Date of Preparation October 1, 2020

Format of this CV: Committee on Appointments and Promotions Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University

Personal data Steven D. Stellman Birthdate: May 7, 1945 Birthplace: Toronto, Canada Citizenship: USA

Academic appointments 1966-71 Teaching Fellow, Department of Chemistry, 1971-73 Research Associate, Division of Biochemical Sciences, Princeton University 1973-74 Lecturer in Chemistry, University of Colorado, Denver 1978-82 Adjunct Associate Professor, Hunter College of the City University of New York, Depts. of Chemistry and Environmental Health Sciences 1979-82 Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of Research Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 1980-81 Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of , Cornell University School of Medicine 1981-94 Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 2000 - Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University; Assoc Chair, 2016-

Education Ohio State University, B.Sc. 09/1964 to 06/1966, Chemistry. New York University, Ph.D. 09/1966 to 1971, Physical chemistry. Thesis title: Computer simulation of polymer conformation and conformational thermodynamics. Sponsor: Paul J. Gans, Ph.D. Citations: (1) Stellman SD, Froimowitz M, Gans PJ. J Computational Physics 1971; 7:179-182. (2) Stellman SD, Gans PJ. Macromolecules 1972; 5:516-526. (3) Stellman SD, Gans PJ. Macromolecules 1972; 5:720-729. Columbia University, M.P.H., 09/1990 to 06/1992, Executive MPH Program in Health Policy & Management

Traineeships 1968-71 New York University, National Science Foundation Graduate Traineeship 1971-73 Princeton University, Post-doctoral fellow, Dept. of Biochemical Sciences

Professional organizations and societies Society for Epidemiologic Research American College of Epidemiology American Public Health Association American Chemical Society American Society of Preventive Oncology

Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 2 -

Other positions held 1975-1980 Chief, Division of Computing and Biostatistics, American Health Foundation, New York, NY. 1980-1988 Assistant Vice President for Epidemiology, American Cancer Society National Office, New York, NY; Co-Founder and Associate Director, Cancer Prevention Study II, a prospective study of 1.2 million men and women 1988-1991 Assistant Commissioner for Biostatistics and Epidemiologic Research, Department of Health of the City of New York Director, Bureau of Vital Statistics, also responsible for Bureau of Vital Records and Office of Epidemiologic Research 1991-1993 Senior Research Scientist, American Health Foundation, New York, NY 1992-1993 Fogarty Senior International Fellow, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), World Health Organization, Lyon, France 1993-2003 Chief, Division of Epidemiology, American Health Foundation, New York, NY 2007-2015 Director of Research, World Trade Center Health Registry, New York City Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York, NY

Hospital appointments 1993-2002 Consultant, Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 2015- Employee without compensation, James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, NY

Honors Citation for Outstanding Citizenship, Vietnam Veterans of America, 1991 Citation for Distinguished Service, American Legion, 1991 NIH Fogarty Senior International Fellow, 1992 Distinguished Graduate, Columbia University School of Public Health, 1998 Distinguished Service Medal, The American Legion, 2003 Discover magazine top 100 science stories of 2003: “Estimates of Dioxin Use in Vietnam Doubled” Co-author of three papers nominated for CDC Charles C. Shepard Science Award (nos. 115, 125 and 131 in Section A below) Margaret and Herman Sokol Science Lecturer, Montclair State University, 2011

Fellowship and grant support Current and recent grant support 2017 – 2020 Principal Investigator, NICHHD R03-HD091621, “Agent Orange and Adverse Birth Outcomes – A Re-Examination,” $100,000 direct costs. 2017 – 2020 Co-Investigator (with Dr. Jeanne Stellman), Department of Veteran Affairs VA Boston Health System subcontract VA241-17-D-0075 to The Foundation for Worker, Veteran, and Environmental Health, Inc. Total costs $291,306. (Both co- investigators are unsalaried.) 2007 – 2015 Research Director, NIOSH 1U50OH009739 “Extension of the World Trade Center Health Registry.” Principal Investigator: M. Farfel. $7,000,000 per year total costs. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 3 - 2013 – 2015 PI for NIOSH subcontract to NYC Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene, Pediatric Stress and Well-being Study (C. Hoven, PI), $10,000. Past grant support (in chronological order) 1978 Principal Investigator, EPA contract to American Health Foundation: “Epidemiologic study of diesel exhaust exposure.” 1978 – 1979 Principal Investigator, NCI-SHP-74-106C “Epidemiology of the Less Harmful . Substudy: Saccharin Consumption in Relation to Bladder Cancer Risk.” 1981 – 1988 Co-director, American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study II. Internally funded, $1 million annual direct costs. 1989 – 1990 Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Jeanne Stellman), Agent Orange Project (Contract No. 035-02-7/8-OC-1), State of Michigan Department of Public Health ($20,000 direct costs) 1992 – 1993 Principal Investigator, American Cancer Society Grant ACS-R-9201 “Cancer mortality in woodworkers.” $40,000 annual direct costs. 1992 – 1993 Principal Investigator, NIH Fogarty Senior International Fellowship, “Cancer mortality in Asian migrants to New York City,” 5/1/92 - 4/30/93. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France. 1994 – 2001 Principal Investigator, NCI R01-CA-63021 “Epidemiology of Breast Cancer on Long Island.” $268,594 annual direct costs. 1995 – 2001 NCI-CA-17613 Cancer Center Support Grant to American Health Foundation. Principal Investigator, Daniel Nixon, MD. Provided partial salary support. 1995 – 2005 Principal Investigator, NCI P01-CA-68384 " and Cancer Risk: Dose, Metabolism and Genetics." $7,000,00 direct costs. 1996 – 1997 Principal Investigator, NCI-R03-CA-72562 “Serum organochlorine compounds and breast cancer on Long Island,” 9/30/96 - 9/29/97. $49,000 annual direct costs. 1997 – 2000 Principal Investigator on subcontract: U01-CA/ES-66572 [Subcontract from Columbia School of Public Health to American Health Foundation; Marilie Gammon, Principal Investigator for Columbia University]. “Breast Cancer and the Environment on Long Island.” $50,000 annual direct costs. 1998 – 2002 Co-Investigator, subcontract NAS VA-5124-98 [National Academy of Sciences, subcontract from Columbia School of Public Health to American Health Foundation] Jeanne M. Stellman, Principal Investigator. “Characterizing Exposure of Veterans to Agent Orange and Other Herbicides Used in Vietnam.” 5/1/98 to 4/30/02. $3,463,473 Total direct costs. 2002 – 2004 Principal Investigator, NCI P20-CA-91401 "Training Minorities in Bio- Behavioral Cancer Research." $122,631 Annual direct costs. 2006 – 2007 Principal Investigator, “ALS and Herbicide Exposure in Vietnam Veterans.” ALS Association. $35,000 total direct costs. 2006 – 2010 Principal Investigator, NCI R21-CA158971 "Columbia-GHI Consortium for Cancer Surveillance" $250,000 total direct costs. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 4 - 2010 FDA Subcontract (via RTI): “Tobacco-related risks in relation to menthol : a case-control study.” $10,000 total costs. 2012 - 2015 Co-investigator, “World Trade Center Health Registry,” Cooperative Agreement 2U50OH009739, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, MR Farfel PI. $7,000,000 annual direct costs, 4 years. 2012- 2015 Principal Investigator, NYC DOHMH subcontract to Columbia University, “Stress and Well-Being Study,” (NIOSH Zadroga grant, C Hoven Columbia University PI).

Departmental and University Committees 2001-07 Chair, Curriculum Committee, Dept. of Epidemiology 2007-11 Member, Doctoral Methods Exam Committee, Dept. of Epidemiology 2010-11 Chair, Methods Exam Development Committee, Dept. of Epidemiology 2009-16 Member, Seminar Committee, Dept. of Epidemiology 2013-15 Member, Doctoral General Exam Committee, Dept. of Epidemiology 2015 - Member, Doctoral Steering Committee, Dept. of Epidemiology 2015 - Chair, Doctoral Foundation Essay Committee, Dept. of Epidemiology 2015 - Member, Doctoral Admissions Sub-committee, Dept. of Epidemiology 2017 - Faculty Lead, Certificate in Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health 2019 - Member, DrPH Degree Development Committee, Mailman School of Public Health

Teaching experience and responsibilities 1966-197 1 Teaching assistant, freshman chemistry and laboratories, New York University 1973-1975 Course director, Introduction to Chemistry and Laboratories, University of Colorado at Denver, approx. 50 students per year 1976-1980 University of Pennsylvania Dept. of Medicine, Epidemiological data analysis for doctoral students, approx. 10 students 1977-1979 Hunter School of Health Sciences, CUNY – Introduction to Epidemiology Cornell Medical College – Epidemiological data analysis, approx. 30 students per year 2002- P6400 Epidemiology Core Course, Executive MPH Program, Dept. of Health Policy and Management, Mailman School of Public Health, approx. 35 students per year 2005-2007 P8400 Epi 3: Applied Data Analysis in Epidemiology, Dept. of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, approx. 30 students per year 2011–2014 Epidemiology and Public Health Summer Institute (EPIC), Mailman School of Public Health, Observational Epidemiology, approx. 12 students per year 2015- P8415 Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases, Dept. of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, approx. 40 students per year 2017 - P8476 Chronic Disease Epidemiology Seminar, Mailman School of Pubic Health, approx. 70 students per year

Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 5 - Graduate student supervision M.P.H. – Mailman School of Public Health unless otherwise noted 2020 – Sneha Kannoth, PhD, Epidemiology – research supervisor 2020 – Colleen Dunlea, M.P.H., Epidemiology (first reader for master’s thesis) 2020 – Suzanne Mikhael-Lee, M.P.H., Epidemiology (first reader for master’s thesis) 2019 – Tonguç Yaman, M.P.H., Epidemiology – DrPH adviser 2018 – Chinelo Onyebeke, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2018 – Lingbing (Abby) Wu, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2016 – Ramneet Kalra, M.P.H., M.B.A., Epidemiology, DrPH advisor 2015 – Jerilyn Krakower, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2014 – Mariana Chiles, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2014 – Jennifer Yip, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2014 – Tenzin Dechen, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2013 – Amanda Moy, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2013 – Mara Grbic, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2013 – Joanne Kong, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2013 – Sadie Sanchez, M.D., Preventive Medicine (Mt. Sinai School of Medicine) 2013 – Janina Morrison, M.D., Preventive Medicine 2012 – Justina Groeger (senior medical student, SUNY Downstate) 2011 – James Yea, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2011 – Lysa Silverstein, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2011 – Alexandra Kravitt, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2011 – Kim Caramanica, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2010 – Wendy Tse, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2010 – Sarah Mohajeri, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2009 – HaeNa Waechter, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2008 – Helen Mu, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2006 – Stephen Yang, M.P.H., Epidemiology 2000 – Harry Anagnostopoulos, Epidemiology 2000 – Susan German, Epidemiology 1999 – Denese Taylor, M.P.H., Epidemiology (New York Medical College) 1999 – Yu Chen, M.P.H., Health Policy and Management 1998 – Lisa Wang, M.P.H., Epidemiology 1998 – Vijay Nandy, M.P.H., Epidemiology (New York Medical College)

