WAILUKU WEATHER THIS WEEK'S MAILS Max. Mln. R'fall From the Coast: Thursday, May 2 80 67 .00 Hayes; May 3 83 67 .02 President Friday, May 4 79 68 .00 Semi-Weekl- Persia Maru y To the Coast: - Tomoriow, May 5 81 67 .01 Manoa. May 6 80 67 .00 News Maui From the Orient: Saturday, May 7 80 66 .01 May 8 82 China. 66. .00 TOR THE VALLEY ISLE FIRST" To the Orient: Thursday, Rainfall .02 Inch. Persia Maru.


Scenes of Rare New Role Adopted by Case Nominated Rev. George H. DeKay Hawaiian Society Is Muddle at Genoa Chinese in Selling Will Leave Maui for Organized In Honor Delight Shown i Circuit Judge May Spell End of Oke; Says Peanut Oil j Anti-Saloo- n Place Of Late Prince Kuhio By Little Folk President Sends Name to Sen- European Entente Look Chun, Kahulul, a WillfHave Busy of former ate; Month Rev. George H. DeKay, pastor of (ASSOCIATED PllESSi police officer of this Island has not the Community Kute Kiddies Karnival, Junior forgotten c many wily In Junel Will Summon Church at Kahulul, HONOLULU, May 8. In honor of Lloyd George Still Smiles tricks une:l purr will leave the church and Maul, but the delegate and by the department of Justice in bring- late to congress, Prince Fancy Dress Ball and Para- Grand and Trial Jurors not the Islands, about June 1. He has Kuhio Katanianaole, a group of young Hopes But General Gloom ing violators of the law before the accepted the position superintend- courts, according to a story by the of Hawaiians have formed and organized sol Parade Make Hit. ent of the Anti-saloo- League Ha- Settles Over Majority police (ASSOCIATED of tne I'uulionua society. Its members of force in Wailuku. PRESS) waii left vacant by the resignation of Chun forgot his former role as a May are asked to support and abide by the Delegates HONOLULU, 8. President Rev. J. A. Warner who will soon leave prohibition laws on grounds Veritably like the finest conceptions peacemaker and took it upon himself Harding today sent to senate the that fairy was on the the for the mainland. Mr. DeKay will liquor retards the advancement of of land the scene the to attempted to evade the vigilance of nomination of Daniel H. Case of Wai- the stage naturally make his headquarters in Hawaiian people, to take an in- 'ASSOCIATED PRESS) of the Territorial Building r.t his former and use the luku, Maui, to be judge of the circuit active Kahulul Fair Grounds Saturday even- knowlegde by Honolulu but his duties will bring terest, in politics, live frugally and GENOA. May 9- .- Lloyd George, the learned his association court in the second circuit of Hawaii, him to Maui from time to ing when the curtain rose and dis- with them to good advantage. The Washington time. temperately and to raise as much of British premier and the master mind the correspondent of the own es- or closed a marvelously beautiful Star-Bulleti- Previously Declined their foodstuffs as possible, the economic staue selling of okolehao was - th'j means n reports in a special to .conference, last night setting and picture to the eyes of the picked out by Chun to enrich and paper. Mr. DeKay says the position he has pecially poi. One of the foremost still professed optimism as to the con more that items on the program of the society than 400 spectators that had swell his treasury. Judge Case has the endorsement of accepted was offered to him a year ference and was still smiling but most will be the establishment of a $150,-00- 0 of delegates come to see the Junior fancy Dress Through some misfortune however as- ago but then he had just came to the the no longer have the his county and the territorial bar endowment Ball and the Kute Kiddies Karnival. police officers Kahoohonohano and sociation and his appointment was Islands and to Maul and he felt that fund lor rehabilitation heart to smile. The little Briton said: And throughout the evening the effort Lindsay learned of the illegal opera- he could not at time accept. The and education among Hawaiians. Of- "Many difficulties worse than this recommended by the department of that ficers elected of the new society are have continued, only further enhanced by tions and paid a visit to the apparent- justice some time ago. renewal of the offer shows the con- been passed successfully and we the lovely costumes and the more ly quiet merchandise establishment fidence in Mr. DeKay and his abilities N. W. Aluli president, Lieutenant-commande- r shall pass this. We have come lo Word of his confirmation is expect- S. W. King, lovely young faces and forms of the located just back of the Kahulul de- ed within the next few days. felt by the Anti-Saloo- League and Genoa to overcome just such differ- young performers. A burst of ap- pot An informer was secured and prohibitions law enforcement advo- D. K. Trask secretary, S. C. ences, otherwise there would have plause swept through the hall as the given $2.50 in marked coin with the cates. When Mr. Warner decided to Dwiglit treasurer, John Wise auditor. beeen no conference." Notification of his nomination by The new organization purposes to ab- Genoa curtain rose and round after round of instructions to purchase the liquid President was given to Judge Case by leave the league took the subject of echoes all sort.i of rumors of hand clapping followed each and every evidence. He succeeded and upon securing the services of Mr. DeKay sorb the old society "Ahahui I'uulio- the breaking up of the entente and the program. Maul News yesterday noon while he nua o na Hawaii." imminent number of the Success is leaving was taken in fake "custody" was lunching at the Wailuku Hotel. with the Hawaiian Board and Maui dissolution of the economic too faint a description of what was by the two officers who then confront- Aid and both of those organizations conference which give reason for the He expressed the intention of await- gloomy expressions achieved. It was a delight to all who ed Chun and asked to be allowed to ing the arrival of his appointment by regretfully consented to release him Masons of Hawaii of the delegates. were fortunate enough to see it. And see his money Chun was wise how- mail before taking his oath of office from his engagements in view of the French and Belgians Firm the delight continued on through the ever and refused unless a search and assuming his duties. kindred relationships of the work The French and Belgians are firm parasol parade and then on and on warrant be produced. The hands of It was announced yesterday morn- and the fact that Mr. DeKay was so Are Told to Bar K. in their opposition to a clause in the into and through the dance that fol- the law are many and one officer re- ing at the court house that Judge Burr eminently fitted for the work. memorandum to Russia and at the lowed. mained while the other telephoned had decided to call the grand jury to Mr. DeKay has done important and same time insist that failure of Russia Program Delights All Sheriff Crowell who left his home meet on Thursday, June 1, and the valuable work for his church since K. K. From the Order to accept the proposals will mark (lie The Kute Kiddies were more than post haste for the scene. Upon the trial jurors to assemble on Monday, his arrival on Maui and Kahulul end of the conference. The Russian Kute, they were absolutely charming sheriffs arrival the officers stepped June 5. Church was never better equipped not-doin- statement denounced the French and and fascinating. Drilled by Mrs. P. outside. Crowells attention was im- Judge Case will have a busy time better work than at present (ASSOCIATED PRESS) the Belgians, charging that they are H. Ross they knew their dance steps, mediately attracted by a bottle in a of it on the bench in June. The jury In community work, also he has been SAN FRANCISCO. May 9 Dr. S. trying to break up the conference their places and their parts and were corner of the room and he asked trials will have to be disposed of in an important figure and will be much C. Burke of Los Angeles, grand mas- while they, themselves, will not en- gracefulness personified. And when Chun what it contained. Chun re- that month of else go over until fall. missed after his departure. ter of the California jurisdiction of dorse the very document they are in- followed the parasol parade there plied "Peanut Oil" saying he used it There are a number of important Long Trained In Work Masonry, now visiting here, has or- sisting that Russia accept. were'stlll more lovely costumes and for cooking purposes. The sheriff re- cases- - to go on the criminal calendar Before coming to the Islands Mr. dered a letter sent to all lodges of Lloyd George and members of the. some remarkable creations among the moved the stopper from the container and attorneys have been growing an- DeKay was one of the best known California and Hawaii barring mem- French delegation alike denied reports parasols. smelled the contents, and handed it xious to secure a disposal of a number lecturers on temperance and prohi- bers of the Ku Klux Klan from the published in British papers in the A breath of springtime was the first to the Chinese asking him if had not of civil jury cases before the summer bition in California and the Pacific masonic order. The letter declares form of interviews with Lloyd George number of the program, a Maypole a strange and alcoholic odor. Chun recess comes. Coast. Thirty years ago he decided that the Klan's beliefs are inimical and Barthou. The story closed dance of little folk by Kathryn Savage, siezed the bottle and poured its con- U- - he would specialize on what he then to true Americanism and Masonry. the British premier as saying Emily Mae Taylor, Eloise Campbell, tents upon the floor. It is said that Harding Will Smooth Over called the "Great Reform," that he that the disagreements mean the end Persia Paris, Katherine Smith, Doro- a rather hearty fracas ensued. Chun would study the facts and make him-tel- f KANSAS CITY, May 8. Merits and of the entente. thy Weight, Alma Vincent, Esther was arrested and forfeited $100 bail. Differences in Cabinet master of the liquor traffic pro- demerits of the Ku Klux Klan were Reports from Paris yesterday said Lindsay, Patricia Murphy, Eileen Hout n blem and its effect upon society debated at the London Heights Meth- that no matter 'what action were ta- Chens, Kathleen Fitzgerald, Barbara generally. In 1894 he became pastor odist church of this city. Dr. Harry ken by the conference on the Russian Bevins. Maui Teachers Are (ASSOCIATED PRESS) of a Bmall congregational Church at S. Graham, a Boston organizer, said situation Fiance will not recognize Then Irene Moura in a gorgeous WASHINGTON, May 8. President Santa Monica which was almost the Klan was working for social pur- the soviet government until after the Chinese costume did a Chinese dance Expected To Go Harding will hold an individual con- ready to disband. Under his leader- ity, white supremacy, and for the wel- United States has done so. which was highly spectacular and ex- Over ference with his cabinet this week, a ship it was reorganized as the "Pro- fare of the nation and the' constitu- Delegates Pessimistic quisitely rendered. preliminary to the reorganization of hibition Church," the second in the tion. Mayor Harry B. Burton, oppos- "Should Russia's delegates to the Belles of Long Ago was one of the The Top Wednesday the federal departments bureau. The United States. It grew to be a strong ing the Klan in the debate, declared conference fail to give the categorical sensations of the evening. Clad in purpose is to smooth out any differ- organization and an important fac- the Klan in policy, cow- affirmative , answer to the niemoran-du- blue satin gowns of the old, long ago ences of opinion among members and tor in making for prohibition senti- ardly and oppressive. Burton said the submitted them, France will not type and style were Katherine Smith, Tommorw night comes the end of persons involved in the formation of ment In Southern California. members had better be cooperating continue negotiations and if no agree- Persia Paris, Eloise Campbell, Emily the contest for delegate at large to the reorganization plan. He said the Through the following years he de- wilh the law unmasked rather than ment is made with Russia the Mae Taylor and. Barbara Bevins and the National Educational Association reports of alleged bitterness among voted his tongue and pen to the be marauding around frightening and pact becomes impossible," the solo dance of Emily Mae Taylor on the Mainland and Maui has a can- cabinet members in connection with cause of prohibition. Several of his punishing in defiance of the law. Barthou told the American and Bri- pro- en- correspondents. was especially pleasing as the didate, William Hoopii, whom Maui-ite- s what has been described as an lectures were published and one in tish longed applause showed. belieye will win the honor. There croachment in each others' depart- particular, "Unwashed Hands," was " DISGRACE REMEMBERED Lloyd George and Schanzer appeal- Dainty Shown were only about 10 teachers on Maui ments" was without foundation. published and syndicated and used by ed to the Russian representatives to Petties (ASSOCIATED PRESS) accept a song up to yesterday afternoon who had more than 50 newspapers throughout the allied memorandum in its "I've a little Pink Pettie" 9 Disgrace points promising Josephine Taylor assist- not" joined the N. E. A., and H. M. the United States. He frequently AMOV, May "National main and Russia an and dance by Wells, War in China Seems spent a time campaigning Day" was observed today the anniver- international loan asserting it would ed by Anne McNicol, Mildred Skaug, president of the Hawaiian As- weeks at Anti-Saloo- n League both sary the protest here against the amount to three hudred million gold Mildred Bevins, Alice Bevins, Patsy sociation and supervising principal of for the in of Notley, Kathleen Maui, expressed the belief this county California and Oregon. He has been 21 demands of Japan in 1915. The francs. It has been declared Russia Lougher, Nancy go At End for Present prohi- was general with all busi- has stipulated the loan he three bil- Fitzgerald and Irene Moura followed. will over the top. But the Big Is- called the fairest advocate of observance land with three candidates for the bition on the platform. He also work- ness and pleasure pursuits suspended lion gold rubles. The little dancers were clad in red parade. Litvinoff told a member of the As- wearing petticoats of vari- honor is also running close to 100 Moment at Least ed in behalf of the Knights Templars and an immense and blue, percent. and C. T. U. n sociated Press it is impossible for ous shades and colors, that of the the W. All of the Islands will have dele- On Lecture Platform . MARRIAGE OF DIVORCESS Russia to reply to the allied memo- soloist being pink, which they dainti- randum until she knows exactly what proper moments of gates, Mr. Wells said yesterday. It (ASSOCIATED In 1906 he was offered the district ly disclosed at the was thought PRESS) HOT SPRINGS, May 4 (Associated powers are behind the document. He song and in the dancing. It pleased that Kauai would not superintendency of California but de- send one but Miss Wilcox, school com- TIENTSIN, May 9 So far as Tient- clined because of ill health. He held Press) Bishop Atkins recommended added: "We have no official advice immensely. sin Is concerned war is over, t tie to of Methodist minis- of the exact position of France and farm" brought out missioner, has agreed to go. Oahu, the classes in the University of Cali- the conference "Down on the A. last organieed body of Chang's troops ters of the South that ministers per- Belgium." Roy Savage, Emily Mae Taylor, Colin J. Wilson, principal of Lilluoka-lan- l fornia in study of the whole question school, and Sarah E. Mathews, a have surrendered and were given $5 of liquor forming marriages of persons who A high official in Paris said (France Murdoch, Eileen Houtchens and Wal- the traffic and when the recognize govern- high school teacher. F. A. Clowes, In- each, allowed to retain their horses University offered for two years a have been previously divorced be tried will not the Soviet ter Weight showed three farmers in promised does, re- pro- dustrial supervisor, will represent the and transportation home. course in "Alcohol and the Social for immorality. ment until the United States overalls and two farmerettes. It Chang evidently has given up the gardless of any action taken at Ge- voked much fun and was finely pre- Island of Hawaii. H. M. Wells is the Problems" he was chosen as one of Maui delegate. Milliara Hoopii, if de- idea of further resistance and has the lecturers, his particular subject noa. sented. legate at large gone to Changli in the province of Decision Handed Down Sixteen attaches of the Russian de- A big hand was given Josephine as expected, will fill being "Alcohol and Business," or as the delegation. He is a principal and Chili. He ordered all the Fengtien he put more popular terms, legation have passed through Berne, Taylor when she rendered a military troops to it in Switzerland, en route to Moscow. It regiment" a teacher in the primary schools. Thus retire within the great wall. "Booze and Business" He considers Twelve Years toe dance, "The pride of the there be as Wu Pel Fu arrived here yesterday After is expected the conference will end one of the best of the solo numbers. will representative a body publicity and education as most im- as could be brought together of the in pursuit of Chang Tso Lin but was portant to prohibition law enforce- this week. Butterflies and Flowers various educational departments ordered to leave the city by allied in ment (ASSOCIATED TRESS) (ASSOCIATED PRESS) "Bring me a rose," a song and dance the number Hawaii nei is allowed. military commanders who allege that Mr. DeKay and his family have by Alma Ross came as a finale to his presence is a violation of the 1901 made NEW YORK, May 9 Federal judges "LONDON, May 9 Chambeilin told protocol. numbers of warm friendships Rodgers, Hough Manton, filed a the stage program and a climax of ORDERS RANGERS OUT Wu refused to leave saying on Maul and their departure is sin and the Commons yesterday that the the evening. She was assisted by, he is acting governor of Chili pro- cerely regretted dissolution order against the Ameri- Genoa situation gives no reason to butterflies, Clare Murdoch, Ruth (ASSOCIATED PRESS) vince. can Sugar Refining Company, other believe that the friendly relations be- Cameron, Harriet Clark, Nancy Note-ly- ; AUSTIN, Texas, May 8. Governor Reports say the railroad between corporations and individual defendants tween Britain and France will be im- Nelson, Florence Neff has two Han-Ko- and Peking are cut and Maui in the government Sherman Law suit periled. He said the situalion blue bells, Eileen ordered detachments of Chamber to be ago. there McNicol; pinks, Zona Hansen, Faith rangers to go immediately to Fair- Chao Ti military governor of Ho Nan which was begun several years would not change the British policy daisies, Mildred Skaug, field to prevent an uprising among has started hostilities against Wu Pei-fu- . The court held that in the twelve for the carrying out of the Versailles' Cameron; awaiting Jean Savage; violets, Alice Bevins, the negroes to avenge the burning of Asked its Views years delay owing to the of Treaty. Helen Brown; lilies, Irene Moura, three of their race at Kervin on Sat- decisions in other suits the American Loug- urday. The (ASSOCIATED PRESS) Sugar Company had abandoned the Josephine Taylor; tulips, Patsy sheriff of Freestone coun- (ASSOCIATED PRESS) her, Mildred Bevins; American beauty ty said the uprising was imminent. HANKOW, May 9 It is reported trust methods mid today's order mere- Eight Ptiests and that Feng Yu Shuing, supporting Wu HONOLULU, May 8 Whether or ly becomes a matter of record. rose, Jean Gibb. not jurisdiction The butterflies were charming in FRAUDS ARE CHARGED Pel Fu has defeated Chang Ti, govern- over all public utili- ties in Hawaii should be properly con- One Woman Must Die black and white and the different V or of Honan, who was yesterday re- were (ASSOCIATED PRESS) ported to have ferred upon the Public Utilities com Former President is colored petals of the flowers started hostilities or shown in the costumes. SEATTLE, May 8. Alfred White, against Wu. mission this territory in the definite of immigration manner contemplated in the bill now (ASSOCIATED PRESS) Prize Winning Parasols the ser- pending before Congress, Opposing Jim Reed Then the floor was cleared for the vice here, and Y. Ikemochi, a Japa- BUYS TOURS CO. is to be left MOSCOW, May 9 Eight priests, were nese, were to the decision of t lie people of Ha- parade of parasols and there arrested in connection with waii by Farrington, two laymen and one woman have creations showed the discovery of an alleged filing of (ASSOCIATED PRESS) Governor who is (ASSOCIATED PRESS) sentenced to death op- some wonderful that expected op- been lor their thought, care artistry. First hundreds of forged income tax HONOLULU. May 9 Ed. Lewis has either to recommend or ST. LOUIS, May 8 Referring to position and refusal of consent and refund pose passage of bill. to the prize was won by Irma Lougher with certificates aggregating thousands of purchased the Hawaii Tours Co., the the He Senator James Reed, Democrat of seizing by the Soviet government of and dollars. which he will reorganize as states that he will be guided by their "marplot," Pres- alleged partici- a parasol bestrewed with violets Iwis' judgment in regard. Missouri, as a former church treasures and top stick. Hawaii Tours Co., it was announced this in Twenty-eigh- t a pot of violets at the of the To end the governor ident Woodrow Wilson wrote today pation disturbances. Her costume was designed to harmon- Frankie Foss as a toad and carrying this morning. The company has been this intends to former Governor Stephens of Mis- others were sentenced to imprison- a referring the whole question to t lie ize in the general violet effect. The toau stool parasol. His prize was in difficulties for some weeks past souri, asking the defeat of Reed in ment. a kodak album given by Maui following organizations to learn their , prize of (10 was offered by Mrs. Ross. Book and recently announced inability to I lie coming senatorial primary, "to It is reported that Madame lttusi-lof- Store. views in the matter: , Persis Paris took second prize, offer- fulfill its contracts. redeem the reputation of the Democra-- , daughter-in-la- of General Ilrusi-lof- Her parasol Full credit for the costuming ar- Honolulu Chamber Commerce, Ho- party." commander of the Russian army ed by the Baldwin Bank. rangements nolulu Rotary Club, Honolulu Ad club, tic was tpyical of Hawaii in the hibiscus and the stage settings and HARDING WILL RIDE The letter was former President iu the world war was the woman up- decorations belongs to Mrs. J. R. Hawaiian Civic Club, Housewives' lower and was as gorgeous as the league. League Wilson's third communication on the' on whom the de;lli sentence was pro "blooms. Dick Penhallow had a palm Paris who gave much time and care (ASSOCIATED PRESS) of Women Voters, race between Senator Reed and nounced. Business and Prof. Women's club, As- to the work without any other com- WASHINGTON, May 9 President Long, as- - leaf and won the prize offered by Maui sociation of Engineers, Breckenridge former third Drug Co., camera, pensation than the pleasure of the Harding is taking up horseback rid- Hilo Board of secretary of in up a kodak for the Trade, Hilo Rotary club, Wom- sistant state the Wil Mckenzie bill most original parasol. accomplishment. For the1 arranging ing more actively to get more open Hilo son administration, for the Democra- of the program and training the chil- air from his exercises. White house en's federation, Maui Chamber of (ASSOCIATED PRESS) Costume Coin Awards Commerce, Maui tic administration. dren Mrs. P. H. Ross deserves warm aides are getting in to accompany Women's federation. 9 an ' trim Kohala Improvement The Wilson letter said in part: WASHINGTON, May. - I'n'er For costumes first prize went to praise. the president. club, Kauai hope confidently expect to ti c Ross for best costume, it Chamber of Commerce. "I and to agreement limiting debate Alma the Alexander Kindergarten, the bene- see Senator Reed repudiated by the hours the house took up the McKeii-zi- was presented by Puunene Store. ficiary of the affair, is not a depart- DEBT REFUNDING primaries. readjustment in Roy Nelson, as cupid, won the BROKERS GO UNDER Democrats at the Certain- bill providing a Little ment of public instruction institution ly Missouri cannot afford to be repre- the pay of the army and marine corps hearts of all. His costume consisted as some have thought nor is it main- (ASSOCIATED PRESS) (ASSOCIATED PRESS) by such a marplot survey ami pub- a pair of tiny sented and it coast guard, geodetic only of white trunks tained by Maui Aid as others have WASHINGTON, May 9 The admin- NE WYORK, May 9 The broker- might check the The bills s big red He took the enthusiasm of the lic health personnel. and a heart. believed. A substantial sum has been istration said definite progress in age house of Carpenter, Caffrey & Democrats throughout the country if contend to establish a parity Bank of Maui prize for the inout ori- realized for it over and above the negotiations toward refunding eleven Co., this morning sus- comrades in of service ginal. Patsy Murphy, as a shamrock, necessary announced its their Missouri did not iu the pay of all branches and moderate expenses that billion dollars foreign debt may be pension. Post Brothers & Co., an- redeem the repudiation of the party and to reasonably compensate officers took the prize for the best boy's cos- were entailed. The parents of the expected as soon as the Genoa confer- nounced their suspension yesterday by substituting any responsibility and He and his were com- for Senator Reed a and men lor tume. sister children paid for the costumes so that ence is terminated and foreign econo- and George, Haskell & Co., also an- man of true Democratic principles." length of sen ice at (lie same lime panion shamrocks and pleased might- no expense was entailed on that mic financial experts are released nounced inability to career to young- was their meet Senator Reed refused to comment offering a promising ily. The most comical costume score. from duties there. on former President Wilson's letter. sters entering the lowest grades. SEMI-WEEKL- TWO Y MAUI NEWS, TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1922:

