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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-19-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-19-1922 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-19-1922." (1922). abq_mj_news/662

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION QUE MORNING JOURNA Ill .Ji EDITION i oiiry.TiiiiiD yuak. VOI,. CLXXIV. No. 50. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday, August 19, 1922. Dally by Carrier or Mull. M5c a Month Mngle topic Ro "I AM RESOLVED TO USE ALL THE POWER OF THE GOVERNMENT TO MAINTAIN TRANSPORTATION AND SUSTAIN THE RIGHTS OF MEN TO WORK," THE PRESIDENT DECLARES IN MESSAGE TO CONGRESS NO LIVES LOST .LEGISLATION TO SENATE TO PASS SIGNS INDICATE IN MINNESOTA France's Debt to United States PROPOSITION TO FOREST FIRES i REMEDY ILLS OF ADMINISTRATION Discussed by French Ministers OIL FIELDS 01 SETTLE WALKOUT (By The Associated Press.) liuluth. Sf.nn.. Aug. IS, INDUSTRY ASKED Out of the confusion of con- TARIFF MEASURET S flicting reports from the rnrl-u- s DEEM 00 OF SHOPMEN IS forest fires areas In north- ern Minnesota the Inst few came definite Bill Is to Go n.r Tin Amuirlalei) BY HARDING day apparently Expected w I'wO MR. word tonight that no one had shington. Aug. x, a score OFFERFD ROARS perished in the, flamcs mid Through Today, After of y us ago a skipper of the Hi'il- - that those reported missing Which It Will Go to Con- isti steamer Ktolia. cruising jnti Whole of the Rail and yesterday and today had turn- miles off the Texas and with j Story ed up unharmed. ference for Rewriting. Leaders of 5 Great Brother- - Coal Strikes Is Laid Be- Member of two families who !r;':!'!l:;,!B,,'Pr',0'ro''! wero not accounted for Inst (By The Associated Prm.l passe, tiiriiuah patches ,,f oil on ioods Have Stepped Into fore the American were found alive. IS. sen- (lie sunuco of the sea. People i.ght Washington. Aug. The the Nation-wid- e In the meantime hundreds ate began today putting the finishing-to- "'I'll r oil appeared to he bubbling Struggle By Chief ad- Magistrate. of forest, rangers and settlers uches on its draft of the up from the sea," said the note ir as Mediators, continued their battle with the ministration tariff bill. Its work (he ship's log and since that day BOTH SIDESBLAMED flames and held their own In was incomplete when it recessed there runs through the records of some places, while they were late tonight, but the measure will Ihe navy hydrogr.-iphi- office re. PROPOSAL IS TAKEN FOR PRESENT CHAOS not mi successful In others. be passed tomorrow and then will I'cated of such oil signs al in-,- UNDER CONSIDERATION The fires liave Itcoii to conference for a final re- sea. suggt si (lie of that go sub-se- possibility No "Small Minority" rnging for the last week cov- writing. a oil fields that may never Says ered tho largest area In the Many effnrls were made to yield their trcasur? of energy u, Provision Made for Return Should Be Permitted to history or fires In Minnesota, chance sections of the bill, but (lie use of mankind. suc- i ne of according to V. T. Co.x, Min- only a Tow of them met with r.iona saw (he oil smears the Strikers and the Override the Paramount was in 1!)(I2 in nesota state forester. cess. An outstanding feature and the same ear lie Retention of Men Hired to Interests of the Public. "Although 90 per cent of a renewal of the dye fight and the steamer Dunsian. in almost (h'.' the fires are now under con- reaffirmation by the senate of its same position, "passed through a Take Their Places. in n trol." said Mr. ("ox, "this Is the action of last night increasing stream of kerosene oil Lout fifty 18 on coal tar and feet wide." Four San - Washington, Aug. (by first time In the history of the duties dyes years later the (I f The AmcicI Press. I chemicals and explosives, Jacinto encountered close the Associated the stale that n serious firo synthetic to the New York. IS As- Press). and them on American In- same of Aug. (by the covered so great an area." basing locality nyer crude oil; sociated President Harding laid the stead of fnrcUn valuation. Thej color a dark yellow; very strong Press.) Tho five great whole story of the rail and vote to reaffirm was S'.i to Jl. sen- odor" and steamed more than five railroad brotherhoods which have ator Snioot, republican, Utah, hours at twelve knots before the stepped into the nation-wid- e shop- coal strikes before the Am- senate rescind its oil smear pleaded that the was left behind. men's strike as mediators, of- erican with a Pil S action. in l!fl:t today people today Again the steamer Come- fered to the roads what termed "This is an embargo a thousand dian, at a close to the posi- they pledge that, whatever the em- Premier Polncare, indicated by cross, and his cabinet at Bambouillet for the conference. point a practical proposition for peace, Fill times over and worse than an arriving tion where, the San Jacinto picked and (he roads took the cost, government by law will bargo." said he. "Dyes and coal of up (he Loadng field of oil three proposal not made in this Premier Poincare France, home, Hambouillet, to other financial problems con- under consideration. be sustained. 001 tar chemicals called a conference of discuss status of France's years before, reported a mile oil will have to a rate of recently the fronting the French .N'eiiher side would officially dis- country pay his counsel of ministers at his debt to the Vniled States and stain "which could be seen bubbling close the terms of the Summing up before a joint duty so high that it is a crime. No on the surface in three proposition. cun defend these jels." In some quarters close to the con- session of senate and house human being Through (he years that followed, it was said rates before the American people." of oil on sea's surface ferees, that acceptance his efforts toward industrial FEATURE T leports (be of the by the executives Senator Frelinghtiysen, republi- have come at. frequent intervals. proposal the asserted can of New urged that the The would result in the immediate re- peace, president Jersey, hvdrngruphic office records old that the x turn of all strikers to their that neither nor senate stand pat. declaring XT OF PRESIDENT HARDING'S ADDRESS Ishow twenty-si- such mariners' employers The of the organic chemical jobs with full and unimpaired (By Assorlufed Pres.) protection observations during the last twenty ad- employes could escape res- from the German chemi- some of seniority and pension rights, in Philadelphia, Aug. IS Favonian industry years, them from points dition lo retention of men cal "trust" was essential for the well north of some far the hired ponsibility for the present today won tne distance handicap, atten- TO CONGRESS ON INDUSTRIAL Cape May, since the strike. situation national defense, lie called SITUATION out in the Atlantic, but the greatest and that no "small tho feature event of the final day'j tion that Great Britain, France and The proposition, on the olber on number are clustered ill the gulf was outlined in other minority" would be racing of the Grand circuit meet- Italy had placed an embargo southeast of the Texas coast In hand, quar permit- ters as providing for restoration of ted ing. Tho race was for a purse of such chemicals. Washington, 18 the As- old basis. waters from SOU to 900 by "armed lawlessness" agriculture-tarif- f Aug. (by Appraising correctly the all these ranging strikers as rapidly ns possible, Bcllevue-Stratfor- d The republican present bear- in $2,500 and the sociated Press.) The text of Pres- 1 problems fathoms depth. "conspiracy" or bloc won its fight to require hopelessness of the situation ing on One wilh (heir seniority rights to be "barbarity cup. on ident address to righteous wage adjustment observation was made about to satis- and soap manufacturers to pay dntv Harding's congress again invited both operators and and demand in six- adjusted ultimately (he butchery," to override Tho horses vari- use in on constructive solution' twenty miles off Galveston faction of all. were placed at vegetable nils imported for the industrial situation follows, workers to meet with me and ten- teen and others from that the bill Because of these be- fathoms, paramount interests of ous stations along the ac- manufacturing snap. Under the in part: dered n means of things 'J00 (iotii lemon's Agreement. track, was settlement so cause, of the point out to the spot miles from in the to allow- as reported to the senato there Gentlemen of the Congress: It was difficult impressions of many oil The proposition thes quarters public. cording their handicap ' justly inspired that rases or unjustifiable shore where the bulk of float was he in I such oils Imported "It is to - profits In the understood to the nature "We must reassert ho Hncietne ance. They were headed up the a provision that manifestly my duty to see how any one believing in In- and has been noted through tho years non-edib- would to nilustry, because of a agreement, it was that in this republic the first obli course and at tho word "Go" wero tor purposes bring your attention the indus dust rial peace and justice to all public in an area measuring about 200 gentlemen's come in free, but on motion trial situation which confronts the - Investigation and understood, would provide that tne gation and the first allegiance of turned and rated In the regulation duty chair- concerned could reject It. Tn suh- the t.Jles each way. of Senator Gooding of Idaho, country. The situation out stance it called on the tn finding of fact, he question which will arise at the every citizen, high or low, lis to manner. six horses started, Fa- growing operators given to the nuhlie t . The navy department experts the fall season would liia t man of the bloc the srnntestruck of the prevailing railway nnd coal open their on the mine hazard no as to the end of busy government,'1 said the presi- vonian, 2.05, having the shorto 37 to 2ui mines, your hands the auUmnly to ere.? guess explana- be handled ns it has been in other dent. "No, matter what clouds allowance 14 0 yards; Colorado, out this provision, mining strikes is so serious, so workers to resume wor tion of these yellow smears on the ng years to the usual weed may gather, no matter what 2:04 fi with a handicap of ISO menacing to the nation's welfare. same pav and under he same A" !'-hi- sea's surface. Some of the ship according , -- i ou.t process. torros , . - lOtawah.-2:0314- tftatv. I. should bo remiss VI mr tled-a- t 1. " "oal1 oit- ing muy ensue, no matter what yards,. Princess VOTERS wwrklngrmHimts; pretr j Industry wi i masters have nssumrd that the It ad WOMEN G. 0. P. failed frankly to lav the matter' the its law- - The Whole plan. was unoffi hardships may attend or what came under the wire only time strike began. f IT, no came from sunken wrecks and that mean sacrifice in a sen- DELEGATES fore you and at the same time a,- -. , '.' towal of seems in isolated cially indicated, would that may be necessary, gov- beads behind the winner WILL SEND foal CcmmlsMon. ,!' . a"l probably many surrender by ernment law sational finish. quaint you and the whole people "In turn the, was j ,,, every pnase of eases. Hut there is no 'without any apparent by must and will be MEET wilh government 'r " luuuuction. sale'rand explanation either the rnilronds or the shop won TO ALBUQUERQUE such efforts as the executive distribu oi1 sustained." John Henry tho Kirk stake, create at once a coal commission tion. of the repeated appearance of would not suf- $1,000 for 2:05 branch of tho government has or two of If in the one unless it crafts, the strikers "Wherefore I am resolved to purse pacers. them, preferred by 0f guif region fer more in the long run than use all the of The Ridgeway, with a purse of (Special to The .Inurmil.) made by the voluntary exercise of all parties tn the so that Continuity production. conies from a sub-se- a gusher any power the govern- dispute, ' ' ' would be usual after an Industrial ment to maintain $1,000 for 2:18 trotters, went to Santa Fe, Aug. 18. Women its good offices to effect a settle- one could deal with the bituminous , mi" w "n "ehair spouting a mile beneath the sur transportation Little .lean. Jack won the voters of the republican in ment. the with workers, mine nneintru struggle of this kind. ana to sustain the rights of union Murray party situation, other the prob- iiiii me face. A of nine executives, dash of one mile and 100 for Santa Fe at a meeting held "Tho suspension of the coal In- lems l i Ihe American public. It will committee, to work." yards county, anthracite field. Among bring to meel the brotherhood 2:15 pacers In 2 : 2 1 14 . in the supreme court room this dustry dates hack to last April 1, the commissioners were to be rep- protection to all and point appointed To strengthen the hand of the thn way to officials listened to this administration in afternoon, decided to form an as- when tho working agreement be- resentatives of the operators, rep- continuity of produc- proposlon, dealing with tween - tion and the summoned a general meet- present and future coal troubles. i.v sociation and to send delegates to mine operators and the I'nlt- resentatives of the mine workers hetter economic func- IS hastily MQIOR TOl'M) ed of the fu-t- of the representatives of HS Mr. asked for authoriza- aiiitcn. the conference which will be held Mine Workers came to an end. and outstanding disinterested, and tioning Industry in the ti ing Harding Bristol, Va., Aug. IS. Twenty next month. Mrs. of con re. roads, which probably will be held tion of a national agency to pur- in Albuquerque Anticipating that expiration able representatives nf the Ameri- thn gallons of whiskey and five gallons W. P chair- tract which was with can The necessity for a na- here next Tuesday, then fixed chase, sell and distribute coal, and were George ritelmrd, vice negotiated public. The cnmmi ssion was to searching mediation of blackberry brandy found man of the cen sanction in 1320 the be instructed to .'Is in- tional investigation with construc- next meeting with the for creation of a commission to in- In republican county government's direct first RIFLE in by officers yesterday a church ', tive SHOT committee for next Wednesday Into of coal tral committee, called the meeting present administration sought, as quiry to the rate of wago to be pal recommendations is impera- Bf quire "every phase near West Jefferson, N. C. The Otero-Warre- n 1 tive. At the this sale and distribution." ar d presided. Mrs. Adeliua early as lost October, conference for the period ending next April moment the coal city. production, liquor had been concealed there by made an talk In between tho and miners and then to enter a find- skies are clearing but unless we Seniority nights. No similar request was made interesting operators upon fact a. bootleggers, it was said, apparent- which she outlined her views upon in order to facilitate either a new r ing Into of mm a cure lor the It was revealed tonight that for emergency rail legislation, the Inquiry every phase the economic, ills lan- ly In the belief It would be safe, the scope and limitations of such extended agreement in order to industry and point the way to wuicn affect the Industry, and A HIS proposal, which to use the president asserting that although Church detected the odor a in which it was goers an association of women voters. avoid any suspension of produc- avoid future suspensions in pro- therein find basis for righteous IE guage expressed 'Continued on Page Two.) and a search revealed the liquor. Tho Santa Fe county associa- tion when April 1 arrived. At that duction the disputants all Indorsed relationship, we shall be faced by several nf the labor leaders, tion may, and may not, become time the mine workers declined to the suggestion of a fact finding mm a iik-- menacing situation on "would assure the strikers of sll permanently Identified with the confer, though the operators were commission. Thn anthracite oper- next April 1. on the expiration of Juan J. Romaro Is In Hos- their seniority rights unimpaired, state association. This will depend agreeable, the mine workers excus- ators promptly accepted the entire mn wage contracts which are now without necessitating a retreat LACK OF FREE MUNICIPAL AUTO the and their declination on tho being made. pital and Luciano Mon-toy- a by the executives from their stan I upon purposes general ing ground proposal. new plan of the state association, as that the union officials could have Refused to Resume Work. "Tim need for such investigation Is In Jail as Result for protection of loyal and i rail may be agreed upon at the Albu- no authority to negotiate until after "Tho mine workers refused to an. mneper.fieiit consideration Is men." was accepted by the CAMP GIVEN AS REASON WHY conferenc e. their annual convention. resume work under the arbitration revealed by both of Serious Affair. chiefs when yesterday's conference querque operators and It de- Declined. plan. The nf the bitumi- mine workers In the In ended. The executives. was Operators majority provision a A short tlmo to the expira- - nous operators filed an acceptance, tho Cleveland so recent- - (Special CurrcHiuDdenr t The Journal. clared bad fully accepted such prior de- agreement TOURISTS DODGE NO DEATHS OCCURRED jtion of the working agreement the but a considerable minority i mane. i ,ie government will Santa l''e, Aug. IS. Charged solution nf the seniority question.' ALBUQUERQUE mints wui hriii inwteu a romci em clined the proposal. Under these giantv with Indus- with shooting Juan J. Itomero, 2o in behalf nf the full membership FROM SMALLPOX THIS the Ex- with the operators In tho central circumstances having no authority try in this program so far as it Is years old, t.'iiyamungue, Wednes- of tho Association of Railway YEAR IN NEW MEXICO competitive field,, covering the to demand compliance the govern-- 1 to the public Interest to do so. but day night in front of his home on ecutives whom they represented. states of Ohio, Indi- ,,e v , """- nave an Hillside avenue, Luciano This agreement, it was said, was; Cities Pennsylvania. "'ii unalterable conviction - Montoya. Claim Other Offer Better Accommoda- ana and and in of (he invite a of production l!.- old, was in the tic basis which Mr. Cuylrr, (Special Cnrrupontlei-r- f le The Journal.) Illinois, spito resumption ,i,,,, ,,ls.,,nff satisfaction or years county jail upon union declination of the under the of all to In a distance con- is Santa Fe, Aug. IS. In the state govern- right, parties .,, hj(. results will ensue un-th- e today, long telephone Duke Thousands of j , Vin- tions; with assurance w t was St. Watson of City Losing Mexico the ment's Informal suggestion for the controversy 'f ,nnv ,,av Kove.-nnien- Itomero, who at versation with Senator of New during year sena- 1920 five deaths occurred from conference, five months before, the w" I'"!'''""" no mission, of cent's sanatorium, was reported Indiana, as reported by the Dollars Loss i independent, the Through of Overland Travel; 1, but sincere- y ii, in ' i i u I in not in dangerous condi- said today smallpox, one occurred in !92 government, informally '''' i,,i ii.lrv clothed with authority by probably tor at Washington, early but This fact was communicated wi'h tion. One wns of settle- C. of C. and Fathers and none has occurred this year, it ly, commended the conference, th congress to search deeply, so eye blinded, part that prospects for an early City May Get on Job. is announced the state bureau it was declined by certain tne governors m an coa, procuring ft , his nose torn away and the other ment were bright. by group' states, and with two but the of public health. Dr. G. S. Luckett. of operators, ami the coal mining exeept.ons t ronr,itions of Vabor eye injured, sight reported Utter, however. Senator Watson mor- ended in tho nf siirnnces of maintained law and ,., ,. , not Impaired. His recovery was talk Lack of a freo and well les of Roswell and director, attributes this low controversy strike, T ,,,, ' reported another telephone equipped Clovis and 1. was mndi order were promptly given iiiiciil in,."laws unless infection developed con- municipal auto camp ground simi- many other smaller towns in the tality rate to the general practice April It Instantly to protect the public In thn future expected with Mr. Cuyler after today's to which the nation wide, so far as the organized some Instances coneite proof of utmost and 1,'nder Sheriff Seferlno Baca. ference beean. in which he was lar to or better than those operat- southern of the state. These of vaccination, people "The total exhaustion . of part state have mine workers could control, and in- effective readiness to protect of who saw him at the hospital this have declared prospect ed by such cities as Roswell and camp grounds offer accom- of the taken readily. men. stocks coal, thn crippled con- the said to every Last the states of Colorado. cluded many districts in the bitu- strikers and dition of forenoon, said be was ating were not so Labor leaders Clovis is responsible for much of modation to tourists and are free. year workmen was the railways, the distress- heartiest ical be had ever seen a bright.. of Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas had minous field where there was alike, promptly ed situation asserted Mr. Ciiyltjr's optimism the loss the auto tourist trade Stores are operated on the camp But little or no new pro- that has arisen and wounded man eat. In to Dr. serious outbreaks of the disease, neither grievance nor dispute and given. misht grow worse In vanished when other members of Albuquerque, according grounds and everything which a effected tin the duction followed. The simple bi t our great cit- Both Sheriff John Shoemaker an- of New wants to with a high mortality rate. a complete up of ies due to the of anthra- the executives' committee John McBride, Hampshire, tourist purchase can be production In the anthracite field. significant truth was revealed that. shortage and Under .Sheriff Baca .ieclined to had reconsidered, who has toured extensively bought at regular city for such coal es comes from cite, the suffering which might discuss tho reason for the nounced they prices. "It is to be noted that when the except n shooting were to commit the Rtato this season and These stores are said to NEW PHYSICAL DIRECTOR. hv nnn-or- - arise the northwest an n. and unwilling through almost, M-- of the districts worked 'through until (hey made inve.Kigati' N. , IS. Mr. suspension began large stocks to such a settlement. expects to make his home In Albu- pay for the p of the Ijts Vegas, Aug. Is at failure to meet winter neel3 went to the .1.11 themselves camps. coal were on hand, mined at wages anlzed 'ners. the country by Montoya county While the committee was willing querque. Every Convenience. Snyder has been appointed physi- (lie mercy of the Fnited Mine lake transportation, all these, ad- after the shooting and aivc him- , Itos-wel- M. C. A. in higher than those (he in of Its member-- has allowed l, These cal director of the Y. paid during ded lo the possibility of this afternoon no to accept behalf "Albuquerque camp grounds, according re- war. There was-onl- the Workers. outrageous self up. but early to sur- of N. V. Bullion, who buying re- demands in hesitated to commit the whole Clovis and other cities to Dr. McBride, are pleasant places place and there was "Governors In various states price spite of the most formal complaint had been filed they it It In the accommodations of- for and are so modern- signed to take a similar position in impelled by necessity and zealous voluntary efforts of the The officers said, membership of their association, pass campers Is a belief that eoal must to the ported that their operators against him. reason fered to tourists," Dr. McBride ized that the finds him- Tucson, Ariz. Mr. Snyder from yield miners had no and were government to restrain them, make he would be was said. This was the put traveler life-savi- post-w- When tne dispute however, probably stated "This word trav- self conven- Detroit and has started a readjustment. to Dis- it necessary to ask assault with intent to forth by labor leaders for issuing yesterday, surrounded with the on to reach such j eager resume production. you to consider charged with class. The new work and stocks hand began at once some - a call for a general meeting of the els fast among tourists and the iences of a modern hotel. aiminuuon as to menaco trict leaders informed me that their form of temporal)- kill and arraigned before Justlo Is "This is classes are proving most interest- innusny were to return control or llamnn f ooch. association next week. condition responsible for. many Information passed from and hinder transportation, approx- workmen anxious flistrlDutlon and prices. of the Peace tourists choosing other routes one tourist to Dr. Mc- ing. in- to their Jobs, hut that they were "The administration earnestly Montoya used a Winchester rifle. another," imately Juno 1, overtures were has through New Mexico Instead of the Bride stated, "and is the best type itiated in the not permitted to do so. Hundreds sought to restrain profiteering Neighbors said they beard several EUCHARIA IS ; by the government ad- anrt 8 SISTER of . AL .lOLSOX M IRRIER. nf wives of workmen have to secure - before o'clock, Santa Fe trail." advertising. The tourist is hope of expediting settlement. None the rightful distri- reports shortly Larga municipal auto camp pleased and tells other tourists and New York, Aug. 18. Al Jolaon, of these availed. Individual and dressed the White House, beseech- nutlnn nf such coal as has been the time the shooting occurred; REPLACED AS SUPERIOR, grounds are maintained by the cit probably comes back over the musical comedy star, tonight an- district on tho ing a settlement, alleging that they available In this emergency. There but whether or not they were fired been married sev tenders of settlement no and there Is an were no did not know. ST. ANTHONY'S, VEGAS . same route himself on his return nounced he had part of operators in some Instances knew grievance, legal powers for price by Montoya they eral ago to Miss Alma Osborne, unending of appeals for relief oomrni. There been trip." days appeals for settlement were whol- story has cordial to The Jonnnl 1 of Pa., an actress. where or were In a (Special rirrespnnilne Problem Here. formerly Kaston, necessity suffering many fine EPISCOPAL CHURCH AT M-- Dodged ly unavailing. The dominant groups fields, , 18. Sis- The auto tourist The bride is known on the stage as Impelling, where a mere expression revelation of business conscience Las Vegas, N. Aug. I WEATHER camp problem among tho operators were Insistent com- TO BE ter Leonard! is the new has been a real one, according to Ethel Delmar. on the of need ought to find ready stronger than the temptation to GATE CITY IS superior having district agreements; s. nf St. Anthony's sanitarium, takinir both and Chamber of Com were de- pliance." pront ny people's misfortune. city dominant mine workers .Tust nnd Xeiilral. DEDICATED AUGUST 27 the place of Sister Kucharla, who merce officials. There are several MEMBERS manding a nation wide settlement. .Strike of Shop ("rafts. six FORECAST. "BIG FOUR" - "At every staire tho government "The has held the office for yesrs, privately operated camps In the The government being without au- public menace In the coal the order. Denver, Colo., Aug. IS. New In UPON has been Just and neutral regard situation was made more (Special Corrnpvnrirnce to The Journal.) the full time allotted by city and the vicinity. Some of FAIL TO AGREE tnority to enforce a strike settle- con- acute N. M 18. The Leonardl has been at the Mexico: Showers and thunder these are free to could ing wage scales and working and more serious at the jtaton, Aug. Sister the tourist while ment in the coal industry, fundamental beginning Holy church sanitarium for a number of years storms Saturday, somewhat warmer a is made at others. None . STRIKE SETTLEMENT In tracts. There are of July by the strike of the fed- Trinity Episcopal south-unsettle- charge only volunteer Its good office now erectc-- nurse and In of th north portion; Sunday, fair evils In our present system of pro- erated In being at Iiaton will as head charge of them compare, according to Dr. finding a way of adjustment. which shop craft the railroad be 27 Sister Ku north portion with occas- (Br Tba Associated Press.) duction and distribution service a a dedicated August by Bishop hospital department. McBride, with the municipal Conference Called. difficult. strike against wage P. B. Howden. The services will charla has been made secretary. ional showers. cit- Needles, Calif.. Aug. 18. make the wage problem decision made la- camp grounds of many other Accordingly a conference of the In the bituminous coal fields arc by the railroad be held at 11 o'clock a. m. The The Institution has shown wonder- Arizona: Unsettled Saturday, ies In Members and officers of the and bor board ap- ex- the state which are well kept Coal Operators' associations are directly affecting ful and advancement dur- showers east portion, warmer Iilg four brotherhoods of oncr-ntln- g vastly more mines than requi- Rev. J. 8. Moore of Las Vegas, growth and absolutely free. the general and district officials needs nnd proximately 400,000 men. The Is the six Sister treme southwest; Sunday prob- on strike here was site to the country's of Is who the rector of the Itaton ing past years undr "Good municipal camp grounds trainmen, of the United Mine Workers there 200.000 more mine work- justice the decision not for too. an Eucharia's management and It is ably fair. In In In connection with the shop- on are discussion here. The church, will make address Albuquerque and other cities called to meet In Washington ers than are needed to produce In decision has at the dedication. with regret that the townspeople Santa Fe will men's strike, after meetings 1. of been lost of In arc LOCAL RETORT. along the trail keep July The designation repre- continuous employment the coun- sight subsequent see her giving up charge, but the tourists on this Dr. Mc- today were uniihle lo ugree sentation was left to the officials developments. In any event, it to remain here. twenty-fou- r route," try's normal requirements. By TtFSFJtVOIK SITI S. grateful that she is Conditions for the Bride said. "And this upon terms offered by llio of the various and was always possible to for a wom- hours ended at 6 p. m. together ' organizations continuous empl jyment I mean appeal Santa Fc Aug. IS. A survey Sister Leonard! is splendid yesterday, with good roads, which are gradu Santa Fe system to provide there was nation wide representat- In rehearing and the submission of an Is to the er approximately 280 working days headed II. J, of and expected keep tip recorded by the university: to work. non-unio- n party, by Gault, ally appearing, will soon krlng for their return ion- except from t) e the In Instances last new evidence, and It is always a the serv- Institution in the same efficient Highest temperature St Is to he held. the year. many safe a United States reclamation 62 New taexreu and Albuquerque their meeting fields of the country. Before year men were less than assumption that government ice, and W. A. assist manner. , Lowest Tho brotherhood men want employed of un- Davenport, 22 proper share of the tourist trade, joint meeting I expressed the deep 1fi0 days, In some cases much fewer agency adjustment deciding ant state is to be Range same as that in- will engineer, ready which In Colorado amounts to the settlement concern of the country and than d justly be quick to make right Mean 73 Pnelflc that. In tho gin an Investigation of possible fJKHMAJf MARKS 1ECIJXE. - more revenue between tho Fnlon vited them to meet at a conference any wrong. a.- ' 87 than the combined sections men divide the working reservoir sites on Chama river 18. of Humidity at m. nnd tho brotherhoods, that tho table and end between "The railroad labor board was the London, Aug. The price 74 of the four other leading occupa- the disputes time rnd high wages are necessary and tho Rio Grande. A sur German marks touched a new low Humidity at 6 p. m. Santa Fe. guards lio taken them. The conference did not de- created by for upper .13 tions. to meet the cost of barest l'vlng. congress the express vey of the necessary reservoir sites record of to Precipitation Routed Off away and state guurds substi- velop even a hope. The operators purpose of hearing and deciding today 5,300 the pound . . TrnJ. Interrupted sorely will follow. The of these Wind velocity , . , 28 tuted and sit members of the were asked for district or transportation, between and purpose sterling. Dollars continued firm at '. A close check of the number of their broken employment, the failure to disputes the carriers reservoirs be to control flood 8 Direction of wind South - will 84.48 to the pound, and French different crafts Inspect equip- territorial conferences; the workers devolop storage against enlarged their eninlnyes. so (list no eontrn- walers and afford l francs (L'tiaiactcr of day Cluudyi no, Xwo-i- . ment uihI its condition. demanded oft protection and Italian lire Improved a, jCojiUaujea; ag! judge national settlement Jmands, and inadequate carrying tC'ontinucd on Paje 8.) the lower Kio Grande valley. fraction. 5


