SPECIAL NEWS A NEW OLD CONTINENT EUROPE CONTINENT A NEW OLD Magazine of ANDRITZ Hydro // 5-2019 ANDRITZ Hydro Magazine of HYDRO PB COUNTRY REPORT SPECIAL EDITION EUROPE HYDRONEWS HYDRONEWS SPECIAL EDITION EUROPE FACTS 1 24 20 AUGMENTED REALITY CONTENT: To view videos, illustrations and picture galleries in a more direct and lively way, we added aug- mented reality to several articles! Download our ANDRITZ AR APP on our website or in the AppStore/ PlayStore! SCAN THE MARKED PAGES AND EX PERIENCE THE ENHANCED CONTENT. 30 CONTACT US:
[email protected] Online Magazine: Subscribe: THANKS TO ALL COLLEAGUES WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THIS ISSUE (in alphabetical order) Jörg Anhofer, Rudolf Bauernhofer, Sergio Contreras, Robert Feyrer, Kristian Glemmestad, Martin Hamer, Veronique Hill, Gerald Kraxner, Miroslav Kubin, Antti Kultanen, Thomas Locher, Borja Mateos, Vera Müllner, Stefan Olsson, Etienne Parkinson, Andreas Rammler, Norbert Salomon, Mirjam Sick, Michael Stadler, Andreas Stauber, Peter Stettner, Alexander Schwab, Norbert Schwarz, Akgun Turgay, Kai Wellhäuser, Hans Wolfhard, Esther Zumstein 2 TABLE OF CONTENT SPECIAL EDITION EUROPE HYDRONEWS CONTENT EUROPE is a 4 Europe Facts in Short figure of Greek 5 Editorial, Imprint mythology, the 58 At a glimpse: Hydropower in Europe daughter of the Phoenician king Agenor and the COVER STORY Telephassa. 6 A New Old Continent Zeus fell in love Europe with her and ab- ducted her dis- guised as a bull. SPECIAL TOPICS 20 Cutting Edge: Manufacturing for a Demanding Market 24 Technology, Leadership & Innovation: