United Nations Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework in the Caribbean October 2016

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United Nations Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework in the Caribbean October 2016 United Nations Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework in the Caribbean October 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Acronyms 4 Foreword 5 Executive Summary 6 Section I: Introduction 10 Section II: Rationale 11 UN MSDF goal 11 Common Multi-Country Assessment 11 Comparative Advantage Assessment 11 Anchors for the UN MSDF 12 Innovation 13 Section III: Methodology 15 Section IV: Priority Areas and Outcome Statements 16 Section V: Implementing the UN MSDF 17 Strategies for addressing the priority areas 17 An Inclusive, Equitable, and Prosperous Caribbean 17 A Healthy Caribbean 19 A Cohesive, Safe, and Just Caribbean 21 A Sustainable and Resilient Caribbean 23 Advocacy, Partnerships, and Communication 24 Estimated Resources 25 Resources & Resource Mobilisation 25 Initiatives outside the UN MSDF Results Matrix 26 Section VI: Coordination and Management of the UN MSDF 27 National level Coordination and Ownership 27 Regional level Coordination 28 Relationship between regional and national levels 29 Programme Management and Accountability Arrangements 30 Section VII: Monitoring, reporting, and evaluation 31 National Level & Regional Level 31 UN MSDF monitoring and reporting 32 Risk Management and Mitigation 33 Evaluation 33 Annexes 34 3 | United Nations Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework in the Caribbean LIST OF ACRONYMS AIDS Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome QCPR Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review CARICOM Caribbean Community RBM Results-Based Management CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of SAMOA SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action Discrimination Against Women SDGs Sustainable Development Goals CIP Country Implementation Plan SIDS Small Island Developing States CMCA Common Multi-Country Assessment SIP Sub-regional Implementation Plan CMW Committee on Migrant Workers SOPs Standard Operating Procedures CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child SPMT Strategic Programme Management Team CRPD Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities SPR Strategic Planning Retreat CSOs Civil Society Organisations ToR Terms of Reference DaO Delivering as One TVET Technical Vocational Education and Trainin ECD Early Childhood Development UN United Nations ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Caribbean UNCT United Nations Country Team FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework HACT Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfer UNDG LAC United Nations Development Group for Latin America HoA UN Head of Agency and the Caribbean HFLE Health and Family Life Education UNDP United Nations Development Programme HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus UNEP United Nations Environment Programme IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency UNESCO United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Organisation ICESCR International Covenant on Economic, Social and UNFPA United Nations Population Fund Cultural Rights UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund ICPD International Conference on Population UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development and Development Organization ILO International Labour Organization UN HCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees JSC Joint Steering Committee UN ODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender UN MSDF United Nations Multi-Country Sustainable M&E Monitoring and Evaluation Development Framework MDGs Millennium Development Goals UNRC United Nations Resident Coordinator MEA Multilateral Environmental Agreements UN RSC United Nations Regional Steering Committee NCDs Non-Communicable Diseases UNS United Nations System NGO Non-Governmental Organisation UNST United ODA Official Development Assistance UNV United Nations Volunteers OECS Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States UN WOMEN United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women OMT Operations Management Team UPR Universal Periodic Review PAHO/WHO Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation VPN Virtual Policy Network PCG Programme Coordination Group WP Work Plan PMT Programme Management Team 4 | United Nations Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework in the Caribbean FOREWORD The United Nations (UN) is adapting its planning and Real progress towards achieving the SDGs in the programmes to better help Caribbean countries ensure Caribbean demands a multi-sectoral, human-centered that no one is left behind in their thrust to achieve the approach to development that focuses on the most Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). vulnerable populations in an equitable manner. The UN MSDF builds on the UN´s normative agenda and From Jamaica in the north, through the vibrant islands of the need to safeguard the jointly-agreed commitments the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), to reflected in various international Conventions and Guyana in the south, the Caribbean has demonstrated Treaties. a wide variety of development achievements and considerable convergence in the challenges countries The highly participatory formulation of the UN face. MSDF brought UN colleagues, both in the region and beyond, into close collaboration with our national and In middle-income country contexts, marked by international partners. It also benefitted from surveys decreasing aid flows and changing needs for support aimed at teasing out what, in the eyes of our partners from bi- and multi-lateral partners, the UN System is and staff, constitutes the comparative advantages and acting on a strong momentum for integration to offer added value of the UN. Its signing by governments more focused, coherent, and coordinated support to of 18 partner countries and territories in the English national partners. These actions reflect the spirit of and Dutch-speaking Caribbean, along with all the UN Caribbean countries, which have long been proponents Agencies with presence in the region, marks a new stage of political integration and have acted to establish in the UN’s decades of on-the-ground cooperation. major integration mechanisms in the region such as the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the OECS. The UN Resident Coordinators, the Heads of UN Agencies sitting on the United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs) in The 2017-2021 United Nations Multi-Country the Caribbean, and the United Nations Development Sustainable Development Framework (UN MSDF) Group for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNDG defines how the Agencies, Funds, and Programmes of LAC), look forward to the successful implementation the UN (hereafter referred to as Agencies) will pool of this new approach over the period 2017-2021. The their comparative advantages within a single strategic governments of the region also look forward to more framework that aligns with and supports the overarching effective support from the UN towards the attainment strategic goals of the Caribbean’s governments and key of the region’s development goals. stakeholders. We trust that through the UN MSDF, the UN System will This framework provides a platform for countries to be better equipped to provide Member States with the access the global expertise and experience of the UN tools, partnerships, and resources needed to achieve System at both the country and sub-regional levels. national and sub-regional development priorities, The UN MSDF will increase the coherence of the in an inclusive and equitable manner, as reflected work of the UNS in support of our Member States’ in the SDGs. We also look forward to embracing the development and strengthen our ties with Member wider Caribbean in support of deepening regional and States and partners across the region. It will also allow triangular cooperation, and improving the effectiveness for a sharper focus on common priorities, enhance of the UN’s technical cooperation as it engages with regional initiatives and collaboration, and enable Member States in localizing the SDGs and accelerating knowledge sharing and cross-collaboration within the the implementation of the SAMOA Pathway and region. From a cost perspective, it offers better strategic CARICOM Strategic Plan. positioning to leverage resources within a regional resource mobilization framework, increases efficiency, and decreases transaction costs. Jessica Faieta UNDG LAC Chair 5 | United Nations Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework in the Caribbean Executive Summary The United Nations Multi-Country Sustainable identify the broad issues in the region that are critical Development Framework (UN MSDF) defines how for sustainable development. The CMCA analysed the UN will jointly achieve development results in and presented the major development challenges partnership with 18 English- and Dutch-speaking in the Caribbean, and the interrelated causes; it Caribbean countries and Overseas Territories for the also highlighted a regional approach through the period 2017-2021. The countries covered are Anguilla, UN MSDF as a mechanism that would decrease the Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, Belize, administrative burden on national governments and British Virgin Islands, Curaҫao, Dominica, Grenada, prompt a more coherent response to regional and Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts national challenges, needs, and priorities. The analysis and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint was informed by the work of regional entities, national Maarten, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. The governments, and key actors such as the Economic framework
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