Established 1881

WEATHER, p. 2 MIT’s Oldest and fri: 65°f | 53°f Largest Newspaper Mostly cloudy sat: 62°f | 49°f Cloudy and windy sun: 63°f | 45°f Sunny Established 1881

Volume 133, Number 45 Friday, October 11, 2013 Two MIT professors win MacArthur Fellowships Katabi and Seager awarded $625,000 each By Kath Xu to talk at the same time, nobody can under- Associate News Editor stand anything.” The community that is working at the in- Established 1881 This year, the MacArthur Foundation se- tersection of EE and CS has been growing in lected 24 recipients of their MacArthur Fel- recent years. “It is still relatively small be- lowships, otherwise known as the MacArthur cause it is difficult,” Katabi explained. “You “Genius Grants.” Two MIT professors — Dina really need to have some background in EE Katabi MS ’99, PhD ’03 from the Department and some background in CS, and most people of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sci- don’t come equipped with this background.” ence, and Sara Seager from the Department A Syrian native, Katabi obtained her bach- of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sci- elor’s degree from Damascus University in ences — were named MacArthur Fellows. The Syria before coming to MIT to obtain a Mas- MacArthur Foundation Tech spoke with them to find out what excites ter’s and PhD. After completing her PhD Dina Katabi, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer them about their research, and what it’s like work, she joined the faculty, and is now the Science, was recently awarded a MacArthur Fellows Program fellowship. The program to work in male-dominated fields. director of the MIT Center for Wireless Net- “awards unrestricted fellowships to talented individuals who have shown extraordinary Each fellowship includes an award of works and Mobile Computing (Wireless@ originality and dedication in their creative pursuits and a marked capacity for self-direction.” $625,000, with no restrictions on how the MIT) and NETMIT (Networks@MIT). Katabi’s work at MIT involves improving electrical communications, especially wireless data funds are used. This is an increase from the Although Katabi says that the low repre- transmission. $500,000 given out to last year’s recipients, sentation of women in her field crosses her who included MIT writing professor Junot mind sometimes, she deems it “annoying” Established 1881 Diaz. but not enough to prevent her from doing the “This year’s class of MacArthur Fellows is things she wants to do. an extraordinary group of individuals who “When you are doing what you are pas- collectively reflect the breadth and depth of sionate about, you love your work, and you American creativity,” wrote Cecilia Conrad, don’t worry who [you’re with],” Katabi said. Vice President of the MacArthur Fellows Pro- “You are with colleagues who are also pas- gram, on the MacArthur Foundation’s web- sionate about the stuff that they do. You have site. Through its no-strings-attached prize more in common than the gender with them. money, the fellowship is meant to further en- You have the passion about what you are courage the winners’ creativity. doing.” Katabi is excited not only by her research Dina Katabi topic, but also by the process of research itself. For over a decade, Professor Dina Katabi “The thing that fascinates me about re- has worked on improving the speed and se- search in general — and I think this is prob- curity of wireless networks. Her research at ably true for all researchers here working at the Computer Science and Artificial Intel- MIT — is really the process of discovering ligence Laboratory straddles the traditional something new,” said Katabi. “It’s just like Established 1881 division between electrical engineering (EE) you are reading a book. Imagine you are read- and computer science (CS). ing a mystery book, every new page reveals According to Katabi, the key limitation something new that just gets you even more of today’s wireless networks is their abil- attached to discovering more. That process of ity to handle interference. Through her re- research is really what’s most exciting.” MacArthur Foundation search, she aims to minimize the effects of Recently, Katabi has worked on devel- Sara Seager is also a recipient of a 2013 MacArthur Fellows Program fellowship at interference. oping technology to see through walls and MIT. A professor in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences and the “Wireless is a shared medium, so it’s like track moving humans on the other side using Department of Physics, Seager’s work is mainly focused on exploring the possibility of life speaking in your room,” Katabi described. in our galaxy. “If you have so many people who are trying MacArthur Page 14

Voodoo magazine has funding restored In Short Quarter 2 Registration for un- UA Council investigated whether Voodoo violated Title IX in its publications dergraduates is open. Gradu- ate student registration opens on By Omar Ibarra was denied funding in Finboard’s Other council members ques- Voodoo in May 2013 to discuss Tuesday at 8 a.m. — registration Staff Reporter preliminary allocation decision, tioned whether the only reason these concerns. According to closes for all on Wednesday, Oct. which was released to the UA that Voodoo was given this much Vice-Chair of Finboard Cory Her- 16 at 1 p.m. The Financial Board (Fin- Council for approval on Sept. attention was because the maga- nandez ’14 in an email to the UA board) of the Undergraduate As- 25, 2013. One day later, Kononov zine’s editor, Konokov, was on the council, after this meeting, Voo- Applications for Leadershape sociation (UA) has now released sent a lengthy email to the UA council board as the president of doo seemed amendable to meet- this IAP are open. The camp — its trimesterly funding allocations council describing her objections Senior House. They pointed out ing with MIT’s General Counsel, held Jan. 17–22 — has limited space for student groups. This release, with Voodoo’s defunding, stating, that the Council was not closely SAO, Finboard and Title IX co- and is open to all undergraduates. delayed by about a week, comes among other things, that she be- scrutinizing smaller groups that ordinators to ensure their future The deadline to apply is Nov. 9. on the heels of Voodoo Magazine lieved Finboard was attempting to did not have direct ties to the UA. leadership did not “cross the successfully appealing Finboard’s exercise “ungrounded, sub rosa fi- The voting members of the UA lines into harassment in their hu- The next Choose to Reuse event decision to revoke Voodoo’s fund- nancial censorship.” In response, Council consists of representa- mor.” Voodoo eventually success- is Thursday, Oct. 17 in the Stata ing on the grounds of a Title IX four other council members ob- tives from the dorms, Interfrater- fully appealed to regain their full Center lobby closest to Main complaint. Voodoo is headed by jected to the allocations, causing nity Council, Panhellenic Coun- funding and Vassar Streets. This one is Senior House co-president and the vote to be delayed until the cil, and Living Group Council. R. Gregory Morgan, a mem- for clothing and accessories only. member of the UA Council Alina next UA Council meeting on Oct. In the end, the UA council vot- ber of MIT’s General Counsel, Drop-off starts at 8 a.m. and pick Kononov ’14, 9, per council procedure. ed to reinstate Voodoo’s funding, recommended against restricting up lasts from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. In December 2012, Student Ac- Some council members sug- contingent on the condition that Voodoo’s funding in the future, tivities Office (SAO) director Leah gested a lack of transparency in they meet with the SAO and Fin- through a written statement pre- There is no school this Monday Flynn received an unofficial com- Finboard’s allocations process. “It board to discuss the complaint. sented at the UA Council meeting. and Tuesday due to the Colum- plaint from the original author of seems the entire process is very This is not the first time Voo- UA president Sidhanth Rao bus day holiday! The Tech will not a comic that was recaptioned in cloudy; between the people who doo has been denied funding. In ’14 stated that though a decision publish on Tuesday. Enjoy the long Voodoo. Flynn forwarded it to the want the funding and the people the Spring-Summer 2013 alloca- should be made at the council weekend! MIT Association of Student Activi- who review the funding, only the tion cycle, Voodoo claimed they meeting, the decision would be ties (ASA), who brought the com- people who are doing the alloca- were treated unfairly by Finboard open to an appeal process after- Send news information and tips plaint to Finboard for consider- tions know the process,” said An- when they received only half the wards, giving more time to discuss to [email protected]. ation in the next allocation cycle. drew Dorne ’14, president of the amount of their requested fund- the implications of Title IX in re- According to Kononov, Voodoo Interfraterntiy Council. ing. In response, Finboard met gards to Voodoo’s publication. dreaming of goodbye, pu pu hot pot during columbus boston lyric SECTIONS World & Nation �����2 Hello, Patty Chen’s Dumpling Room! being awake day weekend... opera Opinion �����������������4 arts, p. 10 My alarm clock wakes We’ll have fun! If we’re Bringing Mozart’s The Fun Pages �������������5 me up — but only in my the pasta next door ever done working. Magic Flute into the Arts �����������������������7 dreams. Ever. 21st century. Sports �����������������16 fun, p. 5 Basta Pasta does not disappoint. fun, p. 5 arts, p. 7 arts, p. 8 2 The Tech Friday, October 11, 2013 Cuts in UN food assistance set D off outcry in Gaza UN backs peace effort in GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Hundreds of women and children Wednesday protested cuts in a U.N. food-assistance program, the latest in a growing backlash by Palestinian refugees and their Central African Republic offspring in this forlorn coastal strip against the agency that for decades has provided them with nutrition, education and health By Rick Gladstone down their arms immediately” and tion, the reference to the possible

worl services. The New York Times allow the unfettered flow of human- strengthening of the African Union “People are getting poorer, and the agency’s directors nurture itarian aid into the country. It also force was welcomed by the Central

n bellies,” they chanted outside the locked gates of the U.N. Relief The U.N. Security Council unan- said the Security Council would African Republic’s U.N. ambassa- and Works Agency. “We are under siege!” imously approved a resolution on investigate and report all violations dor, Charles Armel Doubane. Adnan Abu Hasna, a spokesman for the agency, said that it Thursday aimed at stabilizing the of human rights there, including “Today is the first day for an- was facing a $55 million budget shortfall this year. The cuts that Central African Republic, a dan- through the deployment of advisers other time — it’s the beginning of led to the recent complaints and rallies by Gaza residents and gerous and dysfunctional country who specialize in the protection of a different future,” he told reporters politicians were part of a shifting of resources based on a re-eval- that has descended into near-total women and children. outside the Security Council cham- uation of the population’s needs, he said. chaos over the last half year. The Security Council action fol- ber after the resolution had been atio About 9,500 families were removed from the food program, Sponsored by France, the coun- lowed a crescendo of warnings, approved. Hasna said, because their economic situations had improved, try’s former colonial power, the including from France’s president, Rights groups who have been while 5,400 poorer families were added. An additional 4,000 saw resolution promised support for a that the Central African Republic, sounding the alarm on the break- their benefits increased. new multinational African Union chronically unstable in the best of down in the Central African Repub- Hasna said the distribution of food is fair, adding that 830,000 force that is deploying in the Cen- times, had become an utterly law- lic were more cautious in their en- people in Gaza — almost half the population — receive rations of tral African Republic, and raised the less and terrifying country because dorsement, saying it did not go far flour, oil, sugar, rice and other staples every three months. possibility that the operation would of the Seleka insurgency, creat- enough. —Fares Akram, The New York Times be transformed into a U.N. peace- ing new risks of instability among “The Security Council is finally

