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i|^*JM 8* ijffpSSSiP*' extension The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) has called Contractor has started excavating new UBC swimming hole for a two-year extension of the current cost-sharing arrangements between the federal and provincial governments for Pool fund drive begins the financing of universities. In a brief presented last week to UBC faculty and staff are being In addition to the on-campus Prime Minister Trudeau, with copies asked to join students in support of drive for funds, donations are being delivered the same day to each the new indoor swimming pool now sought from corporations, provincial premier, AUCC called for being built just south of the foundations, University graduates development of a Canadian policy for Student Union Building. and residents who live universities. Doug Aldridge, chairman of the west of Granville Street. It urged consultations between the aquatic centre fund drive, said Aldridge said over-all target of notices have gone out to faculty, federal government, the provincial the fund-raising campaign is $1.3 seeking pledges over a five-year governments and the universities and million, exclusive of the amount period. A campaign seeking support indicated its willingness to initiate pledged by the students and the from staff will be held later this them. University. spring. AUCC contends that a major Students already have pledged Water area of the new pool will shortcoming of the Fiscal 5925,000 toward the S4.7-million be in four sections, so that a Arrangements Act, under which the cost of the pool, through a S5 number of activities ma/ be held at federal government has provided impost on AMS fees. The the same time. financial assistance indirectly to University has contributed an equal Tentative opening date for the universities since 1967, is that it has amount. pool is August of next year. led to a regionalization of Canada's universities. AUCC urges the identification of centres and programs of excellence, noting that in many UBC Board hears briefs fields a large number of institutions There was almost 100 per cent territory' ... and the deputy minister with small mediocre programs is a attendance at the Board of Governors of ... lands, forests and water poor substitute for one or two special open meeting Jan. 15 — by the resources, the only governmental institutions with first-rate programs. Board members. The audience, which entity directly available to us." Although education, under the included reporters, observers and those "Because there is no organized British North America Act, is a presenting briefs, numbered 19. body," said Peggy Bloom, the provincial responsibility, the federal Three briefs had been submitted to spokesman for the proposed government has been involved in the Board before the meeting, but the federation, "citizens must go from one financial aid since 1951, when it made first brief, requesting that the organization to another." a direct grant to each university based on provincial population, at a rate of Thunderbird Winter Sports Centre be Since the federation-proposal 50 cents per person. open for public skating Sunday nights, committee had submitted the brief, was referred to the centre's they had been in touch with other In that year, this represented 12 per management committee when the concerned citizens and at Mrs. Bloom's cent of the universities' total operating author of the brief, Len Rhodes of the suggestion the brief was tabled "until costs, and equalled $7 million for all UBC electrical shop, did not appear at sometime in February" so that the universities in Canada. the Board meeting. committee would have time to gain In the final year under this system, The second brief was a proposal to ideas from these other citizens. The 1966-67, the per-capita grant was $5, form "a representative federation of committee's main area of concern is the total had risen to $99 million and all people who live, work and study on land use on the University Endowment represented 17 per cent of operating the University Endowment Lands in order to bring about a direct liaison Please turn to Paur- Please turn to Page Two between citizens in this 'unorganized SeeBRIF See FINANCING Briefs the federal payments for university wa~nts extended to March 31, 1979, costs in the year ended March 31, with the understanding that a Continued from Page One 1974 — the last fiscal year for which completely new policy for universities costs. statistics are available. be worked out before then. The Fiscal Arrangements Act, also The extremes were Alberta and AUCC delegations are visiting each known as the Pearson Formula, was , with Alberta buying provincial premier this month to introduced by Lester Pearson for the the Cadillac. In total federal money discuss the association brief. The 1967-68 year and gave the provinces a for universities, Alberta received $93.9 meeting with Premier William Bennett choice of $15 per capita or 50 per cent million, B.C. $78.1 million. On a is scheduled for Jan. 30 in Victoria. of operating expenses. The money, per-capita basis, Alberta got $56, B.C. Accompanying AUCC president however, went to the provincial $35. Expressed as a per-capita figure Michael Oliver and AUCC executive governments, not to the universities. for residents in the 18-to-24 age director Claude Thibault will be Critics of the Pearson Formula, bracket, Alberta received $424, B.C. President Douglas Kenny of UBC, although conceding that it was a big $277. President Pauline