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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 033202 (2014)

Metric-signature topological transitions in dispersive metamaterials

E. Reyes-Gomez,´ 1 S. B. Cavalcanti,2 L. E. Oliveira,3 and C. A. A. de Carvalho4 1Instituto de F´ısica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Antioquia UdeA, Calle 70 No. 52-21, Medell´ın, Colombia 2Instituto de F´ısica, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceio,´ Alagoas 57072-970, Brazil 3Instituto de F´ısica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp, Campinas, Sao˜ Paulo 13083-859, Brazil 4CNPEM, Caixa Postal 6192, Campinas, Sao˜ Paulo 13083-970, Brazil (Received 1 October 2013; revised manuscript received 28 January 2014; published 14 March 2014) The metric signature topological transitions associated with the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a dispersive metamaterial with frequency-dependent and anisotropic dielectric and magnetic responses are examined in the present work. The components of the reciprocal-space depend upon both the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of the metamaterial, which are taken as Drude-like dispersive models. A thorough study of the frequency dependence of the metric tensor is presented which leads to the possibility of topological transitions of the isofrequency surface determining the wave dynamics inside the medium, to a diverging photonic density of states at some range of frequencies, and to the existence of large wave vectors’ modes propagating through the metamaterial.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.89.033202 PACS number(s): 41.20.−q, 78.20.Ci, 42.50.Ct, 78.67.Pt

I. INTRODUCTION a contravariant tensor Gαβ . Thus, the metric determines the Condensed matter systems may provide laboratory re- electromagnetic responses in the flat space reinterpretation. alizations of cosmological scenarios thanks to analogous This correspondence has inspired the design of a number mathematical descriptions that ultimately allow us to relate of experimental settings to test the transitions associated physical properties in those distinct settings [1]. Analogies in to metric signature changes in space [5] and the mathematical descriptions of different physical systems topological transitions [6], the relationship between statistical have often been used as a tool to further our understanding. and cosmological time flow via the optical analog of a A celebrated example is that of photonic crystals [2,3], where big-bang-like event [7], Hawking radiation [8], cosmological much has been learned about photon dynamics by drawing on inflation [9], and the behavior of the vacuum in a strong the similarities with electron dynamics in crystalline solids. magnetic field [10]. In the case of photonic crystals, Maxwell’s equations in In the present work, we concentrate on the study of periodically arranged media of different electric permittivities the transitions caused by signature changes in metrics in () and magnetic permeabilities (μ)aresimilarinform reciprocal space. We perform a systematic analysis of the to Schrodinger’s¨ equation for electrons propagating in the cases that arise as we use various materials to induce such periodic potential of a crystalline solid. changes. We begin with anisotropic media that experience A more recent example [4] draws upon the analogous form different signs for their electric permittivities, and go beyond of Maxwell’s equations in curved space-time and in a related by including dispersive metamaterials in our analysis. It is material medium. The electric and magnetic responses of the important to point out that, in practice, an isotropic left-handed medium are obtained from the gravitational metric of the material (LHM) is still a great challenge for researchers, as the curved space-time, thus opening the possibility of testing a available LHM structures are intrinsically anisotropic. A study host of phenomena described by general relativity in