. this project was provided in full by the Computer Science Dietrick, E. J. 1961. An improved back pack motor Center at the University of Maryland. This is scientific fan for suction sampling of insect populations. J. Econ. article A-5094, contribution 8154, of the Maryland Ag- Entomol. 54: 394-395. ricultural Experiment Station, Department of Entomol- D6bel, H. G. 1987. The role of spiders in the regu- ogy lation of salt marsh planthopper populations. M.S. thesis, University of Maryland, College Park. 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