Teamster Plus Medicare Part D Phamacy Directory
2018 PHARMACY DIRECTORY Pharmacy Directory This directory provides a list of network pharmacies. This directory provides a list of pharmacies for Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. Also included is a list of national pharmacy chains that are in our network. Other pharmacies are available in our network. This pharmacy directory was updated on 08/02/2017. For more recent information or other questions, please contact Teamster Plus Medicare Part D customer service at 1-866-412-7445 or, for TTY/TDD users, call 711, between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm in your local time zone, 7 days a week, or visit Changes to our pharmacy network may occur during the benefit year. An updated Pharmacy Directory is located on our website at You may also call Customer Service for updated provider information. E0654_18PHARMG FG579_25 Introduction This booklet provides a list of Teamster Plus Medicare Part D’s network pharmacies. To get a complete description of your prescription coverage, including how to fill your prescriptions, please review the Evidence of Coverage and Teamster Plus Medicare Part D’s formulary. When this pharmacy directory refers to “we,” “us”, or “our,” it means The International Brotherhood of Teamsters Voluntary Employee Benefit Trust. When it refers to “plan” or “our plan,” it means Teamster Plus Medicare Part D. We call the pharmacies on this list our “network pharmacies” because we have made arrangements with them to provide prescription drugs to Plan members. In most cases, your prescriptions are covered under Teamster Plus Medicare Part D only if they are filled at a network pharmacy or through our mail-order pharmacy service.
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