Air element When out of balance we may This week we return to the air feel moodiness, daydream or element and focus on the 6th distrust. When in balance we feel open, focused, a deep known as the “third eye” spiritual connection and have chakra. The third eye is located the ability to easily in the center of your eyebrows. determine the difference Remember the aren’t between truth and illusion. physical, rather energy centers What is real vs. what is not in the body, known as our subtle real. It is also known as our body. center of intuition (a 6th sense).

The Third eye Chakra () is the 6th chakra and is connected to the Air Element. It is the chakra of intuition. I always honor and follow my intuition. It is safe for me to see the truth. I think clearly. I trust my decisions.

The best way to access the third eye chakra is through and mindfulness activities.

The color of the third eye chakra is indigo. When practicing meditation envision the color indigo and focus on the space between your eyebrows. If you have an eye pillow, lay the eye pillow over your eyes. I will show you in the video how to make an eye pillow if you do not have one.

The goal of balancing the third eye chakra is TO SEE. To see what is real, to tune into to your inner wisdom, to see clearly, think clearly and follow your dreams. Let’s practice! Video 6: Balancing the Third Eye Chakra.

Click the link: zFhZDY2Zjc0NWU5YmIyMDYyZjc3Yzc5MjU

Practice on an empty stomach. This yoga lesson contains inversions. If you are not comfortable being upside down, please avoid those poses. Suggested yoga sequence:

× Chanting × Pranayama alternate nostril breathing warm up × Child’s pose × Down Dog × Forward fold × Eagle pose × Dolphin pose × Forearm stand (optional) × Child’s pose × Meditation/Savasana with eye pillow Namaste

-Mrs. Dayton MHS