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'44 9-22-62 PLAIN TEXT TELETYPE DEFERRED TO SAC ATLANTAAT C T FROM DIRECTOR, FBI DATE 7ER f/LA IN///7 ID ACIAL SITUATION. ALBANY, GEORGIA,; RACIAL MATTER :REURTEL SEPTEMBER TWO ONE, ONE NINE SIX TWO. IN VIEW OF CONTINUED MASS MEETINGS OF ALBANY MOVEMENT, CONTINUE TO SUBMIT DAILY SUMMARY TELETYPE, SUTEL TODAY RESULTS 0 t advised that due to the lack of activity of Albany movement, they xtinuing daily summary teletype. Due to tense situation, Albany -ing mass meetings, it is too early to discontinue daily summary FEMMERlUEAU OFIES IAry I#-.S. DEPARMENT OF JUSTICE COMMUNICATIONS S W TELETYPE UNIT I, *, ~.::, 'I 'F.. - ~ -~~*>~ I - *~ *~, - '2 - ~ * * I ~ I..~~W"-' ~ . ** .. * ~ - * , * , ,. I S ~ ~ Mr. Belmot- jMr. CaIlahau.~~ *p~ SMr. Cotirad StDjL UREAUOf vfrlo Mr. DeL,)ach Of UTC U. S. DEAt'TEN- .u.tI~iuz r~o Mr. Mr. ulliv- Mr. Tavel- oaxrypim Mr. Trotter-.~ ALL INFORMIBON CONTAI ED Tele. Roora--..- r rS~1. miss Eolrne-- i DATE.Nookm OW I IT 9-25-62 1-34AM EST JLM '1 76 DIRECTOR, FBI FROM SACp ATLA-NTA /5-315/ IP RACIAL SITUATION, ALBANY, GA., RM. IDENTS REPORTED. ATLANTA FOLLOWING. LETTERHEAD FOLLOWS. END ACK PLS F. 2-37 A14 OK FBI WA, HFL TU DISC ~fj PR 9 - - - 2 5 ' 4*0 1ix)~ =7C- Wcoo -JEIF!Ab F111111 S, -~ -; I-.'.', W.t - .- ~-~' I, / Mr. Bemn.... FEDERAL SUREAU OF aNvE>1,' Mr. Callahai.~ Mr. Commra- U. S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTIC CE Mr. t1eLc v COMMUNICATIONS SECTI ON Mr. LI!- SEP2 4ox Mr. Mal - Mr. I3t" y Mr. S -" AL-. .Oir1i 1 CO TI7'ED reen Mr. Trct', miss HolmeS~.. C Miss Gndy-- \1 U' NT 9-22-62 12-05AM EST JR L2 0 DIRECTOR, FBI FROM SAC, ATLANTA /157-315/ -Ic-, ____RACIALfSTUAT N, ALBANY$ GEORGIA. RM. REMYTEL SEPT. TWENTY ONE SIXTY TWO* NO ACTIVITIES OF ALBANY MOVEMENT SCHEDULED PRIOR TO MASS MEETING EIGHT PM, SEPT. TWENTY FOUR SIXTY TWO* ADVISED NO ACTIVITY ALBANY MOVEMENT, SEPT. TWENTY ONE SIXTY TWO. NO ARRESTS AND NO INCIDENTS REPORTED. j IN VIEW OF LIMITED ACTIVITY OF ALBANY MOVEMENT DAILY I! SUMIARY TELETYPES BEING DIS C6TINUED UACB. ALL PERTINENT F ACTIVITIES WILL BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO BUREAU WITH APPROPRIATE LETTERHEAD. LETTERHEAD FOLLOWS. L- END AND ACK £.: J3 / ooe 1.- - - -~ ua. '4 ~ .4-.'~ - -, - .~- -. ,-- ~ .. - - - -. - I 1 - j .~ 'IU.'-~ - * S. DPM ENTMflflOf JtJSTIM~ COMMUNICATION SECTOR -4V-,,ERE th i .61 ( ATE 7/-7 X,( URCEN 9-23-62 3-13AM EST JLM /Afa/ T DIRECTOR, FBI FROO SAC, ATLANIA./157-315/ 2P / ACIAL SITUATION, ALBANY, GA.s RM. UNITED KLANS OF AMERICA, INC., KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN, RM. RE BUREAU TELETYPE SEPTEMBER TWENTIETH NINETEEN qq -i SIXTYTWO AND BUREAU TELETYPE SEPTEMBER TWENTYSECOND NINETEEN SIXTYTWO CAPTIONED QUOTE RACIAL SITUATION, ALBANYt GA., RM UNQUOTE. VS. '4- '' B EP 2 4 w END PAGE ONE ocT 1 '-7.; 7 SEP 25 Y962 - -"'-,. - -'I.-- - i.~',*.'~' a *......~ ~ . - 'C.: Y. (t 0 I ,.