Doctoral Committees – Mailman School of Public Health unless otherwise noted 2020 Chihua Li, PhD, Epidemiology (Committee Chair) 2020 Lubna AlNasser, PhD, Epidemiology (Committee Chair) 2020 Gregory Cohen, PhD (proposal discussant) 2018 Patrick Dawson, PhD, Epidemiology (Committee Chair) 2018 Hiroko Matsumoto, PhD, Epidemiology (proposal discussant) 2018 Meghan Work, PhD, Epidemiology 2014 O. Cecilia Castro-Diehl, MD MPH (DrPH proposal discussant) 2013 Robert Kohn, MD, Epidemiology (Committee Chair) 2011 Steven Markowitz MD DrPH, Epidemiology Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 6 - 2011 George Friedman-Jimenez, MD DrPH, Epidemiology 2008 Lisa Weiss, PhD, Epidemiology 2008 Christian Salazar, PhD, Epidemiology 2007 Lina Titievsky, PhD, Epidemiology 2006 Carrie Tomasallo, PhD (University of Arizona) 2000 Daniel Brooks, PhD, Epidemiology (Boston University School of Public Health) 1999 Julie Britton, PhD, Epidemiology 1999 Susan Teitelbaum, PhD, Epidemiology 1998 Bu Tian Ji, Dr.P.H., Epidemiology

Post-doctoral Fellows – Mailman School of Public Health unless otherwise noted 2013 – Sadie Sanchez, MD (Mt. Sinai School of Medicine) 2013 – Janina Morrison, MD 2012 – Kristen Oliver, MD (Mt. Sinai School of Medicine) 2011 – Mana Mann, MD (Mt. Sinai School of Medicine) 2011 – Shoba Iyer, PhD 2010 – Alicia McDonald, PhD 2000 – Karestan Koenen, PhD

Other professional activities GOVERNMENTAL 1979 - 80 New York State Environmental and Occupational Health Task Force 1980 Scientific Advisory Committee, New York State Commission on Dioxin 1983 NIH Special study section on chemoprevention trials – methodology specialist 1984 NIH Special study section on smoking interventions 1986 Scientific consultant to Special Master, U.S. Federal District Court, Agent Orange Veteran Payment Program. 1987-98 Exposure Consultant, Agent Orange Veteran Payment Program, U.S. Federal District Court (Brooklyn) 1988 International (US-Canada) Joint Commission Workshop on Epidemiology & Great Lakes Pollution 1989-90 Consultant to Veteran’s Health Promotion Section, Division of Research and Development, Center for Health Promotion, Michigan Department of Public Health 1995 Epidemiology Study Section, U.S. Army Medical Research & Materiel Command Study Section for Breast Cancer Research Program 1997-2002 Epidemiology Study Section, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program, Univ. of California 1997-1999 Epidemiology Study Section, U.S. Army Medical Research & Materiel Command Study Section on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses (Chair, 1997-98) 2003 - Scientific Advisory Committee, World Trade Center Health Registry, New York City Dept. of Health 2004 Chair, Special Emphasis Panel ZES1 LWJ-B (MM), National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 2004 Roadmap Study Section, National Institutes of Health 2005 Reviewer, Special Study Section ZCA1 SRRB-D C3 R Lab Assessment of Tobacco Use Behavior & Exposure Toxins, National Cancer Institute 2006 U.S. Army Medical Research & Materiel Command, special reviewer 2006 Roadmap Study Section, National Institutes of Health Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 7 - 2007 Chair, NCI/SBIR Review Committee on RFP to develop automated methods to identify environmental exposure patterns in satellite imagery data 2007 Roadmap Study Section, National Institutes of Health 2008 Reviewer, NIAID Special Emphasis Panel: “Vector-Borne Diseases in Urban Environments” 2009 Chair, NCI/SBIR Phase 2 Contract review: “Development of automated methods to identify environmental exposure patterns in satellite imagery data” 2011 NIEHS Special Emphasis Panel ZES1 SET-D (R8) R for RFA ES 10-008 “Validation and Field Testing of Novel Biomarkers of Response to Environmental Stressors” 2015 - Consultant, World Trade Center Health Registry, New York City Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene 2015 - External Advisory Board, Penn State Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science, Penn State Hershey 2016 Reviewer, Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group 2016/05 ZCA1 RPRB-C (M1) P, National Cancer Institute “NCI Program Project Meeting” 2017 Reviewer, Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group 2017/10 ZCA1 TCRB-D (O2) R, National Cancer Institute “Informatics Tools for Cancer Surveillance” 2018 Reviewer, Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group 2018/05 ZCA1 SRB- 2 (M1) Assorted Program Project Applications 2019-20 Guest Researcher, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Birth Defects Monitoring and Research Branch

OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 1984-1985 National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council Committee on Carcinogenicity of Cyclamates 1985 American Chemical Society Advisory Committee on Peer Review 1986-1999 Advisory Board, Public Health Graduate Program, Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine/University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey 2011-2014 External Reviewer, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center-City University of New York U54 Partnership for Cancer Research, Training, and Community Outreach EDITORSHIPS 1987-1989 Editor-in-Chief , Summary of Vital Statistics, City of New York, New York City Department of Health, 1989-2020 Associate Editor, Women and Health 2005-present Associate Editor, Preventive Medicine 2005-present Associate Editor, BMC Cancer

SELECTED PUBLICATION COUNT BY JOURNAL AND IMPACT FACTOR Journal Impact factor No. research papers CA – A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 223.7 4 Lancet 59.1 2 Nature 41.6 1 JAMA 51.3 4 Plus 4 letters Science 37.2 1 Plus 1 letter JAMA Internal Medicine 20.8 1 Commentary Amer J Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine 16.5 1 JNCI 12.6 3 Plus 1 letter Cancer Research 9.1 2 Neurology 8.1 1 Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 8 - Environmental Health Perspectives 8.1 5 Environment International 7.9 1 International Journal of Cancer 7.4 1 International Journal of Epidemiology 7.3 1 Letter Environmental Science & Technology 7.1 1 Tobacco Control 6.2 3 Cancer 6.1 9 Macromolecules 5.9 4 Plus 1 letter British Journal of Cancer 5.9 1 Carcinogenesis 5.3 1 Journal of the American Heart Association 5.1 1 Environmental Research 5.0 7 Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 4.5 1 American Journal of Epidemiology 4.5 6 Plus 1 commentary Intl. Journal of Hygiene & Environ. Health 4.4 1 American Journal of Public Health 4.1 3 Plus 1 editorial & 1 letter Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 4.1 14 Plus 1 letter Preventive Medicine 3.4 15 Plus 3 commentaries Biopolymers 2.2 9 American Journal of Industrial Medicine 1.7 16 Plus 2 book reviews