laboratory of a semiconductor metamaterial with anisotropic dielectric experiments. All that is required is a reinterpretation of the response may be found in the work by Hoffman et al. [11], equation for electromagnetism in curved space whereas for general anisotropic metamaterials, we refer to the studies by Krishnamoorthy et al. [6], Soukoulis et al. [12], 1 √ 4π Wilson [13], and Zheludev [14]. √ ∂ ( −gFαβ ) = j α, (1) −g β c Artificial metamaterials [14–16] are also known as LHMs, due to their peculiar feature that light phase velocity travels as in such materials in the opposite direction of the group velocity. Metamaterial structures are designed to achieve un- αβ 4π α usual electromagnetic properties, such as negative refraction, ∂β G = J , (2) c superlenses, optical magnetism, and cloaking, among others. √ √ Periodic, quasiperiodic, fractal, and disordered arrangements αβ = − αβ α = − α upon identifying G gF and J gj . Equa- of layered one-dimensional positive-index material or meta- tion (2) can then be viewed as the equation for electromag- material stacks have been extensively studied, and also exhib- = 0i netism in a medium in flat space, if we define Di G ited unusual features, such as non-Bragg gaps, corresponding = 1 jk and Hi 2 ij k G . We can then relate these quantities to to zero average refractive index, plasmon-polariton gaps, and = = 1 Ei Fi0 and Bi 2 ij k Fjk. The constitutive√ relations are Anderson delocalization properties [17–24]. αβ αμ βν easily derived from the relation G = −gg g Fμν .Note The use of artificially nanostructured metamaterials to that the metric intervenes as (E,B) are defined in terms of a mimic gravitational environments will certainly add new   covariant tensor Fαβ , whereas (D,H) are defined in terms of experimental situations to the ones already proposed in the

1539-3755/2014/89(3)/033202(8) 033202-1 ©2014 American Physical Society E. REYES-GOMEZ´ et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 033202 (2014) literature, which have not included those materials where which determines the dispersion ω = ω(k). One may write both the electric and magnetic responses may be negative, Eq. (8)as thus leading to negative refraction indices. However, we ω2 ω4 ω2 k2 + k2 k2 + k2 k2 + k2 have restricted our discussion to studying the behavior of − 1 2 + 1 3 + 2 3 1 2 3 2 4 2 electromagnetic fields that experience changes in the signature c c c 3 2 1 of the metric in reciprocal space associated to their dispersion k2 k2 k2 relations, and the unusual phenomena that this brings about, + 1 + 2 + 3 k2 = 0, (9) such as the copious production of particles, dubbed “big 23 13 12 flashes,” that could also occur in Bose-Einstein condensates where k2 = k2 + k2 + k2. Here we focus our attention in or in gravitational systems. 1 2 3 uniaxial dielectric materials. In this case, 1 = 2 = ⊥ and As real metamaterials are intrinsically dispersive materi- 3 = , and Eq. (9) transforms into als, the present study analyzes the influence of dispersive 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 electric and magnetic responses on the metric signature 2 ω k ω k1 k2 k3 ω ⊥ − + + − = 0, (10) change phenomenon. The metric changes correspond to c2 ⊥ c2   ⊥ c2 looking at different frequency ranges for light propagating in the metamaterials. The work is organized as follows. which leads to the dispersion Section II presents the theoretical framework and numerical k2 ω2 results concerning nonmagnetic materials with dielectric = (11) ⊥ c2 anisotropy, whereas Sec. III is devoted to the study of metric signature topological transitions in dielectric and magnetic corresponding to the ordinary ray, and to the dispersion relation anisotropic materials. Our conclusions are in Sec. IV. k2 k2 k2 ω2 1 + 2 + 3 = (12)   ⊥ c2 II. NONMAGNETIC MATERIALS WITH DIELECTRIC ANISOTROPY corresponding to the extraordinary ray. For isotropic materials one has ⊥ = , and Eq. (12) reduces to Eq. (11). In the absence of free charges and electric currents, the First we analyze the case of the extraordinary ray and Maxwell equations describing the behavior of the electromag- suppose that both ⊥ and  are functions of the frequency netic field in a continuous medium may be written as ω. By introducing the temporal component k0 of the four- ω ↔ momentum kμ as k0 = ω/c,Eq.