& N keeping mission, which would give neighboring states. waking up to the human rights trag- Norway says citizen may have been it more resources and power. The resolution singled out Sele- edy plaguing the Central African The resolution demanded that ka fighters as being responsible for Republic,” said Philippe Bolopion, involved in Kenya mall siege the weak interim government, put what it called “extrajudicial killings, the U.N. director for Human Rights in place after armed rebels known enforced disappearances, arbi- Watch. “Broadening the human NAIROBI, Kenya — The Norwegian police said on Thursday as the Seleka ousted President trary arrests and detention, torture, rights mandate of the U.N. mission that it was investigating whether a Norwegian citizen was in- François Bozizé in March, adhere sexual violence against women and is a good but insufficient first step.” volved in the deadly siege of the Westgate shopping mall here in to previously negotiated plans to children, rape, recruitment and He said the Security Council orld late September. The Police Security Service said in a statement hold elections in early 2015, prom- use of children and attacks against should urgently strengthen the ca- that it had “received information indicating that a Norwegian citi- ising unspecified help to honor that civilians.” pacity of the African Union force zen of Somali origin allegedly was involved in the planning and deadline. While the resolution did not “to protect civilians and sanction execution of the attack.” The service said it had sent investigators It further demanded that the W threaten the immediate prospect individuals responsible for grave to Nairobi to work with the Kenyan police and security services in Seleka and other armed groups “lay of a more forceful armed interven- abuses, including Seleka leaders.” their inquiry into the attack, in which Islamist militants stormed the mall and killed more than 60 men, women and children. Al-Shabab, a militant group based in Somalia, claimed re- sponsibility for the attack. Western security officials have been deeply worried about members of the Somali diaspora who have Observers differ on fairness of trained and fought for al-Shabab, fearing that they could return to the West and mount attacks there. “We have lately seen an increase in the number of persons leaving Norway to take part in acts of war, attend training camps election in Azerbaijan or join terrorist networks abroad,” the Norwegian authorities said. “We are concerned that this development may have an in- By David M. Herszenhorn in Europe said they had also docu- ous nature of the shortcomings.” creasingly negative impact on the threat situation in Norway.” The New York Times mented widespread irregularities, But observers from other delega- —Nicholas Kulish, The New York Times including ballot-box stuffing and tions, including former members of BAKU, Azerbaijan — A promi- what appeared to be fraudulent the U.S. House of Representatives, Safety agency cites Texas plant nent delegation of international counting. said the voting Wednesday was clean election observers on Thursday The observers also said the elec- and efficient. Aliyev, thanking voters in explosion sharply criticized Azerbaijan’s tion was deeply unfair from the start, in a televised statement, called the presidential election as unfair and tilted to Aliyev’s advantage because elections “free and transparent.” The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration rife with fraud, amid aggressive ef- of his domination of state-controlled Former Rep. Michael E. McMa- has cited the owners of a fertilizer plant in West, Texas, that blew forts by the Azerbaijani government news media and his use of official -ef hon, D-N.Y., called the vote “honest, up in April, killing 15 people, with 24 “serious violations,” Sen. and its allies to portray the vote as forts to suppress the opposition. fair and really efficient.” Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., said Thursday. But the agency has not legitimate. The election was “undermined “There were much shorter lines announced the action because its public affairs staff has been According to official returns, by limitations on the freedoms of ex- than in America, and no hanging furloughed by the government shutdown, Boxer said. President Ilham Aliyev overwhelm- pression, assembly and association chads” — a reference to the disputed The violations included unsafe handling and storage of explo- ingly won a third five-year term that did not guarantee a level playing ballots in the U.S. presidential race sive and flammable chemicals, missing labels on storage tanks, in Wednesday’s election, securing field for candidates,” the observers in 2000. failing to pressure-test hoses, bad or missing valves, and failing 84.6 percent of the vote with nearly wrote in a report that was released However, the OSCE, which mon- to have an emergency response plan. The agency also said that all the counting completed. The at a news conference here Thursday itors balloting all over the world, said some workers were not trained for their jobs. best established of nine opposition afternoon. some of the fraud in Azerbaijan was OSHA, which also proposed a fine of $118,300, decided to is- candidates, Jamil Hasanli, won 5.5 “Continued allegations of candi- blatant. sue the citations now, during the government shutdown, to avoid percent. date and voter intimidation and a re- “Observers reported clear indi- a statute of limitations problem, Boxer said. She said that while Hasanli’s campaign, however, al- strictive media environment marred cations of ballot-box stuffing in 37 the fine was disproportionately small, considering the deaths, in- leged that there had been election the campaign,” the report said. “Sig- polling stations, bypassing critical juries and widespread damage, other federal agencies were also violations throughout the country, nificant problems were observed measures to ensure accountability investigating the explosion. and observers from the Organiza- throughout all stages of Election Day and deter potential fraud,” the group —Matthew L. Wald, The New York Times tion for Security and Cooperation processes and underscored the seri- said.


130°W 125°W 120°W 115°W 110°W 105°W 100°W 95°W 90°W 85°W 80°W 75°W 70°W 65°W 60°W Cool weather, mix of 40°N sun and clouds 1023 By Kathryn Materna and southern New England. This nor’easter will linger 35°N We will see cool but over the mid-Atlantic for pleasant conditions in Bos- several days. 1025 ton as we head into the Fortunately for MIT stu- long weekend, with highs dents wanting to go outside 1008 generally in the low 60s°F and enjoy the fall weather, 1004 30°N and lows in the low 50s°F. this system is unlikely to Overnight lows in the next bring much rain as far north two days may even dip into as Boston. It will likely be the upper 40s°F. Today and cool and calm when the Red

tomorrow, we will see some Sox open the ALCS on Sat- 1006 clouds and wind due to a urday night at Fenway Park. 1018 25°N coastal low-pressure system As we move into next week, affecting the region from we will begin to see warmer Virginia through New York and sunnier conditions.

Extended Forecast Today: Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers, high 65°F (18°C). Winds from the southwest at 10 Situation for Noon Eastern Time, Friday, October 11, 2013 mph. Weather Systems Weather Fronts Precipitation Symbols Other Symbols Tonight: Cool and partly cloudy, low 53°F (12°C). Wind Snow Rain Fog at 5-10 mph. High Pressure Trough Showers Thunderstorm Tomorrow: Partly cloudy and windy, with a high of Warm Front Light 62°F (17°C). Winds at 10-15 mph. Low Pressure Haze Cold Front Sunday: Sunny with a high of 63°F (17°C). Moderate Compiled by MIT Hurricane Meteorology Staff Stationary Front Heavy Monday: Sunny and warm, high of 65°F (18°C). and The Tech nation world & nation world & nation world & nation & nation world & nation world & nation world nation Friday, October 11, 2013 The Tech 3 Europe votes to tighten rules on WORLD & Nati Standoff on debt has yet to drilling method rattle Asia European Union lawmakers voted narrowly Wednesday to force energy companies to carry out in-depth environmental audits be- fore they deploy a technique known as “fracking” to recover natu- By Keith Bradsher tively covered the standoff, and a debt default, and the market isn’t ral gas from shale rock. The New York Times vice minister of finance expressed interested,” said Marshall Mays, The technique involves shooting a cocktail of water, sand and concern about it Monday, but the founder and managing director of chemicals under pressure into shale to break it up and release the HONG KONG — When the U.S. Chinese Internet has not lit up with Emerging Alpha Advisors, an as- gas. France has already banned the technique, also known as hy- government was borrowing heav- the same energy as during past set management and advisory firm draulic fracturing. And it has produced protests in Britain. ily four years ago to cover costs re- budget struggles in Washington. in Hong Kong that specializes in The rules were narrowly approved the European Parliament, lated to the global financial crisis, China’s top leaders have stayed si- fixed-income markets and private which is meeting this week in Strasbourg, France, and still must Wen Jiabao, then the prime minis- lent in public, but Prime Minister equity. “Nobody believes it will undergo another round of voting in the Parliament once an agree- ter of China, strongly and publicly Li Keqiang raised the issue briefly happen.” ment on the final language is reached with EU governments. Shale on warned Washington to make sure in private with U.S. Secretary of Mays predicted that Washing- gas projects that do not use fracking would not be covered by the Chinese investments in Treasury State John Kerry on the sidelines of ton would find a way to avoid a rules, which update environmental legislation in Europe. securities were safe. a meeting in Brunei on Thursday, debt default. “There are lots of ac- Even so, the result is a setback for the shale gas industry in Eu- When Congress and the White according to a U.S. official and Chi- counting tricks, and just because rope, where it is far less developed than in the United States and WORLD & Nati House faced off two years ago over nese state media. the federal government is not good where many citizens are more concerned about the environmental increasing the ceiling on the United “We understand this is a crisis, at accounting does not mean it impact of recovering the gas than about finding new sources of hy- States’ debt, raising worries about a but we think they will work out a can’t be done,” he said. drocarbons as a way of combating stubbornly high energy prices. possible default, Chinese Internet deal,” said Sun Zhe, a politics pro- The same view is prevalent in Industry groups immediately condemned the result as more users poured scorn on their own fessor at Tsinghua University who Singapore and Tokyo. “The pros- red tape for European business at a time when the Continent is government for having invested so specializes in Chinese-American pects of the U.S. not making pay- seeking growth after five years of economic crises. much of their country’s savings in relations. “The Chinese people are ments on Treasury securities are “In its current form, the proposed revision clearly goes against Treasuries. also getting used to it.” effectively zero,” said Thomas Lam, the trend to minimize the regulatory burden on business in order The current round of brinkman- Stock markets in Asia have been the chief economist for industrial- to facilitate the economic recovery and strengthen the competi- ship between Republicans in Con- mostly resilient over the last week, ized nations at OSK-DMG, a Singa- tiveness of our industrial core in the EU,” said Markus J. Beyrer, gress and the White House over with a mixed performance Thurs- pore investment bank and broker- the director general of BusinessEurope, a powerful industry body avoiding a default on the national day. But there has been little sign age firm. based in Brussels. debt has led to considerably less of investors’ moving out of dollars “This time, people are not so Representatives of BusinessEurope said they were also con- hand-wringing in China or across and into yen or other Asian curren- concerned with the default risk cerned by new requirements in the draft rules to carry out assess- Asia, although there were signs cies as interest rates on short-term compared to 2011,” said Hajime ments for preserving the natural environment before starting infra- Thursday that this was starting to Treasury bills rise. Takata, the chief economist at structure projects like building airports and railways. change. “The media is trying to get peo- the Mizuho Research Institute in —James Kanter, The New York Times on The Chinese media have ac- ple interested in the possibility of a Tokyo. Blackberry founders explore bid