LACK OF AUTO CAMP V COTTON SEED TO GROUND HERE MAKES PI! BELffl TOURISTS DODGE CITY HAND IN HAND BE TREATED FOR Continued from I'aea One.) HF. COULD BRING Von must protcet the food TO-NIGH- T Try this recipe for hose Iranscontinenlal tourist for your family from parties Frost-u- p the clinking glasses. Push tho chairs passing tlii'otiKh Albuquerque, is me naocs. at where the breeze can't miss them. Then begin an The care of food in th home made J.os I.unas each day and KILLINGf GERMS indicates that fully one-ha- lf of the evening ot these new Columbia Records, FLAG IB GUIS lias liocomo an exact siiomc. - Stales Govern- number of tourists are passing up The t'nited Santa Fe trail at as ment has had experts prepare the points far to east as Kansas and are the 1 a. the the (Special Currrnpnnilruce Tim .Journiit.) taking Let- booklet pivins public southern route New Mex- Landis Makes Public result of their investigations Artesia, N. Id., Aug. IS. The through It covers the managers of the cotton gins of the! ico, missing Albuquerque, Santa into this subject. - even great-pa- rt ter From Pitcher Douglas how to be- valley, which include gins at Carls- Fe. Vegas and the protection of food, of scenic beauties of ' of meats, bad, Artesia, Jtoswell, Portales, the the Asking for "Inducements" come a Kood judiio and met at. slato as well as what is said to be deals with fish, poultry, Rame, Malaga, Loving (nis. N. Y. Team. f'arlsbad reeenlly for the purpose a great part of the better defined to Leave vegetables. fruit, preserved rr- - sub- of discussing gn eminent road route. foods, and many oilier i," Tt. rres-a.- ) for the sterilization of to J.eo Leaden (Uj Tbc Asnn:il-- quiremeids According ' jects. and i'iiil lM'UK'a. a tho seed, taken from the cotton, mail scout Needles Ohicaeo. Auk. js. You can secure free copy the season. a of these tli N"V our during coming County Trinidad, great part Mar pil.liei- f..r v"'k nf tins booklet from Auent Hfock. of Kddv county- and tourists are advised nt eastern Information liu-rea- Oiants, believed tlmt It he flayed Washington Agent liondurant. of Chaves coun- points lo pass up the Santa Fe trail . I Kill out and mail the on tlie'trnm nn.l pii.'tn-il- ho Oinnls ty, were present. and take the southern route. This enclosiiiK two steri'-izalio- would win the innaiit aim coupon below, The pin at (His installed a condition, according to Mr. ican-e- n - in for return lie. left tin- New I mk rents stamps last j par. which gave is due to the intense be that if trim, Tie sure name plant rivalry conUl not win lite fin. iK'nu'diiif, postage. your satisfaction, but was not large tween cities on different routes ami address is or writ- the 1o n inter lie wrote tn an iiiiii.uih printed, enough to accommodate all west of Albuquerque, one group of ami ten must in- plavor of the National loiino plainly. gins. Tills rear, each gin which is claimed to be behind Hie vhiiit was maiio lniblir. tncla ?v stall a. plant with a capacity to smith muling in order that the , r o. K. M 1amlis-'- cmmiHMont J. IIASKIN handle all the seed originating tourist may not have the chance baFQhall. l'l;i;i)I.liK' there. The oniy important require, nf another route when il on 1h choosing Doim'las, who was Pi Director. ment is that the heat must he equal he reaches Albuquerque. li.v t'"' must ineliffO list Tim Journal In-f- to il,i degrees Fahrenheit, Dr. MeP.ride admitted yesterday permanently r to whom ho AlhiKiucrque as less Giants after Hip play niatiou HiiPMU, Washing- bo maintained at all times, that, while Hie lack of a munici- anil ask"il for 'iiuim't'lmml:-- ' than that will not kill the boll was the main wrote over m ton, ('.: pal camp ground to leave, turned the Ion or i. weevil and their eggs and germs, cause for Hie cut in tho tourist ho 1 1: revealed that had em lose herewith two eents to be destroyed. condition is manaRor, Me sought crop, this road rivalry nn likine for Manat;' r .lohn in stamps for return postiiRe on It was decided Hint a ginning acted us n boomerang to tho whole draw, of th (limits. I'omniissu.m a fre( copy of "fare of Food charge, of cents per hundred state and nlso played an important eomment m dio in th Home." maintained. This will Landis made no would be part in the decrease in the number n,i refused to divulge ho make a. hale cost around $tl or $7 a of transcontinental cars passing i,,.. to whom Do".,-l- namo of the p'ayor Name for ginning. through the city and the resultant wvoto. The letter follows: Ten cents will be charged for of thou- 1 loss to Albuquerqiieans "Now Ynrli, August. T, sterilization fee. sands of dollars this season. 'To Dour : liig ( 'niton Acreage. nrrtriiilH May Act. hut. T wan. in Kddv "f want, to leave hero The acreage of cotton The Chamber of Commerce, It i.n ni. I don't wa'ii is estimated at about li.V11111 tn Fomo indue 1 county indicated intends ami :ii.i,iiuii thousand was yesterday, this buv to win the pmnam of acres. Kiphtoen make a (borough investigation into foci if I siav Here i win w n. acres are in cotton under the Carls- as will also Hie city " i 1 l.iU'h tmrt the question v.... 'i,m,w run bad project, with a large acreage which will probably von see tlte follows, and o! commission, win' Ro i near Artesia. Agent liondurant, of pro- NOW ON SALE Hants "he would win tile pennant y consider the advisability want to. end a mail Chaves stated that approv-iniatel- if you oyer for him'' (meaning McUraw). After county, Albuquerque with nn auto with tho mnl ami I will 4,000 acres of cotton is viding not l,ere the letter the said Jl tourist camp which will only DANCE RECORDS homo on next train. Send him writing pitcher doing 'fine around Roswell, wit iiiMmm for will luiow he was called to the Tolo grounds be able to compete with those , ..... so nobody- smaller iicreages near Hagerman Dancing Fool. Jutt BeouM Yon'r. You. i.r,e IU by MrOraw. Indications now tend maintained by other smaller cities, M PlSLl nt Dexter. Fox-Trot- i pond him I and Fox-Trot- flVVj'm and . ihk. "When left I knew I had not will them to such an Serenade Blum. Rom of s. ... il-- V:idworth avoiiuo. to insure nn excellent crop. Well but surpass .- Bombay fe If ing will ever been discharged," Douglas said. extent: that the camp win soon ot- His Rainbo llUtWr )Wb nnai'tmont Nobody known cotton men have stated that for Frank Westphal and Eddie EMm' Orchestra. rHS the visit to MeGraw's come a main objective i ... i niil down to fishing Following the Pecos fields will average point Orchestra. liouglas said he callod Mann valley tourists. and there I am asUing near three-quarte- of a hale per camp stay on the distance and h 75c so there can t be an long telephone acre. As the staple cotton In ll) Vrffl you this way him to tear the let- - long t,, ov one. Cad mo. up u requested up this section of the country demands OPPOSES A MOHAT OHH'M. :m I ., . . Mann to do Sunthln Alley. ,.,. nnn i Mtbough agreed a income 1 S Asso- vou are enui lio showed a top market price, large Uriissels. Aug. (hy the, 'Neath the South Sea Moon, 1 not added, dele-.n- o Build 3210. and if nm there, jusi pitcher is expected from this crop. ciated Press l. The Pelgian From "Ziegfcld Follies." We'll a Dear Little, Cute I in this right Hue letter to ms , urancii bale of the last sea- commis- Little Lore Neat Some toll Mrs. poualas. Almost every on the reparations to ' Sweet lo KicKoy, w'lin in turn itinuiiira prac-tiefill- v It's Up You ai Marre) nwav. Let me know. Kegarus son's crop has been sold and under instructions from his (J'en Fox-Trot- s. Comniissioner Landis and sion, Fox-Trot- s. Day. no cotton will be in the will vote ngnhist Lewis f.AS." John Heydier, president oi tne bet-i- government, Ger- Ted and His Orchestra. "PHir. nnrt . when the initial n moratorium to Miller and His Orchestra. mm hmkim-- valley picking granting Ray ,i.l i,, urn erstooil lonai six will will he 7 h 73c Jndco Landis 'rlw. former Cinnr declared Aland weeks elapse many, which accordingly h 75c w s not involved star will be done In Mrs. Douglas islthat he was drunk, that he had before any picking refused by the commission. Douglas' plan. annoumi the Pecos valley. been civen bvpodermics and thai Wild If I Had My Way, Pretty Baby, mentioned in tlie letter. ...n., r,nt Tiihfin li I'm Jutt About Harry. li,t,u,.lf nrnlo Fox-Trot- Fox-Trot- ' Daedle Dccdle Dum. s. Nobody Lied, s. T to Mann. TO ' IXT1 ' 'R W S Si AT LEGISLATION Miller and His Orchestra. Ths Happy Six. lpiN AL Ol 1 I IK.I DI II Ray COMMENT IS MlTHIIIJ.n REMEDY ILLS OF h 75c h 75c " BY MAXAUEK HI C KEY New York. Aug. "Shufflim" INDUSTRY ASKED riitchcr barred from r,,,.ir,u a 18. Branch SONG HITS hasenall oceans of St. Louis, Mo., Aug. Mix .,.l)ul "throw Rickey, manager of the St. Louis (Continued from rage One) Haunting Bluet. Mary, Dear, Baritone Solo. Mirth with Melody letter he wrote offering said he had .i. " th C.iants. today declared Cardinals, tonight Lied Thoy Said Elliott Shaw, Leslie Mann "nothing whatever" to say in re- the railroad labor board had inad- Nobody (When 4h toiler sent to was That I Cried Over You). I With There Wat a Wireleta To and laugh it's Bert t fv,,.,lim,l otitfield r. gard to Phil Douglas, who equate authority, other agencies IISTEN ' baseball be- were armed Marion Harris, Comedienne. Heaven, Tenor Solo. 'Douglas said that following the barred from organized of the government The greatest of on ...... cause of a lei tor he wrote offering with statutes to prevent conspira- h 75c Billy Jones. rv.itno tie miciien dniv de- - burnt-cor- .Mt the aiiartnient. of frif idito desert the New York fliants, cy against interstate commerce and 10-in- 75c k comedians shuffling .. 1 Tie !elaring letter was sent to Les to insure m opera You've Had Your ,, ..till tV put to sleep.' the safety railway Day. behind the two detectives dragged lie Mann, outfielder for the St. tion. I Ain't Never Had Nobody Crazy Sleepy Little Village (Where the comically footlights, added that Nationals. Kiekey Is Intention to invoko him from the apartment und took Louis Manager "it my Over Me. Dixie Cotton Growt). houses his de- he was refused to talk aliotit any angle of these laws, civil und criminal, rocking packed with lilm to a sanitarium where Nora Bayes, Comedienne. Hart Sisters, Harmonizers, 6. the case. against all offenders alike." held until, August h Should I Over licious dialect never told he he be- One oilier legislativo enactment. 75c Why Cry You? darky Vpon his release, said, - manager of the a law to permit the federal govern- Tenor Solo. Billy Jones, two lieved Meilraw, of anything funnier than the him and lie "BIG FOUR" TO HELP ment to step in and protect aliens ,Song Pertia. h 75c Ciants had suspendeil A-62- io who was in Hoston where state protection fails, was In Maytime. Tenor Solos. stories on "You Can't Do wrote Mann, - SHOPMEN'S STRIKE Cardinals, the letter offer-jn- advocated by the chief executive: Edwin Dale. Rock Me In My Swanee Cradle. with the as or wnat ne termen 'Till Martin Gets "to go to a fishing camp " FUND BY DONATIONS a result iiiu 1 Cinch 75c Male Quartet Shannon Four, Nothing Here," ho was of human beings, Ihi's was desired, because "butchery Gee I But I Hate To Go Home , the In nt Herrin, and "How? Fried!" that if he stayed with (Nprclui rorrrspoinif nee lo ine Journal. v.i ought madness," Time You'll Ever Alone. Tenor Solo. afraid III. the protests of for- - It't the Lait N. M.. Aug. IS. At a Despilo Ma Clovls, eign governments whose nationals Do Wrong. Billy Jones. do to all of the big four brother- Buzz But it .wouldn't laugh meeting suffered In the Herrin mine battle. is the Bargain Mirandy. h 75c TUBERCULOSIS hoods held in Clevis Tuesday after- he said, federal officials were pow- Dolly Kay, Comedienne. e e :: r noon it was decided to allow a eer- - In situa- evening. Dr. Urns nni poiiu erless to take a hand the h 73c proof ha la able to cura tain percentage of their wages to tion created hy "the mockery of cf the He May Be Your Man. by Inhalati'in The Price Elliott Shaw in his latest ballad tuberculoela go to the strikers' relief fund. local inquiry and tin failure of Rulet and Regulations. In any climate. exact amount will not be known Pinkie, "The Flapper Song." information I Justice in Illinois." Wilson and heart-string- s, Fur further i of when the Rivertide. Edith Johnny selection will T F. fiLASSS until the first September, Members of tho senate and By pull your aildreaa THE A numner LIBERTY Solos. Crumit. Dunn's Original Jaxz Hounds. CO.. MASU.n a count will he given. received the pronounce- Tenor Frank INHALANT do- house and make throat 1.09 ANO I- of the, engineers have already or with repeat- h 7Se h 75c maybe your get BUILDING. to ments the president SLES nated liberally of their wages ed salvos of applause and tho lead- lumpy with Dear," a song BEWARE OF IMITATIONS help the striking shop crafts. ers of both branches announced PLATE VOCAL "Mary, later that no time would be lost in mi of deep feeling that gives full play putting bis legislative recommend- The designer of the You Can't Do Nothing 'Till Martin Get Here.-- ations into effect. Generally, Hie Hot Plate had How? Fried! ert Williams, Comedian, to his rich baritone. A charming address won approbation from nil Liberty 12-in- $1.25 elements in congress, although four uses in mind companion to this is Billy Jones' in- - primary A Camp Meeting At Pumpkin some democratic members were for it I ollned to criticise the chief execu- boiling, frying, Center. The High Giraffe. tenor voice singing "I Wish I Had a D utterances as of a and Latt Day of School at Pumpkin Own tive's capable toasting percolating, Monkey Man Wireless to a full of lour ecision double construction. Center. Heaven", song At the White House it was in- Cal Stewart, Comedian (Uncle The Shave Store. - pathos, of a who misses dicated that Mr. Harding's refer- after the Josh), Edmund Vance Cooke. baby girl to of stat- - 10-in- once Invocation existing Liberty got into the hands h 75e 75c her mother. utes against conspiracy related to of of ' You Select Just What Hie Sherman anti-tru- st law, under! owners, suggestions -j SYMPHONY These new Records At Piggly Wiggly's which the department of Justice al- new uses began to pour Columbia are directed an Tenor Sold. all-st- Your and Pocket Book. ready has investigation: in. Now Sleep, Little Baby of Mine. Parted. (Tosti) of the ar Columbia Suits Appetite of the acts of somo members of Charles Hackett. typical walk- - There are dozens of ap- (Dennee) rail unions who h 7 Son Mine. 98003 Symphony $1.50 Monthly Program that's out today-e- ach Sunset Gold Milk, tall can Vic ed out in the far west. Officials of plications for special pur- o (Zamecnik) 1 50c . .3Pc the administration were unwilling Soprano Solos. Lucy Gates. Dance No. 1. number pound Your Luck Coffee, grade to cases poses where quick, clean, Hungarian flawlessly reproduced go into tonight, however, h No. 1 7c announce- Symphony $1.00 (Brahms) Macaroni, brand saying the president's constant dependable heat Violin Solo. Toscha Seidel to give you melody unmarred by 1 .7.. ment of his determination to en- No. brand is needed. Your 12-in- Spaghetti, force the laws must speak for particu- 49690 Symphony $1.50 scratch or scrape or other surface Potatoes, by the sack 2Vjc lar uses of the Two Little Start. (O'Hara) Liberty Bridal Procettion. sounds. The new Columbia Records will occur to you after Calm At The Night. (Bohm) Norwegian DETROIT INSURANCE Mezzo Solos. (Grieg) Full Line Heinz Products Now on Dis- - you use one. Soprano Liebeitraum. (Liszt) are ready at Columbia Dealers, MAN WILL SPEAK AT But why only one? The Barbara Maurel. Piano Solos. Percy Grainger. to be for Tear 12-in- waiting played h you. play at Three Stores home Symphony $1.00 Symphony $1.50 DUKE CITY MEETING average needs a out the list now. Take in and Liberty in the kitchen, or it Fresh National Biscuit Co.'s (Npfc iai l orrc.ip.inucuce 10 Journal.) Shipment lne dining room, of course listen to this delightful collection of Cakes and Crackers Santa Fe, Aug. IS. The Insur- ance Federal ion of America, with especially in summer latest selections. headquarters in Detroit, will be when the stove represented nt the convention of big makes New Mexico insurance agents, to too much heat. be held in Albuquerque commenc-jin- g At the low price of the October !i, by Albert N. Wold, is The Music of the Masters Fortunate is the person who loves good music. To him Columbia assistant secretary. The subject of Liberty it cheaper to his address will be "Insurance Its have another one in the Symphony Records bring the imperishable music of the ages, whisperings of the great harmonies that Public nidations." ('. w. Harrison, sweep the universe, the joy and peace that live in the secret places of president of the New Mexico Hank bathroom than it is to spirit. ers association, will t.iscucs the take the one out of the question, "Is there any similarity kitchen. Most COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, New York between the banking business and likely, a the insurance business, and in what third one will be very respects do banks benefit there-- 1 handy in the basement or fom?" Hoy. M. C. Me. hem also if THREE STORES IN has agreed to make an address, hut laundry, and you have ALBUQUERQUE has not announced his subject. a car, another should Want Ads Bring Quick Results Harold 1!. Mad Jibbon. deoutv for go roofing ' to the work bench of Bring your 406 West Central Avenue insurance of the state hanking de- the ALL partment, will ( Lcuss the stnto in- garage. troubles to Raabe & THE ABOVE LISTED surance department and outline if Wind Shield Glass-Lumb- er some of Hie benefits to be derived Then, you travel, the or tele- 205 N. First St. 330 N. Third St. . C. BAI.DKIDUK IX ill mat CO, MaugeVs, through of the insur- Liberty should go, too. 131 Soulu r'irtt Ktrret. I'hone 402. ance agents' association with the Or, if you want a phone 305. department. useful, There are now approximately inexpensive gift, there's 1,4 00 licensed insurance agents in another Liberty to be re- COLUMBIA the stale. MacGibhon feels con- membered fident that more than half of those by. C. H. CARNES will attend the convention, when You regard an electric Hie association of ngei ts will he flat iron as a SPECIALIST IN OCULAR Yankee Superior formed. necessity, - REFRACTION , RECORDS but you use it LISTEN! only once 107 & Fourth. Pbooe 1057-- NOW ON AT 4 HEAR THE PRICES TALK HARVEY HOUSE HELP or twice a week. You Lump SALE Special assortment of night powns, only G9c IN ARIZONA STRIKES can find so many uses House Dresses, special 69c for a Liberty Hot Plate Omera Lump Palm Otaves I'hocnix, Ariz., Aug. IS. The every and Leather 25c pair waitresses, chambermaids and day, several Large Oatmeal Bowls .75c set of G members of the kitchen force at times a day, that after LUMBER Omera the Seliginun, Ariz., Harvey house you get one you will re- Egg have gone on strike, refusing- - to it as GLASS PAINT serve n railroad employes, gard indispensable. BUY A TON NOW according to word reaching F. L. Our stdfck is limited CEMENT PLASTER AVOID THE RUSH assistant and pas- HpN'S Hanna, freight and will not last 1 senger agent for the Banta Fe rail- long at the low 117 South St. Phone 917-- road here today. price of $2. Albuquerque AZTEC FUEL CO. First J ONE CENT TO ONE DOLLAR STORES CO. GKNKVIKVE WAUU DIF--S. COLUMBIA GRAF0N0LAS " London, Aug. 18 (by the Asso- Raabe & Phone 251 PHONE 299 321 W. CENTRAL AVE. ciated Press)). Genevieve Ward, Mauger Lumber Co. famous American tragedienne, died "If It's Hardware, We Hnve L. JOE MILLER, Prop. SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS of heart failure today ut her home) First niirl 1 'upper Phono 303If 423 North First Street MhjabateMlaiiiiw iii'MMiaaiiai iiaiaiaaii "A'"- - '' in jtianinsienu. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Page Three.

lt came again with a great awak- RABBI BERGMAN KOKO ening light. FATHER AW SON And showed the names whom MISSILE T SETTLEMENT OF love of God had blest, AT BY And lo! Ben Adhem's name led all 1 CREMATED WHEN RECEPTIONH THE CHAMBER the rest.' And showed the names whom love IT RAIL SHOPS: PLANE CRASHES GOAi ILLINOIS AL 8UQURQu, v. MCA. i OF COMMERCE OF "These reflections, therefore, ALBUQBERQU (I AN OLD WITH A NEW provo that Albuquerque is losing a The AnatiHiiled fret,!.) STORE SPIRIT valuable leader Dr. ISraUlcboro, t., Aug. J8. ' when Bergman Tvno goes. We all hope that our indus- LOUD e; prrxms were burned to STRIKE LIKELY David Spence Hill, President of the Univers- trial, commercial and agricultural SI death and a, a woman, enterprises may prosper. We must piiihahly family humeri late of New Delivers Ad- have more more farms, today when an airplane crash- ity Mexico, Opening buildings, ed Thff Atthiirlnrcn more railroads, more visible wealth, No Damage Is Done in Mys- dining the dedication or 11 llf rrrsO new IS the A To make our August Clearance Sale continue to dress in Appreciation of Rabbi Who Will but after all, that which makes any terious Affair lljing field ben.. The Chicago. Aug. (by great, is manhood. Last Night; three ere passengers In a dated With eac h side i be the same big success as on the day, country genuine a Press.) opening Soon Leave for Los In South America where the Pa- Officers Think Was machine piloted by u. confidence that confer- each add while merchandise Angeles. Object or L. we will day worth cific ocean breaks its rolling surge Hughes Mlncola, I., who ences were held here will at the foot nf the loftv Andes to escaped, with minor being at reductions. Read item there Scare Workers. Injuries in great price every Large numbers of Alhuqucr-quean- s fore God and the Father is this, (remain massive, crumbling ruins Tin' dead are .lames Tralinn eventually result settlement of sure to find what wanted and lil-- you are just you attended the reception giv- to visit the fatherless and widow of tho Inca civilization. In the A bomb, apparently of a of 1 i city and Ij.s tho Illinois coal miners' sti-,1;- ' deserts of the in in sun, Illi- at a saving. en by the Chamber of Commerce in their affliction, and to keen east, Egypt, type, was tiirown over the .iirniaii. representatives of the three great t- v, Miss or Hrat-llrhe- last him.nif -, Babylonia and in India the re Fc i:elyn Harris nois ami night honoring Rabbi Moise mains of of stockade surrounding tho Santa so operators' organizations As teacher. Dr. reminds temples, palaces, and In ft Has hurtled severely the miners' union to re Bergman, who has been active In Bergman of shops about 11:30 o'clock that it prepared the of me forcibly of that Hebrew gigantic acqueducts tell nations offi- Has said tonight she sume their meeting tomorrow Willi affairs the chamber and the great which have been from ex- night. According to peace will die. for educator Gamaliel at whoso feet swept cers who ller brother, I'vcil assurance that definite city many years and who has All of made an investigation H. I proposals the Apostle Paul was to claim istence. that truly remain bomb was Harris, president or ho will be submitted. resigned as rabbi of Temple Albert proud theso cities and nations immediately after tiio Outinir Hub. who was 29c and vill soon An a place. It was Gamaliel, a doctor departed, no trace of the misslu la The conference, called at tin PLAIN AND FANCY VOILES, leave for Los whether in South America or in thrown, or I lie w it- of the law and of could be no charge exercises, suggestion of Frank Karrlngton of geles where lie will make his fu reputation the Far are the names and found, and damage nessed the an- ture home. among his people, who at an im- East, was done. accident from the Illinois miners, adjourned to- VALUES TO 75c aside thoughts of a few great men whoso other ir.rplane, 2.30(1 feet In. to allow miners to Aside from being the head of pending riot calmly put Paul words and deeds have made The explosion made a tTrific day the prepare a little space and elo- their was in (lie ui: Tho crash onino to the operators. To Temple Albert In Albuquerque, Dr, speaking countries noise that heard plainly when In proposals To all who big values, our to immortal, Albuquerque sections-o- f liuir planes were tho was that people appreciate Bergman has had charge of the quently his for future and the southern the city. night it learned definitely cautioned toleration and its abiding great- ob- nlr perlermliig "stunts" as tin; the will insist Clearance of voiles will be news. bufenu of charities; has been an patience ness needs lore men like Railway oflicials believe the final miners that the August good with Bergman, bomb-throwe- to feature of the dedication in active worker in the Chamber of and an open ear and mind, the ject of tho was operators accept practically Included in this assortment is our entire line of such effect that Injustice and vio- teacher, preacher, philanthro- the workers in (he shops. program. full the terms of the agreement Commerce and has been Identified pist and courageous leader men frighten (invmior .Tames llartncss of and plain colored French voiles. with almost every and lence were prevented. Dr. Berg- who make for the of This was unsuccessful, they state, reaehed between operators and fancy printed uplifting man, like his ancient permanence as the men were not scared or in Vermont, who had given an at Cleve 10 moral development project in the predecessor, society, whatever be their voca- address miners representatives inches wide, in all the desirable shades; light stands always ready for fair dis- any way disturbed. at the evereises, was land. city. as as tion. We are gathered here, there- a witness of the accident when and dark patterns. The city's and the Chamber of cussion and fair play, well not to our re- A deputy United States marshal for and fore, merely express on South Second street, it, occurred In full view of Commerce's appreciation of Rabbi scholarship eloquence spect for our friend and our ad- posted crowd Moise was "To all'citizens, whether they bo near Cromwell avenue, saw a car of several thousand Bergman delivered In a miration for his qualities of char- persons assembled for dedica- fliACOUND TU&i address David Protestant, Catholic, or Jew, Dr. his but without lights stop in the road for striking by Ppenee is best known acter and achievements, he saw a tion SWISS ORGANDY, 59c TISSUE GINGHAMS 35c Hill, president of the state univer- Bergman probably also to felicitate that community a few moments. Then to Dr. as a leader in civic betterment, la mntnh Itfy'.Uert US TllOIIErh to Silt "Stoffels" $1.00 value sity which Bergman replied there to which he goes In his prime, and oOc fine tissue that Inasmuch as his work had these present, thrilling days where we know he will continue to a cigarette. The car started quickly PROSECUTION RESTS COURT fin- quality aro many persons who. as reform ana ran ciosc 10 mm imported permanent in small been of a public nature, none of it con uphold standards of morality and uie lence, IN THE gingham, plaid could have been ers, crusaders, and censors of saw nn object, smoking, CASE OF 36 - ish organdy in rose, pop- accomplished to civic justice." tho nlr. Then he ft effects, beautiful color without the close of duct, aspire recognized flying through ALLEGED KLANSMEN HOUSE- py red, mais, cop-e- n leadershii) but who fall, borne heard an explosion. Tiie car con jade, combinations. all Albuquerqueans, and that to of lack of and cornflower. them the for times they fail because tinued south on Second street. The belonged real praise sometimes because of Oi (lit The AsKoi'blecl Bert H. Calkins has filed suit, intelligence, T BAYARD IS bomb went over the fence south Los I're.) accomplishment. absence of a true courage which is the store house. Angclf-i:- Aug. IS. The asking for a judgment for $."13 40c PAY DAY CLOTH On behalf of the directors of the but prosecution rested It m case from the of Kstancia. The UNBLEACHED MUSLIN Mar-ro- something more than physical, Santa Fe officer I,ouis Beacn. today city Chamber of Commerce, O. N. fail- lifi defendants. is 29c more frequently because of the Deputy Sheriff Charles Banghart against alleged claim said to be due for services 15c a director, bestowed upon the altruism offi members of the Ku Klux Klan, on rendered at Kstancia in connection of honor a resolution of tho ure to possess that golden and several Santa Fe special One of mus- 32 27 guest or unselfishness, which is temper BEST APPEARING cers and marshals made an trial in the superior court here on with the new sewer system which the greatest and inch widths, chamber in s. deputy directorate apprecia- ed with the conservation of one felony charges nricing from a raid was recently laid. lin sales we have been fast colors in tion of the rabbi's work in the city. investigation. in stripes, forces for the good of humanity. Inglcwood last April. Mr. Calkins was engineer for the to The resolution was beautifully has manifested The indictment against W. O. work. able offer this year; plaids and plain, light, hand and emblazoned However, Bergman Is- painted with in our midst combined intelligence. S TEAM Moll, one of the oil defendants, Joe M. Escobedo filed suit yes- good fine quality Sea medium and dark shades pictures of New Mexico flowers, intelli- 111 was dismissed on motion of the in the court, seek- Mrs. courage, and altruism, rus POLISH 15 terday district land cotton, 40 inches Good for child- the work of Howard Gruehl. discloses a keen to ad- - defense, the prosecution ing a divorce from Vicente J). quality Short talks were Max gence ability Hi! agreeing given by Just his mind to tho demands of that there was no evidence on Kseobcdo. wide. ren's dresses, etc. Xordhaus. Captain Dick Guest, of new situations as which to bold Moll. the Salvation and crucial win Workout Yesterday Before .Mari'iago License. Army: George Klock, as of knowledge The defense also made motions , Limuarda Jaramillo. San Tgna-cln- ; Dr. W. G. in the acquisition Hope, A. T,. Martin, and a broad scholarship. His Rain Shows Grays Have INCREASED DUE to dismiss tho Indictment as to Miguel Sanchez, San Ignacio. Francis K. .Wood and Mrs. A. W. R. proved courage is not spoiled by Hard Game William Coburn, former grand Isabel Villard, Chicago; C. A. $4.00 SILK LACE $1.98 Strumnuist, state president of the at one extreme or Antagonists; goblin and (I. W, I'rice, former Midas, Chicago. FLOUNCING, W. C. T. 1 fear at the other. of tho klun. The A- by anxiety or Two king kleaglo Roberta Pauline McMillen, 36-inc- TTill's ex- .Today, Sunday. of h President Address. His altruism has had practical TO NIC court took these motions under ad- lbuquerque: Nathaniel Reynolds. Clean up all lace flouncing and Span- President HIU's in ap- address pression rather than by mere visement until Monday. Albuquerque. ish suitable for wear and street! preciation of Rabbi fol- one Rain was the winner yesterday lace, evening Bergman speaking or writing, and every afternoon at Barelas defeat- lows: a 'friend of humanity' park, dresses. White, copper, and African brown. knows what ing Fort the and a Tllfl "The man whom we are gath- Dr. has been while living Bayard, Grays (By AHnrliitcd Prs.) ered to honor this and Bergman good sized crowd, Warsaw, Aug. 18 (by the Asso- - evening by in Albuquerque. Dan honoring give expression to tho sentiment Tadilla dealt out rain cinted Press.) Poland's army, "Perhaps the implied checks and announced a 250. 0U0 best Instincts in ourselves, Is dif In poem aoouc that game which normally numbers ECc LONGCLOTH, 29c PAJAMA CHECKS, 25c that old, familiar would be afternoon increased to 300,-- ; ficult of description, because of Abou Ben Adhem Is applicable to played this at troops, is being 3 o'clock, a game Sunday morning duo to the of Russian Ills versatility and manifold activ- our friend. The poem reads thus: 000, presence Extra 3(5 36 inch ities. at 10 o'clock, and the third con- forces on the Pclish frontier. The fine quality of wide pajama test Sunday afternoon at 2:45. of the soviet it SALE! inch FIRE a "The Jews know him as a rabbi Adhem his tribe strength divisions, long cloth, fine checks; ma- "Abou Ben (may Those who have season tickets increased splendid and teacher, inspiring men with Increase! ) for is reported, has been the series are asked to use the Sat to AT chamois finish, for terial, regular 33c qual- zeal toward their Creator; the Awoke one night from a deep from 10,000 30,000. etc. great order of Elks know him as dream of peace, urday coupons this afternoon, the Reports also have been received gowns, lingerie, ity. Special for August its exalted the Masons the of rrlday coupons Sunday morning, here that Moscow has been rank- - Clearance past ruler; And saw, within moonlight and the I Sale, 2oc. have received him as a man whole his . regular Sunday coupons lng attempts to obtain military room, afternoon. in the in body and mind; business men Making it rich, and like a lily In Sunday supplies and explosives BLACK SATEEN, 35c know him as a director of the A Good Workout. United States, but without success. bloom, That the crowd would have seen 40c BLUE Chamber of Commerce; the unfor- An angel writing In a book of It is believed by Polish military STILL OH TODAY 50c Extra DENIM, 29c tunate, overwhelmed sickness a good game was Bhown by the authorities that the soviet govern- heavy duality by gold: workout of both teams. to obtain sat- or poverty or Injustice br sin, have Exceeding peace had made Ben spirited ment is also attempting highly mercerized Mill lengths, heavy blue known him as tho of char- The Fort Bayard boys demonstrat- supplies from tho t'zecho-Slo-vakia- n director Adhem bold, ed business was tremendous all een, 33 inch; good qual- denim; fast colors, suit- ities of the. city of Albuquerque And to the presence in the room he that they have a fast bunch of plants. Although and we know him as a fellow, fielders. Their pitchers, warming ity for bloomers, men's able for men's and boys' good said, on the uncorked some day yesterday, thousands advant- a true friend and a sterling man. 'What writest thou?' The vision up sidelines, IRELAND HAS NOT YET! taking shirts, etc. wear. "As a rabbi, bearing the heavy rais'd its head, wonderful speed and curves. of the to them- responsibilities of a congregation And with a look made of all sweet men were right on their REACHED THE STAGE 0F! age opportunity supply the toes. Rod Ervin, who waB sched- with that people who through accord, SENSE-PHEL- selves with centuries have retained Intact Answer'd, 'The names of those who uled to pitch for the Grays, was COMMON AW those marvelous qualities of the love the Lord;' in unusually good form. He will $3.95 GOWNS AND $2.98 Jewish people, he served both as 'And is mine one?' said Abou. 'Nay, pitch today's game, and Roberto (By The Atmiclnted t'rrM.) TEDDIES, and as teacher. As n not so.' and Teller will work in the Sun- Hoboken, N. J.. Aug. is. For- religionist contests. .lames ancy ummt religionist Rabbi Bergman has Replied the angel. Abou spoke day mer United States Senator Genuine Philippine hand embroidered and hand not so much tho spirit more low, The following Is the probable D. Phelan of California returned exemplified line-u- p sewn gowns and embroidered on fine theo- But and said, 'I this afternoon: today from ;i ten months' trip Teddies; of a contending, quibbling cheerly still; pray which he 28 anned Goods logian, as he has shown the spirit thee; then, Fort Bayard Cohen, right field; around the world, during ouality batiste; round, souare. and All me one loves his fel Christian, third base; McDougall, said he saw some of the recent of true religion which a great writ- Write as that and sizes; good assortment of patterns. er of his own race about twenty low men.' left field; Deck, ; Joe fighting in Dublin, Ireland, Quin-la- n, a few Yet 'of described as follows: The wrote, and vanish'd. The Quinlan, second base; Jim called upon Arthur Griffith there arc plenty Bargains left for centuries ago angel center before his death. 'Pure religion and undefiled be next night first base; Amato, davs field; Dyches, shortstop; Althaus, Griffith told Mr. Phelan, he said, the good people of Albuquerque today at pitcher. that one of the hardest parts of the MISSES' CREPE 5c FANCY GRENA- Mose Irish situation was the CO Albuquerque Chavez, present One-Ha- GOWNS, 98c DINE, 49c right field; Farenti, center field; necessity of friends fighting lf Prise mi Less Gold Medal Flour. A. Chavez, first base; Ervin, catch- friends. "Brighton C a r 1 s b a d" er; Teller, left field; Manuel Mr. Fholan said that if de 36 inches wide, fine second short lera is ever captured he probah.y make of fine Chavez, base; Ortiz, He was There never was time in the quality in stop; Lane, or Ralazar, third base; will be treated leniently. ii the history of white crepe, round neck quality mercerized, Red certain Ireland has not yet reach- BULLETIN Ervin, pitcher. sense. all in short sleeves. Si::es 2 to spots and while, GROCERY The Fort Bayard boys look like ed tho stage of common bargain saks held Albuquerque figures; the best bunch of visiting players where such arc marked down 14. cream and ecru. PHONE 353 that has been here this year. They M'CRAY REFUSES TO goods at took two Be-le- n recently games from BOUT such low these the. in a three-gam- e series. SANCTION RING prices as goods of

