white red BULGA.RiA o 15 150 km GEORGIA " ..•. -•.. _ •."-_. j o 15 l;,Oml AZ£.R. '" "._, .. " ." Samsun'··· "._" .._--._---_.. - ...... -"'.-" Trabzon " Erzurum ·Ballkesir .Sivas .Manisa -.".. .~. ," "'... Turkey • Kayseri •Konya ,_Antalya Aege-a n fR,AQ {vf.editer"'ranean ~Sea CYPRLJS..<"c r" '-:.,." ~ ciaworldbook.com SECTION 41 Vol. II r? TVRK1SH AlPHA13£T AA Aa Bb Cc <;9 Dd Ee Ff Gg Gg Hh Ii 1i Jj Kk LI Mm Nn 00 05 Pp Rr Ss ~§ Tt Uu 00 Vv Yy Zz OSMANll (OTTOMAN) SCR1PT . .J oJ ~ .f.j ~ L L ~ t '"A". '-'• I .~ c b t 9 c l t P tJ '. h .. {. (. 10 b~,.,r,j'~ J J J , ;, Z r j ~ I. ~ stl s j •• ... ~. •• ~c) ~ ~ ~ ~ 0~ c) U ~ J y h "of n m I Ii g k ~ f , Y r f.. 0 '\ V 1\ ~ 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 {.>,. .. "(l~ omniglot.com II TURKISH 7ilrkre HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The land which we now know as Turkey is a land of dichotomies that has had an illustrious, as well as an infamous past, filled with great tolerance and even greater intolerance. It is the land of Troy, birthplace of Homer, Santa Claus and tulips, tryst place of Marc Anthony and Cleopatra, kingdoms of Croesus and Midas, the rescuer of the Jews, the perpetrator of the world's first genocide, and the refuge of the Virgin Mary. The words of Julius Caesar's veni, vidi, vici resounded across Amasya, east of Ankara in 47 BCE. Thus, it is a land of antiquity and iniquity, although Anatolia, the western area of Asian Turkey, is one of the oldest inhabited (as early as 7500 BCE) lands, Turkey, as a national state, is one of the youngest (1918).
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