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The BG News November 23, 1999

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 23, 1999" (1999). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6571.

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Weather Today: Tuesday cloudy November 23. 1999 High 66. Low 62 Volume 87 & Issue 64

The BGA daily independent News student press Students *Tis the Season New need to grading pick calling plans policy By AMY JO L. BROWN The BG News adopted With all the one rate plans. 10-10 calls, and dime a minute ByJEFFARNETT plans circulating around the The BG News long distance companies, A new policy regarding choosing the right long-dis- grades will go into effect with tance plan can be confusing fall classes. and unnerving. According to Registrar Becky In order to avoid the frustra- McOmber, the new policy will tion, many turn an NOR mark on a grade students will report, which means that no blindly r- ' -.- ■■'■'■ grade was reported by an choose a r <= Zm instructor, into a WF, or with- long-dis- draw-fail. if the grade is not tance compa- updated by the time incom- ny when pletes are calculated into they sign up grades. for telephone Marjorie Hufford, director of service. Then records at Registration and the bills Records, said that for grades start to from fall classes.that date is Ann Marie Lancaster arrive. March 1. "When Hufford said the ne.w policy students sign up for long-dis- will only affect grades from tance service, they automati- undergraduate classes, which cally get the highest rate," said means that both graduate and a GTE Retail Sales Consultant undergraduate students in who wished not to be named. those classes will be subject to "Students need to remember to it, while those in graduate follow up with the long-dis- classes will not. tance company after signing up McOmber noted that the with GTE." policy will not be retroactive, so NGRs existing before this When consulting a long-dis- BG News Photo/ HIKE LEHMKUHLE tance company, students semester will not be affected. should keep in mind that many The reason for the change in plans which sound cheap often Christmas trees were shipped to Bowling Green's Wal-Mart on Thursday, Nov. 18 from Michigan. They will be on sale until policy has to do with the have hidden charges. they are gone and run anywhere from $24.97 to $39.97. reporting grades and course "Look at the rates," said loads to the government, said Anne Marie Lancaster, vice Nancy Merritt, an associate provost of technology. "What dean in the College of Business are all the charges?" Athletes spend holiday with teams Administration who helped Many long-distance plans guide the policy. By STEFANIE SIZEMORE Wednesday morning and will "The change was made have fixed monthly charges in The BG News not be returning back to Bowl- order to get their low per "When you decide to play a because many things are While most students ing Green until Sunday. dependent upon how many minute rate. The monthly are preparing to Kim Griech, freshman unde- college sport, making charge will still appear on your credit hours a student is return home for a cided major, plays basketball sacrifices is part of the. enrolled for," Merritt said. bill even if you don't make any few days of relaxing and spend- for the women's team and said long-distance calls that month. commitment." NGRs are, Merritt said, non- ing time with family and she is somewhat disappointed grades, and in many cases, Other plans that offer a low friends over Thanksgiving about not being able to go home Kim Griech average rate depend on your such as when a student has a break, others are preparing for for the break but that it is all FmbllUM, Women's lUisk'dlMill Team \hnnber loan or financial aid that average calls a month being a break that does not include part of playing a sport. over a certain amount. depend on grades or full-time going home. "I am disappointed about not enrollment, more than an N(!R Also, low per minute rates Tyler Knight, freshman being able to spend time with decide to is needed. may change according to the Many athletic teams have undecided major is a member of my friends and family but I am play a college sport, making "We're supposed to have a length of the call. events scheduled over Thanks- sacrifices is part of the commit- the hockey team and feels a lit- also really excited about going grade for every student in a Beware of the 10-10 calls. giving forcing student athletes ment." tle disappointed about missing to Montana," she said. course and NGR is not a According to Lancaster, these to stay in Bowing Green over The men's hockey team will the break because he would Griech said the basketball grade," Merritt said. calls work well if you tend to break. team is planning on having a also be missing Thanksgiving like to spend time with his make long calls. They aren't as The women's basketball break. Instead of returning friends from home. NGRs are recorded when a team dinner to celebrate professor does not put a grade effective, though, if your calls team is not staying in Bowling home, the men will be staying "Everyone is so excited about Thanksgiving. on a final grade roster, Hufford are short. Green over break but they will in Bowling Green to practice all going home to sec friends and "I would like to be home with said. NGRs happen for a vari- Phone cards, while conve- not be going home either. week and then travel to Lake family and I am a little jeal- my family but I think the trip ety of reasons, from a professor The team is leaving for a and Thanksgiving dinner will Superior to play games over the tournament in Montana be great," she said. "When you weekend. l See PHONE, page six. • See ATHLETES, page six. • See GRADES, page six. Union dining areas will be missed by many

Many memories will be 1960s, respectively. I had with the customers, locked away when the Union Over the years, students which is something I will miss." closes its doors December 19. have gone to these places to "I will never forget the The BG News wanting to eat, have a good time or to friends I have made while recreate the excitement the study and most of them came working here or my manager," Union generated when it first away with fond memories of the said Nicki Rucci, an employee opened and the joy it gave to so Union eateries. of Bowl-N-Greenery. many people will be dedicating "I will always remember sit- "It will be an emotional expe- several of its final issues to ting around eating, doing rience since I was here as a stu- Union-related stories. This homework and talking to dent, in the early 60s when it series, "Remembering the friends, in between classes," was brand new," Crooks said. Union," will run every Friday said Gretchen LeGrande, Most of the students agreed junior childhood education for the rest of the semester that while the closing of the major. By CRAJG GIFFORD Union will cause a shortage of The BG News Mike Dunston, a junior sec- food places, it will be a good As December approaches, so ondary education major, shared thing in the long run. does the end of the semester, similar thoughts. "This has been a place "So many people eat here and the end of an era. Once the and it won't be here anymore, semester closes, so will the where I could come with all of my friends after a hard day of but the new one will be better," Union and all of the food places said Staci Lee, a junior elemen- within it, but the memories of classes and talk and eat." Even the employees of the tary education major. these places will remain. "It's going to cause a lot of The Union is known for various dining services within the Union have their own mem- problems with food services, being home to such dining ser- but a new union is needed," vices as The Bowl-N-Greenery, ories. BG News Photo/MIKE LEHMKUHLE Doty said. the Pheasant Room and the "During Halloween, we had Pizza Outlet, which according costume contests and passed The closing of the Union may Clockwise from bottom left, Susie Kauffman, Dan Hunt, Xavier Lopez, Mike French, Kristan Gos- to Dave Crooks, Union director, out candy, it was a fun atmos- help the other food places gain tel, Erin Rowe enjoy a dinner a» The Bowl-N-Greenery. When the Union closes its doors In Decem- have been in existence since phere," said Patrick Doty, an business, such as Towers, Sun- ber, students, faculty and staff will be forced to eat in other dining halls on campus. early 1980s, 1958 and early employee of the Pizza Outlet. "I really enjoyed the interaction • See UNION, page six.