Jewett of Simon improvement over the earlier system, It is this Pearson Formula, which Fraser and President Howard Petch of pointed out that it favored those expires March 31, 1977, that AUCC the University of Victoria. provinces that were themselves prepared to contribute more money to universities. Senator Henry Hicks of Nova THE MUSIC BOX Scotia put it this way in a Senate THURSDAY, JAN. 22 speech in 1973: 12:30p.m. FACULTY RECITAL. John Loban, violin; Robert Rogers, piano; and E ugene Wi Ison, cello, play Compositions of Wilson. "If you can get half the cost of a FRIDAY, JAN. 23 Cadillac provided by someone else but 8:00p.m. WIND ENSEMBLE CONCERT. Loren Marsteller, director, with Music you cannot buy the Cadillac because of Hindemith, W. Schuman, Copland and Hoist, you cannot afford the other half, then MONDAY, JAN. 26 you do not get it. So the wealthiest 8:00p.m. GRADUATION RECITAL. Margaret Bluhm, clarinet, plays Music of provinces in Canada ... notably Brahms, Milhaud, Summers and Von Weber. Ontario and Alberta ... have received WEDNESDAY, JAN. 28 the greatest benefits ... while provinces 12:30p.m. BRUNSWICK STRING QUARTET play Music by Hindemith and that could only afford to buy a Smetana. Chevrolet, or some more modest educational vehicle not in the Cadillac . All performances held in Recital Hall, Music Building. class, have been able to draw down in support from Ottawa only half the cost of their reduced programs." The fact that some provinces have New deputy minis* been buying Cadillacs and others Chevrolets is demonstrated clearly in Prof. Walter Hardwick fully "the greatest jobs are in the class­ expects to return to the classroom room," and he adds, a little wist­ at UBC as a teacher after a stint in fully, "This coming year will be the Prizes total $400 the "suffering-servant" role as first once since I started my career Creative writing can be a rewarding B.C.'s deputy minister of education that I won't be teaching." business ... particularly if one's effort in Victoria. comes up a winner in the third annual He's so convinced that the class­ Walter Hardwick comes by his UBC Alumni Chronicle creative writing room is "where the action is in love of the classroom honestly; his contest. education" that he plans to com­ family has been well known in The competition is open to full- mute to UBC once a week for the educational circles in B.C. for and part-time UBC students. Prizes decades. totalling $400 will be divided among rest of this term to lecture to some the winners by the judges. 35 students enrolled in his fourth- His father, Walter Sr., is a former Unpublished original short stories year course in urban geography. principal in the Vancouver school or poetry to a maximum of 3,000 words This despite the fact that he'll be system; an uncle, Frank C. are eligible. Two copies of each entry on unpaid leave of absence from Hardwick, is a former member of should be submitted and only one UBC. The only thing he'll be able UBC's education faculty; and an­ entry by each student is allowed. to claim is out-of-pocket expenses. other uncle, William Hyndman, is a Jan. 31 is the deadline for entries. "Administrative jobs," Dr. former director of instruction for Send them to Alumni Association head­ Hardwick told UBC Reports, "are the Vancouver School Board. quarters, Cecil Green Park, 6251 N.W. what I call the 'suffering-servant' Marine Drive, Vancouver V6T 1A6. Walter Hardwick's brother, David, role. They've lost the glamor and is head of the Division of Paediatric The winning entries become the prestige of the past. property of the association and will be Pathology in UBC's Faculty of considered for publication in the "I would hope to see within the Medicine. > Chronicle. If you want more informa­ educational system — including the tion call 228-3313. universities — a situation where Walter Hardwick's teaching people do administration for a career began in Sexsmith elemen­ Published by the University period of time and then go back to tary school in Vancouver in 1954 of British Columbia on what they do best, their teaching or after he graduated from UBC with a Wednesdays and distributed research, or whatever is appropri­ Bachelor of Arts degree and quali­ UBC free. Jim Banham, editor. ate. REPORTS juditn Walker, staff writer. fied for a teaching certificate at the Production assistants — Bruce Baker and Anne "So I'm quite prepared to put in then Provincial Normal School. Shorter. Send letters to the Editor to a stint as deputy minister and then From 1956 to 1958 he worked Information Services, Main Mall North Administration Building, UBC, 2075 Wesbrook go back to UBC and do something on his Master of Arts degree at Place, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5. else." UBC, which included a thesis on He believes that in education "The Effect of the Moran Dam on

