Addiscombe, Woodside & Shirley Leisure Gardens Ltd. (Formerly Addiscombe & Woodside Allotments Society (1921) ltd) Registered No. 9260 Surrey Registered Office: Glenthorne Avenue, Croydon CR0 7EZ email:
[email protected] Spatial Planning Service, 6th Floor Zone B, Bernard Weatherill House 8 Mint Walk Croydon, CR0 1EA October 12th 2016 Dear Sirs, Croydon Local Plan: Strategic Policies - Partial Review (Proposed Submission) and the Croydon Local Plan: Detailed Policies and Proposals. Re: Policies SP7, DM27 and Alterations to the Green Grid. The Executive Committee representing 397 plot holders, 681 Shareholders (331 of whom are plot holders) and 140 Green Finger Members of the Addiscombe, Woodside & Shirley Leisure Gardens, Ltd (AWSLG), object to the proposal of de-designation of Metropolitan Open Land (MOL), and the re-designation to Local Green Space at our allotment site, as this does not comply with policies SP7, DM27, and the protection of the green grid. We support the special protection given to Allotments both within the Croydon Local Plan and the London Plan. However it is our belief that the land at the Addiscombe, Woodside and Shirley Leisure Gardens does meet the criteria for Metropolitan Open Land status as defined in the London Plan: MOL should satisfy at least one of the following criteria: a) It contributes to the physical structure of London by being clearly distinguishable from the built up area. b) It includes open air facilities, especially for leisure, recreation sport, the arts and cultural activities, which serve the whole or significant parts of London. c) It contains features or landscapes (historical, recreational, biodiversity) of either national or metropolitan value.