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Persoonia V18n2.Pdf PERSOON I A Volume 18. Part 2. 149- 150(2003) rN MEMORIAM RUDOLF ARNOLD MAAS GEESTERANUS DEN HA AG, 20 JANUA RY 19 11 - 0 EGSTGEEST, JS MAY 2003 On 18 May 2003 Rudolf Maas Geestemnus died peacefully at the age of 92. With him the mycological world has lost a remarkable and versatile per onality. who worked on the taxonomy of fungi for almost 60 years producing papers and books on a wide range of topics. including both asco- and ba idiomycetes. The bibliographical notes and publication list printed in this journal on his retirement from active service at the Rijksherbarium in 1976. and on his eightieth birthday in 1991 (Bas. Persoonia 8 ( 1976) 335-343. and Persoonia 14 (1992) 353-356) reflect the extent of his profes­ sional interes1s and output during his long career. After 1991 Maas Geesteranus went on tirelessly. producing another set of papers on the genus Mycena. which was his main interest in his last years of mycological activities. M ilestones in 1his period were the 1wo volumes of the Mycenas of 1he orthem Hemisphere ( 1992). a compila1ion of his vast knowledge of the genus, and a monograph of the Mycenas occurring in the state of Parana, Brazil. produced in close cooperation with Andre de M eijer ( 1997). Although M aa Gee ternnus retired from active mycology a few years ago, he was well and active until his death. still very much engaged with his hobbies. such as the study of minerals. butterflies. and painting. Rudolf M aas Gccstcranus will be remembered not only as an outstanding mycologist. but above all as a kind and helpful man. who advised and stimulated several genera­ tions of mycologists. both professional and amateur. For this we are very grateful. Our thoughts are with Martha. his wife, and his children and grandch ildren. who will mis him dearly. U ST OF PUBLICATIONS OF R.A. MAAS GEESTER,\NUS FROM 1991 -2003 Maru, Gcc~tcrnnus. R.A. 199 1. Studies in Myccnas. Additions and corrections. Part 2. Proc. K. 1ed. Akad. Wet. 94 (4): 545-571. Maas Gccstcranus. R.A. 1992. Some Myceneae of the Hi malayan Foothills. Persoonia 15: 33-53. Maa., Gc~tcrnnus. R.A. 1992. Filobolerus manipularis and some related spcc,cs. Proc. K. ed. Akad. Wet. 95 (2): 267- 274. Maas Geester:mus. R.A. 1992. Two new Mycena, of ~ction lnsigni~ from the Netherlands. Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 95 (4): 469-472. Maas Gcc;,tcranu,. R.A. & T. Lacssoe. 1992. Mycena dasypus. a new member of Section Polyadclphia Pcn.oonia 15 (1): 101 - 103. Maas Geesteranus. K.A. & E. Horak. 1993. Myccna .icrocephala. A new member of Section Adonidae from Sikkim. Pcn.oonia 15 (3): 341-343. Maa~ Gcc,1cr:111us. R.A. 1993. New species of Mycena in section Fragi lipedcs. Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 96 (3): 335- 345. Maas Geestera nu . R.A. & M. Enderle . 1994. ~ ycena caliginosa. eine neue Art dcr Scktion Fragili­ pedes. aus Baycm. Z. Myk. 60 (2): 373- 376. Maa, GccMcranus. R.A. & A. liausknechL 1994. Myccna dism. a new species of scc1. Ca.lodonies ;ubsect. Purae from Austria. Ostcrr. Z. Pil7k. 3: 5-8. Maa~ Geestcrnnus. R.A. 1995. Three new European species of Mycena. Proc. K. ed. Akad. Wet. 98 ( I): 55-61. 150 PERSOON IA - Vol. 18. Part 2. 2003 Maas Gces1cranus R.A. & A. Hausknecht 1995. Mycena pallescens. a new species orsec t. Fragilipedes from La Reunion (France, Africa). Ostcrr. Z. Pil,.k. 4: 51-54. Maas Geestemnus. R.A. & A. Hausknecht. 1995.1\vo new Myccna species from La Reunion (Fm nee. Africa). Osterr. Z. Pilz!<. 5: 237-243. Maas Geestemnus, R.A. & E. Horak. 1995. Mycena and related genera from Papua New Guinea and New Caledoni a. In: Taxonomic Monographs of Agaricalcs. Bibi. Mycol. 159: 143- 229. Maas Geesteranus, R.A. 1997. Myccna schildiana. a new specie from l1aly. Persoonia 16: 412- 414. Maas Geesteranus. R.A. & A.A. R. de Meijer. 1997. Myccneac paranaenses. Vcrh. K. Ned. Akad. Wet . afd. Natuurku ndc. twccde reeks. vol. 97. Maas Gcesteranus. R.A. & T. Muntkay. 1997. Mycena valida. a new member of Section Fragilipedes from Germany. Persoonia 16 (3): 415-417. Maas Geesteranus. R.A. & C. L. Ovrebo. 1997. A new species and new section of Mycena from Cos1a Rica. Persoonia 16 (3): 393-395. Maas Gcesteranus. R.A. 1998. Myeena vema. a new springtime species orScc1ion Fragi li pedes from Germany. Persoonia 17 (1): 145-147. Maas Geesteranus. R.A. & A. Hausknecht. 1998. 1\vo striking Myccnas from the Southern Hemi­ sphere. Os1err. Z. Pilzk. 7: 123-128. Maas Gecstcranus. R.A. & A.A.R. de Meijer. 1998. Further Mycenas from the Staie of Pa ran:\ Brazil. Persoonia 17 (1): 29-46. Maas Geesteranus. R.A. & A. Hausknecht. 1999. A new Mycena of sect Hie males from La Reunion (France. Africa). Os1err. Z. Pilzk. 