(12) may be rewritten as k × k × E(k,ω) = k × [μ ·H (k,ω)] (3) c q2 q2 q2 1 + 2 + 3 = 1, (13) and   ⊥ ω ↔ k × k × H (k,ω) =− k × [ ·E(k,ω)], (4) where q = k /k (i = 1, 2, 3) are the three dimensionless c i i 0 spatial components of the four-momentum kμ. The above ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔  where μ = μ (k,ω) and = (k,ω) are the magnetic perme- equation allows to obtain the isofrequency surface in the k ability and electric permittivity tensors, respectively, associ- space at a given frequency ω. ated with the material medium. Let us now turn to Fig. 1, where we have depicted the Equations (3) and (4) may be used to study the metric isofrequency surfaces for various metrics, assuming a Drude- signature transition in a wide variety of optical materials. like electric response, i.e, Here, we first consider the case of nonmagnetic materials with 2 ↔ 0 ωeα μ = α(ω) = 1 − , (14) dielectric anisotropy. In this case I and Eqs. (3) and (4) α ω2 lead to with α =⊥, . Figures 1(a), 1(b), and 1(d) where obtained ω2 ↔ 0 = 0 = = = [k · E(k,ω)]k − k2E(k,ω) =− ·E(k,ω). (5) for ⊥ 1.21,  1, ωe⊥ 2π GHz, and ωe 6π GHz, at c2 the frequencies ν = ω/(2π) = 3.5 GHz, ν = 2 GHz, and ν = ↔ 0.5 GHz, respectively. Notice that < 0( > 0) if ν<ν Without loss of generality, one may assume that the tensor α α eα (ν>ν ), with ν = ω /(2π) and α =⊥, .Hereν ⊥ = 1 is diagonal. Otherwise, one may always perform a coordinate eα eα eα e ↔ GHz and νe = 3 GHz are the transversal and longitudinal transformation to reduce to its diagonal form. Therefore, plasmon frequencies, respectively, determining the frequency ↔ ranges where ⊥ and  are positive or negative. The results = = (ij ) (j δij )(6)depicted in Fig. 1(c) were obtained, at ν = 2.5 GHz, for the 0 0 = = and same values of ⊥,  , but by taking ωe⊥ 6π GHz, and ωe 2π GHz. In this case the transversal and longitudinal plasmon ω2 k k δ − k k δ − E (k,ω) = 0. (7) frequencies determining the of ⊥ and , respectively, l l ij i l lj 2 ij j c are νe⊥ = 3 GHz and νe = 1 GHz, respectively. If for a given value of the frequency ω one has ⊥ > 0 and The condition for solving the above system is   > 0, the isofrequency surface defined in the real k space by 2  ω the equation ω(k) = const is an ellipsoid, as one may see from det klkl δij − ki kl δlj − ij = 0, (8) c2 Fig. 1(a).If⊥ > 0 and  < 0, then the isofrequency surface


FIG. 2. (Color online) g of the metric tensor (gμν ) as a function of the frequency. Panel (a) was obtained for the 0 0 set of parameters ⊥ = 1.21,  = 1, ωe⊥ = 2π GHz, and ωe = 0 6π GHz, whereas in panel (b) we used the same values of ⊥ and 0 FIG. 1. (Color online) Isofrequency surfaces, corresponding to  , but we took ωe⊥ = 6π GHz and ωe = 2π GHz. Dark-gray and the extraordinary ray, for different metrics in the flat Minkowski white areas in panels (a) and (b) represent the frequency regions 0 = space-time. Panels (a), (b), and (d) were obtained for ⊥ 1.21, with metrics (−, − , − ,−)and(−, + , + ,+), respectively, whereas 0 = = =  1, ωe⊥ 2π GHz, and ωe 6π GHz [cf. Eq. (14)], at the intermediate gray area in Fig. 2(a) [Fig. 2(b)]representsa the frequencies ν = ω/(2π) = 3.5 GHz, ν = 2 GHz, and ν = bandwidth with a metric (−, − , − ,+)[(−, + , + ,−)]. Triangles at 0.5 GHz, respectively. These cases correspond to metrics (−, + , + the horizontal axis are located at the transition (plasmon) frequencies ,+), (−, − , − ,+), and (−, − , − ,−), respectively. In panel (c) we between different metrics. The frequency values corresponding to = 0 0 = chose ν 2.5 GHz and the same values of ⊥,  ,butωe⊥ 6π GHz, full dots depicted in both panels were used to compute the results of = − + + − and ωe 2π GHz. The corresponding metric is ( , , , )inthis Fig. 1. case.

