Section 1: FORM NP-1, page 1: COVER PAGE FOR SUBMISSION OF A NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN Neighborhood: Northside Neighborhood NJ Legislative District: District 35 Eligible Municipality: Paterson Mayor: Honorable Andre Sayegh Name of Applicant Organization: Paterson Habitat for Humanity Name of CEO/Executive Director: Scott Millard, CEO Address: 146 North 1st Street City: Paterson State: NJ Zip Code: 07522 NJ Charities Registration Number: 0100245114 Contact Person for this Application: Stephen Kehayes Phone: (908) 963-4492 E-Mail:
[email protected] Cellphone (optional): (908) 963-4492 What is the time period for this Neighborhood Plan? 10 years (may not exceed Ten (10) years) Did you partner with another organization to develop YES (if YES, complete NP-1 Page 2) the Neighborhood Plan? NO X Certification: To the best of my knowledge and belief, the data in this application are true and correct. The governing body of the applicant has duly authorized the document. Chair, Board of Directors Name Title Kathryn Komsa Schmidt Signature of Board Chairperson Date FORM NP-1, page 2: PARTNERING ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Please provide the following information for each organization with which you partnered in developing the Neighborhood Plan. Copy and attach additional sheets if necessary. Name of Partnering Organization: NO PARTNERS Contact Person (including title): Contact Person’s Address: City: State: Zip Code: Cellphone Phone: (optional): E-Mail: Briefly describe the role of the partnering organization in developing the Neighborhood Plan: Name of Partnering Organization: Contact Person (including title): Contact Person’s Address: City: State: Zip Code: Cellphone Phone: (optional): E-Mail: Briefly describe the role of the partnering organization in developing the Neighborhood Plan: We build strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter.