September 4, 2014

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September 4, 2014 Come hang out with us — details on PAGE 8 Serving James Madison University Since 1922 Vol. 93, No. 4 Thursday, September 4, 2014 INSIDE TODAY Tenants Stopped yet to in its tracks move in Railroad safety gates on The Harrison apartments campus malfunction daNIELLE EPifaNIO / THE BREEZE send some students packing GOOD TO BE The Harrison, formerly known as University Fields and Ashby, is HOME amid renovation delays working to ensure students are compensated for inconveniences. Men’s basketball schedule By ELIZABETH CECCHETT in past years. The University Fields According to Hungerford, The features plenty of the and WILLIAM MASON complex went into foreclosure last Harrison initially gave her permis- Dukes in the ‘Burg The Breeze year, a result of the complex having sion to move in on Aug. 20 because less than 50 percent occupancy. she was a First YeaR Orientation SPORTS | 11 A project that promised superior After the complex was auctioned Guide and needed to arrive earlier living conditions, upgraded rooms off, it was taken under new manage- than other students. However, less and appliances has ultimately led ment, prompting the name change. than 24 hours before the agreed to, according to some residents, This summer, The Harrison move-in time, she was notified that JAMES CHUNG / THE BREEZE KEEP IT DOWN delayed move-ins, unsanitary con- underwent some significant renovations were not complete and This past week, the gates around the ditions, rundown appliances and renovations to upgrade the apart- that she would be staying in a near- train tracks through campus have angry tenants. ment complex; however, these by hotel. malfunctioned due to a sensor error, Find out what’s illegal under The Harrison, renamed before renovations are still going on, Hungerford had initial- causing delays for buses and pedestrians. the new Harrisonburg noise the fall semester, has already gone leaving students like senior hos- ly made storage arrangements ordinance through several name changes, from pitality management major for her stuff that expired on By WILLIAM MASON Ashby Crossing to University Fields. Javhana Hungerford temporarily Aug. 23, however, when she The Breeze OPINION | 7 JMU students have also jokingly without her already-paid-for Har- nicknamed the complex “Trashby” rison apartment. see LIVING, page 4 Transportation to and from cam- pus is something JMU student have to deal with; however, many students have found their commutes very dif- ficult over the last week. Safety gates that drop to block traffic from crossing the railroad tracks have been malfunctioning. The gates are normally lowered when an oncoming train triggers a sensing unit. However, at the railroad The Wolfe pack crossing between the bookstore and Mr. Chips the sensing unit was wrong- JMU alumni open new food truck park to add to Harrisonburg’s collection ly activated, causing the gates to be lowered several times this week when there were no trains passing. These false lowerings resulted in signifi- cant bus delays of up to several hour, and also caused buses to be rerouted, STOPPING according to Mary-Hope Vass, Harri- sonburg’s public information officer. ‘TRAFFICK’ According to Robin Chapman, V ehicles aren’t the only danger Virginia director of public relations for Norfolk Southern, the problem is on the I-81 corridor rare, and has since been fixed by a crew from the communication signal LIFE | 9 department, who replaced the faulty sensing unit. Chapman added that every railroad QUOTE OF THE DAY gate has a sign for motorists that lists what phone number to alert Norfolk Southern of the problem. It’s time to Vass also added that any students waiting for a late bus can check the “ face the truth: status of Harrisonburg Department we are all MARK owEN / THE BREEZE of Public Transportation on both the a little bit The new food truck park on West Wolfe Street offers food from Thrill of the Grill, Grilled Cheese Mania and Wing It. HPDT’s Facebook and Twitter site. racist, but that doesn’t ByLI NATA E MILLER Rock’N Wolfe Food Truck Park, sit- “We were at JMU when the mall was and seating on the [garage] roof,” The Breeze uated next to the train tracks at 120 built, before the downtown renais- Cook said. “We’re going to have mean we can’t West Wolfe St., will have six perma- sance,” Stemper said. “Downtown murals painted on the back of the change that. It’s no secret that food trucks are nent food trucks alongside Virginia was just dead. We want to give back.” garage, too.” a popular industry; but, like restau- Beach’s Back Bay Brewery (still under The park was inspired by food truck The park will have indoor and out- rants, they require customers to travel construction). parks in Austin, Texas and Portland, door seating, indoor plumbing and OPINION | 7 ” a distance