(Bj Th Atorlted Prr. I Hawkins store, only slightly damaged by extra nice A NORTH SECOND STREET 18 the MARQUISETTE CURTAINS, 100 lbs. (PO C Indianapolis, Aug. (by smoke and the house- Colorado Spuds WU&O PAVING HELD UP TILL Associated Pres.) Governor water; therefore, $1.69 PAIR v after listening to a delega- Lily Brand Milk (31 A A OTHER WORK IS DONE from Michigan City today, wives of this city and vicinity should take tion con- 50 12 tall cans for ...... said he was still firm In his pairs mercerized marquisette curtains to close nJLUU Dempsey-Bil- l of this and be on Cream Coffee The paving of North Second tention that the 'Jack advantage opportunity out during the August Clearance Sale at $1.69. Chocolate street has been delayed at the re Brennan match should not be: - double hemstitched pound IOp quest of the city officials, so that held. The delegation, which rep- hand today. Heavy thread, borders, cluny per not Post lace 2 pound can J. S. B. too much street surface might resented the John Miller of; edges, 2'- yards long. H(n be torn up at once. The New the American legion at Michigan Coffee lUt Mexico Construction company now City, refused to make a statement. easts sale no emmm 5 lb. tin Del Monte Brand Rasp-- &"t has west Gold avenue West Coal avenue and streets In that section - HAS ENGINE TROUBLE, ..v-L- i nrjI torn and the that PLANE W. L. HAWKINS. HOUSE DRESSES AND berry; loganberry; blackberry jam up, city requested Wilmington, S. C, Aug. 18. Tho APRONS 5 pound pail these Jobs be finished before tack seanlane Samnaio Correla, which H(Kt ling North Second street. afternoon . .' one-ha- landed at Southport this Pure Honey ( The three lf PERCALE AP-RON- Ot past and for fuel will nor resume its flight, HOUSE PERKY PEGGY S, 10 pound pail years has seen the expenditure of tomor- Af In of New York to Brazil, until DRESSES, $1.69 $2.89 'Pure $567,515 for paving the city row because of engine trcuble, it Honey wLttu Albuquerque. Of this amount received so was stated in messages Navy blue grounds with Made of best 12 oz. Jars QQrt $77,742 has been spent far this here tonieht. The nature of the quality Stuffed Olives OOL year, exclusive of work now under trouble was not indicated although white figures and stripes Jap Crepe, rick rack and way. The city has a big paving had tor a 4 oz. 1 laid out for tho fall. Pro it was said mechanics white rick rack trimmed embroidery trim, all jars 1 9 program time hoped to make repairs in time These set in Hear Olives test dates were September Charleston late today. belted models; all sizes. shades. Sizes to 44. Queen AjUL for property owners. In most cases to reach Libby's Pickles, each tho property owners want the pav- OKr TWO MEN KILLED. 7 oz. glas3 . . ., DC ing. 18. Two ( - Cleburne, Tex., Aug. Glass Brand (J- met! were killed when Jar Asparagus Tips, AA R0SWELL ENLARGES unidentified Three New FANCY WOOLEN DRESS 3 cans for Santa Fe passenger train No. GOODS, Mountain States ipl.UU CITY CAMP GROUND over them near Killeen, Tex. $1.35 QC When the engineer first saw the Brand. Butter men on the ho said, he ODC Roswell, N. M., Aug. 18. An track, 38 INCHES WIDE Colonial Brand Preserves OK nouncement has been made of the could not stop In time. Victor Records each 15 oz purchase by the city of all the land east of the present tourist camp 500 yards new fall dress goods, wool filled, in - All crackers and cookies selling reg- A ground, clear to the railroad, a 18,017 Wa Wa Fox Trot. checks and plaids. Beautiful color combinations to total of about seven lots. This Oogie Oogie .Benson Orch. of ularly up 15c; Saturday only jJLUC of a Chicago. of tan and navy, scarlet and navy, navy and -- gives the city possession strip All crackers and cookies reg-- t of land from Main street brown, and retailing extending Decdle Dcedlc Fox Trot Benson navy, green brown, black and white, up to 25c; X rj C to the railriad, east and west, and Orch. of etc. Splendid for children's school ularly Saturday only from Spring river to the north end quality frocks, oz- - Bars of 72 Sweet Chocolate, "iKt of the camp ground. women's dresses, skirts, etc. made Lip-Blu- . only ..ADC This move was necessary 18,020 Hot Fox Trot . Whlteman and his Orch. Saturday because of the greatly Increasing use of the tourist camp ground Send Back My Honeymoon Fox Trot.. The Virginians ' which is maintained by the city PRUNELLA SKIRTINGS $2.25 FRENCH SERGE, REMEMBER and the chamber of commerce. IS, 923 My rtambler Rose Medley Fox Trot Whlteman $1.50 Many nights during this summer, $1.69 the has been filled to and his Orchestra. camp ground Splendid 40 inch Plain colors overflowing with tourist cars, and Dancing Fool Fox Trot. . i .. .Club Orchestra quality of navy, You'll Always Do Better at been forced to Royal col- many tourists have Prunella skirtings, in bottle camp outside the circle of the camp or combinations brown, green, car- ground, of navy They're 75c Each and white, tan and dinal, taupe, and black. SHOP WORKER JAILED brown, navy and tan, 40 inch width. Special ON CHARGE OF BEATING etc. All new patterns, for August Clearance at AND CURSING HIS WIFE for plain and pleated ?1.69. - skirts. i Your A man giving the name of Henry MakeCuticura Daebelllchn and who is said to $4.00 SPORT FLANNEL have come here to work In the Daily $1.50 FANCY WHITE $2.93 Santa Fe the strike be Joilet Soap shops after Clear was the pores of impurities by 51-inc- gan, arrested last night by Rosenwald's 79c All h, oc- SKIRTINGS, wool, scar- Capt. Pat lO'Grady at the man's daily use of Cuticura Soap and Plain and home, 609 South First street. casional touches of Cuticura Oint- fancy weaves let and white, washable curs- ment as needed. ideal for in SELF-SERVIN-G Daebelllchn was beating and They are highly mercerized GROCETERIA his the re- the toilet as is Talcum sport flannel. for ing wife, policeman also Cuticura Victor white skirting; plaids, Special ported. The couple have been for powdering and perfuming. Department CO married six The I and 36 in. August Clearance Sale, AHftUMf.CROV but months. Swyto iMk rw T MtfL Minn: "Oatkm THIRD FLOOR stripes, plain. woman told the officer her hus- nMTtai Da, ta, MaMM "Sold wide. band beat her four SoapSe. OlntffttntKandMc,!(. Tilcwntte. at $2.98. Gold Medal days after MCvtieai Somp ihavw without onuf . .Flow' their marriage. Page Four. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL 'August 19, 1922.

ATHLETICS STOP LATEST. PHOTO OF THE BROWNS; WILL THEy COP THE FLAG? APPLE' CROP II WINNING STREAK f,'''!7;'y SOUTHERN PECOS !&ss,a slice el lemon, OF BROWNS, H VALLEY IS BIG soi?icfiacIid ice and Has Won Four (Special Correnpondeiice (o The Jonrnal.) Philadelphia Artesia. N. M., Aug. 18. F. G. coo! off wit! Straight Games; Yankees Hartcll shipped the first carload of apples from the Pecos valley Are Tied With St. Louis this season. The car was loaded with over 600 boxes of Jonathan for First Place. apples, billed for Wichita Falls, Tex., where a ready market is (By The AHitrla(rd Trp.) found for the fruit. The carload Philadelphia, Ph., Aug. IS. brought about $1.50 per box to Philadelphia won the opening the grower. Mr. Martell has gams of the series with SI. Loups shipped fruit from the valley for is well as today, x to 4. u marked the fourth several years and known vieiorv for he a dealer In Pecos valley fruits. straight Athletics, of their loneost winning streak of th Many other shipments apples season, genre; have been made this season, but in smaller quantities than carload . . St. Louis. ex- a n. 11. it. ro. a f.. lots. The apple shipping is 4 n n to commence with much Tobin. if... 1 2 pected Foster, ?b . . t n I rapidity as soon as the railroad Sislar. lb... situation Is relieved and the prop- "Williams, if. er delivery of the fruit Is assured. Jncohson, cf Hundreds of cars of apples will be McManus, 2h shipped from the Artesia and Severeid- e . Hope orchards, according to the ierher, sv reports from leading orchardists of mi One man to YanGilder, p the valley. expects mm&?m 70 from his one or- Kolp, p ship carloads xCollins .... chard. Although hindered and damaged Totals :it is :t n ! The pennant threatening Browns, photographed recently at Chicago while playing the White Sox. by late freezes and hail, a fine crop x Batted fnr Kolp in ninth. of pears and peaches is being Louis Ger-be- Philadelphia. The St. Krowrs have the times. In the etoud. left to rieht. Leifeld, p.; Bill Bain, p.; Henry , lb.; Walter r, placed on the market. Most of a Ft. k. ir. ro. a. r:. chance of a lifetime to win the are: Standing, rear row "Babv Moinie, p.; Urban Shocker, .; ss.; Jack Billings, c; John these crops are being used by lo-ti- "Young, :h. ii American league They Doll" Jacobson, 1. f.; Elam Van JifcManus, Hank r. f. Front row people for home consumption. II fnant. Marty 2b., and Tobin, Kolp, p.; 4 in Ha user lb. nave cnallcnged the Yankees Gilder, p.; Cedric Dnret, e. f.; Severeid, c. Cenl.r row Her- Ryan, mascot, , Welch. i f. . right to the lead n'i tenson and Hubert Pruett, Lee Fohl, man Bronkie, and Ken and Collins, DONA ANA CO. TO HAVE . p.; utility 3b.; utility 3b.; c; Miller. of. have held first place several Wain c. Dixie Gene and ss. Perkins, c managpr; Wright, p.; Lefty Williams, f.; Davis, p.; Robertson, utility ONE BALE OF COTTON Callowav, Walker. If PER '22 CROP enfhip. S in fi : off Davenport, 3 In in Smith with the run. ACREJN Dykes, ,1b. 3. winning IN Winning pitcher Bush. Losing Score: ay lor, p. Time 2:2b. s (Special Correspondence to Xue Journnl.) pitcher Davenport. Philadelphia. ATHLETES BEST Las Cruces, N. M., Aug. IS. Ed- 1 1 it. ro. a. r.. Totals S 1" (i aii. ir. ward who came here ! CIcioIaiKl. T; Washington, 5. 3b 2 3 Rosenbaum, VI Wrightstone, Me-sil- from Oklahoma to By innincs: Aug. 18. .Cleveland 1100 operate the W. L. DOUGLAS nno 5 f 4 Washington, Parkinson. 2b.. So "St. Louis nn three-day- s' Cotton Products com a series here . . . 3 0 11171 0 0 Yalley n:;:; mil S opened fl 1IIL0 CONTEST Williams, cf ARELAS Philadelphia (its 7 5 0 2 0 0 TIGERS pany's gin, estimates that cotton Two-bas- e r. today by defeating Washington, Walker, if l hits , in Ana will make $7.00 to $9.00 Shoes for Summary, to S. A by Goslin and Mnk.-in- If 7 0 J 4 0 0 Dona county at Men and Women Tnhin. Three-bas- e a bale acre. kins, Harris' brilliant featured. Fletcher. S3 7 0 1 2 fi 2 least an hit Jaeobsun. Haeritlees Welch, fielding ... "In some fields it should be W. L. Score; R. H. K. Leslie, lb 4 0 110 2 0 Douglas Product is guaranteed by more than forty Tiniible Fos 1 sur-- ! Tobin, Foster. iilnys Cleveland ..001 nor, 0 13 0 FROM THE CUBS c 4 0 0 8 0 0 If CLOSE GAME more," he snid. "I won't be years In to to HaliOwav 07 Uenline .... experience making fine shoes. They are made of the ter McMamis Sisler; 100 010 a 7 2 6 0 0 2 4 0 prised if a number of growers get Base on balls Off Washington King, p best and finest leathers, skilled to Hauser. Batteries; Morton and T,. Sewell. from one and a half to two bales by shoemakers, all working 2. out My r. to make VanGilder, Struck ami 47 2 0x40 20 2 the acre. the best shoes that money can buy. ' 1. Hits O'Neill; Kibkson, Brillheart Totals 1; Kolp, 1; Naylor, ricinicb, Giants Defeat Chicago, 17 x One nut when run Rain Prevents in Both "The stand In the Mesllla valley :: 1 2 Ghnrrity. winning Piay We have Off VanOilder in inninCK; was scored. Is as good as the best I have ever Just received our opening line of thes famous H to 10 in l.osinc; 11, and Increase Their 1 KaJp, pitcher Iliwilon. S; Detroit, n. St. .on is. Senior and Junior Boys' Keen at this time of the year, and shoes and Invite you to inspect the wonderful values offered. "-- V anGilder. T;nie 1T. noston, Maw., Aug. 16. War- Lead in Pennant Race; A B. K. II. PO. A. K.j Two Games every indication Is it will make, a ren Coirins held Detroit to 7 2 4 4 0 0 Leagues; full crop." 8: 7. five hits Smith, rf Xew 'iirk. Chime". to 32 Hits Are Made. ss . . . 7 0 3 1 0 Booked Mr. Rosenbaum said it Is expect- loibiv and annbled Boston will, Tnporccr, for Today. Wear V. L. New York. Autf. IS. The New S . fi 0 3 fi 0 Shoes ami Save to n. llornsby, 2b . . 2 ed that a large number of growen Douglas Money. Hlg Name Tork Americans went into a He 0 1 0 1 Seme: R. H. E. tny The Adsorlnlrd TruM.) Bnttomlc, lb .. 17 There was no in either in Oklahoma will come to the Ele. and Retail Price Is Stamped on tlio Soles of nil Shoe at with St. Louis for the American 0 1 0 game the Tictrnit noo 000 000 0 5 Chicago, Aug. 18. New York in- Mueller, cf 2 0 Senior or the pliant Butt Irrigated district this lead Cliicaso in 0 0 Junior leagues yes the leacue defeating ii 0 0 20li OOx S 12 1 If . ' 0 1 0 winter. Factory. ten-inni- S Boston its in Mann, on account fall and a seme of creased lead the pennant rare II II teribiv of tho rain. a came by If 1 0 0 0 aci-e- of Is de- Batteries: I'Hsen and Bassler; Kchultz. In the Ath- More than 3,000 land to 7. while was today by 17 to fi o 1 0 0 Pigmy league, tho Philadelphia, Collins and Chaplin. defeating Chicago Aiiisinith, e ... 12 In cotton in the Mesilla valley this Drowns. Ttutli. first 1 letes defeated tho Barelas feating the 11 and retained its 3 2 3h 2 0 0 2 0 Tigers 1921 408. games Lavim, a 3 score. season. The acreage was man up in the tenth knock- 2 0 1 0 4 by The Athletes mudo inning, margin over the Cardinals, who North, p 0 The stand is uniform. The cham- ed first ball to G threo scores in Hie first Davenport's pitched p 2 0 0 0 0 inning, commerce has on exhibition twenty-thir- d defeated the Phillies. A of Haines, which the ber of right field for his total 3b 4 1 3 0 1 0 Tigers matched in the 28 Stock, at its plants which con- home, run, winning the game. Pnth runs were scored. The pnrao 1 0 0 0 0 0 fifth. The Athletes then came quarters was one of iU'ournier back in tain upward of 250 bolls and also hit a triple, and a single and the wildest seen in Chi- zzShotton ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 with three more the sixtli drove in or scored five runs, floyt, cago in years, the locals jumping and held it to tho end of tho game. squares. Hvho New to Ua-rcl- started pitching for York, off a five run lead but being Totals r,4 3 Hi 42 10 1 This is tho second game the was to leave the to obliged game unable hold it against the slug- 7, for in Tigers have lost this summer. is riff Batted eighth. frankIellacott when he tore a finger nail while GAMES ging of the Giants, who did their i:: Baited for North in four Today. High School plays the pitching. ,cnre: hitting when the local twirlers is- teent h. Red Sox and Pirates play the S. latest to be talked ChirnRO. sued passes and hit three men. Bv innings: A. T.'s. A H. R IT. TO. A. K. Thirty-one- , of federal X.Vl'fOX f, men participated In the .000 001 000 000 012 STAXIHXGS. for judge , , .. 4 0 n 0 2 0 I,KA(il'E. Philadelphia Mulligan. 3b Boston game, Chicago 16. Score: St. Louis lino 000 010 000 02 3 Senior Lciisuc. 1 at Pittsburgh. using Frank W. VcIIacott of Silver 209 K CENTRAL Strunk, ef New York. Two-bas- e Wil- W. L. i 4 Brooklyn at Cincinnati. 'Sunimarv: hits ret. 2b 2 Three-bas- o City, is being mentioned for ap 'ollins. New York at AB. K. H. PO. A. K. liams Wrightstone, Walker. Rcowns II .840 i t . . . Chicago. ' as federal Judge from Hooper, Ranernft. pa . . 6 2 3 4 0 hit Smith. Home run 7 6 .334 pointment Sheelv. 10 Philadelphia at St. L,ouls. Firefighters New Mexico, according to a lb Groh. 3b 4 2 0 2 1 II Smith. Stolen base Smith. Sac- School 0 .730 report Walk. If 1 High from Santa Fe. Mr. Vellacott is a AMKRICW 2b. . . 3 4 2 2 4 1 Tildillos . . , fi .300 . DEAfJVK. Frisch, rifice Leslie, Williams, Bottomly Hitch- MoClellan, ss S close friend of Frank II. Pt. Louis at Meusel, It 0 3 2 0 0 2. Parkinson 2. Double plays Duke City Whites . . 3 .417 Scha Ik. e . . . . Philadelphia. i . . , , 4 1 1 n n Fletch- 4 cock, former postmaster general 1 at New f a Fletcher and WrislHstone; New Mexico Yankees .364 p Chicago York. Young, and a warm friend of President Blankcnship, n Detroit at Keliv. 4 1 0 10 0 0 er and Leslie. Base on balls Oft Red Pox 2 xxMostil . Boston two games. lb .... J. of J 4 1 Ii 1 3. Harding. Judge David Leahy o Cleveland at Washington. Stengel, cf 0 11) Ring. 2; North, Struck out. Junior League Davenport, 1 Las whose name first was p.. Smith, c 3 2 fi 0 (I: Hv Rintf. 8; Haines, 4; North. 6. W. L. Pit. Vegas, Vr. 0 1 5 in 4 mentioned as a possible appointee, 54 7 8x27 12 o Barnes, p . 0 0 0 0 lilts Off Haines, S; North, Highland Laddies ..13 .S87 Totals 0 0 fi. North still is most frequently spoken of, x None out when run Kyan, p fl 0 (I 0 in Winning pitcher S. A. T.'s 13 .765 winning M'OM' 1 o 3 6 but the number mentioned is was scored. JOHN TlJ! x Robertson . . ooo o Time hours. Barelas White Sox.. .600 1 n o o growing larger. xx Batted for Blankenshlp In Jnnnard. p no Pirates 2 were from 1 0 0 0 0 0 P.oston, 5: Plltsbiii'sli. 2. Three mentioned seventh. xxCunningham Bos- Pigmy League Col- J. . . Pa,, Aupr. IS. Santa Fe; Judge Roberts, New York. j Barnes, p Pittsburgh, W. L. Pet. Hollo-ma- n. 1 0 ton broke its losing slroalc onel Twitchell and Judge A B. It. II. TO. A. E. OC'H, J niooiil0 0 1 11 today Barelas Tigers 11 .846 3 Bos- - of So- o bv beating Pittsburgh, to 2. 8 5 Governor Mechem, Witt, cf . Barelas Browns .... .til of for 0 17 11 victory was due chiefly to the 3 corro, has been spoken the Hofmann Totals 38 "7 It ('ton's Athletes .385 mentioned 0 x Batted 'for Viva n In Ib'K'hinS of Prank Miller n former honor, and others ate McMillan. ef. second (lc- - M. 1 J ( s former General J. Sb xx Batted for Jonnard in fifth. 'u"u )"s v';,,s "ul' f'm Attorney Tlugan, n of Roswell, and C, M. rl Ruth, it . Hervey, n l 'II l. , Botts of Pipp, lb . 0 AB. R, H. PO. II. M, JJ. Albuquerque. 1 r :, 000 032 000 3 0 n . 1 1 Boston ll Kehang, Stntz, ef . 1 1 2 R 1 000 000 2 7 2 The Meupel, If XATIOXAL Barber. If 2 0 Pittsburgh ..002 t r, 2 4 Batteries: Miller and Guwdyl Ward, 2b li:a;lr.W. U Pet. Hollocher. ss 2 0 I I 1 2 n sk Gooch. S3 . New (IS s 1 1 Cooper iind Theaters Today Scott, o o n York 43 .1102 Kelleher. Hoyt. p . . St. Louis (13 40 .370 Terry, 2b. 4 1 3 . Tones, p noo 04 30 Grimes, 1h . . . . fi 4 S3 1 0 0 1 Chicago .302 It Ii'1 p . . ' rf-c- II Theater Repeating today Bush, Pittsburgh 30 52 ..'32 Ilea theote, f for the last "The Bride' f time, Cincinnati 01 f,4 .330 Friherg. all-st- Totals 34 S 0 30 12 2 Play," with an cast headed Brooklyn .', t f,fi .4111. Krtig, 3h T, Batted for Witt In ninth. by Marion Davies; it is a para Philadelphia 30 07 .I'.fiS O'Farrell, c. . By innings: e mount picture, but produced by tho 200 002 030 Boston 36 73 .330 Wirth. The Chicago 07 . AMERICAN Ctsmopolitan corporation. 200 003 200 1 8 Aldrldge, p LEAGIE. management is also New York . . W. L. repeating "By Two-bas- Cheeves, p Pot. Summarv: e hits Heck," a Mack Sennett funny , . St. Louis . .68 47 .591 great Falk. Three-bas- e hit Osborne, p l . . New 47 ccmedy. Ruth. Home runs Collins. Ruth, zCallaghnn York .68 .591 YESTER Morris, p Detroit . . .60 55 5 ' ' 1 Meuse.I. Stolen base Meusel. Sac- inou Lyric Then tor After one of the Chicago . .57 in rifices Sehang, Schalk, Mulligan. 9 most successful five days' run Totals 48 1 1 20 27 3 Cleveland 59 5 .508 Double play Blankenship and M- 10 the history of the Lyriu theater, on balls Off Hoyt. DAYS 7. Baited for Osborne in fifth. .shington 54 60 .474 O" leaves after tho eridian. Bao 4 6 64 .420 "Molly tonight 2; off Jones, 4; off Bush, 1; off By Innings: Philadelphia last show, and Mubcl Normand, the New York 0 10 2 001 1 7 Boston 45 68 .398 Blankenship, 2; off Davenport, 2. 004 leading sta. will go along with the Struck out By Hoyt. 2; by Bush, ESULTS Chicago 41 1 0 3 0 200 11 picture. The management is also 1: Blankenship, 2; Davenport. 4. nummary: Two-bas- e hits MESILLA VALLEY MILK repeating for tho last time today HitsOff Hoyl. 4 in 4 off Krug (2). Meusel, Terry, Bancroft "Centaurs of the Field," the in- 3 In Jones, 4 In 3 (none out Ihe NATIONAL IJCAGIK. (2), Frisch. l'ribeig. Home run INDUSTRY TO BE GIVEN teresting Goldwyn-Graphl- o comedy. off Bush, 0 In 2; off Blank- - New Meusel. Sacrifice. Terry (2), I5Y NORM AX E. liKOWX. ninth); York, 17; Chicago, 11. AID BY COW Boston, B; 2. Kelly, Frisch. Double plays It's a Good Ret PURCHASES Pnsllmo Theater If you want to Pittsburgh. Frisch to Bancroft to Base see For Two St. 3; Kelly. a picture, the story of which Weeks Louis, Philadelphia, That young Mr. Bill Conroy, on balls Off Ryan, 1; Aldrldge, 8; (Special tnriMpniidenre "n ,1n'i 'nil r will never die, go to the Pastime (fourteen innings). star third baseman of Minne- Brooklyn-Cincinnat- .Tonnnril, 1; 2; the Las Cruces. N. 18. Common Sense i, rain. Cheeves, Osborne, M., Aug. theater this afternoon and tonight, 2: Morns, 2. Struck out By Jon- apolis A. A. team, will start the Robert C. Ktockdale, eountv farm and see "Ten In a Barroom." Beginning today and continuing until Sep- 1 Nights AMERICAN nard. 2: Aldrldge, 1; Cheeves, 1; 923 season as a member of the agent, and W; P. Thorpe, a director It Is one of tho real great film pic- tember 3, every suit made by Meyer & T.r.Ar.rr. 1: .1. of Rio Grande as- Meyer About Eczema Boston, 8; Detroit, 0. Osborne, Barnes, 3: Morris, Washington Americans.. the Valley Dairy tures of the kind ever produced. will be 11 1. Off V. 3 In 1.-- Clark sociation, are a tour kept pressed and free of New York. 8; Chicago, 7. Hits Barnes. Grirntn has nn oplion on making of the In connection with this picture, the repaired 1 In 3 the services Rincon and Mesilla to as- Philadelphia, 8; St. Louis, 4. Ryan, Jonnard, in 3; lad's and is expected valleys management is repeating also Al. charge during the entire life of the suit. We T. R ): to exercise it. certain how much is nec- and Cleveland, 7; Washington, 5. Barnes. in (none out In Conroy has shown financing St, John as the star in the comedy, have made this special offer in order to Eruptions! Peiitt, 3 in 3; Aldridge, 3 up well at third for the Millers this essary to place more dairy cows on "Straight From the Farm," keep in 2 1 t; farms in the district. our tailors busy the soniiF.nx ASSOCIATION. (none out in third): Cheeves, year despite the fact tin he was during balance of this 2 In 2 Os- shifted to that, Goorge 'V. chairman of "off-season- Hera's Something About S. S. 3. Little Rock, Mobile, S (none out in fifth); bag after plaviug Frenger, According to estimate the human month, generally referred to as the ." borne, 4 In 1; Morris. 3 in 4. Win- first practically nil the cam- a special committee appointed by body contains a microbe popula- That You'll Be Glad to Hear. (second game seven Innings). l;r' C. T. who Remember, this offer is ning pitcher Jonnard. Losing paign. He played only eleven Moore, presided at the tion equal to A thousand million only good until Nashville, 4; New Orleans, convention here Au- .3. Ton lust m well know It pitcher Cheeves. Time 2:36. games at third last year. He was dairymen's times the whole human population September might rtrtt (eicht innings: larkness). in gust 10, said it is likely that a plan now, the cause of skin mptlon 3; 7. ranked second fielding among of the earth. Atlanta, Chattanooga, St. the A. A. can be worked out In Las Cruces implea, blackheads, boils and io on, 0; 2. Ixiuls, S; T'hlliulolnhln. 2. third basemen hist season The new Fall Woolens are blood. get-tin- Memphis, Birmingham, to a revolving fund to in is right in the Ther is no g St. Louis, Auij. 18. Tho Cardi- and has fielded cleanly this year. provide coming every, away from it. Science has proved He has hit .300 for the finance farmers who wish to kei.p day and if you buy your suit now yoii W it. Tou can it. WESTFHX LFACCE. nals today broke their losing Rtrenk Millers and cows to cream to the asso can It prov prove of five win- has a that, the supply Guard Your Health When the cause of skin troubles and 2; Tulsa. 1 2. consecutive games by stylo Washington El Omahn, a like. ciation at Taso. Be Sure T L eruptions is in the blood, it isn't com- - Pes 7: fi. ning contest j to 2 ivory hunters Moines, Wichita, from needs a "Members of tho committee feel Save $10.00 to $15.00 Sioux City, 3: St. 11. Philadelphia. It was a pitch- Griffith young third we have made a Joseph, ers' battle between sackcr. The veteran that good start," " Denver, 7; Oklahoma City, I. Ring and Shanks has Mr. said. "The plan Is to on the Purchase of the Haines and North. The visitors been Griff's best bet at third this Frenger suit and also season. ship milk and cream to El Paso Aa audrtrrophrtutle Kit forUa AMI.mCW ASSOCIATION'. scored their first run in the sixth Conroy will at least have until such time as we have suffi WW PREVENTIVE . Smith's home In a chance to battle Columbus, 4; Mihv.-ikee- 8. Inning. run the it out for the cient to establish a creamery In or AIIrSa utmeii Pr.mtlon Save $10.00 to tied the score. The berth with the Tube ISO. Kit (4 i) tl $15.00 Louisville. 2; 5. eighth Phillies other youngsters near Las Cruces. In another CATARRH Minneapolis, eounted In on Griff on All Dnnrahta ar Co. fi. the fourteenth may have his roster next twelve months we should i BLADDER Biekmin St.. NiwYork on Repairing and the Life- Tndiannnnlis, 0; St. Paul. a a have II Pressing during Toledo-Kansa- s Wrightstnne's single, sacrifice, spring. such an here." of-th- Cily; rain. base on balls and Walker's double. industry time Suit In the local's half. Stock singled coast t.t:agi I. and tied the count on ' Salt 3: 4. Smith's A Total Lake, Sacramento, triple. Topnrcer iiftyrni.i Saving of $20.00 to $30.00 Portland. 10: Seattle, 4. singled, bringing Vernon, 10; Pan Francisco. S. Remember t Every Garment Made Right in Los Angeles. 3; Oakland, 2. Albuquerque and Guaranteed to Pleaie You. MfcLi, Orrs Yes An Angells Skin! LEGAL NOTICE mon sens to simply treat the skin. YT;ST TKXAS I.EAOTT. NOTICE OK I'lXAL ACCOUNT A bottle of a 8. 8. will prove to you Pcnre: R. 11. E AX1 In 8 REPORT. what is happening your blood. S.3. Stamford 101 120 1 0 11 3 In is a scientific blood cleanser. It drives the Matter of the Estate of Har- LATHIM'S CASH AND CARRY . 100 0x 4 4 4 out ths impurities which cause eczema, San Angelo. .003 vey B. Fergusson, Deceased. tetter, rash, pimples, boils, blackheads, (Called end eighth, darkness.) Notice is hereby given that Clara blotches and ether skin eruptiona Batteries: Mitchell and F.dwards; M. Fergusson, Executrix of the last A When theso Impurities are driven out, Moore and Klindworth. will and testament of Harvey It. Cash and Carry Grocery Where You Can De- you can't stop several rery nice things Score: R. 11. E. Fergusson. deceased, has filed in Buy from happening. Tour Hps turn nat- Clovls 100 000 001 2 0 2 Tour eyes the Probate Court of Bernalillo pendable Merchandise at Low Prices at All Times. We urally rosy. sparkle, yoiir . 3 Lubbock . .022 300 lOx 10 11 rt complexion clears, it becomes beau- - county, New Mexico, her final . TlfuL Tour face looks like that of Batteries: Mickey and Krwln; as such Executrix and the keep a complete stock of fresh fruit and vegetables and lM0! prosperous, ruddy, well-fe- refined Wooldridge and Swenson. court has appointed Thursday, the y gentleman, or U you are a woman, Score: R. IT. E fourteenth day of September. 1922. fresh and cured meats. your oomplexion beoomes the real kind Ranger 000 000 0101 5 3 as tho day for hearing objections If that the whole world so admires. 8.S.3. Abilene OO2 10O 20X 3 7 1 r, be- any there be, to the approval of is also a powerful Batteries: and said 109 Phone 520. 114 West Central cause it builds new and more blood-eell- Phillips Clayton; final report and the discharge North Fourth Street. Phone 1358-- J. Ave. That's why it fills out sunken Wnodard and Burch. of said Executrix. cheek, bony necks, thin limbs, helps Score: R. H. E. Witness my hand and the seal regain lost flesh. It cot."- ijctJe to Sweetwater ..013 010 000 5 9 2 of said Probate Court this seven- to fl. S. R. 11 have this happen you. Is Amarlllo 112 21101.x!) 2 teenth day of August, 1 022. old at all drug stores, in two sizea Batteries: the wor Rlchburg and Bailey: (Seal) FRED CliOIXOTT, Tbt larger site ll economical. Maples and Uyers, Clerk ut Said I'rubate Cuurt, JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING QUICK, SURE RESULTS '1 A. August 19, 1922. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Page Five.'