 mentioned, no dispersion relation for the extraordinary ray is defined in the real k space is a two-sheeted hyperboloid, obtained in this case, so the four-time metric is not feasible. whereas if ⊥ < 0 and  > 0 such surface is a one-sheeted In addition, hyperboloid [cf. Figs. 1(b) and 1(c), respectively]. Finally, if ⊥ <  < ω 1 0 and 0 at certain values of , the isofrequency g = det g =− (17)  μν 2 surface does not admit any representation in the real k space,  ⊥ but is an ellipsoid in the imaginary ik space [cf. Fig. 1(d)]. The is also a function of the frequency which may change dispersion relation for the extraordinary ray is not obtained in  this case. depending on the metric of the k space determining the By introducing the metric four-tensor with components g , dispersion relation. In this sense, one may note that g<0for μν − + + + − − − + Eq. (12) for the extraordinary ray may be rewritten as the metrics ( , , , ) and ( , , , ), whereas g>0 for the metrics (−, + , + ,−) and (−, − , − ,−). We display = gμν kμkν 0, (15) in Fig. 2 the determinant g of the metric tensor (gμν)asa function of the frequency. The results displayed in Fig. 2(a) where 0 0 ⎛ ⎞ were obtained for ⊥ = 1.21,  = 1, ωe⊥ = 2π GHz, and − 1000 ωe = 6π GHz, whereas the results depicted in Fig. 2(b) were −1 0 0 ⎜ ⎟ ⊥ = = ⎜ 0  00⎟ computed for the same values of ⊥ and  ,butforωe (gμν) ⎝ −1 ⎠. (16) = 00 0 6π GHz and ωe 2π GHz. The dark-gray and white areas in −1 both Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) correspond to metrics (−, − , − ,−) 000⊥ and (−, + , + ,+), respectively, whereas the intermediate  The metric tensor (gμν ) defines the metric of the k space gray area in Fig. 2(a) [Fig. 2(b)] corresponds to a metric determining the dispersion relation for the extraordinary ray (−, − , − ,+)[(−, + , + ,−)]. The triangles at the bottom in the anisotropic nonmagnetic dielectric medium. As the axes of both Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) are located at the plasmon metric tensor is diagonal in this case, such a metric may be frequencies, i.e., at the transition frequencies between different = denoted as [−1,sign(g11),sign(g22),sign(g33)]. The frequency metrics. The frequency values [ν ω/(2π)] corresponding to dependence of both  and ⊥ leads to the existence of different full dots depicted in Fig. 2 were used to compute the results frequency regions of the spectrum with different metric displayed in Fig. 1. signatures. For instance, if ⊥ > 0 and  > 0foragivenvalue To explore the role played by the different metrics in the of ω, then we have the metric (−, + , + ,+) of the ordinary flat structure of the dispersion relation, we have displayed in Fig. 3  [cf. Fig. 1(a)]. If ⊥ > 0 and  < 0 then we the dispersion ν = ν(k). The dashed and solid lines correspond have the three-time metric (−, − , − ,+), whereas if ⊥ < 0 to solutions for the ordinary [cf. Eq. (11)] and extraordinary and  > 0thenthetwo-timemetric(−, + , + ,−) is achieved rays [Eq. (12)], respectively, in the case of uniaxial nonmag- [cf. Figs. 1(b) and 1(c), respectively]. If ⊥ < 0 and  < 0 then netic anisotropic materials with the anisotropy axis along the z we have the four-time metric (−, − , − ,−)[cf.Fig.1(d)]. As direction. The calculations shown in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) were

033202-3 E. REYES-GOMEZ´ et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 033202 (2014)

