
River Flow Advisory

Bureau of Reclamation Upper Region Salt Lake City, Vol. 15, No. 5 July 1984

Runoff into the Basin has been at a record high for the second year in succession which tr~nslates into full reservoirs and high river flows. -Ee: ,....,,,-.,....0,-,t- ;nfl"\?*ffl.!:>t-.:1"'\T'\ f'\TI ~e2-e-T''1Tf'\ ; .,.... Q_T"\O.,....!lTi-0..n..c -2.!'~ r A 1 t:t. !1 ~0 C ;,..,rn .,....; .,-,o.,....e a toll-free numbers are available. Utah residents may call 1-800-624-1094 and out-of-Utah residents may call 1-800-624-5099.

Colorado River at

The peak flow of 63,000 cfs occurred on May 27. The flow on July 16 was 24,000 cfs and will continue to decrease the rest of the summer.

Cataract Canyon Including the Green River

The peak flow through was 110,000 cfs on May 27. The flow was 35,000 cfs on July 16 and will continue to decrease.

Lake Powell

Lake Powell reached a high elevation of 3702.46 feet on July 7. The lake's elevation should now begin to go down slowly. The spillways will not be used. April-July inflow forecast to Lake Powell is 15. 2 million acre-feet, or 204 percent of average.

Colorado River through

Releases through the Powerplant and outlet tubes remain at 43,000 cfs. It is expected this release will be decreased to 26, 000 cfs in July as the inflow decreases. There are no daily fluctuations in river flows.

Upper Green River -

Inflow into Fontenelle Reservoir was 3,500 cfs on July 15. The reservoir is at elevation 6 ,482 feet. Since the reservoir will not be allowed to fill much higher, releases will match the inflows.

Green River Flows Below

Forecast inflow to is 123 percent of average. The reservoir was at elevation 6, 039 feet on July 12. Releases from the dam a r e expected to average nearly 4,000 cfs, then they will gradually decrease t o abou t 3,400 cfs in Augus t. Page 2

Green River at Green River, Utah

The Green River flows peaked at 42,000 cfs on May 27. They were 10,000 cfs on July 16 and will continue to decrease the remainder of the summer.

San Juan River Basin

The forecast of runoff into the San Juan River Basin remains at 117 percent of average. The flow of the San Juan River at Bluff peaked at 9, 600 cfs on May 27 and was 1,400 cfs on July 16.

San Juan River - Navajo Reservoir

Navajo Resevoir, now at elevation 6,084 feet, has 1. 7 million acre-feetoI storage, or 98 percent of capacity. The runoff above Navajo Reservoir is forecast to be about 117 percent of normal. Releases from are expected to remain at 800 cfs.

Gunnison River -

Blue Mesa Reservoir is at elevation 7,518 feet, only 1 foot short of full, but it is not expected to rise any further. The runoff above Blue Mesa is forecast to be about 1.4 million acre-feet, or 206 percent of normal.

Dolores River · - McPhee Reservoir

McPhee Reservoir has already stored as much water as was planned for this year; therefore, the inflow will be released. The release on July 12, 70 cfs, will continue to decrease as the inflow decreases. Those seeking specific daily flow of the or reservoir information on McPhee Reservoir are asked to call the Bureau of Land Management at (303) 247-4082 or the Bureau of Reclamation at (801) 524-5574.

For curre.Q!_ini_ormation on ri ve_r flows: ___ _ Call the National Weather Service River Forecast Center, Salt Lake City - Telephune number (801) 524-5130.

For further information on reservoirs and releases:

Call the Upper Colorado Regional Office of the Bureau o f Reclamation, Salt Lake City - Telephone numbers (801) 524-5573 or 524-5571.