3 if B f f MN Amu mm smsf W llJ H Woman s Al Ii j a ijuiiy. ivMuguzui& ug& UffgiKj til6 SANTA W TRAIN MOVEMENT TEHBELEN BOYS j

H--W- IUI Th BY morR1 1 JANE PHELPS. I WESTWJhRn TAKES I FARM Mil ITflRY m !fi M I.JLJA" DECIDES TO MAKHV ran give me things. I'm sick and l.l.V. tired of never havin' like '"S things other girls; or If I do have some- on CHAPTER 54. thing having Ma act as if I was regularity You Saire "Oh, Gert,' I've got something to doing wrong spending my own Money money." tell you!" Lilly said as they started " i "But, If you don't love him - i i Consolida-.r- - Tipcat .I.:- i:vi-itii- ii Fe Works iwi iiic-- a ivuin, us iiiej "You read too many novels, Gert Sapta called it. ipl "I'll bet you can't all that mush always about loving ain't iKjr. ?. I Plan Here and Clears The tv .M.T.i'.s.udenu who a.e in; k guess what it is." any good for you. Why don't you n HJaaamiii AHtfl ' "I'm not freeze onto George Murphy. He's Situation good at guessing," kind. He'd about -- -rs! Gertie answered in a quiet voice. your be nice hafiroSup 31 lluSSilWaiSI h WOwr I0CG is helping your folkn, too, if that's I althoughs they have lots of hard "What it?" mtihji "Your friend Tom nln't the. what you want. I don't! I want drill and work, which they go B only Len s money He's and At an early hour this morning one who's going to get married." myself. big Al'Vl ;is were res-;- 1 one s strong, and good looking, when 'I 27i i a consolidated train containing!1'11'01" though thoy kit, banta re riesta is ot the state most mcturesnue "Who" last train No. 1 and this ular enlisted men, & fl i i "How do yon think I'll look as he's cleaned up." 'VrK N'W.'iAl night's As Gertie dressed she of morning's train No. 9, left for the For the last two weeks they have events. People from all over the come to see it Mrs. O'Connor?" thought west. was for country to Lilly. Would she be happy? Was It the plan this been on the rifle range, and show "Really, Lilly! Are you going train to pick up at Belen the there are who have never I.en ?" she right? Had her reading made good results. There is a possibility yet many Albuquerqueans attended. marry her, Gertie, expect too much love? equipment of No. 21. the west- "Yes. I am sick and tired ot bound cutoff and that when the finals are out tno This it's scheduled to I don't see Someway her very soul revolted train, proceed will nave year start Labor day, September 4, and working for ltosonburg. s for California. majority qualified, chance o tet- against the idea of marrylng-unles- Timois called his 5 any Betting anything one loved. At 8:35 yesterday evening Santa Stewart, by continue September and 6. ter, and I.en is crazy to get mar- Fe eastbound No. due bunkies "Ked Stewart," the only was in Rut once on the floor she forgot train 10, ried. I always thought he save here yesterday morning, arrived man Albuquerque sent to the camp. love with you. He says he makes Lilly, her marriage, everything although small, is Many Albuquerque people who want to attend cannot because that Tom was there sitting alone at twelve hours late. It was followed showing great enough so I won't have to dance, afterwards by train No. S. interest In his work and is making a table, and smiling at her. Even shortly first-clas- s of the cost involved. Now a and I can have pretty clothes and The two went on eastward. a calvaryman, here's way to meet that cost. We are to look if what the paper said was true, he a good time. going had come to see her dance. Per- This train movement left the Bel' n, although somewhat for a flat tomorrow." and railroad smaller than Albuquerque, sent ten The single item of the. household is for haps it wasn't so could she have yards entirely clear ' largest average budget "I hope vou will he real happy. him? officials said they expected to be student?, but they did not all t:o Rut courago enough to ask ma- - Lilly. Lcn is a good fellow. went on in her able to keep them clear from now for the same divisions. The food. A substantial saving on that item would soon count how will mother along When she "spec- of to caval- - up. your get ho softly. Never on. Train No. 2. eastbound, has jurity the ten wont the without you?" ialty" applauded until ry, two for the air service and one This the Fiesta came from one of S to had Gertie looked more lovely, been annulled indefinitely, suggestion regarding our "The others will have help so well. She traffic situation is for tho infantry. share. I ain't like never had sho danced the improved. her! I did my was for him. At the door Tho situation at Gallup is im- The boys In tho cavalry are all newest customers. She said that after a week's at the you, Gert, letting Jennie go to dancing of- in the baseball trading he waited for her. proving, according to Santa Fe team, plus two; Groce-Tot- school, playin' the lady while you and all trains that have others to make a full team, and as e she that a month's here tired of hand- "I am going to take you home," ficials, the figured saving would pay; work. I'm sick and hand un- been held there have been taken yet they have been healen hut once out." he said as he tucked her ing der his arm. "My car is parked on west. The train and cnginemen in the five games they have played, her expenses at the Fiesta. "Perhaps Lcn will help them. who work west from Gallup to The names of the boys are as f'd- - "Not so could notice it, he across tho street." you It was a beautiful night, morn Winslow have not yet called off lows: 1'iivate Calvin Westfall, the That's Get all and Groce-Tot- e. won't! Ho told mo so. He said he be:-- t easy. your groceries meats at the ing, he laughingly reminded their walkout, but are expected to smallest, but is one of the wasn't marryin' the family. They'll rather, so the can sure dance. is her, as she made the remark, then) do soon. The Santa Fe, by ball plriyrrs, and Add the to vacation fund. Make w get along all right. Mamio goin' use of officials as and He is Hie life of the and in savings your Rosen aid's as soon as school is looked at his watch. engineers cavalry Into a factory we way firemen, has been able to keep not bashful about it. Ho Just Groce-Tot- e and in the fall she'll he old "I wonder if went a long pay for the extra fun want. Attend the Fiesta out, home it would worry your moth- trains moving and is daily building 'weighs one hundred and one you enough so them truant officers for in feet and is.' Groce-Tot- is er?" he asked as he started. "Shall up a better system handling 'pounds his stocking with e this month. von't meddle. Jimmie selling the this kind of work. Crews ara feet and two inches in height. your savings ' and both have to we take a turn through park?" jfive ,:pers, they'll "I'd like to," Gertie said shyly. htkawtt tuTTrr il-- i working east from Gallup regu- Then comes Private Earl itiitz, the help Ma. It's bum bein' the oldest; and an all-j- i; Many people boast that their and auto are it's up "We won't be any later than if I larly. camp's best pitcher, they pay gasoline repair folks think because you In will we?" BY ELOISE. movements westward are round ball and athlete in to the family! But had gone the subway Freight player bills with the Groce-Tot- e. to you support "No. not a minute later. I'll see Among the new suits presented being taken care of. The Santa Fe lllm troop. Then Corporal Camp-- i money they save at the It's easy to I'm through." for fall wear there are several new has published an order in states Ibeii with his feet of ten and "When are you going to be mar- to that." materials seen; Ono of most big do the soon count a month's exclusive The drive In the morning nlr the east of here, however, putting an one-hal- but. he's sure making! savings up. After buy- ried?" 1 to popular is marleen, a soft lustrous on freight and is start t want to It was after o'clock went embargo perishable good on the rifle range Groce-Tot- e, away. I.en don fabric on the order. It Albu-jn- p of all foodstuffs ex- "Right Gertie's head. She and duvetyn mutter for points west cf (, i.o nc of the hiKh point men ing your at the your wait. He gave me ?.'0 to help with laughed comes in many shades in compare to tell talked more than she ever before pretty querquo. jM Troop A. Private Mearl Ward, my clothes. I'm going addition to the usual navy and liase-hn- ll with those of .the month before when he can get some- had when with him. She was happy although a bit. bashful, in a penditures you shopped tonight she would be When he black. French blues und all brown worth mentioning, and one in my place. Len's got almost happy. shades are very effective in this player the old be a in wait and left her at the door he lifted her although this is his first year of way there'll pleasant surprise store for you. J500 saved up! You .lust her and material. REPUBLICANS Interest see me we're married. I'll face, his hand under chin, is a drill, he is showing great n(ler on her cheek. Here trim and girlish suit in is in the job show the folks I know how to be kissed her softly made of French blue marleen. The liis work and getting II v Private .less are hands. "You very lovely tonight, skirt is a model but illi f.'ct and styliBh." Gertie. Good nirrht. dear." straight, plain t is the troop baseball catcher "Are you awful happy, Lilly? sho breath- an inch or two longer than the find he's tone was wistful. "Do you "Good night, Tom," coat is one NOMINATE RERE Und a'so the troop bugler, Gertie's ran up spring skirts and the bed last to get love Len very much?" ed, then turned and quickly the new lon models trimmed the last to and the her of ii i is "I ain't thinkln' so much about the stairs, her face aflame, with loose tabs front and back. i,tn he ninrnmir. He always all and heart beating madly. con- OiKlnw about everything exeep' the He's right makes a , V- love part! Gray squirrel pretty ,- ia r.g r fnat nt trast as a collar, cuffs and tab ON SEPTEMRE Asher Smith trimmings. 0 that. Then Sergeant is the camp dude and the best look- er in the troop. He is in his sec- Chairman ond year of the O. M. T. '.. hut I State Phillips was Hin1? . being bright he learns fast and HouseholdByMHS.MOsroN BURDEN fr-sean- t. MOTHER That Date is Tac- promoted from corporal to Says Rut there is one we nearlv death Inde- Harrv Ward, and IIIXT. rocs, after dealing their tically Agreed On; b'ft out. Corporal MEM! destruction in expert first baseman In the troop. ro save; Breakfast. blows and leaving to Come Back. uiw Youftmc on the wake, content to sit down and Oil DOWNTRODDEN pendents He is making good points Oatmeal Brnn and Raisins. their sM i with refresh themselves with plates of rifle range and shows much Top Milk. or humble It is likely that the republican in the use of a rifle. Corpora! Toast. Boston baked beans state convention will be held heie "S. and H." Green Stamps Add to Your Savings. French more orton not, schol- Russel Jordan is the only man Milk. Coffee. lentils, than on 8, to the ars toll us; prepared by their own CITY DPT. September according from Peltn In the infantry. If" T.ii helicon. ITER statement of Chairman O. L. Phil fur company A, in baseball, Armour bacon Groce-Tot- e to- Beef and Lettuce Sand-- ' hands? of the state central committee, pilches and ham demonstration at the Tressed Alexander the Great, brought lips .and althoutrh he has great control wiches (brown bread). who was hero yesterday from his of the ball he has no outer sup- Come in some. Salad. onions, our isormuuu viuieia, In day. and Russian Potato V.srvnt where The two boys from Helen try Cakes with finm Into Greece, Recently Faced By the port. Devil's Food were cultivated High&nh the air service are Private John Butter Cream Dressing. they extensively COSt NOW IS meet on the, preceding Raff. and formed a large part of the 01 Rent, t day Cavalier and Private Charlie Hot Tea. be- the convention. These have been studying and daily rations of his troops, he Asked to Become Official is boys Pinner. warlike tee of which he chairman and will be aviators in a few - lieving that they incited a name the expert continual heat, discovered porce- Baked Virginia Ham. can Imagine Animal which has the power to years. Potato with Pimento. spirit. One scarcely Tamer. convention dates, has practically lain, while an optician's boy whilst Escalloped Achilles peeling onions or Ulysses Harvard Beets. Sliced New Onion. decided on September S, Senator A with mending glasses thought out the shredding cabbage, but the Egyp- Two bear cubs will be added In potter, experimenting Berry Pie. Iced Tea. Phillips said. This committee will various earths in an to arrangement and uses of lenses for tians worshiped the cabbage, a short time to the city's zoo, meet here or In I'e attempt altars to this vltamine which now consists of two moun- Santa early find a mixture which would stand It'descopes. TODAY'S RECIPES. erecting next week to make its final deci- t hearing vegetable, and served this tain lion cubs. The United States h "A. Russian Potato Salad Dressing course sion. add green god as their first at biological survey yesterday In com- To a cup of cooked dressing no-ma- Senator Phillips would not of chili sauce their feasts. The Greeks and formed City Manager B. H. Calkins on re three tablespoons cubs had been ment reports that regular green pepper. believed that eating cabbage that the bear caught and had and a chopper them from the conse- and would be brought into the city publicans independents Harvard Beets Cook new beets preserved in held u series of conferences here into quences of too great indulgence in the early fall. an Fe- - until done. Skin and chop as the Volstead to do with the animals un looking lowarn agreement. cubes. Make a cream of one cup spirituous liquors, What lix Eaca, attorney, who is in close act not having gone into effect, til such time as a proper housing stat- - of weak vinegar, one tablespoon Ic also be some touch with the independents, to- everything had a k.i They arrangement can made in Save! Stir all ed Save! salt and yesterday that the independents flour, popper. believed cabbage an Infallible pre- of the city's parks, is the problem gether and serve hot. Mr. and republicans probably would ventive of paralysis. that has been worrying Calkins. ami-- , Devil's Food Cakes (with butter found In the animals effect a fusion. He said that Sift one Asparagus was first He said yesterday that cable relations been cream dressing) together the Romans raised it now here and those to be had one-ha- lf of one Asia, but brought since and cups flour, cup wonderful success that in will be in cages at the the Independents recently, cocoa, one with such kept published their intention of sugar, three tablespoons were water which seems to be the giving' r ... M. melted shortening. stalks weighing three pounds plant, the 10 in whicli to Less! tablespoon at Ravenna, beating to a only available place regulars days for soda grown overtures. Boy Dissolve one level teaspoon of Giant Palmetto, and Just how cheerfully the water make one-ha- lf sour frazzle our in one and cups tho Afrlrnn variety , grown at department will take the new task milk, stir Into the flour, and add of not was RAINFALL OF In Libya is said to reach a height is known. It suggested OVER one teaspoon vanilla and bake maue that after having been informed it And Get Prices on twelve feet. Parsley THREE-FOURTH- S INCH Special Today gein pans. Hercules was would have to pay rent or move Dissolve three teaspoons crown with which Icing crowned nfter he conquered the out of the city hall, the water de IN DAYS Articles. cocoa in two hot wa- - PAST TWO Many tablespoons Nemean lion. Fables make pars- iiartment might consider the bur ter, cook one minute, add one was made too lev the food of racehorses ami, den being heavy t 'heaping tablespoon butter and stir when It was required to become The rainfall of yesterday and ic to although Homer's warriors tea was .84 accord- in enough confectioner's sugar with it before a bat- official city animal tamer. Super preceding day inch, make it stiff enough. their chargers of the water de ing to the official weather report tle, Anacreon celebrates the plant intendent Shoup, from the ALBUQUERQUE STORES CO., INC. of and festivity. partment said yesterday that lie university. Yesterday's A.VCIEXT GREEKS MTST HAVE as an emblem joy on highest temperature was 84 de- In whether tne om did not have any lion tamers KXOWN THE VALUE OH But any event, his nav but the men grees, which Is tho lowest maxi-- ! TWO STORES Romans and Greeks knew the roll, supposed mum weeks. Indica VITAMIN EK. vl- could master the for several merits of tho "water soluble at the plant tions are the backbone of the Broadway Central Grocery South Edith Warriors of ancient Greece may the branch of mechanics which deal that Grocery not have known vitamines by tamine B, vegetables occupied of wild ani summer In broken. The precipita- of honor at tneir Ban with the pacification tion (Jo to Broadway and Central 119 South Fdltb name but must have known their places all mals. will a great deal of good nature, else why were Homeric he- - quets. The water department, it la un growing vegetation. derstood. may charge the city enough for tho care of the animals PERMITS ISSUED FOR HEADS U. S. NAVY to offset the rental charges, TWO AND Save! Save! Push I'nrk Project. RESIDENCES Succeeds Where NURSING SERVICE Mr. Calkins is pleased to see the A STUDIO BUILDING tfVi ,c vtr1 - "'r', . ' menagerie erowing. but said ne am T not look for It to in on him so drop Building have been is- Doctors Fail suddenly. He said yesterday that permits will sued as follows: the Rio Grande park project S. five-roo- nc E. adobe be All that Is Mitchell, E. Pinkham's pushed rapidly. residence, 904 West Fruit, cost Lydia Vegetable the committee in the pro $4,000. cedure to secure tne necessary iana five-roo- Compound Often Does That. of mem- W. H. Long, metal is the absence of some the lath and 1210 Their presence plaster residence Read Mrs.Miner't Testimony bers from the city. West Fruit, cost 14,500. is necessary to approve appraisal W. one-stor- v N. Y. "I was under M, Combs, studio. Take of This Churubusco, figures. 618 West Gold, cost $4,000. Opportunity the doctor 8 care for over five years "When we get Rio Grande park, Afafage iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lior backache and .a i,i Mr ftalklns yesterday, "an Prof. Hoffman and Mr. bad no relief from that will be soon, I hope, we will Armstrong, through arrangements with the have Morning Journal, will give dancing lessons for boys, girls, men and his medicine. have deer there. The animals women, butiscrloe now whue tho me the biological golden opportunity presents Hsl One day a neigh- been promised by The dance is open to all, know neither age nor social distinction; bor told me about survey." Prof. Hoffman and Mr. Armstrong teaehe3 by careful demonstration, your Vegetable explaining every step and motion of the dance and can accomplish Compound and I WOMAN VICE CHAIRMAN more in half the time than any other so called school in the west. And can south, took it. It helped STATE why they do this? Because they teach in detail evry me so much that I OF REPUBLICAN part of the dance so tint yuu not only dance correctly but know how wish to advise all IS HERE you do it. Because by this method It is impossible to conflict dances COMMITTEE as A women to try they teach motion as well as step. real good dancer will not Pink-ham- enjoy violent rude dancing. He can take them with much more E. 's vice chairman slowly Lydia Miss Anna Porter, .ease and comfort, those whom we see tearing and jumping around the Vegeta- of the republican state central ball-roo- are generally those who know no better and are not able m ble Compound committee, arrived last night from :to dance any other way. All the newest all the favorite troubles and backache. nere in dances, for female Santa Ta and will remain Our teaching has no unnecessary frills. It is direct and efficient, It is a great help in carrying a child, ,ifinitiv Miss Porter will give Kor Information call Circulation Manager or call in person at Arm as I have noticed a difference when I her personal attention to the work strong Studio, .207 AVest Gold. which has head- didn't take it. I thank you for thi3 Mrs. Lenah S. Higbee. of the committee, Order Your Groceries Here! medicine and if I ever come to this quarters here In charge of George point again I do not want to be with" Mrt. Lenah S. luperin-- Lougee, executive Higbee, will devote much women's From our well filled stock of fresh and canned articles you out the Vegetable Compound. I give tendent of the navy nursing; service, now nas to this letter dirscts the work or 500 nurses work. The committee '"'have will find anything you may wish for In groceries. Notice you permission publish navy In the Whiting building, but so that all women can take my ad- at naval hospitals and dispensaries for next time you are In, the careful service we are always aim- "-- win lilietv seek larger rooms, Mre. Box 102, both Resinol APPLE vice. Fred Miner, on shore and on hospital ships, the better accommodation of the ing to give our customers. PARERS Churubusco, N. Y. During the war as as 1,600 many publicity department and reception readvfor We have more our The White Mountain It's the same story over again. nurses were under her care. She is of visitors. erected shelves and stock is arranged pares, cures and slices Women suffer from ailments for a graduate of the Post Graduate sealIds and burns better, allowing us to give quicker and better service. apples. years. They try doctors and different and Bellevue hospitals is New York CONFERENCE ADJOCRNS. The Insistent nain of a 18 tormenting $1.50. medicines, but feel no better. Fi- City, r Philadelphia, Aug. The Joint burn or scald Is subdued Regular Pinkham's y conference of anthracite quickly by Sale Price nally they take Lydia E. operators Resinol Ointment. Its cooling ingre- $1.25 Vegetable Compound and you can see and miners representatives ad- dients and Norway has enacted a law for 7 remove the inflammation, W. L. its value in' the case of Mrs. Miner. journed at p. ni. until 10 o'clock hasten Hawkins bidding strikes, compul- tomorrow without the healing. Cover the burn Grocery All women to this requiring morning having well KORBER CO. ailing ought try sory arbitration ot labor disputes, reached with Resinol and bandage with g medicine. Jtcan be taken in safety by any agreement. Nothing soft In and providing tho necessary gov- was given out as to what took place gauze. severe burns or scalds ?lfl WKST COPPER AVENl'E I nld us contains no harm. rnnnir it ern mental machinery for enforcing nt the meethfc which was in con- - covering a large surface always send Just Across from City Hall ful drucs. the law. Jtlnuous session for four hours. ior a doctor. r. I n he is assured. The proceeds of the By W. A. DAVENPORT. massed product Is to be divided be- to observe and listen to tween the workers' pockets and a central that will be some- Gold-kor- n Mr. Was Not Americanized treasury JUST Pujo, Probuzna, com- Pujo out un of economics. present has little to offer her re thing like a sinking fund for Why remain Is forced ground revolutionary and Smith would furnish Messrs. Pujo, Probuzna, Goldkorn nor a lumberjack. Goldkorn says until he by Is a will their creed with a patriated . children, but looked to munity improvements and the like. and Smith. purpose leaving that he Is tired working for the foreseen circumstance. But there They erupt the most puzzled American with the They and hold forth these returned ones to give much on the 2:d of this month on bosses and, inasmuch as he has not gllbness about Probuzna that augurs remarkable gllbness Gains. discon-ccrtln- s America Dividing the answer to one or two of the 111 com- with a conviction that tells you how to her. the steamship Rotterdam. They will made a spectacular success of work- for his contribution to the in- Idle it would be to match To pick out truth from the mass The Russian Am .rlcan Industrial demands upon him to find be disembarked at Rotterdam along ing for himself here in America, he mon produce of the autonomous argument with them. are talking of one of contradictory reports of Just what organized by Sidney out what alls his devoted Govern- with upward of a hundred men, desires to Join the forthcoming dustrial colony he Joins. They Corporation, ' the American talks has happened to those former work- of the Amalga-mate- d ment. The eh.mres are good that women and children who will be Kuzbaa pilgrimage In order that his Smith Is a lumberman of impres- thing; ordinary Hillman, president of of different. ers In the clothing factories of New Workers of America, said American would ar- bound for the same destination and Individualistic tendencies may not be sive proportions. The lower half something entirely Any Clothing distraught contentious would be a York, Chicago, Rochester and Cleve- is a stock idea rive at the conclusion that after all on the same mission. hampered by business competition. his left ear Is missing and from tho dialogue straight holding of his shameful waste of time. land who went back to Moscow Is a thousands of Americans may there Is wrong They will proceed to Petrograd, "Me," replied Pujo, the miner, "me spot from which this portion whereby nothing particularly Thus far tho Kuzbas treacherous business. Probably the hold stock In a venture that invests It. Is also where they will be received by the a wabbly for six years. Mo in good anatomy was sheared down to tho organization with the Government. statement Rus- of De- to two and I of his chin there runs tho has shipped 200 such men to Russia. only wholly fair would be $1, 000,000 in the textile mills of probable that he would discover that Russian Council Labor and standing tip years ago, tip Jagged for- been Mo I of a knife slash. You From Moscow have come reports what those textile workers whose sia. It is suggested that the stock whatever there Is amiss Is part ard fense and some of them duly ain't working steady. result gather to to It Is are as as Smith that some of these 200 have thrown Ideals were strong enough to offset will have a par value of $10. Mr, of his 110,000,000 warded to the Ural Mountains to glad go wherever you the Impression that long parrel himself and and In dis- American bred fondness for Hillman Lenine to that mine emeralds, platinum, gold, iron, going to. I get three meals a day; remained upon his feet he would bo down their axes shovels the tho quotes show neighbors. five and voiced loud demands for softer creature comforts, have stuck he has the assurance that the Soviet Is silver, copper and zinc. The rest will I work six hours a day and days able to give three or four ordinary gust This poor badgered American P. the of travel 1,500 miles further to the coal a week, maybe. Me I get my share men a powerful physical argument. car fare home. P. Cosgrove, It out. guarantees holders such stock assailed daily with fierce blasts from fields of Siberia. of the money and a bonus In a year. "I'm to Russia because I treasurer of tho local branch of the It Is Impossible to state accurately a neat profit. the editorial pa,gcs of "Journals of Kuznetz, blowing Each will take with htm or her If I don't want to work I get sick, got the habit young of doing any- organization, says that such reports how many of these Idealists have It aims to put up $5,000,000 to be opinion." It makes no difference to $100 In American food. Subsistence, and when they raise hell I go back thing once," says Smith. "I've are nothing: but capitalistic lies. lis done so. combined with the $1,000,000 from him whose opinion composes the once the Urals are reached or the to work again. No cops, no stiffs worked on the docks In New York produces a letter from a friend of But certain It Is that there have America. Mr. Hillman holds forth bombardment. Ho has long since no glittering promises. despaired of ever sorting: this view "I believe that any capital invested from that estimate; this man's view- in Russia has as many of the ele- point from that man's propaganda. ments of safety as that invested in There Is something tremendously most of the other European coun- wrong with us politically, economi- tries," ho says. cally and without end variously he "It occurred to me that inasmuch Is assured. By "us" he Is given to as tho bankers will have nothing to understand "the Government." do with Russia it might be a bit of So there he stands, mired waist good business to negotiate with Rus- deep In a welter of abuse and con- sia direct. And that is what we did. demnation, conceding that there I discussed it with the heads of the must be something wrong. How Soviet Government. I inspected the does h know? Has not every young Russian factories. They have cloth- editor of every radical Journal said ing factories employing more than so? Has anybody been heard re- 1,000 persons. There are more than cently to say that even a few things a dozen clothing factories in Mos- remain upright? Is there anybody cow and Petrograd alone. They are anywhere willing to go to the mat on turning out clothing that might be the proposition that the country Is a worn right here in America, What perfectly good country If properly they need is capital, not labor. manned? If there Is, he hasn't been "The Russian Government (will able to hear because of the fearful turn over to our corporation, on a din that these bright young Govern- partnership basis, two clothing fac- ment renova'ors have been making. tories employing about 9,000 persons It Is too bad that Messrs Pujo, rro. and two textile plants. "We are on huzno. Goldkorn and Smith can't be Kuznetz basin, will be furnished by coming along to take my Job. Trctty and Seattle. I've cut timber in Sas- his In Moscow to prove that he tells been many whose Communist prin- guaranteed preference You all orders the Government led around the country like circus the Soviet Government. In either good, eh." katchewan and Alaska. I've bummed the truth. So there you are. ciples failed when the Soviet pay given by one or and the first call on all raw mate- elephants to be seen and observed place miners and lumberjacks (these So Pujo the strict materialist my way as a stiff from Frisco to get nowhere deciding way envelope became light. The efforts rials we need. Furthermore we and hoard. It is too bad because In two occupational classes comprising go to the Urals. New Orleans on freights. I've done tho other. of the Society for Technical Aid to may offices shall have the in trade be- this quartet of physical magnificence the great majority of the personnel) Probuzna Is something of a spell- a couple of short stretches one for But you leave the Kuzbas Russia have been a cold blooded de- preference lies a nice blanket answer to one of will settle down to mine and timber binder. Ho shall probably be In assault on a guy In Portland and convinced that some of the terrific sire to help the Industries of Russia tween Russia and America or any other for matter. Be- the latest of the questions that our on a community basis, each worker occasional trouble. You can see another for vagrancy In Denver, but baliyhooing by the revolutionary to resume again an erect position. country that sides Soviet befuddled American admits Is too depositing his individual output Into Probuzna as a business agent or nothing else. propagandists is frightful bunk. For There was very little bunk about the the Government guaran- tho tees our $1,000,000 even should much for his beset Intelligence. tho general production and pocketing secretary-treasur- of a wabbly "I don't know anything about tho example, you gain impression proposition. You were asked to go the about 75 of the work- venture unsuccessful. There is The Return to Moscow. his pro rata share of the proceeds. local, but you have difficulty visualiz- politics of Soviet Russia and I don't that per cent, If you thought you had the guts to prove Said will come from the ing him doing a job of steady work give a damn. Bill Haywood says it's ers applying for passage to the see it and to in America nothing crazy about that idea. Is "Why. just why," demand the proceeds through stay Soviet Government. Each after day for the sake of a a good and I'm taking a ( hance. mines and factories of Soviet Russia there? fierce constructionists, "are thou- community day graft rather than howl for mercy If you will be an autonomous industrial col- certain amount of money and a less Like a lot of guys I ain't got the are representative of nothing but "The plan, if successful, will show sands of Industrial workers clamor-In- s had to accept poor pay and limited and both have with limited idealism. hundred bucks that goes into food, themselves. Without Intending to a new way out, not only for labor at the doors of the Kuzbas organ- ony agreements luxuries during the process of reviv- Moscow Govern- but some rich that's with us belittle their ideals or contradict the but for all classes." the for Technical Aid whereby the Soviet Jackal and guy ing Russia. ization, Society Blackguards. that for me and I'm logic of their argument or truth of If you wi:i digest Mr. Hillman and Russian-America- n ment takes and pays for the prduct puts up going. How different with the I. W. W, Russia and the nascent a, for of "We're the vanguard," says I don't mind that If I don't their stories, at least one observer contrast his business methods with Industrial this community labor, saying boosters for Big Bill Haywood's Corporation, his hair like absorbed the impression that these those of Bill will Russlsi clawing undisciplined it I'm coming back. I've bummed Kuzbas Big Haywood you begging to be sent to Soviet A Partner in the Firm. at the whole men would not fit into nor bo organization, find we are and glaring menacingly from China to and I happy Stein-hard- that coming back to the the well my way Chicago "These workers," says R. M. t, that they might expend United States. "We are the pilgrim don't see I should have in America unless it was conducted more or less platitudinous state- sweat of their honest brows Nothing could possibly sound pret- why any secretary of the Kuzbas, "are known in this Industrial move- on a plan drawn up by themselves. ments with which be- tier. Put up by an enthusiastic fathers great trouble gettirg back to (ho States Industrial crusaders. this article In cooperative, community and even at but And there is no visible Strictly speak- Mr. writer of the ment. Slowly first, brother, from Siberia. suggestion not gins. Hillman has the Soviet subsidized mines, farms and fac. pamphlets, proposition will that be ing they are members of any one the of later In a torrent that sweep they would satisfied with Government giving a nod a cool torles? gives Impression being of A Two Fitted Guy. political organization. We shall cre- taken into the firm. everything before It the workers that very long. nod, but nevertheless a nod to our "And when." yon are asked, "have to "Also ate a great machine that will return own Messrs. Probuzna and Smith America will swarm the great this country's getting too belabored system of economics. you ever beheld foreign labor forsak- Pujo, Seeking the Truth. to the workers the full product of been f. W. or Soviet Republic and there produce rough with us wabolies. Out West In business there is none of the America, with Its highly adver- have W. for six eight their labor. In the Kuznetz basin ing Co- wealth for themselves wealth that it is worth your neck to be an active There is a somewhat different soap box oratory of the I. W. tised for the least of years. They used to mine in there are 250,000,000,000 tons of coal, W, opportunities will not go into the pockets of Wall I. W. W. nowadays. Between you story to tell about those workers Mr. Hillman seeks to divi- to return to a land lorado and cut timber on the Cana- or more than all the coal reserves of garner the humble alien, street jackals and political black- and me I ain't been a wabbly or who have gone to Russia at the dends. The Soviet Government a load of official money dian border. They were followers Great Britain. Six thousand skilled longs where wagon anything else for a long time, but out behest of the Society for Technical to fatten the official three of a of Big Bill Haywood, and Intend to guards." American workers are to treasury. Every doesn't equal day's wages There was much more to it, gen- West say 'Once a wabbly Aid to Russia. Such workers as going risk worker from de- continue their pursuit of the boss they always Peoria to Petrograd union pantsmaker? Is there any di- all their savings to prove to the who Is In Russia erally a repetition of this much. a wabbly, and so get to hell out any- were forwarded by this society, seeks the utmost dollar his labor can fense of a system that cannot offer Wabbly, dickering ' world that the worker Is able to Probuzna is an orator. There is way That's all. This cooperative rectly or indirectly, were offered few accomplish. And that leaves noth- sufficient inducement to industrial with the Communist dictators. Every the will grand and imposing about Idea sounds good to me, and they're glittering inducements. They were manipulate machinery that ing more to be said. to them from now and then Big Bill arranges for something own workers discourage manner. But somehow one gets to get two fisted guy who's told that in the textile industries deposit into his pocket all the It is In Soviet Russia?" a mining or logging area that Is to his glad any fair enough, therefore, to as- wanting to work Probuzna will be to work." under tho Soviet Government a man wealth from his production." sume Sid-n- be the workers for the the Impression that willing that there Is less with Disregarding for the moment worked by wrong back with us in a few months pro- That rounds up the general senti- or a woman might work toward if The timorous worker Is assured the Government and its fundamental Hillman's Russian-America- n In- workers, and he so notifies organiza- In America vided he can procure the transporta- ment of the workers who are apply- not immediately under his Commu- that he will not be digging coal for theory than there is with sub- dustrial Corporation which Is In the tions and Individuals its tion money. Probuzna lacks some- ing to the Kuzbas organization for nistic ideals. There has been no the fun of it. All the coal and iron Messrs. Gold- of formation, and which ap- with an eye to getting the necessary jects, Nujo, Probuzna, process of the of to Siberia. In all of attempt to snare or lure the worker. he wrenches from the ground Is to be korn to bear a close resemblance to hands. thing doggedness Pujo. transportation and Smith are not symptoms. pears as long as he is fed, will them you find a vague back- - Ho or she was told that Russia at bought by the Soviet Government. are Individual business as we know It; consider But Goldkorn Is neither a miner Pujo, They ailments.