School Athletes Make $200.00 A late model King "8" SRORTS Success of Annual Meet 7 -- Passenger Touring Car in and Four Hundred Fans Wacs and Sports excellent mechanical condi- tion. Must be sold immedi- Photo Witness Junior Games Tied for Pennant Maul High School won the senior Hop, step and jump Bettincourl, ately. Car can be seen at cup, Lahainaluna the intermediate and Puunene; Tayami, lahainaluna; Hamm-Youn- g Co., school came up from behind lea, Lahainaluna. Distance 32 feet 7 von Supplies won How They and the junior for a second suc- inches. Salesroom East Maui League Stand cessive time at the trnck and field 410 yard run Kahalakal, Wailuku; SEND FOR CATALOG P W L Pet.1 P W L Pet. meet Saturday afternoon at the Fair Apo, Lahainaluna; Wakashige, Paia. Ask JOE REGO, JR. P. A. C 2 2 0 1000 Sports 10 8 2 800 Grounds. Ted Hair wins the cup off- Time 1 min. 5 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MAIL J. A. C 2 2 0 1000 wacs 10 8 2 800 ered for the senior scoring the larg- All" events on the track wet-- run ORDERS K. A. C 2 1 1 fiOO Maui III 6 3 3 500 est number of points. against a strong head wind. This be- H. A. C 3 333 Asahl 9 3 5 375 In attendance the meet was a dis- ing the first athletic meet held under Honolulu Photo Supply P. A. C 1 120 1 01,0 Waihee 9 3 0 333 appointment but in keenness of com- sanction of the A. A. V., the times and V. A. C 2 0 2 0,, Sakura 9 1 7 125 petition and spirited endeavor it left distances become the official Maui BUY BY MAIL Co. nothing to be desired. The smaller records. "EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC" Sunday's Games Kula 7, Haiku 6: Saturday's Game Wacs 12. Sports attendance may be accounted for by I'll save money for you. Men's Japanese A. C. 11, Pauwela 2. P. O. BOX 1059 FORT 8T. 11. Sunday's Games Sports 14, Maui the fact that there was only one sen- Clothing, shirts, collars, neckties One of the best contested and most Hi 3; Waihee 22, Sakura 7 (6 innings.) ior organization represented outside Bridge Tournament 2999 HONOLULU interesting games of the East Maui One run in the last inning brought of th? schools. The Wacs, Alerts, and other furnishings. Pictures league was i layed at Pala before a victory and a chance for the junior Paia. Lahaina and the Young Chinese, By Island Players and novelties. The advantage over crcwd of about 400 fans. Kula win- pennant to the Wacs in Saturday's represented in previous years were the ordinary mail order business is ning by forcing over a run in the last 0. SAITO came. Starting the last frame the not entered as organizations, leaving you have me here to see the goods half of the eigth inning. score was tied at 11 all and the Cuni-mlngsit- e only the recently organized Sports, Going Full Blast Pauwela lost to the Japanese club juniors came through with and as a result rooting delegations are right, when they come. RESTAURANT by poor fielding and a maximum the goods. A protest has been enter- from such organizations were absent. amount of errors. Miliaro of the ed by Lewis, manager of the A GLARE 1 -- Leland Of the schools, also, St. Anthony was bridge GET SHIELD Market St. Tel. 27 A Japs team slammed out a home run Sports club team, on the grounds that missed in competition and in the An intersect ional tournament in the first frame. Pauwela was out in which picked players of the Wai- FRESH WELL COOKED FOOD the Wacs broke the rules of the league grand stand. and protect yourself and your car of the running from the second inn- by placing Kane on the mound to In the senior competitions Maui luku. Paia, and Puunene districts are Meals Served from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. ing when the followers of the rising pitch the game. If the protect is over- High scored 54 points, Lahainaluna 44 matched in opposing teams is the head when driving. Strictly Cash Business sun bunched four hits with liner for activities in masculine social and the ruled by the junior committee 11e and the Sports 18. In the intermedi-- 1 BEST KONA COFFEE errors by Pauwela tallied four. championship will probabV be decid- easy and indoor sport circles. ate Lahainaluna was an winner games Our Bread, specially made of best First Game ed Saturday afternoon. with 55 points to 30 for Maui High The schedule of as drawn, W. W. DISMUKES calls for each team to meet the other quality flour, delivered anywhere 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 18 for Kamehameha III. The Sunday's Games twice, the winner to be the team se- in Wailuku. 1 2 2 1 1 was a nip At Next to Wailuku Hotel Kula 0 0 0 x i Maui Hi School lost to the Sports junior and tuck affair. I.-- curing the greatest number of games PHONE ORDERS SOUGHT. Hasehits x 9 first it looked all Wailuku, then 1 20002212 in the first Sunday game, the Sports and the loser to furnish a dinner for Haiku 1..0 2 1 0 0 0 2 hainaluna loomed up like a winner 06 heavy hitters slamming the Hi's the three. Hasehits twirlers practically at will. Caswell but the importance of the baseball Batteries Kula,20320001 08 throws had not been considered and Each team is composed of six play Morton and Palea: was effective as usual letting the ers of their representative district. In Haiku, Tava-res- . 10 points in those Y. MATSUSHIMA Ilaole, Kealoha Bnd J. East Maui nine down with the mini- Puunene took two. tournament play the twelve men form of runs. The final score was The junior cup thus became HOTEL LEONARD mum permanent property three, tables changing at intervals of Carpenter and Cabinet Maker Second Gams 14-3- . the of that school. 1,1,1,1 23, 21 three PPsite 1 2 3 ; 5 " S 3 The second contest threatened to Puunene scored Lahainaluna tthe HONOLULU Alterations and additions made. and Wailuku 20. doubles have J. . C. x 11 consume a portion of the night uniil x (Formerly Majestic) 15022010 niio1nnr1im(T amnniT flio r A I r t rl it n lie i ti lit itnui uuniia ui, v. j. Baeehits . ... x 11 called at the end of the sixth inning. Vineyard St. Wailuku, Maul 14130110 point winners were Hair with 11 and Haro,d RjceWi'liam Phllips, Pauwela 0- - Waihee scored 8 runs in the first F. P. Rosecrans, J. T. Fantoin, and Fort and Beretania Streets .... 10001000 stronger in the Dick Penhallow with 10 in the sen Basehits 20120100 canto and was even Tage Holtberg. Puunene, W. A. Rob-bin- Batteries- - J. A. C. Tanaka 06and third, tallying 9. One run in the iors, J. Fisher with 20 for Lahainaluna in M. Oue of Ben Williams, "Ham" Pratt, Con- Thoroughly renovated Ogota; Pauwela, Yaniashit.o Ni-p- fourth and lour in the sixth brought the intermediate and and Wailuku and for Puuitene, rad Hansen, Dr. Lightner and W. Pedro. their total to 22. Sakura scored six. Iiettincourt Sparks. Wailuku team, Paul Lada, W. Reasonable rates R. SHIBANO STORE more one re- each with 10 in the juniors. tt It is doubtful if than H. Engle, L. Hebert, Chas. Savage, F. Cold and Tubs maining game will be played, the Close- finishes were frequent but in Hot and Showers Japanese Silks, Dry Goods, and 410 was a beauti- J. Johnson, and John Nelson. Senior League Will Wacs and Sports being the only the intermediate it Competitive play began last Monday Toilet articles. Kimonos made to teams in the running for the flag and ful chest to chest sprint to the tape H. L. SHAW, Mgr. order. for a dead heat between Lindsay and night at the home of F. P. Rosecrans Open it is not the intention of the junior at Paia, the team from that district de Phone 40-- P. O. Box 32 Season Sunday league to conflict with the major sea- Ing. In the run off the third man was Market St. Wailuku allowed to run also and took second feating the Puunene sextet by 1290 son that opens at Kahului next Sun- points. Thursday evening at the home day. place away from Ing, Lindsay gamely With Double Header ..g.. repeating his win. The runners were of William H. Engle in Wailuku, the permitted local aggregation administered the K. Machida Drug Store AN AMATEUR not to divide the points. PHOTO STUDIOS SILVA In the grandstand there were two second drubbing to the Puunene team, ICE CREAM Sunday securing a lead of 396. afternoon will see the well organized bands of cheerers, The Best in Town A. Kutsunai, Kahului fprmal and official opening of senior Joe Silva, who was given a try out Maui Hi and Wailuku Public and they Last night the Paia team stepped by defeating Wailuku And a Soda Fountain Kodak Developing and Printing baseball on Maui and the inaugura- for the Los Angeles team has not lost added much to the zest and the into the lead Enlarging tion of playing all of the games on his amateur status. Word has been of the affair. Wailuku at the home of J. T. antom In Puu- Give Us a Trial nene. scores were 11,840, Formerly S. S. Kobayashi Store the Fair Grounds diamond at Kahu-- ) received from Mrs. Leo, secretary of felt confident of winning to very Total Pala : A. the 9,375, giving Maui KAHULUI WAILUKU N. Kutsunai, Lahaina lui. The Asahis and Haikus will fur--' the Hawaiian department of the last and was sorely disappointed when Wailuku the East nish the overture and will be followed A. U. to that effect. The ruling holds out by two players a lead of 2465 points. expenses nosed other schools. met once by the Wacs and the Soprts. His' that he was merely paid his The results of the games follow: B:ach team has the other ON I'mps will give the call to play ball and was not paid a salary for his ser- and there remains three games yet BEST SERVICE MAUI at 1:30 o'clock and then the season vices during the try out. Senior to be played. Clean, New Goods will be on. 440 yard dash Montcastle, Maui With our new equipment we Arrangements ceremonies' High; Ansai, Lahainaluna; Goodness, ALL MAUI TENNIS GENERAL MERCHANDISE for the de- that will attach to the opening of the Maui High. Time 58 5 seconds. - GROCERIES are able to give the most gentlemen season will be settled at a meeting Major and Minor Ball 100 yard dash Dick Penhallow, Entries of ladies and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables pendable, prompt and efficient that is to be held tommorw night and Maui High; K. Soong, Maul High; A. from the various tennis clubs of Maul 11 for All-Ma- championship service in cleaning, pressing, at the time other affairs connected Kauhaihao, Lahainaluna. Time the Our stock of shoes Is now just with the league, the teams base- second. doubles tournaments are now in or- and Coast League - repairing and dyeing of Men's G. der. They be sent to Eddie coming in.- ball aift'rs will be considered. SUNDAY, May 7 Seattle 2, 4, Half mile run Lau, Lahainaluna; should Tam, secretary of All-Ma- ten- and Women's Clothing. Meantime this week the teams are; Portland 1, 3; San Francisco 4, 5, L. Harada, Maui High; Matsuoka, the Our out in the afternoons at hard practice 3, 3, Maul High. Time 2:19 5 nis committee, at the Baldwin Bank Vernon 5, 8; Salt Lake Saoratncn Kahului before May 22, at which date Home Supply Co., Ltd. steam presser can do the work and soreness is beginnig to disappear. to 4, 4; Los Angeles 5, 2, Oakland 220 yard dash Dick Penhallow, Maui T. Maui High, entries will close. in 15 minutes. At the outset the lans are up in the 8, 4. Hicli: Hair. Next to Foresters Building, Kahului air and are either venturing no fore- Time 27 seconds. Play is to be started on June 1 and casts or else are talking wildly and National League Mile run F. Kaui, Lahainaluna; continued without delay. Satisfaction Guaranteed boastfully of the sure thing their fa- SUNDAY, May 7 S Louis 8, Kenolio. Maul Hierh: Walker. Maui " vorites have for the cup. Cincinnatti 5; New York 6, Philadel- High. Time 5 min. 53 seconds. phia 0; Pittsburg 11, Chicago 5; 120 yards, high hurdles Arthur Oregon Athletes Are MAUI CLOTHES Where The Hole Thrives Boston 4, Brooklyn a. Baldwin, Sports; Ed. Stone, Lahaina JAPANESE GOODS Math. Instructor "What do we American League luna; Sniffen, Lahainaluna. Time 19 j. Training Faithfully A SPECIALTY CLEANING SHOP mean when we say the whole is grea- SUNDAY, May 7 Chicago 9, De- seconds. ter than any of its parts?" troit 7; St. Louis 10, Cleveland 7; Half mile relay Maui High, Lahai- J. ONISHI Market St., opp. Kalua Ave. Stude "A resturant doughnut." New York 8, Washington 1. No oth- naluna. Time 1 min. 40 seconds. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Gargoyle. ers. Pole vault K. Keaka, Lahainaluna ; EUGENE, Ore., April 17 (Associa- Sevath Boyum, Sports; F. Kaui, ted Press Mail) University of Ore- KAHULUI. Lahainaluna. Height 9 feet 8 inches. gon athletes are out in full force on Running broad jump Hair, Rogers Hayward Field, where track, base- and Matsuoka, all Maui High. Hair's ball and football squads are practic- winning leap was 20 feet 1 inch. ing daily. GREATEST CUT Hay-war- High Jump V. Kahn, Sports; E. Under the direction of Bill The Most Modern Barber Rogers, Maul High; S. Boyum, coach and trainei, tho track . Shop in Wailuku In Sporting Goods History Sports. Height 5 feet, 3 inches. team is preparing for the tTniversity of Washington relays at Seuttte late 4 Chairs Quickest Standing broad jump G. Jan, La- Service wSfckTBAOt MARK Effective Today Ranges from 25 to 50 per cent Maui High; A. Bald- this month and also for the dual hainaluna; Hair. Washington Our stock of Wilson equipment is complete in every detail. win, Sports. Distance 9 feet. meets next month with R. ISHIZU and the Oregon Agricultural College. Market St., Wailuku ", Shot put F. Kanoho, Lahainaluna, Look over the line, note the new prices but don't drop dead. M. whip- 28 feet 1 inch. Coach George Bohler is Javelin throw Keaka, Lahainalu; ping the baseball team into shape for Greater Yields and Better Crops MAUI SPORTING GOODS CO. na; Bovum, Sports; R. Baldwin, Maui the Northwest conference race which Better Licjhtiivj Brings P. O. Box 484 Phone 8197 High. Distance 121 feet 2 inches. - the nine will open against Washing- 2365 N. King St., Honolulu Phone 272, Wailuku Main and High Streets ton at Seattle April 21 and 22. The Intermediate Oregon team will have a strong in- Quick decisions 100 yard dash Sommerfeld, Maui field, which was lacking last year. High; Murasaki, Lahainaluna; L. A. Football togs were donned recently Don't blame the shop- Weight, Maui High. Time 11 by members of last year's team which per for hesitating. strong. Shy Hunting- Japanese Mercantile 440 yards run W. Lindsay, Maui finished Coach The color, finish and High; Makaiwi, Lahainaluna; Ina; La- ton expects to have most of his team quality can only be hainaluna. Time 1 min, 2 seconds. back in school. He is trying to de seen where the lighting Company 220 yard dash Leslie Weight, Maai velop a kicker, is correct --tt- High; Murasaki, Lahainaluna; long, For expert advice OS GENERAL MERCHANDISE Kam III. Timex26 3 5. lighting; consult Vote for the BUM 120 yards, low hurdles Fisher, La- PHONE 281-- KAHULUI. hainaluna; Miyasaki, Kam II; Fujiwo-to- , The Sportfolio Maui High. Time 17 Half mile relay Lahainaluna, Maui At the Foresters' High, Kam III. Time 1 min. 1S Pole vault (Fisher, Lahainaluna; Did Babe Ruth receive as many bases Asato, Lahainaluna; Sakamoto, Maui on balls in 1921 as he did in 1920? Alexander High. Height 8 feet, 6 inches. (J. K.) Running broad jump Asato, Lahai- What college holds the intercollegiate Make Happy Carnival golf present (T. naluna; Fujimoto, Maui High Miyasa- title at the time? & McC.) ki, Kam III. Distance 15 feet 4 12 It is fully equipped with the following inches. How long did it take Zbyszko to Accessories: High jump Fisher, Lahainaluna; throw Lewis in their wrestling C. bout last November? (E. L. O.) Baldwin Silva, Maui Higlu A. F. Wong. La- All Cords Tires Spotlight hainaluna. Height 4 feet 11 inches. Was Goaler the only horse to break Limited Standing broad jump Fisher, La- Man o' War's record for the mile Seat Covers Cigar Lighter year? (W. R. hainaluna; Ksuda, Lahainaluna; Sil- and a furlong last W.) any ever equaled Extra Tire and Tube Bumper va, Maui High. Distance 8 feet 5 Has pitcher Rube Waddell's strikeout record? (C. K. A Extra Tire Cover Headlamp Lenses inches. JOHN ROBINSON SUGAR FACTORS ' 8 pound shot put Ksuda, Lahaina- C.) Windshield Wings Running Board Mats luna; Tonda, Kam III; Agawa, Kam ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR COMMISSION MERCHANT8 III. Distance 38 feet 1 inch. ANSWERS TO FRIDAY'8 QUERIES Lahaina, Maui, T. H. and The BUICK is the most popular car in the United Junior Holke had a batting average of .261 50 yard dash M. Oue, Wailuku; I). last year and a fielding average of INSURANCE AGENT8 States, as it has been awarded first place in the last four Palea, Lahainaluna; Noburu Muiiai, .997; Mclnnis' batting average was Puunene. Time 6 This event was .307. with a fleldine mark of 999. Annual National Automobile Shows. un first by mistake at 75 yards and ' The woman's golf championship title WHEN YOU WANT the time was taken at 9 2-- seconds will be decided at the Green brier AGENTS FOR Of course you want a car that has proven its worth The winners finished in the same posi Golf Club, White Sulphur Springs, hauling and trucking and want tion in both runs. W. Va., commencing September 25. service call Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar by years of dependable and trustworthy service. 100 yard dash Oue, Wailuku; Pa- Nlc Arle, of Kingman, Ariz., holds the Company lea, Lahainaluna; SNIFFEN Mukai, l'uunene. . amateur singles trapshooting title. Maul Agricultural Company We invite you come Time 12 Long's record of 47 seconds for the Phone 247-l- i P. O. P,ox 141 to into our salesroom and see Half mile relay lahainaluna, Wai- 440 has stood since October 4, 1900. Hawaiian Sugar Company luku, l'uunene. 1 00 this BUICK and judge for yourself. Time min. Philadelphia made 88 home runs, the Kahuku Running broad Jump Iiettincourt, greatest number in the National Plantation Company Puunene Mamasu. Spreckelsville: League last season. McBryde Sugar Company Makawao. Distance 15 feet 8 --a- Singer Sewing Machines 2 Kahului Hamm-Youn- inches. Well-Name- d Railroad Company The g Co., Ltd. Cash or Easy Payments von Baseball throw for accuracy Machi- Co-e- d "Why didn't you find out Kauai Railroad Company da, l'uunene; C. Buchanan, Kam. III. was call- who he when the professor K. OHTA, Agent. baseball throw for distance T. Hi-ros- ed the rolir Honolua Ranch WAILUKU, MAUI l'uunene; Towata, Makawao; Another Co-e- " I try to. did but Phone 160c. Wailuku. Main Kauai Fruit & Land Company li lanaka, 1'uia. Distance 222 feet 2 he answered for four different Street. inches. names." Showem. SEMI-WEEKL- Y MAUI NEWS, TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1922. THIt EE

