Criterion – I


Curriculum design and development

1.101 Curriculum design is aligned with the Institutional goals and objectives

All the academic programmes have been designed on the campus so as to accommodate the Institutional goals. In this regard, Value Added Courses and Certificate Courses were introduced in addition to the University curriculum. These value added courses were framed with great care by the Curriculum Development cell (CDC) of our College. In this context, mention must be made about the two innovative University Certificate Courses, ‘Certificate Course in Industrial Safety’ and ‘Certificate Course in Matches and Fireworks’, designed by the CDC to meet the requirements of the rural community in and around .

The college research committee monitors the research activities on the campus to ensure that the needs of industries in and around Sivakasi are duly met in accordance with our institutional goals.

1.103 Curriculum design is suitable for meeting the overall development of the students

The Institution offers • Interdisciplinary courses – B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Biotechnology) and M.Sc. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) • A Job oriented degree course – B.Sc. Hotel Management and Catering Science • Computer courses – B.C.A., B.Sc.(I.T), B.Com.(C.A), B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Comp. Science) To meet the local industrial needs, we offer • The Certificate Course in Industrial Safety • The Certificate Course in Matches and Fireworks To make the learners become job creators, we offer • Value Added Courses To mould them to good citizens and good leaders, we offer • Value education, environmental based education and Certificate and Diploma courses in Gandhian Thought

1.105 Developing global competencies is evident in the curriculum design

The highest priority is given to accommodate the changing global trends in the curriculum in the following ways: • By providing computer literacy to all non-computer major students • By offering innovative programmes on global thrust areas like a) B.Sc., M.Sc. and M.Phil. Courses in Biotechnology b) Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the post -graduate level c) B.Com. with Computer Applications • By offering subjects on thrust areas like ‘Information Technology’ and ‘E- Commerce’ • By taking up research projects keeping in mind the global trends • By introducing a course ‘English for Competitive Examinations’ for all first year postgraduate students • By honing the communication skills of students through the Language Lab and making them employable • By offering Certificate Courses on Computer Applications, Communicative and Functional English, Matches and Fireworks, Industrial Safety, Advertising, Sales Promotion & Sales Management and Gandhian Thought so as to develop the global competencies of students on the campus and help them face the outside world

To equip the students to meet the global demands the College provides • Computer training to all students • Free internet facility to post graduate students, research scholars and staff. The students use the internet for browsing / E-mail. • Using CDs for computer aided teaching • E-assignments • Helping the students to create E-mail ID

1.106 Curriculum has aspects on value based education

The Institution promotes value based education in the following ways: • Offering choice based Value Added Courses apart from the regular curriculum . • Imparting personal, social and religious values by floating a Certificate course on Value Education • Promoting values through a Certificate course on Gandhian Thought • Enrolling students for the examination in ‘The Ideals of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’ organised by the Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari • Motivating students to appear for the Examination in ‘Gandhian Thought’ conducted by The Valliammal Institution, Gandhi Museum, Madurai

1.109 Faculty takes initiative (formally / informally) in curriculum development process

Though the curriculum prescribed by the University is followed for all courses, the College plays a significant role in the curriculum development process in the following ways:

• By representing in the Academic Council of the Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai

S.No. Name of the Staff Name of the University Period 1. Dr.P.Theriappan Madurai Kamaraj University 2006 to 2009

• By serving as members of the Boards of Studies in Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai

S. No. Name of the Staff Subject Period 1 Dr.P.Theriappan Biotechnology 2007-2010 (U.G. & P.G.) 2 Dr.V.Pandidurai Biotechnology 2007-2008 (M.Phil.)

• By acting as members of the Boards of Studies in autonomous colleges

S.No. Name of the Staff Subject Name of the college Period

1. Mrs.N.Nalayini Commerce S.F.R. College, Sivakasi 2005-2008

• By framing the curriculum for the following University offered Certificate Courses i) The Certificate Course in ‘Industrial Safety’ and ii) The Certificate Course in ‘Matches and Fireworks’ • By designing three additional Value Added Certificate Courses (VAC) through the Curriculum Development Cell (CDC) of the College to meet the requirements of the learners and to modify the existing curricula for Value added courses based on the feedback obtained from students, course teachers and alumni • By getting the feedback from the students and our staff on the existing curriculum prescribed by the University and sending the feed back to the parent university for necessary follow-up action

1.2 Academic flexibility

1.201 Institution offers a number of program options leading to different degrees, diplomas and Certificates ( UG / PG / Diploma Certificate)

• The Institution is offering twelve under-graduate programmes, six post- graduate programmes and two M.Phil. programmes. • This year, the following courses are introduced 1. Certificate Course in Journalism 2. Diploma Course in Gandhian Thought

1.202 The curriculum offers a number of elective options

The scope for elective options in the regular programmes is limited. However, the elective option is introduced in value added courses (VAC).

1.204 Options are available for students to take additional / supplementary / enrichment courses along with their regular curricula (Eg. UG degree + a certificate PG degree + diploma)

Students are permitted to do courses like PGDCA and DCA through distance mode of education of Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. • Programme for ICWAI qualifying examinations in association with Madurai Chapter of Cost Accountants • Programmes like Tally, Cell phone servicing, .Net etc.

The table showing the number of students benefited during 2007-08 S.No. Enrichment courses No. of students benefited 1. Diploma in Computer Applications 66 2. Diploma Course in Gandhian Thought Certificate 13 3. Course in Matches & Fireworks 22 4. Certificate course in Safety methods to be followed in Fireworks 8 5. Certificate course in Salesmanship 67 6. Certificate Course in Communicative and Functional English 94 7. Certificate Course in Gandhian Thought 61 8. Certificate Course in Journalism 47 9. ICWAI 4 10. Tally 23 11. Cell phone servicing 49 12. .Net 16

1.205 Number of Value added courses offered ( Eg. A course on entrepreneurship, personality development etc.

The college offers as many as twenty Value Added and Job Orientated Certificate Courses to all second year and third year under- graduate students giving them a wide range of choice to select according to their interest and aptitude. The duration of a certificate course is one semester (60 contact hours). A student of Sri Kaliswari College leaves the Institution with at least four Certificate Courses in addition to his/her degree at the time of the completion of the course.

The following were the twenty Value Added Courses offered by the college: 1. Basic Catering Management 2. Biotechnology for Beginners 3. Chemistry in day-to-day life 4. Communicative English 5. Computer Fundamentals 6. Creative Literature (Tamil) 7. Drugs and Diseases 8. Electricity and Electrical Appliances 9. Entrepreneurship 10. Hindi 11. Journalism (Tamil) 12. Karate 13. Office Automation 14. Maths Coaching for MCA entrance examination 15. Mushroom culture & Vermi-composting 16. Personality Development 17. Retailing 18. Tourism 19. Value Education 20. Yoga and Meditation (Boys)

1.207 choice- based credit system and semester system initiated in the Institution

Semester system is followed in eleven under-graduate programmes, six post- graduate programmes and two M.Phil. programmes.

1.3 Feedback on curriculum

1.301 Feedback from students

At the end of academic year, feedback on the existing curriculum was obtained from the outgoing students by administering a questionnaire.

1.302 Feedback from alumni

In the alumni meeting, feedback Proforma was circulated, and their opinion on the curriculum which they had undergone was collected.

1.303 Feedback from parents

The feedback from parents was obtained at the time of Parent – Teacher Association Meetings. 1.304 Feedback from employers

Employer’s feedback was available through informal sources at the time of Industrial visit, campus interviews and personal contact.

1.4 Curriculum update

1.401 Frequency of curriculum revision

The University revised the syllabi once in three years for all courses. The last revision of syllabi was made for those who joined in June, 2006.

1.402 National and International curriculum modules are referred for curriculum update

The last revision of syllabi was need -based and as per UGC guidelines.

1.403 Curriculum has emerging thrust areas including interdisciplinary areas

The Institution offers the following interdisciplinary courses as they provide rich potentiality for research activities and job opportunities.

S.No. Name of the Course nature 1. B.Com. with Computer Applications Interdisciplinary 2. B.Sc. Biotechnology Thrust area 3. M.Sc. Biotechnology Thrust area 4. M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Interdisciplinary 5. M.Phil. Biotechnology Thrust area

1.404 Faculty takes initiative in the curriculum revision, based on feedback from stakeholders

The feedbacks obtained from various sources were transmitted to the University for necessary follow-up action.

1.5 Best practices in curricular aspects

Best practices in curricular design and development / academic flexibility / feedback on curriculum / curricular update / or any other quality initiative the Institution practices

• The choice based Value added courses designed by our college curriculum development cell are offered to all UG students to supplement the University prescribed syllabus. • The two certificate courses 1. The Certificate Course in Industrial Safety and 2. The Certificate Course in Matches and Fireworks are offered by the College to satisfy the needs of local industries. • The overall development of all learners is taken care of by providing value added courses and value education • The feedbacks obtained from students, parents, alumni and employers were consolidated and representations were made in the proper forum for further action . • To increase the employability of our rural based students additional certificate and diploma courses are offered.


Criterion – II


2.1 Admission process and student profile

2.101 Wide publicity and transparency in the admission process

The admission process is highly transparent and made in consonance with the state policy. The students were selected for admission through the following procedures: • By advertising in leading newspapers and website • By participating in educational and job fairs • By displaying advertisements regarding the courses offered in the catchment area • By erecting hoardings to attract public attention at vantage points • By following the proceedings of the Director of Collegiate Education, Chennai • By strictly following the Government reservation policy

2.102 Admission process is systematically administered based on predetermined criteria

• By constituting admission committee to assist the Principal in processing the application forms Admission committee for 2007-2008 Dr.S.Kanmani, Principal - Chairperson Prof.A.Rajendran, Vice-Principal - Convenor Mrs.Pichaikani Prabakaran, H.O.D. of Maths - Member Mr.S.Karuppiah, H.O.D. of Physics - Member Mr.P.Periyavar, Lecturer,Tamil Department - Member (Representing SC/ST) • By assessing the performance in the qualifying examination for all the courses • By taking into consideration the performance in the entrance test for P.G. and M.Phil. courses • By conducting personal interview

2.103 Admission process caters to access and equity considering the applicable norms including applicable reservation policies

The reservation policy of the State Government is strictly followed. Special care is taken to admit disadvantaged communities such as SC/ST, first generation learners, rural, economically and socially backward classes. The particulars of admission for the academic year 2007-2008: No. of Applications Sold - 2,243 No. of Applications Received - 1,246 No. of students admitted - 870 (i.e.,477 Boys and 393 Girls) Course-wise break-up is given below: Courses Admitted strength Boys Girls Total B.Com. 93 53 146 B.Com. (CA) 31 22 53 B.B.A. 98 38 136 B.Sc. Computer Science 48 43 91 B.Sc. Information Technology 28 23 51 B.C.A. 52 39 91 B.Sc. Mathematics 24 18 42 B.Sc. Biotechnology 11 27 38 B.Sc. Chemistry 11 09 20 B.Sc. Physics 13 08 21 B.Sc. Hotel Management & Catering 10 -- 10 Science B.A. Tamil 25 23 48 M.Com. 06 06 12 M.Sc. Computer Science 04 11 15 M.Sc. Mathematics 02 05 07 M.Sc. Pharmceutical Chemistry 01 09 10 M.Sc. Biotechnology 08 24 32 M.A. Tamil 07 10 17 M.Phil. Commerce 01 10 11 M.Phil. Biotechnology 04 15 19 Total 477 393 870

Community-wise Break-up is as follows:

Community Boys Girls TOTAL Overall percentage OC 148 123 271 31 BC 144 142 286 32.9 MBC/DNC 121 72 193 22.1 SC/ST 69 51 120 14

2.104 Institution ensures due representation from different strata gender to locale

a) Women The ratio of women to men is on the increase in the College and exceeds the prescribed minimum of 30:70. The ratio of women to men for the academic year 2007-2008 is 42 : 58.

b) Physically challenged 3% of the allotted seats is meant for the physically challenged as per the proceedings of the Directorate of Collegiate Education, Chennai. Eleven physically challenged students have been studying on the campus as a whole.

c) Economically Weaker Sections of the Society The economically weaker sections of the society are given access to higher education • By extending monetary assistance through Students’ Aid Fund • By granting fee-concession, free meals to the needy by the Management besides the government scholarship

2.2 Catering to diverse needs

2.201 Assess the students’ learning level after admission and conduct appropriate remedial classes

The students’ knowledge, skills and needs are assessed before the commencement of the teaching programme in the following manner: • An orientation programme was organised for all first year UG students before the commencement of the teaching programme • Entry level tests in English and major subjects were conducted to all first year under- graduate students • Based on the performance of students, slow learners were identified and remedial classes were arranged for them

2.202 Adopt appropriate strategies for advanced learners The advanced learners are encouraged to be participative and interactive in the following ways: • By encouraging the students to take seminars in regular classes • By initiating them to prepare models and charts pertaining to their subjects • By conducting group discussions, brainstorming sessions, games, quizzes, etc. • By permitting the students to participate inter collegiate programmes conducted by other colleges • By encouraging students to participate in various inter departmental programmes and competitions • By encouraging the fast learners to carry out summer projects

Table showing summer-projects undertaken by the students during 2007-2008 Student Course Place Amount granted N.Suresh Kumar II B.Sc. Indian Institute of Rs.10,000/= Biotechnology Science, Bangalore P. Krisnaveni II B.Sc. Indian Veternary Rs.10,000/= Biotechnology Research Institute, Izatanagar (U.P)

2.203 conduct tutorial classes

All the courses are having the tutorial classes. The Institution functions for six periods per day instead of five periods.The tutorial session is conducted for all first year UGand PG students during the sixth hour on all working days. Twenty Certificate Courses under Value Added Courses are conducted for all the second and third year UG students. Table showing the details of work assigned and implemented in the tutorial session during 2007-2008 Courses Nature of work assigned and Implemented Tamil Creative writing and translation English communication skills Commerce Accountancy practical Chemistry Equation deriving and problem solving Mathematics Solving problems of higher objective Management Studies Case analysis Physics Problem solving Pharmaceutical Chemistry Problem solving Biotechnology Learning methods

2.204 The Institution is blessed with a mechanism for mentoring students

The academic progress of each student is monitored in the following ways: • By preparing the academic progress report along with Students’ attendance and sending the same to the parents at the end of each cycle test and model test. Whenever attendance is poor, parents are invited and a discussion is held • By organising ward meetings every month to discuss the academic performance of the students in class tests and cycle tests • By giving home assignments to monitor and develop students’ skills and knowledge • By making submission of leave letters to the teacher in charge compulsory to monitor student’s attendance and check unnecessary absenteeism • By convening Parent- Teacher association meetings and taking steps for the academic progress of the students • By meeting the students individually, the teacher tries to assess the strength and weakness of the students

2.3 Teaching learning process

2.301 The teaching programme schedule and methodologies are planned and organized in advance

The Institution plans and organises the teaching learning evaluation schedule into the total scheme in the following ways: ••• By convening the College Council, the decision making authority of the institution, well ahead of the beginning of an academic year to prepare the teaching learning evaluation schedule ••• By preparing and distributing an academic calendar well in advance and strictly following it ••• By working 92 days per semester with no cancellation of classes. ••• By preparing a comprehensive teaching plan as per the schedule. ••• By maintaining the portions covered registers ••• By getting endorsement from students for covering the entire syllabus/ Practicals ••• By unitising the syllabus and distributing them into a number of lectures based on the teaching plan

2.302 Experimental learning methodologies for participative learning are used The lecture method is supplemented with other teaching methods to provide much scope for learner–centred activities. They are as follows: The Table showing the various Learner-centered activities carried out by various departments during the year 2007-2008 S.No. Programme Subject 1 On the spot study B.Sc. (Hotel Management & Catering Science), B.Sc. (Chemistry), B.B.A., B.Com.(R), and B.Com.(C.A) 2. Project B.Sc., M.Sc. & M.Phil. (Biotechnology), B.B.A., B.Com.(C.A), B.C.A., and B.Sc.(I.T.) B.Sc. (Hotel Management & Catering Science), M.Sc. (Computer Science), M.Com., M.Phil. (Commerce) and M.Sc. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) 3. Industrial B.Sc.(Hotel Management & Catering Science), Training B.B.A. and B.Com. (C.A) 4. Case study B.B.A. 5. Field study B.B.A.

