United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,680,551 Martino, I 45 Date of Patent: Oct
US005680551A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,680,551 Martino, I 45 Date of Patent: Oct. 21, 1997 54 ELECTRONIC MESSAGING METHOD OF 5,218,697 6/1993 Chung ..................................... 395/650 AND SYSTEM FOR HETEROGENEOUS 5,309,433 5/1994 Cidon et al. .............................. 370/60 CONNECTWTY AND UNIVERSAL AND 5,317,568 5/1994 Bixby et al....... 370/85.6 GENERC INTERACING FOR 5,329,619 7/1994 Page et al. .............................. 395/200 DSTRIBUTED APPLICATIONS AND 5,329,623 7/1994 Smith et al. ............................ 395/275 PROCESSES RESDNG IN WIDE WARETY 5,341,478 8/1994 Travis, Jr. et al. ..................... 395/200 OF COMPUTNG PLATFORMS AND Primary Examiner-Mehmet B. Geckil COMMUNICATION TRANSPORT FACLTES 57 ABSTRACT A novel method of and system for heterogeneous connec 75 Inventor: John A. Martino, IL, Rockport, Mass. tivity and universal and generic interfacing for distributed 73) Assignee: Sybase, Inc., Emeryville, Calif. applications and processes residing in a wide variety of computing platforms communicating over varied transport facilities, through an integrated set of lower-level programs (21) Appl. No.: 594,512 and routines that handle specific services (message/data 22 Filed: Jan. 31, 1996 recovery, security, directory services, etc.) available from applications and processes within varied complex comput Related U.S. Application Data ing and communications environments, and without having to deal with the idiosyncrasies of differing networks, 63 Continuation of Ser. No. 141,344, Oct. 21, 1993, abandoned. protocols, devices, multiple "standards", routing, recovery (51 int. Cl. ... G06F 13/00 and other transport difficulties and differences. This is effected by novelsingle-function software modules or verbs, 52 U.S.C.
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