A2 A1 loG onto www.coalValleyneWs.com For archiVe • Games • Features • e-edition • polls & more SPORTS COLUMNS ONLINE Van girls softball Busy? Find us team in action last Gregory’s Web online, anytime at: week .... B1 .... A4 coalvalleynews.com Coal Valley News Madison, West Virginia WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2013 $1.00 UBB miners honored on third anniversary of disaster Fred Pace respects to those lost in their
[email protected] own way. “Friday morning we laid WHITESVILLE – Friday wreaths near the miner’s monu- marked the third anniversary of ment on the UBB Memorial the Upper Big Branch mine ex- Plaza in Whitesville,” Instead of plosion that claimed the lives of a public ceremony to mark the 29 coal miners. third anniversary of the disas- A wreath was placed at the ter, we encouraged the public to UBB Miners Monument to com- visit the memorial on their own memorate the men who were time Friday, to remember the taken from their friends and men lost and reflect on that day’s families in a terrible explosion events in their own way,” accord- on that day three years ago, April ing to a prepared statement from 5, 2010. the Upper Big Branch Mining The memorial is located Memorial Group, Inc. at 38223 Coal River Road in There was no formal place- Whitesville. ment ceremony planned. This is one of the beautiful wreaths Organizers said that instead “Our thoughts and prayers are placed at the memorial. It signifies of a large ceremony this year with the families of the men lost photo courtesy of the Governor’s office the changing of seasons to spring the memorial group encouraged at the Upper Big Branch Coal Gov.