Republicans Charles W Dunn • Reorganizing State Governrttent Russell W Peterson • OEO and Regionalization Howard Gillette, Fr
___ PON.~. JANUARY, 1971 VOL. VII No. 1 ONE DOLLAR The Evils of C:entralizatio'n ... And How to Restore an Integrated Federalism • Why Decentralize? Patricia M Lines • Con-Cons and Republicans Charles W Dunn • Reorganizing State Governrttent Russell W Peterson • OEO and Regionalization Howard Gillette, fr. SUMMARY OF CONTENTS THE RIPON SOCIETY lNC Is a Republican research.'· an'd . ,.po!lcy organization wbose memo EDITORIAL bers are young business, academic and professional men and women. It Is the Administration suffering from the King has national headquarters In Cambridge, Massachusetts, cbaptara In eI_ cities, National Associate members throughout the fifty states, and several Canute syndrome?; a boost for Common Cause; and affliiated groups 01 subchapter status. The Society is supported br chapter adieu Walter J. Hickel. -3 dues, individual contributions and revenues from its publications and con. tract work. The Society offers the lollowing options lor annual contrlbu. tion: Contributo!. $25 or more; Sustalner $100 or more; Founder $1000 POLITICAL NOTES or more. InqUiries about membership and chapter organization should be addressed to the National Executive Director. Reports on presidential trial heats; the Traitorous Eight and the Goodell precedent; a detailed analysis of NATIONAL GOVERNING BOARD the election disaster in lllinois - the worst Republican Officers showing since 1936; plus notes on Iowa, Kentucky, Cali • Josiah Lee Auspitz, President fornia and Oregon. --4 ·Howard 1'. Gliiette, Jr., CIIairman of lbe Board ·Bruce K. Chapman, Cbalrmau of the EJe:utive Committee ·Michael F. Brewer, Vlce·Presldent WASHINGTON VIEWPOINT • Robert L. Beal, Treasurer Howard GllIette, Jr. recounts the attempted political "Richard E. Beeman, Secretary ization of OEO and its legal Services Program; Boston Philadelphia regionalization has at least temporarily been defeated • Robert Gulick • Richard R.
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