Burnley 1973-2012

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Burnley 1973-2012 Burnley Borough Council Election Results 1973-2012 Colin Rallings and Michael Thrasher The Elections Centre Plymouth University The information contained in this report has been obtained from a number of sources. Election results from the immediate post-reorganisation period were painstakingly collected by Alan Willis largely, although not exclusively, from local newspaper reports. From the mid- 1980s onwards the results have been obtained from each local authority by the Elections Centre. The data are stored in a database designed by Lawrence Ware and maintained by Brian Cheal and others at Plymouth University. Despite our best efforts some information remains elusive whilst we accept that some errors are likely to remain. Notice of any mistakes should be sent to [email protected]. The results sequence can be kept up to date by purchasing copies of the annual Local Elections Handbook, details of which can be obtained by contacting the email address above. Front cover: the graph shows the distribution of percentage vote shares over the period covered by the results. The lines reflect the colours traditionally used by the three main parties. The grey line is the share obtained by Independent candidates while the purple line groups together the vote shares for all other parties. Rear cover: the top graph shows the percentage share of council seats for the main parties as well as those won by Independents and other parties. The lines take account of any by- election changes (but not those resulting from elected councillors switching party allegiance) as well as the transfers of seats during the main round of local election. The lower graph shows for each main round of local elections the overall percentage turnout (solid line), the percentage of women candidates standing at (dotted line) and the percentage of women among those elected (hashed line). No. 14 (Padiham: Partridge Hill & Whitegate) No. 8 (Burnley: Laneshead) (6491)5 Burnley - 1973 (3542)3 vote share vote share Brown F. Con 1,025 39.2 Smith W. Lab 916 58.4 Canty C. Con 897 - Briercliffe (1602) Greenwood J. Lab 908 - Bickley-Roe C. Con 896 - vote share Hindle K. Lab 791 - Hotchkiss A. Lab 890 34.0 Limmer I. Ind 342 43.3 Macmillan V. Lib 652 41.6 Tate E. Ms. Con 871 - Burrows T. Lib 227 28.8 Mitchell N. Lib 579 - Heap W. Lab 821 - Airey L. Ind 130 16.5 Price D. Lib 539 - Greenhalgh P. Lab 812 - Park A. Lab 90 11.4 Duffield A. Lab 810 - Turnout 44.3 16.8 Smith E. Ms. Lab 810 - Turnout 49.6 14.6 Whittaker A. Con 783 - No. 2 (Burnley: Calder) (2909)3 Barrett Z. Lib 700 26.8 Cliviger (1382) vote share Tomlinson T. Lib 653 - vote share Carroll H. Lab 426 62.8 Wyld J. Con 460 78.1 Taylor G. Lab 380 - Turnout 35.3 5.2 Etherington N. Lab 129 21.9 Tempest R. Lab 349 - Brownbill G. Lib 252 37.2 No. 9 (Burnley: Lowerhouse) (5402)4 Turnout 42.7 56.2 vote share Turnout 22.5 25.7 Keller J. Lab 1,248 53.0 Deerplay (990) Bridge A. Lab 1,216 - vote share No. 3 (Burnley: Central) (2201)3 Halstead J. Lab 1,120 - Watson G. Con 327 70.5 vote share Hall W. Lab 1,073 - Greenwood H. Lab 137 29.5 Bacon E. Lab 601 79.3 Stubbs A. Ind 726 30.8 Butterworth K. Lab 599 - Hebden W. Ind 652 - Turnout 47.1 40.9 Hanson E. Lab 578 - Dickman E. Ms. Ind 651 - Shoesmith P. Con 157 20.7 Smith M. Ms. Ind 613 - Hapton (1634) Mount K. Con 153 - Tate J. Con 381 16.2 vote share Mount J. Ms. Con 152 - Ashton R. Con 402 50.8 Turnout 38.2 22.2 Markham F. Lab 389 49.2 Turnout 36.3 58.6 Simonstone Hill (850) Turnout 48.6 1.6 No. 4 (Burnley: Daneshouse) (3637)3 vote share 3 vote share Wilson M. Con 376 87.2 No. 1 (Burnley: Burnley Wood) (3873) Bennett P. Ms. Lab 624 37.9 Sisson H. Lab 55 12.8 vote share Booth F. Lab 617 - Tomlinson M. Ms. Lab 934 52.9 Roberts W. Lab 607 - Turnout 50.7 74.5 Kenyon P. Lab 918 - Blackston S. Con 531 32.3 Bailey F. Con 830 47.1 Stanworth W. Lib 491 29.8 Worsthorne (1592) Cartwright W. Lab 803 - vote share Tate M. Con 693 - Turnout 35.1 5.7 Halsted G. Con 410 59.9 Nelson O. Con 650 - Desmond J. Lab 274 40.1 5 No. 5 (Burnley: Fulledge) (6687) Turnout 44.1 5.9 vote share Turnout 43.5 19.9 3 Bradshaw J. Lab 1,561 65.5 No. 10 (Burnley: St. Andrews) (4715) Heyes J. Lab 1,560 - vote share Bayliff M. Ms. Lab 1,556 - Cooney I. Ms. Lab 1,173 59.8 Smith P. Lab 1,510 - Burnley - 1976 McGeorge K. Lab 1,108 - Field C. Lab 1,507 - Towler S. Ms. Lab 1,098 - Brown A. Con 822 34.5 3 Sutcliffe I. Ms. Con 790 40.2 Edge R. Con 816 - Barclay (3975) Vaughan D. Con 735 - Jackson D. Con 754 - vote share Loder C. Con 726 - Durkin A. Ms. Con 710 - Bradley T. Lab 846 49.8 Jackson R. Ms. Con 701 - Ennis S. Ms. Lab 778 - Turnout 42.4 19.5 Hudson J. Lab 735 - Mulrooney J. Ms. Con 433 25.5 3 Turnout 36.7 31.0 No. 11 (Burnley: Trinity) (3542) Catlow G. Con 430 - vote share No. 6 (Burnley: Gannow) (4460)3 Bushby R. WER 420 24.7 Entwistle J. Lab 798 62.2 vote share Spruce T. Con 416 - Proctor A. Lab 790 - Bradley T. Lab 1,024 81.2 Smith J. Lab 607 - Hudson J. Lab 955 - Turnout 38.8 24.3 Roberts E. Ms. Lib 485 37.8 Ennis S. Ms. Lab 951 - Allan P. Ms. Con 237 18.8 Briercliffe (1832) Turnout 31.9 24.4 vote share Oakes J. Con 507 47.5 3 Turnout 29.1 62.4 No. 12 (Burnley: Whittlefield) (4419) Whitham M. Lib 301 28.2 vote share No. 7 (Burnley: Healey) (5248)4 Limmer I. Lab 260 24.3 Roberts M. Lab 890 44.5 vote share Meakin J. Lab 863 - Pickup A. Con 1,127 38.2 Turnout 59.7 19.3 Fisk E. Lab 835 - Durkin M. Ms. Con 1,071 - 3 Anforth M. Ms. Lib 567 28.3 Jackson M. Ms. Con 1,068 - Brunshaw (4091) Lyle E. Con 545 27.2 Hipwell J. Lib 1,010 34.2 vote share Pickup J. Ms. Con 538 - Roberts M. Ms. Lab 815 27.6 Heyes J. Lab 1,029 49.6 Harrison L. Lab 803 - Smith P. Lab 993 - Turnout 35.9 16.1 Arrowsmith D. Lab 791 - Park A. Lab 988 - Tipping J. Lab 759 - Hearn D. Con 623 30.0 No. 13 (Padiham: Bankhouse-Green- Briggs E. Ms. Con 610 - 3 Stockbridge) (3730) Turnout 40.8 4.0 Harvey A. Ms. Lib 423 20.4 vote share Lynch T. Lab 947 50.8 Turnout 45.0 19.6 Broadley K. Lab 894 - Parker A. Lab 770 - Burnley Wood (3355)3 Mitchell B. Ms. Lib 519 27.8 vote share Hesketh L. Con 398 21.4 Bailey F. Con 993 56.9 Allcock A. Ms. Con 848 - Turnout 39.4 23.0 Ellerton P. Con 793 - Tomlinson M. Ms. Lab 753 43.1 Kenyon P. Lab 726 - Roberts M. Ms. Lab 630 - Turnout 53.1 13.7 Results of the English Shire District Elections 1973-2012 1 Calder (3430)3 Heasandford (4121)3 Trinity (3364)3 vote share vote share vote share Harrison L. Lab 875 51.3 Cooney I. Ms. Lab 955 50.6 Entwistle J. Lab 802 46.6 Bacon E. Lab 860 - McGeorge K. Lab 907 - Harrison S. Lab 686 - Malik M. Lab 749 - Towler S. Ms. Lab 863 - Selby E. Lab 594 - Crossley L. Ms. Con 492 28.9 Burrows S. Con 699 37.0 Roberts E. Ms. Lib 438 25.4 Chadwick G. Lib 337 19.8 Pickup J. Ms. Con 626 - Bullock L. Con 373 21.7 Harvey A. Lib 318 - Hughes S. Con 601 - Bentley R. Lib 354 - Harvey R. Ms. Lib 301 - Anforth J. Lib 233 12.3 Taylor R. Lib 304 - Baxendale A. Ms. Lib 224 - Bibby J. Ms. Comm 109 6.3 Turnout 48.4 22.5 Marshall J. Ms. Lib 223 - Turnout 43.4 21.1 Cliviger (1567) Turnout 46.5 13.6 vote share Whittlefield (3521)3 Wyld J. Con 656 75.7 Lanehead (3698)3 vote share Perkins S. Lab 211 24.3 vote share Jackson D. Con 945 40.7 Canty C. Con 691 38.7 Nightingale S. Ms. Con 869 - Turnout 55.9 51.3 Brown F. Con 662 - Meakin J. Lab 749 32.3 Broom A. Lib 610 34.2 Roberts M. Lab 718 - Coal Clough (3515)3 Tate E. Ms. Con 582 - Fisk E. Lab 703 - vote share Olive M. Lib 578 - Wild D. Lib 626 27.0 Carroll H. Lab 999 51.5 Tomlinson T. Lib 543 - Pike P. Lab 945 - Herbert J. Lab 483 27.1 Turnout 54.6 8.4 Swainston P. Lab 938 - Greenwood H. Lab 469 - Ablett E. Ms. Con 506 26.1 Field C. Lab 457 - Worsthorne (1838) Allan P. Ms. Con 495 - vote share Roberts E. Ms. Lib 434 22.4 Turnout 48.7 4.5 Halsted G. Con 535 51.6 Burt C. Lab 502 48.4 3 Turnout 46.1 25.4 Lowerhouse (3602) vote share Turnout 56.5 3.2 Daneshouse (3807)3 Keller J.
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