WWW.bjJIH'WS.t'Om hg'iu'w I " page The BG News Tuesday, November 23, 1999 Brian Taylor Opinion Editor OPINION 372-2603 Harry Potter is my hero Ladies and gentlemen, I pro-censor people an excuse to marketing techniques — see? come to sing the praises of a raise hell about the books, but There's something about these young hero in paperback form 111 get into that later. books for everyone — but it also that anyone living in today's Then, not only do you have a says something that I heartily world cannot escape hearing of kid who's worshiped by the disagree with: that "Harry's adult fans. . . need to get a any more than a person can magic world for surviving Question: What is a grip." ignore Pokemon (even though I something that not even his Thanksgi still have only the vaguest idea parents could survive (I'm not These books, I think (judging of what a Pokemon actually is). telling you any more than only by what I've read), are des- His name is Harry Potter that—you'll have to read it tined to become classics, even if (groan now and get it over yourself), but it's a rags-to-rich- they seem like just a craze right es tale as well. now. There's something about with). them that makes you want to I took some time out of my though I hadn't read it yet. She Those are probably two of read them to your kids (when class readings a few weekends was trying to figure out why the world's most famous crowd- and if you have them). ago, and read the first volume Harry Potter was such a page- pleasing elements. But plot ele- turner. She said that upon ments alone don't make people Ignore all the sour-hearted of Harry Potter (because it folk who are trying to have seemed infinitely more inter- reflection, it wasn't the best around the world cry for more. book she'd ever read — the plot No, there's something very spe- Harry Potter banned. And esting). And, like just about there are states — South Car- lichelle Love everyone I've met who's read isn't all that original and the cial about Harry Potter books, characters are pretty cut-and- olina and Michigan are just two Junior the book, I had a very hard time and it's not Harry Potter. It's lementary Ed. dry—but she still can't wait to — reviewing the books, on the putting it down. As I've said the wizard behind the curtain. Ve go to Yellow read the rest of the series basis that they might encour- before, I'm working with a sev- J.K. Rowling has a writing Springs (which is supposed to be seven age kids to try witchy things. enth grade English class, and I style that's refreshing and Close-minded fools like that j Grandpa's)." asked them what kinds of books volumes). delightful. She writes to a I couldn't explain it to her, need to spend a few hours out- they like to read. Many of them younger audience, but adult side the Muggle world that they said they liked fantasy and sci- not having read the book readers can forget that because myself, but my curiosity was are so determined to censor. fi, especially books dealing with she's not "writing down" to Magic doesn't necessarily take magic. Several of them listed piqued. But now, well, I have a their level. The narrator uses witchcraft — it also takes art. Harry Potter specifically. I took theory about the popularity of an ageless voice to tell the And Harry Potter books look that as a recommendation (and Harry Potter. First of all, witch- story; it's a voice that's simple like they will encompass the I don't take recommendations craft. There is nothing that can enough for 10-year-olds to best of both worlds. ivingifl lightly, especially when finding grab many people's attention understand and love, but adult mi I love out what books my students are better than superpowers enough to be captivating to an This Muggle is so thrilled or sure.1" actually excited about reading). (please momentarily direct older audience at the same that Thanksgiving break is And, yeah, I loved this book. your attention to the popularity time. It's almost like she man- here, she's going to use the time Benjamin Pollet Sarah Parker I can't wait to read the second of comics and their super- ages to bring all of her readers to read at least the second Student Sophomore one. I think I might safely rec- heroes). I mean, wouldn't it be to the same age-level. Harry Potter and maybe catch Exchange Special ommend all three books, having great if we could all hop on a I've got a review of Harry up on all the class-related read- liusine Education only read the first one. broom and fly to our next class? Potter next to me from Nation- ing she's been putting off. (E- -We k.ll an An* "Eat, sleep and In fact, my sister and I were Or turn a match into a needle? al Review. It talks about the mail is her other favorite way of can Turkey!" watch football." discussing the first book, even Unfortunately, this also gives politics behind the story, the procrastination; help her out by e-mailing her at jlohrb® , Bible in school ok traveled long distances." and divine action described in Now, an unlikely coalition of the Bible may not be taught as 20 disparate groups has joined historical fact in a public to issue a consensus document - school." - a useful set of guidelines - on Teachers should "strive for the proper use of the Bible in student awareness of religions, public school classrooms. The but should not press for student National Bible Association, the acceptance of any religion." country's two big teachers Schools should "expose stu- unions, People for the American dents to a diversity of religious Way (a civil liberties group that views but may not impose, dis- One of the unfortunate side effects of the U.S. Supreme While prayer could not be allowed, objective Court's wise 1963 decision ban- representations of the Bible or other religious ning state-sponsored prayer in texts as part of secular curriculum - public schools was the paranoia it bred in many public educa- teaching about them, rather than from them tors about all things related to - were constitutional. Yet a dread of lawsuits the Bible. Whether one believes its teachings or not, the Bible seems to have caused many schools to bar has touched our culture deeply, the bible from the classroom. from history to literature to art to the tactics of the civil rights courage or encourage any par- has filed lawsuits challenging ticular view." movement. No education could the influence of the religious be called comprehensive with- right), the National Jewish The guidelines also stress the street, three students gig- to hire guards to protect our out paying at least some heed Committee, the National Asso- the importance of choosing BG resident to gled and laughed as they got homes if we want to make them to its influence. ciation of Evangelicals (which which Bible to use, and state a away with a decorative candy look nice or improve the com- The high court explicitly said has lobbied for prayer in public preference for using biblical have last laugh source books or anthologies For the past 15 years, we cane lawn ornament. Once munity? Is a giggle from a col- that while prayer could not be schools) and others have agreed again, on November 19, at lege student more important allowed, objective presenta- on a balanced approach to pub- that include key texts from have followed a tradition like each of the major scriptures. many other families in the com- approximately 5:45 a.m., we than a smile from a small child? tions of the Bible or other reli- lic-school teaching about reli- munity. We decorate our house were woken up by the sound of We dont believe it is. As for the gious texts as part of a secular gion. And they acknowledge what and yard for all the holidays giggling and closing of car five students that have taken curriculum - teaching about The document, "The Bible may be the schools' biggest with Christmas getting the doors. This time two students away a part of my children's them, rather than from them - and Public Schools," was com- challenge in providing rigorous, most attention. Every year we drove away with a Minnie Christmas, think about how it were constitutional. Yet a dread piled with assistance from the balanced instruction on reli- purchase a new item to add to Mouse cement statue, two hand will feel once you buy homes of of lawsuits seems to have First Amendment Center at gion: finding teachers who have our Christmas display. The painted wood figurines and sev- your own and put a lot of time caused many schools to bar the Vanderbilt University and will undertaken their own academic placing of and hook-up of all of eral more of the decorative and pride into making Christ- Bible from the classroom. be sent to every public school - not just devotional - study of candy canes. They would have mas special for your children the lights, figurines, and deco- As Oliver Thomas, a lawyer district in the country. It offers religious texts. rations take approximately one most likely taken more, if not and it is stolen by someone who a clear outline of the court deci- all, of the remaining decora- is just looking for a good time. for the National Council of Embarking on an objective and a half weeks to complete. Churches, recently told the sions governing the teaching of examination of the Bible will be Traditionally, Thanksgiving tions if they had not been I hope you have lost a lot of New York Times, "For many religion in public schools and no simple matter in settings evening we turn them on for chased to their car and down sleep since Nov. 19 because years, the fear of stepping over sound suggestions for incorpo- where students and their par- the first time and continue to the street. , remember, I saw you. I am giv- the lines of acceptability was rating the Bible or scriptures ents bring their own set of feel- do so through Christmas. Before even reaching the ing you a chance to come for- from any other faith into the actual lighting date for our kids ward and return the items to such that Martin Luther King ings and interpretations - This year, several students curriculum. sometimes literal - to the task. on two different occasions and the other children in the my yard or to the police station. became a political reformer, neighborhood, a good share of Remember this: a license plate Roger Williams a civil libertari- The guidelines state plainly But these new guidelines at decided to help themselves to least clear a path. numerous items in this year's the decorations have been number only belongs to one per- an and the Pilgrims people who that "supernatural occurrences Christmas display. On Novem- stolen for nothing more than a son. ber 11, after being chased down good laugh. B. Parker Why do we feel like we have Bowling Green Resident check out the BG News online: 210 West Hall Letters to the Editor Policy Bowling Green State University Do you agree with all of this? We doubt It. Write us and let us Copyright 0 1999, The BG News, Bowling Green, Ohio. Reprinting Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 know where you stand. of any material from this publication without prior permission of ■ Letters to the Editor. Letters are to be less than 500 words (less The BG News is prohibited. Phone: (419) 372-2601 than two typed, double-spaced pages). These are usually In E-mail: [email protected] response to a current issue on the BGSU campus or Bowling Green The BG News is an independent pubheauon founded in 1920 and is area. published daily during the academic year and weekly during the ■ Guest Columns. Longer pieces (between 600-800 words) can be summer semester. Melissa Naymik submitted as Guest Columns. Guest columns will be subject to Opinions expressed in columns and letters to the editor are not nec- Editor-in-Chief space limitations and considered based on topic relevance and essarily those of the student body, faculty,' University administra- quality. tion or The BG News. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the Fall Brandi Barhite Sara Eaton To submit a Guest Column or Letter, bring a copy on a labeled 1999 BG News staff Managing Editor Assistant Managing Editor disk (Microsoft Word, Mac compatible) to 210 West Hau and leave It in the Opinion Editor's mailbox. Or, send It on e-mail to tay- The BG News encourages its readers to notify the paper of any Matt Steiner Clint McDonell !obt9> and give it the subject, 'Letter to the Editor". errors in stories or photograph descriptions. Sports Editor Copy Chief

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^^■^■B Tuesday, November 23, 1999 The BG News page 3

Mary Beth Murtha Page Three Editor PAGE 3 372-2603

ACROSS 1 H 1 H1' Linda Black 1 Eschew lood 5 Say ctieese! 10 Phaser serjing 1 1 Today's Birthday (Nov. 23). so don't fight it! persevere, you can succeed. 14 vera Learn and grow with support from 15 Commolions .< Cancer (June 22-July 22) — 16 Shell rival your mate and friends. You hear the Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — 1 / Accomplished call of destiny in December; change Today is a 6 — Today serving others Today is an 8 — You're in a growth 19 Crooner Jerry mm ■5v 30 is required. Learn through experi- is a key factor, as is serving your- phase. You're taking on more 20 Quake self. Are you caring for yourself as 21 MemOerof the ence in January and make dreams responsibility, and maybe even get- RAF' come true in February. Play leads to well as you're caring for others? Lis- 2? Vacation condo ting more freedom. Self-expression - work in April and May. Your mate ten to somebody else's advice about use , perhaps brings you luck in June. Travel in what you should do for your own is a function of responsibility, you 26 Madeline of well-being. Put in the correction. know. Go ahead and stir things up. ' Blazing Saddles" August and spend October with 28 Put a burden on friends. Evaluate your progress in Even if a controversy erupts, it'll be 29 D Lettermans Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is "lit November and accept kudos. interesting. network a 9 — Your focus is on love. A lot of 32 Second largest I ^^^1 To get the advantage, check the it's going around. Everybody wants continent if Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — your attention, and that could cause 35 Marceau. e.g. day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 Today is a 7 — You have to pay 36 Actor Linden the most challenging. problems. They're good problems 37' Bravo" though, so you'll solve them all eas- attention on different levels. 38 In dispute Aries (March 21-April 19) — ily. There's the hands-on stuff, of 40 Columbus sen 41 Space in time EEEfeEEIEEEE1939 Tribune McOta Sc-v-ccs I'M Today is an 8 — Travel looks good. 11/23/99 course, but there's also a lot of 4? Pre-Easter All irjits«e*^rv-rt You may have to do a few errands Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today wheeling and dealing going on season is a 5 — More work may come in, closer to home, too. Your team backs behind the scenes. You can do well, 43 Smiles smugly you up, and maybe even comes and that's good. It means you get to 45 Seine, e g 7 Maiden's last but only if you watch the overview, 46 Entwined along on the journey. Are you going work overtime, and that could be words? CROSSj as well as the details. Enjoy! 48 Tlowlreely 8 Bjd s Coslello on a road trip? No problem. You're good, too. Unfortunately, the family 49 Compassionate 9 Boston nrs word lookin' good. It'll work out fine. misses you! Promise you'll play with ones 10 Relish them soon and schedule it in! Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — 52 Roller coaster 11 Cateteria carrier LOOKING FOR Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is an 8 — Romance, games thrills 12 USC'val 55 Oil's partner? ANSWERS IN ALL Today is a 7 — You're most likely Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Today 13 Holicay song and children are in the spotlight for 58 _ mater 18 Big Blue THE WRONG thinking about money. How to make is an 8 — Education is your upcom- the next few weeks. You might get to 59 Singer's stock ol computer'' ing theme. You're interested in so songs, e g. 21 Cishin PLACES? more and spend less? If you're not take a trip soon, too. Take along the already in a creative line of work, many topics that you may not know 62 Letter opener' 23 Pel rodent GET SOME HELP whole gang if you can. You may not 63 Knowing 24 Allies maybe you should find a job like which to study first. You could be 64 Fxodus' author opponents FROM THE that. When you're happy, saving highly stimulated, and also con- be able to do this all day, but have 65 Days ol _ 25 Story telling ANSWER KEY — comes easily. Do what you love fused! Make an outline first so you as much fun as you can. lyesteryea') unde 66 Bombards today, and the money will follow. can make sense of all this! 26 Actress Black twwv bgne ws. com Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — 67 Blind part 27 Burning 29 Rockette, eg. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) — Today is a 7 — Things are changing, DOWN 30 Lies in the sun Today is a 9 — You could have a suc- Today is a 6 — If you're trying to and you're right in the middle of it. i Bit ol data 31 Partially melted lype 54 Actor Shan' cessful day. There could be a slight borrow, you may be able to get some ? Winglike snow 47 Turn aside 56 'Quando 'apita m You might even be causing some of 3 OralO' s malady ego battle, however. The other per- of it from an older relative. Or, 33 Maria ol La Scala 49 Let Irve estasi,' eg it. You want to end up with a better 4 Ends ot the lines 34 Mr Ts outfit 50 Road rollers 57 Parto'RSR son tries to teach you something maybe you can increase your income 5 Engraved stone 39 Macht, Picchu 51 Colonal insect 59 Music genre that you can't see. You're going to be somehow. Ask the one who signs arrangement than you had before. slab resident 52 Gentlewoman 60 Rams mate amazed and amused when you fig- your checks. You may encounter dif- You want your dreams to come true. 6 Unpreientious 44 Volcanic rock 53 Low-cost spread 61 Buddy ure out what it is. This will be fun, ficulties getting a loan, but if you Look for the financing first. w V __ __ Department1 i ofl,v Psychology';stafl ai 1 ment for the Falcons. The win- WEATHER ner of tonight's match will move i) U PCOIVILWG"students."'"'" ■'" Life '"" Science' 112. " on to the site of the highest ■ mis week remaining seed for Friday's events 4:30 p.m. (Nov. 26) tourney semifinals. : i ;• B'i WEDNESDAY: Tuesday, Nov. 23 Women's Entrepreneurial The championship match will Network be held Saturday (Nov. 27). ©Cloudy Encourages and supports pre- Anderson Arena. High, 53 8 a.m. - noon Morning Pick Me Up? sent and future business own- ers and women-friendly busi- Ohio weather Low, 50 What a way to start the day; 8 p.m. Women's Ice Hockey is selling nesses. For more information, The Magical Millennium Tuesday, Nov. 23 coffee, juice and doughnuts. call 419-389-6465. 107 Hanna Tour AccuWeather* forecast lor daytime conditions, high/low temperatures Math Science Center. Hall. A show for all ages. $1 donation THURSDAY: suggested. Planetarium Mostly 7 p.m. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Support Group for Women Cloudy 50th Annual Faculty/Staff 9 p.m. with Anorexia and Bulimia Toledo 66 /S2 Exhibition vision High, 46 Concerns Exhibit by current and emeriti GLBTQQSS student group on Low, 32 Sponsored by the Student faculty and current staff mem- campus. The meetings are busy, bers of the School of Art. Dorthy Health Center and the Coun- vibrant open and supportive. Uber Bryan Gallery, Fine Arts seling Center, Group support, New members are welcome; it interactive discussions, and FRIDAY: Center. is a safe place to be yourself (or experiential exercises are to figure out who you are!). The Mostly offered, and confidentiality is Women's Center, 107 Hanna 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. emphasized. For more informa- Cloudy Expanding Expressions: Hall. High, 53 tion call Judy Miller, MSN, RN Contemporary Master at the Student Health Center Dayton 67/53 O Low, 35 Prints 9 p.m. at 2-7425. The Women's Center, BGSU College Republicans This exhibit showcases the 107 Hanna Hall. screen prints of seven interna- Meeting Keep updated on the tionally known artists. Willard Come and check out "the BEST weather this week and every 7 p.m. party on Campus"! Our goal is Wankelman Gallery, Fine Arts Volleyball hosts Miami - week with Page Three®. Center. to educate and and motivate [Ch^nmi^rovsr MAC Tournament Quarter- YOU - so get involved! BA 116. 3 p.m. finals The Falcons host the Red Wednesday, Nov. 24 PAGE ' THREE® BRAND) Psychology Department Hawks as the league tourna- Colloquium O 1999 AccuWeather, Inc HUMOR COLUMNS STRIVE TO ment opens tonight. The top- 10 a.m. Dr. Kent Berridge, a behavioral four seeds host seeds five PUT A KOOKY SPIN'ON LIFE neuroscientist from the Depart- Residences Close for through eight in the quarterfi- Thanksgiving 1 HERE AT BGSU. ment of Psychology at the Uni- nal round. BGSU's win over TAKE THEM WITH A versity of Michigan, will speak NOrthern Illinois (Nov. 6) All except Ashley, Batchelder, Sunny Pi Cloudy Cloudy Showers T-slorms Ran Flumes Snow Ice on "The Brain and Pleasure- Compton, Darrow and Ander- GRAIN OF SALT. WE DO. clinched a berth in the tourna- V<* Assoasttd Press Sponsored by the BGSU son halls close. TV GUIDE SECTION TUESDAY NOVEMBER 23,1999 I 6:00 I 6:30. I 7:00 I 7:30 I 8:00 I 8:30 I 9:00 I 9:30 I 10:00 1 10:30 1 11:00 1 11:30 BROADCAST STATIONS Nml CBS Evening writei of Jeopardy! | JAG ' Contemptuous Words" (In 60 Minutes II (in Stereo) X Judging Amy "The Persistence NeweT Late Show lr CD Newi ■ Fortune .IT Stereo) it ot Tectonics'' (In Stereo) I Stereo) H Hint i: ABC World Entertainment Hollywood Spin Crty (In Dharma ft Dharmi ft Spin City P Once end Again "Thenksgiv mg NewaZ Nighlline E CD News Tonight Toniqhl '" Squares r Stereo) X Greg fR) X Greg « (InSte'eO)X (in Stereo) X Newi I NBC Nightly Drew Catty (In Frasler (in Just Shoot Me 3rd Rock From Will ft Grace Just Shoot We jttettno (In Stereo) fc News « Tonight Show © Newi if S:e>eo) I! I- Stere i .i" the Sun :: (In Stereo) X 'Nma's Choce" (In Stereo) X Wortplce- auiineee Rpt. Newshour With Jim Lthftr X Intimate Strangers: Untttn Nova "Voyage o Doom- (In Frorrtttne J-stice lor Sale [In Charlie ROM (In stereo) X © Skill! Ufa on Earth t tares 1 ' S:ereo) X Hewlhoul With Jim X Afthu' i el a Brainstorm Intimate Strenoars: Unseen Nova "Voyage ol Doom" (ir FrontHne "Justice for Sate \\n As Time Goes Charlie ROM © Poet X (El) Lift on Earth X Stereo] 1 ' Stereo) X By [ai Slereci X Horn* Mid About Seinfeld Cigar Friends k- Movie: •«• "Scream" (1996. Horror) Neve Campbell. Courteney 4eweX Mewsredio ll Star Trek: Deep Space Nine © Improvement You (In Stereo) Slots Indian' X Stereo) B Co« A psychopatn stalks tne teens ol a sleepy CaMomia town X Stereo) X "Through the Looking Glass' I Simpions [In Slmpeons (In Frftnds (In Friends hi Shasta lOilbert I; e (The Strip We wm Roc- You' Mews Sports Detroit Fraaier (In IFraaier Tne © Sie-eo: .5 Stereo) IB Stereo) X Stereo) I McNaslyX [Trial" X [(In Stereo) X Stereoll |SkrLodgt-X CAHLt STA1IONS Movie: ••• Tuekm ThflMariandH'sa

