Handbook : Brass, Bronze, Copper, Nickel Silver
•ui#:.r fc ::* £ \ ' TONKt* * i i "t ' 1 .'.'. i HANDBOOK tt BRASS • BRONZE • COPPER NICKEL SILVER I fc Anacon dA from mine to consumer • IftUitilHlli'l J July 1, 1935 3 h * THE AMERICAN BRASS COMPANY 3 * *.. Copyright, 1935 The American Brass Company Printed in U. S. A. C THE AMERICAN BRASS COMPANY General Offices WATERBURY, CONNECTICUT, U.S.A. Manufacturing Plants ANSONIA, CONN. TORRINGTON, CONN. WATERBURY, CONN. BUFFALO, N. Y. DETROIT, MICH. KENOSHA, WIS. Offices and Agencies BOSTON, MASS. 140 Federal Street PROVIDENCE, R. I. 131 Dorrance Strei 1 NEW YORK, N. Y. 25 Broadway SYRACUSE, N. Y. 207 East Genesee Street Place NEWARK, N. J. 20 Branford WASHINGTON, D. C. 1511 K Street, N. W. PHILADELPHIA, PA. 117 South Seventeenth Strei t PITTSBURGH, PA. 535 Smithfield Street CLEVELAND. OHIO 925 Euclid Avenue DAYTON, OHIO 52 North Main Street CINCINNATI, OHIO 101 West Fourth Street CHICAGO, ILL. 1326 West Washington Boulevard ST. LOUIS, MO. 408 Pine Street ATLANTA. GA. 10 Forsyth Street HOUSTON, TEXAS 609 Fannin Street DENVER, COLO. 818 Seventeenth Street LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 411 Weai Fifth Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 235 Montgomery Street SEATTLE, WASH. 1358 Fourth Avenue THE AMERICAN BRASS COMPANY OF ILLINOIS 1326 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, 111. In Canada ANACONDA AMERICAN BRASS LIMITED Main Office and Mill NEW TORONTO, ONTARIO Montreal Agency: 1010 St. Catherine Street, W. * 3 CABLE ADDRESSES "AMBRAC" Waterbury, Conn. "AMBRAC" 25 Broadway, New York Codes Used All Standard Cable and Telegraph THE AMERICAN BRASS COMPANY - Tl ANACONDA
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