PUBLICATIONS: h-index = 53 as of August 8, 2020 A. ORIGINAL PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES 1. Stellman SD, Froimowitz M, Gans PJ. Efficient computation of polymer conformation energy. Journal of Computational Physics 1971;7:179-82. [Downloaded 576 times from Columbia Academic Commons as of 10/1/20.] 2. Stellman SD, Gans PJ. Efficient computer simulation of polymer conformation. I. Geometric properties of the hard-sphere model. Macromolecules 1972;5:516-26. 3. Stellman SD, Gans PJ. Computer simulation of polymer conformation. II. Distribution function for polymers with excluded volume. Macromolecules 1972;5:720-9. 4. Bond PJ, Lesk A, Stellman SD, Harbison S, Langridge R. Three-dimensional interactive computer graphics in molecular biology. ACM Computer Graphics 1973;6:15-30. 5. Stellman JM, Woodward AE, Stellman SD. Thermodynamic properties of poly-(trans- 1,4-butadiene) single crystals: relation to molecular structure. Macromolecules 1973;6:330-6. 6. Stellman SD, Hingerty B, Broyde SB, Subramanian E, Sato T, Langridge R. Structure of guanosine-3',5'-cytidine monophosphate. I. Semi-empirical potential energy calculations and model-building. Biopolymers 1973;12:2731-50. 7. Stellman SD, Hingerty B, Broyde SB, Subramanian E, Sato T, Langridge R. Conformation of guanosine cytidine 3',5'-monophosphate (GpC). Macromolecules 1973;6:652-3. 8. Broyde SB, Stellman SD, Hingerty B, Langridge R. Conformational stability in dinucleoside phosphate crystals. Semiempirical potential energy calculations for uridylyl- 3'-5'-adenosine monophosphate (UpA) and guanylyl-3',5'-cytidine monophosphate (GpC). Biopolymers 1974;13:1243-59. 9. Stellman SD. Computer graphics in the solution of the chain deformation problem. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 9 - Macromolecules 1974;7:296-300. 10. Broyde SB, Stellman SD, Wartell RM. The A and B conformations of DNA and RNA subunits. Potential energy calculations for dGpdC. Biopolymers 1975;14:2625-30. 11. Broyde SB, Wartell RM, Stellman SD, Hingerty B, Langridge R. Classical potential energy calculations for ApA, CpC, GpG, and UpU. The influence of the bases on RNA subunit conformations. Biopolymers 1975;14:1597-613. 12. Hingerty B, Subramanian E, Stellman SD, Broyde SB, Sato T, Langridge R. Structure of guanylyl-3',5'-cytidine monophosphate. II. Description of the molecular and crystal structure of the calcium derivative in space group P2(1). Biopolymers 1975;14:227-36. 13. Stellman SD. Application of three-dimensional interactive graphics in x-ray crystallographic analysis. Computers and Graphics 1975;1:279-90. 14. Stellman SD, Hingerty B, Broyde SB, Langridge R. Conformation of a rare nucleoside in the anti-codon loop of tRNA's: semi-empirical potential energy calculations for 2'-O- methyl cytidine (OMC). Biopolymers 1975;14:2049-56. 15. Hingerty B, Subramanian E, Stellman SD, Sato T, Broyde SB, Langridge R. The crystal and molecular structure of a calcium salt of guanylyl-3',5'-cytidine (GpC). Acta Crystallographica 1976;B32:2998-3010. 16. Stellman SD, Broyde SB, Wartell RM. Influence of ribose 2'-O-methylation on GpC conformation by classical potential energy calculations. Biopolymers 1976;15:1951-64. 17. Wynder EL, Stellman SD. Comparative epidemiology of tobacco-related cancers. Cancer Res 1977;37:4608-22. 18. Broyde SB, Wartell RM, Stellman SD, Hingerty B. Minimum energy conformations of DNA dimeric subunits. Potential energy calculations for dGpdC, dApdA, dCpdC, and dTpdT. Biopolymers 1978;17:1485-506. 19. Mushinski MH, Stellman SD. Impact of new smoking trends on women's occupational health. Prev Med 1978;7:349-65. 20. Stellman JM, Stellman SD, Berek J, Ezraty A. The role of the Union Health and Safety Committee in evaluating the health hazards of hospital workers: a case study. Prev Med 1978;7:332-7. 21. Wynder EL, MacCornack FA, Stellman SD. The epidemiology of breast cancer in 785 Caucasian women. Cancer 1978;41:2341-54. 22. Wynder EL, Stellman SD. Impact of long-term filter cigarette usage on lung and larynx cancer risk: a case-control study. J Natl Cancer Inst 1979;62:471-7. 23. Broyde SB, Stellman SD, Hingerty B. DNA backbone conformation in cis-syn pyrimidine [ ] pyrimidine cyclobutane dimers. Biopolymers 1980;19:1695-701. 24. Silverman J, Lauber J, Zelenakas K, Stellman SD. Endoscopic visualization of induced colonic tumors in rats. Lab Anim Sci 1980;30:544-5. 25. Stellman SD, Austin H, Wynder EL. Cervix cancer and cigarette smoking: a case-control study. Amer J Epidemiol 1980;111:383-8. 26. Wynder EL, Stellman SD. Artificial sweetener use and bladder cancer: a case-control study. Science 1980;207:1214-6. 27. Stellman SD, Stellman JM. Women's occupations, smoking, and cancer and other Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 10 - diseases. CA Cancer J Clin 1981;31:29-43. 28. Wynder EL, Mushinski MH, Stellman SD, Choay P. Tobacco usage in France: an epidemiology study. Prev Med 1981;10:301-15. 29. Seidman H, Stellman SD, Mushinski MH. A different perspective on breast cancer risk factors: some implications of the nonattributable risk. CA Cancer J Clin 1982;32:301-13. 30. Stellman JM, Stellman SD. Occupational lung disease and cancer risk in women. Occup Health Nurs 1983;31(11):40-6. 31. Stellman SD, Garfinkel L. Cancer mortality among woodworkers. Am J Ind Med 1984;5:343-57. 32. Garfinkel L, Stellman SD. Cigarette smoking among physicians, dentists, and nurses. CA Cancer J Clin 1986;36:2-8. 33. Papier CM, Stellman SD. Health risks of passive smoking. Women Health 1986;11:267- 77. 34. Stellman SD, Garfinkel L. Smoking habits and levels in a new American Cancer Society prospective study of 1.2 million men and women. J Natl Cancer Inst 1986;76:1057-63. 35. Stellman SD, Garfinkel L. Artificial sweetener use and one-year weight change among women. Prev Med 1986;15:195-202. 36. Stellman SD, Stellman JM. Estimation of exposure to Agent Orange and other defoliants among American troops in Vietnam: a methodological approach. Am J Ind Med 1986;9:305-21. 37. Stellman SD. Workshop on guidelines to the epidemiology of weak associations. Confounding. Prev Med 1987;16:165-82. 38. Boffetta P, Stellman SD, Garfinkel L. Diesel exhaust exposure and mortality among males in the American Cancer Society prospective study. Am J Ind Med 1988;14:403-15. 39. Garfinkel L, Boffetta P, Stellman SD. Alcohol and breast cancer: a cohort study. Prev Med 1988;17:686-93. 40. Garfinkel L, Stellman SD. Smoking and in women: findings in a prospective study. Cancer Res 1988;48:6951-5. 41. Garfinkel L, Stellman SD. Mortality by relative weight and exercise. Cancer 1988;62:1844-50. 42. Snow BR, Stellman JM, Stellman SD, Sommer JF Jr. Post-traumatic stress disorder among American Legionnaires in relation to combat experience in Vietnam: associated and contributing factors. Environ Res 1988;47:175-92. 43. Stellman JM, Stellman SD, Sommer JF, Jr. Social and behavioral consequences of the Vietnam experience among American Legionnaires. Environ Res 1988;47:129-49. 44. Stellman JM, Stellman SD, Sommer JF, Jr. Utilization, attitudes, and experiences of Vietnam Era veterans with Veterans Administration health facilities: the American Legion experience. Environ Res 1988;47:193-209. 45. Stellman SD, Boffetta P, Garfinkel L. Smoking habits of 800,000 American men and women in relation to their occupations. Am J Ind Med 1988;13:43-58. 46. Stellman SD, Garfinkel L. Patterns of artificial sweetener use and weight change in an Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 11 - American Cancer Society prospective study. Appetite 1988;11 Suppl 1:85-91. 47. Stellman SD, Stellman JM, Sommer JF, Jr. Health and reproductive outcomes among American Legionnaires in relation to combat and herbicide exposure in Vietnam. Environ Res 1988;47:150-74. 48. Stellman SD, Stellman JM, Sommer JF, Jr. Combat and herbicide exposures in Vietnam among a sample of American Legionnaires. Environ Res 1988;47:112-28. 49. Boffetta P, Stellman SD, Garfinkel L. A case-control study of multiple myeloma nested in the American Cancer Society prospective study. Int J Cancer 1989;43:554-9. 50. Stellman SD. The case of the missing eights. An object lesson in data quality assurance. American journal of epidemiology 1989;129:857-60. 51. Stellman SD, Garfinkel L. Lung cancer risk is proportional to cigarette tar yield: evidence from a prospective study. Prev Med 1989;18:518-25. 52. Stellman SD, Garfinkel L. Proportions of cancer deaths attributable to cigarette smoking in women. Women Health 1989;15:19-28. 53. Wynder EL, Stellman SD. The "over-exposed" control group. American journal of epidemiology 1992;135:459-61. 54. Thomas PA, Weisfuse IB, Greenberg AE, Bernard GA, Tytun A, Stellman SD. Trends in the first ten years of AIDS in New York City. The New York City Department of Health AIDS Surveillance Team. Amer J Epidemiol 1993;137:121-33. 55. Djordjevic MV, Hoffmann D, Fan J, Prokopczyk B, Citron ML, Stellman SD. Assessment of chlorinated pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in adipose breast tissue using a supercritical fluid extraction method. Carcinogenesis 1994;15:2581-5. 56. Muscat JE, Stellman SD, Wynder EL. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and colorectal cancer. Cancer 1994;74:1847-54. 57. Stellman SD, Wang QS. Cancer mortality in Chinese immigrants to New York City. Comparison with Chinese in Tianjin and with United States-born whites. Cancer 1994;73:1270-5. 58. Wynder EL, Cohen LA, Rose DP, Stellman SD. Dietary fat and breast cancer: where do we stand on the evidence? J Clin Epidemiol 1994;47:217-22; discussion 223-30. 59. Kabat GC, Stellman SD, Wynder EL. Relation between exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer in lifetime nonsmokers. American journal of epidemiology 1995;142:141-8. Abstract reprinted in Lung Cancer 1995;13(3) 325. 60. Muscat JE, Stellman SD, Wynder EL. Analgesic use and colorectal cancer. Prev Med 1995;24:110-2. 61. Muscat JE, Stellman SD, Wynder EL. Insulation, asbestos, smoking habits, and lung cancer cell types. Am J Ind Med 1995;27:257-69. 62. Pollack D, Jubas J, Zhang ZF, Stellman SD, Harlap S. Reliability of smoking history in medical charts in relation to interview data. Int J Oncol 1995;7:1379-82. 63. Stellman JM, Stellman SD. Social factors: women and cancer. Semin Oncol Nurs 1995;11:103-8. 64. Messite J, Stellman SD. Accuracy of death certificate completion: the need for formalized physician training. JAMA 1996;275:794-6. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 12 - 65. Morabia A, Stellman SD, Wynder EL. Smoking prevalence in neighborhood and hospital controls: implications for hospital-based case-control studies. J Clin Epidemiol 1996;49:885-9. 66. Stellman JM, Stellman SD. Cancer and the workplace. CA Cancer J Clin 1996;46:70-92. 67. Stellman SD. Proportional mortality ratios among Korean immigrants to New York City, 1986-1990. Yonsei Med J 1996;37:31-7. 68. Muscat JE, Stellman SD, Hoffmann D, Wynder EL. Smoking and pancreatic cancer in men and women. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1997;6:15-9. 69. Muscat JE, Stellman SD, Zhang ZF, Neugut AI, Wynder EL. Cigarette smoking and large cell carcinoma of the lung. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1997;6:477-80. 70. Stellman SD, Muscat JE, Hoffmann D, Wynder EL. Impact of filter cigarette smoking on lung cancer histology. Prev Med 1997;26:451-6. 71. Stellman SD, Muscat JE, Thompson S, Hoffmann D, Wynder EL. Risk of squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the lung in relation to lifetime filter cigarette smoking. Cancer 1997;80:382-8. 72. Stellman SD, Wynder EL, DeRose DJ, Muscat JE. The epidemiology of left-handedness in a hospital population. Ann Epidemiol 1997;7:167-71. 73. Demers PA, Stellman SD, Colin D, Boffetta P. Nonmalignant respiratory disease mortality among woodworkers participating in the American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study-II (CPS-II). Am J Ind Med 1998;34:238-43. 74. Kramarova E, Kogevinas M, Anh CT, Cau HD, Dai LC, Stellman SD, Parkin DM. Exposure to Agent Orange and occurrence of soft-tissue sarcomas or non-Hodgkin lymphomas: an ongoing study in Vietnam. Environ Health Perspect 1998;106 Suppl 2:671-8. 75. Morabia A, Stellman SD, Lumey LH, Wynder EL. Parakeets, canaries, finches, parrots and lung cancer: no association. Br J Cancer 1998;77:501-4. Abstract reprinted in Lung Cancer 1997; 23(3):243. 76. Muscat JE, Stellman SD, Richie JP, Jr., Wynder EL. Lung cancer risk and workplace exposures in black men and women. Environ Res 1998;76:78-84. 77. Stellman SD, Demers PA, Colin D, Boffetta P. Cancer mortality and wood dust exposure among participants in the American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study-II (CPS-II). Am J Ind Med 1998;34:229-37. 78. 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Impact of 9/11-related chronic conditions and PTSD comorbidity on early retirement and job loss among World Trade Center Disaster Rescue and Recovery Workers. Am J Ind Med 2016; 59:731-741. 175. Li J, Brackbill RM, Liao TS, Qiao B, Cone JE, Farfel MR, Hadler JL, Kahn AR, Konty KJ, Stayner LT, Stellman SD. Ten-year cancer incidence in rescue/recovery workers and civilians exposed to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Am J Ind Med 2016; 59:709-721. 176. Gargano LM, Welch AE, Stellman SD. Substance use in adolescents 10 years after the World Trade Center attacks in New York City. J Child Adolesc Subst Abuse 2016;1-9. 177. Gargano LM, Thomas PA, Stellman SD. Asthma control in adolescents 10 to 11 y after exposure to the World Trade Center disaster. Pediatr Res 2017;81(1-1):43-50. 178. Gargano LM, Dechen T, Cone JE, Stellman SD, Brackbill RM. Psychological Distress in Parents and School-Functioning of Adolescents: Results from the World Trade Center Registry. J Urban Health 2017;94(5):597-605. 179. Alper H, Yu S, Stellman SD, Brackbill RM. Injury, intense dust exposure, and chronic disease among survivors of the World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001. Injury Epidemiol 2017;4(1):17. 180. Niehoff NM, Gammon MD, Parada H Jr., Stellman SD, et al. Self-reported residential pesticide use and survival after breast cancer. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2019; 222(8):1077-83. 181. Berger KI, Wohlleber M, Goldring RM, Reibman J, Farfel MR, Friedman SM, Oppenheimer BW, Stellman SD, et al. Respiratory impedance using impulse oscillometry in a healthy urban population. (Submitted).