seems to bo perhaps, but he had a gray beard was pointed out as a CALIFORNIA reawaken- curiosity. rather and men turned in the street to look a of debt that of ing, to sense the California him Bret Harte's as they would have looked owes who was the first Rud-yar- InterpretationJames Rus- nessee's Partner" Red Dog is men- other Bret was received from at unfamiliar it Harte, When, In the late eighties, d his "Condensed Novels" appeared, letter lively community. any object. in 1864 ho was made sell at that time editonof the tioned as being not far from Sandy Bret in San Fran- These men, were to interpret the State, though per- landed in San FTancisco and secretary Lowell, Harte, arriving generally speaking, Kipling of tho United States branch mint in Atlantic Monthly, addressed to tho Bar, and in "The Calaveras Clarion" cisco in 1S53, soon went to the south- - highly civilized, many of them being haps with too strong an application world on that Journyy round the San Francisco. While holding this unknown author of "The Luck of lied Dog is situated a mile or two of romantic coloring, In literature. which was to produce "American position he wrote "John Burns of Roaring Camp," making a request from Sonora in Tuolumne county. Stockton Chamber of Commerce The Notes," California was to him not a Gettysburg," "The Society Upon for a similar story for the Atlantic. The name is suggestive of the rough had made and is a map has exhibiting State or a civilization, but the back- ITV; of the Bret Harte country, which ground of the stories of Bret Harte. In color the tales: portrays following Harte's Influence, more than any "The Four Guardians of La other, had gone into the making of "An Heiress of Red Grange," Dog," "Plain Tales from the Hills," and the "The Twins of Table Mountain," young Anglo-India- arriving in the land of the Argonauts, was less In- terested In problems of Industry or railway development than in the east, establishing himself in Sonora. whereabouts of Red Dog, Sandy Bar then the seat of Tuolumne county, and Roaring Camp. But In 1889, as a thriving mining center of 1,800 In- habitants, miles east of Stock- y, those lived in sixty places only ii ton. In the region about were the rliiiii-r- " 'itr nfr- The mountain' imagination. rugged mining camps of Jlmtown, Yankee the the streams tops, gulches, silvery Hill, Shaw's Flat, Moccasin Creek, cultured and professionally trained. and the sunshine were there; but the Jcckass Flat, Whiskey Hill, Chinese They were in strange and strong flavor of existence as John Oakhurst Camp, Rawhide Ranch, Tuttletown contrast with their surroundings, for and Colonel Starbottle had known it and Big Oak Flat. In an interview all the trammels and conventionalities was Irrevocably gone. "Gone Is the with Mr. Will M. Clemens, a cousin of settled civilization had been left camp and wasted all its fire." of Mark Twain, which appeared in thousands of miles behind. It was Bret Harte was one of the first of the Bookman for May, 1901, Bret a land of freedom, limited told of manner perfect American literary venturers, and like Harte the of life he the instinct and the habit of found in only by many of those who have been most the mushroom camp. law which in the mass. All said was prevailed vitally Callfornlan In later days, "Here," he, "I thrown Its forms were rude and the condi- original, he was a Callfornlan only by adop- among strangest social tion. The mention of his name stirs tions that the latter day world has, ever in the mind a picture of the old Cal- perhaps, seen. The setting itself was heroic. The moun- Electric Storm. ifornia mining camp with its com- great Strange bined dance hall and gambling den, tains of the Sierra Nevada lifted ma- a February night. In south snow a 33 gold dust running in the unkempt, jestic capped peaks against latitude degrees west longi- of blue. O' HI paved street, and every man car- sky purest Magnificent pine tude 38 degrees, the sailing forests of trees, which were them- rying a pistol. Yet Harte was born ship Vllle du Havre encountered a selves to land- In Albany, New York, and died in enormous, gave the most remarkable storm. The rain fell San Francisco in the early mining days. scape a sense of largeness and great- England. But at 15 years of age he In torrents and the ship to ness. It was a land of rugged can- appeared went to California, when the gold be electrified, the mastheads flaming Skull" The letter with it the off- and life, in yons, sharp declivities and magnifi- fever was at its height, to seek his the Stanislaus," "The rilocene brought ready and perhaps the like giant candles. Strange lights trav- icial was cent distances. Amid waters fortune. That was in the spring of and many poems. In 1868 appeared cachet of the East, which early mining days there were halt rushing eled over the rigging and after and wildwood freedom an of every IS 53. He was in turn a school his first great success, "The Luck of then regarded by the Callfornians as a dozen Red Dogs scattered about army flash of lightning a part of the vessel, Street in the acco- men in red and Montgomery teacher, a miner, an express messen- Roaring Camp." Tho Overland something in the nature of the the State. The Poker Flat of "The strong shirts top which had been newly painted, re- San Francisco That Was. un- boots were in search of mained ger, a printer and a newspaper edi- Monthly had Just neen started. lade. At once Bret Harte sprang Outcasts of Poker Flat" was feverishly for several seconds glowing buried of earth. with tor, and was a comparative failure Harte was asked to write a story for into wide fame. questionably in Nevada county. Once the gold Nobody phosphorescence. "How Santa Claus Came to Simp- and mustaches and The lightning, which was very fre- in everything until he tried his hand the August number. "The Luck of It. it was one of tho most thriving of shaved, hair, Fiddle-town- quent, instead of Itself in son's Bar," "An Episode of ," was his contribution. Was there ever such a town as mining camps. In 1852 it produced beards were untouched by shears or displaying at literature. He began by writing Roaring Camp" lines took the form of in of the No indication of it $700,000 in bullion in a razor. Weaklings and old men were zigzag flying "Salomy Jane's Kiss," "The about what he had seen out the The publisher magazine, upon Roaring Camp? gold single bombs, which exploded with outbursts the of the said is in the map. month, and celebrated the event with unknown. It took a stout heart and Three Partners," "The Society Upon Sierras, and he submitted his first reading proof story, given accompanying of light that illuminated the whole sketches to the editor of the Oolden that It would bo ruinous to publish it. Yet there is a Red Dog, and the ap- a triple hanging. In 1853 and 1864 a strong frame to dare the venture Before and the more vio the Stanislaus," "Her Letter," "Plain sky. after Era, for which he was then setting There was hot discussion, Harte proximate situation of Roaring Camp it boasted 2,000 inhabitants, five ho- and battle for life in tho wilds. It lent explosions of thunder fierce gusts Language from Truthful James," "A type. stoutij championing his tale, and is suggested by the information im- tels, fifteen stores, three dance halls, was a civilization composed entirely 0f wjn(j SWept the ship. This terrify-o- f Treasure of the Redwoods," "Devil's Then Harte established a connec- finally "The Luck of Roaring Camp parted in the story that "Red Dog nnd seven gambling houses, To-da- y young men; for on one occasion, I lng experience lasted for five hours was "Ten- - a left of once an man he was with no respite. Ford," and "M llss." tion with the Calilortan, In which was printed. Within a few weeks a "forty miles distant. In hardly plank is the remember, elderly Copyright, 1922. by The New York Herald. August 19, 1922. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Tage Seven.

' of the - "lfe..

1 Your board of directors has caused a complet eexamination and 5 audit to be made of all accounts and operations of the Albuquerque Hotel company from its organization to July 31, 1922. The result of this audit is set forth jn the accompanying letter from Linder, Burk LINDER, BURK AND SCHMADER and the firmuof public a "mtants to make the Schmader, employed - PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS audit, whose statement sets forth two facts of essential importance to 22 Grant Building ' , you and. to our city. These are ALBUQUERQUE, N. M, 1 The business of the hotel company has been competently conduct- 16, 1922. ed and its receipts and disbursements handled with integrity and in August, " accord with good business practice, i .

2 Because of the failure of many subscribers to the stock of the hotel The Board of Directors, company to meet the stipulated payments upon their stock as the same Albuquerque Hotel Company, " have matured, the entire enterprise is confronted with a grave crisis Albuquerque, New Mexico. which can be met only by the immediate collection of all such pa3t due Gentlemen: payments. In accordance with ur engagement we have made a complete audit of the books and A accounts of the Albuquerque Hotel Company from the date of its inception to July 31, 1922. As to the first point, this board has kept' itself informed at all times as We have obtained certifications from your depositories of the amount of cash on de- to the for and disbursements and the audit of the posit at July 31, 1922, have sent verification statements to every subscriber whose account accounting receipts showed a balance according to your books, have' proved all cash receipts and disbursements a accounts of the company at this time was made in order that all stock- and examined your official records and all important documents on hand. holders and subscribers might be assured through the medium of a re- We can assure you that no irregularities of any nature have occurred, that all cash was sponsible firm of public accountants that the affairs cf the company properly accounted for and that the management of your affairs under the circumstances ft was exceptionally good. were being properly conducted. Let us urge that you notify all stockholders of your financial condition and the need of immediate cash, the imperative for which is outlined as follows: As to the second point the Jboard of directors has caused every effort necessity briefly d to be made along customary lines to hasten the payment cf stock sub- The total amount of'capital stock subscribed is $333,211.00 of which $127,951.23 was i paid in cash and $4,753.00 was issued to the architects for services rendered, leaving scriptions as the same have become' due and we have noted with in- $200,506.77 still unpaid. Of this unpaid balance $31,630.16 was past due July 31, 1922, creasing concern the persistent disposition cf of the subscribers and more than $20,000.00 will be past due before September 1, while an additional $21,-586.- many will become due on miscellaneous dates before December 31, 1922 and $77,279.79 to delay the payment cf obligations prompt payment o( which is abso- becomes due on the completion of the hotel building. essential to the continued of the hotel lutely progress construction. If the building is completed on or before November 1, 1922, the net amount of cash required by December 1, will be in excess of $221,526.20. The payment of the July es- As set forth in the accompanying statement, cash in the treasury was timate made to the contractor has nearly depleted the cash on hand at July 31, 1922, and to prevent suspension of work on the hotel building, $167,207.60 must be collected from exhausted in the estimate of the contractor. - practically meeting July your subscribers on or beffiVe December 1, 1922 and an additional $54,318.40 will be- - N come due within 30 days after the completion and your acceptance of the building. Ap- - Redoubled efforts along customary lines of collection have failed to proximately $45,000.00 of this money must be collected" before September' 5, ,1922, while the cash to meet a, further estimate cf the contrac- the whole amount past due, $101,630.16 will be required almost immediately. To meet produce necessary this we feeLthat all due accounts should be in at once and if neces- 5 emergency past paid tor, which will become due on the th day of September, ' sary' payment of these subscription notes should be enforced. Yours truly, This estimate will total $45,000 and must be when approximately paid R. A. due, under the conditions of our work on the hotel build- SCHMADER, or, contract, LINDER, BURK AND SCHMADER, ing will cease. Public Accountants. Further payments which will become due shortly make it absolutely Accessary that the entire amount of past due stock subscription pay- ments, $101,630. 16, be paid by the subscribers immediately. J) ft We Earnestly Urge That All Fast Due Subscriptions t4 1 For Hotel Stock Be Paid at Once M

It is the firm conviction oi the members of this board that every subscription to Proceeding upon that basis we entered into a contract with a responsible con- tractor which was and is to interests. This beard was able to the hotel stock was signed in good faith and we believe that failure of favorabje your many make contract the cf the notes subscribers 11 that solely upon security signed by subscribers to meet their payments has been due to procrastination rather than to the hotel stock and the assurance contained in such notes of prompt payment to any intent to evade or postpone unreasonably a binding obligation of this of each installment of each subscription as it became due. nature.' 1 1 The contractor has complied fully with every condition of the contract. Thi3 board, up to the present time, has been able to meet every condition of the con- tract the hotel v However, the critical situation which now confronts the board makes it impos- binding upon company. Your board cf directors, in order to remain true to the trust resposed in its mem- sible for us to assent to any further such delay. The members of your board ac- bers, must continue to meet every such condition of the contract as regards pay- cepted the duties of directors and the responsibility of carrying out the hotel ments. We cannot consider permitting the construction to cease even for a brief-period- . i co-operati- on such a construction with assurance of the full of the entire body of the We are sure that not one of the subscribers wishes us to permit it.i to occur. ! stockhdlders, and with firm determination to justify that and the calamity We therefore repeat our urgent request that all past due subset iptions be paid at confidence 'reposed in us, completin tlie hotel in the shortest pos-sib- le by building once, failing which we will have no option, in fairness to all concerned, but to time, with the maximum of results at the minimum of costs. proceed to enforce collection of the same. '