• The number of projects / dissertations carried out during the year 2007-2008 under review are: By M.Phil scholars - 30 By PG students - 69 By UG students - 292 • By organising Guest lectures, seminars and symposia through the eleven associations of our College (Appendix – I) • By participating and presenting papers in national seminars and conferences (Appendix – II) • By arranging special lectures inviting experts from various fields through Faculty Academic Forum

2.303 Educational technologies are effectively used (Audio visual aids)

Apart from chalk and talk method, the following modern teaching aids are used in classroom instructions. • Liquid Crystal Display Projector (LCD) • Over Head Projector (OHP) • Computers • Educational CDs • Models • Charts • Tape-recorder • Display of newspaper cuttings

2.304 Problem-solving approach as a teaching methodology is adopted

All Science Ddepartments and the Commerce Department adopt the problem solving approach as a powerful tool in teaching-learning process. • Problem solving technique is used in regular hours • Home work and problem assignment are given regularly • Project work carried out by students • Deciphering Poetic meter and pattern by students in Tamil Poetry

2.305 Computer aided information retrieval and teaching methodology is adopted

Students and faculty keep pace with the recent developments in the subjects in the following manner: • By surfing the internet • By publishing research articles • By pursuing research and higher studies • By using the library a) Computers • The Computer Science Department organises an orientation programme on computers to all the staff members in the beginning of the academic year • Every Department is equipped with a computer and a printer

b) Internet/ Information Technology • Free internet facility is provided to all the staff and research scholars c) Computer Aided Packages Computer aided packages are used to make the learning process easier and interesting. Every department is equipped with computer aided packages.

2.306 Library resources are effectively used to augment teaching learning process

• The library hours were incorporated into regular UG curriculum • Open Access System was followed to encourage students to go through various subject books • Students borrowed books from library and used them for a period of fourteen days • Students made use of 09 international journals and 124 national magazines which were available in LRC. • Delnet Library System was also available and used. All the post-graduate departments were equipped with departmental libraries.

Number of Books in Department Library S.No. Department No. of Books 1. Commerce 0298 2. Biotechnology 0168 3. Mathematics 0281 4. Tamil 0236 5. Computer Science 0074 6. Pharmaceutical Chemistry 0135 Total 1192

The College Library functions from 9.00 a.m. to 06.00 p.m. on all working days. It is also functioning during semester holidays.

2.307 Use laboratory equipment / field experiences effectively to maximize the teaching – learning process

• The laboratories are well equipped with sufficient quantites of test and measuring instruments, chemicals,glassware and electrical wiring with circuit breakers • The lab equipment are all in working condition and if they go out of order they are repaired then and there and put in order • Students are allowed to do individual experiments • Computer laboratories are fully air conditioned and the computers are networked through servers • Separate system is provided to each student for computer practical • Practical classes are conducted regularly as per time table. • Students keep records and observation notebooks which are periodically verified by the respective staff-incharge • Periodic tests are conducted to evaluate the practical skills of students • The Final year Physics students did group projects using the facilities available in the lab. • The Department of Chemistry is using their laboratory for testing fireworks chemicals for industries and outsiders as per Government norms 2.308 Use wide range of techniques, materials and experiences to engage student interests

• Each department is furnished with OHP • Research departments are furnished with LCD projectors • The Biotechnology department is provided with separate internet facility • Students are trained to prepare the reagents used in the laboratory

2.4 Teacher quality

2.401 Percentage of teachers with Ph.D. qualification

It works out to 14% during 2007-2008

2.402 Percentage of teaching positions filled against sanctioned posts


2.403 Adherence to UGC /State Govt. / University norms with reference to teacher qualifications for recruitment

With reference to teacher qualifications for recruitment, we follow the UGC norms.

2.404 Faculty recruitment process is systematic and rigorous

When there is a vacancy for teaching staff, our college is following the undermentioned systematic and rigorous approach for recruitment. • Applications are called for through advertisements in newspapers stating the basic qualification required • Applications received are screened on the basis of the candidates’ academic qualifications and experience and then the selected candidates are called for personal interview • A selection committee comprising subject experts is constituted. After the personal interview, the suitable candidate for the existing vacancy is selected as per the recommendation of the selection committee.

Substitutes are recruited following the same procedure that we adopt for recruiting staff for regular vacancies.

Part time lecturers have been appointed for Part - I Hindi, French and Karate as per the details given below: S.No. Name of the Staff Programme/Subject 1. Mrs.A.Shymala Selvan French 2. Mr.KAS.O.Marimuthu Hindi 3. Mr.V.R.Appadurai Karate

For VAC course subjects, the subject experts are appointed on a part time basis to keep the students and faculty abreast of the recent developments in the following fields. They are paid, on hourly basis.

Table showing subject experts appointed

S.No. Name of the Staff Programme/Subject 1. S.Mariappan Yoga and Meditation 2. R.Padma Hindi

2.405 Faculty development programs are initiated and utilized

Tables showing the activities of Faculty Academic Forum for the academic year 2007-08

S.No. Date Name of the Speaker Designation Topic

1. 8-06-07 Dr.Ilamathian Director UGC Staff Ilangovan College, University of Madras, Chennai 2. 9-06-07 Dr.S.Swaminatha Pillai UGC visiting Professor Techniques Department of Education in Teaching Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 3. “ Dr.Stars Jasmine Professor, Dept. Humanities and social “ Studies, Anna University, Chennai 4. 31-10-07 Prof.P.Advaitham Founder and President Medical Integratged Life style aspects in modification and Stress Stress management Training Managemen center of t 03-12-07 Prof.A.Thangamani Retired Professor and A Journey Head, Dept. of Zoology towards ANJA College, Sivakasi Excellence

2.406 Incentives/ awards/ recognitions are received by faculty ••• Dr. P.Dhasarathan, Dept. of Biotechnology has won the Professor E.P. Odum Gold medal in the year 2007 for his outstanding contributing in the field of contemporary Biology, Environmental issues and sustainable developments. ••• Dr. (Mrs). S. Kanmani, Principal has been honoured with the prestigious Indira Gandhi Excellence award presented by the International Business Council, New Delhi.

2.407 Faculty demonstrate creativity and innovation in teaching methodology

Teaching innovations made in the academic year 2007-08 are as follows: ••• Teaching through computer assisted language lab with CDs for British and American accents ••• Encouraging the students to submit the assignments through the E-mail ••• Encouraging the students to have email id for ‘e-learning’ ••• Using audio-visual aids to supplement chalk and talk method ••• Preparation of Models and charts are also encouraged among the students for better understanding of the subjects. ••• Apart from the regular curriculum the mini projects were carried out by the biotechnology students in a successful manner.

2.5 Evaluation process and reforms

2.501 Provision for continuous evaluation and monitoring student’s progress The Institution continuously monitors the students’ performance and prepares them for final exams in the following ways: • By conducting class tests, two cycle tests and one model test every semester. • By making available all university question papers to students • By giving remedial coaching to slow learners • By giving revision with previous university question papers before the model test • By discussing students’ performance in the model test • By organising class seminars to train the Post-graduate students and M.Phil. Scholars for Viva voce

2.502 Conducts mid-term / semester evaluation All the PG courses have both internal and external assessments • Internal 40% (with internal tests 25%, Seminar 10% and Assignments 5%) • External 60% There is no internal assessment for UG students. However, the college conducts centralised cycle tests and model tests to assess the performance of the under graduate students continuously.

2.507 Student grievances regarding evaluation results are addressed

Redressal of grievances regarding evaluation is met in the following ways: • By informing then and there the discrepancies in the university question papers to the University authorities • By providing the facility to apply for revaluation • By conducting a re-test for absentees and poor performers in the cycle and model test By distributing the valued answer scripts of cycle tests and model test and helping them to avoid the mistakes in future Transparency is made in the valuation • By giving information about the evaluation process at the beginning of the semester • By stating the method of internal assessment • By returning the valued answer scripts of cycle tests and model test to students and discussing with them • By intimating the results of the cycle tests and model test and university examinations to parents • By providing a facility to obtain a photo-copy of the valued answer scripts for the university examinations

2.6 Best Practices in teaching learning & evaluation

Best Practices in Admission process / catering diverse needs / Teaching – learning Process / Teacher quality / Evaluation process and reforms / or any other quality initiative the institution practices.

• Admission process is very open and transparent • Providing higher education to rural students • SC/ST students are admitted more in number than the prescribed percentage • Identification of slow learners by conducting Entry Test. Special steps are taken to enhance their skill and knowledge. • Fast learners do project work, present papers In seminars/symposia and attend workshops • Free internet facility is provided to research scholars and staff • Permitting the staff to attend summer courses/ orientation courses/ workshop/ and permitting the staff to pursue their higher studies • The registration fee is met by the Management for the staff to attend and to present papers in seminars/ conferences/ workshop. • The students’ skill and result in the practicals are monitored at the end of each practical hour. • Students submit their assignments through e-mail. • Students’ academic performance is monitored through Cycle Tests/ Model Examinations and the progress of stuents is duly informed by post. • There is no cancellation of class and the college works for 92 working days per semester • Apart from the regular working hours, the college works for an extra hour, for value added courses • Students’ attendance is monitored regularly and suitable steps are taken to minimise their absence • Incentives are given by the management in various forms to improve the quality on the campus *****

pursuea through the academic programmes in the following manner: By providing facilities to carry out project work and thesis writing for post graduate and M.Phil. scholars By giving able guidance to access to research resources such as internet to post- graduate and M.Phil. scholars to complete their research projects within a stipulated time By giving guidance to obtain financial assistance from funding agencies By organising programmes for honing the research aptitude of the students By providing well equipped infrastructure and lab facilities By encouraging them to undertake field work and projects By organising state and national level seminars, conferences, and symposia By motivating them to attend and present papers in the national and international seminars, conferences and symposia

3.102 Provision for research facilities in terms of laboratory equipment, research journals and research incentives

The research activities in the Institution are catalysed by the availability of modern infrastructure. The following major research facilities in a developed condition are available on the campus. Laboratory facilities: • Well equipped Biotechnology laboratory • Animal tissue culture laboratory • Microbial Culture Maintenance facility • Plant tissue culture laboratory • Pharmaceutical laboratory Industrial chemical testing laboratory Animal house The major research instruments available on the campus: ‹ Bio-safety laminar flow ‹ Slit-fermenter ‹ walk in cold room ‹ Central instrumentation with ultra freezers ‹ PCR ‹ ELISA readers ‹ Gel-documentation system ‹ Lyophilizer ‹ Refrigerated microfuge ‹ Nicon fluorescent and phase ‹ UV and visible spectrophotometer ‹ Flame Photometer ‹ Photo electric colorimeter ‹ Analgesiometer ‹ Rotorod ‹ Electro Convulsometer ‹ Plethesmograph ‹ Polarimeter ‹ Sherrington Rotating Drum ‹ Dissolution apparatus ‹ Disintegration apparatus ‹ Spectrometer ‹ Incubator ‹ Laminar Air flow Chamber ‹ Clinical centrifuge, Microwave Oven, Magnetic Stirrer ‹ Transilluminator ‹ Conductivity meter ‹ pH meter, Potentiometer ‹ Orbital Shaker ‹ Mechanical Shaker ‹ Refractometer Cryobath ‹ Vacuum pump ‹ Heating mantle ‹ Melting point apparatus ‹ Temperature controlled water bath ‹ Double Distillation Unit ‹ Deionizer ‹ Co2 incubator ‹ Fume cupboard The number of Journals/Magazines subscribed: No. of Journals/ Magazines Journals subscribed International level Journals 09 National level Journals 27 National Magazines 97 Total 133

• Online DELNET Library Research Incentives: Our Management is extending financial support by way of offering incentives to the staff members and students to promote research on the campus. • By setting up a separate research committee to promote research culture among the staff • By giving an increment of Rs.1,000/- for staff with Ph.D. • By encouraging the staff to do M.Phil. and Ph.D. Programmes • By meeting the registration fee for presenting papers in the national and international seminars, conferences, and symposia • By meeting the expenditure for publishing research articles • By providing the facility of Sabbatical leave for pursuing research activities abroad • By organising programmes to know the recent trends in various disciplines • By permitting the faculty members and students to participate and to present papers in seminars and conferences • By offering M.Phil. programmes in Commerce and Biotechnology to promote research culture among students • By publishing a research journal ‘Trends in Kalis Research’ • Free internet lab facility to all Post-Graduate, M.Phil. scholars and staff members • By providing Chemicals free of cost

3.103 Encourage and promote research culture (e.g. Teaching work load remission, opportunities for attending conferences etc.)

• The Institution permits the staff to do collaborative research. • Sabbatical leave is also provided to them. • By meeting the registration fee for presenting papers in the national and international seminars, conferences, and symposia for staff members.