for company WORLD & Nati

OTTAWA, Ontario — The two men who founded the company Abductors briefly seize Libyan that became BlackBerry may now try to save it. In a regulatory filing Thursday, Mike Lazaridis and Douglas Fre- gin said that they were considering a bid for the 92 percent of the prime minister company that they do not already own. They also said that they had hired Goldman Sachs and Centerview Partners as advisers. By David D. Kirkpatrick A spokesman for the coalition, planation for what it called “the kid- Their potential bid joins a growing list of expressions of inter- and Gerry Mullany which calls it the Operations Room napping of a Libyan citizen” on the est in the company, which recently reported a $1 billion quarterly The New York Times of Libya’s Revolutionaries, said the streets of the capital. loss caused by the market’s rejection of new smartphones that were prime minister’s “arrest” followed a At a news conference Tuesday, supposed to revive BlackBerry’s prominence. CAIRO — Libya’s prime minister, statement by Secretary of State John Justice Minister Salah al-Maghrani Fairfax Investment Holdings of Toronto has made a conditional, Ali Zeidan, was briefly kidnapped Kerry that “the Libyan government appeared shocked: “The news itself nonbinding offer to buy the 90 percent of BlackBerry shares it does from a Tripoli hotel Thursday in an was aware of the operation” that cap- was definitely a surprise,” he said. not own for $9 each. That would value the company at about $4.7 apparent act of retaliation for his tured the al-Qaida leader, Reuters “And having seen the prime minis- billion. supposed consent to the capture of a reported. ter the same night, I have not seen Many investors are skeptical about Fairfax’s ability to finance suspected al-Qaida leader by Ameri- The prime minister’s kidnapping someone more surprised than the that proposal by bringing in other investors and borrowing billions on can Special Forces. was the most serious blow yet to the Prime Minister Ali Zeidan.” of dollars. Similar questions would apply to any rival offer from He was seized before dawn and credibility of Libya’s fragile transi- But U.S. officials, speaking anon- Lazaridis and Fregin, who are not working with Fairfax at the mo- freed by early afternoon, according tional government. And it also could ymously, said Zeidan’s government ment, according to a person briefed on the matter. to Amal al Jarrari, a spokeswoman be a grave setback for U.S. efforts to had secretly authorized the arrest —Ian Austen and Michael J. De La Merced, The New York Times WORLD & Nati for the prime minister’s office, who hunt down other terrorist suspects and possibly others. Members of could not immediately provide believed to be at large on Libyan soil, the Libyan Parliament had vowed to US offer would let some states details. including those suspected of a role in remove him from office if evidence The short-lived kidnapping was the attack last year on the U.S. diplo- emerged that he knew in advance. open parks an ominous sign for the stability of matic mission in Benghazi that killed The kidnapping Thursday was Libya’s transitional government and Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens the most ominous sign yet that Libya The governors of at least four states expressed initial interest in its cooperation with American coun- and three other Americans. is sliding toward anarchy two years an offer Thursday from Interior Secretary Sally Jewell to allow them terterrorist efforts. Zeidan’s abduc- Zeidan’s government had said after the revolution that ended Col. to reopen national parks in their states, although it remained un- tors appeared to be among the semi- it had no warning or knowledge of Moammar Gadhafi’s four decades clear whether any such deals could be reached soon. autonomous militias who serve as the U.S. commando raid last Satur- of dictatorship. And it may also serve After more than a week of requests from several states that they his government’s primary police and day in which Nazih Abdul-Hamed as a warning to other Libyan offi- be allowed to reopen parks closed by the federal government shut- security force, according to a state- al-Ruqai, the suspected al-Qaida cials who contemplate collaborating down, Jewell said the administration would be willing to consider ments from the prime minister’s of- leader, was captured. In a statement, with the U.S. in its pursuit of alleged such agreements as long as the states agreed to pay the full operat- fice and a coalition of militia leaders. the government demanded an ex- terrorists. ing costs, including the salaries of all federal park employees. “South Dakota, Utah, Colorado and Arizona have all expressed some initial interest in exploring a potential agreement,” said Blake

Androff, chief spokesman for the Interior Department in Washing- on ton. “But discussions are in the early stages. No formal offers have been submitted.” Bank of England retains low interest In Utah, officials hailed the offer as a breakthrough that could defuse rising tensions over the closing of the state’s five national WORLD & Nati parks. Utah’s governor, Gary R. Herbert, has urged the Interior De- rate partment to let the state use its own money to reopen them. South Dakota’s governor, Dennis Daugaard, also spoke with By Julia Werdigier would stick to the plan he announced some economists said that Carney’s Jewell on Thursday about the new offer. The New York Times in August. To eliminate uncertainty focus is shifting to his responsibility “This announcement today is a welcome change,” said the gov- among households and investors for maintaining stability in Britain’s ernor’s spokesman, Tony Venhuizen. “The governor is hopeful it LONDON — Britain’s central when interest rates would rise again, financial system. At the top of his list can lead to a solution that reopens Mount Rushmore.” bank decided on Thursday to keep its Carney said then that the rates would are possible responses to the debt —Rick Lyman, The New York Times benchmark interest rate unchanged remain unchanged at least until un- ceiling and budget deadlock in the at a record low in the face of more employment declined to 7 percent, U.S., and Britain’s Help to Buy plan, a On Iran talks, Congress could evidence that the country’s economic from the current 7.7 percent. Some government program to make mort- recovery was gaining speed. investors said the positive data put gages more affordable. play ‘bad cop’ The Bank of England voted, as pressure on Carney to raise interest “Short of external shocks, which expected, to leave its interest rate at rates earlier, but Carney has resisted. might include the U.S. debt ceiling, WASHINGTON — When Iranian diplomats sit down in Geneva 0.5 percent and to hold its program Policymakers have said unem- there’s not much that can shift mon- on Tuesday with the United States and five other world powers for a of economic stimulus at 375 billion ployment was unlikely to drop to 7 etary policy at the moment,” David new round of talks about Iran’s nuclear program, Congress will not pounds, or nearly $600 billion. percent before the end of 2016, but Tinsley, an economist at BNP Pari- have a seat at the table. But that doesn’t mean it won’t have a voice. on Britain’s economic recovery has some investors said the central bank bas in London, said. “The only thing With a tough new Iran sanctions bill teed up in the Senate, fol- been gaining momentum as con- might be forced to abandon the plan that’s a nagging thorn in the side is lowing the overwhelming passage of similar legislation by the sumer confidence returns and dis- because of higher inflation. Econo- the housing market.” House in July, lawmakers are poised to do one of two things: They posable incomes have improve over mists at Nomura and Deutsche Bank Some of Britain’s largest banks could tighten the screws on Iran’s leaders in a way that helps pro- W recent months. A surprise drop in were among those who predicted have started offering residential duce a nuclear deal. Or they could foul up delicate diplomacy at a industrial production in August sig- higher interest rates for 2015. The mortgages this week for houses crucial moment. naled on Wednesday, however, that benchmark rate has been at 0.5 per- worth up to 600,000 pounds, or The Senate Banking Committee, under pressure from the o some headwinds to the recovery cent since March 2009. Economists $965,000, with a deposit of as little as Obama administration, agreed to put a brief pause on its bill to persist. do not anticipate a change in the 5 percent. Under this part of the Help avoid spoiling the first bargaining session in Geneva. But the com- R

Recent positive economic data bank’s bond-buying stimulus pro- to Buy program, the government is mittee’s chairman, Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., has told Secretary of l raised some questions about wheth- gram unless the economic recovery guaranteeing the banks as much as State John Kerry that he plans to move forward with the bill in com- er Mark J. Carney, who took over as stalls. 15 percent of the value of the home in ing weeks. D Bank of England governor in July, With monetary policy on hold, exchange for a fee. —Mark Landler, The New York Times 4

OPINION OPINION OPINION OPINION OPINION OPINION OPINIOn Opinion OPINION OPinION Tech The Bozic ’15. ’14,Denis ’14,Carolyn Zhang Wiwatwicha ’14,Natthida ’10,AlexMcCarthy Franco PhD Portocarrero G, Sunter G, Kristen Perez- Roberto Berlin ’13. ’12, Shaena ’11, Roman Kowch Vince Agard Chernyakhovsky ’14, Bost. AlexanderC. Alex G;Staff: Greg Steinbrecher Director: Fiona Lam ’17. Meiling Cui ’17, Casey Crownhart ’17, Chao ’17, ’16,Michelle ’16,Marie Moudio E. I. Fabre E. ’16,Maria ’14,Rachel Agyemang Shahmirian Sarine Arturo Gonzalez ’14, Joseph Maurer ’12, ’16;Staff: Nayeon Manager: Advertising Kim Banuelos ’17. ’16,Liana ’16,Alyssa Napier M. Longmate ’16,Julia ’16,Jake H.Gunter Christina Curlette ’16, ’16,Gustavo H.Braga Bevacqua Aidan ’15, ’13,Sylvan Tsai Jacob Austin-Breneman Madeline J. Staff: Chief: O’Grady ’16; iate Copy ’15;Assoc­ Laura Forte E. Copy Chief: Skanda Koppula ’17, Andrew Swayze. ’17, ’16,RachelAviles E. 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Repub- but onecaveat—that there adelay be in sure to keep the government with funded lay inimplementation. pass amea They - nomically harmful,ask foraoneyear de- still believethat- eco be thistaxcut will before it is implemented, Democrats, who economy. Thebill passes, but years later, hurtthemiddleclass andthebelieve will ofmeasures allsorts with that Democrats the legislators read. It isamassive taxcut senator abillthat pen they almost noneof to preempt ofanewly elected thearrival asthepresidency.Inas well theirhaste cans controlled housesofCongress, both The governmentThe shutdown Democrats’ and hypocrisy. ‘Free speech for me but not for thee’ Republican shutdown.’ ‘the is deemed shutdown the while blame no absolutely isassigned negotiate and sitdown to even A president refuses who will not be accepted. The accepted. notbe will the right or to edit reserves Tech signatures, addresses, and phone numbers. Unsigned letters publication. submissions are dueby 4:30p.m. days two before thedate of or sent by interdepartmental mail to Room W20-483. All to Hard copy submissions should addressed be submissions are encouraged andshould sent be to letters@ author, that notnecessarily ofthenewspaper. Electronic are by written individualsandrepresent theopinionof editorial. members choosing to publish theirdisagreement the with Editor Jacob London. M. Gorodisher, Editor Executive Deborah Chen, and Opinion Sarah Ritter, Editor inChief AnneCai, Managing Editor Ian bywritten Board, theEditorial which consists ofChairman OPINION POLICY OPINION Imagine inwhich Republi ascenario - Our current government shutdown is The , P.O.Tech Box 397029, Cambridge, Mass. 02139-7029, Letters, columns, must andcartoons the authors’ bear , editor Letters to the are board the signed Dissents opinions of editorial areEditorials the official opinion of By A.J. Edelman By A.J. aff co aff St l C um orrections n is t editorial cartoons , andeditorial columns - tion, there theclassic exists liberal mantra litical rhetoricto thehealthcare legisla- the onefooting thebill.From taxes- to po thought help, needed long so asshewasn’t law afeel-good sheporting to helpthose for itpersonally.” theonewhowaswould be going to pay to have healthcare, Ijust didn’trealize I who remarks, “Of course, Iwant people away line, however, comesfrom Vinson, ance to cover hisfamily offour.” Thetake- paywill nearly $10,000 more forinsur Tom Waschura, ofPortola Valley, Calif., Additionally,for anindividualpolicy. reportedly paywill $1,800 more each year piece, “Cindy Vinson, ofSan Jose, Calif., recently inoneSan Jose Mercury News acompany’strim workforce. Asreported miums andthelayoffs thatwould result to would pay forthesteepincreases inpre- lation, many turnedablindeyeto who thee.” itcame When to thecurrent legis the mantrawith of “for me but not for Republican shutdown.” blame whiletheshutdown “the isdeemed and negotiate is assigned absolutely no president whorefuses to even sit down fortheirs intheU.S.derided Senate. A Paul andTed were Cruz and lampooned lauded inthepress whileSenators Rand a “brave,” “historical” filibuster and was publicans. Wendy Davis ofTexas launched tempts to stallby legislation opposed Re- reform thefilibuster to prevent future at Republican filibuster toattempts andtried But earlier thisyear Democrats derided when Republicans controlled the Senate. viciously fought against filibuster reform tor Obama andhisDemocratic colleagues are they policies labeled “terrorists.” Sena- thedebtuse ceiling to evaluate spending when Republicans claim that should we raising the debt ceiling as a senator. Today, for thee.” President Obama voted against decades, aliberal view of“formebut not “independents.” liberals andthemajority ofuninformed The are. They Tech Of course Vinson didn’tmindsup- The current liberal climate is saturated Now there exists, ashasfor existed

