Brussels, 24 June 2013

G20 summit on 5-6 September 2013 – Media accreditation open until 15 July

European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and European Council President Herman Van Rompuy will participate in the G20 summit on 5-6 September in , , representing the European Union. The location of the venue is the Constantine Palace in Strelna (some 30 km from the centre of St Petersburg), The Russian Presidency of G20 2013 has started the accreditation procedure for media. Journalists can apply for media accreditation until Monday 15 July, 23:59 (Moscow time; 21:59 Brussels time) at The G20 Presidency will decide on your accreditation request and send you by email in approximately 3 weeks after request an electronic document of confirmation which you will need to show (as well as you passport and letter from your chief editor) to get your badge in the registration office of the summit. There will be an international media centre located in Strelna near the Constantine Palace reachable only by special marine transport, scheduled to be open non-stop from 12:00 on 4/9 until 12:00 on 7/9. Non-accredited journalists will have NO opportunity to follow the summit. For hotel booking you can consult the page We recommend to choose one of the suggested hotels as from there you will be able to have regular transportation to the media centre. On September 4 and 6 the airport of Saint Petersburg will be reserved only for special flights of official delegations; that is why it is better to plan your trip to and from St Petersburg via Moscow or by high speed trains or ALLEGRO. More information on the media accreditation and practical aspects for journalists can be obtained writing to [email protected] or consulting the official webpage of the G20 summit We would be grateful if you could inform us about your accreditation requests so as to facilitate the flow of relevant information to you. Please contact Jens Mester (+32 229 63973) or Dirk Volckaerts (+32 229 93944).