3.105 Faculty recognition for guiding research

Many members of staff of this Institution are qualified to guide research work. The following members of staff are recognized as guides of M.Phil. programme of their Parent University and other Universities. Dr. K. Ramesh Kannan - Dept. of Biotechnology Dr. V. Pandidurai - Dept. of Biotechnology Dr. P. Theriappan - Dept. of Biotechnology Dr. P. Dhasarathan - Dept. of Biotechnology Mr. V. Sudhakar - Dept. of Commerce Mr. S. Chandra Bose - Dept. of Commerce Dr. K. Sadeeshkumar - Dept. of Commerce Dr. V. Richard Paul - Dept. of Commerce Mr. M. Anbalagan - Dept. of Commerce Mrs. N. Nalayini - Dept. of Commerce Mr. S. Karuppiah - Dept. of Physics

3.106 Establishing research committees for promoting and directing research

A Research Committee has been constituted to facilitate and monitor research activities of the staff and students.

Members of the Research Committee : Dr. (Mrs) S.Kanmani, Principal - Chairman Dr. P. Dhasarathan - Convenor Dr. K. Ramesh Kannan - Member Dr. V. Pandidurai - Member Dr. P. Theriappan - Member Dr. N. Ramesh - Member Dr. S. Parvathi - Member Dr. D. Sangaiya - Member Dr. M. Karpagam - Member Mr. L. Sakthi Kumar - Member The functions of the committee are: • To motivate the staff and students to undertake research projects • To mobilize resources from the funding agencies • To monitor the research activities on the campus • To conduct seminars for students and staff members • To publish the research journal ‘Trends in Kalis Research’ every year

3.107 Establishment of specific research units/centers

A separate Animal Tissue Culture Lab is established

3.2 Research and publication output

3.201 Significant faculty involvement in research

Particulars of papers and books published during 2007-2008

S.No. Author Title of the paper Journal / books with date of publication 1. Dr.P.Dhasarathan Immuno Modulation of ‘National Journal of & numooral Immune response Current Science’, Ms.M.Madhumitha by carbosulfur in 10(2)679-682 Swiss Albino mice 2. Dr.P.Dhasarathan Microbial diversity in fire Accepted for publication in work ‘Indian Journal of chemical exposed soil and Microbiology’ water samples collected in Dist., Tamilnadu 3. Dr.P.Theriappan Microbial diversity in fire Accepted for publication in work ‘Indian Journal of chemical exposed soil and Microbiology’ water samples collected in , Tamilnadu 4. Dr.P.Dhasarathan Effect of Organochlorine Accepted for publication in pesticide endosulfan on ‘Pollution Research’ immune response of swiss albino mice 5. Ms.S.Jeyaseeli Modified simultaneous ‘Trends in Kalis Research’ Subavathi perturbation learning 29.02.2008 algorithm in Training Feed forward Newel network

6. Ms.G.Hemamala EDTA Assisted removal of ANJAC Journal of Aluminium by the adsorption Science, Sivakasi on CAC 7. Mr.V.Sudhakar Role of Management in Green Productivity in Environmental Issues Small and Medium Enterprises 8. Mr.M.Anbalagan Financial Accounting - II Book (2007) Financial & Corporate Book (2008) Accounting 9. Mr.R.Murugan Banking Theory Law & Book Practice 10. Mr.R.Murugan Project Guidelines (For Book & Dr.V.Madasamy M.Com. & M.B.A. Students) Corporate Accounting-I

3.203 Significant number of major and minor research projects

• A.Visalatchi of II M.Sc., (Biotechnology) received a research grant of Rs.5,000/- from Tamilnadu state council for Science and Technology, Chennai • N.Suresh Kumar of II B.Sc., (Biotechnology) received a stipend of Rs.10,000/- and carried out a two-month summer project in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore • P.Krisnaveni of II B.Sc., (Biotechnology) received a stipend of Rs.10,000/- and carried out a two-month summer project in Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatanagar (U.P)

3.204 receives significant quantum of research grants from external agencies

A.Visalatchi II M.Sc. Biotechnology received a research grant of Rs.5,000/- from Tamilnadu state council for Science and Technology, Chennai.

3.205 Output in terms of M. Phil, Ph.D. students is significant

M.Phil. Biotechnology degree awarded to sixteen scholars M.Phil. Commerce degree awarded to nine scholars

3.206 The institution has received research recognition and awards (including patents)

Dr. P. Dhasarathan, Dept. of Biotechnology received Prof.E.P.Odum Gold Medal 2007 from the International Society for Ecological Communication.

3.207 The institution‘s research has contributed to the industry’s requirements/ Productivity

The analytical section of the Chemistry Dept. analyzed the raw materials from the Fireworks industries in and around Sivakasi and submitted the report to enhance the quality of their products.

No. of Industries who sent their samples - 7 No. of samples analyzed - 49

3.208 Research facilities are enhanced through research projects

• A.Visalatchi of II M.Sc., (Biotechnology) received a research grant of Rs.5,000/= from Tamilnadu state council for Science and Technology, Chennai. • N.Suresh Kumar of II B.Sc., (Biotechnology) received a stipend of Rs.10,000/- and carried out a two-month summer project in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore • P.Krisnaveni of II B.Sc., (Biotechnology) received a stipend of Rs.10,000/- and carried out a two-month summer project in Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatanagar (U.P)

3.209 Significant number of research articles published in reputed /refereed journals

List of Research Papers published by the staff

S.No. Staff Title of the paper Journal/ books with date of publication Dr.P.Dhasarathan Microbial diversity in fire National Journal of Dept. of work chemical exposed soil current Science Biotechnology and water samples collected 10(2)679-682 in Virudhunagar Dist., Tamilnadu L.Sakthikumar, Sar studies based C N S Advances in E.Anjugam, depressant activity of Pharmacology and S.Dileepkumar and Nitroketene dithioacetal Toxicology vol.3 (1) 127- R.Pandiselvam derivatives 129, 2008

3.210 Published books and proceedings based on research work

Books entitled 1. ‘ Basic Concepts of Share Market’ by P.Vijay Anand, III 2. ‘Creatures’ by J.Jeyanthkumar, III B. Com.(CA)

3.211. Citation Index / Impact Factor

Impact Factor two

3.3 Consultancy

3.301 Publicize the expertise available for consultancy services

The Institution publishes the expertise available for consultancy services through wide displays and on website.

3.302 Render consultancy services to industries

The Department of Chemistry provides the services at nominal cost. No. of fireworks industries consulted: 7 (by analysing 49 samples from 7 industries)

3.303 Render consultancy services to the government

The following faculty members of our college served as resource persons in the training programmes organized by Block Development Officer, Sivakasi and Sriviliputtur to Women Self Help Groups.

S.No. Date Name of the Faculty Place 1. 18.10.2007 Mr.R.Murugan Sivakasi Panchayat Union 2. 19.10.2007 Mr.R.Murugan Vembakottai Union 3. 07.01.2008 Mr.P.Kannan Srivilliputtur & 31.01.2008 4. 08.01.2008 Mr.P.K.Balamurugan Sivakasi 5. Mr.V.Vijay Sankar Srivilliputtur

3.304 Render consultancy services to Non- Government organizations / community/ Public

S.No. Date Department Venue Activity 1. 05.10.07 Hotel Management M.S. Chellamuthu Free demonstration & Catering Science Trust and Research and training to prepare Foundation (Institute Bakery of Mental Health & Rehabiliation), Madurai 2. 24.10.07 Hotel Management Sri Kaliswari College, Prepared 3,800 kgs of to & Catering Science Sivakasi Sweets for the 03.11.07 employees in various Fireworks industries in Sivakasi 3. 18.12.07 Hotel Management Sri Kaliswari College, Free demonstration & Catering Science Sivakasi and training to prepare Bakery to members of M.S. Chellamuthu Trust and Research Foundation (Institute of Mental Health & Rehabiliation), Madurai 4. Mr.R.Damodharan, Seethalakshmi Food Preservation and Faculty in Hotel Ramasamy College, Carving training to 200 Management & Trichy students of SRC, Catering Science Trichy

3.305 Resources (financial and material) generated through consultancy services

Revenue generated through consultancy service: Rs.4,900/= This amount is spent on purchasing chemicals

3.306 Mutual benefits accrued due to consultancy

Revenue generated through consultancy services: Rs.4,900/- (by analysing 49 samples from 7 industries) Industries benefited are: 1. Anand Traders, Sivakasi 2. Classic Serpent Eye Industries, Sivakasi 3. Yuvaraj Factory, Madurai 4. Sri Kaliswari Fireworks, Sivakasi 5. A.R.D Fireworks, Sivakasi 6. Sunflower Chemicals, Sivakasi 7. The Vivekananda Match Company, Sivakasi

3.4 Extension activities

3.401 Promotion of extension activities

The Institution offers Outreach programmes under the following banners: 1. Junior Jaycee Wing 2. Rotaract Club 3. Eco Club 4. Youth Red Cross 5. Various Departments of the College

Date Programme Name of the School / Place 18.07.07 Blood donation camp conducted by YRC Sri Kaliswari College, Sivakasi – Sixty one students donated blood 22.07.07 Clean Environment V.Muthuramalingapuram 29.09.07 Clean Environment Ayyanar Temple at Pavalakurichi 29.09.07 Visited the old age home offering solace Old Age Home, Kullursandai and eateries 26.10.07 ‘Plan your Future’ to +2 students Government Higher Secondary School, Amathur 29.10.07 ‘Plan your Future’ to +2 students Annai Velankanni Hr. Sec. School, Sivakasi 30.10.07 ‘Plan your Future’ to +2 students S.R.N.M. Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Thiruthangal 31.10.07 ‘Plan your Future’ to +2 students Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Poovanathapuram 31.10.07 ‘Plan your Future’ to +2 students Government Higher Secondary School, Sankaralingapuram 06.11.07 ‘Plan your Future’ to +2 students N.P.A.S. Rathna Vilas Hr. Sec. School, Sivakasi 06.11.07 ‘Plan your Future’ to +2 students Government Higher Secondary School, Sinnakamanpatti 13.11.07 ‘Plan your Future’ to +2 students Kamak Hr. Sec. School, Krishnaperi 13.11.07 ‘Plan your Future’ to +2 students Government Higher Secondary School, M.Mangalam 30.11.07 One day free training programme in Seven schools of Virudhunagar ‘Maintenance and servicing of Home District participated appliances’ to +2 students 18.12.07 Free demonstration and training to M.S. Chellamuthu Trust and prepare Bakery to the members Research Foundation (Institute of Mental Health & Rehabiliation), Madurai 06.01.08 (i) Establishment of Long Jump pit Elwin Centre for the Mentally (ii) Conducted sports events and Retarded, Satchiapuram, distributed prizes Sivakasi west (iii) Dinner provided to the inmates The expenditure for the above events Rs.11,000/- was borne by the students and faculties of the Department of Management Studies Student volunteers rendered their Thiruvannamalai Temple near services by regulating the devotees of Srivilliputtur Thiruvannamalai Temple during the festival of Purattasi Saturdays Planting saplings carried out Vadmalapuram village Planting saplings carried out Naranapuram village 03.02.08 Cleaning Sivakasi Railway Station in Railway Station, Sivakasi collaboration with Rotary Club, Sivakasi

3.402 Organize need- based extension programme

Date Programme Name of the School / Place 17.11.07 ‘Plan your Future’ to +2 students K.N.U.P.R. Matric. Hr. Sec. School, Nilakottai Food Preservation and Carving Seethalakshmi Ramasamy College, training to 200 students of SRC, Trichy Trichy Blood donated by P.Sakthivel of Government Hospital, Sivakasi II B.Com.(R) to the needy patient Blood donated by S.Ramkumar of Government Hospital, Sivakasi II B.Com.(R) to the needy patient

3.403 Participation of students and faculty in extension programs

Date Programme Name of the School / Place 22.07.07 Cleaning programme - Removal of weeds V.Muthulingapuram and thorny bushes 26.08.07 Social Harmony Rally Sivakasi

Red Ribbon Club Date Programme Chief Guest / Resource person 04.07.07 3 hour awareness Dr.Nandhini Pandian M.D.,DGO., programme on Madurai ‘Gynaecology’ 19.09.07 10 hour module Mr.P.V.Selvaraj programme about the Field Officer, RRC, awareness of HIV / AIDS Virudhunagar District

The Institution ensures social justice and empowerment to under-privileged sections in particular, women and children in the following ways: • By establishing Gender Cell • By organising legal awareness programmes for women • By creating health awareness among physically weak students • By giving counselling on personal, health and legal problems • By promoting Self-help Groups activities

3.404 Organize NSS/NCC activities

The Institution promotes the participation of the students and faculty in extension activities of NSS, YRC, Rotaract, Jaycees, Eco club, etc. • By enrolling the students as volunteers or members • By selecting the students as president, secretary, etc • By appointing the staff as co-ordinators and members • By reviewing the activities of each unit at the beginning of every academic year • By organising programmes regularly


NSS Units 192, 209 and Youth Red Cross of our college in association with V.Dhanasamy Parimaladevi Medical Trust Blood Bank, Virudhunagar, organized a 'Blood Donation Camp' on our campus on 18 th July, 2007. Sixty-one NSS Volunteers donated blood.

A one-day programme on 'Clean Environment' was organized at V.Muthulingapuram on 22 nd July, 2007. 45 NSS volunteers participated in the programme and removed the unwanted plants and shrubs in and around the village.

'An Orientation Programme on NSS' was conducted at S4 Seminar Hall on 27 th July, 2007. The entire first year NSS Volunteers participated. Dr.G.Rangasamy, NSS Programme Officer, S.R.N.M. College, Sattur, motivated the NSS Volunteers to render selfless service to the public.

A 'Social Harmony Rally' was taken out at Sivakasi, on 26 th August, 2007. Dr.K.Radhika Devi, B.D.S., Chairperson, Sivakasi Municipality, flagged off the rally. 73 NSS volunteers took part in the rally.

A special guest lecture on 'Service to Man is Service to God' was organized on 7th August, 2008, to highlight the values of selfless service. Dr.T.A.Pasupathi exhorted the volunteers to lead life by expressing humanity and divinity.

A special training programme on 'Kayakalpam' was organized on the 8 th of September, 2007. Mr.A.Lakshmanan, Professor, Sivakasi Manavalakalai Mandra Trust, trained the NSS Volunteers to control the senses.

A Ten-day Special Camp was organized on the theme 'Healthy Youth for Healthy India' at Vadamalapuram village between 16.12.2007 and 25.12.2007. 84 NSS Volunteers along with the programme officers participated. The following activities were carried out by the NSS Volunteers during the Camp. 1. Planting Saplings 2. Free Eye Medical Camp 3. White-washing the School building 4. Repairing the damaged road 5. Removing the waste paper and used polythene bags.

A one-day Camp was conducted to keep Sivakasi Railway Station clean in association with Rotract club, Sivakasi on 3 rd February, 2008. Forty NSS Volunteers collected the pieces of waste paper and used-polythene bags littering around the platform and kept the Campus clean.

On 8 th February, 2008, a guest lecture was arranged on 'Natural Food and Employment Opportunities' for NSS unit No.192. Thiru.G.Maran Prakash, the Resource person, advised the volunteers to develop the habit of consuming natural food.