decomposed into a component parallel and other perpendicular to the anisotropy axis, which are also perpendicular to k.In this case Maxwell’s equations admit two uncoupled solutions with orthogonal polarizations. The component of D oscillating along the z axis leads to the extraordinary ray, whereas the perpendicular component originates the ordinary ray. On the other hand, if the wave vector k is parallel to the anisotropy axis then the vector field D only oscillates in a plane perpendicular to z. As all the spatial directions over such a plane are equivalent, Maxwell’s equations then admit two degenerated solutions corresponding to the ordinary ray, i.e., the extraordinary-ray solution in fact reduces to the ordinary-ray solution in this case. This physical situation may be seen in both Figs. 3(a) and 3(c), where the wave vector k is continuously changed in the sequence (0,0,1) → (0,0,0) → (1,0,0) → (1,1,0). One may note from Figs. 3(a) and 3(c) that, when the wave vector k is perpendicular to the z axis, one obtains a solution corresponding to the extraordinary ray that is not observed when the wave vector k is parallel to the anisotropy axis. The continuity of this particular  FIG. 3. (Color online) Dispersion relation ν = ν(k) mode at the k = 0( ) point is not achieved. Nevertheless, [ν = ω/(2π)] obtained from Eq. (11) for the ordinary ray the electromagnetic mode corresponding to the ordinary ray (dashed lines) and from Eq. (12) for the extraordinary ray (solid exhibits a continuous behavior at the point, as expected [see lines) in the case of uniaxial nonmagnetic anisotropic materials. the dashed lines in both Figs. 3(a) and 3(c)]. Results depicted in panels (a) and (b) were obtained for the set  0 0 If the wave vector k is neither perpendicular nor parallel of parameters ⊥ = 1.21,  = 1, ωe⊥ = 2π GHz, and ωe = 6π 0 to the z axis, then it is not possible to separate the spatial GHz, whereas in panels (c) and (d) we used the same values of ⊥  0 components of k parallel and perpendicular to the anisotropy and  , but we took ωe⊥ = 6π GHz and ωe = 2π GHz. Dark-gray and white areas in all panels represent the frequency regions with axis in Eq. (12). In this case, depending on the behavior of the the forbidden (−, − , − ,−) and normal (−, + , + ,+) metrics, dielectric tensor as a function of the frequency, it is possible respectively. The intermediate gray area in both panels (a) and to obtain more than one solution from Eq. (12) corresponding (b) corresponds to the bandwidth with metric (−, − , − ,+), whereas to the extraordinary ray. For the Drude-like dielectric response in panels (c) and (d) such intermediate gray regions correspond to considered here [cf. Eq. (14)], we have obtained two different thetwo-timemetric(−, + , + ,−). Horizontal dashed lines in panels modes for the extraordinary ray, apart from the electromagnetic (a) and (c) correspond to the plasmon-frequency values at which mode corresponding to the ordinary ray. Numerical results are transitions between different metrics take place. The frequency displayed in Figs. 3(b) and 3(d), where the wave vector k varies values corresponding to full dots depicted in panels (b) and (d) were according to the sequence (0,0,0) → (1,1,1) → (1,0,1) → used to obtain the corresponding results of Fig. 1. (0,0,0) to guarantee the obliqueness of k with respect to the anisotropy axis. It is apparent from Figs. 3(b) and 3(d) that one of the extraordinary subbands lies in the region of the 0 = 0 = = obtained by setting ⊥ 1.21,  1, ωe⊥ 2π GHz, and metric (−, + , + ,+), where the isofrequency surface is an ωe = 6π GHz in Eq. (14). The results depicted in Figs. 3(c) 0 ellipsoid [cf. Fig. 1(a)]. One then may refer to this subband and 3(d) were obtained by using the same values of ⊥ and as an ellipsoidal subband. Particularly, for the Drude-like 0 = =  , but by taking ωe⊥ 6π GHz and ωe 2π GHz. In all dielectric response considered here, the hyperbolic dispersion panels of Fig. 3, the dark-gray and white areas represent occurs only for the three-time (−, − , − ,+) and two-time − − − − the frequency regions with the forbidden ( , , , ) and (−, + , + ,−) metrics [cf. Figs. 1(b) and 1(c), respectively]. − + + + normal ( , , , ) metrics, respectively. The intermediate Therefore, such kinds of dispersions may only be exhibited by gray areas in both Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) correspond to the the so-called hyperbolic subband labeled in both Figs. 3(b) and − − − + bandwidth with the three-time metric ( , , , ), whereas 3(d). One may note that the hyperbolic subbands are bounded in Figs. 3(c) and 3(d) such regions correspond to the two-time by the two plasmon frequencies associated with  and ⊥.In metric (−, + , + ,−). The plasmon-frequency values at which other words, the metric transitions occur at the ωe and ωe⊥ transitions between different metrics take place are represented plasmon frequencies [cf. Eq. (17) and Figs. 2 and 3]. by horizontal dashed lines in both Figs. 3(a) and 3(c).The frequency values corresponding to full dots shown in both Figs. 3(b) and 3(d) were used to compute the corresponding III. DIELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC results of Fig. 1. ANISOTROPIC MATERIALS = = = As we have chosen 1 2 ⊥ and 3  in Eq. (6), We now consider a material with both dielectric and the present model describes a uniaxial dielectric with the magnetic anisotropy, and suppose that the electric permittivity  anisotropy axis along the z direction. If the wave vector k and magnetic permeability tensors are both diagonal, with  is perpendicular to the z axis then the vector field D may be components i and μi (i = 1, 2, 3), respectively. In this

033202-4 METRIC-SIGNATURE TOPOLOGICAL TRANSITIONS IN . . . PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 033202 (2014) case, TABLE I. Parameters used for the Drude-like electric and ω ↔ magnetic responses. k × E(k,ω) = μ ·H (k,ω), (18a) c 0 0 αα ωeα/(2π) (GHz) μα ωmα/(2π) (GHz)    ω ↔   k × H(k,ω) =− ·E(k,ω). (18b) ⊥ 1.21 1.00 1.00 2.00 c  1.00 3.00 1.21 4.00 The set of Eqs. (18) may be written in matrix form as ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞ − − ω 0 k3 k2 c μ1 00E1 ⎜ k 0 −k 0 − ω μ 0 ⎟⎜ ⎟ and ⎜ 3 1 c 2 ⎟⎜E2⎟ ⎛ ⎞ ⎜−k k 00 0− ω μ ⎟⎜E ⎟ − ⎜ 2 1 c 3⎟⎜ 3⎟ = 0. 10 0 0 ⎜ω 00 0 −k k ⎟⎜H ⎟ ⎜ −1 ⎟ ⎝c 1 3 2 ⎠⎝ 1⎠ (2) = ⎜ 0(⊥ μ) 00⎟ ω − gμν ⎝ −1 ⎠, 0 c 2 0 k3 0 k1 H2 00(⊥ μ) 0 ω − −1 00c 3 k2 k1 0 H3 00 0(⊥ μ⊥) (19) (26) The condition to solve the above system is respectively. The of (g(1)) and (g(2))are μν μν − − ω 0 k3 k2 c μ1 00 1 ω (1) =− k3 0 −k1 0 − μ2 0 g 3 2 (27) c μ ⊥ −k k 00 0− ω μ ⊥  det 2 1 c 3 = 0, ω 00 0 −k k c 1 3 2 and 0 ω 0 k 0 −k c 2 3 1 1 ω − g(2) =− , (28) 00c 3 k2 k1 0 3 2 ⊥μμ⊥ (20) respectively. which leads to Here we consider Drude-like electric and magnetic re- ω2 ω4 ω2 1 k2 k2 sponses for the metamaterial, i.e., μ μ μ − 1 + 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 4 2 2 c c c 3 μ2 μ1 ω = 0 − eα α(ω) α 1 (29) 1 k2 k2 1 k2 k2 ω2 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 3 2 μ3 μ1 1 μ3 μ2 and k2 k2 k2 k2 k2 k2 ω2 + 1 + 2 + 3 1 + 2 + 3 μ (ω) = μ0 1 − mα , (30) α α 2 23 13 12 μ2μ3 μ1μ3 μ1μ2 ω = 0. (21) with α =⊥, . Notice that the sign of both α and μα change at their corresponding plasmon frequencies. Therefore, such If we take = = ⊥, = , μ = μ = μ⊥, and μ = 1 2 3 1 2 3 plasmon frequencies determine the set of frequency subbands μ,thenEq.(21) becomes with different associated metrics. In what follows, the param- 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ω 1 k1 k2 k3 ω eters used in the calculations are given in Table I. Figure 4 ⊥μ⊥μ + + − (1) (2) c2 μ⊥   ⊥ c2 then displays the calculated values for g and g in the case of a material with both dielectric and magnetic anisotropy. Of 1 k2 k2 k2 ω2 (1) (2) × 1 + 2 + 3 − = 0. (22) course, the determinants g and g of the metric tensors are ⊥ μ μ μ⊥ c2 functions of the frequency and diverge [see Eqs. (27) and (28)] at the corresponding metric signature transitions, which occur The two possible dispersion relations are at the νeα and νmα electric and magnetic plasmon frequencies. 1 k2 k2 k2 ω2 Notice that the white and gray areas in all panels of Fig. 4 1 + 2 + 3 − = 0 (23) − + + + μ⊥   ⊥ c2 correspond to the normal Minkowski metric ( , , , ) and three-time metric (−, − , − ,+), respectively, whereas the and dark-gray area in Fig. 4(a) [Fig. 4(b)] corresponds to the metric 2 2 2 2 (−, + , + ,−)[(−, − , − ,−)]. 