Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert Programs, Summer, 1946
TANGLEWOOD— LENOX, MASSACHUSETTS THE Berkshire Music Center SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY, Director presents " ! cc PETER GRIMES" 11 by BENJAMIN BRITTEN Tuesday Evening, August 6 Wednesday Evening, August 7 Friday Evening, August 9 IP •*• 1946 W' !.«.w,a'i STEINWiV Since the time of Liszt, the Steinway has consistently been, year after year, the medium chosen by an overwhelming number of concert artists to express their art. Eugene List, Mischa El man and William Kroll, soloists of this Berk- shire Festival, use the Steinway. Significantly enough, the younger artists, the Masters of tomorrow, entrust their future to this world-famous piano — they cannot afford otherwise to en- danger their artistic careers. The Stein- way is, and ever has been, the Glory Road of the Immortals. M. STEINERT & SONS CO. : 162 BOYLSTON ST., BOSTON Jerome F. Murphy, President • Also Worcester and Springfield THEATRE-CONCERT HALL TANGLEWOOD (Between Stockbridge and Lenox, Massachusetts) Berkshire Music Center . SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY, Director Season 1946 Program Bulletin with historical and descriptive notes by John N. Burk COPYRIGHT, 1946, BY BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, InC. The trustees of the BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Inc. Henry B. Cabot President Henry B. Sawyer Vice-President Richard C. Paine Treasurer Philip R. Allen M. A. De Wolfe Howe John Nicholas Brown Jacob J. Kaplan Alvan T. Fuller Roger I. Lee Jerome D. Greene Bentley W. Warren N, Penrose Hallowell Raymond S. Wilkins Francis W. Hatch Oliver Wolcott TANGLEWOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE Allan J. Blau G. Churchill Francis George P. Clayson Lawrence K. Miller Bruce Crane James T. Owens Henry W. Dwight Lester Roberts George W. Edman Whitney S.
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