The Honourable Dr Allan Martyn Finlay QC 1912-1999 ... Attorney
Honourable and Learned Members The Honourable Dr Allan Martyn Finlay QC 1912-1999 ... Attorney-General 1972-1975 Derek Round PREFACE This pndile <~(A1artyn Finlay is the.first in a series I am writing on members <~l the legal pr<dession ll'lw became pro111inent in Parliament - Honourable and Learned Members. The pr<diles /,ave been made possible by a grantfrom the New Zealand Law Foundation for whicl, I <1111!. I owe an enor,wms debt to lvlartyn and Peggy Finlay for their assistance mu/ al.,·o for t/Jeir l,mpitali(y at their Free111an 's Bay Jw111e. I a111 also! to lvfar(}'l1 'sfom1er ministerial colleague, tl,e /Jon Dr A1iclwel Bassett, who /,elpfi1/ly 111ade al'llilable to me the text <~(an oral J,istory interview l,e fwd wit/, him. Ot/Jerfriemls and colleagues <~llvlar(yn /,ave also been l,el1~fitl. T!tis prt~file was completed t!,e day lvfar(vn died. I telepl,oned him about 4 o'clock in tl,e ,~fiernoon to c/1eck a couple <~l details mu/ we clwttedfiJr .wnne time. I said I would send the dn~ft to him_fiJr his co111ments and suggestions in the next day or so. Sadly, it was not to be. I.first lillew A1artyn Finlay when I was a member<~( tl,e Parliamentary Press Galle,)' in Wellington and soon ca111e to respect !,is intellect, lmmanity and tlumg/,(fitlness./t was a privilege getting to know him even better wl,ile working on this pndile. Tang/in Lodge Derek Round lv/asterton February,1999 The Honourable Dr Allan Martyn Finlay QC I 912 - 1999 Attorney - General 1972 - 1975 A Frustrated Law Reformer Martyn Finlay was a frustrated law reformer who had been secretary to the first law reform committee set up by Labour Attorney- General Rex Mason before World War 11 but was to become .
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