1 k1 k2 k3 ω + + − = 0, (24) We have obtained the ν = ν(k) dispersion and results are ⊥ μ μ μ⊥ c2 given in Figs. 5 and 6, with the calculations performed by with the corresponding metric tensors solving Eqs. (23) and (24), respectively, with Drude-like ⎛ ⎞ electric and magnetic responses and parameters listed in −10 0 0 ⎜ −1 ⎟ Table I. As the studied material has dispersive electric and (1) = ⎜ 0(μ⊥ ) 00⎟ =  g ⎝ −1 ⎠ magnetic responses, the results for the ν ν(k) dispersion μν 00(μ⊥ ) 0 −1 are much richer, as detailed in Figs. 5(c), 5(d), 6(c), and 6(d), 00 0(μ⊥ ⊥) which display the calculated results in the neighborhood of (25) the electric and magnetic plasmon frequencies (see Table I).

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(1) (2) (1) FIG. 4. Determinants (a) g and (b) g ofthemetrictensor(gμν ) (2) and (gμν ), respectively, as functions of the frequency. Parameters for evaluating the Drude-like electric permittivity and magnetic permeability are given in Table I. White and gray areas in all panels correspond to the normal Minkowski metric (−, + , + ,+)and three-time metric (−, − , − ,+), respectively. Dark-gray area in panel (a) [(b)] corresponds to the metric (−, + , + ,−)[(−, − , − ,−)]. Triangles at the bottom axes are located at the transition (plasmon) frequencies between different metrics. FIG. 6. As in Fig. 5, but for results obtained from Eq. (24). One may note from Figs. 5(a), 5(c), 6(a), and 6(c) that, if White and gray areas correspond to the normal Minkowski metric − + + + − − − + the wave vector k is paralell to the z axis (the anysotropy ( , , , ) and three-time metric ( , , , ), respectively, ↔ ↔ whereas dark-gray area corresponds to the metric (−, − , − ,−). axis of both and μ), then one may obtain, due to the Drude-like dielectric and magnetic responses considered here, two different solutions from Eq. (23) which are also solutions of Eq. (24). If the wave vector k is neither perpendicular nor parallel to the z axis, then the nonseparability of the spatial components of k, together with the Drude-like dielectric and magnetic responses, lead to three different modes obtained from Eq. (23) and three other different solutions coming from Eq. (24)[cf.Figs.5(b), 5(d), 6(b), and 6(d)]. As in the case of nonmagnetic materials discussed in the previous section, ↔ ↔ the frequency dependence of the components of and μ determines the number of subbands which may be obtained by solving Eqs. (23) and (24). Let us now calculate the photonic density of states (DOS) which is connected with the band structure of the photonic crystal. The DOS is defined as the number of photonic states per unit of frequency and volume, i.e., 1 ρ ω = δ ω − ω k , ( ) V [ ( )] (31) k where V is the system volume or, alternatively, 1 1 ρ(ω) = dσ, (32) (2π)3 |∇ −  | k[ω ω(k)] where is the isofrequency surface obtained from the FIG. 5. Dispersion relation ν = ν(k)[ν = ω/(2π)] obtained dispersion at a given value of the wave frequency. In Fig. 7 from Eq. (23). Results were obtained by using the set of parameters the DOS is depicted as a function of the incoming wave displayed in Table I. Panels (c) and (d) show a zoom of the band structures depicted in panels (a) and (b), respectively, in the frequency. Figures 7(a) and 7(b) were obtained for the =  neighborhood of the electric and magnetic plasmon frequencies. particular dispersion ω ω(k) determined by the metric (1) (2) White and gray areas correspond to the normal Minkowski metric tensors (gμν ) and (gμν ), respectively. As expected, we find (−, + , + ,+) and three-time metric (−, − , − ,+), respectively, that the DOS diverges in the frequency regions corresponding whereas dark-gray area corresponds to the metric (−, + , + ,−). to the hyperbolic metamaterial metrics (−, − , − ,+) and Horizontal dashed lines in panels (c) and (d) correspond to the (−, + , + ,−), opening up the possibility of bulk propagating plasmon-frequency values at which transitions between different modes with unbound wave vectors in contrast with a vacuum metrics take place. [25].