On 18 th March 2008, a one day seminar on the topic 'Job opportunities' was organized in association with Virudhunagar District Employment Exchange, Virudhunagar. All II and III Year NSS Volunteers (200) of our college participated in the Programme.

On 20 th March 2008, a guest lecture programme on the topic 'Career Guidance regarding higher education and interview tips' was conducted. All the II and III year NSS Volunteers (120) of our college participated in the programme. The Chief Guest Mr.M.Jeganathan, Principal, ICFAI National College, , gave an informative speech on 'Higher Education in India' through LCD projection.


• NSS Unit No.193 (Women's Wing) in association with Eco Club celebrated 'World Environmental Day' on 20 th June, 2007. Mrs.Shyamala Thangamani, Lecturer (Retd.), S.F.R College, Sivakasi, delivered a talk on 'Environmental Awareness'. 50 NSS volunteers attended. • 'An orientation on NSS' was organized on 28 th July, 2007. Dr.G.Rangasamy, NSS P.O., SRNM College, Sattur, explained the objectives of NSS. • On 27 th August, an awareness programme on Anaemia was organized for all II year students. Dr.V.K.Kathiravan, M.B.B.S., explained the causes of anaemia and the way to recover from this disease. 181 students attended. • In association with Government Hospital, Sivakasi, a Blood Donation Camp was organized on 10 th September, 2007. Dr.Kathiresan, Medical Officer, inaugurated the Camp. 41 students and one staff member donated blood. Mrs.J.Premalatha, NSS P.O. (Women's Wing) attended a one-day awareness programme on 'Nutrition and Health' organized by Fatima College, Madurai, on 12 th September, 2007. • 10 NSS Volunteers of this Unit attended a one-day awareness programme on 'Nutrition' organized by V.V.V College, Virudhunagar on 21st September, 2007. • To develop the life-skills of our Women NSS Volunteers, a special training programme on 'Art and Craft' was organized on 22 nd September, 2007. Tutors of New Bharathi Art and Craft School gave instructions for preparing Paper Ribbon Flower. 57 students benefited. Our NSS Unit organized a one-day cleaning activity at Pavalakuruchi Ayyanar Temple on 29 th September, 2007. Nearly 60 Volunteers of the Women's Wing attended. • A special guest lecture on 'Nutritional Food and Youth Health' was organized on 6th October, 2007. Mr.R.Muthumani, Proprietor, Abis Coffee, advised the volunteers to take nutritious food in required proportion and to do some Yoga exercises. • From 21 st December, 2007 to 30th December, 2007, 44 NSS Women's Wing Volunteers attended a Ten-day Special Camp at Naranapuram on the theme 'Healthy Youth for Healthy India'. • Mrs.J.Premalatha, NSS P.O. attended a meeting at NSS office, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, on 8th January, 2008, to discuss the activities and procedures to be followed by NSS Units. • Twenty girl volunteers were engaged in marketing Handloom Sarees to alleviate the problems of Weavers in a three-day Co-optex Exhibition cum sales conducted from 30.01.2008 to 01.02.2008 at S4 Seminar Hall. • Also they organised a guest lecture on 'Women and Law' on 31 st January, 2008. Mr.V.Chandrasekaran, Lawyer, Thiruthangal, explained the laws helpful to promote Women's upliftment. 65 students benefited. On 3 rd February, 2008, 65 volunteers of NSS Unit No.193 attended a one-day special Camp at Naranapuram for planting saplings. • Twenty-five women volunteers assisted the Government Officers engaged in the distribution of Polio drops at Naranapuram on 10th February, 2008. • On 27 th February 2008, Mrs.J.Premalatha, NSS P.O. attended a one day State Level Seminar on the topic 'Healthy Youth for Healthy India' held at Sourashtra College, Madurai. • Mrs.J.Premalatha and Mrs.L.Sugirtha attended in UGC sponsored five day workshop on 'Capacity Building for Women Managers in Higher Education' held at Lady Doak College, Madurai, from 17 th September 2007 to 21 st September 2007. • To develop the skills of our women NSS Volunteers, a training class on 'Kolam' was organized on 8 th March 2008, Mrs.S.Umarani, Kolam Trainer, Sivakasi gave instructions for drawing Sand Kolam, Kanniya Kolam and Salt Kolam. 42 students benefited from this programme. 3.405 Awards and recognition received for extension activities

• Dr. (Mrs). S. Kanmani, Principal has been honoured with the prestigious Indira Gandhi Excellence award presented by the International Business Council, New Delhi. • Appreciation for blood donation from Dhanasamy Parimaladevi Medical Trust Blood Bank, Virudhunagar • Appreciation for extension activities at Elwin Centre, Sivakasi

3.406 Impact of extension activities on the community: evaluation, review and upgrading the extension programmes

The impact of the extension activities on the community is as follows: • Creating awareness on deadly diseases like AIDS, malnutrition, safe drinking water and emphasising the necessity of healthy and hygienic life style among the rural populace • Minimizing road accidents through the establishment of traffic signs and rule boards displayed at the crowded areas of the town • Reducing occurrence of accidents out of ignorance through the Programmes on ‘safety measures’ for the employees of fireworks • Helping Self-help Groups to become entrepreneurs • Helping the public to keep the area pollution free through environmental programmes

3.407 establish partnerships with industry, community and NGOs for extension activities

• Blood donation camp organized jointly with Lions Club, Sivakasi. • Cleaning Sivakasi railway station undertaken jointly with Sivakasi Rotary Club • A personality development camp for school children conducted for three days in collaboration with Jaycees.

3.5 Collaborations

3.501 Institution level / local

• The Department of Mathematics is a member in Virudhunagar District Cluster of Colleges Joint Faculty Programme constituted by the eleven colleges offering PG Maths programme. For our part, a Guest lecture was arranged in our college on 4 th August, 2007 on the topic Finite Abelian Groups by Dr.T.Tamilchelvam, Head, Dept. of Maths, M.S. University, Tirunelveli. • The Physically Challenged Students care wing of Sri Kaliswari College conducted a Free medical camp for the physically challenged students of our College in collaboration with PAMC Hospitals, Madurai. • In collaboration with Waves Institute of Cell phone Servicing, a one month Cell phone servicing course was conducted for 40 students of our College from 27.9.2007. • The department of Hotel Management and Catering Science conducted a one months’ spoken English course for their final year students in collaboration with Celta Centre, Srivilliputtur. • The Department of Computer Science joined hands with TANDEM Institute of Technology, Madurai, for conducting DotNet course for 16 students during the month of September, 2007. The classes for the second batch of 17 students started in February, 2008.

3.502 National/State

• The department of commerce collaborated with ICWAI and conduct class for foundation course for Cost Accountant. • A two day National seminar on 22 nd and 23 rd Nov. 2007 was organized and conducted by the Department of Tamil on ‘Thirumangai Alwar’ in collaboration with Thirumalai Thiruppathi Devasthanam, Thiruppathi, on SKC campus • The Department of Chemistry and the Department of Pharmaceutical • Chemistry jointly organized a two day workshop on ‘Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Drug Design’ on 11 th and 12th February, 2008 in collaboration with Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore, The Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi and The National Academy of Science, Allahabad. An amount of Rs.60,000/- was sponsored by the IAS, INSA and NAS.

3.503 International

A two day international seminar was organized on May 31 st and 1 st June 2008 by the Department of Tamil in collaboration with International Society for Tamil Culture and Society.

3.504 Industry /Service sector / Agriculture

Department of Chemistry The Department of Chemistry collaborated with 7 Industries for sample analysis. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Chemistry students are doing projects in: 1. Syngene Informational Ltd., Bangalore 2. Orchid Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Chennai

3.6 Best practices in research consultancy and extension

Best practices promotion of research/ Research and publication output/consultancy Extension activities Collaborations/ or any other quality initiative the institution practises.

• By establishing a separate research cell to monitor and promote research activities on the campus. • Research Division of our college encourages the staff to publish their research articles in ‘Trends in Kalis Research’. • Registration fee to participate / present papers in National, International Conferences and workshops is met by the Management. • Free Net access is provided to the staff and M.Phil. Scholars to foster the research culture. • A special incremental incentive of Rs.1,000/- is granted to Ph.D. Degree holders. • A special incremental incentive of Rs.500/- is granted to M.Phil. Degree holders. • Leave on Duty is granted to participate and to present papers in seminars/ conferences/ workshops. • Publishers of books, both students and staff members are honoured with Mementos on the occasion of College Day celebrations. • We subscribe to various International costly journals for the benefit of research scholars/ staff/ students. • Lab facilities and costly chemicals are made available to pursue research by the staff and students. • Funds are provided to the tune of Rs.2,89,223/- by the Management to carry out the extension activities. • Free transport facilities are made available to carryout the extension activities. • By having linkage with various service organisations to serve the society at large.

* * *

Criterion IV


4.1 Physical facilities

4.101 The Institution provides necessary facilities or classrooms (furniture and fixtures)

Class room a. Spacious and well ventilated rooms fitted with ceiling fans and tube-lights b. Comfortable desks and benches with back support c. Provided with Glass boards and Provision for LCD and OHP

Table showing the area and number of classrooms Main Block: Area of the No. of Classrooms Classroom in Square feet (Sq. ft.) 630 21 238 4 397.5 3 459.51 3 270 2 531.38 2 596.58 2 661.78 1 331.14 1 300.58 1 Total 40

MBA Block: Area of the No. of Classrooms Classroom in Square feet (Sq. ft.) 840 3 1068 3 225 1 298.5 1 328.5 1 300 1 657 1 316.41 1 Total 12

4.102 The Institution provides necessary facilities for laboratories (Furniture, fixtures, equipment and good laboratory practices)

Laboratories • Computer Laboratory with internet: (4,751 sq ft) There are two air conditioned centralised computer laboratories with 244 computers connected with LAN on the campus. A separate internet centre is dedicated to the teaching staff for internet surfing. • Electronics Laboratory: ( 978 sq ft) The Laboratory is well equipped to carry out Electronics and Microprocessor experiments for Computer Science and Physics students. The Laboratory is furnished with equipment like CRO, Function Generator, IC Trainer kits for analogue and digital experiments and 8085 & 8086 Microprocessor kits. With the available facilities, Electronics and Microprocessor based project works are carried out by the students. • Biotechnology Laboratory: (3,700 sq ft) There are two laboratories for biotechnology. One is devoted for plant tissue culture lab and the other for animal cell culture. The labs are equipped with state of the art facilities which include microbial culture maintenance facility, bio-safety laminar flow, slit-fermenter and walk-in cold room. The following are the advance lab equipment constantly in use. 1. Ultra freezers 2. PCR 3. ELISA readers 4. Gel-documentation system 5. Lyophilizer 6. Refrigerated microfuge 7. Nikon 50i epi fluorescent unit with dark field phase contrast fluorescent and phase contrast microscope 8. Five computers with internet facility • Physics Laboratory: (1440 sq ft) The Laboratory is well equipped to carry out major and ancillary physics practical. Solar Photo Voltaic kit to study solar radiation at a specific location is also available. The frequently used equipment are Students’ Spectrometer, Travelling Microscopes, Ballistic Galvanometers, Spot Galvanometers, IC Trainer kits, Regulated Power supplies and Newton’s Ring apparatus. • Chemistry Laboratory: (1850 sq ft) The Lab is well equipped to analyse the percentage of purity of chemicals and to estimate the strength of solutions. The lab has equipment like double distilled water glass apparatus, pH meter, Potentiometer, Flame photometer, mechanical shaker, centrifuge tube, deioniser, automatic air oven, Fume cupboard, electric water bath etc. It has a separate section to • analyse water samples • test the purity of raw materials and the finished products used in matches and fireworks industries. • Pharmaceutical Laboratory: (1,850 sq ft) Pharmaceutical Chemistry Lab is well equipped with the following instruments for doing practical, project and research in the fields of Organic synthesis, Drug synthesis, Antibacterial activity, Anti- inflammatory activity, CNS activity using Digital Actophotometer, Analgesiometer, Rotorod, Electro-Convulsometer, Plethesmograph, Polarimeter, Sherrington Rotating Drum, Dissolution apparatus, Disintegration apparatus, Visible Spectrometer, Incubator, Laminar air flow Chamber, Flame photometer, Clinical centrifuge Microwave oven, Magnetic Stirrer, UV – viewer chamber, Photo electric colorimeter, Conductivity meter, pH meter, Potentiometer, Orbital Shaker, Mechanical Shaker, Refractometer, Cryobath, Vacuum pump, heating mantle, melting point apparatus, Temperature controlled water bath, Double Distillation Unit, Deionizer and Fume cupboard. • Hotel Management and Catering Science Lab: ‹ Front Office (630 sq.ft) A well furnished room with a decorated receptionist cabin and modern furniture. ‹ Bakery & Confectionery: (630 sq.ft) It has the an imported German oven and a Dough mixer with marble working tables. ‹ Basic Training Kitchen: (1,923.6 sq.ft) It is equipped with modern working tables, electric oven, salamander, juicer, coffee maker, microwave oven, table top wet grinder, blender, electric deep fryer, pasta machine and separate Butchery table. ‹ Guest Room : (630 sq.ft) The Guest room is well furnished with the washing machine, detachable bathroom with WC, double bed and television. ‹ Training Restaurant : (1,278.9 sq.ft) It is a modern training restaurant in a 1,278.9 sq. ft room with a bar and pantry with equipment like Bain-marie, spoon sterilizers, guerdon trolley and plate warmer. ‹ Quantity Advanced Training Kitchen : (978 sq.ft) Quantity Advanced Training Kitchen is furnished with all the equipment that are necessary for the preparation of quality food. • Language Laboratory: Language lab has twenty computers with a server. It is equipped with Re- net software, a computer aided audio visual. • Library: (4,751 sq. ft) ‹ Well furnished reading rooms ‹ Reprographic section ‹ Internet ‹ DELNET 4.103 Provides sports facilities for students /faculty

The physical and infrastructure facilities available for the sports and physical education are the following: Courts: d. Cricket field e. 55 yards circumference f. Foot-ball field

g. Track field - 200m For boys For Girls Standard volley ball court (2Nos.) Standard volley ball court (1 No) Badminton court Ball badminton court Kabadi court Kabadi court Kho – kho court Kho – kho court Tennikoit court Tennikoit court Basket ball court (with free zone)

Indoor games Table tennis Carom Chess Instruments available in Physical Education Department Dumbbells Lezium Wands

4.104 The Institution has necessary facilities for general computer education of students

The Institution has a centralised Computer Centre. At the end of each semester, time schedule allotting timing to students of various departments is prepared well in advance. The staff members are allowed to use the lab whenever it is free. Computer Centre is kept open from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Computing facility including internet are provided free of cost to the staff and research scholars. Internet facility is available to under-graduate students at a very nominal cost of Rs.10/- per hour. A number of 97 Computer terminals and 3 servers are added to the department on the campus in addition to the existing number.

4.105 Infrastructural facilities are augmented from time to time

The academic growth of the Institution has been spectacular since its inception. To keep pace with the academic growth the following steps were taken during the year under review: • Sufficient resources were allotted to meet additional facilities required without compromising on the quality of education • Four additional sections were started in the following subjects – B.Com., BBA, B.Sc.(Computer Science) and BCA during 2007-2008. • Four additional rooms with all facilities to house the additional sections were constructed. • An additional computer lab to house the additional section was constructed. • Animal Tissue Culture Lab was established. • Two additional buses were provided for transport. • Additional Chemicals and apparatus were also provided at a cost of Rs.7,70,957.82

4.106 Infrastructure facilities are being utilized optimally

On working days the infrastructure is optimally used as follows: ‹ The classrooms and labs are used for conducting University Certificate and Diploma courses after the regular academic activities. Infrastructure facilities were utilized after regular class hours and during vacation for conducting contact seminar for MBA and MCA (Distance Education by Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai) ‹ Library was kept open during vacation also ‹ Organizing National Symposiums and Conferences ‹ A/C Conference Hall was made available to conduct Fireworks labourers’ meeting

4.107 additional facilities for sports and extra curricular activities (Gym, swimming pool, auditorium etc.) are provided

• A/C Conference Hall : 1,802.78 sq ft • Seminar Hall : 1,802.78 sq ft

4.108 Adequate facilities for Women

The Institution provides the following facilities: • Separate Non Resident Student Centres • Canteen • Xerox Centres • The rest rooms • A Physical Directress is appointed • Separate courts for girls – Volley ball, Kho-Kho, Ball badminton and Tennikoit

4.109 Appropriate facilities for differently abled students

• Classrooms and exam centre are provided at the ground floor for the convenience of the differently abled. • A separate cell is constituted to take care of the interests of the differently abled. • A free medical check-up programme was launched for them.

4.2 Maintenance of Infrastructure

4.201 The Institution has a maintenance budget for the physical facilities through existing / mobilized resources

The Institution maintains infrastructure in good working condition by appointing a team of engineers, technicians and unskilled labourers . The Estate Maintenance Department looks after the repair and maintenance of the college properties. The total budget allocation and actual expenditure incurred for the maintenance during the year 2007-08 is as follows: Budget allocation - Rs.18,00,000.00 Actual expenses - Rs.20,48,955.13

4.202 Utilizes the funds allocated for maintenance

The total budget allocation and actual expenditure incurred for maintaining during the year 2007-08 are as follows: Table showing allocation of Budget and Actual Particulars Budget Actual Equipment 3,00,000.00 3,60,230.50 Computers 4,00,000.00 4,20,275.22 Transport 9,00,000.00 10,15,363.86 Repair 2,00,000.00 2,53,085.55 18,00,000.00 20,48,955.13

4.203 Adequate systems for maintaining and utilizing physical facilities

AMC facilities are available for UPS. • The maintenance and repair work is carried out by Estate Maintenance Department headed by a qualified Civil Engineer with plumbers and electricians. • The Institution has a workshop for designing, maintaining and repairing furniture. This workshop functions under the Estate Maintenance Department of the college.

4.204 Adequate systems for maintaining and utilizing library and information facilities

• Open access system is followed for lending books • The issue of books is computerized with bar code scanner and only ID card holders can borrow books • The reference book-section is maintained • A separate periodical section with reading room is available • The damaged books are sent for binding • Physical stock verification is carried out annually • The Semester Exam Questions papers are bound • Valuable Journals are preserved in binding form in the Library • Separate Issue Registers are maintained for the staff and students • DELNET facilities are available • Access to British Council Library available • Educational CDs are available

4.205 Adequate systems for maintaining computer and network facilities

The routine work of maintenance of computers and the network facilities is undertaken by appointing lab technicians. The UPS, printers and A/c machines are maintained through AMC. Lab technicians are appointed to service computers and network connections. The service of lab equipment not under the purview of AMC is carried out on call basis.

4.3 Library as a learning resource

4.301 Number of titles of books in the library

There has been a gradual increase in the number of books every year and at present it has a total volume of 17,040 books.

Table showing the number of books purchased and amount spent so far Year Number of volumes Amount in Rs. 2000-2007 15040 36,76,140 2007-2008 2000 2,65,077 Total 17040 39,41,217

4.302 Number of journals (national+ international) and other library resources (i.e CDs/ Cassettes etc.)

Similarly, the number of journals subscribed has also been increased from 115 to 124.

Table showing total number of National & International Periodicals subscribed Year National International Total Cost in Rs. Upto 2007 105 8 113 1,28,429 2007-2008 115 9 124 1,14,458

4.303 Library resources are augmented every year with newer editions and titles

New titles added this year - 1,331

4.304 Effective and user-friendly library operations (issue of books, getting the necessary references, etc)

The following facilities are available in the Library: • For research scholars : The free print of catalogue is available on request • Computers: The library is fully computerised with the bar code facility through the computers. On-Line Public Access is available through computers • Internet: Internet facility is available in the library and students can access after getting permission from the librarian • Inter Library Loan (ILL) The College Library has been enrolled as a member in the following organizations: ‹ British Council Division Library: Ten tickets are available for the staff to borrow books from British Council Division Library ‹ DELNET

The Library collection meets the requirements of the users in the following ways: • By ensuring the availability of University prescribed text books • By procuring reference books recommended by University syllabus • By providing resources for preparing for competitive examinations reading general books, journals and newspapers to enrich student’s knowledge • By procuring books for research scholars To ensure easy access, use and security of material, the following system is being adopted: • Books are arranged in the Dewey Decimal Classification • Library is fully computerized and automated with Bar Coding • On line public access catalogue is available Open access system is provided in the library for the staff and students Library is kept open between 9.00 A.M. and 6.00 P.M. Number of Books lent to M.Phil. Scholars – 4 Number of Books lent to PG. students – 3 Number of Books lent to UG students – 2 Number of Books lent to staff members – 10

4.305 Reading room facility for faculty and students Two reading rooms for faculty and students • One reading room for periodical section • The other for Reference section

4.306 Reprographic facilities

This facility is available on payment of a concessional rate per page.

4.307 Internet facility for information retrieval • The Internet service is available to the students and staff. • The student can access the internet after the regular college hours. • The staff members can access during their free hours. • There is an online public access catalogue. • The software packages and utilities in CDs are available in the Library

4.308 Library Advisory committee and its effective functioning

The library is assisted by an advisory committee which consists of the following members: Dr.S.Kanmani, Principal - Chairman Mr.S.Mari Murugan (Librarian) - Convener Ms.N.Dhanya (Commerce) - Member Ms.R.Kalpana Devi (IT & BCA) - Member Ms.M.Raziasulthana (C.S.) - Member Mr.S.Rajkumar (Mgmt. Studies) - Member Dr.M.Karpagam (Tamil) - Member Ms.M.Durga (Chemistry) - Member Ms.N.Manjula (Maths) - Member Mr.A.Kuberaraja (Physics) - Member Mr.R.Venkatraman (HM & CS) - Member

The functions of the committee are: • To provide the best service to students and faculty members • To watch keenly the college news and other important notifications published in newspapers and pass on the information to the department concerned, students, the Management and the administrative staff • To advise on procurement of the latest books and relevant journals and their proper display • To monitor the overall activities of the library and increase the facilities depending on the need of the staff and students

4.309 Computerization of library and networking with other libraries

An Audio system is available with headphones. Students can play the cassettes which are available on the rack. It has an online public access catalogue. • Inter Library Loan (ILL) The college library has been enrolled as a member in the following organizations: ‹ British Council Division Library: Ten tickets are available per head to the staff to borrow books from British council division library ‹ DELNET: This facility is made available to both students and the staff. The list of journals and articles available through DELNET is made known to the students and staff.

4.4 ICT as learning resources

4.401 Has adequate / up to date computer facilities

The facilities available to the faculty to prepare computer aided teaching/learning materials are as follows: • A computer and printer facility in every department • Five separate Internet connections for students, staff, office, library and research scholars • LCD facility for teaching • Well equipped Seminar hall and Conference hall with LCD facility • Educational CDs

4.402 Provides access to computers for the faculty

The Institution is committed to provide effective and contemporary computer education to the faculty in the following ways: • By providing a computer and a printer facility to each and every department • By permitting all staff to use the facility available in the computer centre • By establishing an internet centre exclusively for the staff • By giving a separate internet line at the computer centre and biotechnology laboratory • Online Public Access Catalogue section helps the faculty to reserve their warranted books themselves. They get their reserved books on the noted date and at noted time

4.403 Provides access to computers for the students

The Institution has three Computer Centres. At the end of each semester, time schedule allotting timing to students of various departments is prepared well in advance. The staff members are allowed to use the lab whenever it is free. The Computer centre is kept open from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Computing facility including internet are provided free of cost to the research scholars. Internet facility is available to under graduate and post graduate students at a very nominal cost of Rs.10/- per hour. One extra Computer is added to the Department of Commerce for the M.Phil. research scholars of commerce. • By introducing a paper on fundamentals of computer with two hours practical per week to all non- computer major students like students of Tamil and Biotechnology. • By allotting two hours per week to M.A. Tamil and B.Sc. Hotel Management and Catering Science students to get trained in browsing and using the internet. • By providing computer facility to students of Computer Science, Information technology, Computer Applications, Commerce with computer applications, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Business Administration, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Hotel Management and Catering Science who have at least one computer allied paper in their regular curriculum.

4.404 Provides internet facility for faculty and students

• Free Internet facility for the staff and research scholars • Provides Internet facility to the UG & PG students at a nominal rate of Rs.10/- per hour

4.405 Institution has a website facility, updated regularly

College Website: The website is updated regularly.

4.5 Other facilities

4.501 Staff rooms

Separate staff room for each and every department with all facilities like light, fans, tables with drawers & cupboards, chairs, racks, bureaus and computer.

4.502 Common rooms for students

• A/c conference hall at the ground floor • A seminar hall at the first floor • Vehicle parking shed for students • Students store • Two canteens • Xerox centre • Two PCO, STD facilities • Mini Gym • Open air Gym • Mineral Water Plant • Grievance Redressal Cell • Language Laboratory

4.503 Rest room and toilets

• Non-Resident Students Centre (Boys) • Non-Resident Students Centre (Girls) • Number of Toilets – 45 for girls, 50 for boys

4.504 Health centre

‹ Dr.P.Ponmoorthyraja, M.B.B.S., visits the college on all working days. ‹ Free medicine and consultation for students and the staff ‹ The Health Centre has a bed with first aid materials. ‹ Information Manual about blood donors

4.505 Vehicular parking

Separate parking place for two-wheelers and four-wheelers.

4.506 Hostels Separate Hostels for boys and girls. Hostels are two storeyed buildings built with all modern facilities imbibed in them. Boys’ hostel a. The number of rooms in (17’6” x 18’0”) 316.8 sq ft : 63 b. The number of inmates : 170 c. The number of staff : 6 Girls’ hostel d. The number of rooms in (18’0”x17’6”) 316.8 sq ft with attached toilet : 52 e. The number of inmates : 230 f. The number of staff : 11 The facilities provided in the hostel are as follows: • News papers • Gas cooking • Steam cooking • Purified Mineral water plant • Reading room • Recreation facilities such as audio and video equipment • Indoor games • Health care - Dr.P.Ponmoorthyraja, M.B.B.S., visits the boy’s hostel thrice a week and the girl’s hostel thrice a week from 5.30 P.M. to 6.30 P.M. • Freezer and Fridge • Generators (separate) • A Beautician visits the girls’ hostel during Sundays. • A Dhobi visits both the hostels daily • A flower vendor visits the girls’ hostel daily

4.507 Guest houses

One guest room is available in the MBA Block with attached bathroom and furniture.

4.508 Canteen

Two canteens are available.

4.509 Communication facilities (Telephone ; STD; ISD)

• Telephone and STD facilities are available in both the hostels and the college office. • Two STD connections are provided for the benefit of the day scholars also. • FAX and E-mail facilities are available in the college office. • One Post -box is available in the college. • Intercom facility with 32 terminals is available to facilitate the inter-departmental activities and the official proceedings.

4.510 Electricity and lighting

• An uninterrupted power supply is ensured with two power generators of total 200 KV capacities in the College. • Separate generators for the boy’s hostel and girl’s hostel are also provided. • Sufficient tube lights inside the classrooms, laboratories and library. • Sufficient lights in the corridors and Sodium vapour lamps for the roads inside the campus. • 400 fans inside the classrooms, staff rooms, laboratories and library. • 27 Air conditioners are available inside the campus.

4.511 Transport

• 5 buses are available for the students and the staff from Virudhunagar, Sivakasi, Sattur, Rajapalayam and Srivilliputhur • 3 two-wheelers are available for the non-teaching faculty who indulge in purchase things for College

4.512 landscape (approach roads /gardens and general ambience)

The college is situated 8 kms North of Sivakasi on the main road connecting Sivakasi and Virudhunagar. Though it is a dry barren area, the campus is green with trees and lawns to maintain greenery. To maintain the garden and to provide uninterrupted water supply, there are 6 bore wells and 4 water tanks. The architecture of the buildings gives a palatial look.

4.6 Best practices in development of infrastructure and Learning resources Best practices in Physical facilities for learning/ Maintenance of infrastructure/ Library as learning resource/ ICT as learning resources / other facilities / or Any Other quality initiative the Institution practices.