Melissa Naymik Editor-in-Chief WORLD NEWS 372-6966

Smokers come under fire for flicking butts Airline workers absolved in Egypt crash Associated Press Writer Associated Press Writer CHICAGO — Each year, tens of thousands of volunteers Eye oh the Nation CAIRO, Egypt — Egypt's transport minister sought Monday descend on America's beaches to pick up trash. What they find, to absolve EgyptAir employees of blame for the crash of Flight more than anything else, are cigarette butts. 990, telling Parliament that human mistakes did not cause the The 1.35 million butts picked up last year accounted for about disaster. a quarter of all the pieces of litter those volunteers bagged, say Relief Ibrahim el-Dumeiri also criticized speculative reports that a cleanup organizers at the Center for Marine Conservation in suicidal co-pilot forced down the plane. However, he did not say Washington, D.C. Stacked end to end, those butts would rise 77 what Egyptian authorities thought sent the Boeing 767 plunging times higher than the Sears Tower, the nation's tallest building. into the Atlantic on Oct. 31, killing all 217 people aboard. Beaches are hardly the nation's only giant ashtrays. More El-Dumeiri's report to Parliament, carried in part by Egypt's than 450 billion filtered cigarettes are produced in the United official Middle East News Agency, was the government's first States each year, and a growing number of the filters end up as assessment of the circumstances surrounding the crash and fol- outdoor litter. lowed a storm of protests in Egypt over the suicide scenario that "It looks like it's gotten worse over the last few years, absolute- emerged from some sources in the American-led investigation. ly," said Terry Levin, spokesman for Chicago's Department of The transport minister said it may take a year or more to "get Streets and Sanitation. to the complete truth" about why Flight 990 plummeted into the The reason? Smokers have been pushed out of the workplace Atlantic Ocean. While he said Egypt was not discounting any and onto the sidewalks, streets and lawns by legislation aimed at theories, he sought to distance Egyptian crew and maintenance reducing the hazards of secondhand smoke. workers from blame. Japanese jet crashes, power cut in Tokyo Government pushes needle safety Associated Press Writer AP Medical Writer TOKYO — A Japanese air force jet ripped through a power WASHINGTON — Hoping to protect health care workers from line northwest of Tokyo on Monday, cutting off power to hun- deadly infections, the government urged hospitals and other dreds of thousands of homes and businesses and briefly halting health facilities Monday to use needles with sheaths, blunt tips some rail service. or other safety features. The T-33 jet crashed in a dry riverbed near a junior high Hospitals have been slow to adopt safer needles even though school, killing both crewmen. There were no reports of casualties at least 600,000 health workers accidentally stick themselves on the ground, police spokesman Masami Yoshida said. As many as 800,000 homes lost electricity in the Tokyo met- each year, putting themselves at risk for the AIDS virus and ropolitan area for about three hours after the jet severed the liver-destroying hepatitis, as well as other diseases. 275,000-volt power transmission line, said Yoichi Takeuchi of "The public attention and awareness of this problem has Tokyo Electric Power Co. Ltd. lagged behind the scope of it," said Dr. Linda Rosenstock of the The afternoon outage, which affected Tokyo and nearby Saita- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "For every 100 beds ma prelect inc. also temporarily stopped trains to the busy Oinza a hospital has, on average it has 30 needle stick injuries per and Shimbashi districts of the capital and shut down ATM Associated Press Photo year." machines, Takeuchi said. "Too many people see needle stick injuries as a routine part of doing business," added Rosenstock, director of CDC's National The Tokyo Stock Exchange suspended trading in futures on Show dog Cuno.a Doberman, relieves himself on a sign indi- Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. "We want to government bond options for about a half hour because of the cating the spectators' entrance prior to its appearance at the power loss,' Kyodo News agency said. Among many businesses, change that view — it shouldn't be the case." Ottawa dog show Sunday, Nov. 21. the Tobu department store in the Ikebukuro neighborhood was The Food and Drug Administration has approved the sale of without electricity. 50 types of specially protected needles and syringes. 'Millionaire' winner picks up check Game on. By FRAZIER MOORE on the TV show "Laugh-In." Bowling Green's most comprehensive sports coverage. Every weekday In The BG News. AP Teh'iisum Writer "This guy's got ice water in his veins," Philbin NEW YORK — He's so well known by now, he marveled on Monday's "Live." "In fact, on a cou- may not need two forms of ID to cash that mil- ple of those questions he looked across the table lion-dollar check. and sneered at me." John Carpenter, who went all the way on Fri- "When 1 looked at the tape, I looked a little What's happening? day's "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," collected more cocky and self-assured than I really want- Find out, with coverage of campus ana city events, breaking his prize Monday morning from Regis Philbin on ed," Carpenter recalled. "But I knew the answers news, and in-depth reporting. All in The BG News. "Live With Regis & Kathie Lee." as soon as I saw the questions." There, Carpenter, 31, was hailed as a million- Carpenter's visit to the syndicated "Live" was aire — for the moment, anyway. He still has to part of ;: media whirlwind. He was on NBC's pay taxes on the windfall. "Saturday Night Live" over the weekend, on "Don't cheat on your income tax," co-host ABC's "Good Morning America" earlier Monday Kathie Lee Gifford cautioned Carpenter, and on CBS's "Late Show with David " "because the whole world knows what you've Monday night. won." Carpenter, who lives in Hamden, Conn., was "I wouldn't dream of it," replied Carpenter, the first "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" contes- who happens to be an Internal Revenue Service tant to win the top prize — the largest one-time Need Holiday agent. cash prize in the history of American TV, exclud- Last week on the hit ABC quiz show, where ing lotteries, according to ABC. Philbin moonlights as host. Carpenter ran the Greeting Carpenter's wife, Debbie, in the gantlet of 15 questions, finally picking Richard audience, Philbin asked, "What's it like sleeping Cash? Nixon as the president who made an appearance with a millionaire?"

