Interactively Solving Repeated Games: A Toolbox Version 0.2 Sebastian Kranz* March 27, 2012 University of Cologne Abstract This paper shows how to use my free software toolbox repgames for R to analyze infinitely repeated games. Based on the results of Gold- luecke & Kranz (2012), the toolbox allows to compute the set of pure strategy public perfect equilibrium payoffs and to find optimal equilib- rium strategies for all discount factors in repeated games with perfect or imperfect public monitoring and monetary transfers. This paper explores various examples, including variants of repeated public goods games and different variants of repeated oligopolies, like oligopolies with many firms, multi-market contact or imperfect monitoring of sales. The paper also explores repeated games with infrequent external auditing and games were players can secretly manipulate signals. On the one hand the examples shall illustrate how the toolbox can be used and how our algorithms work in practice. On the other hand, the exam- ples may in themselves provide some interesting economic and game theoretic insights. *
[email protected]. I want to thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through SFB-TR 15 for financial support. 1 CONTENTS 2 Contents 1 Overview 4 2 Installation of the software 5 2.1 Installing R . .5 2.2 Installing the package under Windows 32 bit . .6 2.3 Installing the package for a different operating system . .6 2.4 Running Examples . .6 2.5 Installing a text editor for R files . .7 2.6 About RStudio . .7 I Perfect Monitoring 8 3 A Simple Cournot Game 8 3.1 Initializing the game .