• Well ventilated laboratories and class rooms • Safety precautions by providing twenty five fire extinguishers in all laboratories and power room • Uninterrupted power and water supply • Security guards service is available to the college and hostels for 24 hours • Free Mineral water supply to all the students, the staff in the college and hostels • Steam cooking in the boys’ hostel • Free medicine and consultation for the students and staff in the college and the hostels • Each student is provided a separate computer for doing practical at a time • A Language Lab with twenty computers and software is used by the students of all the disciplines • Free Internet facility to the staff and research scholars • Free transport facility for the teaching and non-teaching faculties • Free transport facility for students to carry out Co-curricular and Extra- curricular activities • A separate Estate Maintenance Department is available inside the campus to maintain the infrastructure


Criterion V


5.1 Student progression

5.101 Monitors student progression

The progress of the students is monitored at various levels as follows:

• A staff member who is handling a class is nominated to be in-charge of the class. Besides, a counselling tutor is assigned to a group of about twenty students to discuss their problems which hinder their progress. Tutorial classes are also arranged periodically. • After every test, the progress made by the students is monitored and reported to the parents in the progress card. Remedial measures are taken in consultation with the parents in person/ through phone. Two hours per week are allotted for coaching the weak students after the regular college hours. • Students’ attendance is monitored every fifteen days and reported to the parents while sending the mark statement. Frequent absentees are given counselling to maintain regularity in attendance. • A students’ affairs committee is constituted to look into the grievances/ to monitor the students’ progress/ to maintain discipline. • For holistic development of the students the following cells and committees are functioning effectively: ‹ Examination Wing ‹ Curriculum Development Cell ‹ Holistic Development Centre ‹ Publication Section ‹ Physically Challenged Students’ Care Wing ‹ Planning Forum ‹ Quiz Forum ‹ Competitive Examination Cell ‹ Eco Club ‹ Study Circle ‹ Human Resource Development Cell ‹ Institutional Animal Ethical Committee ‹ Entrepreneurship Development Cell ‹ Gender Cell ‹ Placement Cell ‹ Parent - Teacher Association ‹ An Array of eleven Departmental Associations

5.102 Makes efforts to reduce the drop-out rate The total number of students who discontinued their studies this year is forty. They discontinued due to various reasons like opting technical education, getting Job, Police recruitment and Military Selection, Health problem, Personal reasons etc. The efforts taken to reduce drop-out rate are as follows: • Economically weak students are given financial assistance by the Management to continue their education. • Counselling is given to the students by the class teacher, the HOD, Counselling tutor, the Vice-Principal and the Principal to continue their studies • Earn – while - Learn opportunities are given to deserving students with good attendance and good marks. Two students availed this opportunity • Teaching faculties donate funds to bale out financially weak students

5.103 percentage progression to higher studies From UG to PG, from PG to research

Department UG to PG PG to Research Placed Commerce (R) 31 4 46 Tamil 16 2 1 Management Studies 7 - 14 Physics 16 - - Maths 25 1 - Information Technology 20 - 4 Computer Science 25 - 7 Computer Applications 31 - 4 Biotechnology 42 3 26 Hotel Management and Catering - - 15 Science Pharmaceutical Chemistry - 1 6

5.104 Average Institutional academic performance in relation to the university average

The performance of our students in the University Examinations has been consistently very good since the inception of our College. The results of the academic year 2007-2008 are no exception. We have secured cent percent results in six courses. In five courses the pass percentage is above 80. Sixteen students have secured ranks at the Madurai Kamaraj University level. Table showing the details of the results of our students in the academic year 2007-2008

No. of Students Class Courses % Appeared Passed First Second Third UG Courses B.A (Tamil) 27 22 81 20 2 - B.Sc (Maths) 24 20 74 15 4 1 B.Sc (Physics) 21 17 81 15 2 - B.Sc (B.T) 47 47 100 41 6 - B.Sc (H.M & C.S) 16 15 94 7 8 B.Sc (I.T) 34 28 82 28 - - B.Com (C.A) 39 33 85 26 7 - B.Com (R) 59 39 66 11 24 4 B.B.A 25 18 72 5 12 1 PG Courses M.A (Tamil) 4 4 100 4 - - M.Sc (Maths) 13 10 77 10 - - M.Sc (P.C) 21 11 52 11 - - M.Sc (B.T) 25 24 96 24 - - M.Sc (C.S) 10 10 100 10 - - M.Com 9 4 44 3 1 - Research Courses M.Phil (B.T) 9 9 100 9 - - M.Phil (Commerce) 11 11 100 11 - -

5.105 Facilitate progression to employment

A Placement Cell is actively functioning in our College. It arranges on-campus interviews for our students. Placement training is given through seminars on group discussion, communication skills and facing interviews. Students are encouraged to attend off-campus interviews. Programmes conducted to facilitate placement for the year 2007-2008 S.No. Date Activities Company Name Participants /Resource Person 1. 25.07.07 Project Trainee Celestial V Solutions, All the students Bangalore and SRM of Computer Infotech, Sivakasi Science 2. 06.08.07 Demo on Mr.Suresh babu All PG students 'Communication Mr.Anand Kumar and final year Skill and Soft Skill Everon System, UG students Development' Madurai 3. 20.08.07 Seminar on S.Anand All PG students 'How to face Dibus System Pvt. Ltd, the interview' Chennai 4. 12.09.07 Seminar Mrs.A.Shyamala 84 Students 'Importance Lecturer in French, of Group Sri Kaliswari College, Discussion Sivakasi in an interview' 5. 24.01.08 Seminar on Mr.P.Thirumeni -- 'Placement Celta Centre, Training Srivilliputhur Programme'

5.2 Student support

5.201 Ensures institutional information access and dissemination

The prospectus is updated annually. The prospectus provides clearly the following details: • Postal, E-mail and Website address of the College with phone and fax numbers • Brief history of the College • Vision and Mission of the College • List of various courses offered • Fee structure • Perspectives and Practices • Special features • Placement and Career Guidance Cell • Laboratories and Library with photos • Hostel Facilities and Health Centre • Conveyance • Eligibility norms for specific courses • Information on documents to be produced during Admission • Cost of the Application • Infrastructure available The contents of the handbook are given below: • Prayer • Profile of the College • College Crest • College Motto & College Flag • Guidelines to the Students • Secret of Victory • Members of the Trust • Members of the College committee • List of Teaching Staff • List of Non-Teaching Staff • Courses offered • Curriculum design • Prizes and Awards • Scholarships • Fees Details • College Rules • Rules and Regulations for taking Leave • Code of Conduct • The Library • College Calendar • Class Time Table • Test performance record • Time Table for University Examination • Absent Record • Late Arrival Record • No Dues Slip

5.202 Adequate student welfare measures (scholarships, free ships, insurance etc.)

The financial aids available to the students are: • State Government’s Adi Dravidar Department - SC/ST Post Matric Scholarship • Scholarship for the Children of Tamilnadu Agricultural Labourer • Scholarship for Minority Communities • Madurai Kamaraj University’s Endowment Scholarship to the meritorious students

Above all the Management of the College provides financial support services to encourage economically weaker students to complete their courses. They are as follows: • Free accommodation in the hostel for two students • Free meals in the hostel for three students • Free education for the entire course for eight students • 50% concession in the payment of the Tuition fee for three students • Financial support for Sports persons The particulars of scholarship from the Government, other agencies and Management aid-fund for the year 2007-2008 are given below: Government Scholarship: • SC/ST students scholarship (57 boys + 29 girls) (Rs.2,59,610.00) • SC/ST Higher Educational Special Scholarship (4 boys + 6 girls) (Rs.66,500.00) • SC/ST students scholarship fresh (50 boys + 38 girls) (Rs.2,29,710.00) • Minority Scholarship (3 boys) (Rs.14,050.00) Other Agencies: • University Endowment scholarship (2 boys + 8 girls) (Rs.10,500.00) • Children for Agricultural Labour (1 girl + 7 boys) • Marudhupandiyar Ara Kattalai and Maaveeran Sundarlingam Ara Kattalai Scholarship from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai (8 girls + 2 boys) • Tamilnadu Police Centenary Scholarship • Central Wakf Council Scholarship and Coffee Board Scholarship • Aids from various Mahalir Mandram • Nadar Mahajana Sangam • Chennaivazh Thiruthangal Nadar Uravinmurai Dharma Fund • Sornammal Trust • Beedi Workers’ Association • Cardamom Plantation Works Association • Employees’ Welfare Funds from various industries in and around Sivakasi Management Aid-Fund: Our Management advanced an amount of Rs.34,900/- towards Management Aid- Fund. Fees Concession - 8 Free Meals - 3 Half Fee Concession - 3 Free Accommodation - 2

5.203 Adequate counselling services

• For the development of the students, tutorial classes were arranged. One member of staff was nominated to be in-charge of each class. Besides the class teacher, a counselling tutor was assigned for a group of about twenty students to discuss their problems which hinder their progress. • All the faculty in the Institution participate in academic counselling. The sixth session of last VI Day order of every month was exclusively earmarked for this purpose. Generally they discuss with students on their studies, discipline, and other related problems.

Periodic meetings for counselling during the year 2007-2008 S.No. Date Activities 1. 26.06.07 Instructions to the students about their behaviour inside the campus 2. 05.07.07 Time wasted is Life wasted 3. 12.10.07 Behaviour of Kaliswarians outside the campus 4. 29.12.07 To elevate human relationships 5. 31.01.08 Profile of the students collected by the class teachers 6. 26.02.08 Performance in cycle tests 7. 28.03.08 Energy boosters to win Examinations

5.204 Adequate placement services

The services provided to the students through placement and counselling are as follows: • Providing career counselling • Arranging seminars & training programs like mock interviews, personality development programmes to enhance the soft skills of the students • Conducting campus interviews During the year 2007-2008, Career Guidance and Placement Cell of our College arranged, (i) On-campus interviews - 3 (ii) Off-campus interviews - 8 (iii) No. of students selected for placement – 48

Table showing the details of On-campus and Off-campus interviews during the year 2007-2008

S. Date Activities Company Name Participants Members No. /Resource Person selected 1. 04.07.07 Off-campus Chemplast Sanmar 5 -- & interview Ltd. & Cipla Nurture 06.07.07 Chennai held at S.V.N. College, Madurai 2. 16.09.07 Off-campus TCS Chennai held at 84 Students 4 & interview Lakshmi Ammal from different 17.09.07 Polytechnic College, disciplines Kovilpatti 3. 16.10.07 Off-campus Slash Support India 120 Students 2 interview Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, from different held at A.K. College disciplines of Arts and Science, Krishnankoil 4. 19.11.07 On-campus Hotel Le Royal K.Robin Joel 2 interview Meridian and S.Ragavendiran 5. 09.12.07 Off-campus Infosys Pvt. Ltd., 18 students 7 interview first Bangalore, held at from different phase of Fathima College, disciplines interview Madurai ie. written test 6. 11.12.07 On-campus GRT Group of Renji Rajan and 2 interview Hotels, Chennai M.Jeyapal

7. 22.12.07 Off-campus Infosys Pvt. Ltd., 7 students 3 interview final Bangalore held at from different phase of Fathima College, disciplines Interview.-H Madurai 8. 31.01.08 First Phase of Sutheriand Global 120 students 10 Interview Services, Chennai from different ie. Extempore held at SFR College, disciplines Sivakasi 9. 05.02.08 Off-campus IBM (BPO), Chennai 65 students -- interview held at S.V.N. from different College, Madurai disciplines 10. 08.02.08 On-campus Vi-Microsystem, 65 students 16 interview Chennai held at Sri from different Kaliswari College, disciplines Sivakasi 11. March Off-campus Moralix, S.Sindhuja 2 2008 interview Virudhunagar (III B.Sc (B.T) S.Manjula Devi (III B.Sc (Maths)

5.205 Provide health services optimally

• Mini Gym is provided to develop the physique of students • Open Gym is used by the hostellers • Gymnastics, Yoga classes and meditation classes were conducted • Dr.P.Ponmoorthyraja, M.B.B.S., visits the college on all working days. Whenever the need arises, students are also taken to the Doctor • Health care - Dr.P.Ponmoorthyraja, M.B.B.S., visits the college boys’ hostel and girls’s hostel regularly • Awareness programmes on HIV were conducted by the RRC

Activities of Red Ribbon Club during the year 2007-2008 Date Programme Chief Guest / Resource person 04.07.07 3 hour awareness programme on Dr.Nandhini Pandian, ‘Gynaecology’ PAMC Hospitals, Madurai 19.09.07 10 hour module programme about Mr.P.V.Selvaraj the awareness of HIV / AIDS Field Officer, RRC, Virudhunagar District

• Two doubt boxes are installed (one in girls rest room and another in boys rest room) to make queries about HIV. Mr.P.V.Selvaraj, Field Officer for RRC, used to open the boxes and clear the doubts periodically • Free medical camp was arranged for physically challenged students on 19 th December 2007 • UV treated Mineral water is supplied to all the students, teaching and non- teaching staff members, to hostels and to canteens for drinking and cooking • Periodical games classes are conducted. Well maintained play grounds, volley ball courts, ball badminton courts, cricket ground, TT court are available. • In the girls’ hostel two courts are available for tennikoit and shuttlecock • Annual Sports Meet was conducted on 26 th January 2008

5.206 Make the campus safe for students with adequate security and lighting

• Uninterrupted power supply was provided • Sufficient tube lights inside the classrooms, laboratories, library and inside the campus • Twenty-five Fire extinguishers are available in specific places inside the campus • Lightning arrester is installed in the main building • Security guards are employed for round the clock service • Fencing is erected around the campus • Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers and Miniature Circuit are provided for safe handling of mains/ switches/ plugs

5.3 Student activities

5.301 Organize student cultural activities

• A Department-wise Talent show was conducted during the month of July 2007. • A mega cultural show was arranged by the alumni of our college on 29 th December 2007 to the students of Sri Kaliswari College as an inter-departmental activity. Kolam (white), Rangoli, Poem recitation in English, Tongue Twister (English), Story telling (English), Light music (solo) were conducted. The prizes to winners were sponsored by the Alumni Association. • INFOSEA 2007 – an inter-collegiate cultural meet was organised by the Department of Computer Science on 14 th and 15 th February 2007. Mr.E.R.Naganathan, Reader & Head, Department of Computer Science, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, was the chief guest of the meet. Totally twelve colleges of Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai and Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, participated in the meet. Nine events such as Quiz, Software Marketing, Collage, etc. were conducted. • On 28 th December 2007, Ramanujam Day was celebrated as an inter-collegiate programme. Thirteen batches of students from seven colleges exhibited their mathematical models. A.K. Dharma Raja College, Rajapalayam won the first prize. • On 1 st February 2008, a one day inter-collegiate competition was conducted by the Department of Biotechnology. Six competitions were conducted – Pencil drawing, Essay Writing, Quiz, Dumb-charade and Poster presentation were conducted. Sadak Abdullah Abbah College bagged the shield. • On 29 th February 2008, the College Day was celebrated. A skit in English was staged. An invocation dance (solo) and a group dance were also performed.

