Beta Function and Its Applications
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Beta Function and its Applications Riddhi D. ~Department of Physics and Astronomy The University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37919, USA m!n! Abstract = (m+n+1)! Rewriting the arguments then gives the usual form The Beta function was …rst studied by Euler and for the beta function, Legendre and was given its name by Jacques Binet. Just as the gamma function for integers describes fac- (p)(q) (p 1)!(q 1) (p; q) = = torials, the beta function can de…ne a binomial coe¢ - (p+q) (p+q 1)! The general trigonometric form is cient after adjusting indices.The beta function was the =2 sinn x cosm xdx = 1 1 (n + 1); 1 (m + 1) …rst known scattering amplitude in string theory,…rst 0 2 2 2 [1][2][5] f g conjectured by Gabriele Veneziano. It also occurs R in the theory of the preferential attachment process, a type of stochastic urn process.The incomplete beta function is a generalization of the beta function that replaces the de…nite integral of the beta function with an inde…nite integral.The situation is analogous to the incomplete gamma function being a generalization of the gamma function. 1 Introduction The beta function (p; q) is the name used by Legen- dre and Whittaker and Watson(1990) for the beta integral (also called the Eulerian integral of the …rst kind). It is de…ned by (p 1)!(q 1) (p; q) = (p+q 1)! To derive the integral representation of the beta function, we write the product of two factorial as 3-D Image of Beta Function 1 u m 1 v n m!n! = 0 e u du 0 e v dv: R R . Now taking u = x2; v = y2;so 2 2 1 u 2m+1 1 v 2n+1 m!n! = 4 0 e x dx 0 e y dy (x2+y2) 2m+1 2n+1 1.1 Beta Integral:- = 1 1 e x y dxdy: 1R 1 Rj j j j 1 a 1 x 1 R R a(x) = 0 t (1 t) dt; Transforming to polar coordinates with x = R r cos ; y = r sin is called the Eulerian integral of the …rst kind by 2 v2 2m+1 2n+1 m!n! = 1 e r cos r sin rdrd 0 0 j j j j Legendre and Whittaker and Watson(1990).The solu- to get tion of this integral is the Beta function (p+1; q+1): R R =2 2m+1 2n+1 m!n! = 2(m + n + 1)! 0 cos sin d [1][2] The beta function is then de…ned by =R 2 2m+1 2n+1 (m + 1; n + 1) = 2 0 cos sin d The Beta function evolves from Gamma function R (p)(q) (p 1)!(q 1) (p; q) = (p+q) = (p+q 1)! where signi…es the Gamma function. Relationship between the Gamma function and the Beta function can be derived as 1 u x 1 1 v y 1 (x)(y) = 0 e u du 0 e v dv: R R Now taking u = a2; v = b2; so 2 2 1 a 2x+1 1 b 2y+1 (x)(y) = 4 0 e a da 0 e b db (a2+b2) 2x 1 2y 1 = 1R 1 e R a b dadb: 1 1 j j j j R R Transforming to polar coordinates with a = r cos ; b = r sin 2 r2 2x 1 2y 1 (x)(y) = 1 e r cos r sin rdrd 0 0 j j j j = Graph of Gamma Function 2 R R 2 1 r 2x+2y 2 2x 1 2y 1 0 e r rdr 0 (cos ) (sin ) d = (x + y) (x; y) R R Hence, rewriting the arguments with the usual form of Beta function: (p)(q) (p; q) = (p+q) : A somewhat more straightforward derivation : (x)(y) = 1 tx 1e tdt 1 sy 1e sds 0 0 The trignometric form of Beta function is = 1 1 tx 1sy 1e (t+s)dsdt R t=0 s=0 R The argument in the exponential inspires us to em- R R 2 2x 1 2y 1 ploy the substitution (x; y) = 2 0 sin cos d; R(x)>0, R(y)>0. = s + t R = t Putting it in a form which can be used to develop integral representations of the Bessel functions and Thus J = 1; j j hypergeometric function, where J is the Jacobian of the transformation. Us- ing this transformation, tx 1 1 x 1 y 1 (x; y) = 1 dt; (x)(y) = =0 =0 ( ) e dd 0 (1+t)x+y x 1 y 1 y 1 = 1 (1 ) e dd R(x)>0, R(y)>0. R=0 R=0 R Again, now the comparison to (x; y) R R leads us to : 1 1 n (y)n+1 (x; y) = y ( 1) n!