Kilby's Industrial Estate, Bacon Lane, Edgware
Agenda Item : 1/01 = application site Kilby’s Industrial Estate, Bacon Lane, Edgware P/5810/17 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Committee Kilby’s Industrial Estate, Bacon Lane, Edgware Wednesday 30th May 2018 Kilby’s Industrial Estate, Bacon Lane, Edgware P/5810/17 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Committee Kilby’s Industrial Estate, Bacon Lane, Edgware Wednesday 30th May 2018 LONDON BOROUGH OF HARROW PLANNING COMMITTEE 30th MAY 2018 APPLICATION NUMBER: P/5810/17 VALIDATE DATE: 29/01/2018 LOCATION: KILBY’S INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, BACON LANE, EDGWARE WARD: EDGWARE POSTCODE: HA8 5AS APPLICANT: MR JOHN POLYCARPOU AGENT: URBANISSTA LTD CASE OFFICER: OLIVIER NELSON EXPIRY DATE: 16/04/2018 (EXTENDED EXPIRY DATE 06/06/2018) PURPOSE OF REPORT/PROPOSAL The purpose of this report is to set out the Officer recommendations to the Planning Committee regarding an application for planning permission relating to the following proposal. Redevelopment to provide 24 houses; associated landscaping and parking; refuse storage The Planning Committee is asked to: RECOMMENDATION A The Planning Committee is asked to: 1) agree the reasons for approval as set out in this report, and 2) grant planning permission subject to authority being delegated to the Divisional Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance Services for the completion of the Section 106 legal agreement
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