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>' ! . t Tuesday, November 23, 1999 The BG News page 5

Jeff Hindenach City Editor CITY 372-6966

BG schools offered grant Police Reports Day by Day By CRAIG GIFFORD "We are looking at the grant Safe and Drug-Free Program. The BG News and will apply for it, but we If forced to pay for a full-time Compiled by Brent Ryman The Safe and Drug-Free may not go all the way with it," coordinator, the school district Schools Program was recently Caumartin said. would not have the money to Driving under suspension - 200 block of Napoleon Road re-authorized by Mike DeWine, OnS potential problem with continue some of its partner- BG City & Campus Aaron P Bloomfield. Defiance the Ohio representative on the the grant, according to Cau- ships with other safe-school Police Weekend A disorderly man apparently U.S. Senate, an act which will martin, is that it may not allow programs, according to Cau- hold several ramifications for them to work with other orga- martin. Blotter No seat belt - Jamie A. Buss. unsatisfied with some directions he the Bowling Green City School nizations due to costs. "We already have a part-time Wooster had been given, reportedly threw District. "We are currently working coordinator who works four Friday: boxes of candy at a clerk in Speed- "Every child deserves to live with Behavioral Connections, days a week as it is," Cau- Disregarding a traffic con- Open container — Robert K. way before taking a pump off the and go to school in a drug-free but the amount of grant money martin said. trol device — Kdward K Malhcr, Krout. Dunkirk; Richard J, (luinn. hook and leaving. and violence-free community," we get is based on the size of According to Caumartin, the Bradner. Dunkirk. DeWine said. the district, which means we schools are safe and there is not Sunday: According to superintendent may end up not getting money much to worry about. Speeding Heather K Swan. A bookcase reportedly fell and Speeding — Zane C. Bieber. Hugh Caumartin, the school for these types of programs," "As a community, we are Perry s burp injured an assistant professor in the West Lafayette. district has been offered a grant Caumartin said. very fortunate. While there are Education Building. through the program that In conjunction with the situations that we run into with Disorderly conduct with per- would give them $2 million in grant, the school district is also the students, they are very A man was arrested and taken to the year 2000 and $2.1 million being encouraged to get a full- rare," Caumartin said. the Wood County Justice ('enter Michael A Delguyd, 19, Willow- sistence — Kevin D. Smith. Oak in 2001. time coordinator to run the after reportedly passing a fake $20 ick, was arrested for felonious Harbor. at Burger King. assault and lodged in the Wood County Justice Center after report- A light cover in a Chapman Hall Two purses were reported stolen edly being involved in a light at The elevator was reportedly burned. from the Ice Arena Junction. Flynt plans store in Butler In the Business Administration The Associated Press ilar to Hustler's West Holly- The Flynts also will be A parking decal reportedly fell The Campus Police assisted the building a door was reportedly dis- MONROE, Ohio — Butler wood, Calif., store. required to present written from a car parked in campus Lot 6 MacDonald staff in removing a covered open. The lock to a refriger- County officials say they will In addition to non-explicit details on the proposed use of drunk, uncooperative, non-resident ator inside the room had been fight Hustler magazine pub- books, the store will sell Hus- the land in order to apply for a The University Police assisted from the building picked and several food items were lisher Larry Flynt's plan to tler magazine, adult videos, sex zoning permit. The city's zoning the City Police in apprehending a reported missing. build a Hustler mega-store in toys, leather sexual wear, lin- code prohibits an adult enter- subject involved in a disturbance at A dumpsler fir*- was reported in their area. gerie and logo sportswear, tainment business within 1,000 The Junction. the 800 block of Thurstin Avenue. A man reportedly knocked on a "If he is going to come to But- Jimmy Flynt said. feet of a motel or abutting adult door in an apartment building in ler County, be ready to bring Monroe city officials and an business, and Monroe officials A hit-skip wis reported in the Two males were reportedly the 200 block of Mercer Road and along a couple of lawyers," said anti-pornography group also say the site that the Flynts pur- caught attempting to steal kegs then passed out in the hallway in Butler County Prosecutor John object to the Flynts' plans for chased fails those tests. 400 block of South Enterprise from the back patio at Kamikazes. front of the door. He was shown the Holcombe. the new store. The Flynts had a Hustler Street. Flynt said he was prepared "They IFlyntsI have deep adult entertainment store in way home by the police. for a legal fight. pockets and all they want to do downtown Cincinnati until this The Ridge School "Ice Cream A trash can was reportedly "Not only will I bri' ; two is run around the country test- month. A Hamilton County Social" sign, de. cting a Ridge Ram smashed in the road in front ot in A man was cited for disorderly lawyers, I'll bring a dozen," he ing the laws," said Mayor judge closed the store after it holding an ice cream cone, was Ix.1 1 conduct and possession of drug said. Elbert Tannreuther. "It looks moved from one downtown reported stolen. paraphernalia after he was report- Flynt said Friday that he like we'll be exchanging fire for location to another. The court's A cement Mickey Mouse. 10 edly discovered passed out inside of purchased the one-acre com- a while. But we think we're preliminary order closed the Saturday: candy canes and two wooden snow- Subway. mercial site and that he plans stronger, in spite of their deep store pending a Jan. 5 hearing. Disregarding a do not enter men were reported stolen from a to open an adult-oriented store pockets." Building owner Barry Rand- sign -James W •Jones, Vermilhon residence in the '200 block of I,eroy Someone reported a dead deer that could be operating early Tannreuther said members man requested the order clos- Avenue. hanging from a tree in the 100 block next year. of the Sharonville-based Citi- ing the store. He accused Hus- of University Lane. The deer's The $300,000 purchase was zens for Community Values tler of violating the lease by Stop sign, underage con- made by Flynt's brother, Jimmy have offered to rewrite and putting in a business that sumption and open container — Some CD's and a Mickey Mouse owner advised he would return to Flynt, who described the new strengthen Monroe's adult would damage the building's Michael W, Foreman, South Maple bag filled with Dungeons & Drag- clean it up after he finished hunt- store as a combination lingerie entertainment laws and defend reputation. Street. ons paraphernalia were reported ing. shop and hip clothing store sim- the laws in court if necessary. stolen from a truck parked in the MMxJMMMiMfjJMnj}^^ MM0 Get involved and meet new people! Join a student organization

A B r A I /. II I K A M N O

Things for your car to * remember for the Congrats to Pi Beta Phi ~ coming winter season ft Good Tires Oil and Sigma Phi Epsilon! - ft Antifrec/c ft Windshield Wipers ft Blanket * Ice scraper The BG News Extra warm clolhes ft Food I Winners of * Off Campus Living Guide ft Don't get caught out in the cold this winter! 14th Annual Off-Campus *♦#* ' Give Week 1999 I Housing Fair V il s A B I \ Co-Sponsored by the FALL 2000 LEASING Off-Campus Housing Office & The BG News Come sign up today! UNITS GOING FAST! Thursday December 2, 1999 Campbell Hill Apartments It's that time of year again! BGSU students are • 2 and 3 bedrooms • All have A/C choosing to move out on their own. The BG News, in • lw baths y • Full basements conjuction with the Off-Campus Housing Office, will publish a guide for off-campus living. Columbia Court Apartments (903, 907, 915, 921. 929, 935 Thurslin) • 3 bedroom/2baths 10,000 of these special inserts will be printed in The BG • Furnished It Out! News on December 2, 1999. y • Close to Campus Unlt«#48-72 with A/C and fireplace. Heinz Apartments Now is the time to inform students about what you have 808.818 N Enterprise. 424.451 Frazee to offer and make sure they know to visit you at the 1999 3 Bedroom. Furnished. A/C & Fireplaces eck 1 Off-Campus Housing Fair. _c V . Mercer Manor Apartments U One of BG's Newest Complexes K • 3 bedroom/2 full baths. ^» Call to speak with an y • A/C, Fireplaces. & Microwaves • Greenbriar, Inc. DVJ Account Executive Hot 352-0717 52U_ iloL, snm> 224 K. Wooster WL W Mon-F "'' •"" ,1*'" Bowling Green, OH 43402 JpUSM NEWS 372.2605 Saturd L£L£L GMiiwAriiK. \ i page 6 The BG News Tuesday, November 23, 1999 GRADES Americans traveling in record Continued from page one. ignored the new mark, since it did not hurt their grades. accidentally missing a bubble "When we quit it [automati- numbers this Thanksgiving on the grade report to a student cally recording NGR as WF|, we dropping out of class improper- started to accumulate these no By DEB RIECHMANN Wednesday, 40,000 passengers ly or simply never attending. grade situations," Merritt said. Associated Pri'ss Writer — 10,000 more than normal — "I managed to get out of all my classes, so I In the past, according to Therefore, the policy was WASHINGTON — Before are to board TWA planes in St. thought I'd get an early start." Merritt, a missing grade was changed. and after the turkey, almost 20 Louis, the airline's hub, he said. Erica Stocker "Most professors clear up "On Thursday, though, we have immediately recorded as WF. million passengers will take to most of these," Merritt said. lots of seats," he said. College Senior, Studying at American I 'niversity Doing so, however, temporarily the skies this Thanksgiving "It's just the lingering ones that week. Millions more will travel Sylvia Harris, a 30-year-old hurt GPAs, so NGR was used to are causing the problems." in cars and buses. Amtrak is legal receptionist from Virginia "Ridership on Wednesday waited for her train at Union give students an opportunity to According to Hufford, there scheduling more trains and Beach, Va., said a fear of flying, fix mistakes before their GPAs will go up 94 percent from a Station. are 111 NGRs from the spring making them longer for what compounded by recent airliner normal Wednesday," Wolf said. were affected. Like the skies and rails; semester that have yet to be normally is the busiest travel crashes, prompted her to take a To accommodate passengers, Many students, however, resolved. period of the year. train this Thanksgiving. She highways are to be more con- Amtrak will add 61 trains to its gested than last year too. U.S. airlines are expecting a and her 3-year-old daughter, scheduled departures in the PHONE The American Automobile record 19.8 million passengers Somer, left Virginia early Mon- Northeast and the Pacific Continued from page one. they enter after dialing a local in the week and a half sur- day bound for her native Cleve- Northwest. Together with addi- Association says 33.8 million) number. The rate is a flat 10 rounding the holiday. That's 10 land — a 24-hour journey. tional passenger coaches added Americans are to travel 100 nient, are also a buyer beware cents a minute for all calls, and percent more than the 18 mil- "The train to here was sold to trains in the Midwest, miles or more during the holi- product. Many times fixed rates each roommate receives their lion who flew during the out," Ms. Harris said during a Amtrak will offer 46,000 more day weekend, up from 33.6 mil-! are embedded in the cards. own bill. Thanksgiving holiday last year, layover at Union Station in seats than normal nationwide, lion travelers last year. Nearly When you buy one, look at the Keep in mind that many of said David Fuscus, a Washington. "I thought I would Wolf said. 28 million will be driving. information on the back of the the calls you make will be prob- spokesman for the Air Trans- leave early, but it was very Erica Stocker, a 21-year-old card and actually calculate the Others will board the bus. ably be long distance. port Association, which repre- crowded already." college senior studying at The Dallas-based Greyhound costs. sents major air carriers. Amtrak projects a 28 percent Bowling Green's local calling American University, hoped to Lines Inc. says it had more With all the hidden costs and "It's just going to be busy," increase in ridership during the area is very small. Local calls beat the travel crunch by leav- variety in prices, how do you Fuscus said. "The airlines gear holiday week, said spokesman than 500,000 bus passengers are within Bowling Green, ing Monday for Philadelphia, begin to decipher which long- up for it. People need to be John Wolf. During a typical where her father planned to during the six-day Thanksgiv- distance plan is the cheapest? Weston, Pemberville, Bradner, patient." week, 410,000 travelers ride pick her up for a 45-minute ride ing holiday last year. At least First, before tackling the Wayne and Haskins. Calls to Bookings are up 2 percent to Amtrak trains. The number of home to Egg Harbor, N.J. "I that many holiday travelers are companies, grab your old phone Perrysburg. Maumep and Tole- 3 percent at TWA, said Mark train travelers during the managed to get out of all my to board Greyhound buses this bills and figure out your calling do, for example, would all be Abels, a spokesman for the St. Thanksgiving holiday will classes, so I thought I'd get an year, said spokesman Kristin habits—what kind of calls you long distance. Louis-based airline. On climb to 525,000, he said. early start," she said as she Parsley. make, when you make them, Charlie Sutlize, an MCI and how long you generally spokesperson, advised students UNION talk. look for bonuses they can get by Ask yourself: Continued from page one. • Do I make domestic or signing up with a long-distance international calls? company. Sometimes compa- Dial and Founders. • Are my calls mostly in- nies offer free air miles and According to Crooks, "The state or out-of-state? internet service depending on Pizza Outlet is going to be relo- • What time of day do 1 usu- the length or amount of your cated to Kreisher, for the pur- The BG News ally call and how long do I usu- long-distance calls. poses of late night dining, and I ally talk'.' Armed with the knowledge would also like to see one on the • What day of the week do I of your calling habits and other side of campus, hopefully make most of my calls? needs, you can then ask the in Founders." If you live off-campus, the customer service operators of "People will have to find new number of roommates you live OPEN HOUSE the long-distance companies places to eat, so this will help with and their calling patterns the other food places," Dunston should also be considered. which of their plans would said. If they vary greatly, one com- work best for you. pany to consider is the Univer- And the shock of getting your "It will be sad to see the When: Tuesday, November 30, 6-8 p.m. sity Telephone Services. Each telephone bill each month Union close, but I look forward student receives a code which might be a little less painful. to the new Union with great Where: 210 West Hall ATHLETES — excitement," Crooks said. Continued from page one. "I am from Canada and we celebrate Thanksgiving in Find j| ous," he said. October, but a team dinner will Co^e See What We're AN Like the women's basketball be nice because most of us are team'. Knight said the hockey team plans on having a team going to be missing friends and dinner for Thanksgiving. family," he said. Tuesday, November 23, 1999 The BG News page 7