B. CASE REPORTS – None C. BOOKS 1. Committee on the Evaluation of Cyclamate for Carcinogenicity [Stellman SD, co- author]. Evaluation of Cyclamate for Carcinogenicity. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1985. 2. Stellman JM, Stellman SD. Vietnam Veterans Study Report No. 1. Washington, DC: The American Legion, 1985. 3. Stellman SD. Women and cancer. New York: Haworth Press, 1987. 4. Stellman SD (ed). Excerpts from the New York City Health Code, The New York City Charter, and the New York City Administrative Code Relating to Births, Deaths, Terminations of Pregnancy, Funeral Directors, Cemeteries, and Disposals of Human Remains. New York, NY: New York City Department of Health, 1990. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 21 - 5. Stellman JM, Stellman SD. An appraisal of military records available for research on the health effects of herbicides used during the Vietnam War. Report to the Institute of Medicine. New York, 1993.

D. REVIEWS, CHAPTERS, AND EDITORIALS 1. Stellman SD. Statistical methods. In: Scientists Committee for Occupational Health, ed. Industrial Hazards. Washington, DC: Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers International Union, 1971. 2. Stellman SD. Keeping health records. In: Stellman JM, Daum S, eds. Work is Dangerous to Your Health. New York: Vintage, 1973:345-59. 3. Stellman SD. Occupational hazards of welders. In: Stellman JM, Daum S, eds. Work is Dangerous to Your Health. New York: Vintage, 1973:275-89. 4. Wynder EL, Mushinski MH, Stellman SD. The epidemiology of the less harmful cigarette. In: Third World Conference on Smoking and Health. New York: 1976. pp. 1-13. 5. Stellman SD, Austin HD, Wynder EL. Saccharin Usage and Bladder Cancer. Final Report for Subcontract NCI-SHP-74-106C. New York, NY: American Health Foundation, 1977. 6. Stellman SD. Environmental cancer's impact on New Jersey. In: Coling G, ed. Environmental Cancer: Causes, Victims, Solutions. Washington, DC: Urban Environment Conference, 1978:6-10. 7. Stellman JM, Stellman SD. Women, the work environment, and smoking. In: U. S. Surgeon-General, ed. The Health Consequences of Smoking for Women A Report of the Surgeon General. Rockville, MD: Office on Smoking and Health, USDHHS, 1980. 8. Broyde SB, Hingerty B, Stellman SD. Deformation of DNA by carcinogenic agents. In: Sarma RH, ed. Biomolecular Stereodynamics. Albany, NY: Adenine Press, 1981:455-68. 9. Wynder EL, Stellman SD. Environmental factors in the causation of bladder cancer. In: Connoly J, ed. Carcinoma of the Bladder. New York, NY: Raven Press, 1981:25-36. 10. Stellman SD. Book review: “Advances in Cancer Control Epidemiology and Research,” PF Engstrom, PN Anderson, and EL Mortenson (Eds.). Amer J Indust Res 1985; 8:77-79. 11. Stellman SD. Influence of cigarette yield on risk of coronary heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. IARC Sci Publ 1986:237-49. 12. Stellman SD. Cigarette yield and cancer risk: evidence from case-control and prospective studies. IARC Sci Publ 1986:197-209. 13. Stellman SD. Interactions between smoking and other exposures: occupation and diet. In: Hoffmann D, Harris C, eds. Banbury Report No 23 Mechanisms in Tobacco Carcinogenesis. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1986:377-93. 14. Stellman SD. Sweetener usage in America: a brief history and current usage patterns. In: Williams GM, ed. Sweeteners: Health Effects. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Scientific Publishers, 1988:1-18. 15. Stellman SD, Garfinkel L. Passive smoking and lung cancer: an American Cancer Society study. In: Kasuga H, ed. Indoor Air Quality. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1990. 16. Stellman JM, Stellman SD. Health effects of phenoxy herbicides and Agent Orange. In: Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 22 - Rom WN, ed. Environmental and Occupational Medicine. Boston: Little, Brown, 1992:1041-9. 17. Stellman SD. Book Review: Health Care and Gender by Charlotte F. Muller. Women & Health 1992;18(1):135-136. 18. Stellman SD. Books Briefly Noted: The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs by JW Long. Women & Health 1992;18(4):11. 19. Stellman SD. Books Briefly Noted: The Essential Guide to Vitamins and Minerals by Elizabeth Somer. Women & Health 1992;18(4):112. 20. Stellman SD, Resnicow K. , cancer and social class. IARC Sci Publ 1997:229-50. 21. Stellman JM, Stellman SD. Health effects of phenoxy herbicides and Agent Orange. In: Rom WN, ed. Environmental and Occupational Medicine. Boston: Little, Brown, 1998. 22. Stellman SD. Record-keeping and surveillance. In: Stellman JM, ed. ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1998:32.1-. 23. Stellman SD, Muscat JE. Health problems and disease patterns in teachers. In: Stellman JM, ed. ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1998:94.11-94.12. 24. Stellman SD, Soskolne C. Questionnaires in epidemiological research. In: Stellman JM, ed. ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1998:28.30-28.35. 25. Wegman D, Stellman SD. Occupational hazard surveillance. In: Stellman JM, ed. ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1998:32.8-.9. 26. Stellman SD. Issues of causality in the history of occupational epidemiology. In: Morabia AM, ed. History of Epidemiologic Methods and Concepts. Basel: Birkhauser Verlag, 2005. 27. Stellman JM, Stellman SD. Health effects of Agent Orange, other military herbicides, and dioxin. In: Rom WN, Markowitz SB, eds. Environmental and Occupational Medicine. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007:1181-93. 28. Stellman SD, Guidotti TL. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In: Rom WN, Markowitz SB, eds. Environmental and Occupational Medicine. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007:1240-50. 29. Perlman SE, Friedman S, Galea S, Nair HP, Eros-Sarnyai M, Stellman SD, Hon J, Greene CM: Short-term and medium-term health effects of 9/11. Lancet 2011, 378(9794):925-934. 30. Stellman SD. Ernst L. Wynder, 1922-1999. In Colditz GA, Encyclopedia of Cancer and Society, 2nd Ed. Sage, 2015. 31. Kabat DH, Stellman SD, Stellman JM. Perceived Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Discrimination among Male and Female Vietnam-Era Veterans and PTSD Symptoms Later in Life. In Spiro AR, Settersten RA Jr., and Aldwin CM, Eds. Long-Term Outcomes of Military Service: The Health and Well-Being of Aging Veterans. American Psychological Association, 2017. 32. Stellman JM, Stellman SD. Agent Orange During the Vietnam War: The Lingering Issue of Its Civilian and Military Health Impact. American journal of public health. 2018;108(6):726-8. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 23 - 33. Stellman JM and Stellman SD. Chronic disease risks and service-related post-traumatic stress disorder in military veterans. In Kumar U, Ed. The Routledge International Handbook of Military Psychology and Mental Health. Routledge 2020: 451-464.