of the MIT orlocal community.of theMIT all theletters received. known.The becomes makesTech nocommitment to publish in any other format now ormedium knownorlater that onThe posted be ’sTech Web siteorpublished and/orprinted returned. notbe will Letters, columns, may andcartoons also submitted, allletterspropertyOnce become ofThe , andTech given be higher letters priority. will shorter letters; condense TO REACH US REACH TO found ontheWorld Wide Web at shouldeditor sent be to [email protected] . that call forcorrection to [email protected] to the. Letters releases, requests forcoverage, andinformation about errors inchief byeditor emailing [email protected] press. Please send directed be will to theappropriate You person. can reach the whom to contact, mail send to [email protected], andit easiest way to reach any member ofour staff. If you are unsure was Ceipek led. onthesame team asStephanie Northway. Ceipek’s team he College name which Olin anddidnotspecify are columns submitted opinion articles byGuest members The ’sTech telephone number is(617) 253-1541. Email isthe inTuesday’sAn article issue onHackMIT misstated Julian - - - works long. so It’s timeto wake up. sink in—“formebut notforthee” only actuallyit hitdoes get whenpeople Only them,affect treatment. special orexpect where manynotto consequences expect ate. Worse, is stuck our country in a cycle have,we allthewhilerefusing- to negoti whining about thesystem of democracy Democrats week. in itssecond are still exemptions.for special creased employment. much So forhoping but increased also premiums andde- optionsfortheircoveragenot only fewer little, late too —theirmembers are seeing havethey to speak out. started But itistoo a big problem fortheirmembership and have realized that Obamacare represents ers formebut notforthee.” Now, unions such ameasure? adverselysupport affected by the ACA) memberswould unions(whose be Obamacare was nearly universal. Why were predictable, for unionsupport sive hit. completely inorder to avoid taking amas ployees timehours toorfire part them ment plans, cut em- andbusinesses will dump employeeswill onto the govern- already percent), almost 300 companies Premiums skyrocket will cases (insome Obamacare hurtthemiddleclass. will of “formebut notforthee.” And so we continue we theshutdownAnd so with Because they expected waivers. expected Because they “Waiv thefactthatDespite drawbacks these Make nomistake, Republicans believe ‘independents.’ majority ofuninformed by the and liberals iscondemned and unreasonable hostility of anact considered Republicans is from Dissent Friday, October 11,Friday, October 2013 The canTech be . - - 5 Fun fun fun fun fun Fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun FUN FUN FUN FUN fun The Tech

by Letitia Li Letitia by by Steve Sullivan Steve by

Somewhere in the Search for Meaning Somewhere in

UPPERCUT UPPERCUT 2013 OctoberFriday, 11, 6

Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Tech The Solution, page12 Sudoku Instructions: Fill inthegridsothateach column, row, and3by 3gridcontains 2 3 1 9 8 2 7 exactly one ofeach ofthe digits1through 9. 2 7 9 1 2 3 6 8 1 4 1 5 7 9 3 8 7 1 4 52 Complywith 50 Floralband 49 L’Oreal rival 48 Nutritionlabellisting 42 Burrowing rodents presence 41 Web 39 are Where thestars 35 Oilholder 33 Prefix for economics concernedwith39 32 Org. 31 Ofhearing 29 Regard impolitely 26 Insignificantthing 25 Part ofUCLA 23 Barbarian out 21 Time method 20 Meditation 19 Boxing surface 18 North Atlantic catch 16 Moonshine 15 Contentsofsomekegs e.g. 14 Stampede, Calgary 12 Future husbands,maybe 9 Fraction ofafl.oz. 5 Realdevelopment estate 1 Frosted ACROSS Solution, page12 Losing Altitude Across 6 1 5 8 Solution, page12 Techdoku Instructions: Fill inthegridsothateach column androwexactly contains oneof 10+ 5 36× 24× each ofthenumbers 1–6.Follow themathematical operationsfor each box. 22 Trials andtribulations 21 Long account 20 Capitulates 17 Prefix for hero 14 Closecompetitor 13 Hiddensupply 11 Goesbiking 10 Catchphrase 9 Puget Soundcity 8 Closetotheground 7 Life ofPidirector 6 Sticks on 5 Poet Van Duyn 4 Knucklehead 3 Henri’s water 2 Buffett title 1 Techgiant DOWN 66 Sort 65 Plans(out) 64 Summertop 63 Paddywhack 62 Homericepic 61 Part of TGIF 56 Washington’s home,1777-78 55 Outinthedistance 53 Baseless rumor by CharlesSlack 30× 1− 10+ 12× 10× 6 60 Stretch (out) 59 Productivitymeasure for58 Metaphor hope 57 Patterned after 56 Enthusiasm 54 Forlorn cry 53 Filmexcerpt on 51 Take 47 Feudal subjects 46 Koala color 45 Had 44 Notatalleager 43 Money-back ploy gain 42 Monetary 40 Onesideofanissue 38 Bumpedinto 37 45thstate 36 Falling-out 34 Hotshot 33 Mostimportant struggling 30 Without 28 __Mutual Friend (Dickens 27 Woventogether 25 Onesideofanissue 24 Hoopsorg. 23 Dome-shapeddo novel) Friday, October 11,Friday, October 2013 8× 30× 2 3 6 3− 5 7 Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts arts Arts aRTS - - - The Tech , this lute, this ric Antoniou Eric unday unday heatre is a momentous artis lute is a momentous hubert T hrough S Bass David Cushing delivered an earthy, booming performance of Sarastro, showcasing excellent vocal technique. While all the performances were out While all the performances were fantas of Mozart’s repackaging A fresh The MagicThe Flute Opera Boston Lyric Citi Performing Arts Center S T October 13, 2013 the stratospherically high notes, it felt it felt notes, high the stratospherically one’s tingling sublime of the droplets like - Da bass range, the opposite vocal At ears. boom an earthy, - delivered vid Cushing showcasing performanceing of Sarastro, technique and nuance. vocal an excellent Ferreira Neal tenor the cast, out Rounding villain the lust-crazed portrayed vividly use of his alluring, making Monostatos, - and excel voice singing well-projected theatrics. lent com- least the pick to had I if standing, be to the three it would have one, pelling of While their tackle boys/guiding-spirits. parts com- grueling was singing Mozart’s often was presence their stage mendable, theyoften spirits, guiding As tentative. seemed in need themselves. of guidance of carrying in charge being Moreover, Papageno’s and flute magic Tamino’s new concept, bells (an interesting magic in theory), least at them look even made confused of place. and out more with now a solid book, delightful tic tale, singing lyrics and outstanding English of production — the BLO’s and acting F Magic The to appeal with a strong tic manifestation If neophytes. and aficionados bothopera F Magic seen never The have you this to best introduction your is probably the relish seen you’ll it, have If you opera. Either of this interpretation. freshness on this out miss to don’t want you way, one. - may tell an in- an tell may lute Magic F Magic One of the key strengths of BLO’s production of The Magic Flute is the English translation and adaptation. Mozart’s Mozart’s of attraction main the — singing The atic spectacle had an ebullient, youthful youthful an ebullient, spectacle had atic a smooth blending quality, and offered acting. and compelling singing of superb a Zach Borichevsky, showcasing Tenor singing high-register nuanced precise, a convincing delivered acting, and agile - Tami performance character as the lead - her soulful and endearing sing With no. as well presence, as her sleek stage ing, of Selig owned the role Deborah soprano was Garland Andrew Baritone Pamina. vividly as Papageno, and funny delightful with humor his the character’s expressing him Joining and singing. acting excellent Chelsea aria soprano was for one exciting her who showcased as Papagena, Basler, mellifluous and warm, comedic talent so- sensation Up-and-coming singing. the audience drove Park So Young prano of the Night the Queen portraying wild by - sing and breathtaking with acting lively one of her fiend- each dexterity. In ing reached she when difficult ishly arias, - feath for a longer save ladies, of the three costume, ornate A more er in her hat. - head larger with a significantly perhaps stand the Queen made would have piece, her underlings. from better out the best part — was of the opera to going an all- Featuring production. the BLO’s performing singers with many cast, local the oper time, for the first with the BLO teresting story, but it is the music that story, that it is the music but teresting masterpiece. timeless a it into transforms of the opera, beauty musical The intricate coloratura brilliant arias, lively featuring and a orchestration, tasteful passages, to is hard elements, of symbolic myriad Angus, of David the baton Under resist. an excellent delivered orchestra the BLO the vari- out brought which performance, ety and crispness of the accompaniment it offered music; Mozart’s in figurations required, when presence bolda musical a shim- swiftly into could dissolve but singers whenever mering background balance between The stage. tookcenter - also was outstand and singers orchestra masterful Mozart’s to — due not only ing deft Angus’ also Mr. but to orchestration, conducting.

- - - - lute is the English lute is the English F - pro of BLO’s One strengths of the key is another noteworthy accom- Staging - rep of the moon and the sun symbolism made was and the day the night resenting necessary.whenever clear, abundantly by the well-crafted matched was alsoThis for glitter a silver had which costumes, and a golden characters the night-aligned One mi- ones. for the day-aligned glitter all these among elements nor distraction of the sun wrinkly texture the overly was seemed which times cari- at disc prop, dress, the Queen’s Another was catured. seemedwhich the dresses to too similar tical Mayan setting and his classmates, and his classmates, setting Mayan tical F Magic the original and recreates the whole allegory story. as Introducing is very- compel or hallucination a dream storysuggests additional the ling; layer com- ultimately are the protagonists that mys a only is opera the while folk, mon trials day-to-day of their reflection tical and tribulations. Magic duction of The The creative adaptation. and translation John composed of Leonteam, Major, a delivers Rourke, and Kelley Conklin, adaptation well-balanced,ingenious while in English, unfolds naturally that both the poise and the humor retaining German of the original overtones ous is text of the original While the gist text. allows translation the freer maintained, and fluidity in the rhyming for excellent a close connec establishes which lyrics, the Additionally, tion with the audience. - audi the helps which projected, lyricsare quality of the delectable ence appreciate more. even the translation The set is constructed in- using plishment. frames, rectangular moving dependently with col- vividly and is richly decorated reminiscent full of symbols props ored per layered The civilization. of Mayan representing spective is very appropriate, which from labyrinth both the mystical and trying are escape, to the protagonists and Tamino that of initiation the stages prove to go to through have Papageno themselves worthy counterparts. of their veryThis set also- transi afforded smooth a radically because tions between scenes, achieved be quickly set could different The set movements. small with relatively - - - - to the American the American to lute merican version Magic Flute ofThe

Staff Writer

By Bogdan Fedeles

The Magic F Magic The n A

Staging is another noteworthy accomplishment. Staging is another noteworthy accomplishment. The set is constructed using independently moving rectangular frames, and is richly decorated with vividly colored props full of symbols reminiscent of Mayan civilization.

