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Computational Electromagnetics and Fast Physical Optics

Computational Electromagnetics and Fast Physical Optics

Computational Electromagnetics and Fast Physical

Felipe Vico, Miguel Ferrando, Alejandro Valero, Jose Ignacio Herranz, Eva Antonino Instituto de Telecomunicaciones y Aplicaciones Multimedia (iTEAM) Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Building 8G, access D, Camino de Vera s/n 46022 Valencia (SPAIN) Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract In mathematics and , the is a framework for studying and understanding A new hybrid technique is used to compute the the scattering of and particles. Prosaically, RCS pattern of a spherical cap by means of PO scattering corresponds to the collision and approximation. The approach used here com- scattering of waves with some material object. bines analytical techniques with path deforma- More precisely, scattering consist of the study of tion techniques to compute accurately the full how solutions of partial differential equations, RCS diagram. The computation time is inde- propagating freely “in the distant past”, come to- pendent with frequency. This approach is faster gether and interact with one another or with a than standard numerical techniques (PO inte- boundary condition, and then propagate away gration) and more accurate than non-uniform “to the distant future”. In , the differen- asymptotic techniques. tial equation is the wave equation, and scatte- ring studies how its solutions, the sound waves, Keywords: Physical Optics, Cross Section, scatter from solid objects or propagate through Highly oscillatory , path deformation. non-uniform media (such as sound waves, in sea water, coming from a submarine). In our case (classical electrodynamics), the differential equa- 1. Introduction tions are Maxwell equations, and the scattering of light or radio waves is studied. In quantum Computational science and computational en- and , the equations are those of gineering have been developed from the very QED, quantum chro- invention of the modern computer. Since the modynamics QCD and the , the application of the Neumann’s machine to the solution of which correspond to fundamental solution of termonuclear and particles. In quantum chemistry, the solutions problems, the use of computers was extended to correspond to atoms and molecules, governed almost all engineering processes. by the Schrodinger equation.

The Field of Electromagnetic Wave Theory pro- Computational techniques for scattering pro- duces a great number of challenging problems blems in classical electrodynamics can be divi- for Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Among ded into two different groups: them, scattering problems are particularly hard. New technologies on wireless communications, On one hand High Frequency Techniques. remote sensing, space communication systems, Notable among these are the geometrical earth observation satellites… require precise theory of (GTD) introduced by J. designs that usually overwhelm the accuracy B. Keller; the Physical Theory of Diffraction of the existing computational techniques. The (PTD) developed by P. Y. Ufimtsev; the Uni- international community on Antennas and Pro- form Asymptotic Theory (UAT) and the Uni- pagation has been developing for many years form Theory of Diffraction (UTD) formulated a lot of very interesting algorithms to solve fast by Lewis et al. and Kouyoumjian and Pathak; and efficiently a large amount of problems ari- and the Spectral Tory of Doffractopm (STD) sing in telecommunications: Antenna reflectors, introduced by Mittra and Others. RCS of planes … Nevertheless, in many cases the accuracy and the computation time are far form On the other hand Numerical Techniques, satisfactory. which are full wave methods. Notable among

Waves · 2009 · year 1 / ISSN 1889-8297 155 these are the Method of Moments (MoM), Fi- with a reduced electrical size as the computatio- nite Element Method (FEM), Finite Difference nal complexity increase with frequency. On the Time Domain (FDTD). The first one is much other hand, High frequency methods are suita- more suitable for radiation problems while the ble for with a detail which is much second one is suitable for guided problems. larger than the wavelength. Therefore we find The third is suitable for wideband problems. that high frequency and numerical techniques are complementary, in the sense that they are suitable for different problems.

High Frequency Techniques Numerical Techniques Despites the great amount of problems that can Ray Methods: be handled by these techniques (numerical and Differential Equation high frequency), there are still some difficult si- Geométrical Optics (GO) tuations where no method can give a comple- Methods: tely satisfactory solution. Geometrical Theory of Diffraction Finite-Difference Methods (FDTD) Hybrid techniques try to combine numerical and (GTD) high frequency methods to both increase the Finite-Element Methods (FEM) Uniform Asymptotic range of applicability of the numerical methods Stability and Accuracy and increase the accuracy of high frequency me- (UAT,UTD) thods. Nowadays, hybrid techniques are a hot Equation Methods: spot in computational electromagnetics.