Matt Steiner Sports Editor //m SPORTS 372-2603 rfrnn= 40tf) ^mttbersarp Series H5UE1 CelefeKflTi«g BG's 1959 'Small Schools Nanonal Championship' season

This is the ninth part of a weekly series which will relive the BG football team's only perfect season. This week in 1959, the Falcons continued their quest which inevitably led to recognition as the top 'small school' in the country, defeating Ohio and completing the year 9 0. Falcons beat Ohio to capture MAC and school's first perfect season By DAVE YOUNG ond half to capture the Mid- victory gave BG their first record with a total of 208 into the wind in the closing The 1959 BG News American conference crown unbeaten and untied season points for the season. Ohio minutes of the first half, but The Falcons rallied in by defeating Ohio University in school history. held the old record of 201 set it fell short championship form in the sec- 13-9 before a crowd of 12,000 Jerry Colaner brought in 1953. The breaks began to turn fans in Ohio Stadium. The Ohio's largest crowd of the The Falcons looked slug- in BG's favor in the second season to its feet when he gish in the first two quarters half as Bob Wisniewski fum- intercepted a pass in the as they were able to gain only bled the pigskin on his own fourth quarter and scampered 67 yards. The only bright spot 23 and Ron Blackledge recov- 50 yards for the deciding for BG was a 50 yard punt by ered it. BG moved the ball to . This was the only Glenn Fitch midway through the 15. On fourth and one it intercepted pass of the game the first quarter. looked like the drive might for BG and it was probably They had chances to score be halted. Then an offside the biggest of the season. in the first half on two Ohio penalty on Ohio gave the Fal- Bob Colburn completed deep in Bobcat terri- cons a first down on the 10. just three of nine passes, tory. But. they were unable to Jerry Dianiska moved the enough to break Bill Lyons' do so. ball to the four and Colburn career record of 106. One of The Bobcats broke the hit Casey in the end zone for Colburn's completions was a deadlock on a 26 yard field the touchdown. Ramsey con- big one as it accounted for the goal with 10:48 remaining in verted to pull BG within two Falcons' first touchdown. the second quarter. George points of Ohio. Bernie Casey tied a season Belu's kick hit the cross bar of On the second play of the BG News Photo Archives point record of 66, formerly the goal post and bounced final quarter, Bobcat quarter- held by Jim Ladd. Casey over for the three points. back Wisniewski stepped Guards don't score much in came within two points of They took advantage of a back and let go with a long football. But in the OU game, BG News Photo Archives ticing the conference record BG just minutes later pass to the midfield stripe. Falcon Jerry Colaner intercept- for a single season when he scoring a touchdown and Colaner pulled the pigskin ed a Bobcat pass and returned Led by Bernie Casey, the MAC champions arrive home after caught Colburn's pass for the going ahead 9-0. out of the air and raced all it 50 yards for the biggest beating OU. Following Casey are Ron Isgro, Merv Ward, and first touchdown. BG's Chuck Ramsey the way down the sidelines touchdown of the season. .game hero Jerry Colaner. BG broke the MAC scoring attempted a 29 yard field goal for the score and the win. Volleyball begins tourney By NICK HURM not even flustered at all. Once they get on their senior middle-hitter Alissia Thomp- n The BG News the court with us they think they arc son sustained a career ending injury. From tonight until the volleyball post- going to win." Apparently Thompson was weightlifting season season comes to an end, every But since the Miami loss the Orange when she lost her balance and had a ft match the Bowling Green spikers play and Brown have finished the season win- weight fall on her left hand fracturing it. will be one of the most important of their ning 14 of their last 17 games. Their play Thompson was the MAC player of the career. has also drastically improved. The Fal- year last season. The fourth seeded Falcons (20-11 over- cons did beat Miami in the spring season "Miami has one of their top players all, 12-6 in the MAC) will battle the fiaii last year, but have not defeated the Red- injured," Pesorda said. "It doesn't mean seeded Miami RedHawks (16-12 overall, Hawks in season play since the 1993 sea- though that we are going to take them 11-7 in the MAC) in the first round of the son which was the last time BG hosted a Mid-American Conference Tournament tournament game. BG swept both games lightly. In the college level there is always someone who steps up." - fiUXOftM * 2 tonight at 7 p.m. in Anderson Arena. against MU that year and went on to play ll The matchup will bo a good one. Miami in National Invitational Tournament. The winner of the contest will travel to came into Anderson Arena on Oct. 2 and "1 don't think the confidence issue will Ball State Friday to face either the num- 9 ji ^0 beat the Falcons in four games. BG came be going through their mind," BG coach ber eight seed Marshall or number one out hot beating the RedHawks 15-7, but Denise Van De Walle said. "We've got four seed Ball State. In the other brackets, Miami gained composure and took the great seniors who I know are going to put number seven seeded Eastern Michigan final three games. their entire heart into winning their last will square off against second seeded After the match senior Kris Pesorda match at home." Western Michigan. In the last match, BG Newt Photo/BEN FRENCH said, "I honestly think sometimes we get Miami received a big blow to the team. third seeded Akron will host sixth seeded Kris Pesorda (left) and Heather Greig let their emotions show. intimidated by them. We see that they are Saturday the RedHawks learned that Kent. Tonight, they will begin the MAC tournament Football ends mediocre season; future bright

By G. MICHAEL GRAHAM man quarterback Andy Sahm, pride to BG football. It's just a Blackney will talk to guard Eric The BG News who started and threw for 302 matter of believing in them- Curl about moving to center. yards in his unexpected debut. selves and accomplishing the Jon Mazur could also move into The Bowling Green football But what was thought to be tasks on the field. the position. team entered the season with a momentum changer quickly "I definitely think that's true Aside from Curl, tackle Rob high hopes that this year ended the following week when and I think the way we won the Fehrman returns. Possible can- would mark the return to the Miami quarterback Mike Bath, game Saturday has to give an didates to step into the offen- "glory days" of the early 90s. wide receiver Trevor Gaylor incredible boost to our players sive line are Greg Kupke and Instead, BG suffered a fifth and company torched the Fal- to understand you're never out Mike Bodnar. Blackney also straight losing season finish- con secondary for 309 yards in a of it," Blackney said. "If you likes the progress of Dennis ing 5-6 overall and 3-5 in the 45-31 victory. Akron followed work hard and you have confi- Wendle and Ryan Yeager, who Mid-American Conference, that up with a 55-25 victory as dence, that anything is possi- redshirted this year. Ross good for fifth place in MAC the secondary got torched ble. To me, that was a very, very Durham and Jason Van Dam East, even though it finished again. big win in this program." should come in and fill the tight strong. Things became a bit better To make sure his team does- end spot nicely according to BG opened the season 1-1 against Ohio in a 17-14 loss but n't have a repeat of this year Blackney. losing 30-10 at Pittsburgh and unlike the previous two weeks, where it finished strong in 1998 The offensive skill position upending Tennessee Tech 40- the offense struggled in this and started off not so well this players shouldn't be a concern 15 at home. In those first two game. It had a chance to tie or year, Blackney said it's impor- so long as they improve before games, the offense wasn't real win in the fourth but the tant that the returnees improve September. Joe Alls and God- productive. The Falcons offense didn't get the job done. over the winter, spring and frey Lewis rushed for 592 and scored 40 points against the However, the Falcons built summer. 500 yards respectively this Golden Eagles due to special on Alls' performance in the sea- He returns many starters year. teams play highlighted by the son's last three games finishing but his two main concerns are Andy Sahm also returns at blocked punt by Marcus Allen with 31-7 and 35-14 victories at fullback and place kicker. quarterback. He completed 77- which led to an Emmanuel over Central Michigan and Ball Fullback Brent Martin will be of-152 passes for 1,088 yards. Hendrix touchdown. State at home respectively. Alls missed since he came on strong Junior Ricky Schneider will be Then the long 1-5 stretch had over 100 yards rushing at the end of the year. Blackney back as a solid backup. They began with a 35-16 loss to against eight-man fronts in has talked to tailback John have some nice targets to throw undefeated Marshall followed both contests. Gibson about moving into that to in Kurt Gerling, Robert by a humiliating 41-27 loss at Bowling Green ended the spot. Redd, Aaron Alexander and Kent. BG wasn't supposed to season Saturday with a dra- Four-year place kicker Jason Matt Bunsey. Gerling led the defeat the Thundering Herd matic come-from-behind 33-30 Strasser also graduates. Black- team in receptions again with but the loss at Kent was hard overtime victory at Central ney doesn't have a scholarship 53 catches for 775 yards. especially since BG put itself Florida. It hadn't rallied from kicker in camp so he's thinking Defensively, the entire defen- in a hole down 17-0 early. down a touchdown all season. about recruiting one out of prep sive line returns led by Bran- Blackney thought his team BG News Photo/MIKE LEHMKUHLE They trailed 17-3 at one point. school. Also on special teams, don Hicks, Ryan Wingrove, finally came together when it he said punter Pat Fleming Malcolm Robinson and D.J. Freshman Andy Sahm tosses the ball over the Miami defense. **£**£ 1?**°, !? * T""" Outlook for Next Year should get better. Durkin Blackney liked the y g a Sahm was a midseason replacement for junior Ricky Schneider, he .? T ? Confidence, confidence, con- Blackney also feels comfort- play of the backups Rodney helped lead the team to three straight victories to end the season. 'hree/KameJ°s'nB «feak to able with the offensive line Dawson, Casey Williams and the team JO minutes away. fidence. The Falcons know they have even though he loses Mark Alex Glantzis. People will remember the Kautzman, Doug Dorley, Kevin emergence of redshirt fresh- the talent to bring back the Steinke and Chad McCarthy • See FOOTBAIL, page nine.