The new version of the opera expertly expertly of the opera version The new The opera’s original premise is simple; simple; is premise original The opera’s Imagine Mozart and his librettist librettist his and Mozart Imagine

made for a spectacular night at the the at for a spectacular night lute made cination that incorporates both the mys incorporates that cination - a venom-induced hallu into he plunges When one of them is bitten by a snake, a snake, by When one of them is bitten to Mayan ruins in modern day Yucatan. Yucatan. ruins in modern day Mayan to versity students on an exploratory trip on an exploratory trip students versity backstory uni- four is added, featuring ancient Mayan Mexico. A completely new new A completely Mexico. Mayan ancient weaves all these elements in with all these sever elements weaves equally American, mystic but more er, - fresh a to Egypt ancient original the from al brand new ones. The setting is moved moved is The setting new ones. brand al the freemasons’ ideals and creed. ideals the freemasons’ elements, as well as explicit advertising of as well of as explicit advertising elements, the journey of initiation, and trials of the trialsand the of journeythe of initiation, the number three (considered magical), magical), (considered three the number and themes, such as the obsession with as the obsession with such and themes, also abounds with freemasonic elements elements withalso abounds freemasonic eventually does, in Papagena. The opera The opera in Papagena. does, eventually on his own quest to find a wife, which he he which find a to on his own quest wife, nostatos. Tamino’s side kick, Papageno, is is Papageno, kick, side Tamino’s nostatos. - Mo the evil agent from princess Pamina tagonist, is on his heroic quest to save the the save to quest is on his heroic tagonist, - the pro Tamino, Sarastro. — led by day of the Night — against the forces of the of the the forces — against of the Night forces of the night — led by the Queen Queen the led— by night the of forces it unfolds as an allegory the opposing opera, at once entertaining and inspiring. once entertaining at opera, F The Magic Magic of The production BLO’s the ing - Attend relevance. up-to-date surprising of wisdom with a renewed vitality, and a wisdomof vitality, and a with renewed a potent mix of jovial humor and nuggets and nuggets humor mix of jovial potent this ingenious reimagining, delivering its delivering its reimagining, this ingenious Mozart’s opera sounds incredibly fresh in in fresh sounds incredibly opera Mozart’s breathtaking. 222 years after its premiere, its premiere, after years 222 breathtaking. featured a more comprehensive back comprehensive a more featured lyr English and delightful symbolism, and the singing eye-catching, costumes Bolder than most, the new production the new production most, Bolder than clearer setting, story, geographic altered the was enchanting, décorstage The ics. lish adaptation of Mozart’s famous opera. opera. famous of Mozart’s lish adaptation - of a new Eng with their world premiere what Boston Lyric Opera was going for for going was Opera Boston Lyric what public. This unlikely premise was exactly was exactly premise unlikely This public. spiel spiel - sing their pitch to temporary dramaturg Schikaneder the help of a con- enlisting

, performed at the Shubert Theater. Shubert at the , performed Magic Flute of productionThe as the Queen of the Night in the BLO’s Park Young So

Boston Lyric Opera brings the magic of Mozart’s music into the 21st century into the 21st music Mozart’s magic of the Opera brings Lyric Boston A

opera review 2013 OctoberFriday, 11, 8 The Tech Friday, October 11, 2013 restaurant review The pasta next door Homestyle Italian cooking in Cambridge By Rex Lam with nothing but houses, I finally spotted board above it. It is the type of place where Basta Pasta the restaurant and noticed the construction you choose your own table and serve your- After checking out one of the most fa- work around it. The street was being torn up, self water. mous Asian restaurants in Boston, I decided and traffic cones and fire trucks were every- At the recommendation of the guy at the 319 Western Ave., to try something totally different — a hole- where. My first impressions were neutral at counter, I ordered three pasta dishes. As I Cambridge in-the-wall Italian restaurant in the heart of best. waited for my food, I noticed the constant Cambridge. My initial opinion changed very quickly. stream of people coming in. For a small res- Unless you spend your free time walking Walking into Basta Pasta, I immediately felt taurant with an unimpressive exterior, Basta Monday – Saturday 11 around the streets of Cambridge, you have like I was in one of the many family-owned Pasta draws quite the crowd. It seems as if a.m. – 10 p.m. , and probably never heard of Basta Pasta. Hidden eat-in/take-out places back in my home- all the locals have known about this hid- in a residential area, the restaurant is about town in the suburbs of Boston. There are a den gem for years, but have kept their secret Sunday 3 p.m. – 10 Arts Arts Art S a ten-minute walk from the Central Square few tables to the side, but the centerpiece of from the hungry college students next door. T station. After navigating through streets the restaurant is the counter and the menu p.m. I immediately felt like the chicken and pasta an extra zesty di- I was in one of the mension. In essence, each bite featured an unexpected combination of the various

A RTS many family-owned tastes, and it made me eager to finish the whole dish in order to try out all the differ- places back in my ent flavors. hometown in the Not many dishes could have topped the chicken piccata linguini, but the last dish — suburbs of Boston. Bolognese fusilli — was no disappointment. Although I usually only get Bolognese when The first dish I had was the meatball po- I feel particularly unadventurous, this dish modoro linguini. Normally not a huge fan of proved to be quite special in that the fusilli meatballs, I found these to be firm, flavor- was homemade, very chewy, and varied in ful, and very well balanced. Still, I was more length and shape. Altogether, it was a very impressed by the linguini, which was thin different experience from eating pre-made and cooked for the right amount of time. By fusilli out of a box. this point, the restaurant was full and lively By the time I finished my dinner, all of with conversations. The line to order was al- my first impressions had completely van- most out the door, and I felt lucky to have ished. All I had in mind were the unpredict- come just before the crowd. able flavors of the chicken piccata linguini. I then moved on to the chicken piccata As someone who does not eat out at Italian linguini, which turned out to be my favorite. places often, I am glad that I found Basta Just like the meatball pomodoro linguini, Pasta. Places like Basta Pasta show that you the pasta was perfect. What made this dish do not always need a big name or fancy even better was the blend of different fla- decorations to be a great restaurant. If you vors. While the linguini itself was relatively ever have some time to venture out to the Skanda K. Koppula bland, it was complemented by the strong, streets of Cambridge, I highly recommend Basta Pasta Trattoria, an Italian restaurant near Central Square, dishes out pizza, distinct flavors from the mushrooms and stopping by Basta Pasta for some great Ital- pasta, risotto, and paninis to customers until 11 p.m. on Tuesday. capers. Furthermore, slices of lemon gave ian pasta.

Restaurant review When I dream of Jiro Dreams of Sushi Where to go to satisfy your sushi cravings

Avana Sushi 42 Beach St., Boston Monday – Sunday 11 a.m. – 10 p.m.

Uni 370 Commonwealth Ave., Boston Monday – Sunday 5:30 p.m. – 10 p.m.

By Ian Matts expect to wait, or order take- out and find a spot nearby for a After every Netflix binge that picnic. inevitably includes an all-too- After you’re seated, you’ll look frequent viewing of Jiro Dreams at the menu and see it was worth of Sushi, I am always left looking any discomfort that your journey for a way to satisfy my cravings for and/or wait may have caused. raw fish. After determining that a “Conventional” maki are cheaper flight to Tokyo isn’t the most effi- than LaVerde’s at $4.95 per roll, cient or economical option, I turn sushi and sashimi are around $4 to the choices that Boston and a serving, special rolls are $9, and, Melissa Renée Schumacher—The Tech Cambridge have to offer. If you to top it all off, miso soup is only Chefs prepare rolls and other assorted items at Avana Sushi, a sushi joint in Chinatown with a wide too suffer from recurring bouts of $1. Spoiler alert: it’s all delicious. variety of options on its menu. hamachi withdrawal, I’d recom- My go-to options are the Spicy to Uni Sashimi Bar, which can be While the menu may not meet simply with a bit of sauce con- mend giving either (or both) of White Tuna Avocado Roll ($4.95), found just across the river from Jiro’s exacting standards for tradi- taining candied ginger and black my go-to places a try. the surf clam sushi ($3.95), and campus, at the intersection of tional cuisine, you certainly won’t beans. the Spicy Scorpion Maki (Eel, Commonwealth Ave. and Mass. be disappointed by it. Uni shares Prices for a meal are steep, Avana Sushi avocado, cucumber, tobiko, and Ave. The restaurant occupies a a kitchen with Clio, one of the however, with small dishes aver- A veritable diamond in the a layer of shrimp, $8.95), but re- very small basement space (17 highest-rated French restaurants aging about $15–$25 each, and a rough, Avana Sushi is situated in ally anything that is on the menu seats) in the Eliot Hotel. The in the city, and both are owned satisfying meal requiring at least a “Food Court” at 42 Beach St. in is worth getting, and then get- space is cozy but modern, with by James Beard Award winner two or three of them. For a slight- Chinatown. If you decide to go ting more of. If you don’t trust dark tables and dim lighting. Ken Oringer. So don’t worry, the ly less pricey option, visit Uni on a and arrive at this address, I’ll an- me, trust Boston Magazine, who The focal point of the room is the kitchen staff knows how to in- Sunday or Monday night for their swer two of your questions before named Avana Sushi “Best Low- sashimi bar, behind which the corporate French elements into “Sake Bomb Menu.” It includes a you ask them: no, you aren’t lost, Brow Sushi” for 2013. restaurant’s chef makes the sashi- their Japanese dishes. Two of four-course dinner (with the ex- and yes, this is the place. Your mi for the restaurant in full view. my favorite dishes are the “Tuna act dishes chosen by the kitchen), destination is the sushi stand nes- Uni Uni serves sashimi and Japa- Poke” ($17), which is cubes of raw a Sapporo, and a glass of Sake $35. tled snugly between a cell phone When my desire for sushi (al- nese fare with “fusion” elements, tuna in a slightly spicy sauce with If you aren’t a picky eater and like kiosk and an egg puff cart (also most) deserving of Jiro’s approval but the use of that skepticism- mung bean and onion, and Scot- surprises with your dinner, you delicious) with only six counter trumps my desire to have money inducing buzzword of the mid- tish Salmon Sashimi ($15), which should certainly make your way seats. If you go at a prime time, in my wallet, I usually head over 2000s shouldn’t scare you off. is slices of raw salmon served to Uni for this option. Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts A RTS 9 Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts ARTS ARTS Arts Arts ArtS s - ture The Tech c Pi . s ro y of Warner B Warner of y s andra om Hanks,om courte might not make you want to be to an want you not make might tarring T ated PG-13 tarring S Gravity Throw in some amateurish special ef in some amateurish Throw Now Playing Now Barkhad Abdi, and Barkhad Abdirahman R HH✩✩✩ Phillips Captain Directed Paul by Greengrass S Bullock and George Clooney Playing Now HHHHH Gravity Directed Alfonso by Cuarón S position as though the airlock were a womb, a womb, were the airlock position as though of powerful is one of the most which images she simi- as a sees the Soyuz Later, the film. push to doeswant and not place safe larly the from away going survivalon. But requires once safe. were that places be to proud you it will but make astronaut, human. goes for the Navy SEALs, who look the part goesfor the Navy a are but efficient) professional, (strong, himself is And Hanks bit one-dimensional. of the movie. during the rest of “meh” kind is not much the fact that fects of the vessels, and — during of the movie most happening what is exactly happens what worse — that and happen, to going knew was already you it than is closer a snooze-fest to the result was so rescue operation The a thriller. is to the pirate to compared disproportionate felt sorryalmost I that pirates. the for threat as predictable was rescue Phillips’s Captain underwhelmingand hijacking the was as sea at danger of days his and ship, his of league in the same remotely not even are of that like as other maritime adventures, Shackleton. - - - - sets the bar high for future for future sets high the bar Audiences have come to expect come to howlers have Audiences not aspects are unrealistic the However, Some critics have described the movie described the movie Some critics have one of who is without doubt Hanks, Tom there are darkly humorous moments, such as such moments, humorous darkly are there survival difficult how just realizes when Stone mas Cuarón space.” “I hate will be and says, generosity, ingenuity, human terfully portrays odds. in the face of astronomical and humor in Hollywood exaggerations and egregious Gravity but movies, surprisemight physics science fiction. The is when Stone 8.01: taken people who haven’t is no friction there spinning, space into flung her down. The veryscene is a slow to visceral mechanics: of firstdemonstration the camera her helmet outside focuses from on her face until the glass through moves and then slowly she expe- spinning we see sickening the same the ISS that know might buffs Space riences. so not actually close together, are and Hubble been wouldn’t have life Kowalski and a real in the goof fuel to around precious wasting beginning. sacrificestell the great to rather but mistakes suit her space er story. removes When Stone be wast she should of the ISS, in the airlock free-floating the still rescue no time to ing up in the fetal she curls instead but Kowalski, a friend of a friend, or a third cousin of your of your cousin a friend of a friend, or a third one to his storywife, be would still a great I that given But dinner. friends to tell over close or particularno acquaintance have Captain with called this man relationship scheme and considering the great Phillips, the story and kidnapping of his of things, — version in the movie least — at rescue story one more a genre in struck me as just seen has better. that guys some press heard I even as thrilling. me describing the film to next how sitting of claustrophobia. an environment created not claustrophobic, I’m be because may It but too old for this, getting I’m or because Don’t get me for me. nothing did the movie will Phillips be Captain I am sure wrong: and I am pretty for life, scarred emotionally the maritime industrycertain that learned in But the experience. some lessons from the whole story terms of entertainment, of the has and rescue kidnapping this man’s Hallmark of a made-for-television caliber drama. deliv of his generation, actors the greatest ers an Oscar-worthy performance during a an Oscar-worthy ers — he short scenethe ordeal when — after Navy a U.S. a doctor aboard is examined by he way the down, breaks he way The ship. beyond words, shocked and cries, looks lost one fantastic, is just shattered, emotionally seen in my of the best performances I’ve there’s scene, fledging Besides that life. the film. about elselittle truly remarkable what like look positively pirates The Somali would look like, pirates Somali I imagine same The of bland. is kind their acting but . - - , Inc , s trie s Indu s ture c Pi Columbia Stone may be a highly trained specialist, trained be a highly may Stone Although the dialogue is not a strong point, is not a strong the dialogue Although I imagine this storyI imagine would be truly ery clever plan is thwarted by harsh physical physical harsh eryby is thwarted plan clever the ISSreach be- They luck. and bad realities is depleted, face to only oxygen Stone’s fore on landing of actually impossibility the near module is en- Soyuz remaining The only it. a there’s lines, in its own parachute tangled de- and the orbiting the ISS, on board fire everybris comes around 90 tear to minutes remains. what through loses she nearly when the beginning, from but she is also an every- the Hubble, from a screw of some excuse of the lack can which man, Kowalski Meanwhile, development. character as he jokes is the very of an astronaut picture the and wishesbeat could he withHouston While on spacewalks. hours for most record unbeliev act almost to continues Kowalski ably lighthearted after the disaster, Stone is Stone the disaster, after lighthearted ably she begins emulate to But unprepared. utterly she him:ISS, the him from to she radios when that uses and suggestions questions the same space into out spinning used he was she when with him snaps a conversation Later, earlier. an out-of- to and leads of helplessness her out solution a problem. to the-box ation and had to abandon the ship, but not not but the ship, abandon to and had ation with them the goodwithout taking Captain the pirates later, A few days as a hostage. rescued was killed, and the Captain were it. SEALs. That’s of Navy a team by a close friend or relative he were if shocking say, also see if he were, I can how of yours. four Somali pirates with machine guns. The The guns. with machine pirates Somali four in the oper not too competent were pirates - - - - will be merciless. will be merciless. Staff Writer Staff Writer By Kristen Sunter By Kristen oberto Perez-Franco By Roberto