gardeners compote against the older Sweet Potato: 1, Kamehameha III; Sarsnpliarllla: 1, Joe Fenella, Kea- Young Gardeners but as a matter of fact there was 2, Kamehameha III. hua. often little to chose. But the ar- Jap Parsley: 1, Puunena. White Potatoes: 1, Virginia Freitas rangement permitted required Makawao; 2, Joaquin Maka- and Peppers: 1, Haiku; 2, Haiku. Freitas, Win Many Prizes the awarding of a larger number of wao; 3, Ernest Phillips. Makawao. prizes and as a result the blue rib- Summary Puunene, 19 first; Wai- Sweet Potatoes: 1, Joe Fenella, THE FENCE - THAT SERVES bons that had been provided gave luku, 4- first; Lahaina, 3, first; Haiku, Keahua; 2, Joe Fenella, Keahua; 3, 3 first; Paia, 1 firsts. Exhibit in Agricultural Build- - out quickly and to designate the first Haiku Pupil, Haiku. awards those in charge of the dis- Class "B" Schools -- tt- you have been accepting the dictates of rust, ainl ing Shows Fine Results of play were put to it. They secured Carrots: 1, Ulupalakua. IF pome of the first prizes Oxford and Cambridge paying your good money for wire fences that need cards from Beets: 1, Keahua. Training of School Children the last fair to indicate winnings and continual repairing, you should be told about A mien when those were exhausted used the Radish: 1, Ulupalakua. Have fame cards the judges had used to Peanuts: 1. Keahua. to Call For Aid fence wire. In the first place, Armco wire is 99.84 Exhibits of vegetables grown In the 1, Hamakuapoko; 2, gar- ind'ento their choice. White Radish: per cent commercially pure. This means that it is school gardens and In the home 3, Busy Ulupalakua; Keahua. close-graine- dens pupils pchoold filled Judges Get d, tt in the Onion (green): 1, Keahua; 2, Ulu- LONDON, April 4 (Associated without air holes or interior weaknesses the greater part of one en-- in the From 10 o'clock until the judges Agricultural building to work, 11:30 palakua. Press Mail) Oxford and Cambridge of any sort. Thus your old enemy rust can do nothing of the Fair started about numbers Onion large: 1, Keahua; 2, Keahua. Grounds Saturday. It was chil- were in the building looking over Universities, for the first time in the first Lettuce: 1, Ulupalakua; 2, Ulupa- their but put a light coat of corrosion on its surface and dren gardeners' and fair exceeded any- the fine showing and again after the long histories, are unable to support awards boon many lakua; 3, Hamakuapoko. the middle remains strong and firm. Armco wire is thing that had been hoped for It and had made came 1, Hamakuapoko. themselves and have upon intend-- In Papaya: called the was so fine a success that it is ' in and all were outspoken surprise 1, Ulupalakua; of high tensile strength. It will serve you well. ed to make an event an annual and commendation. The judges were Chinese Cabbaire: public for assistance. such 2, Ilaniaku.ipoko; 3, Ulupalakua. when-iro- was decided upon by the James Lindsay, F. B. Cameron, W. H. This was disclosed in a report Is There is an Armco product for every purpose fixture. It Peas: 1, Ulupalakua; 2, Ulupala- children themselves after they hnd "Pop" Hutton and J. H. Gray and sued by the Royal Commission ap is used. not they had a busy a half of kua; 3, Keahua. been told they could hold it or hour and it. Horse Beans: 1, Ulupalakua. pointed undnr the chairmanship of as they wished but that if they de- Riley II. Allen, editor of the Hono- 2, up lulu Bulletin, come over String Beans: 1. Ulupalakua; Asquilh to investigate the cided to hold it, then it was to Star had 3, Keokea. them to make it a success or let it from Honolulu to attend the fair. He Kealahou; financial condition of the two institu- HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. paper are responsible Lima Beans: 1, Hamakuapoko. be a fizzle for lack of interest on and his chiefly 1, Hamakuapoko; 2, tions, which two years ago was ad part. for the gardening movement in Tomatoes: Wholesale their the Hamakuapoko; 3, Ulupalakua. mittedly so unsatisfactory that the Distributors Many Gardens Represented schools and at the homes of the pupils. years paper Taro: 1. Hamakuapoko. government granted each of them an 299 For several the 1, Ulupalakua; 2, Kea- There were separate exhibits has been conducting annual contests Beans Dry: emergency subsidy of 30,000 annual- entered by Maul schools and school hua. in all of the Islands. He took a num- 1, Ulu- ly, thus saving both colleges from children for the first children's fair. ber of pictures which included a Beans Kentucky Wonder: Tne home gardens exceeded in palakua; 2, Hamakuapoko; 3, Hama- far group Ulupala-ku- a school of the gardeners from Including these subsidies, Oxford number of entries those of the school, winner of Class B. kuapoko. gardens and in matter of quality the Corn, green in stock: 1, Kealahou. had an income of 824,710 in 1920, Sight Seeing Trips DO YOU WANT Cup. At that time the award had not Here is our there was little to choose. In both yet been Corn, ear: 1, Ulupalakua. while that of Cambridge totalled schedule of Prices made. 1, Hamakuapoko; 719.554. report Horse to rest house quantity and quality the exhibits far Puunene won A cup large- Sweet potato: The Commission's at crater $8.00 Tables, Chairs, Beds, Stoves, or the Class 3, increasing Horse to Keanae and over exceeded anything that had been ex ly because of larger more 2, Keokea; Keahua. recommends the annual Return anything else a house pected. James Lindsay, one of the the and Hawaiian Onion: 1, Keokea. grants to 100,000 each, with addi the Ditch Trail $8.00. to make diversified exhibits made. Ulupa-laku- a judges said the display compared it Banana: 1, Keokea. tional provisions for extending educa Horse for Round Island Trip $25.00 a home? won Class B and deserved es- pay- Special most favorably with those he has pecial credit no gar Peaches: 1, Keokea. tional facilities for women and Guides Extra rates for We have a large stock of second coynty because it had 1, ing pension parties. seen at the annual fairs, that den last year and had made a late Spineless Cactus: Keokea. arrears. hand and rebuilt furniture and our In neatness of putting up the entries start year. Cauliflower: 1, Keokea. The commission stresses the point Our guides are experienced and we prices are right. many respects superior this Keokea was unable 2, Ulupala- large make all arrangements It was in and to vegetables gar- Cabbage: 1, Keakeo; that today the universities have and furnish complimented youngsters show because its ly to original all equipment. he the den "was washed out and is behind kua. returned their function K highly upon quality quantity 1, 2, of ministering y stu HIROSE both and in produce because of having to White Potato: Kealahou; to the of their showing of produce. its Ulupalakua; 3, Keahua. dent, and have, in fact, become "stu- JOE SYLVA start all over again only a 463-- L Vineyard St., opposite Some the exhibits began to come few weeks 9 first; Ha- Phone Edwards of ago but it made up for lack vege- Summary Ulupalakua, dent democracies." Main Road, Garage. In Friday and Saturday morning they of 6 Keokea, 6 firsts; In addition to recommending ample Oiinda Homesteads tables in a beautiful display of flowers makuapoko, first; P. O. Address: Makawao came thick and fast. R. C. Bowman, Keahua, 4 firsts; Kealahou, 3 firsts. facilities for the education of women. Furniture bought and sold. Class "A" Schools supervisor of vocational training Home Gardens the report pleads for more state was there to receive them and String Beans: 1 Wailuku. scholarships, cheaper living costs and Division 1 (7th and 8th Grades.) he and volunteer assistants who Turnips: 1 Puunene. better pay, with pension prospects, Supervising Principal Wells Carrots: 1, Yorioshl Tagawa, Ha- included Carrots: 1, 2, 2, for professors. of school principals Wailuku; Puunene; makuapoko School; John Fernandes, Although report regrets "the and several the 3, Paia. School. the had a busy morning arranging the Makawao comparative neglect of living langu- - TEACHERS, ATTENTION! produce. At the sides and end of the Cabbage: 1, Puunene. String Beans: 1, Evelyn Tavares, ages" at universities, it notes 2, Nagata, both building were the home garden ex- Spinich: 1, Puunene. Makawao School;' Yoshio there is an increasing tendency Spreckelsville School; 3, Helen Phil- that hibits divided into four classes ac- 1, 2, on the part of businessmen to look to Head Lettuce: Puunene; Pa lips, Makawao School. - Teachers desiring to spend the summer vacation in Ho- cording to the grades of the schools ia; 3, Puunene. universities for trained men as future young garden- Radish: 1, John Fernandes, Maka nolulu, by communicating with the Roselawn, 1366, In which are the home Common Lettuce: 1, Wailuku; 2, assistants and partners. It adds that ers. On the platform in the centre, wao School. "business salaries now offered to Kamehameha III. Lettuce: 1, John fernandes, Ma- King Street, Honolulu, celebrated for its excellent directly in front of the door were first-clas- s science men would make it the school garden displays. Round Jap Rad: 1, Puunene. kawao School. impossible to keep enough of the best cuisine, can secure reservations with board at the ROSE- Jap 1, Puunene; 2, Kame- Cabbage: 1, Yoshio Naga- Give Radish: Chinese men to do the teaching at Oxford and OLA Blue Ribbons Out hameha III; 3. Wailuku. ta, Spreckelsville School. WN and at the BEACH ANNEX, 2517 Kalakaua So many exhibits were entered and Cambridge were It not for their de- Collards: 2, Puunene. Onion: 1, John Fernandes, Maka- votion to academic research and Avenue, Waikiki, at reduced summer rates. so great was the variety, combined Tomatoes: 1, Puunene; 2, Wailuku; wao School. were really teaching and their attachment to the with the fact that there 3, Puunene. Beets: 1, John Fernandes, Maka university." five sections, that in some instances 1, wao School. ' Banana: Puunene. regards living-fo- r was competition. was 1, Tagawa, As the cost of there little It Black Radish: 1, Puunene. Egg Plant: Yorioshl undergraduates, the report finds that thought unfair to have the younger 1, III; Hamakuapoko School. Red Radish: Kamehameha is too high. In 1919-2- 0 average 2, Grades.) it the 2, Haiku. Division (5th and 6th total year's cost for an arts student, 1, Matsumoto, Puu-koli- Beets: 1, Wailuku, 2, Puunene. Beets: Sheto Including food but not clothes, wash-- j MATSON NAVIGATION COMPANY Egg Plant: I, Kamehameha III; 2, 2, Rorita Veoka, Paia. ing, books, stationery and personal 1, Puukolii; Puunene; 3, Haiku. Papaia: Hisao Azeko, expenses, was 156 for Oxford and ' 1, 2, 2, Cheepo, DIRECT SERVICE BETWEEN HONOLULU, HILO IT WILL PAY YOU Pumpkin: Puunene; Puunene. Evering Paia. 145 for Cambridge. The cheapest Gourd: 1, Puunene. Parsley: 1, Toshika Ichico, Puu- college during the year was Oxford AND SAN FRANCISCO to see' Corn (dry): 1, Puunene. kolii: 2. Henry Ah See, Haiku. 114; Cambridge 123. The what THE PRUDENTIAL 3, 1, Kayatani, dearest Papaia: 1, Puunene; 2, Paia; Beans (dry): Yukata was at Oxford, 202; Cambridge has to offer before closing with Haiku. Makawao; 2, Manuel Cravalho, Kea- any company. 172. For San Francisco: other life insurance Cucumber: 1, Puunene. hua; 3, Shiro Shegeto, Paia. Marquis Curzon is chancellor of Cocoanut: 1, Puunene. Lettuce: 1, Shizuto Matsumoto, number of resident Spreck-lesville- . Oxford, where the MANOA May 10, 10 a. m.. Tier 15 Beans, dry: 1, Puunene; 2, Puu- ruukolii; 2, Tario Fugimura, undergraduate students according to BANK OF MAUI, LTD. nene. MAUI .'...... May 17. 10 a. m., Pier 15 Puu- the latest statistics is 4,651, while at Red Limas: 1, Puunene. Squash: 1, Fukugi Kashima, Cambridge, where Sir Arthur Balfour WILHELMINA .'. May 24, 4 p. m.. Pier 15 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Parsley: 1, Puunene. kolii. is chancellor, there are 5,733 students. Pigeon Peas: 1, Haiku. Corn: 1, Manuel Denello, Puukolii. Dwarf Tomato: 1, Paia. Sweet Potatoes: 1, Masao Sone, For particular apply to Gumbo: 1, Haiku. Spreckelsville 2, Shigeto Matsumoto, Grand Circuit Stakes Are Puukolii. Known in Years CASTLE & COOKE, LTD. Chinese Cabbage: 1, Takashi Kino-shit- Highest Makawao; 2, Geo. Ah See, Hai- AGENTS, HONOLULU ku. CLEVELAND, O., April 20 (Asso- Carrot: 1, Pupil, Haiku; 2, Charles ciated Press) Harness horse activi- FORT AND MERCHANT STS. AUCTION SALE Penhallow, Maui High and Grammar; ties and interest of Grand Circuit fol- 3, Shiro Shigeto, Paia. lowers here are centered In North At the home of V. A. Vetlesen, Wailuku, I will sell to Dikon: 1, Shigeto Matsumoto, Puu- Randall race track where spring kolii; 2, Tario Fugimura, Spreckels- training will commence soon follow- the highest bidder on ville. ing the usual winter jogging. More String Beans: 1, Henry Ah See, than 150 trotters and pacers are now Haiku; 2, George Ah See, Haiku; 3, quartered at the track where the first SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1922, AT 2 P. M. George Ah See, Haiku. Grand Circuit meeting of the season good meals in Honolulu Long, Beans: 1, Horto Aeoka, Paia. will be held the week of July 3. That Taro: 1, George Ah See, Haiku; number will soon be augmented as 2, Henry Ah See, Haiku. many stables are due to ship their AWAIT YOU AT CHILD'S Furniture, Household Goods, Kitchen Utensils and a Kohl Rabbi: 1, Tokuichi Kurio, horses here to complete their train- Variety of other articles. Puukolii. ing for the circuit meetings. Red Radish: 1, Tokuichi Kurio, The stake program for the July Among the things to be sold are: Puukolii. Grand Circuft meeting at North Ran- New, modern, high class restau- Egg Plant: 1, George Ah See. Hai- dall is identical with that of 1921. rant, centrally located. Good Remington Type Rugs Writer . ku; 2, Shotani Sariko, Puukolii. It includes the Ohio, 2:08 trot, valued Intelligent, Caligraph Type Writer Electric Lamp Cucumber: 1, Saiki Onowe, Puu- at f 5,000; the Tavern "Steak," 2:14 and comfortable. Large Enameled Bath Tub 4 Burner Florence Automatic Oil kolii; 2, Yoshimatsu, Haiku. trot, valued at $5,000, the Fasig, three courteous service. European Sewing Machine Stove Onion: 1, Pupil, Haiku; 2. Manuel year old trot with $2,000 value; the Shot Gun 3 Burner Blue Flame Oil Stoves Cravalho, Keahua; 3, Shigeto Matsu- Trotting Sweepstakes for 2:05 horses plan. Operated in connection Office Swivel Chair Electric Oven moto, Puukolii. with $1,500 added money and the Ed- with the Office Flat Desk Ice Box and Meat Safe Com in Stalk: 1, Joe Freltas, Ma- - wards, 2:08 pace, value $3,000. Store Scales Garden Tools The entries for these events have 8 Day Clocks Rubber Hose Peas: 1, Alexia Costa, Makawao. already closed, each drawing a great Books and Book Shelves Lawn Mowers Pepper: 1, Henry Ah See; Haiku. list of nominations. Pictures Ferns and Palms, etc., etc., etc. 2, Manuel Cravalho, Keahua. The stake list for the July meeting Blaisdell Hotel Pineapple: 1, Pupil, Haiku. carries a total money valuation of W. F. CROCKETT. Auctioneer. Pumpkin: 1, Manuel Cnwallio, Kea $16,500. hua. Seven stakes are listed for the J. F. CHILD, PROPRIETOR. Division 3, (4th Grade and under.) second meeting at North Randall, the Onions: 1. Kiyoshi, Haiku School; week of August 7, with a total 2, Otsuo Tempo, Makawao; 3, Hattie money valuation of $22,500, 6aid to Davis, Haiku. be the richest stake program mapped Alfalfa: 1, Joe Fenello. Keahua. out for' any six days of harness racing Egg Plant: 1, Hattie Davi4, Haiku. in 1922. ALL MAUI READS MAUI NEWS WANT ADS. String Beans: 1, Hattie Davis, Hai- Makes Bread Better ku; 2, Hattie Davis, Haiku; 3, Joaquin Bento, Paia. Chives: 1, Hattie Davis, Haiku. Lima Beans: 1, Hattie DavU, Hai- Bread is the staff of life and meals would be incom- ku; 2, Pupil, Haiku. Horse Beans: 1, Joe Freitas, Ma- plete without it. But bread cannot be so good that one 2, Virginia Freitas, Makawao. Lamp kawao; Mazda Prices Down wants to eat it without butter. Spread a thick slice of Tomatoes:- - 1, Joe Fenella, Keahua. Taro: 1, Hattie Davis, Haiku; 2, good bread knife-fu- ll NOW EFFECTIVE THE FOLLOWING REDUCTIONS IN ELECTRIC LAMPS with a generous of genuine Haiku Pupil, Haiku. Wild Tomatoes: 1, Hattie Davis, ARE ANNOUNCED Haiku; 2, Joe Fenella, Keahua. Pineapple: 1, Haiku Pupil, Haiku; 2, Manuel Gomes, Makawao. Mazada "B" New.. Price Old Price Mazada "C" New Price Old Price 1, Tempo, Ma- Strawberries: Otsuo 10 Watt Clear Bulb 35 cts. 40 eta. 75 Watt Clear Bulb 70 cts. 75 cts. kawao. M Maka- - 10 Watt Frosted Bulb 40 eta. 45 cts. 75 Watt Frosted Bulb .. .75 cts. 80 cts. AILE Radishes: 1, Otsuo Tempo, wao. 15 Watt Clear Bulb 35 eta 40 cts. 100 Watt Clear Bulb 95 cts. $1.00 Pumpkin: 1, Cambra, Spreck-lesville- ; Louis 15 Watt Frosted Bulb 40 cts. 45 cts. 100 Watt Frosted Bulb $1.20 2, Joe fenella, Keahua. fl.00 Cucumber: 1, Haiku Pupil, Haiku. 25 Watt Clear Bulb 35 cts. 40 cts. 150 Watt Clear Bulb $1.30 $1.80 Peppers: 1, Ernest Robello, Maka- - 25 Watt Frosted Bulb 40 cts. 45 cts. , 150 Watt Frosted Bulb $1.40 $1.90 BUTTER wao; 2, Joaquin Freitas, Makawao; 3, 40 35 cts. 40 200 Hattie Davis, Haiku. Watt Clear Bulb cts. Watt Clear Bulb $1.80 $2.10 Chinese Cabbage: 1, Joaquin Ben- 40 Watt Frosted Bulb 40 cts. 45 eta. 200 Watt Frosted Bulb $1.90 $2.25 and you will know that does indeed make bread better. 2, it to, Paia; Alfred Franco, Paia. 60 Watt Clear Bulb 40 cts. 45 cts. These lamps add 25 percent efficintcy in linlit on It comes direct from New Zealand and is the pride of that Bananas: 1, Manuel Gomes, Maka- - wao. 60 Watt Frosted Bulb 45 cts. 50 cts. electricity consumed. country. If you once try Maile you won't be satisfied Cabbage: 1. Virginia Freitas; 2, !!! with any other. Ask your grocer, he can supply you. Manuel Gomes, Makawao; 3, Joaquin Freitas, Makawao. if White Radishes: 1, Alfred Franco, THE MAUI ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 3, jPaia; 2, Frank Gomes, Makawao: A HOME COMPANY FOR HOME FOLK METROPOLITAN MEAT MARKET Kiyoshi, Haiku. ! Carrots: 1, Virginia Freitas, Maka-- wao; 2, Alfred Franco, Paia; 3, OFFICE MAIN STREET, 'WAILUKU PHONE 121 AGENTS FOR TERRITORY HONOLULU Joaquin Freitas, Makawao. Parsley: 1,' Joe Fenella, Keahua. Pumpkin: 1, Joe Fenella, Keahua. FOUR SEMI-WEEKL- Y MAUI NEWS, TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1922.