D PART 2 – LETTERS AND COMMENTARIES 1. Stellman SD. A spherical chicken [letter]. Science, 1973:1296. 2. Wynder EL, Stellman SD. Saccharin and bladder cancer: a methodological issue [Reply to Irwin Bross]. Science 1980;210:447-8. 3. Stellman SD, Austin H, Wynder EL. Confounded confounding: the authors reply. American journal of epidemiology 1981;113:101-3. 4. Stellman SD, Stellman JM. VA registrants exposed to Agent Orange [letter]. Chemical & Engineering News 1983; 61(49):4-5. 5. Stellman SD. Chairman's Remarks. National Cancer Institute Monograph 67: Selection, Follow-up, and Analysis in Prospective Studies. Washington, DC: USDHHS, 1985:145- 7. 6. Stellman SD. Comment: Graphs in Scientific Publications by W. S. Cleveland. The American Statistician 1985;39:239. 7. Stellman SD. Controversy in tobacco industry [letter]. Chemical & Engineering News 1986;64(2):2-3. 8. Stellman SD. Improve tobacco? [letter]. Chemical & Engineering News 1987;65(11):3+33. 9. Stellman SD. Smoking cessation and mortality [comment]. Contemp Psychol 1987;32:758-9. 10. Stellman SD. Introduction. Women & Health 1987;11:1-5. 11. Stellman SD, Garfinkel L. Patterns of reported age: lack of digit bias (and no holding) [letter]. JAMA 1987;257:2593-4. 12. Stellman SD. The influence of health on smoking habits [comment]. Contemp Psychol 1988;33:836. 13. Wynder EL, Cohen L, Stellman SD. Breast cancer risk from diet, tobacco, and alcohol [letter]. JAMA 1993;269:1791; author reply 2. 14. Davis DL, Stellman SD, Thomas D. Questionnaire for breast cancer epidemiology. Lancet 1994; 344:1217. 15. Harris RE, Namboodiri K, Stellman SD, Wynder EL. Breast cancer and NSAID use: heterogeneity of effect in a case-control study. Prev Med 1995;24:119-20. 16. Stellman SD. Aspirin and cancer: report on an American Health Foundation Workshop. Prev Med 1995;24:101-2. 17. Wynder EL, Stellman SD, Lumey LH, Winters B, Cohen LA. Re: prostate cancer in relation to diet, physical activity, and body size in blacks, whites, and Asians in the United States and Canada. J Natl Cancer Inst 1995;87:1329-31. 18. Stellman JM, Stellman SD, Boffetta P. Authors' Reply: Hawkins re Stellman and Stellman 1996. CA Cancer J Clin 1996;46(4):255-256. 19. Messite J, Stellman SD. [Re: Accuracy of death certificate completion. Correspondence]. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 24 - JAMA 1996;276:279-80. 20. Wynder EL, Stellman SD, Zang EA. High fiber intake. Indicator of a healthy lifestyle. JAMA 1996;275:486-7. 21. Garfinkel L, Stellman SD. Breast cancer and Women & Health. Women Health 1997;26:1-5. 22. Wolff MS, Camann D, Gammon M, Stellman SD. Proposed PCB congener groupings for epidemiological studies. Environ Health Perspect 1997;105:13-4. 23. Stellman SD. Comment: "Are Babies Normal?". The American Statistician 1999;54:156. 24. Stellman SD, Djordjevic MV, Gong L, Muscat JE. Correspondence re: S. D. Stellman et al., Relative Abundance of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Adipose Tissue and Serum of Women in Long Island, New York. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomark. Prev., 7: 489–496, 1998. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1999;8:113-4. 25. Stellman SD. Remembering Ernst Wynder. American Journal of Public Health 2000;90:811-2. 26. Austin JH, Stellman SD, Pearson GD. Screening for lung cancer. N Engl J Med 2001;344:935; author reply 936. 27. Stellman SD. Book Review: “Epidemiology, 4th Ed.” by Leon Gordis. Prev Med 2010; 50: 310-311. 28. Stellman JM, Stellman SD 2010. Book Review: The History, Use, Disposition and Environmental Fate of Agent Orange. Environ Health Perspect 118:a266. 29. Stellman SD. Dietrich Hoffman, 1924-2011 (Obituary). Prev Med 2011; 52: 486. 30. Stellman SD. Book Review: “Concepts of Epidemiology: Integrating the Ideas, Theories, Principles, and Methods of Epidemiology, 2nd Ed.,” by Raj Bhopal. Prev Med 2011; 53:95; Reply to Dr. Bhopal regarding my Book review of Concepts of Epidemiology. Prev Med 2011; 53:95. 31. Jordan HT, Osahan SS, Cone JE, Stellman SD, Prezant D. Authors' response. J Occup Environ Med 2012;54(1):2-3. 32. Jordan HT, Miller-Archie SA, Cone JE, Morabia A, Stellman SD. Invited reply to "PTSD is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease". Prev Med 2012;54(5):365. 33. Stellman SD. On being first in epidemiology. Prev Med 2012;55(3):181-2. 34. Stellman SD and Li J (2013). "Exposure on September 11, 2001, and cancer risk. [Letter]" JAMA 309(13): 1344-1345. 35. Stellman SD, Stellman JM. Agent Orange exposure modeling: fallacies and errors. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2014; 24(4):444-445. 36. Stellman SD, Stellman JM. Response to: Exposure estimates in epidemiological studies of Korean veterans of the Vietnam War. Int J Epidemiol 2015;44(1):357-9. 37. Stellman SD. Commentary on Liu et al, 'Prevalence and patterns of tobacco smoking among Chinese adult men and women: findings of 2010 national smoking survey'. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2017;71(2):107-8. 38. Boffetta P, Zeig-Owens R, Wallenstein S, Li J, Brackbill RM, Cone J, Farfel M, Holden W, Lucchini R, Webber MP, Prezant D, Stellman SD, Hall CB. Response to Soskolne [2017]. Am J Ind Med 2017;60(5):512. 39. Stellman SD, Stellman JM. Pyrethroid Insecticides-Time for a Closer Look. [Invited commentary]. JAMA Intern Med 2020;180(3):374-5.

Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 25 - D. PART 3 – CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY 1. Testimony before OSHA Subcommittee on Coke Oven Workers, Washington, DC, June 6, 1974. 2. Invited statement on health effects on Vietnam veterans of Agent Orange and other herbicides before the Subcommittee on Medical Facilities and Benefits, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, Ray Roberts (D-TX) Chairman. July 22, 1980. 3. Statement regarding H.R. 4543 (A bill to amend the Federal Trade Commission Act to authorize a continuing study of tobacco smoke, and for other purposes) before the Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Hazardous Materials of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, John D. Dingell (D-MI), Chairman. June 8, 1988. 4. Statement regarding ongoing Agent Orange research before the Subcommittee on Hospitals and Health Care, Committee On Veterans' Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, Sonny Montgomery (D-MS), Chairman. July 11, 1989. 5. Statement regarding ongoing Agent Orange research before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations, Committee on Government Operations, Ted Weiss (D-NY), Chairman, July 12, 1989. 6. Statement before the OTC Plaque Products Subcommittee Dental Products Panel, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD, June 1, 1991. 7. Statement on ongoing Agent Orange research before the Committee on Veterans Affairs, U.S. Senate, Jay Rockefeller IV (R-WV), Chairman. November 2, 1993.

D. PART 4 – FILMS 1. Langridge R, Lesk AM, Bond PJ, Stellman, SD. Film: Computer Graphics in Molecular Biology. Princeton: Computer Graphics Laboratory, Princeton University, 1972. (16mm) 2. Stellman SD. Film: Monte Carlo Generation of Self-Avoiding Random Walks. USA: Computer Graphics Laboratory, Princeton University, 1973. (16mm) 3. Stellman SD. Film: Computer Graphics in Molecular Biology. USA: Computer Graphics Laboratory, Princeton University, 1973. (16 mm)