When a Russian anti-satellite mission ac mission anti-satellite Russian Whena The film opens with sobering about facts

Almost every protection they have against everyAlmost they have protection In case you have not seen the trailer — — seen not trailer the have you case In

om Hanks being taken hostage in Captain Phillips. hostage om Hanks being taken from space, with sleight-of-hand special ef with sleight-of-hand space, from against the incredible beauty of Earthbeauty as seen the incredible against orbit. rises from and the northern lights But the brutalBut facts and gripping story set are scenes- of sun rendered and gorgeously fects, Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity Alfonso Cuarón’s loud, so it is clear from the very from so that beginning clear is it loud, like a rocket launching grows deafeningly grows launching a rocket like space written on a black screen, while a sound screen, writtenspace on a black , a drama set in space. in Gravity Clooney) (George Kowalski Matt


The special effects alone are enough to pull you in to pull you alone are enough special effects The The beauty and terror of space

movie review

is proof that a movie can feel like a documentary like feel can Captain that a movie Phillips is proof The Passion of Capt’n the The Passion

moviereview 2013 OctoberFriday, 11, the perils of space fails them, and almost ev and almost the perils fails them, of space with mission control. with control. mission satellites necessarysatellites communicate for them to of the other astronauts, and taken down the and taken of the other astronauts, debris has destroyed their shuttle, killed all their shuttle, destroyed debris has pack, maneuvers out to rescue her, but the but her, rescue to out maneuvers pack, (George Clooney), who is wearing a thruster space. Mission commander Matt Kowalski Kowalski Matt commander Mission space. Bullock) is flung from the cargo bay arm intobay cargo the from is flung Bullock) Space Telescope, Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra (Sandra Stone Ryan Dr. Telescope, Space a shuttle mission sent to upgrade the Hubble the Hubble upgrade to sent mission a shuttle cidently hurls deadly debris into the orbit of the orbit debris deadly into hurls cidently the coast of Somalia, and was hijacked by by hijacked and was of Somalia, the coast chant ship, Maersk Alabama, too close to too close to Alabama, Maersk ship, chant by Tom Hanks) sailed a U.S.-flagged mer sailed a U.S.-flagged Hanks) Tom by about how Captain Richard Phillips (played (played Phillips Richard Captain how about is a movie is a movie Phillips whole plot — Captain because if you have, you already know the the know already you have, if you because 10 The Tech Friday, October 11, 2013 dance review restaurant review Taking off from the ground into What happened flight to Pu Pu Hot A modern dance performance with aerial elements Pot? Ground did not include the elaborate wrapping and Ground falling typical of aerial silks, and the dancers rarely climbed up high onto them. Instead, the dancers swung, often A homemade dumpling Ipswich Moving Company hanging upside down with their loose hair nearly brush- ing the floor, and the choreography focused much more on restaurant has opened Choreographed by Janet the expressive power of small movements and interactions between the dancers. Arts Arts Art S HHH✩✩ Taisy Craft Ground was staged at the Boston University Dance Theater, and a tape down the middle of the rows of seats Performed by Chandra marked the side of the theater where it was suggested that Patty Chen’s Dumpling Room the audience sit to best view the performance. The reason Cantor, Jenny Carlson, was clear when the lights came on: there were large mir- 907 Main St., Cambridge Danielle DiVito, and Tabitha rors along stage left, where, during part of a floor routine, A RTS the dancers piled up against their reflections. Monday – Sunday 11:30 a.m. – Liversidge Many moments in the choreography involved the dancers moving together into one mass. A particularly im- 12:00 a.m. pressive example was the final pose, where the four danc- Boston University Dance ers became knotted together while hanging on one sling. Theater In the first pose, when the curtains opened, two dancers By Ruth Abrams hanging from the same sling created a similar visual ef- fect: there was a confusion of limbs that turned the troupe Unless you are a freshman, you likely recall walking down October 4-5, 2013 into something greater than the sum of its parts. It would Mass. Ave. toward Central and seeing for the first time the large have been interesting to see more exploration of these white and blue sign that proudly declared “Pu Pu Hot Pot.” By Kristen Sunter techniques, which would have perhaps required the use While I never set foot inside Pu Pu Hot Pot, when I saw that the Staff Writer of partner acrobatics but would not necessarily have taken banner had been replaced by a sleek new sign, I felt bereft. The the focus away from dance. walk to Central would never be quite as funny as it used to be. The word “aerial” has come to connote aerial silks, tra- The slings look like incredible fun, and wanting to try However, I had a hunch it might be tastier, as the new sign an- peze, lyra, and similar circus arts, and the performances them out for myself was part the enjoyment of watching nounced that a new restaurant would be taking its place, Patty often involve more acrobatics and gravity-defying tricks this performance. The tempo of the music was generally Chen’s Dumpling Room. I love a good dumpling, and dislike than dance per se. That’s not to say that aerial silks are not meditative, and most of the use of the slings, even when going all the way to Chinatown to get good ones. The thought graceful or expressive, but that Cirque du Soleil has set a swinging across the stage, was gentle. In aerial routines of homemade dumplings close by was incredibly enticing, so I high standard for making audiences gasp. that awe audiences with the element of danger, where headed over as soon as it opened. In Ground, however, the use of the slings was strictly to performers nearly tumble to the ground but the silks catch Walking into the restaurant, it was apparent a total overhaul serve the dance: the aerial dance concert, choreographed them in the nick of time, it’s hard to identify with the per- had occurred. The restaurant, though small, is chicly decorated by Janet Taisy Craft and performed by members of the Ip- formers, especially if you are afraid of heights and can’t in red and white wallpaper. A large TV in the corner plays top swich Moving Company, was less an aerial performance imagine doing anything so dangerous yourself. The thrill 40 and electropop. The decor is just the start of the overhaul. and more a modern dance routine, in which the dancers of watching that sort of performance is similar to the thrill The menu has been stripped down to just thirteen items, only often climbed, posed, or swung on the cloth slings and of watching a daredevil. two of which aren’t dumplings. It consists mostly of varia- ropes that hung alongside them. The dance involved floor Here, however, I felt like a kid watching other kids play- tions on pork dumplings, with a vegetarian and vegan option. routines as much as, if not more than, aerial stunts. In fact, ing on a swing set. Part of the skill of incorporating aerial For dessert there are red bean dumplings and nutella banana because the slings are loops, many of the techniques used elements into a dance is making it all look easier than it re- dumplings. Quite a change from the space’s former life as a with silks, which are not tied together at the bottom, can- ally is, of course, but I suspect the audience got an accurate hole-in-the-wall Chinese delivery establishment. not be easily replicated with the slings. sense of the fun that the dancers were having. The space and menu may have received a big facelift, but none of that would matter unless the food had received similar treatment. The food is not at that level yet, but has the potential to be. At my first visit, the service and food were mediocre at best. The food took 30 minutes to arrive, and when the chicken and cabbage dumplings did finally arrive, I wasn’t sure if they were steamed or fried. The red bean dumplings were so fried, I had to chip the edges off. But all these were forgivable problems, as the base of a good dumpling was there; the execution was just off. I had a feeling it was opening week bumps and visited again more recently. The second visit was much better. The vegan dumplings were excellent, full of an earthy mushroom flavor. The vegetarian dumplings were not quite as good, as the way they were fried interfered with the flavor. However, I have the feeling I would have loved them steamed, as the vermicelli, egg, and chive combination is a winning one. The only real issue is the price. Two orders of dumplings costs around $14. When I spend $14 on restaurant food, I usually hope to have plenty of leftovers. Instead, I left feeling barely full. The restaurant certainly has potential, and if they start de- livering as intended, it could be a nice way to get homemade dumplings at home. Visiting the restaurant could be a nice break from campus, especially with a stop into Toscanini’s right next door. However, if you are looking for an authentic, cheap meal, you’ll still have to go to Chinatown.

