Annual Report
A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER The ability to respond in a time of crisis is our reason Highlights include: $31,364,372 through the Jewish for being. Put simply, we were made for this. Federation of Chicago to fund local human services and $53,832,393 to fund Jewish education, con- In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year the tinuity, identity-building, outreach and advocacy Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Chicago programs; $29,789,025 through the Jewish United and our family of agencies instantly became a lifeline Fund devoted to help millions of Jews in Israel and for tens of thousands of people who suddenly, des- 70 countries worldwide; $5,189,199 of COVID-19 re- perately needed assistance. lief grants, and $90,871,487 allocated to charitable When hungry children could no longer get subsidized ventures worldwide in partnership with our 1,000+ school lunches, we pivoted and delivered thousands Donor Advised Funds and Supporting Foundations. of meals to feed them. When the year began, JUF brought people together When professionals were laid off and needed cash to to build community—and that never stopped. In the provide necessities for their families, we swiftly pro- face of the pandemic, we found new ways to connect vided millions of dollars in emergency financial aid to through virtual hubs, such as JCC Chicago’s Chan- help them. nel J, CJE SeniorLife’s Cyber Club and BBYO On De- mand. JUF Young Families offered a robust lineup of When health care workers required vast quantities fun virtual PJ Library programs.
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