Semi-Week- ly Maui News THE OPTIMISTIC PESSIMIST WARNING TO THE VALLEY ISLE TOUT" A Republican Paper Published In the Interests of the People "Just around the corner in seven reels," says an advertisement. In the Automobile Owners Issued Every Tuesday and Friday days it often took more than seven reels to get to the corn- er and several more to round All of which goes to show that life is MAUI PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED it. You may be a careful driver? But remember there Proprietor and Publisher getting easier. , lots of drivers dead or crippled who had the right tt tt tt tt are M. It. Manager Carter Harrison, former mayor of Chicago is appalled at the misery and of way. PEREIRA, hog SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $4.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE dark gloom he saw in India. It's not so many years ago that some author Protect yourself and your family from the road whose name escapes memory wrote a book entitled "In Darkest Chicago." who takes the inside of the turn on high - Entered at the Post Office at Wailuku, Maul, Hawaii, as second-clas- s matter. Either Harrison's eyes never got accustomed to the gloom or Chicago la AUTOMOBILE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, FIRE MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is ex- not so dark as it used to be. POLICIES clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credit- n n n A real estate dealer is a home broker and is regarded as' a valuable ed to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news member of the community. A home breaker is a she or he "vamp" as the Baldwin Bank, Ltd. published herein. The case may be and is regarded in a vastly different light. Broker and break- Kahului Insurance Department Wailuku JOSEPH H. GRAY EDITOR er are from the same general root but what a wide difference in meaning they carry! 1922 a n TUESDAY MAY 9, Dancing is walking made easy and painless by an application of sex association as an anaestetlc. One can even forget about tight shoes and Kelly-Springfie-ld A YOUNG FOLK'S FAIR Tires slippers to the entrancing Jazzing of the orchestra. the market. It's a Caterpillar. tt tt tt tt The best solid truck tire on Observations made Saturday at the Fair Grounds in Kahului Society has its choice of two courses. It can permit the teaching of birth I HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE MAUI during the track and field meet and the exhibit of garden products control to the masses or it can change economic conditions so as to make RIGHTS ' grown by the school children suggest the possibility of combining conditions suitable for the army of the newly born. Advoates of birth con- several events into one big affair for the younger element of the trol do not believe society will do the latter. Gives 50 percent more fuel mile- community, for the pupils of the schools and the 'xy Scouts and tt tt tt age a the little monthly work on advertising publicity Is liii l Scouts. Such a plan would go to the doing away of multiplicity and that load by Least destructive to or to in the transportation problem in several events and would give to the issued Charlie Frazier and his staff in Honolulu, says that "clothing has truck no place as a necessity in Hawaii." The Honolulu newspapers reports of combined affairs a drawing capacity in excess of anything any one Gives more mileage to the dollar of them could have. attempts to enforce the Desha law would lead one to believe that In the vicinity Waikiki of At the last track and field meet a point noted the previous year of clothing was distinctly necessary. cost was emphasized. in competitions in field events tt tt tt tt Has 40 percent more resistance Interest track and The fear of fear is the most appalling of physical sensations. is to skidding outside of the schools diminishing. If there were three or four tt tt tt a organizations of young men and youths past the school age to com- - One may "beef" a lot about being kept from work because so many Does not sink into soft Mud. pete it would be worth while to hold games for them but such ap persons come in to consult him but it is mighty satisfying to his ego instinct These are only a few of the many reasons why you pears not to be the case. The program might well be divided into and when the world lets him alone he feels he is being ignored and neglect- should call and investigate and let me quote you prices two classes ot school Ooy competitors, a junior ana a senior and ed. Maybe its like putting strong bay rum on a closely shaven face or for the equipment of your truck with a set of KELLY-SPR1NGFIEL- would not lose interest. Combined with other features that might getting under the shower on a cold morning, painful for the movemt-nt- . but be added interest would be enhanced. enjoyable in the retrospect. So successful was the garden display made Saturday that all who saw it making a school annual It is inquired why a person nanawill kick himself blue in the face if he has DAN T. CAREY favor gardeners exhibit an feature MAIN ST., WAILUKU on Maui and it could be held, as ou Saturday, in connection with the to stand In line a few minutes to pay his taxes but will wait patiently for track and field meet. two or three hours to see a street parade. Foolish question, any one who Only a week before the athletic program there was held a field has ever done both knows the difference. day of the Girl Scouts. Not nearly so many persons saw it as it is a a a a Half the wished had done so. The Hoy Scouts are doing a work on Maui world blames women for the prevalence of divorce and the NEW CAR? other half blames men. appear WHAT, A that more of the public shouldknow about. If there be held a field The obvious conclusion would to be that both are at fault. Carrying it further the cause of the trouble must be That's what your friends will ask and you can reply "No, it's day for both of those organizations and at a different time there be the old boat repainted. Looks like new, don't It?" held a track and field meet transportation problems arise at all three either the social organization and its rules or else human nature itself. , If that's the sort of job you want, I'm the man to do .it and I occasions. they be all and held a a a a If united on one day those It is refreshing to note that Mary I'ickiord (Fairbanks) has been chosen stake my reputation on my work. Right work at right prices. problems arise only once instead of times. More of three the young president of the Movie Actress Club designed to protect and safeguard the folk would be able to see all three events when combined and many good name and fair fame of its members. Those who have been calling more would be ALFRED AYERS adults drawn together as spectators. Mary a home breaker had best mind their ps and qs now. Maui has its annual fair, primarily for adults and incidentally AUTOMOBBILE PAINTING In rear of von Hamm-Youn- g Garage, Wailuku for the younger element of its population each fall. The suggestion ly because of the extraordinary difficulties they succeeded against. contemplates a one day spring event of a similar nature, primarily Home gardens show the practical application of what the pupils for the young folk and incidentally for the grown ups. learn in the school gardens. In the latter they have the benefit of A day full could be given over to it. One third of the athletic advice and supervision by adults. The home garden exhibits com- events be could eliminated. It might be opened with a grand parade pared splendidly with those from the school gardens. And so to one of the Scouts both boys and girls. Those organizations could each and all of the gardeners who exhibited Maui News says: "Well put on a short demonstration of the work they are doing. Mean- Done, Children." To time the agricultural display would be open. The Ability Pay May is Day every where regarded as essentially a season for chil- Honolulu is enforcing a "glaring headlights" ordinance and on dren and so the suggestion is that the first Saturday of May be made the first night of enforcement 37 arrests were made. After several depends upon the Companies whose financial and a "Young Folk's County Fair" at Kahului. months of consideration, if memory serves right, Maui passed a moral standing guarantees the reliability of their in- It is not designed to eliminate "Children's Day" at the annual traffic ordinance designed to cover that and other subjects. One fair nor is it designed to take away from interest, in annual gather- of these days it will probably be enforced. surance contracts, both under ordinary conditions ings of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. The purpose of the proposal and in settling claims which have arisen in conflag- is to attach to all combined the greatest possible general interest. China is able to stage a full blown: and bloody military campaign rations. which the world watches with interest from afar and wonders what WELL DONE CHILDREN it is all about. The majority , of the population of China appears in the role of a mildly interested spectator, according to some of the Why Stand In Jeopardy? In its growing generation Maui has a large number of boys and press dispatches. The attitude of the Chinese at home always serins girls who will be able, if they desire, to make gardens about their inexplicable to the occidental mind. We represent leading companies of the world. homes or to supply the market successfully. This was shown clear- ly in the agricultural building at the Fair Grounds Saturday and The Genoa economic conference seems to have gone along fairly it was also made manifest beyond cavil that the instruction in garden- well except that Russia will not agree to what the others want and C. Brewer & Company (Limited) ing which pupils are receiving in the schools is not wasted. There the others will not give in to Russia. France is a little offish, Italy was put on display an exhibit which compared favorably with what and Germany are making outside treaties but otherwise it's a success. (Insurance Department) is shown in garden truck at the annual fair. As a matter of fact some of the entries excelled in neatness and care of preparation those If Maui is going to move toward securing the proposed hospital P.O. Box 347 : : Honolulu, T. H. made by adults last October and some of the produce was the equal for disabled veterans it might be just as well to get started. If of anything then show. And the children did this for themselves she does not want it the other Islands would be glad to get it, any When the proposal was made it was left to the children to decide one of them. When sugar is down it is well to look in other direc- and they were told if their was tions for business. verdict for a fair it would be "up P. O. Box 86 Phone 135 to them" to make it a success or a failure. They made it a success. Two hundred and ninety nine exhibits" of vegetables and fruits Free garden seeds have arrived from Washington and can now besides a display of ilowers from Keokea School, is a surprising show- be had by applying to the Hoard of Agriculture and Forestry in Ho- ing for a first attempt. In quality the entries showed as well as in nolulu. This suggests the advisability of Maui school principals quantity. The response of the children was more spontaneous and writing now for the supply of seeds for school and home gardens emphatic than the most sanguine had hoped. As a matter of fact the they will be wanting next year. project met with a luke warm reception in some directions wheh DR. H. K. TATEKAWA, 0. D. first proposed. There were some perhaps who thought that the Office in the Home Supply Co., building Kahului. burden falling upon the teachers would be greater than results would PRESENT INDICATIONS Office Hours: warrant. That attitude has been changed. Those inclined to op- 8 to 12 A. M., 7 to 8 :30 P. M. 8 12 A. M. Point to a steady, progressive, business year. Sundays to pose at the outset will another year .be advocates of repeating such The man an exhibition. who invests his money at this time has more assurance than ever before that if his stocks "Whether from Missouri or any other state of the mainland or and bonds are properly selected his returns will be perpetual and born right here in Hawaii nti, the average person likes to be shown. satisfying. One of the greatest to So it is with vocational training in the schools. There are persons: factors be considered in the selec- tion of investments is who consider it outside the province of education. the financial and business policies of the Their minds companies were disabused of such false notions if they attended gardeners involved. It is In this consideration that our stock WIRELESS the and bond department exhibition. is able to perform valuable service for you. Fast Accurate Inter-Islan- d Facts and reports to prominent Service Here in Hawaii, the land of perpetual summer, more difficulties relative securities are available at our offices to anyone In have to be met and overcome in agriculture than elsewhere, there interested investments. RATES: We shall be glad you by are more pests to be fought and there are the same other difficulties.; to help supplying you with the Ordinary Rush Per Word . $ .15 information in- Double Rush Per Word !L What the children have done, therefore, is a which will enable you to make an intelligent .30 demonstration of pluck, vestment. Code Per Word ".".."" . 25 perseverence and insistence the more creditable. Most adults would Night Letter (First 24 words) 1.00 quit where these youngsters kept on. Each Addition Word 04 ' ' WATERHOUSE TRUST CO., LTD. Steamer Messages Per Word 18 It is worthy of remark that cup the for junior school gardens HONOLULU. was won by Ulupalakua. That school had to overcome tremendous! Messages Accepted for all Parts of the World difficulties in getting started. Last year it had no 'school garden Rates on Application but this year those school children went at it with a dogged deter- mination. They would not be discouraged, they persisted and they MUTUAL won. ELECTRIC WIRING, REPAIRING TELEPHONE CO., Keokea school is another example. It had a fine garden going WIRELESS, DEPT. but heavy rains washed out all the results of their hard work in! Neat Work The product of many years experience. . WAILUKU vegetable gardening. That school is noted all over Maui, how- Estimates gladly furnished Reasonable Prices. Office 8 ever, for its flower gardens. And so the children sent down beauti- Hours: A. M. to 12:30 P. M., 1:30 P. M. to 5:30 P. M.. ful flowers. They have not given up vegetable gardening. They Sunday 8 A. M. to 10 A. M. started afresh after the rains but their crop was not sufficiently SAM MAH0E Phone: Lahaina 12-A- , Wailuku 300 matured to show. TIME SIGNALS RECEIVED DAILY WAIILUKU 122-- A By singling out those schools for mention there is no invidious PHONE MAUI criticism of other schools implied. They have been mentioned mere-- ALL MAUI READS MAUI NEWS WANT ADS. SEMI-WEEKL- Y MAUI NEWS, TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1922. FIVE