Current Base Methods: Spatial Domain 1. Physical Optics Physical Optics (PO) Spectral Domain

Physical Theory of Diffraction (PTD) Periodic MoM The Physical Optics (PO) method is a high fre- quency approximation that allows obtaining a Fast Methods (FMM, AIM) solution with a high accuracy and efficiency. The Incremental Methods: Physical optics method consist of approximate Modal Expansion Methods: the induced current on the scatterer (the solu- Boundary Waves Methods tion of the integral equation) by the, so called, PO Mode Matching Incremental Theory of Diffraction current, given by the following expression: Generalized Admitance Matrix (ITD) Complex Rays and Gaussian

Beams: Now, the diffracted field can be obtained expli- citly by the integral of the PO current: Table 1. Computational Techniques

The following table contains a summary of the main techniques:  Methods from the first column are based on the The approximation of the induced current can expansion of the solution in terms of asymptotic be justified in different ways. The most typical series combined with the localization principle. way is using a reasoning based on fields. For these methods, the accuracy increases with frequency. As far as the computation time, the The next step to obtain an estimation of the first group (Ray Methods) is the fastest one with scattered field is to evaluate numerically the a CPU time not frequency dependent. The se- integral. For very large frequency, the integral cond group (current base methods) is not so fast obtained is a highly oscillatory integral. Due to but more robust since the solution is given by a the complexity of the integrand, the computa- highly oscillatory integral. tion time using a standard numerical quadrature rule is very large. Methods from the second column are based on the discretization of the Maxwell’s equations (the In some cases, the PO integral can be computed integral or the differential form) and the approxi- directly using brute force algorithm. In that case, mation of the solution by a finite dimensional the method is known as PO method. Neverthe- subspace. The accuracy is much higher for these less, in order to speed up the calculation of the- methods than for the high frequency methods. se integrals, a number of special methods have The weakpoint of these methods is the CPU time been developed. and the requirement in memory, especially in high frequencies. Next we show an example of fast method for computing the PO integral in the case of a semi Numerical methods are suitable for problems spherical cap surface:

156 ISSN 1889-8297 / Waves · 2009 · year 1

Figure 1. Spherical surface Figure 2. Highly oscillatory integrand (real part)

2. Approach Due to the highly oscillatory nature of the inte- Consider a PEC spherical cap as depicted in fig 1. grand (see fig. 2), the direct computation of the The parameterization is given in spherical coor- integral using standard quadrature rules is very dinates by the following formulas: inefficient.

In order to compute efficiently the integral (6), a combined technique is used. First, the two di- mensional integral is reduced to a one dimensio- (1) nal integral as follows: A rotation in the coordinate system is performed The incident field is given by the following for- around the x axis to change the ks vector into mula: the z unitary vector (see fig. 3). The integral (6) takes the following analytical expression: 

(2) (7) We define the scattering amplitude pattern U for the of interest via the copolarized component of the backscattered far field as:


Using the PO approximation, the amplitude pat- tern can be computed by the following integral expression:


The vector ks is given by:


Using spherical coordinates, the integral (4) is given by:

(6) Figure 3. Rotation of the coordinate system.

Waves · 2009 · year 1 / ISSN 1889-8297 157 where the function θ’max is given by: The resulting integral is: 

(8) (12)

The relation between φ and φ’ is given by: where:


The integral with θ’ can be computed analyti- cally:


the integral (12) can be written in a more suc- cinct way:

(14)  where: 

(10) (15)

The surface highly oscillatory integral is changed  into a line integral (see fig 4) again highly oscil- latory. Therefore a computation time improve- ment has been achieved. (16)

The line integral is computed efficiently using A translation of π/2 was performed in order to lo- path deformation techniques. cate the stationary phase points at fi=0, fi= π.