C page 8 The BG News Tuesday, November 23, 1999 Ohio State fights way out of cellar By DEREK McCORD Markell said. "I still see a lot of in conference play, but the Red- stopped 31 of Michigan's 33 The BG News improvement from our hockey hawks with their 3-2 win on shots to complete the Laker The Ohio State Buckeyes club." Friday and a 3-0 shutout on sweep with the 4-2 win. snapped an 11 game losing Ohio State will have the Saturday sent them back to The weekend series was the streak when they defeated weekend off for East Lansing without a win for first time the Lakers swept the Nebraska-Omaha 5-2 on Friday some much the first time ever in Goggin Ice Wolverines since October 1989. and tied 2-2 on Saturday. needed practice Arena. Michigan State keeps the top On Friday, junior Buckeye time when they spot in the conference with a forward Jean-Francois Dufour play a non-con- Weekend Honors four point advantage over scored two goals and assisted ference game Miami senior forward Pat Michigan with Michigan hav- on two others for a career high A «^*t against Mercy- Leahy either scored or assisted ing two games in hand. four point night. |L X Hi Sov. on all Rcdhawk goals to end the Ohio State head coach John John Markell 30. series with six points and was a NMU sweeps Markell said that the team was plus four to earn the CCHA Third place Northern Michi- just looking to come away with Offensive Player of the Week gan swept non-conference rival some points this weekend. MSU loses two honor. Michigan Tech with a 4-2 wins With the three points and The mighty nationally CCHA Rookie of the Week Friday and Saturday. Alaska-Fairbanks on an bye ranked and Central Collegiate honors went to Redhawk for- The Wildcats avenged a two week the Buckeyes moved out Hockey Association leaders ward Nick Jardine. Jardine goal first period deficit to score of the CCHA basement, but Michigan State were downed by had a rookie leading five points Pholo Provided four unanswered goals for Fri- Markell still thinks that there Miami as was Michigan by on the weekend and scored the Ohio State forward Jean-Francois Dufour had four points in a day's win. is work to be done. Lake Superior State Friday game winning goal on Satur- win over Nebraska-Omaha On Saturday Northern "Nebraska-Omaha came in and Saturday. day. Michigan held the Huskies to ine shots on Friday to hand Defensive Player of the Week and played to get some points, Michigan State* 10-3-0, 10-2- Lake State Laker goaltender only nine shots, which broke Michigan a 3-0 loss The CCHA turned around on Saturday and we were playing not to lose." 01 came into Oxford undefeated Jaymc Platt stopped 40 Wolver- the record of 10 set in 1979. Basketball tops Hawaii Women soar, men sink in weekend meets By NICK HURM Kendra and her husband (BG son Early stayed ahead of the pack to take tournament 7Vir BG News swim announcer) Jim Lowe "We were really surprised in the 50-yard freestyle to grab suited up one last time for Bfl how we finished our races," first place and the third fastest The Associated Press Esterkamp followed with a Anderson Arena may be basket and Keith McLeod, who as Mr- Lowe's job has been relo- senior Kristen Semple said. swim of the year. He touched known as the house that roars, HONOLULU — Dave finshed with a team-high 11 cated. Kendra has been coach- "We have struggled with finish- out men's CO-captain Matt Esterkamp score four of his but this weekend it was Cooper points, added another free ing with the Falcons for live ing our races, but this weekend Johnson who finished second eight points in the final min- Pool that was hearing it. utes of the game to help Bowl- throw to ice the victory for years The meet gave just a lit- we finished all the races strong behind Early. Junior Bill Roehl Bowling Green (2-0). Findlay and Wright State ing Green defeat Hawaii, 53-49. tle more meaning for BG. Tins weekend we came back is the first Falcon of the season Sunday night and capture the came into Cooper Pool to face Hawaii (1-1) was led by Mar- "Losing Jim and Kendra is and caught other people." to swim under the 2 minute Pepsi One/Nextel Challenge. the hosting Bowling Green quette Alexander, who scored hard. especially for the Another contribution came mark in the 200-yard back- Esterkamp dropped in a pair swimming and diving teams. 18 points and pulled down nine seniors," diver F.llvn Vreeland from the women divers. Seniors stroke. Roehl picked up a third of free throws to tie the game at rebounds. The loyal Falcon supporters 49 and Dubrey Black added a said "But were happy because Laura Segerlin and Vreeland place finish in the contest who came to cheer on the free throw to give the Falcons The game was close all the it is a good thing for both of combined for the 1-2 punch fin- Freestylist Andy Jenkins also the lead for good in the close Orange and Brown left with a way with neither team building them ishing first and second in both had a dual meet best finishing game. smile as they watched the more than a 5-point lead. There In this stage of the season the one and three meter boards. second in the 100-yard freestyle women's team (3-3 overall) were six ties and nine lead victories don't mean as much as "We've had a lot of injuries." with a time of 47.96. Sopho- changes come out on top over the visit- improving times. BG accom- Vreeland said. "Everyone is more's Tom Mohlman and Mike ing Oilers and Raiders. BG's It was 25-23 Hawaii at the plished this. Falcon senior keeping their heads up. We Griffin also picked up second depth was too much for the two half, but six of the seven second Nancy Simpson, last weeks dove really strong this week- place victories in season best teams as both opponents found half lead changes came within Mid-American Conference end." times for BG the first five minutes of the sec- themselves trailing in BG's swimmer of the week saw her For the men, the weekend "Basically, everybody had a ond half. The Rainbows moved wake. The women's team times get even better. Simpson loss was a little misleading. good swim," Jenkins said. "We ahead, 34-33, on a field goal by earned a 162.5-72.5 win over finished almost a second faster The men on the Wright State had some good times. |Kris| Nerijus Puida and held it until Wright State and a 162.5-71 McLeod tied it, 42-42, at the than her previous best time of team all shaved for the meet. It Waechter really stepped up and victory over Findlay. 7:20 mark. the year in a first place victory may not seem like much of an did a great job this weekend." BG Newt Photo/BEN FRENCH On the men's side Wright in the 200-yard individual med- advantage, but swimmers know Waechter. the BG men's lone The Rainbows moved ahead State brought 11 swimmers to Anthony Stacey led the Fal- ley. Senior Bethany Budde also shaving is not only a physical diver picked up first place for cons to the Pepsi One/Nextel 49-46, before Esterkamp, Black race, but 11 would be all the touched the wall first in her advantage with less drag, but the Falcons in the 3-meter dive. Challenge championship. and McLeod scored their Raiders would need as they points. best time of the year, a 2:27.70 also a psychological advantage BG will take the Thanksgiv- topped BG 120-99. The men did in the 200-yard breast stroke. of knowing they are faster. The ing break off before preparing finish in front of the Oilers 131- Freshman Kelly O'Hara also BG men stayed good and hairy. for their next meet, a big invi- 33. won a first place victory, swim- The Falcons did see their tational at the University of Before the meet, the Falcons ming the fastest 200-yard but- share of improving times like Notre Dame. bid farewell as assistant coach terfly for the Falcons this sea- the women. Freshman Tim

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aiiiiiniiiiiiinnnmngxB Operating Hours For •*!■ TUESDflY Thank sgiving -ts r e a Kp^^ Commons Dining Center McDonald Dining Center Student Union ~— ■ Cloud 6:30pm. Monday. Nov. 22 Closed 6:30pm, Tuesday. Nov. 23 Tuesday. November 23 80*1 Reopens 7:30am, Monday. Nov. 29 Reopens 4:30pm. Sunday. Nov. 28 Falcon's Nesi Chily's Exproa GTDeli Coffee Shop 7am - 3pm Use Closed 6:30pm. Tuesday. Nov. 23 Closed 11:00pm. Monday. Nov. 22 7:30am - 10:30am Reopens 4:30pm. Sunday. Nov. 28 1 lam - 1:30pm Reopens 4:30pm, Sunday. Nov. 28 Grill 7:30am - 5pm DIMCC GT Express KreUeher Sundial Food Court Pizza Outlet Closed Closed 6:30pm. Tuesday, Nov. 23 Bowl-N-Greenery II :30am- 1:30pm Closed 7:00pm. Tuesday. Nov. 23 Reopens 4:30pm. Sunday. Nov. 28 Pheasant Room II :30am- 1:30pm Reopens 4:30pm. Sunday, Nov. 28 I'mut Closed krris.-her Silver River Cafe Towers West Restaurant Closed 8:30pm. Friday. Nov. 19 Closed 6:30pm. Friday, Nov. 19 niGIIT Reopens 4:30pm. Monday. Nov. 29 Wednesday. November 24 Reopens 5:00pm. Monday. Nov. 29 Falcon's Nest Grill 7:30am - 2pm Krelseher Shadows Snack Bar Closed Midnight. Monday. Nov. 22 Founders Keepers Food Court Thursday, Nov. 25 - Saturday. Nov.27 Roll bock with fflark*/ to (he 80*/ and drink for 80*/ price/. Reopens 7:00pm. Sunday. Nov. 28 Closed 7:00pm. Tuesday, Nov. 23 closed Reopens 4:30pm. Sunday. Nov. 28 Galley Founders Keepers Snack Bar Sunday. November 28. 1999 Closed 2:00pm. Tuesday. Nov. 28 Closed Midnight. Monday. Nov. 22 Falcon's Nest tirill 4pm - 11 pn- Drez/UpandlVinfftf SS*-t447 Reopens 7:30pm. Monday. Nov. 29 Reopens 7:00pm. Monday. Nov. 29 Pizza Outlet 4pm - 3am

