Volume XXI, No. 8 31 August 2020

ISSN 1555-774X. Copyright © 2020, PolishRoots®, Inc. Editor: William F. “Fred” Hoffman, e-mail: [email protected]< > CONTENTS Welcome! USCIS Fees Are Going Up, So Act Now! Letters to the Editor The Latest from Polish Origins: Is Checking Vital Records All You Can Do? Geneteka Index Updates An Overview of Recent Periodicals Upcoming Events More Useful Web Addresses You May Reprint Articles... *************************************** *** WELCOME! *** to the latest issue of Gen Dobry!, the e-zine of PolishRoots®. You can find this and previous issues here: Also, Agnieszka Maja Migalska of the Facebook group Polish Genealogy has made the PDF available via this link – thanks, Agnieszka!

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 1 ************************************** *** USCIS FEES ARE GOING UP, SO ACT NOW! *** by Jan Meisels Allen

Editor -- This is a note Jan posted to the JewishGen newsgroup and to members of the IAJGS Records Access Alert mailing list. It appears here with her kind permission.

This is a reminder that the fees for all records including genealogy requests through the USCIS are going up on October 2, 2020. If you are planning to order any records, this is the time to do so. While USCIS was planning to furlough more than 13,000 employee Tuesday, that was cancelled. Officials said “unprecedented spending cuts” and a revenue increase allowed the agency to drop the furloughs, but they warned of longer wait times and further backlogs, including for those seeking work permits, green cards or citizenship. “Averting this furlough comes at a severe operational cost that will increase backlogs and wait times across the board, with no guarantee we can avoid future furloughs,” Joseph Edlow, USCIS deputy director for policy, said in a statement. “A return to normal operating procedures requires congressional intervention to sustain the agency through fiscal year 2021.” It says it will maintain operations through September, when the fiscal year ends. The cuts include nonessential travel and reducing work sent to private contractors who handle paperwork. The agency’s roughly $4.8 billion budget comes almost entirely from application fees it charges.


As I posted back in July, last November, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced through the Federal Register that they intend to increase the request fees charged by them, including for genealogy services. Currently, the G-1041 Index Search Request is $65 and form G-1041A Genealogy Records Request is $65. The USCIS proposed to raise the fees to $240 and $385 respectively. These were a 269 percent and 492 percent change respectively.

The USCIS published the final rule on July 31 which will become effective on October 2, 2020. These fee increases range from 146 to 308 percent—still quite substantial. The new fees will be: for Form G-1041, Genealogy Index Search Request, when filed online as $160 and $170 when filed on paper. Using the same methodology refinement, DHS establishes a fee for Form G-1041A, Genealogy Records Request, when filed online as $255 and $265 when filed by paper.”

See: . The final rule covers more than genealogy and is quite long –over 570 pages. I did a word search for the term “genealogy: and the following have information of interest for genealogist. The fees portion are included on pages 16-17. Other items of interest are included on pages: 179, 187-203; 415, 419, 428-429; 433-434, 436, 438, 446-448, 461-463, 475, 511-513, 530, 532. Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 2

They further rationalized the genealogy fee increase by,” INA section 1356(t)(1) authorizes DHS to set the genealogy fee for providing genealogy research and information services at a level that will ensure the recovery of the costs of providing genealogy services separate from other adjudication and naturalization service’s fees. USCIS must estimate the costs of the genealogy program because it does not have a discrete genealogy program operating budget. Nor does USCIS discretely identify and track genealogy program expenditures. The same office that researches genealogy requests, the National Records Center, also performs other functions, such as FOIA operations, retrieving, storing, and moving files. In the FY 2016/2017 fee rule, DHS estimated the costs of the genealogy program indirectly using projected volumes and other information. The projected costs included a portion of Lockbox costs, genealogy contracts, and other costs related to the division that handles genealogy, FOIA, and similar USCIS workloads.” They also responded to one of the genealogy submitters: “USCIS receives fewer than 10,000 genealogy requests each year, so the fees should not affect hundreds of thousands of people as the commenter mentions.”

They also commented on the electronic version of records:

DHS is expanding the use of electronic genealogy requests to encourage requesters to use the electronic versions of Form G-1041 and Form G–1041A. DHS is changing the search request process so that USCIS may provide requesters with electronic records, if they exist, in response to the initial index request. These final changes may reduce the time it takes to request and receive genealogy records, and, in some cases, it will eliminate the need to make multiple search requests and submit separate fees. Moreover, DHS notes that providing digital records in response to a Form G-1041 request may reduce the number of Form G-1041A requests that will be filed because there would already be a copy of the record if it was previously digitized. As a result, the volume of Form G-1041A requests USCIS receives may decrease, though DHS is unable to estimate by how much... DHS recognizes that some small entities may be impacted by these increased fees but cannot determine how many or the exact impact.

Note: DHS stands for Department of Homeland Security of which USCIS is under.

As with the proposed fee increase USCIS still maintains:

DHS is unable to estimate the number of G-1041 index searches and G-1041A records requests considered small; however, some will receive a reduced fee and savings, by filing online. Therefore, DHS does not currently have sufficient data on the requestors for the genealogy forms to definitively assess the estimate of small entities for these requests. DHS is unable to estimate by how much because DHS does not know how many individuals will have access to a computer and/or internet capability. The case management tracking system used by DHS for genealogy requests does not allow for requestor data to be readily pulled.

For a Genealogy Records Request, requests for copies of historical records or files must: (1) Identify the record by number or other specific data used by the Genealogy Program Office Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 3 to retrieve the record as follows: (i) C-Files must be identified by a naturalization certificate number. (ii) Forms AR-2 and A-Files numbered below 8 million must be identified by Alien Registration Number. (iii) Visa Files must be identified by the Visa File Number. Registry Files must be identified by the Registry File Number (for example, R-12345).

Information required for release of records. (1) Documentary evidence must be attached to a Genealogy Records Request or submitted in accordance with the instructions on the Genealogy Records Request form. (2) Search subjects will be presumed deceased if their birth dates are more than 100 years before the date of the request. In other cases, the subject is presumed to be living until the requestor establishes to the satisfaction of USCIS that the subject is deceased. (3) Documentary evidence of the subject’s death is required (including but not limited to death records, published obituaries or eulogies, published death notices, church or bible records, photographs of gravestones, and/or copies of official documents relating to payment of death benefits).

Fees must be remitted from a bank or other institution located in the United States and payable in U.S. currency. The fee must be paid using the method that USCIS prescribes for the request, office, filing method, or filing location, as provided in the form instructions or by individual notice.

If you want to place an order this would be the more cost-efficient time to do so.The forms may be found at

To see previous postings about the USCIS and the fee increases, go to the archives of the IAJGS Records Access Alert at .

You must be registered to access the archives. To register go to: and follow the instructions to enter your email address, full name and which genealogical organization with whom you are affiliated You will receive an email response that you have to reply to or the subscription will not be finalized.

Jan Meisels Allen Chairperson, IAJGS Public Records Access Monitoring Committee

************************************** *** LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ***

Subject: Responses to “Search for Gregor Kulik”

Editor – In the most recent issues of Gen Dobry! and of Rodziny, I printed a request for help from a researcher looking for a “Gregor Kulik.” She had very little information, and there wasn’t a lot I could suggest. But I promised to print her note anonymously and pass along any responses. I thought I would share the responses with you, in case some of them might give you an idea that helps you get past your brick wall. Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 4 First, from Debbie Greenlee:


Re: the letter to the editor from the recent Rodziny, I suggest DNA testing. It’s worth a shot but the person should use a service that handles paternity testing.