2/UBC Reports/Jan. 21,1976 Financing Board's finance committee. The Board Continued from Page One has not yet received their report. "The SPORTS MENU door is still open. We are still Lands. BASKETBALL - Both the UBC considering it," Mr. Dohm said. The third brief, presented by the Thunderbirds and the Jayvees University Community Credit Union Johan De Rooy, an unclassified will be in action on Friday and spokesman Bill McLeod, asked that student, made an oral submission on Saturday (Jan. 23 and 24). The the Board grant the credit union a "the growth and expansion ethic" of Jayvees meet Portland General larger and more prominent space on UBC. He suggested that, if the Electric at 4:30 p.m. both days campus and also that the Board itself University's growth continued at its and the University of Alberta become a participating member of the current rate, UBC would reach its will be here to face the Thunder­ credit union. optimum.number of students by 1984 birds at 8:30 p.m. All games in at the latest. The ceiling of enrolment the War Memorial Gymnasium. The credit union office is now has been pegged at 27,500, President FIELD HOCKEY - A UBC located "in the very back of one of the Kenny pointed out at the meeting. sponsored invitational tourna­ old huts in the Instructional Media ment begins at 8 a.m. in the Centre," Mr. McLeod said. "This growth seems extremely UBC Armory on Sunday (Jan. The request that the University, uncomfortable," Mr. De Rooy said, 25). Final game of the tourna- through the Board, become a member and he was concerned about the ^ment at 4 p.m. of the credit union had come up consequences of this growth — housing shortages, parking problems and the before, said Board Chairman Thomas Famed linguist speaks twice Dohm, and had been referred to the increasing isolation felt by students. He said the Board should be making Noam Chomsky, one of the most PI ay, exhibit open high-school students aware of the fact distinguished scholars in the field of The Dorothy Somerset Studio that they might have to go elsewhere linguistics, will be lecturing this week opens its production of Picnic this to get a university education. at UBC as a Cecil H. and Ida Green evening, an M.F.A. thesis presentation President Kenny, in replying to Mr. Visiting Professor. directed by Ian Fenwick. De Rooy's concern, said, "People have Friday, Jan. 23, at 12:30 p.m. he The production runs from Jan. 21 asked me what is, the ideal size for the will speak on "Formal Universals of to Saturday, Jan. 24 each evening at 8 University and my answer has always Language" in Hebb Theatre. Saturday, p.m. been 'About 14,000.'... Jan. 24, at 8:15 p.m. he will address The AMS Art Gallery opens its "The press will eventually come the Vancouver Institute on "Human display, "Highlights of the City of upon the government ... that there is a Nature: The Linguistic Evidence" in Vancouver's Art Bank Collection," need for another university somewhere Lecture Hall 2, Woodward Monday, Jan. 26. in the province," he said. Instructional Resources Centre. er plans to return to classroom Agriculture in the Middle Fraser network of regional colleges in B.C. Dr. Hardwick is also involved Region of B.C." The topic of his Dr. Hardwick's chief contribu­ with the group organizing Habitat thesis for the Ph.D., granted by the tion to the report was the section Forum, the non-governmental con­ University of Minnesota in 1963, dealing with locations and programs ference that will take place in was "The Forest Industry of Coast­ of regional colleges. Vancouver this summer in conjunc­ al British Columbia/' In 1969 his career took another tion with the United Nations Con­ He was a teaching assistant at tack when he was swept into office ference on Human Settlements. UBC and at the University of as an alderman for Vancouver as a He's also a candidate this year Minnesota while working on his member of The Electors' Action for UBC's prestigious Master Teach­ graduate degrees. He got his first Movement (TEAM). er Award. permanent teaching job at UBC in He was at or near the top of the '1960 as a lecturer in geography. polls in every election until 1974, He took on a new job at UBC in In addition to his teaching and when he chose to retire from civic 1975 as director of continuing research (which has resulted in politics. education, with a mandate to frame dozens of publications on every­ He was chairman of the city University-wide policies for devel­ thing from B.C.'s natural resources committee that planned the urban opment, administration and fund­ to a 1972 article entitled "Fighting renewal project in the ing of continuing education. City Hall" in the Canadian Forum), area, served for two years as chair­ Within two hours of the Walter Hardwick has had an in­ man of the Civic Development announcement of his latest appoint­ defatigable interest in academic and Committee and for two years as a ment he was burning the midnight public affairs. director of the Greater Vancouver oil with Department of Education He's worked actively for most of Regional District. colleagues on budget estimates for the professional organizations in his Newspaper reporters on civic the coming year. field, the UBC Faculty Association, affairs — not noted for kid-glove "There were estimates prepared the UBC Alumni Association, and handling of aldermen — described for the former minister," he told on innumerable committees estab­ Walter Hardwick as being "all- UBC Reports, "but we're now back lished by the UBC administration. round competent and experienced" at square one. All I know is that it's and "one of the most influential In 1962, he was asked by UBC's going to be a tight year financial­ municipal politicians on the West then president, Dr. John B. ly." Coast." Macdonald, to take part in a re­ Dr. Hardwick is married (his search study that resulted in the Last year, at the request of the wife, Shirley, is a former teacher) publication Higher Education in Universities Council, he studied and and he has four children — Colleen, B.C. and a Plan for the Future. The made recommendations on the a first-year UBC student; Douglas, document led to the creation of future of Notre Dame University in in grade 11; and twins Cindy and and the Nelson. Gordon in grade 8.

