Prasar Bharati (lndia's Public Service Broadcaster) Prasar Bharati Secretariat lT Division, Akashvani Bhawan Sansad Marg, New Dethi-l10001. No. 7(16s)/20Le I tT I PBs Date: 23rd May,2019 sub: creation of official eMail lDs for IBES and lBps officers regarding implementation of SPARROW. In continuation of this office earlier circular of even number dated 20.05.20t9, a list of IBES/IBPS Officers whose eMail tDs have alreadv been created is enclosed herewith. On creation of eMail in domain, a SMS is automatically sent by the system to the mobile number of concerned officer communicating the eMail lD, Password & the URL for login. lt has been noticed that sometime the delivery of SMS is delayed or un-noticed by the user. In such cases, officers can reset the password using forget password feature available atthe bottom of All officers whose official eMail lD have been created as per list are requested to kindly start using the same for all official purpose. In case of any difficulty Shri T.P. Singh, AD(IT) or Ms Rama, EA may be contacted by
[email protected] or Phone No. 23421581. To:- All heads of Office of AIR and Doordarshan through Prasar Bharati Website as well as AIRNET, IB (E) S Sl No Station Name Full Name Designation Emp Code Email 1 AIR & DD BANGALORE-CRD-MKTG. ANIL KUMAR MANGALGI DDG E 1200319
[email protected] 2 AIR & DD Chennai, ADG(E)-(SZ) RAMACHANDRAN S ADG E 1030340
[email protected] 3 AIR & DD Chennai, ADG(E)-(SZ) THIYAGARAJAN N ADG