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Nick Repoli E-mail [email protected] (Top to bottom) Jenny Carlson and Danielle DiVito in rehearsal for the aerial performance Ground. Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts A RTS 11 Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts ARTS ARTS Arts Arts ArtS

The Tech .

. 17 T (1977) presented by Department of Urban Studies and Department of Urban Studies presented by (1977) Beaubourg ents ents end your arts events to [email protected] S . . ay ay ay ay ay . 11 – OC . 11 ay T nd turd o Planning — 3-133 exhibit “Think Pink” — Boston Museum of Fine Arts Museum of Fine Pink” — Boston “Think exhibit — 7-429 Visual Arts Center — E25-111 Drive WMBR — 88.1 FM Radio 11 through Nov. 9 — South End / Calderwood Pavilion at the BCA at the End / Calderwood 9 — South Pavilion through Nov. 11 und uesd hursd Arts Ev Arts OC T arts, talks new Finamore, curator of fashion about Michelle – 2:00(1:00 p.m.) Join p.m. Topographies” “Constructing Ludin, and Frank Aste Kathrin – 7:30 p.m.) Lecture: (5:30 p.m. List opening reception — MIT Guillaume-en-Égypte – 7:30 p.m.) Chris Marker: (5:30 p.m. 888 Memorial Over Take Film Screening: Women Work-In-Progress – 8:30 p.m.) (7:00 p.m. – 9:00(7:00 p.m.) p.m. Sa War Z — 26-100 presents World p.m.) LSC & 10:00 (7:00 p.m. Auditorium Concert — Kresge Orchestra Symphony p.m.) MIT – 10:00 (8:00 p.m. S Rico Dancing — Sala de Puerto International Folk p.m.) – 11:00 (8:00 p.m. Arts Museum of Fine Exhibit opens — Boston Watercolors (8:00 Singer Sargent a.m.) John M on featured Eddie Harris and Fewell, Garrison Adasiewicz, – 4:00(2:00 p.m.) Jason p.m. T W20-491 music — Dance Club presents Contra Dance with live p.m.) Folk – 10:30 (8:00 p.m. Frid Museum MIT — Reaction! Chain Museum: MIT the at 8:00– (5:00Fridays Second p.m.) p.m. — 7-429 “Internal Logic” Miller, Alex Lecture: Architecture – 7:30 p.m.) (5:30 p.m. War Z — 26-100 World presents p.m.) LSC & 10:00 (7:00 p.m. WGS: Girl Rising — 32-155 Film Night and Foreign – 9:30 p.m.) MISTI (7:00 p.m. Auditorium Martland — Kresge Steve Plays p.m.) Critical Band – 10:00 (8:00 p.m. Oct. Company Theatre the Huntington by of Duff,” Power “The (8:00 p.m.) Opening night of - - TechTech he

here The The The episode contained many pleas many The episode contained I am left withOnce my only again, Want to be a partWant of this? to be a partWant of this? Supernatural Season 9 Created Eric by Kripke Broadcast T by CW Premiered Oct. on 8, 2013 Sadly, we have not yet received answers received yet not we have Sadly, questions; of our most to we have in fact, been left with questions. new of new the slew despite surprises, ant to happy was I questions. unanswered as a returns Beaver Jim actor see that fans’ playing for the episode, star guest a father-like Singer, Bobby beloved two roles, lead the show’s to character episodeThe Winchester. DeanSam and perspec interesting is shown through is in a characters as one of the main tives, is known for Supernatural Though coma. were there suspenseful episodes, having — Castiel’s moments funny alsomany an appearance “rusty” social make skills one- infamous and Dean’s once again, the into their way make and banter liners episode. wait I answersas for dashboard Tumblr when hope- episode, Tuesday’s for next and truths will be more fully uncovered Destiel, will closer be one step ship, my canon. to - - - - have fun doing it have fun doing it have ’m gonna like like gonna ’m You could be You



By Karleigh Moore By Karleigh

and we and we and we We print MIT’s only newspaper twice per week, twice per week, newspaper only print MIT’s We twice per week, newspaper only print MIT’s We

We are We We are We The season eight finale left fans left fans finale The season eight I have to admit, I am obsessedam I with admit, to have I Fangirls and boys everywhere have everywhere have and boys Fangirls

questions. new unanswered despite the slew of pleasant surprises, contained many The episode

think I I think

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] it here’ endless discussion on social media sites. discussion on socialendless media sites. the minds of viewers and have spurred spurred the minds of viewers and have main characters have to die? Will Des Will die? to have characters main become Doestiel ever canon? God ex plague that all questions Theseist? are happen to Sam? How many times do the many How Sam? to happen life on Earth continue to be? What will be? to What life on Earth continue Hell in their current states, how could could how states, in their current Hell dumbfounded, asking, with Heaven and with Heaven asking, dumbfounded, sode, and it did not disappoint. sode, three months in anticipation of this epi- in anticipation months three may I recommend IAP?) I spent a mere a mere IAP?) I spent I recommend may sons. (If you are planning a similar feat, feat, a similar planning are (If you sons. episode until I completed all eight sea- all eight I completed episode until a fangirlish craze, watching episode after watching craze, a fangirlish this show. I spent the entire summer in summer the entire I spent this show. been eagerly awaiting the return of Su the return been awaiting eagerly the new season in store. has what about made its ninth season return this Tues season return its ninth made speculation and new fanfiction, scenes, pernatural, creepy, and deadly. The show The show and deadly. creepy, pernatural, key capturing Tumblr with GIFs floodto - su all things people and hunting saving begun already Superwholockians have , a show about two brothers two brothers about , a show pernatural 8 on The Oct. day, CW, and, as expected,

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Become our fan on Facebook. Invest minimal time Make a real difference in the lives of families Receive free health and genetic screenings 617.373.3244 [email protected] APPLY ONLINE: - convenient Cambridge location Friday, October 11, 2013 The Tech 13 Kochs and conservatives split over health care law In midst of government shutdown, most vocal conservatives splintering under pressure By Eric Lipton and Nicholas months as the budget conflict in Kochs distanced themselves from repeal it.” temporary, than they were de- Confessore Washington escalated, reflect a the Heritage Action effort. The startup of the program of- manding in the early stages of the The New York Times growing fear that the Republicans Holler said that one issue divid- fered a perfect opportunity to ad- budget battle. will be blamed for fallout from the ing conservatives was the timing vance that longer-term approach, Similar divisions emerged WASHINGTON — Under at- government shutdown without of attacks on the health care plan. supporters of it said, since without among Republicans in Congress tack for the government shutdown, anything to show for it. The supporters of Heritage Action’s the politically manufactured bud- several weeks ago. Even Karl Rove, some of the most vocal elements of “We were fighting a battle where strategy believed that the critical get crisis, there would have been a Republican operative and for- the conservative wing of the Repub- we already lost, on the same battle- moment to mobilize was the con- more media attention on the pro- mer adviser to President George lican Party are publicly splintering, field where we already lost it,” said vergence of the new budget year gram’s troubled beginning, includ- W. Bush, questioned the defund- a sign of growing concerns among Hogan Gidley, a former execu- that began Oct. 1 — meaning that ing failures of the online enrollment ing strategy in a column for The even hard-core conservatives that tive director of the South Carolina the government would run out of system. Wall Street Journal last month. the defeat-health-care-at-any-cost Republican Party and an adviser money if a new budget was not “Any strategy to repeal, delay or strategy may have backfired. to ’s presidential passed — and the opening day of What was clear in replace the law must have a cred- The dispute centers on the best campaign. the online markets, known as ex- ible chance of succeeding or af- way to oppose President Barack Dan Holler, a spokesman for changes, that enabled people to Washington was that fecting broad public opinion posi- Obama’s health care plan: to imme- Heritage Action, which has led the buy health insurance under the the focus shifted tively,” he wrote. “The defunding diately try to bring it down by block- effort to defund the health care new law. strategy doesn’t.” ing any federal budget deal that in- program even if it meant a govern- “If there is a better strategy than from defunding the What was clear in Washington cludes funding for it, or to gradually ment shutdown, said the divisions defunding, we are all ears,” Hol- healthcare program. on Thursday was that the focus build public opposition until Con- among conservative activists were ler said, recalling a conversation had shifted away from the defund- gress and the White House are con- not a surprise. among conservative activists this “We believe tying the fight ing of the health care program. Re- trolled by elected officials willing to “Anytime you choose to engage year as they debated the best path over Obamacare to the continu- publicans on Capitol Hill were de- repeal the law. in policy fights in Washington, forward. “If it is more workable, ing resolution takes our focus off scribing the fight as an effort to cut On Thursday, the divisions were chances are your supporters are sign us up. But nobody was able to the many flaws of Obamacare, as future budget deficits — a major on display as conservative groups not going to be in 100 percent align- present one that would work before well as cutting out-of-control gov- shift in strategy and an acknowl- such as the Heritage Action Fund ment all the time,” he said. “That is October 1st.” ernment spending,” said James edgment that they were expecting for America said it would not fight a how Washington works.” Opponents of the approach are Davis, a spokesman for Freedom the defunding push to fail. short-term increase in the debt ceil- arguing that conservatives would Partners. Chris Chocola, president of ing while Americans for Prosperity Stopping the health have been better served by trying Lanhee Chen, a fellow at the the conservative Club for Growth, insisted just a few days ago that any to force an overall reduction in fed- and a former which has supported many Tea increase be tied to cuts in entitle- care plan should be eral spending and tying that effort policy adviser to Mitt Romney, Party candidates, said Thursday ment programs. a years-long effort to the debt ceiling fight, a step the said he worried that by hurting the that the conservatives were still Their actions followed an un- Koch-backed Americans for Pros- Republican brand nationally, the unified on their ultimate goal: kill- usual public statement Wednesday to marshal growing perity urged this week. Specifically, House Republican strategy would ing what they call Obamacare. by the Koch Cos., the conglomer- public animosity the group argues that stopping the set back the cause of repealing “Different people have differ- ate controlled by the billionaire health care plan should be a years- Obamacare. ent views on how to get there,” he conservative brothers Charles and Democrats have seized on the long effort to marshal what it says “To the extent that we are com- said. “Moving in that direction and David Koch, who sent a letter to disputes, noting that Freedom Part- will be growing public animos- promising our ability to win close having the debate are worth the the Senate stating that they did not ners, a trade association backed ity toward the law. That will help races, that is a big problem for effort.” support the effort spearheaded by by the Koch brothers and others, elect Republican majorities in both those of us who think that the best Catherine Frazier, a spokes- Heritage Action to force the partial donated $500,000 to Heritage Ac- houses of Congress, which will re- way to get through this is through woman for Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, closure of federal government as tion before the 2012 presidential peal it. a legislative mechanism,” he said. who led a defunding effort in the a way to eliminate funding for the election. Stanley S. Hubbard, a Minneso- Others expressed irritation that Senate last month, said she agreed health care program. “By shutting down the govern- ta-based television executive and the House Republicans had been Thursday. “We want to set the record ment, Republicans are satisfying a donor to groups supported by so outmaneuvered on the shut- “We believe we have made im- straight and correct this misinfor- the Koch brothers while millions the Kochs, said he preferred that down that they were now offering portant headway in our argument mation,” the letter said. of people are suffering,” Sen. Harry approach. “Whether you like it or a short-term increase in the debt to undo Obamacare,” she said. The conflicting opinions, which Reid, D-Nev. and the Senate major- not, it’s the law,” he said. “And if you ceiling without any offsetting bud- “Any potential backlash is not on had been kept mostly private for ity leader, said in a tweet before the don’t like it, elect people who can get cuts — a worse deal, however our radar right now.” Distinguish Yourself as a Burchard Scholar

