Quantum Causality, Decoherence, Trajectories and Information
QUANTUM CAUSALITY, DECOHERENCE, TRAJECTORIES AND INFORMATION V P BELAVKIN In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the discovery of quanta Abstract. A history of the discovery of “new”quantum mechanics and the paradoxes of its probabilistic interpretation are brie‡y reviewed from the mod- ern point of view of quantum probability and information. The modern quan- tum theory, which has been developed during the last 20 years for treatment of quantum open systems including quantum noise, decoherence, quantum di¤u- sions and spontaneous jumps occurring under continuous in time observation, is not yet a part of the standard curriculum of quantum physics. It is ar- gued that the conventional formalism of quantum mechanics is insu¢ cient for the description of quantum events, such as spontaneous decays say, and the new experimental phenomena related to individual quantum measurements, but they all have received an adequate mathematical treatment in quantum stochastics of open systems. Moreover, the only reasonable probabilistic interpretation of quantum me- chanics put forward by Max Born was in fact in irreconcilable contradiction with traditional mechanical reality and causality. This led to numerous quan- tum paradoxes, some of them due to the great inventors of quantum theory such as Einstein and Schrödinger. They are reconsidered in this paper from the point of view of quantum information. The development of quantum measurement theory, initiated by von Neu- mann, indicated a possibility for resolution of this interpretational crisis by divorcing the algebra of the dynamical generators and the algebra of the ac- tual observables, or beables. It is shown that within this approach quantum causality can be rehabilitated in the form of a superselection rule for compati- bility of the past beables with the potential future.
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