Supplies of Garden MAUI TWENTY YEARS AGO DREAMLAND Seeds Now Available (From Maui News of May 10, 1902) ADVENTURES MILLER TIRES The new Maui Athletic Club Polo According to a story in the New The Board of Agriculture and The Deer Circle THE UNIFORM MADE TIRE. team beat the Makawao's Saturday York Journal there has been a con- By DADDY Forestry writes from Honolulu that Copyright and the victory is attributed to the ference of the Vanderbilt family to it has Just received a generous sup- 1021. by I'ulillc Ledger Co. drilling given them by Frank F. Bald- bottle up Reggie who is reported to ply of assorted vegetable seed from was one of games I have secured exclusive Maui Rights for the sale win. It the fastest have lost $221,000 at Canflelds. our delegate to congress. This is This week Jack ever seen at Sunnyslde. M. A. C. and Janet have an now available, free of charge to all exciting adventure in the big woods, of MILLER TIRES, players were James Thompson, W. H. Plans are being completed for the who can make good use of it. meeting CASINGS AND TUBES. Let me L. R. of a railway Bering wild animals that seem to Cornwell, Frank Baldwin and construction under No flower seeds are in the lot. be friends, but prove to be foes. Crook and Makawao was represented Straits. The vegetable seeds come in pack- quote you prices for the equipping of your car. Full by H. Baldwin, George Wilbur, Sam Bubonic plague has broken out ages of three assortments, as follows: among kangaroos zoologi- CHAPTER I assortments now in stock. Kalaroa and L. von Tempsky. the in the V-- 2 contains beans, beet, lettuce, oni- cal gardens at Sidney. on and tomato seeds. Visitors at Night of peaches Several baskets delicious V-- 4 contains peas, beet, lettuce, oni- PUPKINS, the collie and were seen in Wailuku this week. The house committee on naval on and radish seeds. appropria- TODDIE Bull, the bulldog, were affairs has included in the V-- 7 contains beet, carrot, lettuce, met Wed- 16,000 ton ships, DAN T. CAREY Maul Racing Association tion bill two battle onion and tomato seeds. open fire in Janet's bungalow home nesday evening"and elected A. N. i, two armored cruisers of 14,500 each This seed will be mailed out to all gun beside the lake at the edge of the big MAIN ST., WAILUKU president; W. L. Decoto, and two boats of 1000 tons each. who apply for it. Applications should woods. Jack, who run Li. secretary . had in from D. Meyer, and be sent to David liaughs, Box 3319, his own bungalow home next door James L. Coke, treasurer. The execu- tt n Honolulu. for a little visit before going to bed, tive committee is composed of W. T. was playing dominoes with Janet. Robinson, M. L. Decker and L. M. j The Daily Fun Hour Suddenly Toddie Pupkins growled Baldwin. Racing programs for Fourth Universal Language In his Bleep, and his hair began to of July and August 12 were reported. a o bristle. Johnny' Bull heard Toddie's For the first meet purses of $500 will growl and looked up quickly. be offered and for the second meet HOPMAN TOAD Efforts Are Resumed MAILE BUTTER In exciting game Janet's father looked at Toddle there will be large purses, $1250 being this all of the Pupkins, and smiled. hung up for six events. players, except one who has been counted out. stand two feet anart in Toddie Pupkins must be having a 55 CENTS A POUND LONDON, April 1 (Associated bad dream," he said. "Perhaps he election a wide circle. The odd player, Hop- - Maui Athletic Club held Press Mail) Language, the master-ke- is chasing cats." You'll enjoy its fresh and delicious flavor. It s the brand for Monday evening and named L. M. man, stands In the center of the cir- of cle with long, stout in his to thought and the vehicle But Toddie Pupkins wasn't chasing New Zealand's choicest product, the finest in this Territory. Baldwin, president; George Hons, a cord communication remains under the cats. Suddenly he growled again and t, and L. R. Crook, secretary-t- hand. To the other end of the cord ob- curse of Babel, while Arabic numerals this time his eyes flew open and he reasurer. The directors are G. is attached a small box or other longi- leaped ject, wrapped in paper and tied firmly measurements of latitude and to his feet. He stood as if MAUI SODA & ICE WORKS, LTD. B. Schrader, Rev. W. Ault, J. Garcia, tude, mathematical signs, chemical listening. So did Johnny Bull. And Dr. Boote and J. L. Coke. This is called the "Toad." system The Hopman rolls the cord around formulae and even the metric Johnny Hull's hair began to bristle "We Serve Your Needs" Phone.,128 Wailuku. his hand so the Toad is near have progressed to such an extent like that of Toddie Pupkins. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Field will leave that that they are now used by all nations for British Columbia next Saturday him at first. Then as he whirls the expert, cord circle, gradually declares the Times scientific on a three months visit around the he urging the necessity of an universal unwinds it, and the Toad, on the floor, tongue. M. L. Decker is giving his personal approaches to the feet of the players every Esperanto or Ido, or some modifi- to the race track and prom- with round. When it reaches ba- attention out to circle they must try to cation of them, seem to hold the ises to have it in shape for races on the lance of advantages in the choice for Fourth of July. Jump over the Toad before it touches LEWERS & COOKE, LTD. the feet. Every one should be on an international language, he adds, their although Latin and English have re- Hopman can 169-17- Owing to the presence of the mon- the alert, for a skillful support to be ranked 7 So. King St. Honolulu swing so cleverly in- ceived sufficient ster Alaskan in Kahului harbor this the line that, as serious candidates. Scientific men week was a rush to ship sugar, stead of merely touching the feet. It group there winds the he says, from the most anxious some of the sugar being cut and itself around the ankles of to see a world agreement on Borne Special attention given to ground since the big steamer left captured player. inclin- All players start the game with auxiliary language and are not Parcel Post Orders 100 credits, ed to care what one is chosen. and each "touch" deducts "Were it possible to acquire a Work has been commenced on the five points from his score. If he Is to Lumber Building lassoed or "captured," It costs him second language in addition the and Materials change of line of the Kahului Rail- natel tongue to convey Ideas", the Mixed Paints and Auto Enamels Wailuku and Kahului. ten points. As soon as the Hopman says great- road between manages play- Times expert "one of the from public road. - to touch the foot of a est barriers to the progress of science 'Furniture Enamels away er with the Toad, or to lasso him, It is being thrown mauka and player Hopman would be broken down". Linoleums, Rugs that becomes for the Of languages contending for next round, and the first Hopman the Cong-oleu- Pabcolin Rugs Water works at Lahalna are an as- world recognition, he says that a dif- and Wailuku extends takes his place in the circle. The grammer one Jack, who had run In from his Wallpapers and Glass sured fact and player who has retained the greatest ferent and irregular is of the chief objections to Latin, while own bungalow home next door number of credits at the end of the for a little visit before going to game English has a "chaotic" spelling, with There is room for the pasturage of is declared winner. a difficult and various pronunciation. bed, was playing dominoes WRITE FOR SAMPLES a few more goats in the weeds and Also, he says, the choice of one from with Janet cemetery. lantana of Wailuku among the many living languages Don't they look funny?" giggled would excite intense and destructive Janet. There Is an appropriation for a jealousy. "Hush sh!" whispered Janet's road up Iao Valley but the present Reviewing efforts that have been father. "They hear something." road has been impassible so long that made in the movement, the writer listened, too, scarce- for- In- Janet and Jack LAHAINA ICE CO., LTD. the present generation has about V V calls attention to the work of the ly breathing. Then in a moment gotten there is an Iao Valley and look O ternational Research Council, In Pupkins' myth. iiilERE 1918, they heard what Toddie upon its needle as a Brussels during the summer of sharp ears had caught, even while he MANUFACTURERS ICE, SUGAR of the British, American, French, and OF PURE SYRUPS, DELICIOUS slept. It was a howl, faint and far AND REFRESHING SODA WATER William Feuerpeil, formerly locomo- DO YOU KNOW Italians Associations, and of the away a howl sad and doleful, that Pioneer Mill Co., has League Nations. These various tive engineer for WHO was Robert Emmet? of sent shivers chasing up and down fitted out a boat and is going in for bodies, he contends, are "free from packs. sea fishing. WHY does yeast make bread rise? the suspicion of advocating serious tneir SODA WATER PER CASE, MIXED FLAVORS, 90 CENTS. deep WHAT nation has the largest mer- Toddie Pupkins and Johnny Dull study of what might be regarded as a growled savagely and rushed to the Telegraph News chant fleet in the world? fad" AND WHEN will the moon be full this door as if to guard it. Again came DISTRIBUTORS OP ELECTRIC POWER LIGHT Jeffries has refused to meet Bob The writer notes that the invented howl. month? language Esperanto has already held the faint Fitzsimmons in England but expresses WHERE is the Roosevelt highway? "What is it?" whispered Janet to Reasonable Estimates on Housewiring and Housewiring 'Supplies. willingness for a meeting in 12 International congresses In dif- her father. his in ferent countries and is taught "Wolves," answered. . 4 ANSWERS TO FRIDAY'8 Milan, he "Wolves QUERIES schools in Geneva, Breslau, hunting in the moonlight. We must Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria Ido he lock the ponies Trixie and Topsy se- An official estimate of the cost of George Wharton Pepper is the new says claims to be a later and improv- the South African war, a London dis- Penn- curely in their stable tonight, and United States Senator from ed form of Esperanto, haying hither- keep Toodie Pupkins and Johnny patch says, is 223,000,000 pounds sterl- sylvania. to had a smaller vogue but being in M. ing, over a billion dollars. name Bull in the house. JAMES CAMERON Antimacassars took their from appearance and sound more attrac- "Johnny Bull could whip a wolf," the fact that Macassar oil was a tive. declared SANITARY PLUMBER The London correspondent of the oil was to pro- con- Jack. popular hair and it "The vital requirement", he "And so could Toddie Pupkins," Associated Press is informed that J. tect chairs from this that embroid- cludes, "is that the auxiliary language Estimates Furnished. Old Post Office Building, Wailuku P. Morgan gets 2,500,000 pounds for were put over back. added Janet. ered cloths the should be kept auxiliary, the vehicle "To be sure they could, and per- forming the new sniping combine. "Capital ships" elas- be- is a more or less of formal statement. If it should haps two wolves, but wolves hunt in tic term referring to the larger and come a language of common speech, packs, and a pack of wolves would Hague Teports tell of the improved more modern naval vessels. of emotion, or of literature it will at condition of Queen WiUjelmina of age officers quickly tear two dogs to pieces." The retirement for of the once fail of its purpose and be only Toddie Pupkins and Johnny Bull Holland. a United States Army is sixty-fou- r an additional linguistic burden". HOW ABOUT THE JAPANESE? years. growled as if they didn't belive that China paid its fourth monthly in- baiting formerly popular "Do you think the wolves will come Bull was a here?" you getting all you If not, of Indemnity on April 30. England dogs were de- AETNA 18 ACTIVE asked Janet Are the business from them want? stalment sport in and very In way, In veloped and trained especially for "Not unless they are hungry," you can reach them only one sure their own language. Tell woman has given 4 said her father, "and they couldn't them what you have that they want in advertisements and in hand- An American this purpose thus giving rise to CATANIA, Sicily May get they $200,000 for the founding of, a French the breed now known as the Press) Mount Aetna is in in if should come." bills. normal school in Chicago. Jack and Janet were glad to hear that, but even so they felt easier Issued Semi-Weekl- y MAUI RECORD N. K. Otsuka, Prop. when the howls died out in the dis- tance. Not a sound of the wolves could be heard as Jack scurried to JOB PRINTING bed. Both children were thinking of the Translations from English to Japanese and Japanese to English wolves when they dropped off to sleep, so, of course, they were much KAHULUI RAILROAD COMPANY'S startled when they were awakened an hour or so later by a tapping at their window panes. "The wolves have come!" thought MERCHANDISE Jack and Janet in their beds. But DEPARTMENT when they looked out of their win- WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT dows they didn't see any wolves They saw instead, a dozen rabbits dancing in the yard between the houses. The & Co., rabbits were led by Hippity-Ho- and The Wailuku Hardware Grocery Ltd. Hippity-Mo- p Rabbit, and were sing- ing a jolly song: WAILUKU, MAUI "Queen Moon smiles bright; Her silvery beams fill the woods with DEALERS IN their glory; HAVE BEEN APPOINTED AGENTS FOR The snow-cla- d pines sparkle like EAST MAUI, FOR Christmas trees. Come out! Come out and play!" ROCK Indeed, the moon was shining CRUSHED bright and in the woods the pines A. G. Spalding & Bros. did sparkle like Christmas trees. Jack SCREEN PERFORATION and Janet forgot about the wolves. FAMOUS go I 2 They felt only a desire to out Sizes No. over Yl" and play with the rabbits a desire TENNIS, BASEBALL AND ATHLETIC GOODS No. 2 2Yz" that caused them to hurry into their warmest clothes. No. 3 1 y2" I No. 4 y" (Friday will be told how the No. 5 YS' (Rock Sand take them on a coasting party.) . E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd. CLAIM UNJUST TREATMENT Our new Crushing Plant is equipped to fill orders for any quantity in Distributors for the Territory. bulk or bags. CONSTANTINOPLE, May 5 (As- sociated Press) American Relief Armenia rp.p.iira th TnrkH nf uniifst Prices cheerfully furnished. ' unfriendleness and treatment of Americans and cruelty against the Christians throughout Asia Minor. The Workers said "Unless outside in- - IPS A PLEASURE TO SHOP ference is forthcoming the final chap- ter in the history of the Christians will soon be completed." In the handsomest store on Maui, where one finds a com- plete stock of Dry Goods, Furnishings, Notions, Gro- ceries and general atten- Tel. Nos. 201 - 202 and 203 merchandise, where service and KOA FURNITURE are the best Private Exchange tion KAHULUI, MAUI. Made to order at reasonable prices. Connecting All Departments S. MURAOKA CARPENTER SHOP THE LAHAINA STORE Carpenter and builder. Back of Savings & Development First Maui Phone 27-- B, Lahaina. Branch at Puukolii. Company, Wailuku, Maui SIX SEMI-WEEKL- Y MAUI NEW, TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1922.