1. Efficient computer simulation of polymer conformation. SD Stellman and PJ Gans. American Physical Society annual meeting, Atlantic City, NJ, March 28, 1972. 2. Stellman SD, Lesk AM, Bond PJ, Harbison S, Langridge R. Interactive three- dimensional computer graphics in molecular biology. In: First Computer Science Conference. Columbus, OH, 1973. 3. Stellman SD. End-to-end distribution function for polymers with excluded volume. Paper presented at IUPAC International Conference on Macromolecules, Helsinki, June, 1973. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 26 - 4. Monte Carlo studies of polyethylene with explicit temperature dependence. SD Stellman and PJ Gans. American Physical Society annual meeting, Philadelphia, March 26, 1974. 5. Crystal structure of guanosine-3´,5´-cytidine monophosphate (GpC) from semi-empirical potential energy calculations and interactive computer graphics. SD Stellman, B Hingerty, S Broyde, E Subramanian, T Sato, and R Langridge. American Physical Society annual meeting, Philadelphia, March 26, 1974. 6. Application of three-dimensional interactive graphics in x-ray crystallographic analysis. SD Stellman. Contributed paper, Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, University of Colorado, Boulder, July 16, 1974. 7. SD Stellman, Spirographic study of prevalence of pulmonary dysfunction among Appalachian coal by-product workers. [Co-authors: JM Stellman, JL Weeks, Oil, Chemical & Atomic Workers International Union.] Annual meeting, American Industrial Hygiene Association, Minneapolis, February 2, 1975. 8. SD Stellman. The influence of base sequence on the conformations of RNA subunits: potential energy calculations for ApA, CpC, GpG, and UpU. [Co-authors: SB Broyde, RM Wartell, (Georgia Institute of Technology), B Hingerty (Princeton University).] Annual meeting, Biophysical Society, Philadelphia, February 19, 1975. 9. SD Stellman Conformations of dideoxyribonucleoside phosphates by classical potential energy calculations. [Co-authors: SB Broyde, RM Wartell (Georgia Institute of Technology)]. Annual meeting, Biophysical Society, February 25, 1976. 10. SD Stellman The influence of ribose 2'-O-methylation on dinucleoside phosphate conformation by classical potential energy calculations. [Co-authors: SB Broyde, RM Wartell, Georgia Institute of Technology.] Annual meeting, American Physical Society, Atlanta, March 29, 1976. 11. SD Stellman Helical parameters of the DNA A and B forms calculated for deoxydinucleoside phosphates. [Co-authors: SB Broyde, RM Wartell (Georgia Institute of Technology), B Hingerty (Oak Ridge National Laboratory).] Annual meeting, Biophysical Society, New Orleans, February 15, 1977. Published in Biophysical J 17 (2): A113. 12. Likelihood of observing a true increase in occupational cancer with a cohort study. JM Stellman, SD Stellman. Annual meeting, American Industrial Hygiene Association. New Orleans, May 22, 1977. 13. Minimum energy conformations of DNA dimeric subunits: computation of the helical parameters of the A, B, and coil forms. BE Hingerty [presenter], S Broyde, SD Stellman. Presented at the International Symposium on Biomolecular Structure, Conformation, Function, and Evolution, Madras, India, January 4-7, 1978. 14. Preventive potential of low-tar cigarettes. SD Stellman (presenter), HD Austin, EL Wynder. Paper presented at SER annual meeting, Iowa City, IA. 15. SD Stellman. DNA backbone conformation in cis-syn pyrimidine-pyrimidine cyclobutane dimers. [Co-authors SB Broyde (New York University), B Hingerty (Oak Ridge National Laboratories).] Annual meeting, Biophysical Society, New Orleans, February 15, 1980. [Abstract printed in Fed. Proc. 1980; 39: 1879.] 16. Health Problems Among 535 Vietnam Veterans Potentially Exposed to Toxic Herbicides. SD Stellman (presenter), JM Stellman. Paper presented at Society for Epidemiologic Research, Minneapolis, June 15, 1980. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 27 - 17. Methodology for estimating exposure of Vietnam veterans to Agent Orange. Stellman SD (presenter), Stellman JM. Paper presented at American Public Health Association, Montreal, November 16, 1982. 18. Stellman SD (presenter). Individual Risk Assessment: The American Cancer Society Study. Invited talk, Texas Dept. of Health and UT School of Public Health Seminar on Cancer Prevention and Control, San Antonio, Texas, January 27, 1984. 19. Boffetta P, Stellman SD. Association between diesel exhaust exposure and multiple myeloma: an example of confounding. Paper presented at American Society of Preventive Oncology, Bethesda, MD, March 14, 1988. Abstract reprinted as Prev. Med. 1988; 17: 236-237. 20. Hwa C, Blum S, Stellman SD, Lee J. Mortality experience within Asian communities in New York City, 1983-88. Poster presented at American Public Health Association, New York City, November, 1990. 21. Habel L, Stellman SD, Tytun A, Blum S, Singh T, Gibbons J. Maternal drug usage and other risk-factors for sudden-infant-death-syndrome (SIDS) in New York City, 1979- 1989. Paper presented at American Public Health Association, New York City, November, 1990. [Abstract published as Amer J Epidemiol 134: (7) 777, 1991 22. Relative benefits and resource demands of complementary HIV/AIDS surveillance strategies in a metropolitan area. P. Thomas, I. Weisfuse, A. Greenberg, L. Lyon, S. Stellman (New York City Dept. of Health). International AIDS Conference, Florence, Italy, June 10, 1991. 23. Cancer mortality in New York City Asians. Stellman SD. Presentation before the President’s Cancer Panel, Ford Foundation, June 8, 1992. 24. Social participation, marital status, caregiving, and occupation as predictors of mortality in two-thirds of a million women. JM Stellman [presenter], SD Stellman, L Garfinkel. APA/NIOSH Stress Conference, Washington, DC, November 20, 1992. 25. Case-control studies on soft-tissue sarcoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma in Vietnam. MA Kogevinas, DMA Parkin, SB Cordier, TAC Cung, LC Hung, LD Cao Dai, EE Rivera- Pomar, MF Raphael, SD Stellman. Presented at Dioxin 1993, Vienna, September, 1993. Presented by Manolis Kogevinas. 26. SD Stellman. Agent Orange: The light at the end of the tunnel. American Health Foundation WISP seminar. Valhalla, NY, October 13, 1993. 27. SD Stellman. The political consequences for scientists studying Agent Orange: A case study. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, April 19, 1995. 28. SD Stellman. Tobacco and lung cancer. Paper presented at 33rd annual meeting of the Japan Society of Cancer Therapy, Sapporo, Japan, September 20, 1995. 29. Mortality and wood-dust exposure among CPS-II participants. PA Demers [presenter] and SD Stellman. American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA, October 28, 1995. 30. SD Stellman. Epidemiology of breast cancer on Long Island. American Health Foundation WISP seminar. Valhalla, NY, January 24, 1996. 31. Non-malignant respiratory disease mortality among wood workers participating in the American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study-II. P Demers [presenter], SD Stellman, D Colin, P Boffetta. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of International Conference on Occupational Health, Stockholm, July 15, 1996. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 28 - 32. Partition of organochlorinated pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls between adipose tissue and serum in a case-control study of breast cancer. MV Djordjevic [presenter], SD Stellman, JE Muscat, ML Citron, A White, M Kemeny, E Busch. Paper presented at AACR/IARC Joint conference on carcinogenesis from environmental pollution: assessment of human risk and strategies for prevention, Budapest, October 7, 1996. 33. Distribution of smoking parameters and self-administered doses of select smoke components among different population groups. MV Djordjevic, D Hoffmann, S Thompson, SD Stellman. Joint Meeting of CORESTA Smoke and Technology Groups, Hamburg, Sept. 10, 1997, pp. 44-61. 34. Development of an Environmental Core Questionnaire. SD Stellman, J Britton. Poster session. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Indianapolis. November 12, 1997. 35. Adipose and serum levels of organochlorinated pesticide and PCB residues in Long Island women: Association with age and body mass. SD Stellman, M Djordjevic , J Muscat , M Citron, A White, M Kemeny, and E Busch. Paper presented at annual meeting of Society for Epidemiologic Research. Also published as Amer. J. Epidemiol. 1997; 145(11): S21. 36. Distributions of pesticides, PAH, and PCB congeners in Long Island Carpet Dust. DE Camann [presenter], AY Yau, SD Stellman, MD Gammon, SL Teitelbaum, B Levin, AI Neugut, and MS Wolff. ISEE/ISEA Conference, Boston, August 18, 1998. 37. Tobacco and mainstream smoke chemistry of the leading U.S. and Japanese cigarettes. MV Djordjevic [presenter], D Hoffmann, S Thompson, and SD Stellman. Contributed paper, 52nd Tobacco Science Research Conference, Atlanta, September 15, 1998. 38. Smoking behavior and exposure to select toxic agents among smokers of low- and medium-yield cigarettes. MV Djordjevic [presenter], D Hoffmann, S Thompson, and SD Stellman. CORESTA Congress, Brighton, England, October 12, 1998. 39. Role of the O6-alkylguanine DNA alkyltransferase codon 160 polymorphism in lung cancer risk. T Kaur [presenter], SD Stellman, J Travaline, T Albino, JP Richie, Jr., Q Ren, and P Lazarus. Contributed paper, AACR, April 10, 1999. 40. Breast cancer risk among women in Long Island, New York, in relation to adipose levels of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls. Stellman SD, Djordjevic, M. V., Britton, J.A., Thompson, S., Gong, L., Muscat, J.E., Citron, M.L., Kemeny, M., and Busch, E. Contributed paper, AACR, April 10, 1999. 41. Actual dosages of NNK and B(a)P delivered to smokers of low- and medium-nicotine cigarettes. MV Djordjevic and SD Stellman. Contributed paper, 53rd Tobacco Science Research Conference, Montreal, September 12, 1999. 42. Dosages of nicotine, CO, "tar", and lung carcinogens in mainstream smoke of low- and medium-yield cigarettes delivered to human smokers in relation to yields delivered under FTC prescribed protocols. SD Stellman, MV Djordjevic. Contributed poster, American College of Epidemiology, Bethesda, MD, October, 4, 1999. 43. Cigarette composition as a possible explanation of US-Japan differences in lung cancer rates. MV Djordjevic [presenter], SD Stellman, T Takezaki, K Tajima. Contributed paper/minisymposium, AACR, San Francisco, April 5, 2000. 44. Gender differences in levels of urinary biomarkers of exposure to nicotine and carcinogens in cigarette smoke. MJ Djordjevic [presenter], SD Stellman, H Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 29 - Anagnostopoulos, JP Richie, Jr. Contributed paper, 54th Tobacco Science Research Conference, Nashville, August, 2000. 45. Enduring social and behavioral effects of exposure to military combat in Vietnam. SD Stellman [presenter], K Koenen, JM Stellman. Poster presentation, American College of Epidemiology. Atlanta, GA. Sept. 20, 2000. 46. Modeling Veterans’ Exposure Opportunity for Herbicides in Vietnam using Expanded and Cleaned HERBS Data Files. Presentation in Symposium on Assessing Military Exposures: Methods And Lessons Learned From the Vietnam and Gulf Wars. SD Stellman, JM Stellman, R Christian. International Society for Exposure Assessment, Monterey, CA. October 20, 2000. 47. Social Stress Factors: Essential Components of Military Environmental Modeling. Presentation in Symposium on Assessing Military Exposures: Methods And Lessons Learned From the Vietnam and Gulf Wars. K Koenen, JM Stellman, SD Stellman, JF Sommer, Jr. International Society for Exposure Assessment, Monterey, CA. October 20, 2000. 48. Smoking behavior affects delivered doses of nicotine and carcinogens. MV Djordjevic, S Thompson, JP Richie, Jr., and SD Stellman. Presented at Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Arlington, VA, February, 2000. 49. Long-term smoking patterns in relation to military combat in a cohort of Vietnam veterans. SD Stellman, J.M. Stellman, K.C. Koenen, and J.F. Sommer, Jr. Presented at American Society of Preventive Oncology, New York, March 12, 2001. 50. Gender differences in levels of urinary biomarkers of exposure to nicotine and carcinogens in cigarette smoke. SD Stellman, M.V. Djordjevic, J.E. Muscat, and John P. Richie, Jr. Presented at American Society of Preventive Oncology, New York, March 12, 2001. 51. Differences in exposure to tobacco smoke constituents in healthy black and white smokers. JE Muscat, MV Djordjevic, G Day-Stephenson, J Cox, SD Stellman, JP Richie, Jr. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res. 2001; 42: 889. 