Fatima Holy Hour and Exposition Only
St. Antoninus Church 1500 Linneman Rd Cincinnati OH 45238 December 29, 2019 MONDAY, DECEMBER 30 SERVERS Dec. 30– Jan. 3,2020 8:00AM MASS For Endowment Fund Honorees, Mon., Tues., Wed, Thurs. & Fri.: both Living and Deceased 8:00AM: Adult Servers TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31 SERVERS January 4 & 5, 2020 8:00AM MASS Edward Christoph– Karen Centner Not available at deadline time Eve of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 4:3PM MASS Dr. John E. Finke—Family EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS January 4 & 5, 2020 Not available at deadline time WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God LECTORS January 4 & 5, 2020 10:00AM MASS Tom J. Frank—Mary Frank Not available at deadline time THURSDAY, JANUARY 2 St. Basil the Great & St. Gregory Nazianzen DECREE ON CHILD PROTECTION OF THE 8:00AM MASS Special Intentions of Teresa Tomeo– ARCHDIOCESE OF CINCINNATI Dave Willig VIRTUS MEETINGS WILL BE HELD IN THE HOLY FAMILY ROOM IN THE ST. ANTONINUS UNDERCROFT. FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 Holy Name of Jesus Call Deacon Bob Schroeder at 922-2500 x 2031. All 8:00AM MASS Intentions of the Celebrant employees and regular volunteers are required to attend one Virtus training meeting. You may attend SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton here or at any other location within the Archdiocese. 8:00AM MASS Intentions of the Celebrant Pre-registration is required at www.virtus.org. Make 4:00PM Rosary sure that the “User’s Location” you choose during 4:30PM MASS Special Intentions of parents— registration is St. Antoninus—even if you attend Virtus Chris Nolan at another location.
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