ka, T. Tominaga, H. Yamnmoto, S. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN 1 lamai, K. Nishimura, J Morisukn. 'I'. Shlmokawa, T. .Miyuiakl. M. T suda, On the night of April 30, 1922, a SHIRTS AND PYJAMAS Y. Kobayashl, M. Mlyahara, M. Man- - black horse branded "a" on both right With the Alert riki, O. Lpong, E. Yasulmva, N. Mor- and left hind legs, a white spot on the ris, T. Ynmanioto, U. Shiniamura, K. forehead and two white hind feet, Made to Order in Wailuku Kosaka. strayed from my premises at Kahului. Boy Scouts of Maui Merit badge 2. Tanmtsu Omoto; Any person giving Information of the No need to get something that doesn't fit and please. You may Inlerperling, personal health, public whereabouts or same or bringing same select your goods from those on our shelves or bring your own goods Tendergoot 6 George Brown. 7, H. to the undersigned will be properly Tonitome, S. Maida, Y. Inoue. T. Na-gat- rewarded. Adv. and we will make them up. Neckties to match your shirts. Ready to be proud of. The troop committee ANTONE DE MELLO TAVARES. made shirts bought elsewhere altered to fit. is composed of the following men: Tests First Class (May 5, 9. 12.) J. J. Corell. H. W. Ilaldwln and W. K. Troop 6 Scout Law At school CIRCUIT COURT OF THE A. YAMOTO Watkins. It is needless to state that IN THE Louis de Costa, George Sakemoto, TERRITORY all these men are deeply interested Alheit Pacheco. Louis Maciel. SECOND CIRCUIT MARKET STREET, WAILUKU, NEXT TO ICHIKI HOTEL in their troop and will do all that is Second Class OF HAWAII. 1 I IS - In power to make it successful. their 6 Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Watkins are at-- Compass Masakl Inoue At Chambers In Equity tending to the matter of having some Thrift, 2 M. Caravalho, G. Flet-bencli- 6, C. Apo. WAILUKU HIPPODROME made and electric lights put chef. v,s. Cara-schoo- Bank of Maui, Ltd. .Petitioner, Signalling. 2 O. Fletcher M. l in one of the vacant rooms of the' Respondent. "DICK" P. HARRIS, Mgr. house. Think of it, no desks valho, 7, K. Matsumoto. T. Iheda, Kentaro Kodani, but real benches where we have lots T. Inamoto. (Ily W. H. Hutton. Scout Executive.) d of leg loom and can move them Tracking 7 T. Inamoto, 4, J. COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE OF TUESDAY, MAY 9 C. Ahue Jr. W. K. Okana, I. Monthly Reports to make room lor tests, etc. "SI. SALE Toni".ht troop will into Nakahashi, S. Eeki, L. Kaluakini, Ah EDYTHE STERLING in "THE GIRL WHO DARED" A splendid report ol the month of the form patrols and elect leaders, etc. Show Ahue, C. Jacobs, J. Mai, W. C. AND A GOOD COMEDY April was from , - received this week OUIJllUa, I. LTUU, - JVUlIJttlWU, 11. i Notice Is hereby given that, pur- Scoutmaster Martin of Troop 2 at Ina-in- This has been a busv week in scout-- ' shiyama. Knife & Hatchet; T. suant to a Decree rendered in the l'uunene. masu, 1, P. Lee, Bong'Kabe Kim. proceeding, by the WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 mem- but. who is to blame if the notes above entitled It shows a gain of four new First Aid 7, S. Yamamoto, K. To-- L. Burr, Judge of the following promoted to are not published in this column? Hon. Leslie FEATURE ATTRACTION bers and the 8 mrt- - Judicial Cir- , Troop 1. 2, 3. 4, 7. and 9 sent In Circuit Court, Second second class scouts: Kuroku Fujiyo-shi- Fil'e z Manuel Caravalho. 8, K. Territory of Hawaii, under date A COSMOPOLITAN PRODUCTION 11a no notes. cuit, Megitmi Shiniumura. Ken no Naeole, L. Kalukini, C. Jacobs, S. 4, 1922, undersign- , Next executive will send Noa of May wherein the zama, Ina-ba- week the "JUST AROUND THE CORNER" Ilitoshi Masuoka. Susumu to troops who do 6.Y. Sato, ed was appointed Commissioner to Paul Carvalho. Teiji Ito and Ichi- a hoobv prize the not send in notes of their meetings, Scout Pace 1, Dong Kabe Kim,; ...11 n..(n in nrnnrtftv herein heloW "THE KING OF THE CLRCUS" and "PATHE NEWS" ro Maehara. Paul Lee. specifically described, I will, on Sat-- Nobuto Tanaka was transferred to .Tune 3. 12 noon Troop 10 nrrinv. 1922 at o'clock THURSDAY, MAY 11 Troop 10 at Wailuku on account ol Wailuku BRITISH EXCHANGE UP day, the front door of the change of TVi.l.jv niiflit Mav Iti Pnn visited of said at residence. Court House in Wailuku, Maui, sell SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE ENGAGEMENT TAMOTST OMOTO, Sprihe. us and we were greatly pleased of his (ASSOCIATED I'RESSi at public auction to the highest and "BARNES and WEST" coming and deeply interested In his NEW YORK, May 5 (Associated best bidder therefor, the following Friday afternoon the executive took instructions. He gave all the neces- - press) Exchange rates on London described property: Also Usual Pictures five scouts from troop two to the sary knowledge on first aid very today rose to $4.44 the highest they Alljight, title and Interest of Ken- distinctly and clearly at the end, Needle at lao for a three days week that have been quoted since 1919. The taro Kodani in and to that certain FRIDAY, MAY 12 we pass st end camp. didn't find it so hard to this rjse ia attributed to extensive buy-te- unrecorded lease of date April 24, as we thought, though it requires ing of bills here to meet cotton and 1920,from the Haiku Ranch to Ken- SPECIAL CHILDREN'S PROGRAM Paul Carvalho had an opportunity some studying. After he gave all grain payments. taro Kodani, covering one acre of to show how much he knew of iirst the instructions necessary, lie pass- - ..$ land adjoining the Japanese School aid. One night last week a man had ed three of the boys who were ready, TORNADO IN TEXAS premises at Haiku, in said County of KAHULUI THEATER a baa tainting speit at one oi uie is jmuuu ji uur nuup nu Maul, as more particulary described nene camps, fiuil went to llie rescue. u i ne can lor us. v mie ATTCTTV Tvo Vfn,. C A 1 on a map made in December 1919 C. E. CHATTERTON, Mgr. Paul said he tried to follow the first be was asking questions to the three ea fress) nine are dead and 38 in- by Paul F. Lada and on file in the aid rules, keep cool and use common scouts in the adjoining room, the jured and a property loss of $400,000 office of the Haiku Ranch at said sense, lie is sure he followed the rest as usual said the scout oath and was occasioned by a Tornado which Haiku; TUESDAY, MAY 9 second rule but it quite positive that the roll was called, the minutes of the swept a seven mile pathway outside The Store Building and all other PEARL WHITE in MOUNTAIN he did not keep cool. He said lie was previous meeting read by the scribe of this city. buildings and improvements now on, "THE WOMAN" awfullv nervous and shook all over, and then each patrol had their Four members of an Oakhill family, may be placed up Also BATHHOUSE to go over or that hereafter "A BLUNDER" and "MUTT and JEFF" "But," says Paul, "If I ever have a chances the signalling for eight miles from here were killed. on the above described permises by there might be -t- X- chance to help any one else who faints some one forgetting, - said mortgagor (Kentaro Kodani) WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 and it was true, j I will keep cool because I have had mistakes were plenty PREMIER INJURED under the terms of said lease; some real practical experience. ' "i c m u-- noi again to iorgei. OneFord Touring Car, Factory No. "JAPANESE PICTURES" Won't some one please hurry up ' "e meeting adjourned at. 9:00 P. M. LONDON, May 5 (Associated 1765006, County Registered No. 65. i the and faint so that Paul can demon-- in usual manner. We are "To Presss) A Reuter dispatch from Sale subject to confirmation by THURSDAY, MAY 11 - nelp people strate that he knows what he is talk- other at all times". Sydney says Premier Hushes was Court. ing about? Kenzo Yoshida thrown from his horse sufferine a Wailuku, Maui, this May BETTY COMPSON in'" THE LAW AND THE WOMAN' Scribe Dated at fractured clavicl.e His condition is 8, 1922. Also A GOOD COMEDY and "PATHE Troop Doings not serious. NEWS" The radio set at headquarters is in W. F. CROCKETT Bronco Busters, Troop 6 Commissioner. fine working order now. A two step MILLER GETS DECISION FRIDAY, MAY 12 A dandy meeting. Mr. Langa our (May 9, 16, 23, 30.) miDimratum set lias been installed T HQ A XTriTTT ro If.... c A - . put boys to work out- SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE ENGAGEMENT scoutmaster the OF THE doors on first class cooking tests ,,nl Iloyd, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT "BARNES and WEST" their dear. the main bug who PlRtnn nvr 1Voa nf of SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT and well all had a dandy time in eat- - is running the set, is in his seventh no one been eight ten minutes rounds of grappling TERRITORY OF HAWAII. Also Usual Pictures ing the grub. So tar lias heaven. He hardly takes time to eat no falls. ill. or sleep. Messages from the coast - At Chambers In Probate, No. 1928 After this we had our regular meet- are as clear as those formerly heard NOTICE ing in the scout house and talked over, from Honolulu. our program for the big event in June, Ray Harry who is In matter of the Estate of Mitsuzo RESTAURANT another radio Mr. George H. Goo has resigned as Kiyota, Late of Honokahau, County L. DE COSTA, Scribe. bug spends most of his spare - time at manaerer of the Yin Chow Stove. Hat- of Maul, Territory of Hawaii. uie liiMiuinem. vve are going to keep ku, Maui, T. H., and is no longer con- - Food to tempt the apetite of the most fastH ous and de- un A-- i TrooD 5. Lahaina iiiiiuuviiig uiiui we nave an necteu with the Company. NOTICE licious enough to set before a king. , Troop assembled in Armory quite i1: ou.s are stuaying he code now YIP CHOW STORE, we so"n wlU ve a, larB0 c.r0D of By D. WONG. T. AH FOOK Kahului late. As usual had the roll call,?"!6bugs on On leading the petition of Bishop and dues were collected amounting to Maui. We wish to inform (May 9, 12) Company, Ltd., alleging the plantation mahagers that these Trust that $1.75. bugs will in no way injure Mitsuzo Kiyoto died intestate on the Twenty-nin- e scouts were present the cane NOTICE crops. If is any 25th day of December, A. D. 1920, and.-hre- gave there doubt in the abset. The treasurer we person leaving property in the jurisdiction a report of money in troop matter are willing to have the All having claims against S. the the bugs by Hawaii of the Court necessary for administra- ICHIKI HOTEL MAKINO Somw of the scouts were sworn examined their experts. the Bank of Commerce, Limit- ad- fund. ed and Commercial Company, tion and praying that letters of ROOMS $1.00 PER NIGHT HARNESS AND in as second class scouts. Later the Trust ministration be issued to said peti SHOEMAKER 4 scoutmaster passed several scouts in C. S. Chiids was named scout com- Limited are directed to present the Reasonable rates by the week or - same, tioner. their nature study on stars. Most of missioner at a meeting of the conn- duly verified, to the Henry Thursday month. Machine. We repair Shoes auuuij Waterhouse Trust Company, Limited, IT IS ORDERED that the While You Wait them were successful in locating D. 10 .136-- the: Receiver of Bank, 15th day of June, A. 1922, at Wailuku, Phone Maui, T. H. different constellations. Several oth- the Hawaii of M. Market St. Wailuku, Maui Tests passed are as follows: Commerce, Limited and Commerce o'clock A. of said day, at the er tests were passed such as first aid Court Room of said Court of Wailuku and some tenderfoot tests. The scouts First Class Trust Company, Limited, within thirty (30) days from and the 29th day County of Maui, be and the tame is then sang songs and we were dismiss- Swimming 2, K. Car- - after Hazania. P. of April, 1922. hereby appointed the time and place ed at 9:10 p. m. valho. for hearing said petition. Hiro, The Tailor Paia Mercantile Co. SABURO TANAI, 2, 1 - HENRY WATERHOUSE TRUST Scribe. Thrift P. Carvalho K. Kono- Dated at Wailuku, Maui, T. H Is Ready to Make Your Latest Style hia, 5, K. Kasaka. COMPANY, LTD., May 6th, 1922. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Spring Suit Hamakuapoko Recruiting 7, D. Yamamoto ('., L. Receiver, Hawaii Bank of Com- BY THE COURT, Groceries, Cigars, Refreshments Mr. Emil Davis is going to be scout- - Maciel. merce, Limited and Commercial MANUEL ASUE, Good Fit Guaranteed master of Troop 11, at Hamakuapoko. 14 mile hike Masuto Man riki. Trust Company, Limited. Clerk. LoWer Maui. : Paia, This is a fine bunch of lively interest-- Cooking L. Maui, E. Yasuharn. A. N. CAMPBELL, (Seal of Court) Tel. 21 3-- Market St. Wailuku ed boys, and they will make a record Nature study (stars) 5. It. Takatsu- - Treasurer. (May 9, 16, 23. 30, 1922) Fourth World Tour in. Vaudeville SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT s & West I' V THE AMERICAN GLOBE TROTTERS V .V - .s- PREEMINENT, VERSATILE VAUDEVILLE STARS Wi t 3 111 I ,K - ' Ill I ' - 'I . - ' i Terpsichorean Art, Wit and Melody

Opening at Wailuku Hippodrome, Thursday, May 11

May 12 Kahului Theater Friday, 1 - . . ?; , i i" mrv- Haiku Theater Saturday, May 13 i ' " ' t mv. c. t; :.:.--::7- ! Pmi&ene Theater Monday, May 15 M. A. Theater, Paia Tuesday, May 16

Prices 25 Cents, 35 Cents, 50 Cents


Examination Method Village of Rest for Chemical Society is Livestock by Airmail Shown to be Failure Wrecked German Investigating Gas Latest Achievement ATTENTION TENNIS PLAYERS