52. SD Stellman Occupational cancer: history and early methods. Cancer Training Program Seminar, Columbia University School of Public Health. April 20, 2001. 53. A Comprehensive View of Herbicide Spray Projects in the Vietnam War. JM Stellman, SD Stellman, R Christian, T Weber. Presented at International Society of Exposure Analysis, Charleston, SC, November 5, 2001. 54. Disparities in male lung cancer rates in Japanese and U.S. Whites and blacks: role of smoking habits and cigarette composition. SD Stellman, J Muscat, MV Djordjevic, JP Richie, K Tajima and T Takezaki. Paper presented at Society for Epidemiologic Research, Toronto, June, 2001. 55. Influence of soil-specific dioxin decay rates on estimates of exposure to residual phenoxy herbicides in Vietnam. J.M. Stellman, SD Stellman (presenter), R. Christian, T. Weber. Presented at International Society of Exposure Analysis, Charleston, SC, November 5, 2001. 56. Spatial distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in 500 residential soil samples collected on Long Island, NY in relation to traffic patterns. J. Beyea, SD Stellman, M. Hatch, B. Prokopczyk, S.L. Teitelbaum, M.D. Gammon. Poster presented at SETAC, November 21, 2001. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 30 - 58. PAH exposure estimation for a large-scale epidemiologic study of breast cancer using soil samples collected at subjects' homes. SD Stellman, J Beyea, M Hatch, SL Teitelbaum, B Prokopczyk, MD Gammon. Poster presented at International Society of Exposure Analysis, Charleston, SC, November 5, 2001. 59. True 4-aminobiphenyl dosages delivered to cigarette smokers. MV Djordjevic, J Szeliga, A Melikian, ME Muscat, JP Richie Jr., SD Stellman. Paper presented at Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. Savannah, GA, February 23, 2002. [Abstract appears in Nicot. Tob. Res. 2002; 4:379-380.] 60. Influence of soil-specific dioxin decay rates on estimates of exposure to residual phenoxy herbicides in Vietnam. Stellman SD, Stellman JM, Christian R, Weber T. Paper presented at International meeting on Agent Orange/Dioxin, Hanoi, February, 2002. 61. Urinary 1-hydroxypyrene as a biomarker of PAH intake among smokers of cigarettes with and without blocked filter vents. Melikian AA, Djordjevic MV, Szeliga J, Chen K- M, Hosey J, Chen S, Muscat JE, Richie JP Jr., Stellman SD. Paper presented at 8th Annual Meeting of Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. Savannah, GA, February 23, 2002. 62. Comparison of the levels of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene in smokers of mentholated and non-mentholated cigarettes. AA Melikian, MV Djordjevic, S Chen, JE Muscat, JP Richie, SD Stellman. Poster presented at First Conference on Menthol Cigarettes, Atlanta, March 26, 2002. 63. Puffing characteristics and dosages of mainstream smoke components among black and white smokers of regular and mentholated cigarettes. MV Djordjevic, R Moser, AA Melikian, J Szeliga, SD Stellman, S Chen, JE Muscat, JP Richie, Jr. Poster presented at First Conference on Menthol Cigarettes, At, March 26, 2002. 64. Mentholated cigarettes and smoking patterns in whites and blacks. JE Muscat, JP Richie, SD Stellman, MV Djordjevic, and R Royak-Schaler. Poster presented at First Conference on Menthol Cigarettes, Atlanta, March 26, 2002. 65. The relationship between smoking topography and carcinogen yields of cigarettes among male and female smokers. AA Melikian, MV Djordjevic, S Chen, J Szeliga, J Hosey, J Zhang, JE Muscat, M Tika, and SD Stellman. Poster presented at American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, April, 2002. 66. Differences in blood glutathione (GSH) levels in black and white smokers. JE Muscat, W Kleinman, S Colosimo, A Czander, SD Stellman, JP Richie, Jr. Poster presented at American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, April, 2002. 67. Effect of dietary intake of cruciferous vegetable metabolism in smokers. Day-Stephenson G, Chen S, Djordjevic MV, Muscat JE, Stellman SD, Richie JP Jr. Poster presented at American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, April, 2002. 68. Visualization of US Army military unit locations in relation to herbicide spraying during the Vietnam War. JM Stellman, SD Stellman, R Christian, C Tomasallo, T Weber. Poster presented at International Society of Exposure Analysis, Vancouver, BC, August, 2002. 69. Adipose organochlorine compounds (OCC) and breast cancer recurrence. JE Muscat, MV Djordjevic, K Overlock, ML Citron, M Kemeny, and SD Stellman. Poster presented at 16th World Congress of Epidemiology / International Epidemiology Association, Montreal, August, 2002. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 31 - 70. The relationships of smoking behavior and mainstream cigarette smoke yields of toxic chemicals: comparison between men and women. AA Melikian, MV Djordjevic, S Chen, J Hosey, J Zhang, JE Muscat, D Hoffmann, SD Stellman. Paper presented at 56th Tobacco Science Research Conference, Lexington, KY, October 2, 2002. 71. Lung cancer risk in White and Black Americans. SD Stellman. WISP seminar, American Health Foundation, Valhalla, NY November 20, 2002. 72. Alcohol and smoking effects on blood levels of glutathione (GSH) and protein- glutathiolation. JE Muscat, WA Kleinman, A Muir, SD Stellman, JP Richie Jr. AACR, April 8, 2003, Toronto. 73. Higher uptake and/or metabolic activation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from mainstream smoke in menthol vs. non-menthol cigarette smokers. J Zhang, JP Richie Jr., J Hosey, S Chen, E Zang, JE Muscat, A Czander, M Tika, MV Djordjevic, SD Stellman, JP Richie, Jr., A Melikian. AACR, April 9, 2003, Toronto. 74. Influence of gender on delivered toxins from cigarette smoke and metabolism. AA Melikian, MV Djordjevic, J Hosey, J Zhang, S Chen, JE Muscat, E Zang, SD Stellman and JP Richie, Jr. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. Scottsdale, AZ, February 19, 2004. 75. Cigarette smoking topography, delivered doses of smoke toxins, and excreted metabolites of smoke constituents: A comparison of African-American and White American smokers. SI Chang, MV Djordjevic, J Zhang, J Hosey, S Chen, M Tika, JP Richie Jr., SD Stellman, JE Muscat, R Sinha, K El-Bayoumy, and AA Melikian. AACR, Orlando, FL, March 27, 2004. 76. Environmental exposures and other characteristics associated with detectable PAH-DNA adducts among a population-based sample of healthy women. S Shantakumar [presenter], MD Gammon, SM Eng, SK Sagiv, MM Gaudet, SL Teitelbaum, JA Britton, LW Wang, Q Wang, SD Stellman, J Beyea, M Hatch, D Camann, AI Neugut, RM Santella. ISEE, New York, August 2, 2004. 77. Characteristics and patterns of residential pesticide use on Long Island, NY. S Teitelbaum, M Gammon, J Britton, A Neugut, SD Stellman, M Wolff. ISEE, New York, August 2, 2004. 78. SD Stellman. Cancer Mortality In A Cohort Of 100,000 Applicants To The Agent Orange Vietnam Veteran Payment Program. Cancer Training Program Seminar, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, February 4, 2005. 79. SD Stellman Columbia University – Long Island University partnership for training minority scientists. Presented at 14th Annual National Conference of the Quality Education for Minorities (QEM), Science, and Engineering (MSE) Network, Washington, DC, February 25, 2005. [Co-presenter: Anthony DePass.] 80. SD Stellman.Transdisciplinary science: lessons learned from tobacco research and policy. Panelist, NYC Urban Health Initiative Faculty Development Seminar, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY, April 12, 2005. 81. Heart Disease in Vietnam-Era Veterans: A 14-Year Follow-up of American Legionnaires. Tomasallo CD, Stellman SD, Sommer JF Jr., Stellman JM. Presented at Society for Epidemiological Research, Boston, June, 2007. 82. Ransom P, Stellman SD, Wei Y. Spatial Analysis of Cancer Prevention Resources in Brooklyn, NY. A Pilot Study of Racial/ethnic Disparities. Presented at Society for Epidemiological Research, Boston, June, 2007. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 32 - 83. Incremental Lifetime Lung Cancer Risks Computed for Benzo[a]pyrene and Two Tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke Compared With Risks Derived from Epidemiologic Data. K Watanabe, P Toccalino, D Austin, MV Djordjevic, J Pankow, SD Stellman. Presented at Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 2007. Also presented at Workshop on Advanced Cancer Risk Assessment, NATO Science for Peace and Security Conference, Nov. 8, 2008. 84. Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome (RADS) among Rescue and Recovery Workers in The World Trade Center Health Registry. C Ekenga, SD Stellman, L Fung, S Friedman, C Maslow, J Cone. Paper presented at American Thoracic Society, May 20, 2009, San Diego, CA. Abstract: Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009; 179:A5853. 85. From Research To Action: Active Referral In The World Trade Center Health Registry. Welch A, Stellman SD, Thorpe LT, Cone J. Poster presented at American College of Epidemiology, Silver Spring, MD, September, 2009. 86. Diagnosed Asthma among Persons Five to Six Years after Being Exposed to the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks. RM Brackbill, JL Hadler, CC Ekenga, MR Farfel, S Friedman, SD Stellman, LE Thorpe. Presented at the 2009 National Environmental Public Health Conference, October 26, 2009. 87. Social support and mental health outcomes 5-6 years following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. Waechter H, Huynh M, McVeigh T, Stellman SD. Poster presented at master’s students poster day, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, October, 2009. 88. Current Health Status of Persons Injured in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks. RM Brackbill, Y Shim, S Osahan, SD Stellman, L DiGrande. Presented at the 2009 National Environmental Public Health Conference, October 26, 2009. 89. Nasopharyngeal Cancer Mortality in a Cohort of Vietnam Veterans. C. Salazar, D. Morse, JM Stellman, SD Stellman. Poster presented at International Association for Dental Research, July 14-17, 2010, Barcelona, Spain. 90. Persistent physical and mental health effects in World Trade Center Survivors. SD Stellman. Invited presentation, Clinical Seminar Series, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, April 30, 2010. 91. SD Stellman. Psychological outcomes in World Trade Center Health Registry studies. Invited presentation, Clinical Seminar Series, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, May 21, 2010. 92. A Qualitative Analysis of the 9/11-related Experiences of World Trade Center Recovery and Cleanup Workers. C Ekenga, K Scheu, J Cone, SD Stellman, M Farfel. Poster presented at Ninth International Conference on Urban Health, NY Academy of Medicine, New York, NY, October 29, 2010. 93. Acute and chronic exposures to the events of 9/11 and lower respiratory symptoms: WTC-area residents and area workers. CB Maslow (presenter), S Friedman, PS Pillai, SD Stellman, M Farfel. Paper presented at Ninth International Conference on Urban Health, NY Academy of Medicine, New York, NY, October 29, 2010. 94. Gastroesophageal reflux symptoms among WTC Health Registry enrollees exposed to the 9/11 disaster. J Li, RM Brackbill, SD Stellman, MR Farfel, S Miller, S Friedman, DJ Walker, LE Thorpe, J Cone. Paper presented at Ninth International Conference on Urban Health, NY Academy of Medicine, New York, NY, October 29, 2010. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 33 - 95. Sarcoidosis diagnosed after September 11, 2001, among persons exposed to the World Trade Center Disaster. HT Jordan, SD Stellman, DJ Prezant, J Cone. Paper presented at Ninth International Conference on Urban Health, NY Academy of Medicine, New York, NY, October 29, 2010. 96. Risk factors and quality of life associated with persistent respiratory and comorbid posttraumatic stress symptoms 5-6 years after the World Trade Center terrorist attack. HP Nair, C Ekenga, C Maslow, R Brackbill, L DiGrande, J Cone, M Farfel, SD Stellman. Paper presented at Ninth International Conference on Urban Health, NY Academy of Medicine, New York, NY, October 29, 2010. 97. Mental health outcomes among rescue/recovery volunteers in the World Trade Center Health Registry. I Debchoudhury, A Welch, M Fairclough, JE Cone, RM Brackbill, SD Stellman, MR Farfel. Paper presented at Ninth International Conference on Urban Health, NY Academy of Medicine, New York, NY, October 29, 2010. 98. Comparison of serum cotinine concentration within and across smokers of menthol and nonmenthol cigarette brands among non-Hispanic black and non-Hispanic white US adult smokers, 2001-2006. RS Caraballo, DB Holiday, SD Stellman, PD Mowery, GA Giovino, JE Muscat, MP Eriksen, JT Bernert, PA Richter, LT Kozlowski. