The Winonan - 1970S

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The Winonan - 1970S Winona State University OpenRiver The inonW an - 1970s The inonW an – Student Newspaper 1-9-1973 The inonW an Winona State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Winona State University, "The inonW an" (1973). The Winonan - 1970s. 83. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The inonW an – Student Newspaper at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in The inonW an - 1970s by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact VOLUME 49 Number 11 WINONA STATE COLLEGE Tuesday, January 9, 1973 Also bookstore profits, athletic travel MSCSA opposes tuition increase The Minnesota State College Student cessable to all students. In order to fully tending college, a condition which would Association in its December meeting, trend, the MSCSA recognized the Minne- utilize the excess capacity and maximize cause further staff reductions. sota College and University Residence supported recommendations by the State the investment of the state in our institu- Another result of declining student en- College Board that would stabilize the Hall Association as a co-lobbiest in its tions and resources, we must keep the rollments is increased vacancies in dor- severe faculty reductions and student attempts to make dormitory living more doors to higher education open. mitories. In an effort to reverse this (Continued to Page 3) enrollment declines which the state col- The taxpayers of the State of Minne- leges have suffered this year. sota have taken it upon themselves to pro- One recommendation by the SCB would vide funds for the State College System. in effect establish a new criterion for It is important that we retain and add to staffing on the basis of academic pro- our present student enrollments, which gramming rather than on as strict for- an increase in tuition would certainly mula of one teacher for every nineteen hinder. students. The 19 to 1 formula is a major We feel that any increase in tuition, factor in the loss of 167 teachers from even with additional financial aids funds, the state colleges this year. would promote a vicious cycle: a tuition (The following resolution concerning raise causes fewer students to attend new staffing formulas and increases in college--this in turn causes faculty cuts tuition was unanimously passed by the resulting in a decrease in the quality MSCSA delegate assembly. of education in our great state--this de- We, the students of the Minnesota State crease in the quality of education will College System, are accutely aware of the mean further declines in enrollment in- increasing costs of higher education and cluding those students who could possibly realize the position of the State of Minne- afford a college education. This in turn sota. Considering the facts we would like would require an additional increase in to make you aware of our financial position. tuition to keep the colleges operating. As students and young adults., we work Looking back on the tuition increase to pay for our college expenses. However, in the 1970-71 school year we can see we find it difficult to raise funds for col- the beginnings of our present declining lege due to lack of job availability. Finan- enrollment. An increase in tuition in the cial aids provided by State and Federal 1973-74 school year could perpetuatefur- monies help many students who could not ther enrollment decreases. otherwise attend college. However, the We, the students of the Minnesota State colleges still find themselves turning away College System, oppose any further in- inside... pictures on pages 4 and 5. students who have demonstrated a need for crease in the per cent of the cost of financial assistance because of the short- higher education borne by the students age of adequate financial aids funds. Stu- via tuition. dents who desire to gainfurther education A second recommendation by the SCB Woman's course should have that opportunity without incur- to the High Education Coordinating Com- ring significant amounts of indebtedness, mission urged that tuition not be in- which a raise in tuition would make in- creased for the state colleges. The stu- evitable. dent association agreed that an increase offered off-campus The facilities of the Minnesota State during a period of decreasing enrollment College System are among the finest in would only discourage students, 41 per the nation. These facilities, however, cent of whom come from families with "A Woman's Place?" is the topic of an crimination at work in today's society." are useless unless they are readilty ac- incomes under $7,500 per year, from at- off-campus tours e being offered this quar- The classes will include the history of ter by the sociology department under women's movements, the psychology of Sociology 480, Seminar in Sociology. women, socialization of women, the educa- The course is held Saturdays from 9 tion of women, advertising and its ap- a.m. to 11:30 a.m., and 12:30 p.m. to proach to women, women and the law, 2:00 p.m. in the Winona Senior High the changing roles of women, women and Penny begins duties School. Classes began Jan. 6. work, and the American male and women. Four elective credits will be granted Students may secure further informa- for the course which may apply toward tion regarding the course by contacting either the Sociology or the Business Ad- Dr. Ivan Olson , Director of Continuing as MSCSA lobbyist ministration majors. Education, Winona State College. Instructors for the course are LarryD. At their December meeting, the MSCSA Connell, head of the Sociology Depart- set a list of legislative priorities for ment and Judy Gernander, head of theDe- Tim Penny, the MSCSA lobbyist. Penny, partment of Business Administration and Committee a WSC student, was elected as lobby- Economics. ist at the November meeting. The purpose of the course, as noted by Priorities on the list include working Judy Gernander, is to investigate the status to gain full credit value for transfer of women in today's society, with parti- openings in any state, increase in aid to needy cular emphasis on the attitudes of society students including loans, continuing fin- toward women in professional and family, The Student Senate has announced that ancial aid to higher education, and place- and social situations. "The course," said there are openings in the following Col- ment of a student representative on the Gernander, "is designed to point out the lege Committees: Student Activity Fund State College Board. blatant-forms of discrimination in today's Committee, Constitutional Drafting Com- Penny, the WSC student body pres- society as well as more subtle forms such mittee, A2C2, Coordinating Committee, ident, will be working in St, Paul during as identification of married women by the Freshmanand Sophomore vacancies on the this legislative session. appellation, Mrs., followed by her hus- Student Senate and Press Secretary for F unding of the lobbyist during the ses- band's given name and surname, rather MSCSA If you have any questions about sion will come from students in the system. than by her given name. Although this any of these openings feel free to call may seem a small matter, it is certainly Each college can devise their own means or drop in the Senate Office 2085. Ap- one that no married male faces and as of raising the necessary $500.00 base that plications will be taken at the Senate such it is indicative of more serious dis- was established. Office in the Smog. page 2 Urban Corps offering r Around the State li internships in Cities Interaction groups are being Mankato State conducted by the MSC Counseling The Urban Corps is once again in working as a semi-volunteer interested in the particular pro- Center. It involves a discussion offering internships in the Twin for credit. In this case, any gram that was funded, an inter- In a poll conducted among the of individual and group exper- City metropolitan area which are regular Urban Corps position is view will be arranged. students at Mankato State, mari- iences, reactions, perceptions, open to all interested students. open. A stipend of $20 per week If you are intersted in an in- juana usage was third only after feelings and behavior. At the present time, participa- for 40 hours is available for stu- ternship in a field or agency that alcohol and aspirin. MSC may lose 35 faculty mem- tion in the Urban Corps is made dents participating in this manner. is not currently part of the pro- Mankato's Daily Reporter cele- bers because of the enrollment available, though not guaranteed, You may return the application gram, in most cases it is pos- brated its second anniversary of decrease in the Minnesota State by eligibility in the Work-study indicating that you are not eligi- sible for the Urban Corps to de- daily publication. The Mankato College system. program. If you are not eligible ble for Work-Study. Urban Corps velop one for you. Tailor-made Daily Reporter is one of only two The Student Senate is trying to for Work-Study there are two al- has applied for a number of grants internships can be drawn up to students newspapers in Minnesota form a systematic faculty eval- ternatives available to you. and foundation funds. Upon notifi- suit academic requirements, geo- that are daily, the other is the U. uation so that all departments can The first alternative is to re- cation of funding approval, students graphical location, mobility, in- of M Daily. be evaluated according to SCB 804.
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