Disbursements 2013:

ARKANSAS NEW JERSEY U.S. Senator John Boozman Governor Chris Christie Congressman Rick Crawford State Senator Tom Keane Jr. State Senator Stephen Sweeney CALIFORNIA Assemblyman Parker Space Congressman Jim Costa NORTH CAROLINA INDIANA State Senator Phil Berger U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly State Senator Andrew Brock State Senator Bill Cook MASSACHUSETTS State Senator Brent Jackson State Senator James Eldridge State Senator Ronald Rabin State Representative Brad Hill State Representative Marilyn Avila State Representative Anne Gobi State Representative Richard Hudson State Representative J.H. Langdon MICHIGAN State Representative Tim Moore U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow VIRGINIA MINNESOTA Delegate Ben Cline Congressman Colin Peterson Delegate Barbara Comstock Delegate MISSISSIPPI Delegate U.S. Senator Thad Cochran Delegate Delegate MISSOURI Delegate Congressman Vicky Hartzler Delegate Congressman Jason Smith

OKLAHOMA Congressman Frank Lucas

Your Dog. Your Rights. Protect Them Both.

8051 Arco Corporate Drive Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27617-3390 Tel: 919-816-3720 Fax: 919-816-4275 Email: [email protected]

Disbursements to date September 3, 2014*

FEDERAL Senator John Hoeven, North Dakota Senator Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Senator Mark Pryor, Arkansas Senator Richard Shelby, Alabama Congressman Robert Aderholt, Alabama Congressman Michael Conaway, Texas Congressman Jason Smith, Missouri Congressman Michael Simpson, Idaho Congressman Theodore Yoho, Florida

GEORGIA State Representative Ellis Black

ILLINOIS State Senator Tom Cullerton State Senator Steve Landek State Senator Andy Manar State Representative Kelly Burke State Representative Stephanie Kifowit State Representative Wayne Rosenthal

LOUISIANA State Representative Thomas Willmott

NEW HAMPSHIRE State Representative Janice Gardner State Representative Bob Haefner State Representative Tara Sad

NEW YORK State Senator Liz Krueger State Senator Patricia Ritchie State Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk State Representative Bill Magee

*Partial list, due to pending contributions. AKC PAC will fully report all candidates supported in upcoming communications.

Your Dog. Your Rights. Protect Them Both.

8051 Arco Corporate Drive Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27617-3390 Tel: 919-816-3720 Fax: 919-816-4275 Email: [email protected]