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Toronto, February, 2011. 99. SD Stellman. PTSD among enrollees of the World Trade Center Health Registry. Invited presentation, Anxiety Disorder Association of America, New Orleans, March 26, 2011. 100. Tobacco-related cancer risks and menthol cigarettes: A case-control study. SD Stellman. Paper presented at Society for Epidemiologic Research, Montreal, June 22, 2011. 101. Tobacco-related cancer risks and menthol cigarettes: A case-control study. SD Stellman. Presented at Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, Sept. 19, 2011. 102. Respiratory outcomes in children exposed to the WTC disaster. SD Stellman, P. Thomas, S. Osahan, R. Brackbill, M. Farfel. New York City Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene Epidemiology Grand Rounds, Sept. 26, 2011. 103. Survey mode preference among enrollees in the World Trade Center Health Registry. S Yu, R Brackbill, D Walker, L Turner, J Li, M Farfel, SD Stellman. Survey Mode American Association for Public Opinion Research, Orlando, May 18, 2012. 104. Examining the longitudinal course of emotional and behavioral difficulties among the World Trade Center Health Registry pediatric population exposed trauma associated with 9/11. A Moy, D Walker, SD Stellman. Poster presented at Mailman School of Public Health Poster Day for MPH students, October 12, 2012. 105. SD Stellman. Persistent physical and mental health effects in World Trade Center survivors. Invited talk: Medicine Grand Rounds, Beth Israel Hospital Center, New York, NY. 106. Ernst Wynder: Cancer Prevention Pioneer. Stellman SD. Invited talk, New York City Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene. November 8, 2012. 107. Exposure to fogger trucks and breast cancer incidence in the Long Island Breast Cancer Study Project. White AJ, Teitelbaum SL, Wolff MS, Stellman SD, Neugut AI, Gammon MD. Annual Meeting on Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program, Extended Environmental Exposures, Windows of Susceptibility (NCI, NIEHS, Avon). San Francisco, November 13-16, 2012. 108. Vehicular traffic exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and breast cancer risk. Mordukhovich I, Beyea J, Herring A, Stellman SD, Teitelbaum SL, Richardson D, Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 34 - Millikan RC, Neugut AI, Santella RM, Gammon MD. Environmental Health (Elsevier) Conference, Boston, March 3-6, 2013. 109. Tobacco and Health: New questions for an old nemesis. Stellman SD. Invited lecture, Substance Abuse Faculty Fellows Seminar, New York State Psychiatric Institute, April 9, 2013. 110. Menthol cigarette smoking and lung cancer risk. Sanchez S, Stellman SD. Paper presented at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine graduate seminar. May 28, 2013. 111. Association between World Trade Center Exposure and Excess Cancer Risk. Li J, Cone JE, Kahn AR, Brackbill RM, Farfel MR, Greene CM, Hadler JL, Stayner LT, Stellman SD. Paper presented at Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, Pasadena, CA June 6, 2013. 112. Moderate and problem drinking among Enrollees in the World Trade Center Health Registry. Welch AE, Cone JE, Stellman SD, Caramanica K, Farfel MR. Paper presented at Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, Pasadena, CA June 6, 2013. 113. Association between World Trade Center Exposure and Excess Cancer Risk. Li J, Stellman SD, Cone J. Invited webinar, International Society for Disease Surveillance, Sept. 10, 2013. 114. Early results from a Hurricane Sandy survey. Brackbill RM, Stellman SD, Farfel MR. Paper presented at American College of Epidemiology, Louisville, KY, Sept. 23, 2013. 115. SD Stellman. Research highlights from the World Trade Center Health Registry. Invited seminar, NYC Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene Data Task Force, October 16, 2013. 116. PTSD after Hurricane Sandy among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees. Brackbill RM, Caramanica K, Maliniak ML, Fairclough MA, Farfel MR, Maslow CB, Stellman SD, Walker, DJ, Turner LB. Poster presented at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, November, 2013. 117. Comparative impact of 9/11 on older residents and workers in the World Trade Center Health Registry. SD Stellman, JM Stellman. Paper presented at Gerontological Society of American, New Orleans, November 25, 2013. Abstract published in Gerontologist 2013; 53Suppl1: 602. 118. Frequent binge drinking among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees. Welch AE, Caramanica K, Maslow CB, Cone JE, Farfel MR, Keyes KM, Stellman SD, Hasin DS. Paper presented at NYC Epidemiology Forum, February, 2014. 119. Tobacco use and mental health among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees, 2003-2012. Welch AE [presenter], Johns M, Caramanica K, Chiles M, Jasek J, Cone JE, Stellman SD. Paper presented at NYC Epidemiology Forum, February, 2014. 120. The World Trade Center Health Registry: A resource for surveillance, research and treatment referral in response to the 9/11/2011 disaster in New York City. Farfel MR, Brackbill RM, Cone J, Stellman SD, Walker D. Paper presented at Third International Conference on Healthcare System Preparedness and Response to Emergencies and Disasters. January 12-15, Tel Aviv. 121. PTSD after Hurricane Sandy among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees. Brackbill RM, Caramanica K, Maliniak ML, Fairclough MA, Farfel MR, Maslow CB, Stellman SD, Walker, DJ, Turner LB. Poster presented at NYC Epidemiology Forum, February, 2014. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 35 - 122. Posttraumatic stress disorder and new-onset diabetes among adult survivors of the World Trade Center disaster. Miller-Archie S, Jordan HT, Ruff RR, Ortega FM, Kong J, Stellman SD. Poster presented at NYC Epidemiology Forum, February, 2014. 123. Frequent binge drinking after exposure to 9/11: Findings from the World Trade Center Health Registry. Welch AE, Caramanica K, Maslow CB, Cone JE, Farfel MR, Keyes KM, Stellman SD, Hasin DS. Poster presented at NYC Epidemiology Forum, February, 2014. 124. Evaluation of Non-response Bias in a Cohort Study of World Trade Center Terrorist Attack Survivors. Yu S, Brackbill RM, Stellman SD, Ghuman S. Poster presented at NYC Epidemiology Forum, February, 2014. 125. Mentholated cigarettes and risk of lung cancer. SH Sanchez and SD Stellman. Paper presented at American College of Preventive Medicine. New Orleans, February 19, 2014. 126. Cognitive Impairment Among Persons Exposed to the WTC 9/11 Disaster. Sanchez S, Brackbill RM, Cone JE, Stellman SD. Paper presented at American Occupational Health Conference, San Antonio, TX, May 3-6, 2014. 127. Evaluation of Non-response Bias in a Cohort Study of World Trade Center Terrorist Attack Survivors, Yu S, Brackbill RM, Stellman SD, Ghuman S, Farfel MR. Paper presented at American Association of Opinion Research, Anaheim, CA, May 15-18, 2014. 128. PTSD and cognitive impairment among rescue and recovery workers exposed to the 9/11 World Trade Center disaster. Sanchez S, Barnhart S, Stellman SD, Cone J, Brackbill R. Poster presented at 24th Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH), Chicago, June 24, 2014. Occup Environ Med 2014;71 Suppl 1:A68-9. 129. SD Stellman. Comorbidity of 9/-11 related post-traumatic stress disorder and depression in the World Trade Center Health Registry 10 to 11 years post-disaster. Poster presented at International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Miami, November 6, 2014. 130. Mentholated cigarettes and risk of lung cancer. SH Sanchez and SD Stellman. Paper presented at American Public Health Association. New Orleans, November 16, 2014. 131. Parental PTSD and adolescent-reported behavior and PTSD after the World Trade Center attacks in New York City. Mann M, Li J, Gargano L, Farfel MR, Maslow CB, Osahan S, Stellman SD. Invited paper, Epidemiology Grand Rounds, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, October 1, 2014. 132. Comorbidity of 9/11-related PTSD and depression in the World Trade Center Health Registry 10-11 years post-disaster. Caramanica K, Brackbill RM, Liao T, Stellman SD. Poster presented at 30th annual meeting, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Miami, November 6, 2014. 133. Parental PTSD and adolescent-reported behavior and PTSD after the World Trade Center attacks in New York City. Mann M, Li J, Gargano L, Farfel MR, Maslow CB, Osahan S, Stellman SD. Invited paper, NIOSH World Trade Center Grantee Conference, Jacob Javits Conference Center, New York, NY, November 20, 2014. 134. Gargano LM, Welch AE, Stellman SD. Substance use in adolescents 10 years after the World Trade Center attacks in New York City. Paper presented at New York City Epidemiology Forum, Columbia University, February 27, 2015. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 36 - 135. Stellman SD. Persisting patterns and emerging trends in physical and mental health 13 years after 9/11. Invited presentation, Voices of September 11th, Rutgers University, April 3, 2015. 136. Self-reported cognitive impairment among exposed adults 10 years after the 9/11 World Trade Center disaster. Sanchez SH, Gargano LM, Meyer JD, Yu S, Cone J, Stellman SD, Brackbill RM, Farfel M. Paper presented at American Occupational Health Conference, Baltimore, May 4, 2015. 137. Wohlleber M, Shao Y, Goldring RM, Farfel MR, Friedman SM, Maslow CB, Stellman SD, Cone J, Reibman J, Berger KI. Prediction equations for respiratory impedance in an urban population: effect of obesity. Paper presented at American Thoracic Society, Denver, May 15, 2015. 138. Emerging heart and respiratory problems associated with September 11, 2001 WTC exposures of injury and intense dust debris cloud with mediation by post-traumatic stress disorder. Brackbill RM, Yu S, Alper H, Stellman SD. Paper presented at Society for Epidemiologic Research, Denver, June 15, 2015. 139. A retrospective analysis of the association of dioxin (Agent Orange) exposure and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Del Guzzo C, Channapragada T, Vinnakota R, Dana A, Park Y-H A, Newman J, Stellman JM, Stellman SD, Geskin L. Poster presented at Society for Investigative Dermatology annual meeting, Atlanta, May 7, 2015. 140. Gastroesophageal reflux symptoms and asthma in a population exposed to the World Trade Center terrorist attacks. Li J, Brackbill RM, Cone JE, Farfel MR, Jordan, Stellman SD. Paper presented at American Thoracic Society, Denver, CO, May 20, 2015. Abstract published in Amer J Resp Crit Care Med 2015:191. 141. Exposure to multiple polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon sources and breast cancer incidence. White AJ, Bradshaw PT, Herring AH, Teitelbaum SL, Beyea J, Stellman SD, Steck SE, Mordukhovich I, Eng SM, Engel LS, Conway K, Hatch M, Neugut AI, Santella RM, Gammon MD. Paper presented at AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 8, 2015. 142. PTSD and other health conditions and their impact on early retirement and job loss among World Trade Center disaster rescue and recovery workers. Yu S, Brackbill RM, Gargano L, Stellman SD. Paper presented at Epidemiology Congress of the Americas, June 21, 2016, Miami, Florida. 143. Ten-year cancer incidence in survivors of the World Trade Center disaster. Li J, Brackbill R, Liao T, Qiao B, Cone J, Farfel MR, Hadler J, Kahn A, Konty K, Stayner L, Stellman SD. Paper presented at American Public Health Association, November 1, 2016, Denver, Colorado. Also presented at 2017 Expanding Research Partnerships: State of the Science Conference, Denver, Colorado, June 21, 2017 [presenter, James Cone]. 144. SD Stellman. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma – possibilities for prevention. Invited talk at Third World Conference, International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas, Columbia University, New York, NY, October 27, 2016. 145. SD Stellman. Persisting patterns and emerging trends in physical and mental health 15 years after 9/11. Invited Radiology Grand Rounds, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, January 9, 2017. 146. JM Stellman, SD Stellman. Columbia University-American Legion Vietnam Veteran Study: Preliminary Mortality Findings. Presentation at annual meeting of The American Legion, Minneapolis, MN, August 24, 2018. Steven D. Stellman, PhD, MPH - 37 - 147. SD Stellman. Squeezing data from mortality studies. Presentation at annual retreat of All of Us, Columbia University Medical Center, October 25, 2019.