-, 0- PAGE TWO m 7tb NO DEMONSTRATION AND NO INCIDENTS. REPLY TO BUREAU AIRTEL SEPTEMBER FOURTH NINETEEN SIXTYTWO BEING SUBMITTED. Now ADVISED NO ACTIVITY OF ALBANY MOVEMENT SEPTEMBER TWENTYSECO14D NINETEEN SIXTYTWO. NO ARRESTS AND NO INCIDENTS REPORTED. ATLANTA FOLLOWING. LETTERHEAD FOLLOWS. END ACK PLS 4-17 AM OK FBI WA NH TU DISC 4. -'a . * 'I 2W' 4 - e-~. W66-gd41 - Uj,.,ED SA.VoN Memnorandum TO DIRECTOR, FBI (157-6-2) DATE: 9/25/62 owtAIKAfa Al2'.' -. '-- FROM V-SAC, NEW HAVEN ((157-335) (p) * -J~ TIL U, SUBJECT: RACIAL SITUATION ALBANY, GEORGIA ()RACIAL MATTERS / 4 DATE YAT Reference: New York letter to Atlanta, dated 9/4/62, and Boston airtel to Atlanta, dated 9/18/62, both entitled as above. IV, The 5/7/62 edition of the "New York Times" contained an article entitled, "Students Protest Renting Bias in Rye", which set forth in part, "Ninety students from nineteen universities, colleges and high schools in New York and New England today picketed four Rye garden apartment developments that they said refused to rent to Negroes." "About a third of the pickets were Negroes. The demonstration was organized by the Northern Student L Movement, a coordinating body for thirty five campus civil rights groups. It was organized at a conference sponsore 4 by the New England Student Christian Movement at Yal 'University." Ir - Bureau81 r '2-Atlantq (157-315) 1.154,02 1 - BostoW-l5-IO4)' p. / 2 - New Haven (1-157-335; ss i , 7f~v ((4 c,~, ~-'( " ?-('7 / / , , , 4 -Rpt I"VNWOMPUM 2 rw mtsp '- - -. qmr- - . M 4-750 (2-7-79) C Ca xxxxxxxxx FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deleted under exemption(s) AA,M- 67f with no segregable material available for release to you. O] Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. E Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. O Document(s) originating with the following government agency(ies) , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. Page(s) referred for consultation to the following government agency(ies); as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): O2 For your information: The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DELETED PAGE(S) 1 NO DUPLICATION FEE xoooxxmxxxxxxxFOR THIS PAGE X xxooocx FBI/DoJ - ~ - ~ - - - - z-* - 10l FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVES AMr. ?hbou U.S. DEPARTMENT OF J IKuMfohr.. COMMUNICATIONS SMr.Callaha Mr. EvanfeLoach, SEP 2COMMNICAIONSSWT~t 61962Mr. - Mr.Mr. CallahConrad Mr. Evan ALL[2~'~IFCO1-TaveL... Li, . Mr. Troter-... FIED ~Tele.,Room-. Mais Gnd... URGEN 9-26-62 2 XXX12-48AM EST JR T DIRECTOR, FBI FROM SAC, ATLANTA /157-315/ (ACIAL 1f ATTCP1S RACIAL SITUATIONS ALBANY, GA. RM. ADVISED NO ACTIVITIES IN ALBANY MOVEMENT SEPT. TWENTYFIVE, SIXTYTWO. NO ARRESTS AND NO INCIDENTS REPORTED. LETTERHEAD FOLLOWS. HEARINGS OF OMNIBUS SUITS AND PETITIONS FOR IN N TIV ~~1lO(E-37 14') RESTRAINT AGAINST ALBANY CITY OFFIC1'5SCSCHEDULED COVE .6 SEPT. TWENTYSEVEN, SIXTYTWO. e R11 AlOlS.