Creating a Podcast with Podomatic USF College of Education Laptop Initiative EDU 252, Email:
[email protected] Podomatic ( is a website that allows you to easily record, publish, and pro- mote an audio or video podcast without having to install any software on your computer. All you need is a microphone or headset to record your audio (and an iSight or other type of web camera if you are creating a video podcast). Podomatic uses a Flash interface to record the audio or video for your podcast using any web browser (you must install the Flash plugin for your web browser if it’s not installed already). Each Podomatic account allows you to store up to 500 MB of audio and video. Creating an Account Recording an Episode record button if you want to To record an episode, click on start over. My Podcast > Post an Episode. On this page, you can assign a Podomatic also allows you to title, tags, and comments to import recordings created in In order to use Podomatic, you your podcast episode. Tags are other programs such as Garage- must first register for a free the same as keywords that can band or Audacity. To import a account: be used to search for your pod- recording, click on the Import cast episode. To add a picture, button (next to the Record but- 1. Click on the Register link click on the Browse button and ton) and use the Browse button in the main page then find a picture on your to find the file you want to (