Planning Services COMMITTEE REPORT APPLICATION DETAILS APPLICATION NO: DM/19/00178/FPA FULL APPLICATION DESCRIPTION: 17 bungalows with associated infrastructure NAME OF APPLICANT: County Durham Housing Group ADDRESS: Land To The North Of St Godrics Close, Newton Hall, ELECTORAL DIVISION: Framwellgate and Newton Hall Barry Gavillet, Senior Planning Officer, CASE OFFICER:
[email protected] 03000 261958 DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE AND PROPOSALS Site: 1. This application site is located within the settlement boundary of Durham City within the Framwellgate Moor and Newton Hall Electoral Division to the northern part of the city. The site is currently open grassland and is located to the east of Framwellgate Moor, 2 miles (3.3km) to the north of Durham City Centre. The site is located on an area of undeveloped land to the north of St Godric’s Close and south of Raby Road. The immediate surrounding area is predominantly residential to the north, east and south, with Hawthorn Residential Day Care Centre and St Godric’s RC Primary School to the west. 2. Framwellgate Moor is a village of approximately 6,000 population located adjacent to Pity Me and Newton Hall, to the north of Durham. Facilities in the surrounding area include New College Durham, the Arnison Centre, Framwellgate High and Primary School, library, community centre, clinic, churches, local shops, restaurants and public houses along with regular bus services. 3. A public recreational space including children’s play area and playing fields is located 700m to the east off Lumley Road and Richmond Road. The site is relatively flat and has an open grassed aspect.