Arxiv:2012.00197V2 [Quant-Ph] 7 Feb 2021
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Unconventional supersymmetric quantum mechanics in spin systems 1, 1 1, Amin Naseri, ∗ Yutao Hu, and Wenchen Luo y 1School of Physics and Electronics, Central South University, Changsha, P. R. China 410083 It is shown that the eigenproblem of any 2 × 2 matrix Hamiltonian with discrete eigenvalues is involved with a supersymmetric quantum mechanics. The energy dependence of the superal- gebra marks the disparity between the deduced supersymmetry and the standard supersymmetric quantum mechanics. The components of an eigenspinor are superpartners|up to a SU(2) trans- formation|which allows to derive two reduced eigenproblems diagonalizing the Hamiltonian in the spin subspace. As a result, each component carries all information encoded in the eigenspinor. We p also discuss the generalization of the formalism to a system of a single spin- 2 coupled with external fields. The unconventional supersymmetry can be regarded as an extension of the Fulton-Gouterman transformation, which can be established for a two-level system coupled with multi oscillators dis- playing a mirror symmetry. The transformation is exploited recently to solve Rabi-type models. Correspondingly, we illustrate how the supersymmetric formalism can solve spin-boson models with no need to appeal a symmetry of the model. Furthermore, a pattern of entanglement between the components of an eigenstate of a many-spin system can be unveiled by exploiting the supersymmet- ric quantum mechanics associated with single spins which also recasts the eigenstate as a matrix product state. Examples of many-spin models are presented and solved by utilizing the formalism. I. INTRODUCTION sociated with single spins. This allows to reconstruct the eigenstate as a matrix product state (MPS) [2, 5]. Quantum entanglement is turned out to be a crucial An essential ingredient of our formalism is connected property in targeting relevant corners of the Hilbert space with the supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY of a many-body system [1{5] rather than merely being a QM) [11{13]. Supersymmetry (SUSY) is conjectured in puzzle in foundations of quantum mechanics [6]. Entan- relativistic quantum field theory for unification of fun- glement is perceived as a correlation between constituents damental forces of nature. The prediction of superpart- of a composite system. Specifically, an entangled state ners of elementary particles, whose spins differ by a half- of a bipartite system is a quantum state which cannot integer, has not been observed experimentally. This im- be described as a product of states of subsystems [6]. A plies SUSY has to be spontaneously broken. SUSY was 1 initially introduced into non-relativistic quantum me- two-level system, i.e. a single spin- 2 , interacting with an external field provides a concrete example in this situa- chanics to study the non-perturbative breaking of SUSY tion. The setting is among the simplest quantum systems [14] and later became a framework on its own. In addition which models varieties of physical phenomena including to proposals for its realization in condensed matter and atom-field interactions and quantum optics [7, 8], meso- cold atom systems [15{20], SUSY QM is adopted in clas- scopic and molecular physics [9, 10], etc.. The eigenstates sifying analytically solvable potentials in quantum me- of such models are expected to describe an entanglement chanics in a close relation with the factorization method between the spin and the external field if no good spin [21]. quantum number exists. Let us briefly review SUSY QM and mention the asso- Our focus here is on models which can be partitioned ciated aspects which are of interest to our study. SUSY QM can be constructed by two supercharge operators arXiv:2012.00197v2 [quant-ph] 7 Feb 2021 into two parts and their eigenproblem (EP) is involved Q = F σ and a Hamiltonian H = Q+ + Q , where with a 2 2 matrix Hamiltonian. The aim of this paper is ± ± ± − × 2σ = σx iσy with σx;y;z being Pauli matrices and to show that there exist redundancies in degrees of free- ± ± dom (DOF) required to construct the eigenspinor of the F = F y are some external fields. The supercharges sat- system if the state is entangled. The entanglement also isfy± Q2 ∓= 0. The EP of the Hamiltonian is H φ = E φ ± j i j i allows to represent a two-component eigenspinor of the where system by means of the only one of the components. We p φ generalize the formalism to a single spin- for p > 1 cou- φ = j +i (1) 2 j i φ pled with external fields. In these setups also the entan- j −i glement reduces DOF required to