UBC Reports/Jan. 21,1976/3 CANCER RESEARCH CENTRE. Eva Slavinski, of UBC's Cancer Research Centre, on Environmental Para­ meters Controlling Cell Differentiation in vitro. Library, Block B, Medical Sciences Building. THIS WEEK CUSO FILMS. The first of a series of free films on Third World problems is The Long Chain, and Atomic Jugger­ naut. Room 201, Geography Building.

3:30p.m. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SEMINAR. Brad C. AND NEXT Nelson, UBC Mechanical Engineering graduate student, THURSDAY, JAN. 22 speaks on Mechanics of Rock Drilling. Room A106, 9:00a.m. PSYCHIATRY DEPARTMENTAL CONFERENCE. Mechanical Engineering Annex. The panel, chaired by Dr. D. Watterson, includes Dr. R. MANAGEMENT SCIENCE SEMINAR. Prof. C.L. Doll, Slakov, Dr. P. Termansen and Dr. B. Wong, who discuss of UBC's commerce and business administration facul­ Explorations in Psychotherapy. Lecture theatre. Health ty, discusses A Route Choice Decision Model for Pre­ Sciences Centre Hospital. dicting Expected Allocation of Traffic on Proposed 12:30p.m. GREEN LECTURE. Dr. Rosemary Dybwad, Brandeis New B.C. Ferry Routes. Room 306, Angus Building. University, Massachusetts, talks about The Role of 4:30 p.m. PHYSIOLOGY SEMINAR. Dr. William Postles, Diving Volunteer Associations in the Life of the Handicapped Medical Officer, Sea Use Council, Portland, Oreg., on Child and his Family. Lecture Hall 2, Woodward In­ Environmental Observations and Diving Physiology on structional Resources Centre. the Cobb Seamount Project. Room 2449, Biological Sci­ CELL BIOLOGY SEMINAR. Dr. T. Schroeder, Friday ences Building. Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, talks on TUESDAY, JAN. 27 Microfilaments — The "Muscle" Behind Cell Division. 12:30p.m. BOTANY SEMINAR. Dr. Paul G. Harrison, of UBC's Room 2361, Biological Sciences Building. botany department, on Eelgrass, Bacteria, and Grazers: LOCAL TALENT READING SERIES, sponsored by The Role of Phytodetritus in Shallow Marine Eco­ the Library, features UBC Creative Writing student systems. Room 3219, Biological Sciences Building. Cathy Ford reading from her works. Orientation room, PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES LECTURE. Dr A. lower level, Sedgewick Library. Chalmers, Senior Resident, CARS, on Current Medical 2:30p.m. SLAVONIC STUDIES SEMINAR. Dr. Andrew Therapy of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Lecture Hall 3, Donskov, visiting professor in Slavonic and Oriental Woodward Instructional Resources Centre. Studies, University of Victoria, speaks on Leo Tolstoy and Drama. Room 351 -A, Brock Hall. 2:30p.m. EAST ASIA SEMINAR. Mr. Won-Kyung Cho, director, 3:45 p.m. APPLIED MATH AND STATISTICS COLLOQUIUM. Asian Theater Artists, New York, discusses The State of Prof. Henry Tuckwell, Mathematics, UBC, on First Exit the Arts in Korea Today. Room 351, Brock Hall. Time for Markov Processes with Applications to Neuro­ 3:30p.m. OCEANOGRAPHY SEMINAR. Mr. I. Webster, Ocean biology. Room 1100, Mathematics Annex. and Aquatic Affairs, Victoria, on 35 Years of Daily Sur­ 4:00p.m. PHYSICS COLLOQUIUM. E.M. Kellogg, of the face Temperature and Salinity Measurements on the Center for Astrophysics at Cambridge, Mass., speaks on B.C. Coast. Room 1465, Biological Sciences Building. X-ray Astronomy. Room 201, Hennings Building. 