IMB^M Tuesday, November 23, 1999 The BG News page 9

bTANDINGS TRANSACTIONS National Hockey League Ohio Conference BASEBALL EASTERN CONFERENCE WIRE Conference Overall American League w Atlantic Division W L W L OAKLAND ATHLETICS—Agreed to terms with Jagr may play Tuesday W L T RT Pts x-Mount Union 9 0 10 RHP T.J. Mathews on a two-year contract. PITTSBURGH — Jaromir Jagr's sore right Philadelphia 11 7 3 1 26 Ohio Northern 8 1 9 1 TORONTO BLUE JAYS—Named Tony Arias thigh improved following acupuncture treatments New Jersey 10 6 3 1 24 John Carroll 6 3 7 3 director of Latin American operations. Announced over the weekend and he might try to play Tues- NY. Rangers 6 12 3 1 16 Otterbein 6 3 7 3 the resignation of Patrick Guerrero, Latin America day against the Toronto Maple Leafs. Pittsburgh 5 10 3 2 15 Baldwin-Wallace 6 3 6 4 scouting supervisor. Jagr, the NHL's leading scorer, played only three shifts Nov. 16 against Buffalo before leaving N.Y. Islanders 5 9 3 0 13 Heidelberg 4 5 4 6 National League Northeast Division with a thigh injury. Muskingum 2 7 3 7 COLORADO ROCKIES—Agreed to terms with W L T RT Pts Capital 2 7 2 8 RHP Julian Tavarez on a one-year contract Toronto 12 7 3 1 28 Marietta 2 7 2 8 HOCKEY Banners displayed at Value City Arena Ottawa 12 8 COLUMBUS, Ohio — A banner celebrating 1 1 26 Hiram 0 9 0 10 National Hockey League Boston 9 7 5 0 Ohio State's 1999 Final Four appearance will be 23 NHL—Named John Krisiukenas director of cor- Buffalo 9 10 2 0 unveiled Nov. 29 before the Buckeyes' game with 20 North Coast Conference porate communications. Suspended Atlanta RW Montreal 6 14 Vermont. 1 1 14 Conference Overall Nelson Emerson for one game for careless use of Southeast Division Last year's co-captains. Nvshaun Coleman and W L W 1. his stick against Buffalo on Nov. 20. W L T RT Jason Singleton, will attend the ceremony. Pts x-Wittenberg 6 0 10 0 DALLAS STARS—Activated D Richard The banner will hang at Value City Arena Florida 11 7 2 2 26 Ohio Wesleyan 4 2 8 2 Matvichuk and C Brain Skrudland from the injured throughout the season and then will be moved to Carolina 9 7 4 0 22 Wooster 4 2 8 2 reserve list. Placed D Alan Letang and C Roman the Ohio State practice facility. Washington 7 8 4 1 19 Allegheny 4 2 6 4 Lyashenkoon the injured reserve list. Tampa Bay 7 11 1 1 16 Denison 2 4 4 6 ST. LOUIS BLUES—Recalled F Ladislav Nagy Michigan natives take MAC honors Atlanta 4 12 2 1 11 Earlham 1 5 2 8 from Worcester of the AHL CLEVELAND — Toledo tailback Chester Tay- WESTERN CONFERENCE Kenyon 0 6 1 9 lor and Central Michigan defensive lineman Joe Central Div lsion z-Oberlin - •— 0 10 ALCON bOX bCORES Adam have been selected as the players of the W L T RT Pts week in the Mid-American Conference. BOWLING GREEN 53, HAWAII 49 Detroit 12 6 3 1 28 Great Lakes Intercollegiate Conference Taylor, a junior from River Rouge, Mich., Bowling Green (2-0) St. Louis 12 6 2 0 26 Conference Overall rushed for 136 yards on 22 carries and scored a Nashville 7 10 1 1 16 W L W I. career-best three in a 45-21 victory Stacey 2-7 4-6 8, Esterkamp 3-9 2-2 8, Klassen 3- over MAC West Division champion Western Chicago 4 12 4 1 13 y-Northwood 7 2 8 ? 3 0-1 6, McLeod 3-7 3-4 11, Jackson 2-6 0-0 4, Matela Michigan. Taylor finished second in the confer- Northwest Divisior y-Ferris St. 7 2 7 3 4-9 1-1 9, Black 3-8 1-2 7. Totals: 20-49 11-16 53 ence in rushing with 1,176 yards and is No. 3 in W L T RT Pts Ashland 7 3 7 3 Vancouver 10 6 4 1 25 Hawaii (1-1) the nation with 6.5 yards per carry. Hillsdale 6 3 8 3 Adam, a senior from Howell, Mich., had five Edmonton 6 8 6 3 21 N. Michigan 6 3 6 4 Puida 3-5 0-1 6, Ostler 1-1 1-2 3, Alexander 9-15 tackles for losses of 25 yards in a 27-21 victory Colorado 8 9 3 1 20 Michigan Tech 6 4 6 4 2-7 18, Savovic 1-7 2-2 5, White 3-6 0-1 6, Mclntosh over Ball State. Among his six total tackles were Calgary 6 12 2 0 14 Grand Valley 5 4 5 5 2-6 0-0 4, Robinson 0-3 0-O 0, O'Connor 3-7 0-1 7. three quarterback sacks for 20 yards in losses. Pacific Division Indianapolis 5 4 7 4 Totals: 22-50 3-7 49 W L T RT Pts Mercyhurst 4 5 5 5 Halftime—Hawaii 25, Bowling Green 23. 3-Point Regulars sidelined for Bengals San Jose 13 9 3 1 30 Saginaw Valley 4 5 4 6 goals—Bowling Green 2-10 (McLeod 2-4, Stacey 0- Los Angeles 12 6 4 0 28 Westminster, Pa. 2 8 3 8 1, Black 0-2, Esterkamp 0-3), Hawaii 2-13 (Savovic CINCINNATI (AP) —Rookie quarterback Akili Phoenix 12 6 3 0 27 Findlay 2 8 2 8 1-4, O'Connor 1-5, Puida 0-2, Robinson 0-2). Fouled Anaheim 10 9 2 1 23 Wayne St. 0 10 0 11 Smith and offensive linemen Willie Anderson and Dallas 8 9 3 0 19 out—White. Rebounds—Bowling Green 32 (Matela Brian DeMarco, all of whom missed Sunday's 34- 9), Hawaii 29 (Alexander 9). Assists—Bowling 31 loss to Baltimore, aren't expected to be back in Overtime losses count as a loss and a regulation Green 10 (Stacey 4), Hawaii 11 (Puida 4). Total tie. fouls—Bowling Green 16, Hawaii 22. A—4,071 time for Sunday's rematch with the Steelers, who (turnstile), 6,516 (tickets issued). beat the Bengals 17-3 in Cincinnati on Oct. 17. Gretzky joins great ones in hall Women beat Bonnies By TOM COHEN Canada, honored and loved as conceivable scoring record and Howe. second half barage Associated Press Writer the greatest to ever play the winning every major NHL The Hall waived the normal By DAVE TRUMAN match the intensity level of the game. award multiple times. three-year waiting period for The BG News Falcons in the second half. TORONTO — Wayne Gret- When asked what made him He longs for the camaraderie the 10th time in honor of Gret- Bowling Green's defense and "We got very tentative offen- zky handled the ultimate trib- the most dominant player of all and competition left behind by zky and accredited 175 journal- press took over against St. sively and we didn't attack," she said. "We folded under their ute to his unparalleled hockey time, Gretzky credited his retirement, but said his deci- ists for the ceremony. Bonaventure in the second half of the Falcons' 88-69 win at full-court pressure. We didn't career — induction in the Hall teammates and a passion that sion to stop playing is final. Morrison acknowledged Anderson Arena last night. execute well at all." of Fame — with the same boy- drove him to always want more "Nothing can replace hock- Gretzky's humble approach, BG (1-1) used a 19-5 run over Miller led BG with 26 points, next-door humility that charac- from himself. ey," he said. "I wish I could still telling how Gretzky rejected a a 5:25 span in the second half to 20 after halftime. terized his playing days. "I felt like I'd never done play and I miss it tremendously plan to move the ceremony to a build a 69-54 lead. The Bonnies "Francine touched the ball very few times in the first half," In typical Gretzky fashion, enough. If I had three goals, I because it's a great game. bigger venue because he want- (0-2) committed six turnovers in that stretch, while Sherry Falcons' point guard Jaymee ed the same ceremony in the The Great One tried to share wanted five goals. If 1 had "But I said this before: I was Kahle and Francine Miller each Wappes said. "We needed to get the limelight with his two fel- seven points, I wanted to get going to retire one time, one same place as those before him. scored seven points. her the ball more and we talked low inductees — former referee the eighth point," he said. "I time officially and I'm officially That came as no surprise to one The numbers told the story about doing that. I tried to get Andy Van Hellemond and for- kept going every night, played retired. I probably miss the of the onloolters, Wayne's in each half, as St. Bonaven- her the ball more on the outlet pass because I know she can mer referee-in-chief Scotty 80 games every year as hard as game more than the game father, Walter. ture shot 30 percent in the sec- ond half, including one-for-15 make something happen." Morrison — when they received I could, whether it was Oct. 1 or misses Wayne Gretzky." "It's just nice to know that from three-point territory. They Kahle chipped in 17 points their Hall of Fame blazers and April 1. In conjunction with Gret- Wayne has turned out to be shot 40 percent in the first half, and matched Miller with a rings at a ceremony Monday "Maybe that's why I was able zky's induction, the Hall of such a great individual," Walter compared to the Falcons' 33 team-high eight rebounds, but jammed with journalists. to have the records that I did Fame opened its largest single Gretzky said. "His hockey percent. it was the team defense that meant the difference. Gretzky insisted that Morri- eventually get," said the holder achievements are one thing, Kahle said BG focused on exhibit, a 2,300-square-foot col- "We want to make chaos out but he's also a very fine per- boxing out in the second half, son take the center seat at the of 61 NHL records whose trade- lection of Gretzky memorabilia after being out-rebounded 30- there," BG coach Dee interview table and called the mark No. 99 was retired after that includes the skates he son." 17 in the first 20 minutes. Knoblauch said. "We are used honor of joining his co- his final game. wore in his final game on April Gretzky scored more goals "We took some bad shots in to playing amid chaos and inductees in the Hall "pretty The 38-year-old master left 18, the net into which he scored (894) and had more assists the first half," she added. "We hopefully the other team is not." special- an extraordinary mark on the his league-record 802nd goal (1,963) than anyone before him. slowed down and worked the offense in the second half. St. Bonaventure led 45-37 at Such gestures have made game, with four Stanley Cup and even his picture as a smil- His assists alone exceed the St. Bonaventure coach Marti halftime. Gretzky a national hero in championships, almost every ing youngster with idol Gordie 1,850 total points of Howe Whitmore said her team didn't FOOTBALL Continued from page one. Blackney also likes the missed but Chad Long, who led drix. Blackney has a lot of other progress of freshman Mitch the team in tackles with 111 young defensive backs but may The ONE WAY to help the most '■ The only void to fill in at Hewitt. returns along with Sergio Lund recruit three or four next sea- linebacker is Joe O'Neill. But The secondary is still a con- and Ken Dobbs. There are son. He has no plans of going Khary Campbell, Gary Fisher cern as it yielded an average of other defensive backs that can the junior college rout this year. tiff land backups Chris Delia Vella 224.5 yards per game. Corner- step in such as Andre Davis, The Falcons open the 2000 [tpir ^) iand Chris Haneline return. back Will Sullivan will be Karl Rose or Emmanuel Hen- season Sept. 3 at Michigan. *Ok