8: 1-3. PER SOON I A Volume 18. Pon 2. 151-152 (2003) IN MEMORIAM KEES (C.B.) ULJE (1939-2003) On 6 April 2003 a tragic accident led to 1he untimely death of Kees Ulje. mycologist and active member of the Netherlands' Mycological Society. Kees· first contact with mycology dated back some twenty years ago when. not being able 10 continue his pro­ fession a a roadworkcr, he became more and more interested in the study of agarics and taxonomy. In the first few years he acquired a general knowledge of mushrooms and toadstools. collecting and painting them in his own meticulous style, but gradually he became more and more involved in the study of ink caps (Copri1111s), eventually becoming one of the world's leading special ists in this taxonomically and ecologically interesting and difficult group of fungi. This resulted not only in a cries of popular and scientific papers. but also in a network of personal contacts with mycologists all over the world. Kees wa typically a self-made man: with only a limited higher education. he nonethe­ le s developed all the knowledge and skills necessary for his mycological studies. He had a gift for drawing and made beautiful illustrations for his publ ications. His affinity with computers and programming was put to good use 10 produce a unique website on Copri1111s. and to develop an identification program, which could be down-loaded from hi site. and not only served for the identification of ink caps, but al. o a wide range of other genera. Above all Kees was a very sociable man. always willing to help other people and pass on his knowledge. without any self-profit. As such he stimulated the interest of many people, not only in the Netherlands' Mycological Society. but all over the world through the Internet. His contribution to the Flora agaricina neerlandica on the genus Copri1111s wi ll be published in due course. We will also try to keep his website on line and up to date. A s such we will commemorate and honour this remarkable person. Our thought.~ are with Ida, his wife. and hi children and grandchildren, who still have great difficulties to accept hi untimely passing away. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Uljc. C. B. 1984. l\vce bijzondere parasolzwammcn: Leucoagaricul. tencren Lepiota casimirii. Coolia 27(1): 10- 16. Ulje. C. B. 1984. Coprinus omphithallus. wcinig bekend en toch zo gemakkelijk. Coolia 27 (4): 82- 84. Uljc. C. B. 1986. Over de Coprinus hemerobius groep. Coolia 29 (2): 25- 31. Ulje. C. B. 1988. Four new species ofCoprinus from the Netherlands. Persoonia 13: 479-488. Ulje. C. 8. & C. Bas. 1988. Studies in Coprinus I - Subsections Auricomi and Glabri of Coprinus section Pscudocoprinus. Persoonia 13: 433-448. Ulje. C. 8 . & C. Bas. 1991. Srudics in Coprinus 11 - Subsection Sctulosi & Section Pseudocoprinu~. Persoonia 14: 275- 339. Ulj(!, C. B. 19<)2. A new l>pccies of Coprinus from the Netherlands. Pcrsoonia 14: 565- 569. Ulje. C.B. & C. Bas. 1993. Some new species of Coprinul> from the Netherlands. Persooni:i 15: 357- 368. 152 PERSOONIA - Vol. 18. Part 2. 2003 Ulje. C. 8 . & M. E. Noordeloos. 1993. Studies in Coprinus Ill. Coprinu~ ~ec1ion Vcliformes: subdivi- sion and revision of ~ubsection Nivci emend. Pcrsoonia 15: 257- 30 I. 357- 368. Ulje. C. 8. 1995. Is mijn paddeMocl cen inktzwam? Coolia 38 (4): 157- 166. Uljc. C. 8. 1996. Over her verzamelen van inktzwammcn. Coolia 39 (3): 154- 156. Ulje. C.B. & M. E. Noordcloos. 1996. Type tudies in Coprinus subsection Alachuani. Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 99: 105- 124. Uljc. C. 8 . & H. Bender. 1997. Additional studies in Coprinus subsection Glabri. Persoonia 16: 373- 381. Ulje. C. 8 . & M. E. Noordcloos. 1997. Studies in Coprinus IV - Coprinus section Coprinu). )Ubdivi­ sion and revision of subsec1. Alachuani. Persoonia 16: 265- 333. Ulje. C. 8 .. A. Ap1roo1& A. van lperen. 1998. A new Coprinus from Papua New Guinea sporulnring in pure cuhurc. Persoonia 16: 549- 551. Ulje. C. 8 .. A. Gennari. F. Doveri. G. Cacialla & V. Caroli. 1998. Firsr report of Coprinus spadi­ cco~porus in Europe. Persoonia 16: 537- 540. Ulje. C. B. & M. E. Noordeloos. 1999. Studies in Coprinus V. Coprinus seerion Coprinus. revision of subsecrion Lanaruli Sing. Pcrsoonia 17: 165-199. Berg. A. P. van den. A. E. van den Berg-Blok. M. E. Noordcloos & C. B. Ulje. 2000. J\ new species and a new :.<.:er ion of rhc genus Mycena from rhe Netherland~. Pcrsoonia 17: 48 1-485. Ulje. C. B.. F. Doveri & M. E. Noordcloos. 2000. Addirions 10 Coprinus subsection Lanaruli. Pcf)ooni a 17: 465- 471. Ulje. C. 8 . & M. E. Noordcloos. 2000. Type studies in Coprinu~ ~ubsccrion Lanatuli. Pcrsoonia 17: 339- 375.
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