Alan Turing Institute Symposium on Reproducibility for Data-Intensive Research Annex B, Delegate List - Final Report, 13 June 2016 Dickson Poon China Centre, St Hugh’s College, Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 April 2016

Title Surname First name Department Institution

Dr Aaltonen Aleksi Warwick Business School

Cambridge Digital Humanities Dr Alexander Anne Network Department of Computer Dr Anslow Craig Middlessex University science Mr Ashley Kevin Digital Curation Centre

Dept of Experimental Prof Bishop Dorothy University of Oxford Psychology

Dr Bloom Theodora The BMJ Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Dr Botta Nicola Research (PIK)

Ms Burgess Lucie Bodleian Libraries University of Oxford Department of Computer Dr Caulfield Tristan UCL Science The Laboratory for Dr Cheney James Foundations of Computer University of Edinburgh Science

Mr Chue Hong Neil Software Sustainability Institute

Department of Computer Dr Cooper Jonathan University of Oxford Science Department of Computing Prof Crick Tom Cardiff Metropolitan University & Information Systems

Dr Crotty David Oxford University Press

Ms Dasler Robin CERN - Scientific Information Service

Dr Davidson Rob Office for National Statistics Department of Computer, Dr Demetrescu Camil Control, and Management Sapienza University of Rome Engineering de Department of Computer Dr Hélène University of Oxford Ribaupierre Science

Prof De Roure David Oxford e-Research Centre University of Oxford

Cambridge Big Data Strategic Dr Dyer-Smith Clare University of Cambridge Research Initiative

Dr Farquhar Adam

Mathematics and Modelling National Physical Prof Forbes Alistair Group Laboratory

Dr Garattini Chiara EMEA Innovation Team Intel Health and Life Sciences

Department of Computer Prof Gibbons Jeremy University of Oxford Science Prof Goble Carole School of Computer Science

Dr Goodman Laurie GigaScience

Mr Haak Wouter Elsevier CODATA, ICSU Committee on Data Dr Hodson Simon for Science and Technology Dr Icardi Matteo Mathematics Institute Department for Continuing Dr Ionescu Cezar University of Oxford Education Computer Science and Prof Jansson Patrick Chalmers University, Sweden Engineering Scientific Computing Science and Technology Facilities Ms Jones Catherine Department Council Mr Kahn Jeremy Bloomberg Dr Khodiyar Varsha Scientific Data Springer Nature Dr Kilbride William Digital Preservation Coalition Dr Livina Valerie National Physical Laboratory Scientific Computing Science and Technology Facilities Dr Matthews Brian Department Council Dr Maumet Camille University of Warwick

Prof Meyer Eric Oxford Internet Institute University of Oxford

Prof Milic-Frayling Natasa Faculty of Science University of Nottingham

Dr Missier Paolo School of Computing

Dr Moat Suzy Behavioural Science Group University of Warwick

Oxford Internet Institute / Ms Molloy Laura University of Oxford Ruskin School of Art

ECS, Faculty of Physical Prof Moreau Luc University of Southampton Sciences and Engineering

Dr Mortier Richard Computer Laboratory Cambridge University

Prof Nichols Tom Warwick University

Mr O'Beirne Richard Global Academic Business Oxford University Press

Dr Preis Tobias Behavioural Science Group University of Warwick

Dr Price Simon Research IT

Department of Computer Prof Procter Rob University of Warwick Science

Ms Rice Robin EDINA and Data Library University of Edinburgh

Dr Sabanis Sotirios School of Mathematics University of Edinburgh

Susanna- Dr Sansone Oxford e-Research Centre University of Oxford Assunta

Dr Seles Anthea The National Archives Research Mr Shell Joe Mendeley Data Management Solutions Institute for Employment Dr Sofroniou Nicholas University of Warwick Research

Dr Sohan Ripduman Computer Lab University of Cambridge

Dr Takeda Kenji Microsoft Research

Prof Tanner Jared Mathematics Institute University of Oxford Dr Torkar Michaela F1000 Research Ltd Prof Trefethen Anne IT Services University of Oxford Department of Computer Dr Tsamoura Efthymia University of Oxford Science

Prof Wallom David Oxford e-Research Centre University of Oxford

Mr Whitehead Brandon The University of Auckland

Dr Wilson James UCL

Mr Yuan Mingda University of Warwick