5.302 Access to and use of recreational / leisure time activities to students

• Playgrounds, courts, gymnasium, reading room, magazine section, TV in the hostel, FM radio, Dish antenna

5.303 Sports and games facilities to students i) indoor ii) out door

Indoor games • Table tennis • Carom • Chess Out door games o Standard volley ball court (3Nos.) - 36 m x 25m, 9684 sq ft o Basket ball court(with free zone) - 30m x 18m, 5810 sq ft o Ball badminton court (2 courts) - 24m x12m, 3098 sq ft o Cricket field - 55 yards circumference,

1,26,025 sq ft o Tennikoit court (2 courts) - 40 ft x 18 ft, 720 sq ft o Badminton court - 13.40m x 6.10m, 679.52 sq ft o Kho – kho court - 29m x16m, 4992 sq ft o Foot ball field - 60m x 115m,74,269 sq ft o Track field - 200m o Kabbadi court - 12.50mx10m, 1345 sq ft

5.304 Students participation in institutional sports events

Table showing students’ participation in inter-collegiate sports during the year 2007-2008 MEN

S.No. Date Name of the Game Venue No. of participated students participated 1. 27.08.07 M.K. University Inter-collegiate Sri Kaliswari 16 to ‘D’ zone Men Cricket College, Sivakasi 29.08.07 Tournament 2. 22.09.07 District level Inter-collegiate Sri Kaliswari 2 Chess Tournament College, Sivakasi 3. 28.09.07 M.K. University ‘D’ zone Hand P.K.N. Arts 12 Ball Tournament College, Thirumangalam 4. 01.10.07 Inter-zone Basket Ball M.K. University 1 Tournament Gym, Madurai 5. 04.10.07 M.K. University Inter-collegiate Sports Stadium, 12 ‘D’ zone Volley Ball Virudhunagar Tournament 6. 08.10.07 M.K. University Inter-zone M.K. University, 3 Volley Ball Tournament Madurai 7. 12.10.07 ‘D’ zone Inter-collegiate Chess Ayya Nadar Janaki 4 Tournament Ammal College, Sivakasi 8. 16.10.07 M.K. University Inter-collegiate M.G.R. Stadium, 13 Athletic Meet 2007-08 Madurai

Table showing students participation in inter-collegiate sports during the year 2007-2008 WOMEN

S.No. Date Name of the Game Venue No. of participated students participated 1. 09.08.07 Women ‘B’ zone Kabaddi, Yadava Men 12 M.K. University Inter-collegiate College, Madurai 2. 14.08.07 Independence Day Mini Madurai Kamaraj 5 Marathan University, Madurai 3. 03.09.07 M.K. University ‘B’ Zone Inter- Sri Kaliswari 5 collegiate Ball Badminton College, Sivakasi 4. 03.09.07 M.K. University ‘B’ Zone Inter- Sri Kaliswari 2 collegiate Chess Tournament College, Sivakasi 5. 17.09.07 M.K. University ‘B’ Zone Inter- Madurai Kamaraj 12 collegiate Kho-Kho University, Madurai Tournament 6. 20.09.07 M.K. University Inter-Zone Madurai Kamaraj 2 Kho-Kho Tournament University Gym, Madurai 7. 22.09.07 A.M.S.G. Vijayakumar District A.M.S.G. 6 level Volley Ball Tournament Vijayakumar Volley Ball Academy, Sivakasi 8. 03.10.07 M.K. University ‘B’ Zone Inter- Devanger Arts 6 collegiate Volley Ball College, Tournament Aruppukkotai 9. 16.10.07 M.K. University Athletic Meet M.G.R. Stadium, 3 to Madurai 18.10.07

5.4 Best practices in student support and progression

Best practices in student progression /student support/ student activities/ or any other quality initiative in the institution.

• Cycle Tests and Model Examinations were conducted and evaluated within a week • Monitoring the students progress by tutorial meetings • Progress cards were sent to the parents after each cycle test and model exam • Marks obtained in the University Examinations by each student were intimated to the parents by post • Special guest lectures by experts in the field were arranged for the benefit of students • Credit of attendance was given to fast learners for presenting papers and participating in seminars • Cash awards were given to the winners of inter-collegiate competitions • Two students by name P.Vijayanand, III B.Com (CA) and J.Jeyanthkumar, III B.Com (CA) were honoured in our college day function for publishing the books entitled “Basic concepts of Stock market” and “Creatures” respectively. • Meritorious first generation learners from remote rural areas were identified and felicitated on College Day as ‘Rural Stars’ • Financial assistance was provided by the Management and other industries in and around Sivakasi • Free term fees, free hostel mess fees under sports quota, concession in term fees and free meals were provided by the Management to the students • Free medical treatment and medicines were provided to the students • Special meetings were conducted to improve the performance of slow learners • Counselling was given to students to the wholesome development of their personality • Tutorial classes were arranged for the development of the students. • After every test, the progress made by the students was monitored and reported to the parents by post. • Remedial measures were taken in consultation with the parents in person/ through phone. • Two hours per week were allotted to improve the standard of slow learners after the regular college hours. • Students’ attendance was monitored and reported to the parents along with the mark statement. • Counselling was given to the frequent absentees to maintain regularity in attendance. • A students affairs committee was constituted to look into the grievances and to maintain discipline. • The following cells and committees were functioning effectively for the holistic development of the students: ‹ Examination Wing ‹ Curriculum Development Cell ‹ Holistic Development Centre ‹ Publication Section ‹ Physically Challenged Students’ Care Wing ‹ Planning Forum ‹ Quiz Forum ‹ Competitive Examination Cell ‹ Eco Club ‹ Study Circle ‹ Human Resource Development Cell ‹ Institutional Animal Ethical Committee ‹ Entrepreneurship Development Cell ‹ Gender Cell ‹ Placement Cell ‹ Parent-Teacher Association ‹ An Array of eleven Departmental Associations


Criterion VI


6.1 Institutional vision and leadership

6.101 Vision, mission and goals of the institution in tune with the objectives of higher education The Vision of the Institution is “To impart Quality Higher Education to produce highly talented youth capable of developing the nation” The Mission of the Institution is • Ensuring quality in all aspects of the activities • Developing the latent skills of the rural youth • Providing value based education – to instil courage and confidence • Nurturing the entrepreneurial skills of the rural youth • Fostering competency among the students to meet global challenges • Imbibing social awareness and social responsibilities

6.102 Demonstration of effective leadership in institutional governance • The Secretary of our College Managing Committee makes periodic visits to the Institution to ensure that the infrastructure and other facilities are adequate to impart quality higher education in this remote area. • The academic, co-curricular and extra curricular activities of the Institution are planned ahead and carried out systematically by the Head of the Institution. • The Secretary is briefed of the proceedings of the Institution by the Principal and the valuable suggestions by the Secretary are sought to run the Institution effectively. • Academic performance of the teaching faculty scrutinized by the subject expert under video coverage is viewed by the Secretary and action is taken accordingly.

6.103 Management by fact, information and objectives

• The Management acts on the basis of the facts and information furnished by the Head of the Institution • By providing adequate infrastructural facilities, adequate members of staff, adequate fund to carry out curricular and extra-curricular activities • Easy accessibility of Secretary to carry out our activities on the campus • Guiding the staff by e-mail communication • Financial assistance to the staff and students

6.104 Reforms in education (structure and resources)

• Certificate Course on Journalism and Certificate Course on Gandhian Thought were introduced. • Additional sections in B.B.A., B.Com.(Regular), B.Sc.(Computer Science) and B.C.A. were started to meet the demand for such courses • Exclusive Departments were set up for Information Technology, Computer Science and Computer Applications to ease the administration • An additional Computer Laboratory with 97 systems was installed to provide hand–on experience to all computer science students • Tissue Culture Lab in Biotechnology was installed to enhance research activity on the campus • Additional rooms were built to accommodate additional sections

6.105 Valuing employees (faculty and non teaching staff) • The academic competance of the teaching staff was scrutinized by subject experts under video coverage and valuable suggestions were offered for better performance • Feedback was obtained from the staff about the HOD • Feedback was obtained from the HOD about the staff • Feedback was obtained from the Principal about the HOD • Feedback was obtained from the staff about the Principal • Feedback was obtained from the non-teaching staff about the teaching faculties

6.2 Organizational arrangements

6.201 Structural organization as per norms

Flow chart showing the Organisational structure of the Institution

Sri Kaliswari Trust

College Managing Committee




College Council Administrative Conveners of various Committee Officer quality circles

Head of the Office Department Superintendent

Teaching Staff Non-Teaching Staff

Members of Sri Kaliswari Trust: Thiru.A.S.Rajappan - Chairman Thiru.A.S.Chinna Nadar - Member Thiru.A.N.Palanichamy - Member Thiru.A.N.Shenbagamoorthy - Member Thiru.A.P.Selvarajan - Member Objectives of Sri Kaliswari Trust: a) To establish, organise, maintain and run a Charitable Institution for providing relief to the poor and needy by organising free/ subsidised food and clothing. b) To establish, organise, maintain Institutions like orphanages, homes, for the benefit of children in aiding their educational environmental and cultural uplift and rehabilitating them properly in the society. c) To establish, manage and run institutions for the benefit of the destitute women and aged persons ensuring their special security and in aiding their educational, cultural and social uplift. d) To establish, manage and administer educational institutions, like schools, colleges, technical institutions etc. on modern lines to impart sound education to children, youth and grownups as the times would require it. e) To establish, organise and administer medical Institutions like hospitals, clinics, laboratories, to treat all diseases on modern lines utilising the latest techniques and advancement. f) To establish, organise and run scientific research Institutions and to carry out extensive and intensive studies of all or any of the objects mentioned above. g) To carry out charity activities, distribute alms, presentations, donations, contributions, stipends, scholarships, loans and to do all other things to help the poor and the needy as the resources of the trust would permit. h) To acquire, construct, maintain, places of public utility, particularly community centres, etc., for the social, cultural and spiritual advancement and benefit of the people at large. i) To establish, manage, administer, carry on and conduct all other activities, educational charitable, social and cultural activities and do all such other things as are incidental and conducive to enlarge the scope and activities of the trust and its objectives. j) The Trust shall carry out the objectives within India. k) The Trust shall not carry out any business activity. l) The Trustees shall not be paid any remuneration, share in profits or otherwise, except any payments by way of reimbursement of actual expenses incurred in the course of carrying out the activities of the trust. Members of the College Managing Committee: Thiru.A.S.Rajappan - President Thiru.A.N.Shenbagamoorthy - Vice-President Thiru.A.P.Selvarajan - Secretary Thiru.A.N.Ramasamy - Treasurer Thiru.A.S.P.Arumugaa Selvan - Joint Treasurer Thiru.A.S.Chinna Nadar - Member Thiru.A.N.Palanichamy - Member Thiru.A.N.Annamalaichamy - Member Dr.(Mrs.) S.Kanmani, (Principal) - Member Dr. R. Ramaraj, - University Representative Reader, Dept. of Physical Chemistry, School of Chemistry, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. (01.04.2007 to 31.03.2009) The functions of the College Managing Committee are: • Planning the ways and means to achieve the vision of the institution • Taking all administrative and academic decisions • Approving the college Budget • Deciding the infrastructural development as per the requirement • Approving the courses to be introduced as per the suggestions given by the Principal The functions of the College Council are: • All kinds of disciplinary actions to be discussed and actions to be taken • Organization and execution of all important functions at the college level • Redressal of grievances of students and staff members • Periodic reporting about the development of the College to the Secretary • Governing and monitoring the activities of the various committees • Framing the rules and regulations, and code of conduct and amending them with prior approval from the Secretary • Planning the introduction of new courses • Monitoring the syllabus completion as per the plan given by the departments • Getting the syllabus completion letters from the faculty

6.202 Informal arrangements and committees

The meetings held and the decisions made during the last year are given here under: • Finance: The Proposals and the budgets for each department for the academic year were received and the total budget was prepared and sent to the college committee of Management. It convened a meeting at the beginning of the academic year. This year the committee met on 27.05.2007. The members discussed and approved the budget. Short term budget for organising seminars and conferences was approved by the Management as and when the proposal was submitted by the department. • Infrastructure: At the end of every academic year, the proposal for infrastructural developments pertaining to new courses to be introduced is submitted by the College Council to the College Managing Committee and it meets and discusses to approve the proposal. • Faculty: Whenever there is a vacancy for teaching staff, the concerned department head would inform the Principal and the Management. The Management, in consultation with the Principal, grants permission to fill up the vacancy. It is the convention of the institution to have faculty meetings under the banner of Faculty Academic Forum. The matters to be discussed with and conveyed to faculty are carried out in the meetings. The Management meets the faculty through this forum four times in an academic year. Principal – Faculty meetings, Management- Faculty meetings and all other programmes and meetings relating to faculty are held through this forum. Every meeting is held under the presidentship of the Principal. A Staff Club is functioning to develop good relationship among all the faculties and to facilitate easy conveyance of message. • Academic Research Committee: The Institution has a committee for developing and monitoring academic research activities of the institution. The following faculty members are actively involved as Academic Research Committee members. Dr.(Mrs) S.Kanmani, Principal - Chairman Dr. P. Dhasarathan - Convenor Dr. K. Ramesh Kannan - Member Dr. V. Pandidurai - Member Dr. P. Theriappan - Member Dr. N. Ramesh - Member Dr. S. Parvathi - Member Dr. D. Sangaiya - Member Dr. M. Karpagam - Member Mr. L. Sakthi Kumar - Member Besides the research committee we have seventeen quality circles and an array of eleven associations.

Sri Kaliswari College

Curricular General Non-curricular Wing Body Wing

1. Initiating future vision circle 2. Human relation bridge circle 1. Estate Maintenance circle 3. Study circle

2. Homely residence circle 4. Keep fit circle 3. Faculty improvement circle 5. Publications circle 4. Student support services 6. Public relation circle 5. Admission circle 7. Tapping the hidden talents circle 8. Holistic development circle 9. Knowledge enriching circle

Academic Centre Buffer Zone Non -academic Centre

1. Academic performance 1. Active Vigilance circle Service motto circle Grading circle 2. Array of 11 2. Students welfare circle associations

6.203 Decentralization and participative management

The College Management Committee has authorised the Secretary to act on behalf of the Committee. The Secretary is the overall authority of the institution. The Principal is vested with all administrative and academic powers. The Principal together with the College Council decides the academic activities of the Institution. For effective functioning of the College, the Principal delegates certain administrative and controlling powers to Heads of Departments and Administrative Officer. The Administrative Officer is vested with the power to look into the functioning of the office. The Principal, the Chief-warden, delegates powers to the wardens to look after the day to day affairs of the hostel and inmates. The Principal, the Chairperson of all committees functioning in the institution, empowers the convenors of the committees to execute the activities.

6.206 Effective functioning of Grievance cell

A suggestion box has been installed for the benefit of the students, so that they may express their grievances. The box is opened once in a week and appropriate steps are taken to solve their problems. Grievances and suggestions are heard in the tutorial meetings also. • Revision of bus fare • Revision of hostel menus • Constructing overhead tanks to distribute drinking water • Adding fans and light to the classrooms • Changing the colour of the paint on the walls of the lab • Installing extra windows in the classrooms and labs etc. are some of the grievances redressed by the Grievance Cell.

6.207 Cell for preventing sexual harassment

The Gender Cell and the Students Affairs Committee are ready to take care of the complaints regarding sexual harassment. Anyhow no such complaints are received inside the campus.