SEATTLE, Wash., April 8 (Asso- STOCKHOLM. April 5 (Associat- We have new equipment for the restringing of tennis WASHINGTON, April 20 (Special SALT LAKE CITY Utah, April 11 ciated Press Mail) College students ed Press Mail) A refuge of and rest Correspondence) r- The American (Associated Press Mail) Delivery of rackets which makes it possible to guarantee the best whose mental caliber Is no higher than physical rehabilitation where the hu- that of seventh grade school Chemical Society is making efforts to livestock by air mail parcel post was workmanship be children man wrecks of German war prison-- j obtain more accomplished that can obtained in the repair of are apparently meeting satisfactorily ers from Russia may authoritative information for what is thought the and Siberia be on the "discovery" by a Dr. E. Cur-- j first time when a sheep was recently the scholastic requirements of the treated and salvaged being pur-- ! is ren of Ix)s Angeles of a new gas transported through El- University of Washington, according chased by Miss Elsa Brandstrom, the air from to conclusions reached recently by known named "Currenium." Dispatches from ko, Nevada, to Salt Lake, over 200 TENNIS SUPPLIES throughout Central Europe Los Angeles "Currenium" miles, for members of the psychology depart- and Russia as "the Angel of Siberia." stated that exhibit at the fifth annual will revolutionize llghter-than-ai- r navi- Intermountain Livestock ment of the University of Washing- Miss Brandstrom is negotiating for show here. in a full line and wide ton here, in preparing data on the a village gation, that it is as good as helium The sheep was entered in the ex- variety are carried in stock at in southern Germany which and can be produced a smaller hibits by E. J. Milne, superintendent grading system now employed proposes - lor prices that are right. We handle G. Spalding at the she to turn Into a human re- cost than helium. the A. school. clamation camp for of the Nevada Industrial school at tho derelicts that The following statement is made by "Elko, and was placed in a crate which brand of sporting and athletic goods. As a result of a study of tatistics once Ilinden-- I inarched proudly under Dr. R. B. Moore, chief was strapped in on pertaining to the system, the psychol- burg and other Teutonic military chemist of the the mail pit top bureau of mines in Washington, who of the pouches of plane pi- ogists have decided that the methods leaders against the Russians and the mail now In use to determine intellectual were captured directed the work of producing the loted by K. I. Unger. Wailuku Hardware & Grocery Co., Ltd. and sent to Siberian by diri- According to fitness do not tell the truth. Com- concentration camps. helium which the U. S. Navy Claron Nelson, super- gible C-- was ilown autumn : of parison of the results of intelligence They remained in Siberia till long last intendent the western division of Main and Market Streets, Wailuku Phone 214 tests with grades obtained by students aner me "My attention has been called to the air mail service here, this is the world war was over and by Dr. emanating time the for their school work are said to have there are still thousands of them left statements a Curran first service has ever under- shown startling discrepancies. free to from Los Angeles, California, concern- taken the transportation of livestock. return home if they could. ing a gas A pamphlet, recently Issued, con- But they have supposedly now for which neither the means nor very strong con- TIME TABLE taining the results of this investiga- the physical to so. claims are made in KAHULUI RAILROAD CO. strength do nection with properties avia- Will Utilize tion, declares that good students do Miss BrandBrom is a young Swed- its for ?eru not get the grades they deserve, while ish Red Cross nurse, tion purposes. Daily Passenger Train Schedule (Except Sunday) the daughter of "It is stated that this gas will not poor students receive grades far above the late General Edvard Brandstrom, Large Gold Reserve The following schedule went into effect November 18, 1918. merit. Inadequate examinations for many years burn, will not explode when mixed their Swedish Minister to with or oxygen, practical- and incorrect gauging of the results Russia under - air and has the Czar's reeime. Leav- ly the same lifting power TOWARDS WAILUKU of examinations are offered as rea- ing - as hydrogen. TOWARDS HAIKU her comfortable home in Stock- Is gas LIMA, Peru, April 2 son's for the Inefficiency of the sys- holm and the social "There no or mixture of gases (Associated aristocratic set known to science that has a lilting Press Mail) Millions of dollars in Distance Distance! tem. in which she had been brought up, 9 7 5 3 1 STATIONS 10 At the University of Washington, she led a small Red Cross expedition power comparable to that of hydrogen Peruvian gold, lying Idle In govern-- i and helium, and helium is only ment depositories here as a currency Miles Miles the report states, the brighter the intd Western Siberia and has succee-- j the gas mix- reserve, will be placed student, the less he has to work un- ded in repatriating thousands which is when at interest in of leglsla-- j P M P M P M A M A M A MA M P M P M M der the grading system. Separation German and Austrian war prisoners. ed with air or oxygen, and New York and London under P of in the larger classes into But she which is practicable for tion adopted by the Peruvian Con-- ; J: students found that when the former gress 5 33 3 30 1 25 8 35 6 35 A..Wailuku..L 6 40!8 40 1 30,3 35 5 38 groups according to intelligence is ad- aviation purposes on account of its to establish a federal reserve soldiers reached their homes they 5 23 3 20 1 15 8 23 6 25 15.3 L.. ..A 0 6 8 1 vocated, with opportunity for the were to asume lifting power, which is 92 percent that bank and revise the country's finan- 50j 50 40:3 45 5 48 unable their former hydrogen. cial system. .Kahului .. brighter students to progress un- piaces in society. They were wrecks of "Mixtures of certain gases can be The reserve bank act, patterned 5 20 3 17 8 20 12.0 A.. ,.L 3.3 6 52 1 42 3 47' hampered by their less accomplished that had to be attended to. ' obtained which are lighter than air, after similar legislation in the United 5 10 3 07 8 10 L.. ..A 7 02 1 52 3 57 classmates. It is also suggested that So she has collected a considerable . un-- I provides cur- .. Spreck-.- 6.9 increased credit could be offered fund and hopes to purchase a village and which do not burn or explode States, for an elastic 5s' rency 5 09 3 0.r. 8 08 8.4 A... ..1 7 03 1 63;3 whose mental equipment is and have ready occupancy der the conditions specified, but such which can not be tampered elsville students it for this pay- 5 00 2 55 8 00 L.. ..A 7 2 of a higher order. FUluinn. mixtures have an extremely low lift-- I with. Notes of the bank will be 9.8 12 054 10 to war prisoners still wan ing power, and are not suitable for able in gold in Peru, and in gold 6.6 .. Paia .. As the 4 68 2 53 7 57 A.. 7 ALLEDGED 8PIES TAKEN dcring about Russia and Siberia, aviation purposes. A mixture of nitro-- ; drafts in New York and London. The ..I 15 2 07 4 12 4 52 2 47 7 52 L.. ..A 7 20! 2 PARIS, May 4 have many of them will never be found, gen and hydrogen in certain propor-- I institution's reservoir of credit will 14 4 19 Three arrests any 3.4 .. Hama- - .. 11.9 been made and are expected and none of them will ever be able tions when placed in a balloon will be available to Peruvian bank others an emergency, 4 51 2 46 7 50 A..kuapoko..T 7 2 4 in what the police say is a round up to get back without outside aid. Miss lift the balloon off the ground, and the in thus permitting 22 15 20 organization spying Brandstrom proposes to continue gas mixture will not burn or explode, private financial institutions to ex- 4 45 2 40 7 45 L.. ..A 7 30 2 23 4 28 of a vast that is greater 1.4 13.9 upon French arsenals for the Russian rounding up these waifs and bring but the lifting power of such a Mix tend commercial accomoda- ..Pauwela. Soviet government them to her haven of rest. ture is so small that its use is im- tions from their gold resources. 4 44 2 29 7 44 A.. ..L 7 32 2 25 4 301 possible. Dr. W. W. Cumberland, American 4 40 2 35 7 40 0 L.. Haiku ..A 15.3 7 36 2 3014 35 "It would appear that someon- - is financial representative of the Peru- taking advantage of the public inter- vian government, will be a permanent est in the recent disasters to dirigi- member of the new bank's board of PUUNENE DIVISION bles to sensationally exploit something directors. has no value." that TOWARDS PUUNENE Of "Dr. E. Curren" is not listed as a MOVIE ACTOR SUES TOWARDS KAHULUI Course member of American Chemical the 3 1 2 4 We don't need to tell Hawaiian Kona is the Best Society, nor of the American Associa- (ASSOCIATED TOF.S81 tion for the Advancement of Science LOS ANGELES, May 5 Sesue Passenger Passenger Distance STATIONS Distance Passenger Passenger you that. Just want- nor is he listed in "American Men of the Japanese motion pic- Science," a directory of most of Ihe ed you to form the ture actor, has filed suit against the P M AM Miles Miles AM P M scientific men of the United States." Cole Picture Corporation for $92,000. good of asking investagation of Cur- - al- habit Further "Dr. He charges breach of contract and 2 50 6 00 .0 L..Kahulul..A 2.5 6 22 3 15 ren's" statements are being made. produce your grocer for the SMFM leges he was engaged to six 3 00 610 2.5 A.Puunene.L .0 611 3 05 Kona Coffee with the SPECIAL motion pictures at $20,000 each finish- BEVERIDGE COMES BACK ed two, was paid $40,000 and then 1. All trains dally except Sundays. red label in one 3 KONA COFFEE C discharged. 2. A Special Train (Labor Train) will leave Wailuku dally, except Sundays, pound packages or INDIANAPOLIS, May 5 (Associat-- i Clothes left with us ror more than at 6:30 a. m arriving at Kahului at 5:50 a. m., and connecting with the ed Press) The complete unofficial 6:00 a. m. train for Puunene. five CHOICE OF THE PICK three months and not called for will pound cans. THE j' return of the republican primaries be burned or otherwise destroyed. 3. BAGGAGE RATES: 150 pounds of personal baggage will be carried free here on Wednesday give Beve-- 1 of charge on each whole ticket, and 75 pounds on each half ticket, when j'held ad- ridge 205,410, New 184,938. The de-- ! Customers who change their baggage is in charge of and on the same train as the holder of the ticket. will please us know. mocratic returns with 266 - precincts dress let For excess baggage 25 cents per 100 pounds or part thereof will be charged. WHOLESALE WD!5TP.!BUT0RS missing give ex governor S. M. Rals- KATO CLOTHES CLEANING SHOP ton 163,670 and Dr. Jesse Sanders, For Ticket Fares and other information see Local Passenger Tariff I. C. C. the wet candidate, 27,710. Wailuku, Maui. No. 12 or inquire at any of the D epots.

I V 10,00 Imvested oday Should Mean $1000 or More to You on Completion of Our Plans-- READ

We are running this advertisement as an invitation to you tor join our $10.00 Get Acquainted Club, so read what we have to say. We have two wells in, i r and have our third well started. Our stock today is worth $3.00 per share, brokers are listing it at $1.50 to $2.35. 1 We are offering for new stockholders to join us and then investigate. Ten shares NOW .for $10.00, not more than 100 shares to any one person or more than 1000 shares to any one family at this $1.00 per share price. Join us in this small way, then investigate our standing, our plans, etc., then, if you are satisfied, you can buy more stock at the prevailing price at that time. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED, we will return your ten dollars on demand, if you make demand within thirty days from the time you send us the $10.00. IS THAT NOT FAIR ENOUGH? COULD YOU ASK FOR MORE?

Our plans are to drill Ten Wells just as quick as money, labor and material can be assembled, and we honestly expect our stock to sell from $100.00 to $1000.00 a share as soon as our plans are carried out. We are not a one well syndicate, but a thoroughly organized and going company, and expect to not only drill hundreds of wells as has been done by the Standard Oil Company, Sinclair Oil Company and others, but we expect to build our own pipe lines, and our own refineries and establish our own gasoline fill- ing stations all over the country. With these plans carried out your $10.00 invested today should be worth a THOUSAND DOLLARS, or more to you. Start right, in a small way, then satisfy yourself that you are in the right company, then increase your holdings, or get out if you are not satisfied. TEN DOLLARS starts you on the road to sucess and wealth with us if you act now, today, at once. Inquiries invited. MOT EX COMPANY ?, EL DORADO, ARKANSAS P. O. BOX 653 i AS AN INVESTMENT Buy this stock at $1.00 per share and hold for future dividends. AS A SPECULATION Buy this stock today at $1.00 per share, and sell it as soon as the price goes to $8.00 to $10.00 per share. EIGHT SEMI-WEEKL- Y MAUI NEWS, TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1922.