describe the eigenstate is an eigenspinor and E is the associated eigenenergy. of the system. One step further, we show a pattern of The square of the Hamiltonian H2 has a diagonal form entanglement can be revealed in an eigenstate of a many- and together with the supercharges close the superalge- spin system by taking into account the redundancies as- bra 2 2 H = Q+;Q ; Q ; H = 0; (2) f −g ± ∗ [email protected] where ; is an anticommutator and [; ] is a commutator. y [email protected] H2 hasf ag good supersymmetry if its ground states φ j 0i 2 with E = 0 are vacuums of all supercharges Q φ0 = 0. results are as follows. In Sec. II, we introduce USUSY φ can be written as a product of an eigenspinor±j i of QM at a generic ground. In Sec. II A, we present the j 0i σz and the vacuum of either F+ or F , and hence, is USUSY QM pertaining to the EP of a generic 2 2 ma- a disentangled state. The components of− an eigenspinor trix Hamiltonian. In Sec. II B, we demonstrate that× the with E = 0 are superpartners F φ = E φ and by eigenproblem of a Hamiltonian describing interactions 6 ±j ∓i j ±i p knowing one of the components, the other can be found. between some fields and a single spin- 2 for p > 1 is If F are non-hermitian operators, then also endowed with a USUSY QM. In Sec. II C, we de- ± vise USUSY QM associated with single spins to reduce 1 E F+ φ φ+ DOF of a generic interacting many-spin system. φ = j −i = 1 j i (3) j i φ F φ+ j −i E −j i Examples are presented in Sec. III and Sec. IV to illus- trate how USUSY QM can be exploited in dealing with is clearly an entangled state since it cannot be written as the EP of spin systems. We set the direct exact diagonal- a product of an eigenspinor of σ and a state associated z ization (ED) as a benchmark. By direct ED we mean the with the fields F . The intertwining relationship between ± diagonalization of a Hamiltonian represented in a basis components leads to two EPs F F φ = E2 φ . ± ∓ ± ± constructed out of disentangled states. A single spin- Solving either of the EPs solves the EPj ofi H. Wej gen-i 1 in a uniform magnetic field is the simplest Hamilto- eralize these considerations to a generic 2 2 matrix 2 nian endowed with an USUSY QM which is considered Hamiltonian and show these bipartite systems× are en- in Sec. III A. In Sec. III B, we solve the Jaynes-Cummings dowed with a SUSY QM. The associated superalgebra (JC) model [25, 26]. The treatment of Rabi-type models is defined in terms of energy-dependent operators, and [27] are presented in Sec. III C. In Sec. IV A, we start to hence, is dubbed unconventional supersymmetric quan- analyze systems including more than one spin by solving tum mechanics (USUSY QM) in order to distinguish it a model of interacting spins and mention how the formal- from the standard SUSY QM. The existence of super- ism can be engaged iteratively if the system is extended charges of the USUSY QM makes it possible to solve the by adding more spins. In Sec. IV B and Sec. IV C, we an- EP of the full system via solving one of the EPs asso- alyze the eigensolutions of Tavis-Cummings (TC) model ciated with its subsystems. That is a subsystem of the [28] in a MPS representation and solve generalized Dicke system contains all the information of the system due to models [29, 30], respectively, which describe many spins the correlation between DOF. interacting with a single boson mode. The formalism presented herein can also be regarded as an extension to the Fulton-Gouterman (FG) transfor- mation [22]. A two-level system interacting with multi oscillators can be diagonalized by the FG transforma- II. UNCONVENTIONAL SUPERSYMMETRIC tion in the spin subspace if the Hamiltonian possesses QUANTUM MECHANICS a mirror symmetry. Particularly in the context of spin- boson models, different generalizations of the Rabi model In this section, we construct the USUSY QM for the are solved by exploiting the FG transformation inspired EP of a 2 2 matrix Hamiltonian. Next, the scheme is by the approach introduced in the solution of the Rabi generalized× to a model describing interactions between a model [23]. The USUSY formalism relaxes the symmetry single spin- p with p > 1 and external fields. Finally, we constraint of the FG transformation. 2 discuss an interacting system of many spin- 1 and recon- The FG transformation is generalized to a multi-level 2 struct its eigenstates by means of USUSY QM associated system interacting with a multi-oscillatory system also with the single spins. restricted to Hamiltonians with a discrete symmetry [24]. The generalization of the FG transformation can also be covered by the USUSY formalism irrespective of the sym- 1 metry of the model.