" Respectfully submitted, ,



t v - V. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL August 19, 1922, '

coal priorities may prove hurtful extra firsts, 3133Hc; seconds, 27 Albuquerque Morning Journal "THE MILL WILL NEVER GRIND WITH THE WATER THAT to some 28c; AN INDEPENDENT NEV SPACER. leading Industries, notably standards, 34ic iron and steel, which have suffered K4(gs Market Published By HAS PASSED" higher. Receipts .:OI RX.M. I I UI.IMIINti COMPANY most from the fuel shortage, but 9,45iP cases. Firsts, 22 23c; which are low on the ordinary 20 miscel- . A. MACPHEKSON...... President liy Koot. priority list, firsts, 4t2lc; FOR RENT W. T. .McCliliWHT . . ry while helpful to the railways and laneous. 21H 22c; storage packed dwellings consumers firsts. , Three-roo- REPRESENTATIVES household of coal, whose 23H24c. KH HK.Vf house. Call .t Potatoes Hid"! C. J. ANDERSON Marquette Bldg., the law- needs are likely to Ijecome urgent Market firm. Receipts South Walter. III. Here's a question for 29 cars. U. Chicago. very shortly. Total S. shipments, 707 FOH RENT .Nice modern tour-roo- SO 43d yers: Is the man who drives his RALPH R. MULLIGAN, Eat Weekly bank clearings, cars. New Jersey sacked, Irish Cob- house. 1119 South Arno. Street, New York. car right through the wall of anoth- blers, Nebraska er mun's house in tho $1.651.70 cwt.;' it'OK KENT rut lushed bouse. Entered as matter at the night time, sacked Ohios, $1 .00 1.10 with 10:2 South N. M., Early porch. Walter. postoffiee of Alliuquefiue. and guilty of technical burglary'.' We'll - 80 (n? WO- Liberty Ponds. cwt.; partly graded, 90c cwt.: I'OK RENT New three-roo- entry In S:mta Fe, N. M.. pending, under say it was forcible entry in the bungalow 7 -- New IS. Minnesota sacked bulk Hnuth $L'5 act of Congress March 17, IS 9. time. York, Aug. Liberty and Early High, a month. Phone 693. A night bonds closed: $101.28: second Ohlos, $1.001.10 cwt. FOIt Two-roo- TERM SOP"s 1." BSC I P T ION O 3Hs, KENT bouse with sleep! one 4s, Jl 00.40: first 4 Us. $100.94: porcn; water and Pally, by carrier or by mail, month, A man Into trouble ing city llghti, us. ?5o. In SH.I'l. Chicago got second $100.46: third Kansas P'on 410. yearly. advance, marricil women n 4'is, 4'4s, ' City. for charging U.S. BUSINESS $100.46; fourth 4 V, s, $101.06 Vic- - Kansas City. Aug. 18. Gutter "OK KENT lW-roo- MEMBER OF IHB ASSOCIATED PRESS fee for house and Tie Associated Press Is exclusively en- substantial guaranteeing RECONSTRUCTION tory (uncalled), $100.74 Vic and eggs unchanged. Porch, rjartlv furnished? light, water. not bo divorced. H 4is I" one 2!.2. titled to the use. for of all them thy would H MILL tory 4ft (called), $100.36. Poultry Market unchanged to news credited to It or not otheiwlse To avoid getting pinched, we'll 1c Hens, FOIl ItENT Cottage, ono large room, also the local higher. 1419c, credited In this paper and give our recipe without charge. 9 New York Money. ' creoned poroh, water, 3.0u month, new nuhitshed herein till 1"4 South Edith. Have a smile lor the Old Guy New York. Aug. 18. Call NcwxYork Mlals. money t'OH Four-roo- the time, Laugh at his jokes. B'irmer. New York, 18. KENT modern house", . High, ruling rate and Aug. Copper SATURDAY, .August 13, 10: Never ask him where he has been. furnished, front porch and sleeplni offered at per cent: low, clos- Quiet. Electrolytic, spot and fu porch. i2I East Coal. Give him good things to eat. Nev-- I bid and last 3 cent: tures, 14c ing loan. per FOR KENT Houses, nil ST C or ask him for money, and make call loans 3 Tin Steadyr Spot arid nearby. klnds;fumlshed Vtfil HOP HKPOUT. against acceptances, and unfurnlined. McMiUIn A Wood, ' him think he's boss. per cent. i $32.75; futures, $32.87. Realtors. 208 West Gold No. 2 Timo loans Mixed col- Iron Firm. southern KOR foiir-roo- According to the government Steady. KENT Completely furnished m Of course, he will not appreciate GO and 90 4 to 4 forec.nt for the munth of Au- lateral, days, $20.0021.00. house; hard wood floors; Areola, crop these things, but he'll never four to six 4 '4 Lead $3.75 ifr 5.80. heat. 1002 South Arno. of of stray per cent; mont'.is, Steady. Spot, gust, thrco billions bushels tor new Zinc East Ft. Louis de- Four-roo- nw.iy of any conquests. per cent; prime commercial paper, Quiet. FOIi KENT tiouso and sleep- corn are promised for the fourth 4 to 414 per cent. livery, spot $6.156.25. ing porch, furnished. Inquire 614 time in tho of in Those) runaway South Dakota $5.25. South Edith, phone 140.1-- history farming ' Antimony Spot, this oonntrv. Tho white notnto convicts were so fond of the war- - Forolim Exchnnee. Par sliver, 69 c. If OR KENT Two-roo- furnished house "" couldn t bear to New York Ausr. 18. ex- Mexican dollars, 53 e. with sleeping porches; gas range. 81! and sweet potato crops, too, nrc ",:,t. Foreign 1461-J- . leave Po de- ,"Uth Kdlth, phone forecast as record 40,- - him. they kidnapped change easy. Great Britain breakers, 60-d- FOR KENT Two cozy three room a him. mand $4.47H; cables, New York Cotton. cot 000,000 bushels, roaches arc . on $4.47; tagoa with sleeping porches, furnished, n bills banks, $4.45 Vi. Franee New York, Aug. 18. Cotton fu 216 Cnhirnlila plentiful crop, second only to the is a 7.95 7.96. University Heights Conventionality funny thins. demand, cables, Italy tures closed barely steady. Oct., ve-room FOR KENT Four- unfurnlsh-70- 9, banner of 1915. The, apple For instance it is not to demand, 4.52; cables. 4.52 . Bel- year proper $21.64; Pec, $21.63; Jan., $21.47; ed houses, 705, 715, 717 South crop is forecast at 200.000,000 rat with one's knife. Yet yesterday gium demand, 7.55; cables, 7.56., March, $21.48; May, $21.40. Walter, HQ each. Phone 1530. bushels, a more than double morning we saw a young lady ma- Germany demand, .07 cables, Boston Wool. FOR KENT two-roo- 7mZ yield Holland i; furnished that of 1921. There will be an nipulating a knife as deftly as ever .07. demand, 38.94; Roston. Aug. 18. The Commer- tage, vlth glassed sleeping porch,' 120 a. 39.00. demand. an abundance of wheal, barley, queen handled a fork. cables, Norway cial Bulletin tomorrow will say: per munth. m gouth Walter. O 1.40. Fweden demand, 26.50. Den- "The demand for wool has con FOR KENT Modern furnished oats and production of the 21.60. two cottage, hay. The Hollywood Chamber of mark demand. Switzerland tinued at a moderate and some- rooms and glassed eleeplng porch, latter being forecast at more than Commerce is thousands demand, 19.08. Spain demand, what with Interest on car line. 1218 gntith Edith, spending irregular pace ir&t 03,000,000 tons, almost a million ef dollars in advertising trying to 13,64. Greece demand. 3.20. Po- more especially shown for the RENT Two.r'.ium house, furnished, and a half more tons than were counteract some of land demand, Ozecho-Slo- - medium although fine with sleeping porch, $15 per month, the advertising .01. grades, Inuulre13L'l North Second. raisVd in 1919. the movie slars got the place for vakln. demand. 2.89. Argentine de have not been altogether 36.50. Brazil 13.45. grades FOR KENT lou sTmtti "As says the nothing. mand, demand, neglected. Medium and fine scoured Arno, seven matters stand," 99 27-3- rooms and bath, basement. Montreal, wools have been in rather better KI28-- Cincinnati Enquirer, the increase Phone or P. F. McCanna. Wi' Must Wateli Our Grammar. request this week. Two-roo- of 8.000,000 tons above the average FOIl RENT funlshed bouse.' .Notice, on New England "Foreign markets are reported with of means meat, and but- posted GRAIN Liv eleeplng porches; modern; 30 crop bay Farm.l firm. The East India sales at Pir month. Tall at 7n East Santa Fe. ter and cheese galore, corn niean Tf man's wom- have been advanced from LIST Notice: any of erpool your vacant nouses wttn the City and steers and essential food here Chicago Ronrtf of Trade. Kentemher 19 to August zx in Realty Co.. for hogs an's cowk get into those otes, 18. show- prompt and efficient are a es- or be cut off as Chicago, Aug. Timely order to anticipate the passage of service. 20T West Gold, phone 87. variants. Potatoes staple his her tail will ers and cooler dis- sential to our national diet, ami the rase may be. temperatures the American tarifr. FOR KENT Five room modern house, pelling fear of damage to corn led The Commercial Pulle.tln tomor- newly papered and wood work varnlsh- - we have abundance. We have ed. In course of to lower prices today for all grain. row will wool quotations as Dr. Hurton. Suite 9, Barnett nidg ennnclt of all these things for If the longer skirt Wheat closed unsettled at to publish t h e -- of f nts: follows: FURNISHED HOUSE ot four rooms, and for time n we, skirts sunnla' net decline with 2c home consumption export ...ill ,i lfnlelo September nnd New ork neeces: sleeping porch, garage; opposite uni. ., ' ..Cm'' 2c , Michigan an-!,- $1.00 to $1.00 and Decemb-r- 52 (W 54c: fine verslty; $50 per month. 1820 East Cen. Where on arlh may be found , Delaine unwashed, trnl. nation so blessed as this i .,, $1.01 to SI. Corn lost unwashed, 43iS4ro: half blood un nlher o . 01. 2c FOR RENT Three-roo- to and oats c to In 47 (ft) 48c: three-eignrn- s house with We and "lip, cai h year, the Hi diddle the cat and washed, chicKen house for reap di.ldle, provisions2c the outcome variedlc.from 45"ff46c; two hundred chickens niiimltnl in v.thte of the national the fiddle, tho enw lumped over blood unwashed. quarter garage, lights and water. 1205 West decline to a rise of 43 46c. 4H0-- in-- 12'jc blood Iron, debt. And did we follow the ! the moon. The price of milk went Wheat was on the. down2. upwashed, phone grade Wisconsin, Missouri and average FOR RENT Now four-roo- methods of V.u-ju- p with her; we hope it comes The of 47c: furnished tensive farming from the start. breaking New England: Half blood, 460) home, two sleeping porches: lust d,-- . our fcr-- ! lwn soon. ot 4 3 W 4 rope, wo would take from the drought and the passing the three-eighth- s blood, 4c; quar- orated: modern. Tome 1478-- near of Die na- - hot wave led to general selling. 40 "ft university enr line. tile, soil the equivalent it wer ter blood, 41c K,sea. especially as Liverpool quotations basis: FOR RKN'T mod- tionnl debts of the world. nnj,,,,-,hl,frivitinril Scoured Completely furnished fir pam. )inbndy failed to reflect yesterday's ad -- Fine 12 months, $1.25; ern house with three should be said of 1"" is. Texas close porches, "What worl.l Know wlicre Iort BayarU vance here. quick set 8 In; Areola heat; newly renovated. selfish-- , Prospective fine months. $1.07081.12. 1S47-.- Mind leaders who, through o TEXT OF HARDING'S of available coal when industry is tlement of the rail strike was also Fine choice. Plume to im-- 1 .A on of v Territory staple FOR ness or error, are willing Tans newspaper got the the verge paralysis because generally constructed as bearish half-bloo- combing. KENT FURNISHED Modern, $1.30(5.1.32; four-roo- of! central committee MESSAGE REGARDING a coal and three-eight- clean, nicely furnished this imperial opulenco publican state (I shortage life and because likely to lead to increased $1.10(5)1.16; blood and the Santa Fe fiesta mixed health are menaced altoal fam-n- e HE MARKETS brick with sleeping porch. Apply after- - production The answer will be up. by receirrts. combing, 88 (51 93c; quarter blood noons. 718 South Edith. INDUSTRYSITUATI0N In the centers of popula-io- n. to was snown fsiins tn everv loyal American,". "' " great Little power rally combing. 75"(?78c FOR RENT the irate parties, Surely the condl-ion- s in the wheat market, firfal prices AA, Beautiful furnished modem placallm: threatening Pulled delaine. $1.15"51.20: nouse, with glassed-l- n sleeping porch; heart." (Continued From Pago One.) must The lowest of the 1.05. three-roo- impress the congress (llj Associated Press.) being near the day. $1.08 1.12; A supers. $1.00 also apartment and aleeplnff - - Promoters of tho Dempsey- .nd the country that no body of European continental finances Mohair Best combing, 5o68c; porcUi- SI 1 South Arno. IX bo-- lead to an pur- TEACHING SAIKTY Brennan exhibition lead us to i very might interrup- nen, whether limited in numbers were unimproved and export best carding, 60 55c. FOR RENT Cheap, nice modern brick man-.geme- FINANCIAL 3001"-00- not i a In in .nd here was confined to house, rooms . SCHOOLS. lieve it will he fight. tion interstate transportation. responsible for railway chasing four and bath, front and mes 905 which casts we will be content to "Unhappily a number ot decis or powerful in numbers bushels. Furthermore, AX F.ABLY START. back porches, big yard, shade. South a Wall Street. said Greek Broadway. Fhone 150, Gro Instruction as a part of stay away. If we are to attend ions of this board had been ignored .nd constituting the necessaary sages from the seaboard Silver N. M., Aug. 18. Champion Safety in- orces in New It had been sup- City, eery. curriculum of the public tea party we'd prefer other hosts by the carriers. In only one railroad operation shall be Tork. Aug. 18. The slow acceptances which The Silver public4 schools will the R were rela- City FOR RlrJNT Attractive four room eot- - Messrs. and Bren-- stance, however, had a decision lermitted to choose a course which out steady absorption of stocks at posed would bo liberal, term on Au- schools is advocated by Dr. Ceorge hn a been welfare. Neither small. open the fall Monday, tage furnished. Screened and glassed of educational ' challenged by carrier, mperils public constantly rising prices (continued tively gust 28. Everything is in readi- porches, garage, trees and lawn; no sick. Fnvnc. professor to the attention the de- of nor in stock Corn fields in Nebraska, Iowa. 2233-- J brought of )rganlzations employers today's market, which ness (for the opening day. Both Telephone evenings, 231 North sociology at New York university, partment of and this de- A'orking men's unions may escape showed a to break Illinois and Indiana all received Walter Rt. as justice tendency away buildings have been thoroughly "Safety weeks are good as far cision was promptly carried to the esponsibiliH'. When related to a from the ret. rain t imposed more or less rain and prices here some of FOR RENT New Ttouse 313 West Mc- - I sus- mere of or- broke Rural of cleaned and renovated,, rooms go," said Dr. Payne, "and courts and has recently been lublic service the fact labor troubles. Dealings-totale- sharply. offerings walls desks Klnley; three and bath; large they Crisp Paragraphs in ap- corn to arrive were much decreased the calcimined, planed service and pleas- In every effort that can be tained the federal court of ganization magnifies that respon- 650,000 shares. into-th- porch sleeping porch; believe The or tho executive interest tran- - More than a dozen new as values fell. Oats were dull and and the entire premises put antly located, close to North Fourth alone this line, but the real, v. peals. public sibility and public hitrh most condition. street. 1512 North mode no cap-t- al records followed corn. sanitary Apply First, phone child- - nail knowledge of tho ignored cends that of either grouped for the year were again merely 1.11 7 .T. lies in the c solution teaching on (.cruilmlt.s decisions in other cases, because or labor. One spe-ifi- recorded by active issues, but most Provisions averaged lower with own lives, and organized The loss fires in United ren to have their Llovd UeorKe Sa5 s Great Britain they did not hinder transportation. thing I must ask at your of the gains were of a nominal na- grain and hogs. by the FOR RENT Storeroom the only place that that can e,intellj3 to blljld a llctt f 50u u(lr. When these failures of many of lands at tho earliest possible mo-- i ture. Closing prices: States averages $1,300,000 a, day. is In schools." jinteds to build a fleet of 0U0 aero- - the. carriers to abide by decisions lent. There is a bill to President Harding's declaration AVheat Sept., Dec, FOR RENT Building at 41 i West Cop- -' done the public pending $1.00; suitable for B. with some dn-- 1 for home defense. It w :! of the board were to my t.rovide for the better of to congress that the $1.01 ; May, $1.06. per; garage. Inquire U, Dr. Payne speaks planes brought protection government 83 LEGAL NOTICE Sherman, at First Bank and 1 ap-- i would use all its Con c; Savings gree'ot as he was one now bo interesting to observe intention, could more fairly aliens and for the enforcement of power to maintain Sept., 59c; Dec, Trust Company, phone I. authority builds of is a measure and Mav, 57c. AOTICK OF SLIT. In the safety whether France also about praise tho feelings the strikers, their treaty rights. It transportation the right of WANTED Store room for busi- of the active leaders . - No. clean i Oou maclimcs for the same pur- though had a remedy without in short, to create a jurisdiction for men to work was well .received In Oats Sept., Dec. 33c; 13,492. ness, store room or in St. Louis st.lioo s they 36 c. 30c; State of part of store with movement the lH.troit ,,re to interstate com- the federal courts which the financial community, but it May, New Mexico, County ot window, on. Central or side street close national at-- 1 rrcs8. seeking palalyze through l which has attracted merce. the national government will have had no visible effect on prices. ard Sept., $10.52; Oct., $10.62. Bernalillo. In the District Court In to Central. Address M. H., Journal. o Hill SHU. to aliens Rail shares held firm. Ribs Sept., $9.80; Oct., $9.40, Lela Smyth, Plaintiff, vs. Charles FOR RENT Store 25 tentlon. Surely Love Law Is Inadequate. appropriate power protect H. room and cellar, "The which fcegan In has had his hair cut for "The law creating the railroad in the secured to them under Trading in industrials featured Smith, Defendant. by 60 feet, the rear ot 109 South First, campaign Bryan rights l To the a few years ago Is .the first time in years and says he labor board is inadequate. Con- treaties and to deal with crimes today's session, United States-Stee- Omaha. Above Named Defendant: accessible by alley from Second street. St Louis only common 18. Wheat No. 2 You are Gold and Central avenues. , Fred Luthya in this feels better for having made tne trary to popular impressions, it has which affect our foreign rela- pushing through 104 to Omaha, Aug. hereby notified that a going to result the saving the level In two hard, 94c5I$1.00; No. 3 hard, 93c suit' has been filed at Citizens National bank... , one full school public better as a r'milt of the little or no power to enforce its tions. highest years. against you in 26X1007 of the lives of Average price levels of railroad iai.07. the said court and county WILL arrange to suit tenant a as- - tired if" he has Ivcn leading- decisions. It can n penal- of and above-name- by the of D. ".My renewal (his Corn" No. 2 foot brick building; good eondltlon; room pupils. Ga.cue-Titne- ties on cither disregarding its is a industrial shares are now at the white, plaintiff, in which Hants Fe reasonable are there to Pittsburgh party recommendation impelled by No. 2 5252c; the said opposite shops; sert. "The figures decisions. It cannot halt a strike sense of federal highest levels of the year. mixed, 53a53'sC. plaintiff prays for divorce terms. See or write L. Heyttan. lot number of pitiable impotence Mexican and con- Oats No. 2 No. 3 on the of N V. M. It. In 1917 tho sho.() jU(, Klow T,,at Icrst.jr. and manifestly congress deliberate- to deal crime at domestic oils white, 31c; grounds abandonment rth rtrst. Albiiauerque .prove In Ft. j with the shocking tinued to be 31c. And you are rhildren of school age killed ijroat Hritani reiterates that she ly omitted the enactment of com- III.. which so recently influenced by reports white, further notified that FO't RENT Warehouse on railroad Herrin, of lessened Mexican No. 3 30 31c unless you enter or cause en- was f.O. There was a safety lvvi the debt she owes to the pulsory arbitration. Tho decisions shamed and horrified the production, white, to be switch, centrally located with loading Louis riay country. the former tered your lri and unloading platform. Suitable for and the 'nited She on of the buurd must bo made T to showing pronounced appearance said campaign the next year Ftates. just keeps wish tho federal government weakness and the cause on or before the conducting wholesale business, ground 3R. No' us she will, but .doesn't say and effective' against be able to un end to such latter exhibiting thirtieth day floor 46x42 ele- mimher was reduced to put marked LIVESTOCK of September. A. D. 1922, and basement feet with wheu.-Hou- stoi. Post. . carriers and alike. But strength. Judgment vator, for to examine If in- was done in 1019 and the nunc employes crimes against civilization and pun- 1 . will be rendered in permission lng the law is new and no perfection ot ish those who sanction them. Copper shares, which have been j said cause terested write Box 674, Albuquerque. went back to 49 Py TlM-rc- . playing the role of wall flowers Chicago. against you by default and the re- N. M. her tend $,no,mm XVill Hays Over it by congress at this moment "In the weeks of confer- lief 1919 St. Louts had decided to Mr. Arbuckle could be in the present patient recently, became more active to- Chicago, Aug. 18 (U. S. Depart- prayed for will be granted. of u is announced that helpful ence I m as a Is mid attempts at settlement day. ment of Agriculture). Cattle The najpe of the plaintiff's attor- FOR SALE Poulrry-Egg- safety Instructions RO to the orient. The orient threatened paralysis of transpor- ele- -i adopt Pftjwjii have come to appraise another Call money at 3V4 5,500. Veal calves weak ney is Thos. J. Mahrv. wh ona nnnt. 711 - school work. The results werenot so about its morals. tation. opened per Receipts WHITE DUCKS for sale. S. Broad- of particular and ment In the engrossing industrial cent but eased off to 3 In the final to lower; other classes generally office address is Albuquerque. N. M. way. rinick and In 1020 only: Birmingham "Happily It Is always lawful of which it is to startling. ofttmes to settlo dispute only fair hour. Time money rates were un- steady. Top beef steers. $10.75; toeaij j. jiED CROLLOTT, IFOR SALE White Leghorn Hens. 710 20 children of school ag" met possible disputes take It is In some de- and West - outside, of so, in a desire to cognizance. changed. Foreign exchanges were bulk, $9.007)10.25: beef tows Clerk. Lead. .i....iv. thrniii'Vi necldents. A sec- It's Groat American Pastime. court, for the if? canners By HARRY F. loafer has some serve 1 ventured gree responsible strikes irregular,' early strength giving way heifers mostly $5.00 7.00; LEE, Deputy. FOR SALE Six young laying hens, li. renucen The perennial public welfare, and has hindered lit ad- to weakness as the l 326 ond year of instruction but he misses the fun an at mediation. attempts day progressed. and cutters largely $2.65(3)3.75; "US KEDEMPTIOV NOTIT'1,1 North Third. to advantages, upon attempt I refer to the warfare German continued to col- bulls To All FOR the figures to 16. And up July of out on strike at intervals. "The barrier to be' surmounted justment. marks bologna mostly $4.00(94.25; to Whom It May Concern: BALE Thoroughbred rabblta and going on the unions of labor. The gov- lapse, Belling bs low as 7H cents veal calves early largely $12.00 is fryers. 820 Stanford; Heights. of this year there have been only Indianapolis Star. was the question of seniority. By notice hereby given that St. Louis. are held ernment has no sympathy or ap- a hundred with little business be- 12.60. Bernalillo county 6 per cent Re- FOR SALE Twelve homer Carneaux nix children killed in the workmen these rights 1478-- main- proval for this element of discord ing transacted. Hogs Receipts 23,000. Market funding Bonds numbered one pigeons, cheap. Phone ratio Is on Strike, Too. to be sacred and unsurrendered by 170-pou- (1) That means, if the Mayl)0 League's in the ranks of leg- active. Rulk 130 to to twenty-si- x FOR SALE Milk fed, fatted fry- or twelve in the league of nations a strike. industry. Any Closing prices: fairly (26), both inclusive, crate tained, some eleven Being islation in the future must be as American Beet Sugar 47',J weights, $9.60(9)9.60; 175 to for $1,000.00 each, dated 1, ers; also crabb apples. J. V. Swift, - Tak- - not seem to much the carriers the preservation July I'j2")-- .1.11.1.... tiio entire vear. does help Italy "By American Can 57 200-pou- $9.40 (ft Blvd. Rond. Phone fi- troubles Boston of is the of disci- free from this element of trouble H weights mostly 1901, and numbered from one (1) in her present seniority weapon ex- American & S 2 225 to BARGAINS IN S. R. RED? c the difference between that on one hand and the re- making as it is from labor Smelting Ref'g.. 9.50; butchers to seventeen (17). both inclusive, C In 191" Transcript. pline the American Sumatra Tobacco.. 38 4 9.30; dated TWENTY hens, fine layers, 12 each; and the death rate ward ot faithful on the tremists who strive for class dom- generally $9.100 packing September 1, 1901, for four cock each.- - C number employes ination. reas- American Tel. & Tel 12 3 H sows $7.25 7.75; 25c birds, li P. Hay. means there will be just Doesn't He Look Other Way? other. It has been an almost in- T'e must mostly pigs $1,000.0) each, will be redeemed 23B North High that vio- Why sert the doctrine re- American Zinc 17 lower, bulk around $9.00: heavy. the at his 40 saved from sees another b:v' variable rule that when strikes that; in this by undersigned office in about children Lloyd George Anaconda 54 . to show been lost and its ad- public the first obligation and the Copper $8.109.20; medium, $8.6009.55; the courthouse at Old Albuquerque, WANTED Rooms deaths in St. Louis this year. war, We don't want him have seniority Atchison 102 $9.15(5)9.65; lent first allegiance of every citizen, light, light lights. Bernalillo county. New Mexico on WANTED By 1, unfurnished among child- it to t:s. Toledo Blade. vantages have been surrendered, Baltimore & Ohio 5 7 iff September "Safety instruction have been settled high or low, is to his government '4 $9.10 9.60; packing sows, smooth, presentation, and that from and room, heated, private entrance .and effective must be when strikes Bethlehem Steel "B" 78 Vj, ren to be most has been restored. and to hold that government to be $7.2519 8.00; packing sows, rough, after October 13, 1922. the bonds screened porch; must be clean; teacher The best seniority Butte & Superior 30 $8.75 herein to cease will lease for the year. Phone 1850-- continuous and intimate. Teutativo Proposals. the Just and unchallenged sponsor $6.767.40; killing pigs, referred will to in St. Louis by for and the California Petroleum 61 9,25. ' bear Interest. results are obtained VHO'SIVHO "In the tentative proposals public welfare, liberty, i e citi- Canadian Taciflc 142 'i Sheep Receipts 14,000. Fat E. B. SWOPE, Seventy-fiv- years ago a skilled children responsible, IM WFWS which I it was security and rights of all its 4 the TUF nAVS sponsored, provided Central 0 14 15e io in earned from making but for to zens. No matter what clouds may Leather lambs steady to higher. Eight Treasurer and Col- mechanic America not 'only for themselves, that everybody should go work, & Ohio cars choice $13.00, $1.25 to $1.75 a and the are maaiaewBgasaBmmtawuf with gather, no matter what storms Chesapeake Washington, lector, Bernalillo County, day, day's theiif fellows. Boys taught seniority rights unimpaired, no Chicago, Mil. A St. Paul 32l with 300 out: eight cars good New Mexico. work usually lasted from sunrise a dare MKS. A. P. t HAWTORI) that there should be no discrimina- may ensue, matter what hard- 29 it is not cowardly to take or Chino Copper Idahos, $12.70, with 86 per cent Dated August 13, 1922. to sunset. river or "There is no need to grow old, tion by either workmen or carriers ships may attend what sacrifice Colorado Fuel & Iron 31Vi ends $12.50; to go swimming in the declares Mrs. did or did may be necessary, government sort: feeder culls, instead of the mentally, at least," against workmen who by Crucible Steel 92 weight 82 pounds native lambs, abandoned quarry A. P. Crawford, whose enrollment not strike. I realized that the pro- law must and will be sustained. Cuba Cane 15 and, Uni- "Therefore I am Sugar quality plain, bulk, $12.26(8)12.60: municipal swimming pools as a student at the Columbia posal must carry a disappointment resolved to use Erie : 17 no choice natives sold culls to 'hop' street summer school at the age all the of the government early; that it is not 'smart' versity to employes who had inherited pro- power Great Northern pfd 90 native $9.00 j is seventy-on- e to mostly good trucks and wagons but of motion by staying loyally on the maintain transportation and Copper 41 fed western $7.25; cars, at- - sustain the of men to Inspiration ewes, verv dangerous." has drawn the job, and to such new men as had right Int. Mer. Marine pfd 64 handy medium fat Idaho wethers, tention of the to work.",- - 36 v. There is n reason why safety sought Jobs looking permanent Kennecott Copper $7.50. in our country. employment; but I wanted the Louisville & Nashville 134 should not' be taught allot trans- to the three Past the fresh start and maintained Mexican Petroleum 173 Omaha. schools. In addition ted score and I VIRGINIA KNIGHT" 29 R. recent three portation service, appraised Miami Copper Omaha, Aug. 18 (V. Depart- R's, most schools of years and ten Mrs. the disappointment of the few to Missouri Pacific 22 ment ot Re- children - IS PYTHIAN HEAD Agriculture). Hogs have been teaching the Crawford, a col- be loss important than the im- Montana Power 73 ceipts 7,000. Market fairly active; how to safeguard their health. ege graduate and pending misfortune to the nation. New York Central 9 8 butcher hogs steady to strong. Bulk rms federal Pacific 83 300-pou- Certainly It is lust as important Vnssur student At n0 time the govern- Northern 200 to butchers, $8.00 should have Instruction fifty years ago. ment been unready or unwilling 'to Pennsylvania , ... 46 8.25; top, $9.00; mixed and that they tnd mother of its to law Consolidated 16 to 10c the lines of how to avom give support maintained Ray Copper.... packing grades steady lower; along result In six children, has and order and restrain violence, Reading 77 bulk. $7.00fi)7.75. accidents which often ieclded she must but In no case has state Republifc Iron & Steel 73 8.000. Desir- for u authority Cattle Receipts them being maimed life, eturn to school confessed its inability to cope with Sinclair Oil & Refining.. 32 able beef steers fully steady; others they are not killed outright. 'o keep mentally the situation, and asked for federal Southern Paclfio 92 slow. Top, $10.50 on yearllngsand tlert and "up assistance. Sympathetic strikes Southern Railway 27 medium weights: veals fin to 25c with Studebaker Corporation .... 126 6 A I - the times." have developed here and there, higher; other classes of stock gen- MENDIAZ IS HELD FOR seriously Impairing interstate com- Texas Company 48 erally steady. n ana Is In Tobacco Products 56 is r ra ncj w "home merce. Deserted transcontinental Sheep Receipts 7,000. Lambs uJru uuu . JURY ON CHARGE N. C. pacific1 .' 147 uv ivju ' GRAND Greensboro, She in the desert of the Union Bulk western lambs. $12.40 graduated trains regions 103 strong. from the Greensboro for have revealed the United States Steel (fit 12.60; $12.60 other classes BY ' OF KILLING UTURALDEZ college southwest 67 top, NOON TODAY IF YOU CAN. women in 1S9 and then studied a cruelty and contempt for law on Utah Copper steady; ewes, $6.50j down; best year at Vasear. She then some lambs Beld at $12.00. Correspondence to The Jonrnaf.l taught the part of railway employes Review. light feeding r (SdmIbI 18. Polo school two years before her mar- who have to paralyze Brarlstrect's N. M., Aug. conspired 18. Brad-street- 's them or If sub- Carlsbad, y to a Methodist New York, Aug. ' Bring in, phone them, you are a a prellml-nar- riage minister. transportation; and lawlessness and Denver. avlendlaz was granted From then until her of six have tomorrow will say: Denver. 18. Cattle Re. before Justice Frank family violence in a hundred places outlook for Aug. scriber, so they will reach us by Saturday noon hearing children five sons and a revealed failure of the While the the future, celpts 272. Market steady to slow, for the killing of Santana daughter the striking both of trade and Industry, has can Richards Au- - reached manhood and woman- unions to hold their forces to law er. Reef steers, $7.00(3) 9.00; cfiws it you possibly do so. While we can take Uturaldcz, on the night of changed for the better owing to im- calves. Jim of Ros-wel- l, hood she devoted her time to them. observance. ; and heifers. $4.007.25; Bust 8. Mrs. Mary Baldy Three proved strike settlement prospects 9.00 2.60ffl3.75: copy at the want ad counter up to 5f30 o'clock of her five sons are teach- Equipment Deteriorating. Li $6.00 ebulls, district court stenographer, there is reflection, except 131 was ers. One of them. L. V. Crawford, "Under these conditions of hind- slight stoekers and feeders, $5.00 7.50.. from 4 o'clock to clos--' testimony. The state the matter of a more cheerful 124: Saturday afternoon, up took the District is assistant director of the summer rance and intmldntion, there has Hogs Receipts Market by Assistant session at Columbia. She now tpne, to be had of in the week's $8.90; $8.00 ing time is the and represented and the is been such a lack of care ot motive in- steady. Top, bulk, congested period you may Fred E. Wilson, a lo reports as to current trade and 885. Attorney v.. .. proud grandmother and lives power that the deterioration of The as char- not be able to reach the Want Ad . W dustry. yet partial 1,390. Market Department ,'; defendant major Dr. with her daughter and two grand comotives and the Sheep Receipts - three witnesses testified, acter of the coal settlement and strong. Ewes. spring " ' Only daughters. with the of 1n $5.007.00; after p. m. 1 S with Dr. Bate. safety requirements that still lurks by telephone 5;30 W. P. Ennis, who, the are the break- the uncertainty lambs. $11.0012.40. ' Salvador Griego iaw, threatening the railroad strike Is partly re- ' held the autopsy; TPCSOX MAYOR DIES. down 0f This very s, and Sherirr transportation. for this. But in many ' tho only Las Vegas, N. M., Aug. 18. 01-li- e menace Is sponsible ' was bound serious magnified by lines the Improvement bids fair to PRODUCE V, , Batton. Meuliaz C. a George C Cabell gam the ac- - Parker, formerly resident the millions of losses to fruit grow- not so ver without bond to await of and a of Mrs. of be slow, though, perhaps ' this city nephew ers and other producers perish C. Cabell slow a was the growth of the i tion of the grandJury. T. A. Raywood of this city died able foodstuffs, and George of Norfolk, Va flilengo. comparable been elected species of slow business paralysis Aug. 18. alive ; Albuquerque7 Morning Journal Kunday in Tucson, where ho has losses to farmers who on has supreme chancel- its increas- Chicago. Poultry, ' ' depend that has made effects lower. Fowls. broilers Phones 13 or 66. Each edition of the New York been mayor for some years. Mr. to market their lor of the Knights of Pythias, after visible since 1622c; s transportation all-nig- ingly the railway strike 25c: 15c embraces Barker-wa- Rt a spirited ht the springs. 25c; rooster, city (telephone directory originally from Anna. grains harvest time. Even worse, fight at Sau began. In this direction, indeed. Butter Market Cream ' l.OOO.OOOicopies. 111. it is the Francisco " higher. more than hindering transportation convention tin Installation of. the. system. 0( ery extras. 3tc; llxsis. 23JaiLHsi.