In order to find analytically the path of integra- The integral (14) is still highly oscillatory, yet, the tion a change of variable is φ’(φ) performed: phase function has a very simple analytical ex- pression. In order to change the integral (14) into a slow varying integral, the path deformation technique is applied. The new path of integra- tion can be found analytically (see fig. 5): (11)


Figure 4. Highly oscillatory line integral. Figure 5. Path deformation

158 ISSN 1889-8297 / Waves · 2009 · year 1 The integral (14) can be obtained as a sum of : 




Using the parameterization (17) of the paths C1

and C2: 

Table 2. Summary of the Process

(20) can be used to compute total RCS for different where: frequencies.

 In order to compute the full radiation pattern, the number of sample points must be proportio- nal to the scattering size O(N), a special interpo- lation technique can be used (see ref [9]) to re- duce the computation time of the total radiation pattern from O(N) to O(1).

(21) To summarize, the technique explained in this paper can be split in two parts. First, reduce the See ref [9] for more details about the path de- 2D highly oscillatory integral into a contour in- formation. tegral (still oscillatory, but one-dimensional). Se- cond, reduce the 1D highly oscillatory integral In the end, the surface highly oscillatory inte- into a slow varying integral. The following table gral (fig. 2) has been changed into slow varying summarizes the process line integrals (fig. 6) without compromising the accuracy. These slow varying integrals can be easily computed by means of standard Gaussian 3. Numerical Experiments quadrature. Note that the complexity of the in- tegrand in (20) do not increase with frequency, Figure 7 shows the RCS pattern for a spherical therefore, the same number of sample points cap with θmax=π/4 and D=10λ. The figure shows the comparison of the Fast PO method sugges- ted above, a brute force numerical technique and an asymptotic technique (see appendix I for more details). As we can see, a perfect agree- ment between the numerical technique and the fast method is obtained. The asymptotic method fails to be accurate for those angles where the stationary phase point is close to edge.

Figure 8 and 9 shows the same results for D=100 λ and D=500 λ. Figure 10 shows the computa- tion time vs the electrical size of the scatter for the Fast PO method and the brute force method. As we can see, the computation time is O(1) for Figure 6. Slow varying function the fast method, and O(N3) for the brute force

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Where Is gives the contribution of the stationary phase point, Ib gives the contribution of the cri- tical boundary points: 

Figure 8. RCS pattern for a spherical cap with θmax=π/4 and D=100λ (23)

See [5] for more details.

6. Acknowledgement

This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia under the pro- ject TEC2004-04866-C04-01.

7. References Figure 9. RCS pattern for a spherical cap with θmax=π/4 and D=1000λ [1] Antenna Handbook, Theory, Application and Design, Y. T. Lo and S. W. Lee, Eds., Van Nostrand numerical method. The computation time for the Reinhold, New York, 1988. P. H. Pathak, “Techni- ques for high frequency problems”. [2] Roberto Tiberio, Stefano Maci “An Incremental Theory of Diffraction: Scalar Formulation” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol 42 pp 600-612, May 1994 [3] Keith D. Trott, Prabhakar H. Pathak, Frédéric A. Molinet “A UTD Type Analysis of the Plane Wave Scattering by a Fully Illuminated Perfect Con- ducting Cone” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propa- gation, vol 38 pp 1150-1160, Aug 1990 [4] Asymptotic Methods in Electromagnetics, D. Bouche, F. Molinet, R. Mittra Ed. Springer: Mc- Figure 10. RCS Computation time (brute force vs Graw-Hill, 1997. fast method) [5] Olga M. Conde, Jesús Pérez, Manuel Felipe Cá- tedra “Stationary Phase Method Application for the Analysis of Radiation of Complex 3-D Conducting Structures” IEEE Trans. Antennas brute force method is that because for each sam- Propag., vol. 49, pp. 724-731, May 2001. ple point, the double integral takes O(N2) opera- [6] Perez, F. Cátedra “Application of Physical Optics tions, while the amount of sample points is O(N). to the RCS Computation of Bodies Modeled with Nurbs Surfaces” IEEE Trans. Antennas Pro- pag., vol. 42, pp. 1404-1411, October.1994. 5. Conclusions [7] Amir Boag, “A Fast Physical Optics (FPO) Algori- thm for High Frequency Scattering” IEEE Trans. A method for the efficient calculation of the Antennas Propag., vol. 52, pp. 197-204, January whole radar cross-section pattern of spherical 2004. cap surfaces is presented. It has been shown [8] Amir Boag, Michielssen E “A fast Physical Optics that the computation time is independent of fre- (FPO) algorithm for double-bounce scattering” quency. Accuracy is also good for all frequencies IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 52, pp. 205- and incident angles. 212, January 2004. [9] Felipe Vico Bondía, Miguel Ferrando Bataller, Alejandro Valero-Nogueira, Esperanza Alfonso Appendix Alos “A fast physical optics method for planar scatters with arbitrary contour” Microwave The Asymptotic technique used to compare the and Optical Technology Letters /Vol 49 Nº 10 method presented in this paper is the following: October 2007.