Has this person ever seen their birth certificate? How about a baptismal cert? I’d be curious to know who is listed as “her” father. This person might try to find out where “her” mother was in Germany and why the mother was in Germany.

That’s about all I’ve got.


Editor – Next, from Margie LaCerra:

In your article regarding Gregor Kulik, we found my mother’s biological father through DNA matches with cousins. Matching these cousins we found a landline phone number, which I called and this gent referred my name and number to his sister in AZ who was the family historian. She took the test but was a cousin also. She connected me to her cousin who happened to be only a half biological cousin and I sent her an Ancestry test. Voilà! This half cousin turns out to be my mother’s half-sister. We drove my mother down to this MO town some 6 hours away to meet this sister last fall. Also regarding her maternal line that we previously had a surname, DNA con- firmed that name through cousin matches also...


Editor – And finally, from Tom Sadauskas, who I know has had very good luck research- ing via the Arolsen Archives:

This month’s Gen Dobry! issue has an article about info needed on Gregor Kulik and his ser- vice in the German army. The person should submit an online request to WASt in Berlin, Ger- many. WASt is the archive that hold German military service records and should have info on his service. Additionally only a fraction of the Arolsen Archive holdings are online (20 million Records). They should send an online request for possible DP records as well.

Hope this helps.


Editor – Here is the Wikipedia page about WASt:

And this is the English version of their website:

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 5

Thanks to all who responded.



Editor – I like to pass along the latest from the newsletter of PolishOrigins.com, for those who aren’t subscribed to it.

It’s been six months since we have introduced our Genealogy Services, . Time for a quick look back and recap.

So far we have received over 200 inquiries, of which 67 developed into research projects. In many cases we are still waiting for some supplementary information or for the opening of specific institutions. Dozens of projects have been already completed, and you can imagine how many ancestors and relatives we have found!

There were many obstacles, especially those related to the pandemic, limited access to documents, and the inability to travel further, for example to Ukraine. Currently, the situation is gradually normalizing.

But let’s leave the problems, today we want to focus on some of our interesting cases and successes.

As usual, the largest number of requests concerns peasants and farmers emigrating in the 19th century from partitioned , but we also worked on a noble family from today’s Ukraine, we obtained 20th-century documents from central Belarus, we’ve been also researching some early documents from the 17-18th centuries.

We are carrying out a project of building a memorial in the cemetery for our client’s ancestor. Our genealogists did a few Genealogy Virtual Tours, , finding relatives and lost documents.

Below you can see one of more interesting examples: thanks to using a huge database of non- metrical sources, it was possible to recreate the historical context and find information about the everyday life of specific ancestors. Of course, this effect will not always be possible and it is rather an extended research project. You can read this exemplary report here:

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 6 As you can see, used sources shed more light than just dry facts from metrical records on the life of the family. The only more meaningful experience may be taking a Genealogy Tour to family places.

If your research has stalled, sources are missing and different research methods have failed, you can’t travel to Poland, we can recommend one simple and extremely effective solution:Genealogy Virtual Tour.

Recently we have had two examples of success:

Finding the lost vital records from the Greek Catholic parish in Leżachów in the local civil registry office, which allowed us to reconstruct the line of ancestors and find relatives.

At the police station in one of the small towns of Małopolska, our genealogist met a police officer, who had a huge collection of materials on the history of his family. Thanks to his materials we confirmed that our client is related to his family.

None of these stories would have happened if we wouldn’t simply visit the village and talk to the local people. Sometimes this is the fastest way to get results, sometimes it may happen to be the only way.

What else have these past six months brought us? We have read hundreds of your stories, each one is extraordinary. We have encountered individual dramas, fates, and decisions which affected future generations.

Of course, there are some cases when we can’t help, but any victory, even the smallest one, gives us enormous satisfaction.

We are constantly learning ourselves and we want to share with you our knowledge and experiences. We have created a small series of short videos and notes: Genealogy Protips,

Thank you that you are still with us. Although we are not meeting you in person, in this strange 2020, we stay in contact with you and you give us constant inspiration and motivation.

Greetings from Poland, Agnieszka and the whole PolishOrigins Team *************************************** *** GENETEKA INDEX UPDATES *** by Waldemar Chorążewicz

Editor – Once more, let me pass along new Geneteka indexes updates shared by Waldemar on Facebook’s Polish Genealogy group this month. You can find assistance Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 7 with the two-letter province abbreviations online, for instance, at . Note that UK is Ukraine and BR is Belarus. Also worth remembering is the tip Henry Szot shared with us in the April 2018 issue of Gen Dobry!

Here is an easy way to find out if an index has been updated. On the top right of results pages, there is a list of options (opcje). The last item is Wyszukaj tylko indeksy z ostatnich (search only indexes in the last), with a choice of 1, 3, 7, 14, 31, and 60 days. This permits receiving results only in the chosen time period. Example of use: 1) select the search page icon, 2) select świętokrzyskie, 3) select parish Sokolina and the wyszukaj option with 31 days, 4) if any, only results entered for the last 31 days will be shown. A surname might be added to further limit results.

Births – U[rodzenia] • Marriages– M[ałżeństwa] • Deaths – Z[gony].