-- -- .V v. August 19, 1922. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAD

BRINGING UP FATHER. Copyright. 1321 by the International Xetra Bervlc. By George McManui Registered V. S, Patent Offlc. FIRE INSURANCE KINGSBURY'S KOLUMN When saw fel- I you the other 6E5. THE . ( I KNOW L , . , low's house burn you thought IV LMVr.KSlTV HEIGHTS pvl of your fire insurance. Well built brick house. Four f WHAT Did you take out tlmt addi- n H, 5? rooms ami Rlasscil-i- sleeping ifBIM Hy ' tional insurance screened irout ,bN -T Stone . you wanted. porch. Iirge h S .- of a Wo will be glad to hava a and screened brick porch. I.T porch kryi rlk man call on you and fix it up. This IT Completely furnished. Houses for sale, for rent, for homo in a location and is pood lease, niany furnished houses ran be bought on very good for rent or lease. terms. Priced for a quick Bale for only $5,000. H, CHAS, ROEHL riionc (iio. roi; kkxt , Wo- liavo several Kood apart; menu and houses for rent in all parts of the. city. ROBERTS-TURNE- R CO. 1MXCOLX ADDITION' A few more good lots to be West Gold. I'liono 407. addition located had In Lincoln ffiOlCR IIKSIfKNTB AND on Fourth street with North IU 'SIXERS I'ROI'KliTV. HUS-1XL- S some fshado and fruit trees; Good Ol'I'ORTI-NITIK- AND also extra largo lots. KAXCIIUS terms. D, J, KINGSBURY Realtor. Loans and FOR Real Estate, SALE . Insurance. Third Ward. 210 W. Gold. rtioue 00T-- house, very well loc.itod. On good INVESTMENT street; $7IM Al SAI.KS Seven-roo- SEE THIS ONE A GOOD HOME AND A A A GOOD VALUE OPPORTUNITIES COMIUVV frame house, bath HOME AND INCOME . .S. Four-roo- 111 Second i'hono GG3 and in good condi- Shingle bungalow, four rooms Largo house of three We have an especially good frame, Highlands, GOOD INVESTMENT ronniy full-siz- e Kcaltors. tion only two blocks from new and glassed value in a five-roo- modern lot $1,400 cash. sleeping porch, Seven room modern houso with apartments. Splendidly located, New two rooms and hotel in 4th ward. Price $.1,150. bath, hardwood floors, base- owner occupies one apartment adobe house in the Fourth frame, hardwood floors, 3 sleeping ward. Almost and in the porch, full size lot, cast front ACKEKSOX & GRIFFITH, ment, garage, lawn and trees, furnished. and rents other two for $85.00 nw Realtors. in a in porches, completely best of condition. Price right JSoO. good location the You can live in house and per month. This can be bought 120 S. Fourth. Thono 414. Fourth ward. this for furnished. at only $4,200. Can loan Four rooms and bath, paved For Sale By make enough on the side rent- $5,500, partly amounts to on first street, HiRhlaniis. t.'lose in JAS. M. .TOHXSOX, See us at once. up $4,000 LISTEN ing rooms to pay good interest ge. $:t.S00. Terms. ROBERTS-TURNE- R Real Phono A57. mortga CO, Insurance, Estate, Loans. on the whole investment. For Well five-roo- rois SALE 218 XV. Gold. "Our attention to D, located, adobe, l'hone 240. terms sea personal J, KELEHER, n: 218 W. Golil. Phone 407. 5 price and stucco; Fourth ward, new HKRK is a of $3,7,10 room frame bungralow, new, every little detail." Realtor. pn;r rood buys. modern, oak floors, fireplace, East A, L. east front, shade, fruit EXCELLENT five room mod- $4,000 FOUH ROOM MOD- - Central. Martin Company, Franklin & 211 W. Gold Ave. Phono 410. terms. Company $4,200. Kasy ern ern brick. Fourth ward. $0,000 brick, modern, well built, Realtors. Realtors. McMillion & brick, clo.- in, west side, $3,850 FOUR ROOM MOD- - hardwood floors, hot water heat, ihade RENTS MAKE PAYMENTS Real Fire and Auto Insurance, Wood, witli nil the atirt fruit treei. Fourth ward, Estate, Loans, Rentals, trimminsrs, $4,750. ern brick. Fourth ward. Seven-roo- Insurance. Realtors. 0 adobe, stucco, bath, etc., and three sleeping 20(1 V. PAXnr new four room, mod- $3,700 SEVEN ROOM MOD- - 223 W. Gold. Thone 156. 221 West Gold Avenue. Gold. Insurance, I.onn.' east front, shade and fruit trees, North porches, harawooa fine, V, west floors, ern, In Fourth ward $3,500 ern; side. Twelfth street. shade, lawn, close-i- Splendid BERNARD A, SLEYSTER J only - ROOM MOD- - Sume good In business $3.600 FIVE buys property, lot and location, investment. Of ern adobe west Lots and houses In all parts of the city, good All Kinds Insurance. plastered; Priced right. Liberal terms. K STATE. ROBERTS-TURNE- side. A IN REAL R CO, J. I. GILL KKALTY CO. HOME THE HEIGHTS 113 South Third Street. $3,500 FRAME ON A. FLEUSera. Realtor Phone 770. 323 V. Central. east New five-roo- house, up to Fhone 14 ON ACCOUNT OF, 218 W. Gold. rhone 407. side. Flc, Accident, Automobile icfnrnnce, right $3,250 FOUR - ROOM MOD- - Surety Boi Is, Loam. the minute, for only $4,750. Good ern brick; west side. So. Ill 8. Fourth St. ..'elcphon 171. terms. FIVE - ROOM MOD- - mechanical craft employes $3,150 PAT, THE R. MoCI.rGTTAX, REALTOR. TO THE HOME ern up on elevation. PLUMBER, HUNTER; havincr gone on a strike, 204 XV. Gold. Phono 442-J- . is a sevcus-roo- brick j PROFESSIONAL $2,700 FOUR - ROOM MOD- - 216 North Third, Here you CARDS WE GET Real Estate, Insurance, Loans. snouiu see Derore you ouy, niou-- . ern, close in; west side. WILL YOU 8 Plumbing and Heating. AI'lllkMls - MOD- - Notary Public. ein. priced riKtu; close in ioo The Colorado WILSON AM) $2,500 FOUR ROOM AND Repair Work a Specialty. As Long As It Lasts ern stucco; west side. 10 l'hone us today. AtlortlcAN,VIL, for THONE 201. Room, 15, 17 and In Cromwell $2,100 FOUR-ROO- FRAME amounts of $500.00 and over E, Real . and Southern Building, secured J, Gonce, Estate. l'hon.. in A- -l condition; west side. by first mortgages on $10.00 Per Load 47 J A. DEAL 110 West Silver. riiono PHYSICIANS "AND WPJ HAVE HOMES FROM j Albuquerque city improved prop- SQUARE A Better Grade $16.00. Railway Company MRl.KilNM. erty. All to be Bhown in S. eiou to jib.uuu. jNo trounie property INVESTORS lilt, - ULHTON. to person and papers to De ex- Demanded for both buyer and Diseases of the Stomach. show you. At service. Five-roo- about 1,000 your amined at- brick on (Of feet) "LOOK THESE OVER" will employ in its shops, round Sulla. 8. Harnett Pulldlne- and prepared by your front seller by the Members: New Mexico State torney, our client's expense. lot; room for another house; good Call with Wagon house and car department at UK. MAHGAKKT I lii rn r Realty Association. Gooclall locality, close in. At a bargain NEW MEXICO STATE modern frame, two Denver, Trinidad and Chey- itesiuence 112.1 East Central Investment Co, $3,500. A Terms Cash remodeled, fin- enne, men suitable for such Phoni 571. 6 price money maker, REALTY ASSOCIATION large porches, just Room Grant Bldg. flood terms. est location in the cor- service. Hoard and lodging S. .MAill.l; SKKKI.S. l), o. Highlands, Citizens' (Over Golden Rule Store) 218 2 Gold. ner bal- free under Hank Building. Phone M9. Land '& lot; $1,000 first payment, ample protection. 8M-- 2o:i-.f- . Phone 349. McKinley ance Ideal climate and con- Phona and easy. working DR. 8. C. Insurance. Loans. Real EatntA Three-roo- modern ditions. CLARKE, FOREmApartniei v Lumber Co,; For Kent Free transportation. Eye. Fjir, Nose and Throat. J CHAS, G, ZAPF, one-ha- lf FOR jtENT Light housekeeping rooms. FOR SALE --Routes apartment not furnished, with Time and paid after Barnett Phona 4J1 Building. I3. South Third. Three-roo- Real Estate Specialist hours and for Office Hours I'UH SALE frame house. Albuquerque, New Mexico, canvassed sleeping porch, clean, eight Sundays on Insurance. close-i- n or t to IS a. m.. and 2 to p. ra. KOR IIENT Furnished apartment at HELP WANTED fifty-fo- lot, fJiO. Call at 1423 on South Arno, possession and Legal Holidays. Wire ( 600 North Second Street. Virginia. I have Beveral homes for sale on August 15. write homes W. M. SHERIDAN. M. D. I'V1 RKNT 7lraVo lumished apart- Edit SALE New white ntucco house. easy payments. I build good cos iwo Gold. ment, South filch. WANTED .Experienced porcnes, lot. l,4a0; terms. Office: Second and A, C. Practice Limited to photographer. 4 North Seventh. 1444-R- . STARES, VV. GF.N1TO . I'OH ttENT I.tijht nousekerylni; roumi, veat ueniral. Phones 640 H. ( HINAKV DI.'ilCASFO lif FOR Four AUTOMOBILES, 321 W. (iohl Ac. I'liono 168. Ridgway, reasonable. Cilrlersleeve Klectrlc Co. WANTEDJ - SALE l,iir rnnm. AND DIKF.ASKS OF Til K SKIN Experienced" milker. Bezo- stucco FOn KENT Rooms tor Knrth. Fourth-- bungalow, ,1.au0; (1,300 cash, Full SALE Ligtit Mulck, Motive Wassermuo Laboratory In f'unnectlnn. light housekeep- u.iiry, r,n balance easy. H23 lord 'j0; Supt. Tower, ing. IIS South Waller, phono lfifiT-- CONUIETE form Virginia. FOR SALE MtsceliAneous touring car. 116 West Oold. FOR RENT Rooms CIthiens Hank lllng. Phono HS6. carpenters, teamsters. FOR SALE Five-roo- FOIt RENT OutsrCa three-roni- n apart- laborers; prood wages; house, sleeping EXPERT RADIATOR Denver, Colo. trunspnrtatlnn to poreli and TRY SN REPAIRING. O. FOR KENT Room at 618 West ment, close In. Call at 404 West Lead, Job. Employment Agency, lit) s. Third. bath, large front norch. by BUDDY'S M1L&; BEST TOWN. K. Sheet Metal Works. 217 North Copper. F. C. BAKES, M. D. owner. Inquire ftL'.t Edith Phone J413-R- Third. In rear. WANTED Live FOR KENT Rooms. 120 South Walter. l wire salesman with car, For tiraham or Diseases of (ho ye. Glasses Fitted . cun SALE ijy owner, auuuioau .... sale truck will trade FOR KENT Two lumished rooms, for "u real estate and fire In- t'Ull SALE Wicker baby carriage. f"r call 230 FOR RENT close in. Office removed to 114 N. Sec- surance. McMillion four rooms and ,'j furniture, at North Walter. Furnished room, .light housekeeping; adults; no sick. and Wood. 2011 West sleeping porch, city 1012 North Second. 207 et. 842. Gold. - FOR 5 North Fifth. ond Ground floor. Phone 1 South Second. ..u,. 5ia,ia aruur, rust- sale Duick Rent-Room- s FOR SALE Windmill and tank. 702 first-tlas- s touring car; For with Board ' office box 213, city. Bond-Dillo- n FOR RENT Cool room. 809 FOrt KENT Smart modern WANTED Man, above middle age, who condition, Co. front West apartment. Five-roo- North Fifteenth. city. 2IH2-- Averlll 20814 knows how to lake caro FOR SALE huusc. In Uni- Fruit. Phone ROOM and board. 612 South Broadway. ' furnished. Apartments. of vineyard North Second. and help sell grupes in town. Louts versity Heights, two porches, garage, FOR SALE Kranich & Bach piano. FOR SALE Brand new Essex FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms FOR RENT 2421-J- touring Room with board. 218 E. r. C Alt MEN, Alary. N. M. furnished or Phone 1S04-- or oar, 1)04 919 FOR RENT Modern apartment. Sandoval, modern, unfurnished. 114 South Third, phone North Fourth. South Broadwav. WANTED A Cornell. hlroprnctle. hot water heat. 1123 East clothing and dry goods FOR SALE Pears. at 1010 North FOR RENT Furnished room. 32 UOOM AND BOARD, J ft week. & 2 2 19 and ? Armijn Htjlldlnfr. Four-roo- 22S3-- FOIt SALE g Central, phone, 671. salesman; must speak Spanish and FOR SALE house, two Twelfth. Phone llnind new Chevrolet tour-lo- Seventh, phune 729-- South Bmarlway. understand decorating. For further par- porches, modern: at sacrifice price. Hoover Motor FOR RENT Furnish, J front apurtmenl. ticulars completely furnished, ROOFING FOR RENT Furnished loom, in private FOR Uiaenid-- n purch, DRESSMAKING address, Julius II. Gcrdes, Santa or without furniture; All 1834-- nili.uiy. west. Copper, IlliT threo roams and private bath. 216H N. M. priced right. EXPERT guaranteed work, phone J iii home. 313 West Silver. 114 North Marie. Second. Hotel. South Eighth, - on OR TrtADB For DRESS MA K l. P wn v. North Albuquerque FOR SALE Second-han- d klt'-he- balk car or good 709 f.,o WANTED range. 270 Foil KENT Nicely furnished room. TABLE Single mfala served; ' FOR TRADE team, in liOAJit) D i uiTii . ' i' NoTt FOR RENT Three rooms and Immediately, experienced SALE Oil For city prop- The 120 West equity guod lot. Call 22lT,-- WANTE tjr u riK T h .sleeping male or one home Exchange, Gold, phone nitv's 324 South East Central, phone h"me coi'kirnir. 32 Nnrth Tenth. porch, furnished, hot and cold water, stenncrapher. female, able erty, nice tulle 1111. Transfer, Second. Arno. and willing to do clerical work west of &() For RENT Several rooms, unfuiniihcd. CANVAS with board. hath. 702 South part time; liarelas bridge. A. J. James, SAVE to 75 per cent on used Iteping pnrcri, ti :ne. Inquire High. state and in 4!l!. FOR SALE Two bicycles, as g as parts, 124 South Edilh. 110 per week 1207 Eatt Central. SEWING by day. ui ;it Phone experience salary expected poKtofflra box full stock over twenty-fiv- e dif- 1430-M- . FOR RENT One one beau- first new, a Call at 213 South elc; for single, larger letter. Address ltln E., three-roo- at bargain. FOR RENT chil- FOR RKNT wUh furnished hot Ariz. Flagstaff, F'oll SALE Dandy cottage. ferent cars. Mcintosh Co., 311 West Furnishes rooms; no Nicely furnUnM roumi . tifully aparatment; on First. 110 first-cla- Phnn 1327-- WANTED Sewii.ii. Piwne Ljj-K- 1010 1211-1- 5 490-- South Waller; well furnished: dren. South Walnut. tabic board. "water. West Roma, phone DEANUEI.1S, inllK. cot- 110 South Forrester. I'einalc. modern; low priced, and very easy pure butter, FOR SALE One com- FURNISHED modern no no Arno. KENT Furnished four Phono Cadillac roadster, rooms; sick; Mi- FOR apartment, WANTED terms. Apply 701 East Santa Fe, tage cheest and buttermilk. children. 414 West silver. rCR KKNT mom; HEAISTlTCHINt; p. fating Williams' two-roo- apart-- , tiiil r 'housework. 011 phone 2413-J- 4 pletely reflnished and overhauled; In I,iht lioUBekpiiip 777-- rooms, modern; also 003. also llinery, 2fo) fa. nun ph. w.ent 1104 North North Fifth. fine running condition. Phone 1015, Mrs. GRAYSTONE rooms, 21 West Gold. hoard; reaaonvbie. Mrs, Halatead, (fl'lwnj. with sleeping porch. or.c A. Si, PTlTsT d. FOR New FOR SALE Quart fruit dozen. II. Shortle. 210-- Went Cfntral, CLASS (, wm k Second. WANTED Experienced fur SALE, monies oy uwner; ooa jars, Phone Mrs. E. Guidl. Blu girl general 824 West n The Exchange, 120 West Gold, phone a Sl'O Lead, phone - housework . 1001 West Gold; one n. FOR SALE Large assortment of e ROOM. PORCH AND BOARD, H& vt l"3)'- KENT Three lovely rooms and TIJeras. four-roo- 1111. LARGE, cool room, beautifully furnished, FOIt 110 N.rth Maple; one 110 nnd service: nurse'i If accordion, Mo and box; oast front, close in. WANTED or woma n paints, varnishes colors. private hath. 1211 West Roma. miiHh; tmy cart PLEATING, glassed porch, nirl fnrgeneral North Mapia; terma Call 21 West Sil- DeANGKI.IS. pure milk, butler, cot- See H. F. Monahan, automobile desired. Phone 1S79-- mall orders. N. Crane, "15 North. gas and conl ranges. Key at housework. Apply 608 New 194H-- painting, FOR RKNT room kitch- furnished, West ver, phone cheese and rhone 702 South 5G1-- Furnished and Seventh. Crane A 314. 114 tage buttermilk, Second; phone en. 1724 BOARD Good noma, ratea by partrmnta, phone North High. rorg four-roo- 2413-.i- West Centrnl, 2r2. FOR SALE By owner, mod-er- n SALE phone meal or nor-r- HEMSTITCH I NO done'l.rornT ' Two-roo- FOR Ford, worm drive, truck, in the week. lri. Knight, fyfn the FOR RENT rumlshed apart- WANTED Woman for house- - e, built-i- n FOR RENT room general two porches and FOIt SALE Cheup, high-grad- e combin- first-cla- Large housekeeping and Gold. best manner. reasonable. cold and Wotk. 40B South. mechanical condition; this on r,12 Broadway possible pr!r?i ment; hot and water, lights Annlv W,!lp nhnna features, garage; will take a 1222 first floor, at North Second. 117 Oold TST-- 421 H 1220-.- touring ation range. West Central, phone truck will not be here long at the FOR RENT Have lovely for two avenue, phono MitRer rent reasonable. car In Cor-- .! price, vacancy jhoue paid; trndo. Inquire at 309 South 101S-.- Franklin Sales Rooms. SOU FOR RENT one furnished tight house- P"wlne MTrhine fVmpiny, South Broadway. WANTED nell. North convalescents, Mrs. W, H. Reed, phone Competent white woman for university Heights. Fourth. keeping ro'.m. 3o!) South Broadway. 1SCH.J. 40 Three-roo- fur- FOR SALE OR REN" sewing South Walter. RENT modern, half d v he cook- Well-bui- Singer FOR gcr.erul and FOR SALE by practical machine. 121, West Gold, FOIt SALE 11.21 FOU RENT nished with small two In The Exchange, Dodge roadster, like Pleasant housekeeping Fm RKNT Delightful and porch FOR SALE OR TRADE apartment, sleeping ing; house, family. North builder, IRIS cash, or best A- rooms I32S-W- . 412 offer, buys phone 1111. new; Paiga Six touring, condition; near sanatorium. Phone i t ti hoard ; home : S2.". Call at South High, Elm street. rroom 32, Annex, n private gentlemen. porch, Apply and glassed-i- aleeplng porch. several 1471-- TO TRADE pp. h.,u.- and p.f 1.24-.- Sanatorium. FOR SALE r Quick Meal good Fords; trade the old car In; FOR RENT Very desirable ro,m, ad- 5M South Mich, phone ,,. phone Presbyterlnn Electric and water. The best In - automobile and cows. Addiess W. T. city oil stove, 10. The 120 West terms can he arranged. Mcintosh- Auto bath; close In. 114 South Arno. .. RENT One and one small WANTED town for Exchange, joining t'u RENT room and with W., eare FOR large Competent female sleno- - healthseekers. Palmer, 1822 1111 311 West Copper. Airy porch, Journal. for South 1751-- oold. phone FOR RENT furnished board; can accommodate two apartment, furnished completely niiTi.csuia lllil 11111 UUIUI UK High phone Neatly sleeping FOR KALE OR TRADE Five acres in Crane Apartments. 815 ,...."" or FOR SALE o set room, close In. 331 North Fourth. $4f per month. Phone H28-.- housekeeping. company. Htudents beginners wllr FOIt SALE In south highlands, new FOR A GOOD used car come and see Fruitvale, near paved f";ul; fine grape, .... thiee-roo- dishes for 16.95. The 120 In JNoritl Pevemii. limine mi ,.o LiuiBiutru, aner a. m., cottage two screened Exchange, we FOR RBNT Nice, cvean aleeplng and FOR HEALTHSEKKERH. private or chicken ra n h ; terms to 2?1 WTeHt fifllll ipjiiy nn large West (Sold, 1111. what have and those we have listed 121 e;iry right FOR RENT Nicely furnished apartment fVanil, rn in porches, oak oors throughout, built-i- n phone for sale. Oden housekeeping rooma H North Third. home; nurse care, tray service, tnd party. Phone 69.1, or npplv 15, First Hulck Company, Fifth and 174S-J- ro'm no chil- triea's. . E;i-- for housekeeping. Close In; WANTED Immediately. experienced fealures; a real buy; very small pay- FOR RALE Player piano, used, excellent Gold, 1200, FOR RENT Two nice rooms furnished C07North Higfc phone Nationnl baek. 7M t Snn'a Fe. month. 624 West ment like 701 phone t dren; fifty dollars per stenographer, male or female, one able down, balance rent-- East condition; first investigating cash for housekeeping. Apply 521 West HOME SANATORIUM For convales- WANTED TO TRADE Team of good foal Avenue, and to do clerical work Santa Fe. or phone 193. buyer sure to take it. Phone 10ii. cents; milk, a vnea not willing part Foil SALE Ford touring, 1020, winter fruits, vegetables, bath; work werses for it lot; par- i I It l O'Vi. . - time; state experience and salary ex- FOR SALE At $l,2u0 each, four small FOR SALE New Singer sewing"" ma worm whis- FOR nKNT Newly furnished room. In (rood place to get well. Rates $4o per ticular as to loentlim. Phone l'i'S-J- ; top, starter, gear starting, IVf. 1' apartment, heat, hot water, electrically pected In first letter. Address Bin E., houses on 600 block South Ninth; chine; cash or payments. Phone tle. Rosch modern home, close in, 415 South month. Tnlamsit. N. rill 310 Nirth Broad u,iv. See Scott 373-- Magneto, shock absorbers, ' equipped, porches, bungalow apartments, Flagstaff, Arlr. owner must sell; city water and electric call 411 East Central. good others extras, rlced Third. SPECIAL summer rates. 9t& per month. Itiiienour. inon west Mlver. In tires, right. phone 1ir,.,..T. lights all: each house worth tl.TliO; TYPEWRITERS, all Ves, lib snd up. Two Ford light trucks, good condition ONE LARGE, well furnished housekeep- excellent board, private room with on terms. Near-ne- Ht. Atbutiuertjne-ftant- a rr- - FOR KENT Nicely furnished three WANTED -- Position City rapidly ''spreading that $3 per month. Ibuquerque Typewriter and tires. Ford Sedan, lots extras. ing room; close In; no sick. 308 West sleeping porch and tray service. T rooms and sleeping porch, close In, In direction. City Realty Company, Real- Exchange, 123 South Fourttn Dodge Brothers and road- Iron. .John's Eplecopa! Sanatorium, phone 491. PA1I.V SIAliK 207 West Gold, fill". touring Tuna water free. WANTED Housework tors, phone (t Hulek S & Co., To (Read Dotrn) the highlands; modern; by the day. Phone FOR SAl"E Used tractors, 1 and ster. touring. J. Korber RENT WANTED Three v.rkinff Kirls. or 1142-.- 410 1645. Fo Nice, cienn spartments, Leave 7 30 a. m. Thone North Sixth. BUi from owner and tave commission: with Hardware Hodge Brothers' Dealers, 216 North Snd, 211 toatherf, to make their home with" a four-roo- gang plaws reasonable. Imperial Hotel, West 10. 0 a. m. con- WANTED ns modern adobe housa in A Phone "S3. vounar u of all of Arrive FOR RENT Furnished apartments, Position maid In private Department. J, Korber Company. Central. lady; would have Leave 12:30 u. m. to four rooms, home. Phone 210-- University Heights, Coal and Columbia' AUTO CO. (ho reason- venient sanatorlums; FOR SALE Apples, two cents a pound; ALBUQUERQUE WmCCKINQ RENT Nice e houfr, including piann; very Leave ...... 1 S'3n p. in. n on East avenue, just finished, white stucco, big sleeping close In. at 414 glassed-i- sleeping porches, gas; WANTED Work by the hour. Phone across river on Isleta rosd. C. A. Cole, New and Used 214 i able; real Inquire Hoijth Arrive :o) p. m. 1321 basement, two nice front and looms. Albuquerque Hotel, 12 1, or 5:30 Central car line. Call East Central, 1343-- 6:30 p.1 m. porches, 240S-R- Come 'em. REPLACEMENT PARTS Fourth, between and after To Mfend after good cash or phone and get North Second. Afouqaerrjna Tp) or see McMlllln ft wood, pnone M. back, garage) fenced; In Stock tor All Cars: 7:'i0 p. m, WANTED Work of any kind; don't fall to see before FOR SALE Fresh buttermilk and cot- FOR RENT Nice south room, glassed-i- n Albuquerque ...Arrive..., 1002 general terms; this place ALL "arts tested before leaving shop. WANTED work ins; Rirln. or 4:ft0 WASHINGTON APARTMENTS repair. Phone 1074-- you buy a home: price will be tage cheese; also fresh milk In gallon furnished. Three Santa Fe.. Leave... p.m. "lye right. Radiators, electrical tope, bodies, porch, kitchenette, bath, a . . 1 West Central; location one oi me lots, 1915-- parts, teachers, to make thir home with Panta Fe Anlve. 2:45 p. tn. Scott IK North gwayne's .Dairy, phone Ols South High. 1 of every CONTRACTING, ditch digging Rldenour, Broadway, lights, horns, Ignition sets, springs, etc. young would have uso of all the Espanr la Arrive. .. "is a. m. "beauty spots" Albuquerque; of kinds. 1070-- 1658-- J H I C KS "DAIRY 22 New lady: has private bath, electric all Thone phone Parts carried for makes of cars. FOIt RENT Furnished light housekeep- house Including piano; very reasonable; Taos Leave... 7 si a. im. apartment GUARANTEED MILK A "range snd all modern conveniences, HOUSE cleanlr.s. floor polishing, lawn axles, drive shafts, pinion and ring fears ing rooms; gas, bath, phone; well peo- real close In, In nut re nt 414 South FARETO 8 NT A FK, $t.A0. FOR SALE Furniture PINT". So; Phone us In mind. 414 Art. h o n e US, J. P. E A KIN, proprietor. work. Call ,T. W. I.owe. 14.10-- quarts. He. "S. carried for all cars. Keep ple; no children, West Gold. between 1J and 1, or after 5:30 TO TA4H, r phone NEW MEXICO'S OLDEST WRECKING Fourth, WANTED By young lady, off Ice work; FOR SALE All kinds of furniture. FOR SALE Large assortment of auto- ROOMS Newly furnished, large, cool. p. m. Albuquerque Headquarters Uingltas; 4,028 North mobile varnishes and colors. HOUSE. Brothers' Store, 210 West Central ; can Address Q. S., care Eighth. paints, clean, modern, bath, and MliS. CARL BERCLUND. sana- cigar CARPENTERING t typewrite. See B. F. West Central. Phone 434. private Aver . Phone floO. Journal. FURNITURE REPAlTtINO and upholster- Monahan, automobile painting, down. 823 South Fourth. torium. 141fi South Edith, has several contract call 703 South Second. Phone S51-- WHEN NEED OF Banta Te Headnuarters Bank Confec- FOR OPD JOBS and work, KALSOMINING. dnd ing. Phone 613-- or 9035-- Ervln IN, FOR RENT Furnished, two rooms and vacancies In main building, at 110; also 1B75-- cleaning paper msg-nei- tionery. Phone 2?. kalsomlne. John Goodson. Bedding Company FC1 SALE Black currents for making TIRES, rims, carburetors, springs, porch. 27; no sick, no chil- some at $r.f) per month, summer rates; cleaning Bent- - generators, heels. gears, axles, sleeping PAINTING Paper hanging and phone 2194-- FOR SALE New dresser. wardrobe, jellies, plea, preserves and lama dren. 711 West Marquette. can care for bed patients and convales- work I.. W. n 2417-R- from to i bearings, horns, accessories meals, fresh all guaranteed. table, be's, at reduced prices. Ranch, phone RENT Two or three-roo- fur- cents; excellent plenty i.n-.- i. WrANTEI) Position as nurse or compan- dressing 13 1 COME TO PARTS HEADQUARTERS. FOR room and Owens, souin conn, iiuono 914-- morning, to and to nights. no milk, eues and fruits; dining ion: best of references. Miss Phone WE HAVE 8ALVAOED TO DATE THE nished apartment, modern; sick; 13fi5-W- . of city firewood tra service. Phone TIME CARDS WILL ESTIMAT1S all or any part (ino North Second, Phone Hr,r,-- new CEDRO CANYON Firewood Co.. FOLLOWING MAKES OF CARS: floor. 417 West Silver. J lath- Bnkcr, FOR SALlFurnlture, and used; ground work; I make a specialty of low Used 10 gal- direct from Cedro canyon to user; Bulck C24, C25, D4S, D65; Cadillac. your . YOUNG LADY", from east, wants some large stock; prices. In or IMPERIAL, ROOMS Nice, clean rooms; end shlngiin-- W. H. Cnnver, phont lon milk $1.50 and 2.00. 325 South sawed and split stove fireplace Chalmers, Chandler. Chevrolet 490. FB, week. WANTED Miscellaneous ing kind of honest work; will keep house cans, 2400-J- rates by day or Over Pastime t41S-J- lengths; prompt delivery. Phone t, Dodge. Don, 1 for well-to-d- o home, for bachelor or First. Baby Grand; Theater. 21 H West Central wall SOFT SPOTS Heel snd arch cushions Ford, Hup 10. H. K. N. Maxwell, Mitch- V ANTED Citts i aiiwe v. 1th oven, good PAINT1.NU AND PAPERHANGINO, widower. P. B. X., care Journal. FOR SALE One round oak table LINCOLN APARTMENTS, furnish-e- d estimates furnished. dining prevent fallen Insteps; cures all font ell Olds 8, Overland, every model; Saxon newly coniiltinn. . Root. Journal. paper cleaning; CALL HUTCHINSON nnd combination bookcase 4 ; Willys-Knigh- t, rooms; hot watur. cool and close in. for house cleaning chairs; troubles. $1. Arch Thos. and 8; Ktudebaker 4 and VV I M R. Clements, 412 Southern avenue, phone one three Planter Supports. South 814-- ANT E ) Ohfv"0ri good first ills and wall cleaning, floor waxing, paint- set. mission library table, Central. model. 312 Third, phone J074-V- one chif- F. Keleher Leather Co., 408 West every mortgHges. McMMllon Wood. ing, kalsomlnlng, and chimney sweeping; beds, two dressers, one rocker, If you don't sea your car la the above FOR RENT Two beautifully furnished 81 S FOR SALE elec- Mrs-Fre- JTLOOR SANDINO W. can reiuriaoe Odd Job Man. phone 2082-- fonier, cheap. North Fourth. Pianos, player pianos, list, rooms in modern home. Apply TRANSFER and scavenrtur wok dine, WI8TBCUN.T Dsllf. I, them like slot at- remember, E. A your old floors and make TOUNU FOR SALE Two good Iron bedsleadB. tric, orchestration pianos, with WH ARE SALVAGING T.ATB MODEL Hamm. 423 North Second. reasonable rates. Griffith, Train. Arrlvt Dpart. new doors man, good education, pre-w- 1970-W- . 1 7:30 1:10 I rfhd make yuur perfect wants can one mattreBs, one hoavy set coll tachments, phonographs; values; CARS EVERY DAY. Ron, phone Nu, Th 6o"Ut... pm pm rn 2070-- position doing anything; for loa or write FOR RENT Nicely rurnlshed, well am 1 Phone will ono center one hall tree, quick action, phone In addition to ths largest stock of used one MAX BARGAIN STORE, at 115 South No. I (Taut. Llmlua lo:SO am 11:00 drive car; some selling experience; springs, table, P. 214 South ventilated bed room suitable for T Ik new or re r. din- George Loarnard Piano Co., In w a No. Fast..10:t0 am 11:20 am LET me figure your house take Job out of town. Apply Max Koeh-le- rocking chair, one porch seat, four parts the state, carry COM; or two 414 South Third. First, will pay the highest prices fnr Fan Walter. Una of NEW drive shafts, gentlemen. second-hsn- No. I Th .!l:JS am 1:04 am reasoname Y. M. C. A., city. ing room chairs, one dining table, heavy PI.ETE gears, - your clothing, shoes and Navajir. pairs; pnw, 1765-- """"E rooms and Climates free. Call oak one; three-burn- oil stove and oven, USn EFFKCTO AUTO TOP and SKAT axle shafts and general accessories, for EI.CIN HOTEL Steepln- furnttire. Phone 858. SOUTH BOUND. 61 3ihn. one coal one stove, with Effecto Auto Enamel, Vais-pa- ev.ry csr, housekeeping spartments, by ths day. No. II El Paso 10:14 psa B. Johnson. heater, laundry dressing. Mi RUO CLEANERS Eip s LOWEST. or month. 808 West Central. on new and FOR SALE Livestock all for ISO; also for Valspar Enamel on automobiles. OUr. PRICES ARE THE week 9x12 No, 17 El Psso Eip 11:11 am LET ME FIGURE with you piping, GARAGE. Rugs Cleaned. $1.26. estimates guaranteed. R. FOR SALE rabblls. 900 North rent. 11 per month. 409 East Coal. Plymouth Cottage Paint. Homestead VIADUCT FOR RENT Front room, well furnished, MATTRESSES renoisted. 13.50 and up; EASITOOND. old houses; Fat Floor Sat- (00 SOUTH SECOND. No. 1:10 1:40 pm and d Paint. Roof Paint and Cement. adjoining bath, use of phone, close In; furniture and I TI). Nav.Jo.. pin B. Caldwell, Contractor Builder, Fourth, FOR SAl-j- i, ertty-poun- refrigerator. Lcath-e- r repaired tucked. Ervlo isfaction assured. Thos. F. Keleher Largest psrta house la the state. one or two 103 West 8llver. 13-- 2035-- No. 4 Csllf. Llrait.d. 6. CO pm i:40 pm 23C9-- Perfection ull stove, with oven. gentlemen. Bedding Co., phones or phone FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. Phono 17.60; Co., 408 West Central. Phone 1057-- NO. F. 7:16 1:10 60 cents two FOR RENT Room for housekeep- - I Eight.. pm pm ODD JOB carpentering and 2404-J- 1 IS; fruit Jars. per doien; light WANTED Careful Kodak VB DO McCormlck 825 rooms, 115 finishing. N 10 Th. OciiOI.... 7:20 am f:l am . dressers, 114 each; dining table, 110; FOR SALE New BUSINESS CHANCES ing. a month; sleeping Twice service. Remember, satis- house building,, reasonuui.. sev-er- 201 dally free. Phone FOR SALE Fat frying rabbits and chairs. ll.r.O; baby buggy, t"; sewing mower; six foot alfalfa renovator. and 122 60; employed people only. faction Send your r&wll BC'JTii. mr low prices; estimates 163S-- FOR SALE Hotel, rooms, pool guaranteed. flnlshlrg El 1:14 does. Phone 16; and records. Concord buggy and harness, buckboard twsnty South Walter. to a reliable, established firm. Banna Nu. II rrm Paso pa .239H-- J. I. tic .n... machine, phonograph hall and bar; good lease. 313 South No. El am FOR SALE and wagons. 120; wardrobe, buffet, library table, six am harness, breaking cart, 1,000 pound FOR RKNT One furnished front room, A Hanna. Master Photographers. 10 From Paso 7:l WANT to my low prices Horses, harness, mat- 800 First. 10 connects at tk No. II I you lnestigate J10 North 1 BSS-- rugs, five beds, with springs, and scales, pound counter scales, to ono interested In Ma r.l.n nn kind of a building proposition Broadway, phone second- FOR SALE and lady employed; WANTED Your piano to apply on pur- Van.- - Koaa- - ; CH a any tresses; cot; commodes; stand gasoline engine, two Small suburb grocery the preferred. 307 of new tot C!?l, P.O.. have in view. A. B. Palmer. Bunga- FOR SALE OR TRADE Nicest saddle sanitary II. Spanish language chase used player piano. G you 1758-- tables. Sewart range, kitchen table, lots hand wagons, three bottom turning plow, home; good terms. Address T.. B.. lOfi Caat 41, In town. Call Transfer. four-dls- South Edith. Phono and we will rail and low Builder. Box cltyPhone horse Guy's 326 North Third. ' e plow, corn and tractor. care quote No. ernn.ot. at Tl.loa with No. II South Second. of other articles. planter Journal. values that will buy- t) 321 Apply Mann's Gardens, FOR RENT One or two large, make conservative fATf rin.t. and points ami .flj'h FOR 8AI.E Two-itor- orlck building. front rooms; elegant location, er sit up and take notice. George P. .a' LOST AND FOUND FOR SAIK Flemish uisnts. HuTus Reds ASBESTOS ROOF PAINT does an FOR SALE Ranchen 216 South First; location good for any close In: for Indies or gentleman and Lea nurd. Black, Belgians, bucks, THIS high-grad- e oontalns no tar, or Two keys and brown 1925-- ROBEHTS-TUKNE- 21s West paint Kinn nnainess. wlfe.s Phone 3029-- jOST poatofflce fr. ers. 110 West Lead, phuna "company, or Is and will Case. v.n, ... Oold, hava established a special land pitch asphalt. FOR SALE near good Two cool rooms and Journal Want Ada Kesuiu leatirer stand ths hot. dry climate of the west. Small grocery; FOR RENT large Bring FOUND Man s dark brown coat; owner department. We have a ma oon and green school; I am going east, will take kitchenette, nicely furnished for house- this ad, FOR RENT Ranches also red. Ford or desirable , can have same by paying for FOR SALE We have some splendid paint. All kinds. II per gallon. Our good Dodge car; price right. keeping; modern conveniences; RANCH or will tuke stock on e 414 Mr. Hale. 702 North Third. fur lease, In suburban ranches. Rob built-u- p twenty-fiv- snurrsi i. ri. a., care journal. location. West Coal. ask for must furnish reference of propositions new roofs will last shares; 1834-- J. Manzano WB HAVE A- -l money-makin- g business well furnlshsd financial Address 8., care Company years. Phona The FOl BENT Escluslvs, TYPEWRITERS standing. - as hot Journal. FOR SALE Five acres choice land and Conpany. 110 South We'.nut, opportunities, such merchandise, room, with larae slseplna- porch, overhauled on North street, groceries, garages and other high-cla- watsr snd bath: located. T'vV'iiwuil'EHS All makes good house, Fourth Roberts- c.ntrally EASE 320 acres of mountain Beb-be- r, 1 744-- Ribbons fur every ma- FORL good five miles out. opposite Dr. O. O. FOR RENT Miscellaneous propositions not advertised locally. Phan. 421 West Oop.I. and rr aired. good -Turner 218 Gold, WE' ARE NOW LOCATED B grasing and agricultural land; ll.fiOO, 11,000 down, balance terras. Company, West RENT Furn'lThul, a front j chine. Albuquerque Typewriter good four-rno- FOR' itlCNT 2"o72-- ton sunny 903-- '1? SniittiFonr' grass and winter protection; Phone 2410-R- Piano. Phone or n in our new offices rhmge, nhone 2Bo an acre Call room, for on. two gpnticmon, house; per year. ba sold on FOR RENT Garage. 710 West Lead. week or month: floor; two at 1207 Virginia boulevard. RANCH Look at this, must WELL CONTRACTOR tha ground RENT Office Roomy account falling health; bouse, FOR RENT Garage. 712 West Lead. Mock from postofflce; rent very cheap. FOR with-t- i. WELLS DRILLED, driven and repaired; 313 Avenue barn, with or 314 Conl. 41", West Lcaii At No. West Gold Kiel-- ; garage, Implements, FOR RENT Garage. West pumps, towera F. Wolklng. FOR RENT Two office rooms over MONEY TO LOAN twanty-tw- o acres alfalfa, fruits tanks, J, bed room, to stock; FOR condition. 423 West Marble, ohone 1451-- FOR BENt On. lovely opposite Morning Journal office. 130 nor month; light. MUNEH TO LOA.4, Ou all kinds; two miles from city. Phone RENT Piano, excellent n,tfln. or I12.&0 watches, Phone 1804-- J. tp.hsrs. )ieat snd water guns and averything valuaDIa owner.i J417-R- or 141. Postnfflce bog each, or to one for 120. Inquire at 414 ion RENT Oflce rooms. Central ave- - Mr. B Marcus. II! South First. 192. Old Albuquerque. N. M. FOR RENT Large new brick garage, PERSONAL South Fourth, between 1J and 1, or r T1u RtorA Knr- - cement floor; across from Gold avenue, m , nue, aunv imie,. MONEY TO LOAN, on first-cla- real after 6:10 p. V Auto M RENOVATING 124 South Arno. phone 632-- Realtor her ani. Comnanv. Department estate; 11.000, 11,600, 12.000. ABBESS. FOK TtENT Furnished "roon's for Hunt .WILLIAM J. LEVERETT; and Wood SOU West Oold. MATTRESS RENOVATING. 13.60 and up. DON'T TEAR out your old valleys, gut- nouseaeeping, nam an joining tuu,. 1 H FOR SALE Real Eitate 110. 813 West Gold. WANTED Real Estate MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, sratches furniture repairing, ters or coping, we will ,mke It better phone, water and llitlile furnished; also Thon Rug cleaning, . new. Vuti "have tor sals, and good liberal, reliable, packing. Phone "H-- or 203-J- FOR SALE Three choice lots ou Laat than Guarantee Roofing Co., box two furnished bed roonis: positively Jy iiumnnsproperiy 272, Sherman no children. "10 West Lead. Hat It with MiOUllloB 4X .Wood. UsUllcD J.twtjiy. Cy., ItlS W. 1st. Ervlu Bedding Compau, - Silver, Phone 1213, ,. Carmuny, prop sick; i : ;