160 ISSN 1889-8297 / Waves · 2009 · year 1 Biographies Jose I. Herranz-Herruzo was born in Valencia in 1978. He received the M.S. Miguel Ferrando-Bataller degree in electrical engi- was born in Alcoi, Spain in neering from Universidad 1954. He received the M.S. Politécnica de Valencia, degree in Telecommuni- Spain in 2002. He is cu- cations engineering from rrently working toward Universidad Politécnica the Ph.D. degree. Since de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2002 he is with the Departamento de Comuni- Spain in 1977 and the caciones at Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Ph.D. degree in Telecom- where he is currently an Assistant Professor. His munications engineering from the same Univer- main research interests include slot array anten- sity in 1982. In 1990 he joined the Departamento na design and optimization and efficient com- de Comunicaciones, Universidad Politecnica de putational methods for printed structures. Valencia (UPV), where he is currently Professor. He is involved in the analysis of small antennas high frequency methods in Eva Antonino and Information Technologies Systems. was born in Valencia, Spain, on July 10, 1978. Af- He has been Dean of the Telecommunications ter developing her Master School (1991-96), Vice-rector (1996-99 and 2005- Thesis at the University 2009)in the UPV. Now he is Director of the UPV of Stuttgart, Germany,she Life Long Learning programs. received the M.S. degree in from Universidad Poli- Alejandro Valero-Nogueira técnica de Valencia, Spain in 2002. In 2002 she was born in Madrid, Spain joined the Departamento de Comunicaciones, on July 19, 1965. He re- Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, where she ceived the M.S. degree is currently an Associate Professor. Her research in electrical engineering interests include planar and microstrip antenna from Universidad Politéc- design and optimization and computational me- nica de Madrid, Madrid, thods for printed structures. Spain in 1991 and the Ph.D. degree in electri- cal engineering from Universidad Politécnica Felipe Vico de Valencia, Valencia, Spain in 1997. In 1992 he was born in Valencia, joined the Departamento de Comunicaciones, Spain, in 1981. He recei- Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, where he is ved the M.S in 2004 in currently an Associate Professor. During 1999 he telecommunication from was on leave at the ElectroScience Laboratory, the Polytechnic Universi- The Ohio State University, Columbus, where he ty of Valencia. From 2004 was involved in fast solution methods in electro- to 2005 he was with the magnetics and conformal antenna arrays. His cu- Institute of Telecommuni- rrent research interests include computational cations and Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) as electromagnetics, Green’s functions, waveguide a Research Assistant. From 2005 to 2006 he was slot arrays and automated antenna design pro- awarded with a Research Fellowship by the Spa- cedures. nish Ministry of Culture. Since 2007 he has been an Assistant Professor in the Communications Engineering Department, Polytechnic University of Valencia, where he is currently working toward the Ph.D degree.

His research interests include numerical methods applied to scattering and radiation problems, as- ymptotic techniques, hybridization of high fre- quency and numerically rigorous methods and fast computational techniques applied to elec- tromagnetics.

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