(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0063698 A1 Hartwig (43) Pub
US 2008 OO63698A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0063698 A1 Hartwig (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 13, 2008 (54) CRYSTALLIZATION INHIBITION OF DRUGS now abandoned, which is a continuation of applica IN TRANSIDERMAL DRUG DELIVERY tion No. 10/010,342, filed on Dec. 5, 2001, now SYSTEMIS AND METHODS OF USE abandoned. (75) Inventor: Rod Lawson Hartwig, Plantation, FL (60) Provisional application No. 60/251.294, filed on Dec. (US) 5, 2000. Correspondence Address: Publication Classification Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Jay G. Kolman, Esq. (51) Int. Cl. 11960 S.W. 144 Street A6II 3/56 (2006.01) A6F 3/00 (2006.01) Miami, FL 33186 (US) A6IP 43/00 (2006.01) (73) Assignee: NOVEN PHARMACEUTICALS, A6F 3/02 (2006.01) INC. (52) U.S. Cl. ........................... 424/448; 424/449; 514/170 (57) ABSTRACT Appl. No.: 11/897,189 (21) The invention relates to compositions and methods for (22) Filed: Aug. 29, 2007 making a transdermal drug delivery system capable of achieving substantially zero-order kinetics for delivery of Related U.S. Application Data the active agent over a period of time in excess of 24 hours and at least 72 hours, comprising a pharmaceutically accept (63) Continuation of application No. 10/751,152, filed on able active agent carrier and a rosin ester which provides a Jan. 2, 2004, now abandoned, which is a continuation crystal inhibiting and drug stabilizing effect on the active of application No. 10/353,624, filed on Jan. 29, 2003, agents incorporated therein. 13 2 2 Patent Application Publication Mar.
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