.it ? v.- - - - - iir f it , tf ffT j;,imfyr ,i- ,nrr 'rniti . ,jj

A GALLUP to tiuq uenjua Always I Finest Worth DAWSON The Big i! f Now for the best peaches of the season, Ilbcrta Theater While THEATRE Yellow Free Peaches. Canon City !!-- TIME TODAY ! Cantaloupes are fine, all sizes. LAST Egg Plants were never better. COAL SUPPLY & LUMBER CO. HAVE YOU A FAIRY IN THE HOUSE? LAST TIME TODAY. 4 PHONES 5 HIGHEST CLASS IN EVERY WAY is 10c. Here a chance to get another for only For . VM. R. WALTON, PcsKdcnt and Manager. the first time in several years we can offer you arrow w: large cakes of Fairy soap for only 10c. The small Presents- - MIGHTS -- cakes were selling not long ago for that price. i4l Famous Players Lasky'Corp; presents -- 1 fe i-k A. rvXXjk i !& t "1 n v i. - Phone 28 New Comb WARD'S CASH STORE, i Lf.CASBIEUS.SEtL-- . Honey, White and Clear Delivered for 10c -- c New Strained 503 West Central. Orders v .a ; rest - - r.-rs- i Honey OSCARj Green Beans In "Cftm GOLDEN PURITY BUTTER .Needle workers, embroiderers, Strawberries and Peaches this dressmakers, ladies' tailors. Watch Expected Morning Lavf I V LOCAL ITEMS announcement. brides nit. FRANK t,. MacCRACKEN, 6 Supervised l.'oal Supply Co. Phone 4 and DU. RA1SV B. MucCRACKE.J, ROBERT JONES by; I' rid i limits (iavreit returned Osteopathic l'hyslcliins. WE DELIVER. 822 S. CosmolitanProductipna Irom month's vacation in Chi- - K. I' IliilldttiK. I'lione Office 89-- Walter. caso ami J,os Aitj-'- t 1' UeslUcnce 89-- J. Anionic Ili prontiii tn rewiPl' iiuit. in lliin city yrslf'i l;iy weir K. CITY I I.KfXKIO SHOB SHOr I hone nr;-v- . H3 Smith Second. M. Ototv. I,i in l.nnai. St'lMlll'lill" I rpff ( all nnd Oellvprj. Komero, l's itas i I.. I'!nlll..--. ; S. I Ua -. Iril Yi Hilton ,lr TIip (Jtlderfclecre tlectrlc Co. Factory wood, full trut'k load 211 Knsl Cfiitrnl. Phone 707-- CERRILLOS EGG COAL four dollars. Jhihn Coil unpany. Phono VI. .enli's rsa,,, Ti'tc; fur snlo at George i'i.'1'liy ii iii io ii h"ic leading STmvrlos. More units I two Peonye, heat per pound. More pounds per dollar iiffajtec3ffi'.' iA her wedding nnd Jj terday evenins; al't'T laving men thought they were Mg absent from his home SHI South Needle workers, mliroidei'ers. Order a Ton or at Least a Part of Your "rjjflrX Arno street, since ThurMlny inorn-iii- diessmal-- ers. ladies' tailors. AVatch Winter Bride's a lSla" Then came the IS Mr. Corl'y had olitiincd annoiincenient. Requirements Today. :i to n iitlilT job and had driven truck nearby tow n. Ills wife, tliinkini; ponicthini; had d. itskeil the Let Us Send a Man HAHN COAL COMPANY police to loiik foria'him. IT. U. i. liic n ml To replace that broken window .Mtirriiy. Lumber Co. Phone 91 Yiol''t-ni- y t real nu'iiis. Plume Til. glass. Albuquerque 4121. 4- I who ha-- , been vis- Phone -5 North lrsU taic Chavez, l 1WWTI1TMW iting hero for tlir. past, Hire" iv.cki', left for Wnshiimton, I). (.'., lasl Tuesday. Mr. Chavez received his m u from the law school at mi decree WITH I I Georgetown university in .hum anil FOGG, The Jeweler was admitted to tlm New Mexico Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. America's Greatest Emotional liar last. ( k. He will not practice, Highest Quality, JLove9t Prices. Tijeras Canyon Dancing Pavilion howevfr, as he has pmc hack to the) Opposite Postoffrce. Child Actress university for post graduate w ork. lis Sou tii fourth. Royal .Neighbors of America will Dancing Night meet in regular session tonight at - Saturday X o'clock at I. (i. (i. 1'. hall. KVM "Qahu" uu Warri PURE WHOLE UUUI IW IEUIU Sunday Afternoon and Night Milk up ('renin, quality (tuaranUTcl UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS better Hum city health require-- ; iiienls. Delivered daily In unj When through with your work and wishing to ride DOINGS iiiant:ty lo tiny part of Hie city Go in car to the cool 2405-lt- o your mountainside, Itutler's Hairy. Phono A! St. Where there's music and and One of most John dancing the city's prominent everything i w o nice htisiness men purchased choiey In his latest and funniest comedy lots in the greater restricted dis- h And it's all served to you at a trict yesterday and will build just Thomas' Ice Cream reasonable price. :is soon as lie can sell his property We have on Tijeras avenue. 2 Gallon, Packed, sandwiches, tempting candies and ice The tomatoes in the Kar- -' From cream. family and delivered, $1.00 the Farm" dens on tne iieignts are beginning "Straight All of it served like a dream. to ripen. Also i;rape vines set out Phone 313 last year are bearing heavily. So boys bring your girls, for I know are se- NOTE Owing to length of program evening they willing Two newcomers yesterday To the Tijeras Canyon Pavilion. ADDED ATTRACTION lected five lots in the greater re- shows will start promptly at 7:30 and 9:30. Dancing stricted district where! they hope to later build two fine homes. EMP1SE Cleaners ADMISSION: "BY HECK" Matinee: Adults, 25; Children, 10c CARD OF THANKS, DYERS AND HATTERS H A Mack We wish to express our sincere IMG tXEANING Nights: Adults, 35c; Children, 15c. Sennett Comedy thanks to I he many friends who Phone 4.":t. Cor. Htb and Gold were so kind to us in our great REGULAR PRICES sorrow, also for the beautiful floral 0. K. MARKET offerings. SEE ISI.ETA 1 Mli. AND MP.S PKRRT E. Cars run Tuesday, Tlnirsda) VA.M'KY. and Saturday at !::( ATTENTION 501 North First Street. PHONE GLADIOLI mornings Ex-servi- 319 For your gifts and decorations to this Interesting Indian pu- ce Men! .Needle workers, embroiderers, $1.50 a dozen delivered. eblo. Time, three hours. I'are tailors. Wateli S.'UIO. Kosharo Tntirs. 311 West Important Meeting Wednesday, dressmakers, ladies' RAYMOND V. BLOOM, 23, at announcement. Gold. Phone 150II-- August KANSAS CITY MEATS PIiiiiiu 2167-.- I. 11" South First Street. BITTNER HOUSE ROOMS We have received another shipment of Armour's 3ID14 South First. Phone 221-- Star Hams, 9 lbs. to 10 lbs. average, per lb 36c FOR Phone IHI2-- 421 W. Central. of C. II. CONNER. M. D. D. O. Dr. H. E. Kimble RENT Leg Mutton, per pound 30c Theater Osteopathic Specialist, DENTIST RENT A CAR Mutton shoulder lb -- 323-- six roasts, per 25c fclcrn Hid. Tel. 701 J. Newly decorated, furnished, Lhive it New Yourself Fords J TO 11 M. Room 1. Grunt Building. Third room house. Will lease for one and Dodces. and Sedans Mutton Stew, 2 pounds for 35c CONTBfCOCS P. Needle emViroiderers. Coupes workers. nnd Central. eat to responsible party. In- AI.Rl Ol ERQl'E Veal Roast, flressmakei s. ladies' tailors. Watch Phone 41)2 ERI.ESS CAR CO. per pound 30c TODAY a quire 14"0 East Silver, l)Iil LAST TIME nnouncement. 'Cars Delivered. Best Pot Roast of Beef, per pound 20c j anon, rtios oi iseei, per pound 15C Frying Size Belgian Hares, per pound 45c Golden Purity Butter Reymann's Auto Body Fancy Dressed Hens, per pound 27c Works Fancy Dressed Springs, per pound 50c Mabel Normand A. of Skinner Packed By Manufacturer and Repairer ALTO AND TRICK BODIES FREE DELIVERY 205 South First Street Alamosa Creamery Co. SPRINGS AND WHEELS IN MACK SENNETT'S Blacksmithing and Woodwork 7(12 S. Second. Phone 551-- Mrs. Thrifty Housewife: Note the attractive deals Because Rich listed below and you will readily see for yourself It's and Mellow that the purchasing power of a dollar is greater Guys Transfer and

at the Willy Nilly. DANCE j We Storage Sell MOLLY 0 "TRY THE WILLY NILLY AND i CASH WAY We haul anything, any time and ' BANK THE DIFFERENCE" anywhere. CHOCOLATE CREAM COFFEE A Beautiful Romance of Youth and Lova Phone 371 323 South Second 1 Phones 2033-- J nnd 1269-- HAPPY OPTIMISTIC THRILLING GORGEOUS Deal No. TONIGHT Night " cans No. ; Country flenllenian Corn tVe Th Highest Graite Macaroni n cans No. 2 (Ireen Slringless Rean; SI Best Ventilated Hall in Sell Egg Noodlet, Spaghetti and 2 cans .No. 2 Solid Tack Tomatoes other Macaroni Products ADDED ATTRACf ION Best Floor. FOR SALE Deal No. 2 City, Two nice houses, twenty-fiv- e foot lots, two rooms 1 each, Fancy Parlor Rroom DIME PER DANCE Bleeping porches, north part of "CENTAURS OF THE FIELD" .T cans Sunbrite Cleanser SI town, good location. See S. cake Bon Ami Kahn, 109 North First, cash or REGULAR PRICES Deal No. 3 terms. 40 Fancy Colorado rotator" SI Deal No. 4 MILK

1 NOTICE can N"n. Pnnklst Teaches ShoeSale! Tan No. ;i2'z Sunklst Sliced Pineapple SI 1 & I have no jar Jti 07.. lewis .Apricot Jam Fresh agents for Houscwarming Dance Sanitary my Terrace Addition Here is a mighty good chance to get some mighty No. 5 Deal lots. good shoes at mighty low prices. HEIGHTS AUDITORIUM, AUGUST 19, 1922 1 lb. BrookfieM Butter We Supply the Liberty 1 ll. Jfershey's Cocoa SI APPLY It is our great Sale an oppor- Central Avenue, Six Blocks East of University 2 Cafe and the Savoy Cafe. can No. Loganberries DIRECT TO ME. tunity you should not overlook, for good shoes at GRAND MARCH 9 o'clock. FOR CITY DELIVERY cut prices means something these days it means Begins Promptly at and Gamble more than it ever meant before. Complimentary. Proctor Soap Specials PHONE 2405-R-- 2 M. P. Stamm LATEST NEW YORK DANCES Domenstrated by Deal No. 6 The reason for this sale is, we want to clear out Prof. Hoffman. 2(1 Viars P. t-- "!. Snip all Spring and Summer Footwear before our Fall 1 package Tcai'lina si Shoes arrive. ADMISSION 10c DANCE TICKETS 10c No. 7 Deal PEACHES, PEARS, APPLES Don't fail to take advantage of this sale. LADIES FREE. 20 liars T'.nh 'White Poap ?WMS, 1 bar ivory Soap, large iz si WATERMELONS, CANTALOUPES There is no mistake about our reductions. No jug- Deal No. 8 gling with prices. Men s, Women's, Boys' and Child- Music the CRAB ren's shoes at cut by Syncopators IS bars Lenox Soap GRAPES, APPLES, prices. package Star Naphtha Powder, large size si Shoes now 1 $2.00 reduced to bar Ivory Soap, small size SPECIAL .$1.60 $2.50 Shoes now reduced to $2.00 Full Line Fresh Fruit & Vegetables 16 oz. Ture Fruit Preserves, Strawberry, Raspberry, $3.50 Shoes now reduced to $2.75 Blackberry, Peach, Apricot, $5.00 Shoes now reduced to $4.00 SWASTIKA COAL 33 C Will Not In $6.50 Shoes now to Stack Storage. Phone Your Orders if You Cannot Come to the Store Butter 38c reduced .$5.25 We Deliver Your Order for 10c $7.50 Shoes now reduced to .$6.00 Lump...... $11.00 Egg $10.50 Orders Over $5.0C Delivered Free. Just received several cars of thia high grade coal, it Is going II- FORMIIAL'S GROCERY , - fait. Phone us your order today. i? ,!, 1124 South Edith Phone 1517 SKINNER'S "SERVICE WITH A KICK' "NEW STATE COAL COMPANY ' , ; PHONE 85. WILLY-NILL- are Y We The Highest Grade Macaroni We exclusive agents for Sugarlte and Swastika coal. i Egg Noodles, Spaghetti and ' 205 South Street. Sell Ave. t Phona 60. First Skinners other Macaroni Product 'est Central MM JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING QUICK, SURE RESULT?