4:30p.m. CHEMISTRY SEMINAR. Prof. G. Dutton, of UBC's 8:00p.m. PUBLIC LECTURE, sponsored by Regent College and chemistry department, on Chemistry of Infectious the Christian Medical Society. Dr. Dennis P. Burkitt, Diseases. Room 250, Chemistry Building. Medical Research Council, U.K., on Not By Bread CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SEMINAR. Dr. Sehem Alone. Room 100, Buchanan Building. El-Temtamy, UBC Chemical Engineering research FRIDAY, JAN. 23 fellow, on Hydrodynamics and Mixing in Three-Phase 9:00a.m. PAEDIATRICS LECTURE. Dr. Gunnar Dybwad, Fluidized Beds. Room 206, Chemical Engineering professor of human development, Brandeis University, Building. Massachusetts, on Legal Rights of Children. Lecture Room B, Heather Pavilion, Vancouver General Hospital. 7:30 p.m. CUSO INFORMATION NIGHT. A discussion on 10:00a.m. Ph.D. ORAL DEFENCE. Mr. B.S.R. Sastry will be Education: Science and English Teachers. Rooms examined on Monoaminergic Influences on Various In­ 402-404, International House. hibitions of the Spinal Monosynaptic Reflex for the 8:00 p.m. HUMANITIES ASSOCIATION LECTURE. David Doctor of Philosophy degree in Pharmaceutical Sci­ Highnam, of UBC's French department, on The Theme ences. Room 241, new administration building. of Sexual and Spiritual Possession in Manon Lescaut. 12:30p.m. GREEN LECTURE. Distinguished linguist Noam Music room. Faculty Club. Chomsky, Department of Linguistics, Massachusetts WEDNESDAY JAN. 28 Institute of Technology, on Formal Universals of 12:30pm CANADA COUNCIL POETRY READING by John Language. Location changed to Hebb Theatre. Newlove. Room 202, Buchanan Building. 3:30 p.m. LINGUISTICS COLLOQUIUM. Dr. Noam Chomsky 12:35 p.m. FREESEE FILM SERIES presented by the dean of will give an informal seminar. Room 351, Brock Hall. women's office. The second in a series of five 50-minute MANAGEMENT SCIENCE SEMINAR. Prof. I. films produced by the BBC is The Ascent of Man, Part Vertinsky, Faculty of Commerce and Business Adminis­ II: World Within World. SUB Auditorium. tration and Institute of Animal Resource Ecology, UBC, discusses Implementation in Management Science. 3:30p.m. STATISTICS WORKSHOP. J. Zidek, of UBC's math­ Room 425, Angus Building. ematics department, discusses Using Zonal Polynomials COMPUTER SCIENCE COLLOQUIUM. Dr Bob in the Estimation of Multinormal Parameters. Room Balzer, Information Sciences Institute, University of 321, Angus Building. Southern California, Marina Del Rey, speaks on An SLAVONIC SEMINAR. Prof. Aram H. Ohanjanian, of Automatically Generated Program for Message Distribu­ UBC's Slavonic studies department, on Early Sino- tion. Room 326, Angus Building. Russian Contact: Petlin's Mission to Peking, 1618. Pent­ SATURDAY, JAN. 24 house, Buchanan Building. 8:15p.m. THE VANCOUVER INSTITUTE. Prof. Noam 4:00 p.m. GEOPHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY SEMINAR. Dr Chomsky, Department of Linguistics, Massachusetts John Gilliland, of UBC's geophysics and astronomy Institute of Technology, talks on Human Nature: The department, on Temperatures and Stability in the Linguistic Evidence. Lecture Hall 2, Woodward I nstruc- Earth'sCore. Room 260, Geophysics Building. tional Resources Centre. MONDAY, JAN. 26 4:30 p.m. ANIMAL RESOURCE ECOLOGY SEMINAR. Dr. 12:30p.m. FINE ARTS FILMS. The third free film show on art Donald McQueen, Department of Biology, York Uni­ presents Francis Bacon — Grand Palais 1971 (color, 20 versity, Toronto, talks on The Population Dynamics of a minutes); and Magritte: The False Mirror (color, 22 Naturally-Occurring Terrestrial Isopod Population. minutes). Room 102, Lasserre Building. Room 2449, Biological Sciences Building. Notices must reach Information Services, Main Mall North Admin. Bldg., by mail, by 5 p.m. Thursday of week preceding publication of notice.

4/UBC Reports/Jan. 21,1976