Jews Who Fought for Hitler
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AMERICAN & INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR YAD VASHEM Vol. 40-No. 5 ISSN 0892-1571 May/June 2014-Iyyar/Sivan 5774 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR YAD VASHEM ANNUAL SPRING LUNCHEON his year’s Annual Spring this year’s luncheon. It is only through remaining vigilant coming to terms with evil. T Luncheon honored Dr. Deborah The trial, as Lipstadt says, was a and continuing to properly educate hairman of the American E. Lipstadt. She is a world-renowned victory for history and historians. people that we can fight Holocaust CSociety for Yad Vashem expert on Holocaust history and a Survivors heaped praise on Lipstadt deniers and make sure the world Leonard A. Wilf reminded us of the never forgets. importance of raising the awareness Dr. Lipstadt captivat- of the next generation. He praised ed the audience when the co-chairs of our Young Leadership she discussed her Associates, Abbi Halpern and Barry book The Eichmann Levine, for their efforts to reach out to Trial. The book gives the third generation. Mr. Wilf also an overview of the trial pointed out that the mission of the and analyzes the dra- American Society for Yad Vashem is matic effect the sur- best exemplified by our honoree and vivors’ courtroom testi- guest speaker, Dr. Deborah Lipstadt, mony — which was who has spent her life making the itself not without con- world aware of the atrocities of the troversy — had on the Holocaust. world. Until the trial, we Jessica Glickman Mauk, an active regularly commemo- member of our Young Leadership rated the Holocaust Associates, introduced Dr. Lipstadt. but never fully under- She pointed out that, even as recently stood what the mil- as yesterday, we were reminded in a lions who died and the Wall Street Journal article of the con- hundreds of thou- tinued presence of anti-Semitism, and sands who managed of how the need for Dr. Lipstadt's work to survive had actually continues to be as important and nec- Marilyn Rubenstein, Honorary Spring Luncheon Chair; Dr. Deborah E. Lipstadt, 2014 Spring Luncheon Honoree; and experienced. essary today as when she first began. Leonard A. Wilf, Chairman of the American Society for Yad Vashem. Her book gives a Marilyn Rubenstein, the Honorary worldwide defender of the truth about as their heroine. She explained that it view of the world as it continues to con- Spring Luncheon Chair, along with Mr. the atrocities of WWII. Professor was only after the trial that she under- front the continuing reality of genocide Wilf, presented Dr. Lipstadt with the Lipstadt is the Dorot Professor of stood their meaning about standing and ponder the future of those who sur- American Society for Yad Vashem Modern Jewish and Holocaust up to false allegations. vive it. The Eichmann trial, which was Achievement Award. She was recog- Studies at Emory University in Dr. Lipstadt spoke about the contin- Atlanta. Her book Denying the uing need to be vigilant in uncovering Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Holocaust deniers, especially in light Truth and Memory was the first full- of the homework incident recently length study of those who attempt to exposed in a school in California. The deny the Holocaust. A notorious per- one-page instruction sheet given to son in that study was David Irving, the students stated: "When tragic whom Lipstadt called “one of the most events occur in history, there is often dangerous spokespersons for Holocaust debate about their actual existence. denial.” Irving’s response was to file a For example, some people claim the libel suit against Professor Lipstadt, Holocaust is not an actual event, but which was the subject of her latest instead is a propaganda tool that was book and the topic of her speech at used for political and monetary gain." IN THIS ISSUE The new Holocaust discoveries.....................................................................2 The diary of another young girl......................................................................3 The Jewish press and the Holocaust.............................................................4 The Jews who fought for Hitler.......................................................................5 Front (l. to r.): Gladys Halpern; Sharon Halpern, 2014 Spring Luncheon Chair; Mindy Schall. Hitler’s Jewish neighbor looks back in horror in new book.........................6 Back (l. to r.): Abbi Halpern, Co-Chair, Young Leadership Associates; Jeremy Halpern; and David New study explores role of Polish peasants in Holocaust atrocities..........7 Halpern. American Society for Yad Vashem Annual Spring Luncheon..................8-9 the trial of the century, has become a nized for her deep commitment, dedi- Jews “on the edge”.......................................................................................10 touchstone for judicial proceedings cation and lifetime work on behalf of How a Soviet general inspired Holocaust Memorial Day............................11 throughout the