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Apply at: great ideas change the world Sophomores + Juniors—Apply by December 2, 2013 SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES, ARTS, & SOCIAL SCIENCES 14 The Tech Friday, October 11, 2013 Genius Grant recipients are pioneers in their fields MIT computer scientist and astrophysicist win two of this year’s MacArthur Fellowships MacArthur, from Page 1 powering some devices so they Seager receives a lot of calls about in Princeton, New Jersey. The In- received for her work — Time provide power transfer, and then UFOs and alien sightings. Thus, stitute claims such famous mem- magazine named her among the Wi-Fi signals. Her project, called they [also] provide tracking and Seager missed the call the first bers in science as Albert Einstein, “25 Most Influential in Space” last “Wi-Vi,” has received press atten- control and then you can start time the MacArthur Foundation Noam Chomsky, Alan Turing, and year, and Popular Science named tion from multiple media outlets thinking, ‘Can I make networks tried notifying her of her award. Julius Robert Oppenheimer. her in the Fifth Annual Brilliant including TechNewsDaily, which become general-purpose net- Her assistant had screened it out. However, in a field dominated Ten in 2006. was subsequently picked up by works?’ as opposed to just com- “In this case, the call was by men, it was not always easy be- As a Canadian native, Seager news outlets such as Yahoo! News munication-oriented [networks] so mysterious that it didn’t go ing the minority. chose to move to the U.S. and pur- and NBC News. Katabi imagines through,” Seager explained in a “Well, it’s just awkward, be- sue U.S. citizenship because of the that Wi-Vi can be used in a range Katabi imagines phone interview with The Tech. cause all the guys are kind of opportunities she saw offered here. of real-world applications, such as that we will soon be In her research, Seager studies friends with each other,” Seager “Of all the places I’ve seen, MIT helping firefighters locate victims the atmosphere of exoplanets and laughed. does the best they can in terms trapped in burning buildings. able to wirelessly their interiors, ultimately look- As an undergraduate in the of trying to be a meritocracy,” In the future, Katabi hopes to power devices. ing for any spectral signatures of University of Toronto, Seager was Seager said. “I plan to be at MIT see wireless networks become chemical compounds that could invited to a Women in Physics indefinitely.” more than just communication — similar to how your computers indicate the existence of life event for students, at which they Seager hopes that the award will platforms. She compares wire- are general-purpose computers.” (called biosignature gases). were giving out a prize to an un- give her even greater influence in the less networks to what comput- Katabi’s research has other im- “On my best days, I usually get dergraduate. According to Sea- field. She has already given a TEDx- ers were a few decades ago, when portant applications as well, such to do some computer program- ger, both men and women were Talk on her work, and published a they functioned only as computa- as protecting pacemakers from ming and often will be working invited. commentary in the Huffington Post tion devices. Now, computers are harmful interference. with one or two colleagues and “We were searching the looks on the scarcity of women in STEM used in a variety of ways, from en- “Having a challenge is some- just intensely working for five or on the male faces — the male un- (Science, Technology, Engineering, tertainment to online commerce. thing interesting,” Katabi stated. six hours in a row on a very hard dergraduates,” recalled Seager. and Mathematics) academia. Specifically, Katabi imagines that “It gets the best out of you.” problem,” said Seager. “When they walked into the room “I think people will listen to me we will be able to wirelessly power After obtaining a B.S. from the and saw all the women, [they] just now, even more than before,” Sea- devices when the device is rela- Sara Seager University of Toronto and a PhD walked out. It’s like, ‘Well, how do ger commented. “Assuming I want tively far from the transmitter. As an astrophysicist who stud- from Harvard, she went on to pur- you think we feel?’” to get something done, it gives me a Katabi explained, “Then, wire- ies planets outside of our solar sys- sue her postgraduate studies at The MacArthur Fellowship is platform for a voice.” less networks become a way of tem (exoplanets), Professor Sara the Institute for Advanced Study not the only recognition she has Leon Lin contributed reporting.

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SPorts Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports Tech The Quisenberry, Hsu lead Engineers to HsuEngineers an 8-1 lead Quisenberry, victory fortime since first the 1996 Women’s tennis beats Tufts national poll, right behind Middlebury College right behindnational poll, Middlebury Team moves up to fourth in USTFCCCA latest Men’s up ranks cross country lege. isoneofjust MIT in- two Bates College, andBowdoinCol- land region, ahead ofWilliams, first inthe isalso MIT New Eng- up theranking’s ladder. continue asthey to climbhistory Sept. 25, keep making program in the thatpoll was released on gram’s first-ever top five ranking Engineers, whoreceived thepro- on Wednesday The afternoon. National that poll was released Division IIIciation (USTFCCCA) Cross Coaches- Asso Country the latest U.S. Track &Field and moved up one place toin fourth men’sMIT cross team country compete thispast the weekend, ’14berry andJulia Hsu C. ’14 No. 1team ofLauren Quisen- C. came from victories Those the a doublespair of 8-3 wins. with since the1996-97 season. by the Engineersthe first victory ing streak to theJumbos andwas win brokeThe a 16-match los came away an8-1victory. with local Tuftsrival University and women’sMIT tennis team hosted dual match the oftheseason, For inarow, week thesecond Even thoughdidnot they a2-0lead (8-0)took inMIT In itsfirst non-conference By Charlotte Brackett and the No. the and ofDutt 3duo Lai. and Hsu, and No.the 1team of Quisenberry from came victories of 8-3wins. Those apair with a2-0lead indoubles took MIT By PhilHess daper staff daper daper staff daper - Williams 59 points with College 41 points andwas followedby at the Purple Valley Classicwith Engineers in firstfinished place ence (NESCAC). Small Athletic College Confer of the Newis not part England stitutions onthetop 10 list that put thematch column inthewin get, however, asVictoria Tam ’16 was astheJumbos asclose would a 6-1, over 6-1decision Lai.That the No. 3match, coming upwith Calabro put Tufts ontheboard in match column.Conner inthewin apoint ofputting within MIT the the No. 6singles match to draw singles play a6-1, with in 6-0win match. 2 retire inthe No. dueto aninjury when Tufts (1-1)was forced to The wentEngineers then up3-0 M. Dutt ’15 Y. andKrystal Lai’17. and theNo. 3duoofMichelle points. 41 Classic with Purplethe Valley at in first place finished Engineers last,before the weekend The The weekendbefore The last, the Hsu scored thefirstpoint in Be adifferent kindofENGineer • Videographers • Broadcast reporters • Video editors We’re lookingfor: Tech The No experiencenecessary. to joinournewvideoteam. Be adifferent kindofENGineer • Videographers • Broadcast reporters • Video editors We’re lookingfor: Tech The No experiencenecessary. to joinournewvideoteam. - Championships. lin Park intheNEICAAA to run travel downtheroad to Frank Saturday, Oct. 12 whenthey to thecross trail country this Middlebury.behind rently in the region sit in second week’s The poll. Engineers cur after slipping oneplace inlast mains ranked nationally, fourth Runner oftheWeek. Athletic Conference (NEWMAC) England Women’s andMen’s Wedge ’14 was named theNew thirdA. place finishinthe8k, Roy felloneplace to 24th.bury For his week’s rankings, whileMiddle- sit directly inthis MIT behind places to fifthfrom toweek last 60.with Williams moved upfour and host Middlebury College p.m. atlege 1:00 Oct. 12 whenithosts Smith Col Conference play onSaturday, Women’s andMen’s Athletic win. back to score a6-7(4),6-4, 10-6 Vynnieto see J. Kong ’15 come Hayashiset only first aclose took the No. 5contest where Chelsea The last match wasbe decided to againstdecision Samantha Gann. back to score a4-6, 6-0, 7-6(2) match ElysaM.Kohrs ’17 fought Jacqueline Baum. In theNo. 1 back 4-6, against 6-2, 6-4victory Wendi J. Kong ’17 scored acome- droppingset. thefirst At No. 6 comingneers back ineach after way inthree sets, theEngi with - sets, thefinal threewent all MIT’s gles matches instraight decided overwin AlexaMeltzer at No. 2. a6-1,for theEngineers with 6-3 islookingforenthusiasticstudents Be an The Engineers will The Engineers return MIT’s women’s re squad - returnsMIT to New England Afterthe first seeing three sin- islookingforenthusiasticstudents Be an Be adifferent kindofENGineer • Videographers • Broadcast reporters • Video editors We’re lookingfor: Tech The No experiencenecessary. to joinournewvideoteam. E G N E G N - - - Email atherer ews lectronic Be adifferent kindofENGineer • Videographers • Broadcast reporters • Video editors We’re lookingfor: Tech The No experiencenecessary. to joinournewvideoteam. Be adifferent kindofENGineer • Videographers • Broadcast reporters • Video editors We’re lookingfor: Tech The No experiencenecessary. to joinournewvideoteam. Be adifferent kindofENGineer Email • Videographers • Broadcast reporters • Video editors We’re lookingfor: Tech The No experiencenecessary. to joinournewvideoteam. Women’s tennisvs.SmithCollege Women’s soccervs.ClarkUniversity Field hockeyvs.ClarkUniversity Sailing vs.SirIanMcFarlaneAlumniRegatta Saturday, October 12 Upcoming Home E atherer ews lectronic islookingforenthusiasticstudents Be an Be adifferent kindofENGineer • Videographers • Broadcast reporters • Video editors We’re lookingfor: Tech The No experiencenecessary. to joinournewvideoteam. islookingforenthusiasticstudents islookingforenthusiasticstudents Be an [email protected] Be an [email protected] islookingforenthusiasticstudents Be an E N G E G N E G N Email Email Email atherer ews lectronic atherer ews lectronic ews atherer islookingforenthusiasticstudents lectronic Be an vents [email protected] The at ! Tech Campus Life Join architect? Not an columns? Wanna make [email protected] The at ! 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