(x+n) where (x) r = ; q = n=0 where the Jacobian is now: J = q: P j j This leads to an easy identi…cation with the ex- is the gamma function .The second identity shows pected result: 1 in particular ( 2 ) = p: 1 x 1 (y 1) y 1 q (x)(y) = 1 q (rq) q (1 r) e drdq Just as the gamma function for integers describes q=0 r=0 1 x 1 y 1 x+y 1 q factorials, the beta function can de…ne binomial co- = 1R R r (1 r) q e drdq q=0 r=0 e¢ cient after adjusting indices. x+y 1 q 1 x 1 y 1 R= 1R q e dq r (1 r) dr 0 0 = (x + y) (x; y) n 1 R R (k ) = (n+1) (n k+1;k+1) As the gamma function is de…ned as an integral, the beta function can similarly be de…ned in the integral [2][5] form: 1 a 1 x 1 (x) = t (1 t) dt: a 0 R modeled as one-dimensional strings instead of zero- dimensional particles were described exactly by the Euler beta-function. This was, in e¤ect, the birth of string theory. The Euler Beta function appeared in elementary particle physics as a model for the scattering ampli- tude in the so-called "dual resonance model". In- troduced by Veneziano in the 1970th in order to …t experimental data , it soon turned out that the basic physics behind this model is the string(instead of the zero-dimensional mass-point).[4] 2.2 * Preferential Attachment process:- Preferential Attachment to a class of processes in which some quantity, typically some form of wealth or credit, is distributed among a number of individ- uals or objects according to how much they already Graph of the Beta Function have, so that those who are already wealthy receive more than those who are not. The principal reason for scienti…c interest in preferential attachment is that it can, under suitable circumstances, generate power law distributions of wealth[2].[3] 2.2.1 Stochastic Urn Process and Beta Function:- A preferential attachment process is a stochastic urn 2 Applications:- process, meaning a process in which discrete units of wealth, usually called "balls", are added in a ran- 2.1 *Beta function and String dom or partly random fashion to a set of objects or containers, usually called "urns". A preferential at- tachment process is an urn process in which addi- Theory:- tional balls are added continuously to the system and The Beta function was the …rst known Scattering am- are distributed among the urns as an increasing func- plitude in String theory, …rst conjectured by Gabriele tion of the number of balls the urns already have. In Veneziano ,an Italian theoretical physicist and a the most commonly studied examples, the number of founder of string theory. urns also increases continuously, although this is not Gabriele Veneziano, a research fellow at CERN a necessary condition for preferential attachment and (a European particle accelerator lab) in 1968, ob- examples have been studied with constant or even served a strange coincidence - many properties of decreasing numbers of urns. P (k) = B(k+a; ) the strong nuclear force are perfectly described by B(k0+a; 1) the Euler beta-function, an obscure formula devised for purely mathematical reasons two hundred years Linear preferential attachment processes in which earlier by Leonhard Euler. In the ‡urry of research the number of urns increases are known to produce that followed, Yoichiro Nambu of the University of a distribution of balls over the urns following the so- Chicago, Holger Nielsen of the Niels Bohr Institute, called ’Yule distribution’. In the most general form and Leonard Susskind of Stanford University revealed of the process, balls are added to the system at an that the nuclear interactions of elementary particles overall rate of m new species for each new urn. Each Figure 1: Probability density Function References:- [1] M. Zelen and N.C.Severo in Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun, eds. "Handbook of Mathemati- cal Functions with Formulas, Graphs and Mathemat- ical Tables. [2] Arfken, G. " The Beta Function." Ch. 10.4 in Mathematical Methods for Physicists,3rd ed. Or- lando, FL: Academic Press, pp. 560-565,1985. [3] Stochastics Processes by Jyotiprasad Medhi. [4] Supersymmetry and String Theory by Michael Dine. [5] Beta Function from The Wolfram Functions Site.[url:-]. Figure 2: Pareto probability density functions for various k with xm = 1.The horizontal axis is the x parameter. newly created urn starts out with k0 balls and further balls are added to urns at a rate proportional to the number k that they already have plus a constant a > k0.