world, and offers a Holocaust education and remem- Pope at Yad Vashem: Never again, Lord, never again!...............................16 legal, moral and political framework for brance. Page 2 MARTYRDOM & RESISTANCE May/June 2014 - Iyyar/Sivan 5774 THE NEW HOLOCAUST DISCOVERIES ghettos and camps throughout umph of evil, was the sin of the “inno- ignorance. And still the killings did not BY RABBI BENJAMIN BLECH, Europe from 1933 to 1945. cent” bystander. stop, the torture did not cease, the VIRTUAL JERUSALEM There were 30,000 slave labor or years our efforts to under- concentration camps were not closed, camps; 1,150 Jewish ghettos; 980 Fstand the Holocaust focused on the crematoria continued their barbar- he latest revelation about the concentration camps; 1000 prisoner the perpetrators. We looked for expla- ic task. T Holocaust stuns even the schol- of war camps; 500 brothels filled with nations for the madness of Mengele, The “decent” people were somehow ars who thought they already knew sex slaves; and thousands of other the obsessive hatred of Hitler, the able to rationalize their silence. everything about the horrific details of camps used for euthanizing the elder- impassive cruelty of Eichmann. We ust last year Mary Fulbrook, a Germany’s program of genocide ly and infirm, performing forced abor- sought answers to how it was possi- Jdistinguished scholar of German against the Jewish people. tions, “Germanizing” prisoners or ble for the criminal elements, the history, in A Small Town Near It’s taken more than 70 years to transporting victims to killing centers. sadists and the mentally unbalanced Auschwitz wrote a richly and painfully finally know the full facts. And what is detailed examination of those almost beyond belief is that what real- Germans who, after the war, success- ly happened goes far beyond what fully cast themselves in the role of anyone could ever have imagined. innocent bystanders. For the longest time we have spo- “These people have almost entirely ken of the tragedy of six million Jews. escaped the familiar net of ‘perpetra- It was a number that represented the tors, victims and bystanders’; yet they closest approximation we could find were functionally crucial to the eventu- to the victims of Hitler’s plan for a al possibility of implementing policies Final Solution. Those who sought to of mass murder. They may not have diminish the tragedy claimed six mil- intended or wanted to contribute to this lion was a gross exaggeration. Others outcome; but, without their attitudes, went further and denied the historicity mentalities, and actions, it would have of the Holocaust itself, absurdly claim- been virtually impossible for murder on ing that the Jews fabricated their this scale to have taken place in the extermination to gain sympathy for way that it did. The concepts of perpe- the Zionist cause. trator and bystander need to be But now we know the truth. amended, expanded, rendered more Lodz The reality was much worse than A group of boys taking part in Jewish religious practice in ghetto, even though it was banned. complex, as our attention and focus whatever we imagined. The best estimate using current to achieve the kind of power that shifts to those involved in upholding an The unspeakable crime of the 20th information available is 15 to 20 mil- made the mass killings feasible. ultimately murderous system.” century, more than the triumph of evil, lion people who died or were impris- That was because we had no idea Mary Fulbrook singled out for cen- was the sin of the “innocent” oned in sites controlled by the of the real extent of the horror. With sure those who lived near Auschwitz. bystander. Germans throughout the European more than 42,000 ghettos and con- But that was before we learned that It wasn’t just the huge killing centers continent. centration camps scattered through- Auschwitz was replicated many thou- whose very names — Auschwitz, Simply put, in the words of Hartmut out the length and breadth of a sup- sands of times over throughout the Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Berghoff, director of the German posedly civilized continent, there’s no continent in ways that could not have Majdanek, Belzec, Ravensbruck, Historical Institute in Washington, longer any way to avoid the obvious gone unnoticed by major parts of the Sobibor, Treblinka — bring to mind the “The numbers are so much higher conclusion. The cultured, the educat- populace. Millions of people were wit- ghastly images by now so familiar to than what we originally thought; we ed, the enlightened, the liberal, the nesses to small towns like Auschwitz us. It wasn’t just the Warsaw ghetto. It knew before how horrible life in the refined, the sophisticated, the in their own backyards. wasn’t just the famous sites we’ve all camps and ghettos was, but the actu- urbane — all of them share in the And so Elie Wiesel of course was by now heard of that deservedly live al numbers are unbelievable.” shame of a world that lost its moral right. The insight that most powerfully on in everlasting infamy.