of the reciprocal-space metric tensor depend upon both the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of the meta- material, which are taken as Drude-like dispersive models. A thorough study is presented of the frequency dependence of the metric tensor which leads to the possibility of topological transitions of the isofrequency surface determining the wave dynamics inside the medium, to a diverging photonic density of states at some range of frequencies, and to the existence of large wave vectors modes propagating through the metamaterial. In summary, metric signature topological transitions as- sociated with the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a dispersive metamaterial have been theoretically analyzed assuming Drude-type electric and magnetic responses. As FIG. 7. (Color online) Photonic density of states as a function of the photonic DOS is related to the volume enclosed by the (1) corresponding isofrequency surface, we have found infinite the wave frequency, corresponding to metric tensors (a) (gμν )and (2) DOS in the case of the hyperbolic isofrequency surface within (b) (gμν ). Parameters for evaluating the Drude-like electric permittiv- ity and magnetic permeability are given in Table I. White and gray the lossless effective medium limit. One might conjecture that  areas at the top of both panels correspond to the normal Minkowski the inclusion of loss should limit these infinite values of k to metric (−, + , + ,+) and three-time metric (−, − , − ,+), respec- the more realistic case of very large but finite k. This phase tively. Dark-gray area at the top of panel (a) [(b)] corresponds to the transition is characterized by the existence of eletromagnetic metric (−, + , + ,−)[(−, − , − ,−)], whereas vertical dashed lines states with wave vectors extremely large compared to the correspond to the plasmon frequencies at which transitions between allowed wave vectors in a vacuum, enhancing light-matter different metrics take place. interactions and quantum related phenomena such as sponta- neous emission. We conclude, therefore, that the dispersive For the Drude-like electric and magnetic responses consid- nature of the metamaterial offers a myriad of possibilities ered in the present study, the DOS corresponding to the modes to explore. By an appropriate change of the wave frequency obtained from Eq. (23) does not vanish in the frequency axis. it is possible to tune a specific reciprocal-space metric and Therefore, there is no complete frequency gaps appearing in study a wide variety of physical phenomena associated to the the corresponding band structure. In other words, it is possible various isosurfaces. In the case of hyperbolic metamaterials (−, − , − ,+), for instance, exotic and remarkable properties to observe small frequency gaps for some particular directions  of k (cf. solid lines in Fig. 5), but it is also possible to find other such as no diffraction limit and large k propagating modes directions of the wave vector for which such gaps do not exist. have been reported in the literature [26,27]. On the other − − − − In contrast, the DOS corresponding to the modes obtained from hand, for the particular ( , , , ) metric a complete band Eq. (24) vanishes in the region with metric (−, − , − ,−). As gap is found. In this way, we do hope the present study a consequence, a complete frequency gap is expected to occur will contribute to further investigations on the realization of in this frequency range, i.e., the frequency bandwidth with metamaterial-based new photonic devices. metric (−, − , − ,−) corresponds to a frequency gap for every possible direction of the wave vector. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS E. R.-G. wishes to thank the warm hospitality of the Institute of Physics of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, where IV. CONCLUSION part of this work was performed. We are grateful to the The metric signature topological transitions, with Scientific Colombian Agency CODI–University of Antioquia frequency-dependent and anisotropic dielectric and magnetic and Brazilian Agencies CNPq, FAPESP (Proc. 2012/51691-0), responses, are examined in the present work. The components and FAEPEX-UNICAMP, for partial financial support.

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