6.3 Strategy development and deployment

6.301 Perspective plan documents

Report on work load for each semester is received from the Heads of the departments and the vacancies are filled up duly. At the commencement of each semester work plan is prepared by each department and submitted to the Principal for the effective functioning of the academic activities.

6.302 Strategic action plan and schedules for future development

• To construct additional classrooms and one Computer Lab in anticipation of the additional sections in Computer Science, Commerce, BBA and BCA. • To construct an Audio-Visual room. • To enhance the number of college buses in addition to the existing three. • To establish one more canteen • To construct additional rooms and overhead tank in the girls’ hostel • To conduct .Net courses for the students in collaboration with TANDEM Institute, Madurai • To conduct spoken English classes for the students of Hotel Management & Catering Science in collaboration with Celta Centre, Srivilliputhur • To conduct Cell phone servicing class for enthusiastic students

6.303 Deployment with systems perspective

Department requirements and activities were discussed at department level. The proceedings were forwarded to the Secretary through the Principal. The Secretary concedes the requirements and routed them through the Principal. Similarly all other committees/ cells/wings also adopted the same procedure.

6.304 Institutional approach to decision making

• All the academic and administrative decisions were taken after discussion in the council meeting. • The minutes of the meeting are forwarded to the Secretary for approval and implementation • Fourteen council meetings were conducted during the year 2007-2008

6.4 Human resource management

6.401 Institutional initiatives in planning the man power (teaching and non teaching staff)

The work load of each Department was assessed for the academic year 2007-2008 as per the University norms. The detailed report of the work load and the need for staff recruitment were sent to the Head of the Institution well in advance. Based on the requirement, teaching and non-teaching staff members were appointed. No. of teaching staff newly appointed - 19 No. of non-teaching staff newly appointed - 5

6.402 Institutional initiatives to fill up vacancies

Whenever there is a vacancy for teaching staff, • Applications are called for through advertisements in newspapers stating the basic qualifications required • Applications received are screened on the basis of the candidates’ academic qualifications and experience and then the selected candidates are called for personal interview • The Selection Committee comprises the Secretary, Principal, Vice-Principal, a subject expert and the HOD. • After the personal interview, a suitable candidate for the existing vacancy is selected as per the recommendation of the Selection Committee.

6.403 Compliances of GOI/ State Govt. policies on requirement (access, equity, gender sensitivity and differently-abled)

Appointments are made purely on the basis of merit. The number of staff members serving this Institution for the year 2007-2008: Teaching staff Male staff - 53 Female staff - 64 Differently-abled staff - 01 Non-teaching staff Male staff - 35 Female staff - 21 6.404 Conducts self appraisal of teaching and non- teaching staff

Self-appraisal forms duly filled in by staff members and verified by the respective HODs were collected at the end of the academic year. The Institution appraises the performance of the teaching staff on the basis of the self-appraisal reports. 6.405 Conducts performance appraisal regularly

The performance appraisal is conducted regularly at the end of every academic year.

6.406 Specific complaints/ legal enquiry about the Institution functioning


6.407 Continuously makes efforts to improve the overall organizational effectiveness, capabilities, development, action and review

Table showing the plan proposals initiated and implemented

Proposals initiated Implemented ‹ Certificate in Journalism • University Diploma course in ‹ Additional sections in four UG Gandhian Thought courses • University Certificate in ‹ MBA course Journalism ‹ University Diploma course in • Additional section in four Gandhian Thought under-graduate courses ‹ Separate toilets designed to the needs of physically challenged students

6.408 Conducts programme for professional development of staff

Faculty Academic Forum organised Faculty Improvement programmes to update the knowledge and expertise of the teaching staff. • A One-day orientation programme on ‘Faculty Improvement for quality education’ (with special reference to self-financing colleges) was organized at the Conference Hall on 8 th June, 2007. Dr.Ilamathian Elangovan, Director, UGC Staff College, University of Madras, was the Resource person. • A one-day workshop on 'Techniques in Teaching' was organized at the Conference Hall on 9 th June 2007. Dr.S.Swaminatha Pillai, UGC Visiting Professor, Department of Educational Technology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchi and Dr.Stars Jasmine, Dept. of Humanities and Social Studies, Anna University, Chennai, were the Resource persons. • An 'Awareness programme on NAAC Re-accreditation' was organized on 10 th August, 2007. Mr.V.Sudhakar, Head, Dept. of Commerce and Mr.P.K.Balamurugan, Head, Dept. of Management Studies, Sri Kaliswari College, were the resource persons. • On 3 rd December 2007, Mr.A.Thangamani, Head of the Zoology Dept. (Retd), Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi, delivered a lecture on 'Journey Towards Excellence'.

6.5 Financial management and resource mobilization

6.501 Budgetary provisions for academic and administrative activities (including maintenance)

Annual Income for the year 2007-2008 - Rs.2,13,29,902.82 Total Expenditure for the year 2007-2008 - Rs.2,47,00,221.28

6.502 Optimal utilization of budget

Total Budget for the year 2007-2008 - Rs.2,00,00,000.00 Utilisation of the budget - Rs.2,47,00,000.00

6.503 Monitoring financial management practices through internal audit

Since it is a self-financing Institution, the Institution has only an internal audit system. There has not been any audit objection so far.

6.504 Regularity in external audit

Being a self-financed Institution, there is no provision for external audit.

6.505 Institutional initiatives for mobilization of resources

Financial resources are mobilized only through the Trust. Donations were not collected from any other source. Table showing the Fee structure for various courses for the academic year 2007-2008


Courses fee Fee Total fee per per fee Tuition Tuition on Fee Fee on Recog. Recog. Special Special Lab Lab fee semester semester Deposit Deposit Caution Caution Admissi ance fee ance fee Uni. Ent. Uni.Ent. Mainten- B.Com. (R) 25 3000 290 -- 200 100 195 3810 B.Com. (CA) 25 2000 290 2000 200 100 195 4810 B.B.A. 25 3000 290 -- 200 100 195 4310 B.A. (Tamil) 25 2000 290 -- 200 100 195 2810 B.Sc. (C.S) 25 2000 290 2000 200 100 195 4810 B.Sc. (I.T) 25 2000 290 2000 200 100 195 4810 B.C.A. 25 2000 290 2000 200 100 195 4810 B.Sc. (Maths) 25 2000 290 -- 200 100 195 2810 B.Sc. (Physics) 25 2000 290 1000 200 100 195 3810 B.Sc. 25 3000 290 4000 200 100 195 7810 (Biotechnology) B.Sc. 25 12000 290 -- 200 100 195 12810 (HM & CS) B.Sc. 25 2000 290 1000 200 100 195 3810 (Chemistry) M.Com. 25 4000 290 -- 300 200 195 5010 M.Sc. (C.S) 25 3000 290 4000 300 200 195 8010 M.Sc. 25 8000 290 10000 300 200 195 19010 (Biotechnology) M.Sc. (Pharma. 25 4000 290 5000 300 200 195 10010 Chemistry) M.Sc. (Maths) 25 2000 290 -- 300 200 195 3010 M.A. (Tamil) 25 2000 290 -- 300 200 195 3010 M.Phil. 25 2000 290 -- 300 200 195 3010 (Commerce) M.Phil. 25 2000 290 5000 300 200 195 8010 (Biotechnology)

The fees are revised annually.

6.6 Best Practices in governance and leadership Best practices in Institutional vision and leadership/ Organizational arrangements/ Strategy development and deployment / Human Resource Management / Financial Management and Resource Mobilization / or any other quality initiative the institution practices.

The Institution has a noble vision and perspective to provide quality education especially to the rural people in and around Sivakasi. This ambition has become a reality because of the great efforts taken by the Management in the form of • Providing adequate financial resources for infrastructure and all constructive academic programmes • Recruiting sufficient number of staff for better activities on the campus • Constituting separate committees with the Principal as Chairperson, a senior staff member as Convenor and the staff as members • Discussing all matters pertaining to the College development with the members of various committees • The students are involved in executing departmental activities • Nominal course fee is collected from the students

The faculty is involved in decision-making process in the following manner: • By taking all vital academic decisions in the College Council consisting of the Principal and all Heads of Departments • By planning academic and department activities in staff meetings and department staff meetings respectively and executing them as per the decision taken • By delegating authorities and responsibilities to the staff as convenors, coordinators and members in various committees • By giving due representation to staff members in all decision making bodies and committees. *****

Criterion VII


7.1 Internal quality assurance system

7.101 System structure

Members of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell: Sri.A.P.Selvarajan, Secretary - Patron Dr.(Mrs.) S.Kanmani, Principal - Chair Person Prof.A.Rajendran, Vice-Principal - Co-ordinator Mr.P.Arumugam, Administrative Officer - Member Prof.S.Karuppiah, HOD of Physics - Member Prof.S.Alagappan, HOD of Chemistry - Member Prof.Pitchaikani Prabhakaran, HOD of Mathematics - Member Prof.V.Chandrabose, HOD of English - Member Prof.V.Sudhakar, HOD of Commerce - Member Prof.P.K.Balamurugan, HOD of Management Studies - Member Dr.S.Sampath, Trichy - Advisor Prof.E.Gorden, Sivakasi - Advisor

7.102 System Functions

• To enhance academic quality • To monitor the administrative procedure and academic activities on the campus • To introduce innovation in teaching and learning process • To introduce more enrichment programmes to cater to the needs of the local community • To offer suggestions to remove drawbacks • To conduct extra curricular activities effectively after regular working hour

7.103 Students participation in quality enhancement / quality assurance

Students were involved in • Doing project work and thesis writing • Presenting papers in national and international seminars, conferences, and symposiums • Organising state/national seminars, conferences, symposiums and association meetings • Presenting their feedback regarding the completion of the syllabus, performance of staff, quality of laboratories, library and infrastructure • Various committees of hostels

7.104 Institutional initiatives in institutionalizing and internalising best practices and innovation

The Institution strives hard to achieve the goals and objectives by taking all measures to create a conducive atmosphere for effective teaching – learning. Nineteen Quality Circles are formed to monitor the activities and to promote academic excellence on the campus by • Maintaining a calm atmosphere on the campus • Taking all initiatives for an excellent infrastructure augmentation to match the academic growth • Equipping all departments with state-of-the-art equipment • Utilising the available resources in an optimal way • Encouraging staff members to pursue higher studies, to attend seminars, workshops, conferences, symposiums, faculty development programmes and to undertake consultancy services • Decentralizing the power and responsibilities in all academic and administrative work in a scientific way • Providing student support services like curricular support services, co-curricular support services, financial support services, non-financial support services, career support services, welfare support services etc. • Maintaining discipline on the campus as well as in the hostel • Conducting department association meetings to share the knowledge gained by any faculty member who has attended conference/ seminar/ workshop/ symposia. • Honouring the teaching faculties who have 100% attendance in the academic year. • Honouring the teaching faculties and students who have published books on the college day stage. • Honouring the teaching faculty who have published papers in international Journals

7.105 Continuously add value to students through enhancement in quality of education.

Enhancing the quality of education by • Introducing as many as twenty Value Added Courses • Introducing one more University Diploma Course in Gandhian Thought in addition to the existing other certificate courses • Introducing one more University Certificate Course in Journalism • Conducting competitive examinations in Thirukkural • Conducting Tutorial meetings • Introducing computer enrichment courses for non-computer students • Enhancing communication skills, by giving training to students in the language lab • Conducting career enrichment programmes such as Jewel making, Embroidery, Glass painting and Cloth embossing

7.2 Inclusive practices

7.201 Practices to facilitate inclusion and academic performance of socially disadvantaged groups.

The following activities are carried out to improve the academic performance of the socially disadvantaged groups by: • Conducting remedial classes for SC/ST students • Entitling them to borrow additional number of books from the Library at a time • Providing extra coaching for those with arrears in the previous Semester Examinations • Arranging special lecture on ‘Scholarship and Employment’ to create awareness of the job opportunities and various financial assistance

7.202 Special initiatives to promote empowerment of students from rural / tribal area

The following are the activities carried out to promote empowerment of students from rural area by: • Conducting career enrichment programmes such as jewel making, embroidery, Glass painting and Cloth embossing • Enhancing communication skills by training students in the language lab • Identifying the first generation meritorious learners and honouring them as the ‘Rural Stars’ on the occasion of College day celebration. • Plying college buses to remote rural areas at nominal fare. • Extending financial assistance to rural students like T.Ramalakshmi, M.Com., and P.Ayyanar, M.A.(Tamil) through ‘earn while you learn’ scheme • Exposing the rural school students (students from Sankaralingapuram Govt. Hr. Sec. School) to all the labs and mathematical models on our campus

7.203 Institutional sensitivity towards gender and differently-abled wards.

We don’t have a gender audit and gender related sensitizing courses for the staff/students. However we are organising • Legal awareness programmes • Computer literacy programmes • Self-employment programmes • Women’s day celebrations Differently-abled students are accommodated in ground floor itself for taking the test for their convenience.

7.204 Incremental academic growth of the students admitted from disadvantaged sections

The total number of SC students who have completed the undergraduate course during the academic year 2007-2008 is 19 girls and 30 boys. Out of the total 49 students as many as 35 students have secured first class. Among those who have secured around 50% in Higher Secondary examinations, 8 students have secured first class marks (60% and above) in their Degree Examinations. Besides they have undergone four Value Added Certificate Courses offered by the Institution and passed them also.

7.3 Stakeholder relationships

7.301 Societal perception of stakeholders (includes – parents, alumni and others)

Parent- Teacher meeting: • By interacting with parents to apprise them of their children’s performance on the campus • By briefing them of various measures taken in the interest of the students • By responding to the Parent’s positive suggestions for the betterment of their wards No. of meetings held at various levels: College level (27.06.2007) - 1 Department level - 10 Boys’ hostel - 2 Frequent meetings separately with parents & teachers by HODs, Vice-Principal and Principal The functions of Alumni Association were: • To collect e-mail addresses of our alumni to know their positions • To take suitable steps to assist the economically poor students of our College • To conduct intra-collegiate competition to enhance the skill of the students • To donate the old books to the Department Library • To help the final year students for better placement and for higher studies

7.302 Focus on social responsibilities

Students are involved in helping the society by, • Donating blood • Planting saplings • Conducting eye medical camp • White-washing the school building • Repairing the damaged road • Removing the waste paper and used polythene bags • Offering career guidance to the higher secondary school students in and around Sivakasi • Conducting Co-optex exhibition-cum-sales on our campus • Regulating the devotees in (i) car festival function at Srivilliputhur (ii) Thiruvannamalai temple festival in the month of Purattasi • Erecting Bus timing information at Sivakasi Bus stand and Traffic rule hoardings in various terminals of Sivakasi

7.303 Evidences for student satisfaction

Feedbacks were obtained from the final year students regarding the completion of the syllabus, performance of the staff, the quality of laboratories, library and infrastructure. A good number of students expressed their satisfaction.