Aleksandrów Łódzki (LD) -- UMZ 1901-04, indexed by Krystyna Zadwórna Andrzejewo (MZ) -- Z 1826, indexed by Justyna Jaźwińska Baranów Sandomierski (mm. Durdy, Knapy, Smykle) (PK) -- M 1861-68, 1878-83, indexed by Heather L Pedersen Bardo (WP) -- U 1900-1920; M 1900-1939; Z 1900-1950, indexed by Michał Stojek Bęczkowice (LD) -- UM 1919, indexed by Gadecki.Bogusław Bejsce (KP) -- U 1607-66,M 1586-1666, indexed by Elżbieta Pawlak Bełchów (LD) -- UMZ 1886-90, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Bełk (SL) -- M 1904-36, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Biała Rawska (LD) -- UM 1844, indexed by Ewa Czerkawska Bieliny Kapitulne (SK) -- UMZ 1919, indexed by Andrzej Gawlik Bogdanów (LD) -- U 1911, M 1905-06, indexed by Bożena Rasmussen Bolesław pow. dąbrowski (m. Kupienin) (MP) -- M 1786-1901, indexed by Anna Krawiec Bolesław pow. dąbrowski (m. Mędrzechów) (MP) -- Z 1811-1840, indexed by Anna Krawiec Boleszyn (kościelne) (WM) -- 1790-1807, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Bolimów (LD) -- U 1830-31,38-40,77-80, M 1869, 79, 91, Z 1830-32, 66-72, 77-91, indexed by Antoni Burzyński Brzeźnica (MZ) -- UMZ 1875-79, indexed by Mirosław Orzechowski Buczkowice (SL) -- U 1824-1914, M1859-67,70-1908, Z 1836-97, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Bystra (SL) -- U 1851-1919; M 1850-1920, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Bytoń (KP) -- M 1917-19, indexed by Jan Berens Ceranów (MZ) -- M 1889-95, indexed by Emilia Borowicz Cerekiew (MP) -- U 1792-1825, 1828-42, 1844-80, indexed by Michał_Sk Cerekiew (MZ) -- Z 1832-33, indexed by Mikołaj Wilk Chełmo (KP) -- M 1839-47, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 8 Chełmo (LD) -- Z 1838-73, indexed by Joanna Maślanek Chełmża (KP) -- M 1842-47, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Chrostkowo (KP) -- U 1851-60 (expanded), indexed by Maciej Lisinski Chrostkowo (KP) -- UMZ 1781-1811, indexed by Michał Golubiński Cielądz (LD) -- UMZ 1849-53, indexed by Bogusław Nagórski Ćmińsk (SK) -- U 1918-19; M 1826, 31, 75; Z 1855, 60-64, 75, 1917-27, indexed by Janina Hyb Cyprzanów (SL) -- M 1857-70, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Czarnożyły (LD) -- UMZ 1908, indexed by Danuta Mieżyńska Czeladź (SL) -- U 1906-1908, indexed by A.Ch. Czermin (m. Breń Osuchowski) (PK) -- U 1787-1805, indexed by Krzysztof Naróg Czermin (m. Łysaków) (PK) -- Z 1787-1864, 1878-79, 1883-85, 1917, 1930-37, 1940-41, 1943-48, indexed by Krzysztof Naróg Czermin (m. Łysakówek) (PK) -- Z 1787-1948, indexed by Krzysztof Naróg Czerwionka-Leszczyny - Czerwionka USC (SL) -- M 1908-35, indexed by GTG_Silius_ Radicum Czerwionka-Leszczyny - Czuchów -Czuchow (SL) -- M 1920-25, indexed by GTG_Silius_ Radicum Czerwionka-Leszczyny - Leszczyny - Lesch (SL) -- M 1904-36, indexed by GTG_Silius_ Radicum Czerwionka-Leszczyny -Dębieńsko - Duben (SL) -- M 1902-37, indexed by GTG_Silius_ Radicum Czerwonka (pow. węgrowski) (MZ) -- U 1911-14, M 1907-14, indexed by Anna Poprawa Częstochowa św. Zygmunta (SL) -- Z 1812-14, indexed by Stanisław Jegier Dąbrowa Górnicza -Gołonóg św. Antoniego (SL) -- M 1831-48, indexed by Barbara Piaskowska Dąbrowa Górnicza-Gołonóg św. Antoniego (SL) -- U 1820-21, indexed by Mieczysław Szymański Daugi (LT) -- M 1802-1818, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Długosiodło (MZ) -- U 1812-22 (indexing), 1823-38 (expanded), indexed by Włodzimierz Macewicz Dobre (MZ) -- Z 1896, indexed by Artur Lewandowski Dobryszyce (LD) -- U 1770-84, 86-90, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Drużbin (LD) -- M 1887-93, indexed by Krystian Dzikowski Drwalew (MZ) -- UMZ 1889, 1890, indexed by Jolanta Jarosz-Hryniewicz Dylągowa (PK) -- M 1894-1909, indexed by Anna Karnas Działoszyn (LD) -- UMZ 1910, 1911, indexed by Daniel Leszczyk Dziektarzewo (MZ) -- U 1841-44; Z 1831, 1834, 1836, 1840, indexed by Paweł Pyszniewski Dźwierzno (KP) -- M 1815-47, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Gamów -Gammau (SL) -- M 1854-74, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Gąsawa (KP) -- U 1843-60, indexed by Stefanie Matta Gdów (m. Bilczyce) (MP) -- M 1784-1904, indexed by Ela Synowiec Gdów (m. Fałkowice) (MP) -- M 1784-1904, indexed by Ela Synowiec Gdów (m. Kwapinka) (MP) -- M 1784-1904, indexed by Ela Synowiec

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 9 Gdów (MP) -- M 1834-1904, indexed by Ela Synowiec Gliwice św. Bartłomieja (SL) -- M 1800-53, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Golub (Prot.) (KP) -- Z 1800-10, indexed by Carolyn Hallinan Golub (KP) -- U 1794-1819, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Góra Puławska (LB) -- UMZ 1817-1828, 1835-36, 1838, 1841, 1844, 1848, 1850, 1852-57, 1860, 1862, 1864, 1869, 1910-12; M 1923-44; MZ 1798-1852; Z 1921-45, indexed by Bartłomiej Zieliński Górki (pow. łosicki) (MZ) -- UMZ 1826-55, indexed by el_za Gostkowo (KP) -- U 1860-90, M 1873-90, Z 1778-1825, indexed by Zbigniew Linowski Gostynin (MZ) -- U 1895, indexed by Agnieszka Kuczkowska Goszcza (MP) -- U 1761-1796; M 1782-1797; Z 1782-1796, indexed by Jerzy Koprowski Grabkowo (KP) -- M 1918-19, indexed by Jan Berens Grabowo (WM) -- U 1884-1888, Z 1881-1887, indexed by Ania Parysek Gródek (Stary Grudek) (MZ) -- Z 1771-81, 1888, 1939-40, indexed by Andrzej Baran Grodzisko Dolne (PK) -- UMZ 1881, indexed by Thomas F. Hospod Gumino (MZ) -- UMZ 1826-45, indexed by Krystyna Malik Hadynów (MZ) -- UM 1879, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Hadynów (MZ) -- UZ 1841-45, indexed by Katarzyna Jastrzębska Hanuszyszki (LT) -- U 1802-1803, M 1802-1817, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Hyżne (PK) -- M 1786-1903 (checked and expanded), indexed by Gocha_D Inowrocław św. Mikołaja (KP) -- Z 1939-45, indexed by Danuta Lenart Jabłonowo Pomorskie (KP) -- U 1846-64, M 1746-1821, 1825-26, 28, 30-65, 1875-1914, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Jaćmierz (PK) -- UMZ 1890-1900, indexed by Grzegorz Zuzak Jankowice - Kőniglich Jankowitz (SL) -- M 1902-35, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Jedwabne (PL) -- Z 1907, indexed by Grzegorz Nowik Jelonki (MZ) -- UMZ 1916, indexed by Klaudia Karolak Jerutki- Klein Jerutten (WM) -- U 1852, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Kamieńsk (LD) -- M 1837-41, indexed by Marcin Maniecki Kamionna (MZ) -- UMZ 1870-74, indexed by Barbara Sikorska Karczew (mojż.) (MZ) -- UMZ 1828, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Karnkowo (KP) -- U 1770-1808, indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Karnkowo (KP) -- UMZ 1770-1808, indexed by Michał Golubiński - Kattowitz USC (SL) -- M 1914-16, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Kazanice USC (WM) -- U 1886-1889, Z 1884-1896, indexed by Katarzyna Matyjas Kazuń Nowy (Mennonites) (MZ) -- Z 1832-41 (checked), indexed by Daniel Foote Kidów (SL) -- UZ 1871-85, indexed by Wacław Winczakiewicz Kiełpin (MZ) -- UMZ 1870-72 (expanded), indexed by Emilia Borowicz Kiernów (LT) -- M 1802-1818, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Kietowiszki (LT) -- U 1802, M 1802-1818, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Kije (SK) -- Z 1826-37, indexed by Jacek Stradowski Kijewo Królewskie (KP) -- M 1819-47, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Kłobia (KP) -- M 1918, indexed by Jan Berens