to reach them. Now food The owner of the brewery, which Ore. music. truck lovers can satisfy their craving will be opening its new location at “It’s just a different community. We The Rock’N Wolfe park has been without having to go far: behold — the the park, is also a 2005 JMU graduate. asked them [the food truck owners in open for three weeks, but current- Rock’N Wolfe Food Truck Park. “We were asking for possible brew- Austin and Portland] questions about ly has only two trucks open as the A LIFE SAVER JMU alumni Leo Cook (’81) and ers to move to the park,” Cook said. the trucks and [the food truck own- park is still being completed. Kath- Casey Stemper (’84) have joined forc- “We were excited to hear back from ers] were so helpful with explaining leen Mania-Casey’s Grilled Cheese Have the peace of mind of a es with local Harrisonburg food trucks a JMU alum.” things,” Cook said. Mania and Belen Martinez’s Thrill Bluelight in your pocket to create a central location for the ven- JMU was the connection that bond- The trucks will be located on a hill of the Grill have gained a follow- dors to share their dishes. Cook and ed Cook and Stemper as well. They behind the brewery, which used to be ing around Harrisonburg and NEWS | 3 Stemper own the property on which met during their freshman year and an old garage. the food truck park is being built. have remained in contact ever since. “We want to put lights in the trees see PARK, page 10 INSTAGRAM OF THE DAY FRESH START Photo by @JMULOVE JMU moves on from Want us to feature your photo? Tag us @Breezejmu last weekend’s loss and prepares for Saturday’s TODAY WILL BE game against Lehigh. S cattered storms 85° / 67° chance of rain: 50% SPORTS | 11 HOLLY waRFIELD / THE BREEZE Today Friday Saturday S unday PM t-storms scattered t-storms scattered t-storms AM t-storms 85°/66° 88°/66° 87°/66° 78°/54° PageEDITORS Marta Vucci & Rachael Padgett 2 EMAIL [email protected] Thursday, September 4, 2014 2 Serving James Madison University Since 1922 G1 Anthony-Seeger Hall, MSC 6805 James Madison University Harrisonburg, Va. 22807 PHONE: 540-568-6127 FAX: 540-568-7889 MISSION The Breeze, the student-run newspaper of James Madison University, serves student, faculty and staff readership by reporting news involving the campus and local community. The Breeze strives to be impartial and fair in its reporting and firmly believes in First Amendment rights. Published Monday and Thursday mornings, The Breeze is distributed throughout James Madison University and the local Harrisonburg community. Single copies of The Breeze are distributed free of charge. Additional copies are available for 50 cents by contacting our business office. Comments and complaints should be addressed to Sean Cassidy, editor. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF SEAN CASSIDY [email protected] MANAGING EDITOR IJ CHAN [email protected] Monday’s puzzle solved NEWS DESK [email protected] LIFE DESK [email protected] SPORTS DESK [email protected] OPINION DESK [email protected] COPY DESK [email protected] P HOTO [email protected] VIDEO [email protected] ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Will Bungarden ADVERTISING MANAGER Michael Wallace CREATIVE DIRECTOR Tori Smith A SST. CREATIVE DIRECTOR Liz Paterson Missing something? Send us your events at [email protected] ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Katrina Delene Every “Throwback Thursday” the copy desk will be researching our print archives Blake Harvey Lexi Quinn ( to take you back in time and see what events The Breeze has Zac Smith covered. Charlee Vasiliadis #JMUtbt Allie Waller Sept. 4, 1973 Hunter White I n March of 1973, taped MARKETING & CIRCULATION conversations between COORDINATOR Mitchell Myers President Richard Nixon and his counsel were AD DESIGNERS released, revealing the Bethany Adams president’s involvement Candace Burns in the Watergate office Kylie Donohoe Bernadette Fitzgerald break-in. On this day in Christine Horab 1973, one JMU student offered his take on the scandal — in the form of satire. “There is one sure way to end the entire Download our mobile app at Watergate mess,” he wrote. “The entire United States must secede from the District of Columbia ... [Nixon] would no TheBreezeJMU longer have to put up with the petty worries of Watergate, and with all @TheBreezeJMU his new found freedom, @TheBreezeSports I’m sure that he could at long last ‘get on with the serious business of government.’” @breezejmu NatIONAL NEWS WORLD NE S LA keeps gay Photo hackers Steroid-seller Second US Obama vows to Ukrainian pres. marriage ban face charges pleads guilty reporter killed ‘destroy’ ISIL seeks truce Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times The Miami Herald Los Angeles Times McClatchy Washington Los Angeles Times Bureau NEW ORLEANS, La.
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