Work of Veterans Personal Mention Pertinent Paragraphs Society The Stock Market Today's Quotation on Bureau Explained; RAW SUGAR: a t- - t...... 8 Ewa 27 E. B. Wicke took the Manoa to Ho- Supervisors Meet Tomorrow The Office For Hawaii HONORS MRS. HARRY FOSS H. C. & S. Co 39 nolulu Sunday night. board of supervisors will hold their Miss Molly Lacey entertained at McBryde -- - 7 J. II. Fops took the Manoa to Ho- first session .of the May meeting to- bridge at the nurses cottage of the Oahu 27 Sunday night. morrow. Hospital at Lahaina on Sat- Olaa 7 3.98 nolulu Pioneer Work for veterans is being officially 21 Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Villiers return- At Home at Maunaolu The ladies up open- urday evening in honor of Mrs. Harry Pioneer taken in the Islands with the V4 will be at T FnsM Mrs. Walalua , - 21 ed Saturday morning from Honolulu. of Maunaolu Seminary ing of a bureau in an office in Hono-lul- of Hnmakunnnkn and J. CENTS PER POUND Walter Drake is reported as pro- home next Friday afternoon. All Henry J. Corell who were the week end Engels 100 Copper 13c lb. with P. O'Sullivan. Word Asked 25 gressing favorably in Malulani Hospi- friends are invited. of the opening came recently in an guests of Miss Lacey. Wailuku Rubber, N. Y 16c lb. Chamber of Commerce Thursday were and atter Haiku Asked 35 Rubber, Singapore 14c lb. tal. Associated Press dispatch and further Four tables formed 3.5)8 3 Thursday the Sugar re- Mrs. L. St John Gilbert and child At o'clock afternoon detaiis are contained In letters re- the play a delicious light luncheon For further information are over from Honolulu, guests at the Chamber of Commerce will hold its una Rprvert The Iiiph ficore nrize Honolulu Oil 9 garding local and foreign secur. ceived by the Chamber of Commerce yesterday's quotations Grand. regular May meeting. and this paper. ex- was taken by Mr. Collins and the These are ities see The letter fully being no exchange today. Miss Margaret Chun will leave for Schooner Brings Lumber The plains the subject and a copy of it guest prize by Mrs. Foss. the even- there Honolulu, thence to Kauai, next Sat- Schooner Baxter is expected in Ka-hul- ing was greatly enjoyed by the many bring- follows: WATERHOUSE urday. harbor today or tomorrow "The Territory of Hawaii has been guests. Among those present were Cremation Practice Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schuinan returned; ing lumber from Seattle. designated a t S. Miss Lacey the hostess, Mr. and Mrs Dance of the I'. TRUST CO., LTD. to Honolulu on the Manoa Sunday Christian Endeavor faia Veterans locat- Arthur Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert an- Bureau with an office PHONE 5701 night. Intermediate Christian Endeavor ed in Honolulu, Oahu, at the Castle Walker, Mrs. Harry J. Foss, Mrs. J. Grows in England Ha-- ! in Father Engelbert returned to nounces: that it will hold a dance & building on J. Corell, Mrs. Alice Phelps, Miss evening of June Cooke the comer of waii this morning after a brief'visit 1'aia Pavilion on the Fort and Merchant streets. The sub van Kfiiirnn M ikr .Innet Todd. Miss 10 Haysel- - on Maui. district office Ha- Wyllian Cutler, Miss Thelma LONDON, April 5 (Associated Dick P. Har- for the Territory of Miss Elsie Tarn has been given an Community Players waii is directly under the central den, Mr. . N. nit Kin, Artnur uoruon, Press Mail) Cremation is increasing Wood Must Decide Upon assistant position In the Maul County ris announces that plans for the Com- and Arthur Banham. according to figures going forward office at Washington. in Great Britan, His Course for Himself library. munity players are "The Sweet bill approved the early The event was also In the natuie given out at the annual meeting of Mary will fori steadily and the proposed company farewefl party, the hostess bid- Miss Carillo leave part of August 1921 created the veter- of a the Cremation Society of England. (ASSOCIATED PRESS)" Kauai via Honolulu Saturday night on Is almost completed in its organiza- ans bureau, ding aloha to Maui on the twenty first time in history of consolidating the bureau! For the its WASHINGTON. May 5 President the Kilauea. tion. of and that part of the public health th;id of this month when she is to over 60 years, the meeting was pre- L. House is Entered Burglars sit- fo:1 Harding has informed Governor Gen- Speaker and Mrs. H. Holstein do lion-- sail on the Matsonia the mainland sided over by a woman, Mrs. Spencer of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. service which had to with the eral Leonard Wood himself returned to their home in Kohala on ed the home e Misf- Laceys departure from the that he Saturday night. They pitalization of the men and Graves. must decide whether or not he the Kilauea this morning. de Cambra women. The bureau is independent Islands will occasion deep regret Last year 1922 cremations took will Ho- a razor small articles of remain in the Philippines Sep- Gus Schumann was over from took and of all departments, the head being from West Maul folk, win re in her place at the 14 crematoria in and after nolulu Sunday on business connected jewelry. The sheriff's olllce is work- aritively short stay she has country, in tember 1. tilled the director and directly respon- eorit that of Golders Green, It is understood the with the Maui Motors. Ltd. ing on the case. sible to the President. made many friends and acquaintences London, heading list with 893. that President Selling 'Oke Mrs. F. Wata-nab- e the is anxious for Wood to remain in Mr. and Mrs. J. Cockett and daugh- Caught "The policy of the bureau is to take and was universally liked. Among those cremated last year were the ter were arrivals from Honolulu on of Wailuku was arrested Sun- surgeons, peereses, Inlands but feels that the government Lindsay the bureau to the man and its motto judges, bishops, cannot in way the Kilauea Saturday morning. day evening by olllcer and is ENTERTAINS MISS GARDNER parliament, journalists, stand the of his going charged selling okolehao. She service to the disabled veterans. members of to the University of Pennsylvania. Dan Conway, veteran salesman of with "It is essential that the veterans Mrs. Clinton S. Childs and Miss artists, soldiers, sailors nnd eminent American Factors, is in Lahaina. He was released on her own recognizance were hostesses on It is also understood that the Uni- morn- who were sick and wounded in the Francis Siebert women social workers versity came over on the Friday night Kilau- and will appear in court this Friday- - evening at a miscellaneous of has taken the stand that it service and who are now suffering The cremation of the Duchess longer un- ea. ing. bridge party in honor of Connaught by specific instruc- cannot wait for Wood than Day Sun- from the effects of that sickness or shower and her September 1, next. lien Goldwater was an arrival from Sunday Mothers' Next Miss Gardner who is soon to was an innovation in royal ob- til day will be generally observed those wounds, should be told of .t heir Louise tions Honolulu this morning and makes his privileges. Briefly stated they are as become the bride of E. B. Wicke. sequies but the reform has always headquarters at the Wailuku Hotel as throughout the country as "Mothers' Many gifts were present- Btrong supporters among Eng- Day." Appropriate exercises will be follows: beautiful had usual. "First Compensation. Any ed bride-to-b- e and all offered con- lish nobility. The Duke of Bedford, Honolulu Paper Co., Ltd. Hono- held in most of the churches and the veteran the Riley H. Allen, editor of the suffering from a disability which his gratulations to the jhappy couple. sonof one of the founders of the so- Star-Bulleti- Maui white carnation will be much in evi lulu came over to records shows, or prove, Following shower the evening ciety, has erected a crematory for In agricul- dence. he can was the Everything paper, stationery and Saturday 10 see the children's contracted in or aggravated by his was devoted to bridge and later in the sole use of his ducal house. tural fair. Manulani Brings Lumber The sand in supplies. Prices quoted on. application in port Kahului war service, is entitled to ?S0.00 a the evening refreshments of The present cost of cremation Dr. Lay Martin of Kula Sanitarium is expected at coffee, ice cream England is roughly $30. Urns to hold on Thursday, Kahului Railroad Com- month for temporary total disability; wiches, salads, and and samples submitted took the Manoa Sunday night and will $100.00 a month for permanent and cake was served and greatly en- the ashes are ready used, the general a passenger when she pany reports. She brings 150,000 feet disabil- be aboard her pro-rate- on the practice being in 1500 tons of other ity and amounts for tempora- joyed. Miss Gardner sailed to scatter the ashes leaves for the coast tomorrow. of lumber besides ry permanent Sunday night to of Rest" ad- LODGE MAUI, No. 472, F. & A. M. up cargo and will depart Saturday night and partial disabilities. Manoa from Kahului the socalled "Gardens Mrs. J. R. Bergstmni has given In case of tuberculosis or Honolulu from where she will proceed joining the crematoria. of librarian of after taking aboard 4000 tons of su- mental the position assistant trouble developed within two years of on to the mainland tomorrow. H the Maui County Library and taken gar. Mr. DEATH YACHTING Burglar Unsuccessful A burglar or discharge the disabled man does not Those present were and Krs. MEET position of clerk in the Grand Hotel. have to prove S. Childs, Miss Sei-ber- t, of burglars failed in efforts to effect an service origin in order Clinton Fraucii Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swigart to get compensation. Mr. and Mrs. Hoogs, M.-.an- Mrs (ASSOCIATED TRESS) Pasadena were among the arrivals entrance into the home of Mr. and Mrs. David S. Wadsworth on Satur- All disabled men who are rated as Carey, Miss Gardner, Misi Btty OAKLAND, May 8. The bodies of on the Manoa, are the guests of Mr. totally and permanently Thayer, Miss Ann Simons, Mrs. Ben Mrs. George DeKay and plan to day night. Two screens were raised disabled, John R. Hanify, wealthy lumberman, and who have kept up in- Williams, Mr. L. Gillen, II. H. Jones, Stated meetings will be held at visit in the Islands. but the windows held tight and the their war risk and George Anderson, a boatman, make an extended surance, are entitled to $5.87 F. J. Weissblatt, A. Peacock, and E. wreckage of Masonic Hall, Kahului, on the first Miss Louise Gardner took the Ma- key in a door was pushed from the a month were found entangled in lock from without but the marauder for each $1000 of insurance carried. B Wicke. the yacht "Quarte" near Haywards in Saturday night of each month at 7:30 noa Sunday night. She is going to 'Second on Mainland or marauders were unable to open the Vocational Training. Any San Francisco Bay. The body of E. o'clock. her former home the disabled man FOR MISS von TEMPSKY Visiting are cordially in- where she will be married to E. Wicke door with the key they evidently at- entitled to A. Christenson, a wealthy shipowner brethren tempted to use. compensation, whose training is found In honor of Miss Armona von Tem-sk- and the third member of the party, vited to attend. returning to Maui in July as a bride. feasable, is ' M. Langwith Sat- Vaudeville This Week Barnes & also entitled to vocational who is going to the mainland has not yet been found. The trio GEO. N. WEIGHT, W. M. Miss E. arrived training at the government's expense urday morning and assumed her du- West, will occupy the boards at the soon, Mrs. David Wadsworth was were aboard one of the six launches W. A. ROBBINS, Secretary. secretary Hippodrome in Wailuku and promise Also nny disabled veteran honorably hostess at an informal tea at her which encountered rough weather ties as stenographer and discharged, who ia in the office of Alexander House a fine bill of vaudeville Thursday unable to return to High street home on Tuesday after- while enroute to San Mateo from San ALOHA LODGE NO 3 KNIGHTS night. They are not unknown in the his pre-wa- r job because of disability noon. Francisco, last night. Settlement, relieving Miss Louise due to service, regardless OF PYTHIAS. Gardner. Islands which they have visited sev- of whether In addition to the honor guest and or not he is Mes-dame- s Mrs. Herndon, who has been eral times in the course of their four receiving compensation, the hostess those present were: Linton Pen-hallo- WANT ADS world tours. The schedule of is entitled to vocational education at D. P. Penhallow, H. P. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. their the government's expense. H. K. Duncan returned to Honolulu engagements in the Maui Theaters There are W. O. Aiken, William Hardy, two classes of re- C. LOST One complete tire, size 34x4. on the Manoa Sunday night to re- will be found on the theatrical page. trainees; those who J. C. Fitzerald, Walter Engle, S. Machine Overturns A Chevrolet ceive training and training pay for Childs, R. O. Humphrey, J. H. Trask, Finder please notify Mrs. C. Hansen, join her husband, Lieutenant Hern- subsistence Puunene, Maui. tf. don. Lieutenant Herndon returned truck, driven by Tern Cockett who and those who receive Robert von Temsky and T. B. Lin- was the only occupant of car merely training, including tuition, ton and Misses Irene Sark and Maja .from a trip to the mainland on. the the books, etc. Training pay WORK WANTED Japanese woman Regular meetings will be held at naval transport Newport News. overturned on the public road near varies from Hassell. very u Wai- $80.00 a month to $100.00 a will do laundry work at home the Knight of Pythias Hall, Sheriff Crowells residence on Satur- month reasonably. For information phone luku, on the second and fourth Friday day afternoon about 2 P. M. Cockett with an additional allowance for BIRTHDAY LUAU family dependents. 222B. of each month, at 8 p. m. Jobs Police Force attempting to swerve to the side of In observation of Mrs. Clark's birth- cordIally?-Invite- on "Third Hospitalization. Any AH visiting members are the road to avoid striking a truck day, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Clark enter- LOST On Friday, May 6th, a lemon to attend. approaching in the opposite direction man who is taken will be giv- tained with a sumptuous luau at their and white part pointer and part set- Open for Linguists locked the wheels of his car, the en emergency treatment in govern? in was truly H. ALFRED HANSEN, C. C. A hospitals, home Kihei. The feast ter pup four months old. Reward if right fender striking a telephone pole ment pending an investiga- Hawaiian and was enjoyed by more returned to E. R. Bevins, Wailuku. FRANK HOHLWEG, K. R. & S. causing the car to catapault. He tion into the origin of his illness. If than 50 guests, many motoring over BUENOS AIRES, March 31 (As- suffers a broken jaw and minor in- his sickness is traceable to service he from Wailuku to extend felicitations juries to his legs but is reported rest- may continue in the government hos- oc- sociated Press Mail) Globe trotters pital and enjoy the hospitality of the who have acquired two or lan- ing easily at Malulani hospital. until cured. casion. three Fourth A guages in their wanderings and who Costa Home Burglarized For the. Allotments. Class and MEAT PRICE REDUCTIONS would like to settle down to steady third time in as many nights burglars class B allotments which were made MARRIED were in evidence night. by men in the service which are still Effective today, May 9 jobs will be heartily welcomed by last The Kalua-Reiman- Married in Lahai- home of postmaster J. F. Costa on unpaid can be adjusted through this the Chief of Police of Buenos Aires. sub-offic- na, Maui, May 6 Frank K. Kalua and CHOICE CUTS OF BEEF 25 CENTS LB. cosmopoli- Central Avenue was entered and This city has become so "Filth- Mary K. Reimann, Rev. Fr. Bruno off- jewelry valued at about $300 was tak- - Insurance. All disabled - STEWING BEEF 20 CENTS LB. tan that the police force decided to men may iciating. muster in a large number of linguists en. The robbery was discovered reinstate their war charge strictly 30 days and must about 9 o'clock when Costa returned risk (yearly Renewable) term insur- All of our accounts are aa patrolmen, but discovered there ance by complying DID ROSCOE START IT? were not sufficient men here to com- home. He had been out visiting since with regulations. be met accordingly. 7 Those who wish to plete the personnel Deciding to invite o'clock. Sheriff Crowell was noti- convert their term (ASSOCIATED PRESS; fied. insurance to regular government in- foreigners to apply for the jobs, the Pic-for- d KAONOULU MARKET -- tt- surance can LOS ANGELES, May 5 Mary RANCH authorities have specified that appli- have that attended to at this office. Matter was elected president of the B cants must speak two foreign lan- pertaining to Market Street, Wailuku Phone 134-- Women Find Tobacco change in beneficiaries, loans, etc., Moving Picture Actresses Club, an guages and be willing to become citi- can be organization with the primary zens of Argentina. also attended to here. formed "I know you have the welfare of all purpose to protect the good names of As part of his uniform, each mem- Allays Their Hunger disabled men members. Members will only oe ber of the linguistic squad wears on and women at its heart. The sub-distri- investigation. his sleeve a flag of country whose office of the admitted after the Territory of Hawaii, U. S. Veterans .n- - language he speaks, with correspond- MOSCOW, March 26 (Associated ajiiiiuiiiiiiciiuiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiuiiiniiniHiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiiiiitD ing inscriptions as parle Mail) Bureau therefore enlists your coopera- such "Je Press Russian women have tion in the carrying on this humani BEAUTIFUL KOA WOOD francais", "Ich sprecht Deutsch", "Io found that tobacco staves off hunger, program. Coming: Just placed on display are some charming novelties in Koa Wood parlo ltaliano" and "I speak English". hence tarian Events the number of women who "Respectfully, Ware. You will find in the display outrigger canoes, salad bowls Some of the men wear as many as smoke cigarettes has increased ma iiiiiiiiiiiuDiuniiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiaiimiiiiiiiaiiiiiiniiiiaiiiiiiHiiiica seven placques. "HENRY P. O'SULLIVAN, with forks and spoons, cigaret boxes, boxes, napkins rings, paper terially since the Soviets came into sub-distri- card power. "Manager, Territory of TUESDAY MAY 9 Women of all ages and classes U. S. Guild, Church weights, crumb trays and Bcrapers and a dozen others. BLOCKADE ORDERED Hawaii, veterans Bureau." Meeting of Woman's smoke in their rooms, in the trains, of Good Shepherd at home of Mrs. G. in the restaurants and shops, and it (ASSOCIATED TRESS) A. Hansen. is not uncommon to see them smok- Eight Hundred Year , Ladies Aid Society Wailuku Union CONSTANTINOPLE, May 9 (A ing on the streets. meeting Mrs. E. E. MAUI BOOK STORE All Church at home Greek destroyer flotilla sailed from through the dark days of the Pleasant, 3 o'clock. Bruza with orders to blockade Turk- revolution, often when food was not Old Tree Shows Wear Main Street, Wailuku ish Black Sea ports. to be had at any price, there was WEDNESDAY MAY 10 plenty of cigarette tobacco offered at Board of Supervisors meets. reasonable prices. With the equality MEXICO CITY, March 28 (Asso- THURSDAY MAY 11 of the sexes established under Com- ciated Press Mail) "The Great Tree Barnes & West in Vaudeville at munism and a breakdown of conven- of Tule" in the state of Oaxaca, after Wailuku Hip. IT WILL PAY YOU tionalities, the women promptly adopt- some 800 years of recorded existence, THURSDAY MAY 11 BARGAIN SALE AND DANCE newly-acquire- meeting. ed smoking as the fust of their d is beginning to show signs of wear Chamber of Commerce privileges. and tear. This giant cypress, with FRIDAY MAY 12 GIVEN BY, CHILDREN OF MARY to see what THE PRUDENTIAL a trunk so huge that 30 persons with Second session of Board of Super- has to offer before closing with STRIKE LEADER CONFIDENT outstretched arms can scarcely span visors meeting. WAILUKU GYM, SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1922 it, uny other life insurance company. is known to have been a fair sized Ladies of Maunaolu Seminary at (ASSOCIATED PRESS! tree when Columbus discovered Ame- home to their friends. SPRINGFIELD, 111., May 8. Presi- rica, and history recounts that Cortes SATURDAY MAY 13 Music by Mary Hoffman Orchestra BANK OF MAUI, LTD. dent J. L. Lewis of the United Mine and his Spanish soldiers slept be- Delicatessen Sale Kahului Ladies Workers, predicts a money panic un- neath its branches four centuries ago Community less the Aid at Kahului House INSURANCE DEPARTMENT coal strike is settled soon. when enroute to Honduras' following from 10 to 12 a. m. Sale begins at 4 P. M. Dance at 8 P. M. He 600,-00- said: "You cannot withdraw 0 their conquest of Mexico. Bridge Party of Catholic Ladies men from work without affecting But although time has dealt kindly club at Grand Hotel afternoon. ADMISSION 50 CENTS. commerce and industry. The tensity with the monarch the correspondent of Bargain Sale and Dance given by the situation is becoming more ap- during a recent visit to the tiny vil 4 parent owing Children of Mary in Wailuku Gym. to the rapidly decreas- lage of Santa Maria del Tule, Oaxaca, in 8 in evening. ing coal stocks." afternoon and That Guilty Feeling noticed that the wrinkles of age are SUNDAY, MAY 14 8 beginning to show. There is no im- PROTECTION Opening of senior league baseball Of Not Looking GUARANTEED mediate cause for worry, however, Grounds, that Tule, as the Indians at Fair Kahului. Double SEE (ASSOCIATED affectionate- header. PRESS) ly call the tree, will wither away be- It Always Goes With the LONDON, May 8 A Central News fore the present generation has pass- TUESDAY MAY 16 Agency dispatch says that an agree- ed on. And even if it should, Tule Board of Managers of Maul Free "JUST AROUND THE CORNER", Wearing ment has been reached between Great has a eon some 60 yards away from Library meet at 4. Of a Battered, Old Discolor- Britain as mandatory over Palestine the parental boughs that is showing THURSDAY MAY 18 and the United States providing that healthy signs of maintaining the Industrial Accident Board meets at ALL STAR PRODUCTION ed Straw! Americans in the Holyland shall have family honor in the matter of robust- 10:30 a. in. It can't Last Out the Season, the same protection and rights as na- ness. Hijo (son) as the Indians have Industrial Accident Board meets at FANNIE tional and members of the legations. named it, already is so large 10:30. HURST THE SWEDISH MARY PICKFORD . ! that Anyway .;: 12 persona are needed to span it and SATURDAY, JUNE 10 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Hijo is only a couple of hundred years Better Leave it With Us On Intermediate Christian Endeavor account of getting out our new old. , dance at Paia Pavilion at 8 o'clock. BENEFIT MAUI TEACHERS ASSOCIATION When You Wear Home telephone directory for July 1st, 1922, The Great Tree of Tule rises A Night in Hawaii by the Hawaiian we would advise you to make provi- about 175 feet, is One of Our Good Looking and said to be one Woman's Club in the Territorial build WAILUKU HIP sions at once for any change in your of the largest specimens in the world. log at Kahului. WEDNESDAY, MAY 10TH New Straws. name, address or advertisement you The spread of its branches is almost HAIKU THEATRE THURSDAY, MAY 11TH may have in the present book, also 150 feet. It in $2.50 to $4. stands the courtyard Logical PUUNENE THEATRE FRIDAY, MAY 12TH if ou are contemplating on having of a tiny church and is the only bid Tommy "Funny how a fellow a telephone installed in the near for popular interest made by the vil- would a superstition KAHULUI THEATRE . SATURDAY, MAY GEORGE SOON future. start that Friday lage of Santa Maria del Tule, whose is unlucky." PAIA ..... SUNDAY, MAY Foresters' Bldg., Kahului MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY population reveres the tree almost as Rot "Yeah, he musta been a fish." Wailuku, Maui. much as one of Its saints. The Stanford Chaparral. if