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 10 Kłóbka (KP) -- M 1915-18, indexed by Jan Berens Kłóbka (KP) -- UMZ 1836-45, 66-67 (expanded), indexed by Katarzyna Siemankowska Kłobuck (SL) -- Z 1838-47, indexed by Iza Biś Kłomnice (SL) -- Z 1826-31, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Kociszew (LD) -- U 1876-91, indexed by Henryk Koluszkowski Kołaczyce (m. Nawsie Kołaczyckie) (PK) -- U 1784-1814, M 1784-1852, indexed by Jacek Bełzowski Kompina (LD) -- U 1902-18; M 1899-1918, indexed by Marek70 Koneck (KP) -- U 1850-67,M 1824, 26-27, 29-41, 1858-94, indexed by Jan Berens Kopcie (MZ) -- UMZ 1818-19; UM 1820; M 1823-24, indexed by Andrzej Dobrowolski Kopcie (MZ) -- UMZ 1821; Z 1820; indexed by Artur Godlewski Kosina (m. Rogóżno) (PK) -- U 1784-1829, indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Kosina (mm. Białobrzegi, Korniaktów, Kosina, Rogózno) (PK) -- UMZ 1777-84, indexed by Zbigniew Surmacz Kosów Lacki (MZ) -- M 1888-95, Z 1890-1895, indexed by Ewa Dybowska Kowal (KP) -- U 1819, indexed by Katarzyna Siemankowska Kozy (SL) -- U 1699-1714, 16-26, 36-1844, 65-91; M 1658-59, 63-67, 69-1714, 16-33, 73-85; Z 1754-1846, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Kraków św. Floriana (MP) -- U 1810-1819, indexed by merdigon Krasnystaw (LB) -- M 1835-40 (expanded), indexed by Krzysztof Zochniak Krasnystaw (LB) -- Z 1939-45, indexed by Danuta Wasilewska-Lenart Kraszewo (MZ) -- Z 1804-07, indexed by Robert Smach Krzywosądz (KP) -- M 1918, indexed by Jan Berens Książenice - Knizenitz (SL) -- M 1927-32, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Księży Lasek (WM) -- Z 1828, indexed by Waldemar Chorążewicz Kurozwęki (SK) -- U 1875-1918; M 1875-1904, 06-15, 17-18, Z 1875-1918; indexed by Wojciech Liśkiewicz Lachowice (MP) -- U 1819-1926 [?1826], 1827-1829, 1830-VIII.1831; M 1829; Z VI.1847, indexed by Incognito Łącko (m. Kosnowa i Wola Piskulina) (MP) -- U VII.1856 - IV.1881, indexed by Urszula Białka i Chuchracka_Iwona Łask (LD) -- UMZ 1845, 1846, indexed by Agata Kasprowicz-Jandrić Łążyn (gm.Oborowo) (KP) -- M 1728-43,47-1808 Z 1728-40,47,50-63,65-1808, indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Łęczeszyce (MZ) -- UMZ 1914-16, indexed by WZI Łęczyca (Prot.) (LD) -- U 1915, M 1912, Z 1912,15, indexed by Józef Dębowski Łęgonice Małe (MZ) -- U 1865-95, Z 1826-83, indexed by Marian Niemirski Lewiczyn (MZ) -- MZ 1914-16, indexed by Rafał Traczyk Leżajsk (m. Leżajsk) (PK) -- U 1844-48 (expanded), indexed by Maria Łopaciuk Leżajsk (Stare Miasto) (PK) -- U 1863-70, indexed by Maria Łopaciuk Lgota Wielka (LD) -- U 1783-1800, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Libiąż (MP) -- U 1773-1774, indexed by Renata Majewska Libiszów (LD) -- U 1789-96, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 11 Libiszów (LD) -- U 1797-1801; Z 1796-1801; indexed by Sławomir Gubiec Ligowo (MZ) -- U 1841-64; Z 1821-33, 1854-55; indexed by Mary Ann Graham Lipno (KP) -- M 1810-12, indexed by Jarosław Cendrowski Lipno (KP) -- U 1756-1808; M 1761-1824; Z 1756-1809, indexed by Michał Golubiński Lipowiec Kościelny (MZ) -- Z 1882 (expanded), indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Łodygowice (SL) -- U 1757-59, 64-67, 70-1835, 37-41; M 1786-1928, 30; Z 1786-1849, 51-75, 77-1909, 12-14, 17-18, 20-21, 23, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Łódź św. Jan (Prot.) (LD) -- M 1916, Z 1916-18, indexed by Gadecki.Bogusław Łódź św. Krzyż (LD) -- U 1918; M 1924-25; Z 1924-26, indexed by Urszula Gałkiewicz Łódź św. Trójca (Prot.) (LD) -- U 1915-17, indexed by Gadecki.Bogusław Łoniów (SK) -- UZ 1911-12, indexed by Wojciech Liśkiewicz Łowicz św. Duch (LD) -- UMZ 1904-07, indexed by Dariusz Śludkowski Lubecko (SL) -- U 1800-18, indexed by Maria Rogalska Lubień Kujawski (KP) -- UMZ 1816-49, 81-83 (expanded), indexed by Katarzyna Siemiankowska, Dagmara Mielczarek, Elżbieta Piwińska oraz Michał Golubiński Lubliniec- Lublinitz (SL) -- M 1810-19, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Luborzyca (MP) -- M 1740-1809, indexed by zolo Lubsza- Lubschau (SL) -- MZ 1790-99, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Ludzisko (KP) -- U 1840-74, indexed by Katarzyna Siemiankowska Łupków (gr-kat) (PK) -- M 1784-86, 1790, 1795, 1797, 1799-1872, indexed by Anna Krawiec Lutocin (MZ) -- M 1749-1808 (summary), Z 1749-1808 (summary),indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Lwów św. Andrzej (UK) -- UMZ 1893-98, indexed by Grzegorz Żychowski Marki (MZ) -- Z 1943-1945, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Meszna (SL) -- U 1873-1919 , M 1853-1939, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Miastkowo (PL) -- U 1789, indexed by Livia Ditto Miechów (MP) -- M 1900-1909; Z 1890-1892; indexed by Urszula Pogoń Miechów (MP) -- U 1898-1900, indexed by Anna Baranek-Urban, checked by Urszula Pogoń Mielec - Rzochów (m. Rzochów) (PK) -- Z 1794-1800, 1809-14, indexed by Heather L Pedersen Mielec (m. Miasto Mielec) (PK) -- Z 1941-45, indexed by Marek Podolski Mieleszyn (LD) -- SkUMZ 1746-1807, indexed by Grażyna Stasiak Mierzyce (LD) -- U 1913-14, indexed by Grażyna Stasiak Miłonice (LD) -- MZ 1920-39, indexed by Józef Dębowski Mokrsko (LD) -- UMZ 1891-92, indexed by Dariusz Laskowski Mokrsko (LD) -- UZ 1899, indexed by Marek Laskowski Mroczno (WM) -- U 1817-1820, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Murowana Oszmianka (BR) -- M 1811-1847 with gaps (updated and indexed), indexed by Łukasz Majtka Muśniki (LT) -- U 1879-1907, indexed by Marta Bałażak Mysłowice NSPJ (SL) -- M 1848-55, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Nabróż (m. Dutrów) (LB) -- Z 1787-1809, indexed by Mieczysław Szymański Nabróż (mm. Dobużek, Radostów) (LB) -- U 1785-1809, indexed by Mieczysław Szymański