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Apply in person at ttttd, religion, national ort|ui onrnuiion. dii- Call Maggie's Restaurant 874-1543. ages! Guarunteed Lowest Price! 1-800- Brandywine Country Club. 6904 Salisbury Austin Moherman has been left at Cooper's home Monday atHMy. itnui at * incran of on ihf bain ol an> Oihtr 367-1252. Irgally proiMtrd turut Rd 865-2393 Maumee. Ohio 43537. granted his release from his night. Moherman's number in scholarship, the athletics Ttw BG S#»i met*.** iht ngh> to oVtlmr. diuvntmuc SIZE DOES MATTER! Customer Service Columbus was unpublished. or revue any •dvtniKtner* iiath ai ihoi* found lo br BIGGEST BREAK PACKAGE RECRUITER department announced Mon- defamatory, larking in factual baiit. nuikading or falte Stalling firm leader ot 47 yrs. has CS op- in nature All ad ten dementi are tubjeet to editing and BEST PRICE FROM $29 day. Moherman started the sea- WWW.SPRINGBREAKHO.COM portunities in the Toledo, Cleveland & Co- For Sale Moherman started the first son-opening loss to Miami, but 1-800-224-GULF lumbus areas. We require a 4 yr. college degree, customer service & PC skills. Du- "111! Cancun & Jamaica Spring Break two games of the season but was ineffective in the following Spring Break '00 ties include interviewing, applicant place- Specials! 7 Nights Air, Hotel. Meals. saw little action after being game against UCLA. He was Cancun. Mazatlan. or ment, data entry & servicing client ac- Drinks From $39911 of 6 Small Business- replaced by fellow sophomore Campus Events Jamaica from $399 counts. We offer advancement & benefits. es Recognized for Outstanding Ethics! pulled in favor of the more Fax resume to (216) 781 -7022. Steve Bellisari. Reps wanted! Sell 15 and travel free! 1-800-678-6386 mobile Bellisari, who directed a Loweat Prices Guaranteed!!! "All we know today is that he Do you need cash for book next se- Info: Call 1-800-446-8355 Dancers wanted - Toledo's newest club 42-20 come-from-behind victo- mester? Well WFAL and Baa Oaa Part-time and Full-time "111! Spring Break Specials! Bahamas (Moherman) requested a Party Cruise 5 Days S279! Includes Most ry books want lo help! We will be giving No exp. necessary, will train release, and we did grant it," away $200.00 toward free books and 419-476-6640 Meals! Awesome Beaches, Nigh.lifel Pan- athletics communications direc- Bellisari started Ohio State's many other prizes! The contest will be SPRING BREAK 2000 ma City, Daytona. South Beach, Florida PANAMA CITY BEACH FLORIDA FROM) S129! 1 800-678- tor Gerry Emig said Monday final 10 games despite his held at Bee Gee Bookstore on Thurs- Dominic's Italian day December 2nd from 3:30-4:30! $149 PER PERSON SANDPIPER 6386. night. BEACON BEACH RESORT. THE "FUN Now Hinng propensity for turnovers and What are you afraid of, call the WFAL All Positions request line H 372-2418 for your PLACE"! HOME OF THE WORLD'S 1991 Mercury Cougar. Everything auto- Moherman had not informed the offense's inability to move LARGEST KEG PARTY. DRINK DRAFT Apply after 4pm chance to win! matic. 10 CD changer. AC/DC, low mile- coach John Cooper of his plans, BEER ALL WEEK LONG. TIKI BEACH 2121 S. Reynolds, Toledo the ball — or score. age $3000 354-4244. Emig said, but the next step BAR ENTERTAINMENT BY BOOGIE Full or part time positions available likely will be that Moherman Moherman barely left the ftEMiKJbEfc * HEMiKlbEft INCORPORATED BIKINI CONTESTS. in a new child care facility. Barecrafters car top carrier with 2 bike transfers to another school. sidelines after losing the start- MALE HARD BODY CONTESTS. 3 352-2506 racks & sailboard rack. $300 new, will sell POOLS, LAZY RIVER RIDE. WATER for $50. Call 352-3745. "Now it's his decision as to ing job and had expressed frus- CLASSIFIED SLIDE, HUGE BEACHFRONT HOT Help wanted what is going on." Km in .--aid of tration with his limited role. TUB. MINI GOLF. GIFT SHOP, SUITES Hinng servers, apply in person. Homes from $199.30 mo. Repos. 4% UP TO 10 PEOPLE. Stop in anytime to fill out an application. down. O.K. credit. For Listings & payment DEADLINE'- 1-800-488-8828 Chill's Bar S Grill - Airport Hwy., details call 1-800-719-3001 ext H584. WWW.SANDPIPERBEACON.COM Exit 8 o« 1-475. Call 866-8781 Carrier fined for hit 2 p.m. HONDAS FROM $500 Human Resources Police impounds and tax repos By JIM SUHR fueling their decisive second- RECRUITER For listings call 1 -800-319-3323 ext 4558 the day Staffing lirm leaders ot 47 yrs. has HR op- Associated Press Writer half surge. Services Offered portunities in the Toledo. Cleveland & Co- Sofa $75, Vanity desk and chair $125, DETROIT — lumbus areas. We require a 4 yrs. college bookcase $40. end table $30. Please call Washington told Carrier in a before you degree, customer service & PC skills Du- 354-0198 safety Mark Carrier was sus- letter that commissioner Haul Worried about pregnancy?? pended on Monday for one Free Pregnancy Tests. ties include interviewing, applicant place- Tagliabuc would be available to want the ad to run. Confidential .ma Ca'ing ment, data entry & servicing client ac- game without pay and fined an 354-4673 BG Pregnancy Center counts. We offer advancement & benefits For Rent additional $50,000 for an illegal hear any appeal before Thurs- Fax resume to (216) 781-7022. day. helmet-to-helmet hit on Green $1 per line, Personals Looking tor part time help, Mon-Wed-Fn. "Houses and apartments. 2000-2001 Bay wide receiver Antonio Lions spokesman Bill $3.00 minimum charge. 11 -5. Local company Competitive wages. school year Listing available 24 hrs. at Call Amber 354-2010. 316 E. Merry, »3. Call 353-0325 between Freeman. Keenist said the team had no A Attention A 9am-8pm.'will mail listings. Also 2000 or $.75 extra, daily for bold immediate reaction, but said B GREEKS B Perrysburg based, fast-growing & exciting 2001 second semester apts available. The suspension — the company looking for smart, organized, & Carrier would discuss the mat- X We now X league's fourth action against Place your ad © motivated people to fill the following posi- 1 to 2 suble-'sers needed-Jan.-May Carrier in the past three sea- ter Tuesday. A have Greek A tions: Warehouse packing, customer $360/montl. >l $190/month Close to campus Call 352-6805. sons for improper use of his hel- E letters for E service/data entry, & warehouse manag- Earlier Monday, Carrier said 204 West Hall * your personal er. Part-time, flexible hours are possible. met — would be served Thurs- Other BG students already work here in 1.2,3 Bedroom Apts he didn't know what to expect ads! r day when the Lions play host to r this environment. Please fax resume 419- From only from the league, and was trying it $1 extra ii 872-7147. $425 Chicago. Carrier could choose Private Entrance not to worry about it. i per line of i Sales Patio to appeal the penalty. City Events Greek letters. K K ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Spacious Kitchen "At this point, no news is just Stop in @ Gene Washington, the NFL's A A Staffing firm leader of 47 yrs. has entry Small Pets Welcome! Do you need cash for book next se- M 204 West Hall M level outside sales opportunities. We seek Varsity Square Apts. director of football operations, no news," he said. "It's unfortu- nate that it is even an issue. If mester? Well WFAL and Bee Gee N to place your ad N energetic sales reps with a 4 yr. college 353-7715 notified Carrier of the suspen- books want to help! We will be giving degree & customer service or sales expe- sion after reviewing tapes of I sit and think about it, it's just away $200.00 toward free books and rience. HHadale Apts. Subleaser Needed Move many other prizes! The contest will be 'Salary * commission in after Christmas, rent free until Feb Call the third-quarter hit that going to mess up my prep,tra- 354-4909 tions for Chicago." held at Bee Gee Bookstore on Thurs- Browse icpt com (or Spnngbreak "2000" 'Full benefits knocked Freeman out of the day December 2nd from 3:30-4:30! ALL destinations ottered. Trip partici- 'Car allowance House for rent 424 E Wooster, 3 Bdrm Packers' 26-17 victory over the Last season, Carrier was What are you afraid of. call the WFAL pants. Student Orgs & Campus Sales "Advancement opportunities house Available Fall 2000. $690/month Lions at Green Bay on Sunday. request line 6 372-2418 for your Reps wanted. Fabulous parties, hotels. & Fax resume to (216) 781-7022 Utilities included. 353-7547. suspended for one game — cost- chance to win! prices Call Inter-Campus 800-327-6013 ing him about $25,000 — for a THE Houses & Apts lor 2000-20001 No penalty was called on the Give Me Help infertile couple through helmet-to-helmet hit that gave school year play, which forced Freeman Lost/Found maternal surrogacy. Any nationality BG 1 to 4 person rentals avail. from the game with a concus- Tampa Bay's Brice Hunter a acceptable. Excellent compensation. 12 mo. leases only sion the Packers credited with concussion. (800) 450-5343. NEWS Sieve Smith 352-8917 or 367-8666 LOST-Gold Ring with sapphires Reward No calls after 8pm-Listing at 532 Manville n offered. If found please call Colleen at Applications for Spring 2000 IK 354-2348. Wanted Houses. 1. 2 and 3 bedroom apartments Se wtiat s . BG News Editor Beginning of May ol 2000 in the news'' Travel arc now being accepted. 352-7454 1 to 2 subleasers needed for spring se- application forms may be mester. Close to campus. Brand new apt. Sublease 1 bedroom furnished »1 Spnng Break Vacations! picked up at 204 West Hall apartment Dec-April $340. Cancun. Jamaica, Bahamas, & Florida! Call 353-5518. Watch BG 24 News! ► thomasmtfbgnet Now Hiring Campus Reps! December graduation tickets needed Deadline to apply is 5 p.m. 214 Napoleon Rd. Best Prices Guaranteed. Book Now & Re- Will pay generously ceive Free Meal Plans! 1-800-234-7007. Call Ashley at 352-1197 Tuesday, November 23,1999 Subleasers Needed Spring Semester Graduation Tickets needed. Teachers $515/mo. Winthrop Terrace Apts. P-T with F-T possibilities experience or 2 bdrm 1 bath, 353-9322. Will Pay education preferred but will train; morning Call 354-2036. hours and afternoon hours: weekends Village Green Apts Roommate needed ASAP. No rent until and evenings off. send resume to; Stay Now leasing tor 2000-01 school yr January $150 deposit Pool, own room and Play 3120 S. Byrne Rd Limited space available w/large closet. Call 2-4549, ask tor Joni Toledo. OH Call 354-3533. ZtJJzM ■ as happening m the You should be. As forwhat in particular, check out the NOW campus and surrounding section on Monday, Thursaay atttrffriday itiajhe BG News. community on Bowling Green S only live television news source' i.ism •■ Questions, Story Ideas 372 2997 ^^^pe^\ Transmission • Tires MONDAY. All Mechanical Work • Bearings BBO SpareRibs •WEDNESDAY* JOHN NEWLOVE • Brakes • AH Farm Equip. • Diesel and Gas Motors •TUESDAY* Prime Rib Spring - Low Shop Rates - Baked Chicken Crrrlllcd Angus Beet REAL ESTATE - Free Towing with Student ID - •THURSDAY* Break 2000 (with qualified repair) Sirloin Steak CHECK OUT OUR FEW REMAINING LOCATIONS **••**•*•**** B&B Truck & Auto JAMAICA STEAK HOUSE 516 S. MAIN - Repair & Welding \S EAT a DRINK FOR FREE 2 BR duplex. $400-1 1304040 Bishop Rd., Bowling Green, OH • 353-2!-2526 163 SOU'H MAIN STKEET-BOWUNC GREEN-352-2595 » 7 Nights Club Jamaica Beach Person/$435-2 People. Resort Income qualifications must • Roundtrip Air from Detroit be met. Available now ftrtk 2000 ftramt City Braeh, llorSdi? Includes: all meals, until August 2000. ALL DRINKS, ************* entertainment, activities, all DEPOSITS EQUAL ONE BEACO taxes, Roundtrip transfers, MONTH'S RENT BEACH RESORT & much more -!WI«8Mrfelr,JrW(h*nr^oaii. - NO PETS ALLOWED!! and «Mr •**■. 2 !«* OrrMoor fefaakai, Total Per Person $980.00 ************* "■|*.Sa*.*> . KfciManagement still has apartments available Final due January 10, 2000 •Ai-p.«11-.*™- Sm«r To Book Call : v-j I '." IF rir 821 Thirl St •>. Ttockledge Manor 315 N Mam St 615 Second St 317 H. Main SI 1-800-635-8711 ■ nrrhSI 710 Bra St LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT 610 Eighth 4^1 710172 Flm St JOHN NEWLOVE REAL •MhSI 237 N. Prospect ESTATE RENTAL OFFICE 133 Manville r\ve 13r3172». ■ n I MILLSTREAM 755. 777 Manville Ave 313 H. Mam St 354-2260 &*» ? TRAVELINCORPOHMKD ■ 319 E. Wooster. B.G. .sorvafions: I 800188-8828 113 Railroad St. (next to Kinko's) 1793 Tiflin Ave.-Findlay. OH Across street from 352-9302 www..sanilpi|H'riM*dc4>n.foni Mon-Fri 8-5 419-424-3341 Taco Bell

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