\N POUCE S.B. (PIain / METROPOLITAN /* V SPECIAL BRANCH Specia$ hoportj 21st f October, 1971 - SUBJECT of the internatinal Socialists 1. Hackney and Islington branch Hackney 'Monday, 18th October, 1971: in a: hela <ri. pi-ivate- hranchmeeting: on is- neon House, Albion. Road, N.16. eeting room at the Rmse ,.'...',:ECrowh Public m .. w7c.,' 1, ,c;'-:-Ethe saloon bar of the p-k.lblic ',E.''' Observation was maintained meeting room is located, and in house, in which the entrance to the Sergeants thevicinityathe. .bremises. Detective i Constables , / .,.. Reference to Papers Det. oh. .r. Constable were en.F„..,_:_.,...L.ged... - on• the. ....._ , - '11,..,,,,„„,,,,,,:„„.....„..,„:„..,„„..,„„:„.„:„....,„...,,,.,:„............„,.........,:.„,„,........,...„ Women Det. 11"11111111111 9 i 17 /2, L...! 1(.. 0 )8 !. ......5 i -i 6 ! H, , 7 _ ',.- 8 , at 8,20p.m., the members having been 3. The meeting commenced e.m. Entry to the meeting by gatherin in the saloon ba.i.' from 7.45- attempted without :success but it is Special Branch officers waS time was allocated rto discussion understood that a proporti6n. of the conference. Twentyone persons of matters arieinp from the akegness attended. , following listed mbtor...-vehicie were seen 4. The occImants of the, to have attended the meetihg:- Ref. Vehicle. Be . Owner. Privacy Privacy El= Privacy Privacy Privacy Privacy 0 .race. (see comments at para. 6 a) as abol. tined. ./. In. addition to the having attended the meeting:- : R?. Privacy Privacy MPS-0739315/1 6, Salient features of the descril.tions of oOtherer persons who attended are given below: a) female, 514", 0.20 yrs, slim build, brown trousers, spectacles, attractive looking, 1p5g brown hair.
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