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 12 Nabróż (mm. Dutrów, Kmiczyn, Kryszyn, Łykoszyn, Mircze, Miętkie, Jędrzejówka, Adelinek) (LB) -- U 1786-1809, indexed by Mieczysław Szymański Nabróż (mm. Mircze, Stara Wieś, Tuczapy, Lipowiec) (LB) -- M 1787-1809, indexed by Mieczysław Szymański Nabróż (mm. Mołożów, Nabróż, Stara Wieś, Lipowiec, Tuczapy, Wiszniów, Wereszyn) (LB) -- U 1787-1809, indexed by Mieczysław Szymański Nagłowice (SK) -- UMZ 1838-50; UM 1835-37; Z1835-36, indexed by Piotr Kowalczyk Naramice (LD) -- M 1816, UMZ 1817-29,31-49, indexed by Grażyna Stasiak Nawra (KP) -- M 1770-1850, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Niedźwiedź (pow. Limanowa) (m. Konina) (MP) -- M 1786-1862 (daty skrajne), indexed by Eugeniusz Jakubas, weryfikacja Allen Nemec Niegardów (MP) -- U 1787-1809; MZ 1790; indexed by Wojciech Nowiński Niestaniszki (BR) -- U 1800-1801, 1820, 1829-1833, indexed by kamilo86 Niewiesz (LD) -- SkU 1610-1808 (range of years), indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Nowa Góra (MP) -- U 1773-1774, indexed by 37gosia Nowy Korczyn (SK) -- UMZ 1903, indexed by Henryk Adamczyk Nur (MZ) -- UM 1850, 1856-60; Z 1849, 1856-60, indexed by Justyna Jaźwińska Nysa (Parafia Ganizonowa) (OP) -- M 1817-68, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Oleksów (MZ) -- UMZ 1810-35, indexed by Bartłomiej Zieliński Oleszyce (PK) -- UMZ 1895, 1896, indexed by arrmen Olkusz (MP) -- M 1900-1912, indexed by Karol Szotek Olkusz (MP) -- UZ 1862, 1864-1867, indexed by pbasik Olsztynek (WM) -- M 1920-1933; 1935-1938, indexed by Donata Stremplewska Osiek (pow.brodnicki) (KP) -- M 1815-18, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Osjaków (LD) -- U 1832; Z 1825-26, 28-33; indexed by Łukasz Fajfrowski Osjaków (LD) -- U 1864, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Osjaków (LD) -- UMZ 1852-54, indexed by Robert1202 Ostrowo (gm. Gniewkowo) (KP) -- UMZ 1834-45, indexed by Katarzyna Siemiankowska Ożarów (LD) -- U 1855; M 1843-48; Z 1916, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski Pabianice NMP (LD) -- U 1919, indexed by Agata Kasprowicz-Jandrić Pacyna (MZ) -- M 1869-75 (expanded), 1877-79, indexed by Tomasz Bogiel, checked by Maria Bagińska-Wierzbowska Pacyna (MZ) -- M 1880-81 (expanded), indexed by Tomasz Bogiel, checked by Maria Bagińska-Wierzbowska Pacyna (MZ) -- M 1882-1890, indexed by Tomasz Bogiel, checked by Maria Bagińska- Wierzbowska Pacyna (MZ) -- U 1904-1918; M 1901-28, 1930; Z 1904-1930, indexed by Katarzyna Kozłowska Padew Narodowa (PK) -- M 1851-61, 1863-70, indexed by Agnieszka Kluzek Palowice - Pallowitz (SL) -- M 1902-36, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Parzno (LD) -- UMZ 1897-1902, indexed by Jacek Kundzik Pawłów (SL) -- M 1800-40,49-70, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Piaseczno (MZ) -- M 1751-59; Z 1831-1833, 1851; indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 13 Piekary Śląskie -Kamień (SL) -- Z 1852-62, indexed by Leszek Chrobok Pietrowice Wielkie (SL) -- M 1862, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Pińczów (SK) -- M 1901-17, indexed by Ola Rosowiecka Płonne (KP) -- U 1753-1808, indexed by Krzysztof Kośnik Płońsk (MZ) -- U 1818-19, indexed by Marcin Werner Pniewo (MZ) -- Z 1809-17, indexed by Rafał Albiński Poręba Dzierżna (MP) -- U 1890-1919; M 1890-1920, indexed by Krzysztof Imiołek Poręba Żegoty (MP) -- U 1773-1774, indexed by Renata Majewska Poświętne (PL) -- M 1820-25, indexed by Marian Lazarecki Prażmów (MZ) -- UMZ 1897, indexed by Katarzyna Urbańska Prażmów (MZ) -- UMZ 1909-17, indexed by Teresa Mikołajewska Promna (MZ) -- M 1914-17, indexed by Rafał Traczyk Przedecz (WP) -- Z 1856-64 (expanded), indexed by Krzysztof Pieczątkiewicz Przegędza (SL) -- M 1923-36, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Przemyśl NMP i św. Jana Chrzciciela (PK) -- UZ 1890-1902; M 1889-96, indexed by Jerzy Nowosielski Przybyszew (MZ) -- UMZ 1914-17, indexed by Krzysztof Jach Puszcza Solska (PK) -- Z 1787-97, indexed by Andrzej Łęcki Raciążek (KP) -- U 1811-36, 43-45; MU 1753-63, indexed by Gilberto Magrowski Racibórz-Brzezie- Hohenbirken (SL) -- M 1912-33, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Racibórz-Miedonia- Niedane (SL) -- M 1908-38, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Racibórz-Ostróg - Ostrog USC (SL) -- M 1912-26, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Racibórz-Stara Wieś-Altendorf (SL) -- M 1860-69, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Raciechowice (m. Komorniki) (MP) -- U 1784-1919; MZ 1786-1939, indexed by kazluk Radom św. Jan Chrzciciel (MZ) -- Z 1919, indexed by Mikołaj Wilk Radomno (WM) -- U 1791-1809, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Radomyśl Wielki (m. Radomyśl Wielki) (PK) -- U V 1784-1801, indexed by Bartłomiej Babiarz Radoszyce (SK) -- UMZ 1849-50, indexed by Jan Krzak Radzanów (pow. mławski) (MZ) -- M 1867-73, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Radziejowice (MZ) -- UMZ 1911-18, indexed by el_za Rajgród (PL) -- U 1914-17, indexed by Magdalena Wróbel Ręczno (LD) -- U 1771-88, 1900-13, indexed by Joanna Maślanek Ręczno (LD) -- U 1906-13; UM 1915-16; Z 1900-08, 1915, 1929-39, SkZ 1940-45, indexed by Mariusz Majchrzak Restarzew (LD) -- UMZ 1917, indexed by Felberg_Sławomir Rogóźno (KP) -- U 1743-74, indexed by Łukasz Jakubowski Różanka (BR) -- U 1870-1879; M 1840-1869 (updated), 1870-1890; indexed by Ryszard Bencko Różanystok (PL) -- M 1825-48, Z 1825-36, indexed by Anna Krawiec Ruda Śląska USC (SL) -- M 1874-99, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Rudyszwałd -Ruderswald (SL) -- M 1793-99, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Rumian (WM) -- Z 1831-1836, 1838-1839, 1840-1841, indexed by Monika Zdanowska