- - END ACK AND HOLD PLS 5 (SP 2 1-50 AM OK WA HFL tWC*C. ttI * - - - 14 ~% ) - - - - -- 2 'I I I J S -1 'pO UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT MP14,RANDUM P : DIRECTOR, FBI (157-6-2) Date: 9/26/62 SAC, NEW HAVEN (157-335) (P) 7 'FT:I RACIAL SITUATION ALBANY, GEORGIA ORACTAL MATTERS Pe- A.4larts airtel to Bureau, dated 8/31/62. k-41 *sed r1. the Bureau are eight copiesand to ~copits for Atlanta, of a letterhead ftrtrandum concerning captioned matter. 7C0 ..5 ALL I~R MAT1lpil CpTpj,ED Agency G-2, O:, CSI, C11D If f~ER;~ U A' Date W... .** .. How Forw. .es...***************.* 7'e By . By.**.*** / *x Bureau (Enc-8) (RM) 5 SEP 27 2 2 - Atlanta (Enc-2) (1574315) 2 - New Haven 7e.(1-157-335; 1-100-10554) /bss I UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FLDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION New Haven 10, Connecticut September 26, 1962 RACIAL SITUATION ALBANY, GEORGIA Reference is made to the memorandum dated August 31, 1962, at Atlanta, Georgia, and entitled as above, *anecnon ac tv esonbe 26, 19ay Movement. ALL IWrYN,T?? CO4T rlED BERL ~ ~ IL f aS,.. --- -.. 4-750 (2-7-79) xxxxxx C x3OCOCX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET / Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deleted under exemption(s) A' 7!. bf7- with no segregable material available for release to you. D Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. [: Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. El Document(s) originating with the following government agency(ies) , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. Page(s) referred for consultation to the following government agency(ies); as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): El For your information: The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DELETED PAGE(S) X NO DUPLICATION FEE X FOR THIS PAGE X xxx JDx[xx flflEx flfll[Iflx fl[1 ]UUxUxL xxOxx PBI/DOJ . .. - ~ - -YT'2 - I -=, ---, TrtIM 1VS RE: RACIAL SITUATION AlBANY, GEORGIA 17RTON SOBELL was convicted wifh LIAS f and ETHEL ROSENBERG on March 29, 1951g,i4 i tie'Southern District of New York of conspiracy to commit espionage for the Soviets. On April 5, 1951, MORTON 8OBELL was isentegced o*A ter of thirty years. Al is Appeals for reversal and new trials inoge Court dT Appeals, Second Circuit and applications to the Sutojeorerits of certiorari, have been d& heree afi no known applications for relief now pending in any court. SOBELL is currently incarcerated at the United States Federal Penitentiary, /Atlanta, Georgia. 'The American Committee For Protection of Foreign Born has been designated pursuant to Executive Order 10450. 7"r- 4-750 (2-7-79) c Nk xxx xxxxx)Oxxxx FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deleted under exemption(s) - !0Y& with no segregable material available for release to you. Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request.