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 14 Rybarzowice (SL) -- U 1818-71, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak USC (SL) -- M 1913-37, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Rybnik-Ligota - Ellguth (SL) -- M 1902-26, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Rybnik-Niedobczyce -Niedobschuetz USC (SL) -- M 1814-38, indexed by GTG_Silius_ Radicum Rybnik-Stodoły - Stodoll (SL) -- M 1902-22, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Rybnik-Zebrzydowice - Seibersdorf (SL) -- M 1901-39, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Ryńsk (KP) -- M 1804-48, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Rzekuń (MZ) -- M 1925-28, indexed by Elisabeth Nowik, checked by Waldemar Chorążewicz Rzekuń (MZ) -- M 1929-33, indexed by Mariola Postępska, checked by Waldemar Chorążewicz Sanniki (MZ) -- M 1866-82, indexed by Tomasz Bogiel, checked by Maria Bagińska- Wierzbowska Sarnów (Evang.-Augs.) (PK) -- UZ 1838-39, indexed by Bartłomiej Babiarz Sieciechów (MZ) -- UMZ 1913 (expanded and indexed), indexed by Krzysztof Zochniak Skała (MP) -- UZ 1785-1796, Z 1858-1863, indexed by Grzegorz Madej Skierniewice (LD) -- U 1896-99, indexed by mariamikołaj Skórkowice (LD) -- M 1915-30, indexed by Mariusz Majchrzak Skórkowice (LD) -- U 1879-82, Z 1879-88, indexed by Joanna Bugajska Skotniki pow. piotrkowski (LD) -- SkM 1900-07, indexed by Mariusz Majchrzak Sławików - Slawikau (SL) -- M 1841-47, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Sławków (SL) -- U 1773-74, indexed by Karol Szotek Sławków (SL) -- UMZ 1813, indexed by Marcin Śnioch Sławków (SL) -- Z 1815-16, 18-19, indexed by A.Ch Słobódka (BR) -- M 1815-1847 (new and updated), indexed by Łukasz Majtka Słomniki (MP) -- Z 1868-70, 1873, indexed by Jerzy Koprowski Sokolniki pow. wieruszowski (LD) -- MZ 1897; UMZ 1898-1903, indexed by Incognito Solec nad Wisłą (MZ) -- UMZ 1907-08 (expanded), indexed by Wiesława Krawczyk Soleczniki (LT) -- M 1802, 1805-1818, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Sosnowiec - Pogoń św.Tomasza (SL) -- Z 1910-1914, indexed by Krzysztof Imiołek Sosnowiec - Zagórze św. Joachima (SL) -- U 1851-65, indexed by Magdalena Kasprzycka Sosnowiec WNMP (SL) -- U 1905, indexed by Sławomir Binczak Stadniki (m. Stadniki, Kędzierzynka) (MP) -- U 1779-1913; Z 1787-1840 (updated), 1784- 1840, indexed by kazluk Stadniki (m. Stadniki, Kędzierzynka) (MP) -- indexed by kazluk Stanowice - Stanowitz (SL) -- M 1904-22, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Sternalice - Sternalitz (OP) -- UMZ 1811-30; UM 1765-1800; UZ 1801-10; M 1708-20; Z 1709-20, indexed by Marzanna Kempska Strzegowo (MZ) -- U 1823-25, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Strzelce Małe (LD) -- Z 1939, indexed by Gadecki.Bogusław Sulerzyż (MZ) -- UM 1884-85, M 1890-95, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Sulmierzyce (WP) -- U 1819, indexed by Henryk Machnik Suserz (MZ) -- UMZ 1903, indexed by BasiaR Świerże (LB) -- M 1810, 1812-15, 1818-25, 1827-54, indexed by Bożena Krajewska

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 15 Świerże (PK) -- M 1855-80 (expanded and indexed), indexed by Lubgens i Bożena Krajewska Szczepankowo (PL) -- U 1751-59, indexed by Livia Ditto Szczurowa (Jewish) (MP) -- U 1906, indexed by Katarzyna Nalazek Szczyrk (SL) -- UM 1800-1904, Z 1800-85, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Szpetal Górny (KP) -- U 1753-93; M 1753-58, 1761-1809; indexed by Anna Svetlova checked by Waldemar Chorążewicz Taboryszki (LT) -- U 1799-1827, indexed by Piotr Pukin Tarłów (SK) -- U 1915-23, indexed by Roman Burczyk Tłuchowo (KP) -- UMZ 1788-1808, indexed by Michał Golubiński Troszyn (pow. ostrołęcki) (MZ) -- MZ 1919-22, indexed by Tomasz Mierzejek Trzebinia (MP) -- U 1773-1774, indexed by Adrian Jarosz Tum (LD) -- UMZ 1905-11, indexed by Józef Dębowski Turka (UK) -- U 1889-1905, indexed by Danuta Danecka Tworóg (SL) -- U 1874-1910, indexed by Wojciech Magierowski Ujazd (LD) -- U 1856-63, indexed by Kacper Szczepanowski Uniejów (LD) -- UZ 1864-65, indexed by Henryk Dąb Unisław (KP) -- M 1834-47, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Warszawa ASC Cyrkuł III (WA) -- U 1824, indexed by Kamila Szymankiewicz Warszawa NMP Królowej Polski (WA) -- M 1926-1927, indexed by Monika Blumberg Warszawa św. Andrzej (WA) -- Z 1866ab, 1867, 1869, indexed by Wojciech Kurzyjamski Warszawa św. Andrzej (WA) -- Z 1938, indexed by Iwona Deregowska Warszawa św. Antoni (WA) -- U 1886, indexed by Aleksandra Pawłowska Warszawa św. Krzyż (WA) -- Z 1779-85, indexed by kasia_wilcz Warszawa św. Trójca (Orthodox) (WA) -- U 1904, indexed by Natalia Opiłowska Warszawa św. Trójca (WA) -- Z 1901, indexed by Adam Rozenau Warszawa-Mokotów św. Michał (WA) -- M 1921, indexed by Aneta Kaczmarek Warszawa-Mokotów św. Michał (WA) -- Z 1939-45, indexed by Danuta Wasilewska-Lenart and WZI Warszawa-Wilanów św. Anna (WA) -- M 1901-15, indexed by Incognito Warszawa-Wilanów św. Anna (WA) -- Z 1916-32, indexed by Iwona Deregowska Warszawa-Wola św. Stanisław (WA) -- Z 1920 (expanded), indexed by Ewa Czerkawska Warszawa-Wola św. Wawrzyniec (WA) -- M 1923-30, indexed by KuSto Warta (LD) -- U 1901-19, indexed by Jerzy Mrozowski Wasiliszki (BR) -- Z 1821-1830 with gaps, indexed by Danuta Wasilewska-Lenart Wiązowna (MZ) -- UMZ 1889-98, indexed by Józef Świstak Wielgie (KP) -- U 1787-97, 1808; M 1761-71, 75-79, 81-93, 97-1822; Z 1787-1808, indexed by Michał Golubiński Wielka Łąka (KP) -- M 1806-47, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Wielkie Czyste (KP) -- M 1843-51, indexed by Kamil Krasiński Wierzbówiec (MZ) -- UMZ 1871-84, indexed by Krystyna Malik Wilkowice (pow. bielski) (SL) -- U 1799-1919; M 1799-1930, indexed by Łukasz Kominiak Wilno św. Jerzego (LT) -- UMZ 1802-1805, MZ 1806-1808, indexed by Bożena Tylingo Wiskitki (Prot.) (MZ) -- U 1899-1900, indexed by Katarzyna Pasik

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 16 Włodowice (SL) -- M 1777-08; Z 1845-46, indexed by Mariadobrosława Wola Wiązowa (LD) -- M 1828-31; Z 1823-24, 1916-18, indexed by Tomasz Skolimowski. Wolbrom (MP) -- U 1904, indexed by Scowron Wożniki - Woischnik (SL) -- UMZ 1874-77, 1885-89, indexed by GTG_Silius_Radicum Wyrozęby (MZ) -- M 1900-06; Z 1900-04, indexed by Paulina Porzelska Wysoka (MZ) -- U 1890-95, indexed by Mikołaj Wilk Wysokie Koło - Regów (MZ) -- U 1913-21, indexed by Bartłomiej Zieliński Wyszków (pow. węgrowski) (MZ) -- UMZ 1810-14, indexed by Julia Dębska Wyszków (pow. węgrowski) (MZ) -- UMZ 1815-22 (indexed and expanded), indexed by Julia Dębska Wyszków (pow. węgrowski) (MZ) -- UMZ 1823-27, indexed by Julia Dębska Wyszków (pow. wyszkowski) (MZ) -- Z 1875, indexed by Jacek Paź Zabłoć (BR) -- Z 1861-1870, indexed by Danuta Wasilewska-Lenart Zabrze św Andrzeja Apostoła (SL) -- Z 1902-13, indexed by Barbara Wiechuła Zakrzewo (MZ) -- U 1893, indexed by Tomasz Bogiel Zakrzewo (MZ) -- U 1895-97, indexed by Tomasz Bogiel, checked by Maria Bagińska- Wierzbowska Zakrzewo (MZ) -- Z 1812-25 (indexed and checked), indexed by Marcin_P Zawiercie - Kromołów św. Mikołaja (SL) -- UMZ 1901, indexed by Tadeusz Łukaszek Zemborzyn Kościelny (SK) -- U 1916-29, indexed by Roman Burczyk Żernica - Deutsch Zernitz (SL) -- U 1816-22, indexed by Stermo61 Zgierz (LD) -- U 1913-14, MZ 1913-15, indexed by Włodzimierz Dąbrowski Zgłowiączka (KP) -- UMZ 1856-60 (expanded), indexed by Zbigniew Piasecki Żurominek (Żuromin Kapitulny) (MZ) -- U 1812-16, indexed by Jan Wojtkiewicz Zuzela (MZ) -- U 1888, indexed by Mariusz Rostkowski Żytniów (OP) -- UMZ 1804-12, indexed by Marzanna Kempska

*************************************** **** AN OVERVIEW OF RECENT PERIODICALS ***

Editor—This is an ongoing feature, meant to inform you of articles published recently in newsletters and journals that may interest you.

Polish Eaglet, Summer 2020, Vol. 40, No. w, Polish Genealogical Society of Michigan, c/o Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library, 5201 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48202- 4007, . • Searching for a Grandmother, Finding a Family, Part 2, Sandra Horton • An Immigrant to Grand Rapids, Mary Gryka Ammar • Polish Settlement in Grand Rapids, Mary Gryka Ammar • A Dream Come True for the Bittners, compiled by Roger S. Laske • We’re Off to See...An Ethnographic Museum and an Open-Air Museum (Skansen), Therese Leszcz • 2020 Polish Eaglet Surname Index, compiled by Nancy J. Cairns

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 17 *************************************** *** UPCOMING EVENTS ***

Some upcoming events have been canceled; some are being held online instead of in person; and some are still planned but may be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is a URL link to an update of cancellations and postponements you should check.

Here is a list of specific events I have heard about recently:

September 2, 2020


Registration has opened for the virtual conference of the Federation of Genealogical Societies. Sessions will include talks by CeCe Moore, Thomas W. Jones, Ari Wilkins, Judy G. Russell, and Lisa Louise Cooke.

The Conference website continues:

“You will also have the opportunity to select the right-sized package for your viewing pleasure from our On-Demand content that contains over 80 sessions, PLUS you will receive more than 30 sponsored sessions and a collection of 15 society management sessions for FREE. And, just in case you miss the Live! Session, you will have the opportunity to view it together with the On- Demand content, which will be available starting September 15 and will be available for your viewing until March 15, 2021.”

You can read more here:


September 19, 2020


Blaine Bettinger, Ph.D., J.D., is a professional genealogist, specializing in DNA evidence, who has been using traditional genealogical research to learn more about his ancestry for almost 20 years. Blaine has a Ph.D. in biochemistry with a concentration in genetics and is extremely interested in the recent developments in genetic genealogy. He is the author of the long-running blog The Genetic Genealogist, and frequently gives presentations and webinars to educate others about the use of DNA to explore their ancestry. Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 18 Blaine is also the author of The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy, and co-author with Debbie Parker Wayne of the award-winning Genetic Genealogy in Practice, the world’s first genetic genealogy workbook. He co-authored “Genetics for Genealogy” with Judy Russell in 2018’s Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Standards (ProGen PPS) (Elizabeth Shown Mills, Author and Editor).

Blaine is or has been an instructor for genetic genealogy courses at the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research (IGHR), Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG), Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP), and Virtual Institute of Genealogical Research. He is a graduate of ProGen Study Group 21, a trustee for the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society’s Board of Trustees, and a board member for the Association of Professional Genealogists.

If you are not a member of the PGSCTNE and would like to join to be able to participate in members only activities, please go to to join online. We will then send you a link to the upcoming webinar.

Any questions about your membership can be emailed to . ______

September 19, 2020


This year’s virtual Family History Conference: Growing for Generations is cosponsored by the Stearns History Museum and St. Cloud Area Genealogists. It’s a unique opportunity to learn about conducting your own research on family history with the help of local organizations like ours. Buy your tickets now for $50 for members, $60 for non-members.

When: September 19, 2020

Where: Zoom

Why: Learn about researching your family history using local and online resources designed just for you.

How: Register and purchase your ticket, then meet us via Zoom for a virtual interactive learning experience for all ages.

Download the itinerary and registration below. Purchase tickets online by clicking the link below

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 19 All registration is being performed electronically.

[From a notice mailed out by Marie Przynski -- thanks!] ______

September 26, 2020


Hosted ONLINE VIA ZOOM by Chicopee Public Library Registration Limited to 100

To register: email the library at . They will send you the zoom invitation the day before the program.

About the Talk: Polish parish registers tell stories about individuals, families, and communities, revealing living conditions, lifestyles, relationships, traditions, religious practices, epidemics, successes, trials, and social history. Genealogists and historians should take time to study parish registers deeply to discover all these amazing records have to offer. Analytical tools and methodologies can help bring these records to life.

This presentation along with accompanying handout show how to mine Polish parish registers to uncover their enormous genealogical value. Examples are drawn from the records of Wόjtowa, a small farming village in Małopolska. We use original records, genealogical standards, proven research methodologies, and spreadsheet software to squeeze every drop out of Polish parish registers.

About the Speaker: David Ouimette, CG, CGL, BCG Trustee, manages FamilySearch Content Strategy, prioritizes record digitization globally, and has done archival research in sixty countries across all continents. He wrote Finding Your Irish Ancestors: A Beginner’s Guide.

Information is available online at:


Friday, 25 September – Sunday, 27 September 2020


The Facebook page of Opolscy Genealodzy (Genealogists of Opole) confirmed that this event will be held “on the castle grounds” and will be organized by the Opole Genealogical Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 20 Association, the State Archive in Opole, the E. Smołka Regional Public Library in Opole, and the host, the Museum of Silesian Piasts in Brzeg. The event is held under the Honorary Patronage of the Brzeg County Starosta, Jacek Monkiewicz. More information is available on the website of the Genealogists of Opole at .

I wanted to add that Valerie Warunek posted a note to Facebook’s page for the Polish Genealogical Society of Michigan on July 16, stating that “two members of this group and co- admins in Polish Genealogy, Agnieszka Maja Mizgalska and Beth Whitson, will present at the Opole Genealogists conference in Brzeg, 25-27 September 2020. The topic is ‘Follow the Bread Crumbs on the Trail.’ This lecture is geared toward Poles researching in the United States and [will be] conducted in English with direct translation. Beth, based on an example of searching for her own ancestors, will present techniques and available resources in the USA. Good luck, Agnieszka and Beth!” I want to join Valeria in wishing them the very best! I feel certain they will receive a hearty welcome from their Polish colleagues.


16 April 2021

THE NORTH AMERICAN LITHUANIAN BUSINESS FORUM 2021 BALTIC AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Venue: The Union League of Philadelphia • 140 South Broad Street • Philadelphia PA 19102

The North American Lithuanian Business Forum 2021 will convene policy-makers, and business and society leaders to drive dialogue, collaboration and action.

The forum aims to explore how leaders can boost productivity and attract investments to accelerate inclusive growth; and how politicians, business, and civil society leaders can work together for economic and societal benefits.

For more information, visit the website:

[From a note sent by Mildred Helt.]

************************************ *** MORE USEFUL WEB ADDRESSES ***

This link is to FamilySearch’s collection of microreproduction of original manuscripts at the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv cover various cities in Galicia. The description says it “includes personnel files for military personnel, both officers and enlisted. About 70% of the documents show the name, birth place and year; less than 10% have the full birth date. Filed alphabetically by year. The years are not in order. There are some documents that are out of order, usually found at the end of the file. Text in German, Polish, and Ukrainian.”

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 21 I know people have been asking me for years about military records for Galicians who served in the Austrian Army, and more and more of those records are finally becoming available. Please note, however, these records are NOT indexed, so searching them will require patience. Thanks to Chris K. who posted on this subject to the Polish Genius mailing list. ______

A recent issue of Nu? What’s New? mentioned this blog entry with info on how to search United States passport records, 1795–1925. This entry explains how to search and includes a link to the FamilySearch collection, . ______

Dick Eastman, of Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter, recently updated an article originally published four years ago, including some new info that covers recent developments. He deals with the question stated in the article’s title, and it’s a question I hear people ask pretty often. ______

Debbie Greenlee’s site continues to grow, and now includes parish records for Ropczyce, Chechły, Gryfów, Bryzyna, and Średnie in southeastern Poland, as well as Wisłok Wielki Headstones (Sanok powiat in former Krosno provice) and Pielnia Headstones updated (same area). Debbie wanted to thank the following volunteers who indexed Ropczyce records: Vicki Ahern, Nancy Cox, Dottie Klein, Ben Kman, Melanie LaClair, Mike Maslauskas, and Polish Dragon. Well done, folks! ______

On 27 August, Jean-Pierre Stroweis posted a note to the JewishGen mailing list to make sure people knew about this page on Steve Morse’s site. It searches books by the Jewish name expert Alexander Beider, PhD, as well as Lars Menk’s book on German Jewish surnames, for phonetic versions of specific names. Of course, the emphasis is on Jewish names. But Polish Jews and Christians often bore the same surnames, even when the origin of those names might vary. The linguistic processes that affected the forms of surnames where Polish was spoken had an impact on Christian and Jewish surnames alike. In other words, if you have a misspelled version of a surname, this site may help you find the standard version, even if your ancestors weren’t Jewish (although, of course, the odds are better if they were, particularly in the case of surnames that were distinctively Jewish). ______

This is a link to an essay, “Opłatek,” by Jannett Matusiak published at The Common. I saw an announcement about it posted to the Facebook group Polish American Writers & Editors: ______

If you’re having trouble with the various forms Polish surnames can take, Krzysztof Jeżewski Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 22 mentioned this helpful site in a post to Facebook’s Polish Gen group. Input the surname you want to see and choose from the appropriate category: male surname (nazwisko mężczyzny), female surname (nazwisko kobiety), surname of married couples or family members (nazwisko małżrństawa lub członków rodziny), or womens’ surname (nazwisko kobiet [np. sióstr]). ______

Nancy Summers posted to the JewishGen newsgroup about this site, which she described as “this cool website which is designed to help people clean up images so they are more legible. I think it was designed for philatelists (stamp collectors) who want to decipher overlapping postmarks, but the tools should be useful for genealogists, too. At the moment the site is in its early stages (maybe the software tools, too) so it might be a challenge to use for those of us who aren’t computer savvy (like me). But it seems like a great resource.” I didn’t have a chance to test it, but I imagine some readers might like to know about it and give it a try. ______

While I’m talking about photos, a recent edition of Nu? What’s New? mentioned this MyHeritage blog entry, the title of which is self-explanatory. Not surprisingly, it includes examples of photos colorized by MyHeritage In Color. The way I see it, the more photo- enhancing tools, the better! ______

This is another site I did not know about, but Elizabeth Szeremeta mentioned it in a post to the Polish Genius mailing list. Tadeusz Gajl is known for his artistic representations of Polish coats of arms, and this page – the English-language portal to the site – lets you look for arms via a graphical search, an alphabetical search, and a family names search. Click on the link “System Description” for some tips on how to use it. If you want more info on Gajl, visit . ______

Angela Sinickas recently answered a question about Lithuanian research posted to the Lithuanian Genealogy mailing list. She gave links to three webinars available on YouTube. The above link is to an introduction on Lithuanian genealogical research. There is also one on resources at , and one on Lithuanian Lutheran genealogy at . I think I’ve mentioned at least one of these before, but it’s worthwhile to mention them again here because it’s a little surprising how many people have Polish roots in Lithuania. ______

If you have German roots in Lithuania – and believe me, many people do! – you need to know about Owen M. McCafferty II’s blog, starting with this entry. And while you’re at it, if you’d like

Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 23 to read an example of a really insightful book review, try . (Why would I choose recommending that specific blog entry? Oh, no particular reason....)

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Gen Dobry!, Vol. XXI, No. 8, August 2020 — 24