The list of top 15 IP lawyers was chosen based on the following criteria: 2018 1) Major transactions and cases that a candidate has acted for; 2) Significant work of a candidate in the past 12 months; 25 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 3) Key clients of a candidate; 4) Relevant accolades a candidate has ALB CHINA received; and 5) Clients’ review and colleagues’ comments.

评委会主要依据以下方面的成绩进行评审: TOP 15 1)候选人代理过的重大交易和案件; 2)候选人过去12个月的主要工作内容; 3)候选人的主要客户; 4)候选人所获得的相关奖项; IP LAWYERS 5)客户评价和同事评价。 LIST OF WINNERS 获奖名单 2018中国15佳 Winners are listed below by their surnames in alphabetical order. 以下名单按照获奖者姓氏首字母顺序排列。 知识产权律师 Top 15 IP Lawyers Firm With Chinese companies being 15佳知识产权律师 律所名称 increasingly recognised on the Paul Chen 陈浩 DHH Law Firm 北京德和衡律师事务所 world stage for their technology and innovation, IP lawyers are Feng(Katie)Zheng 冯真 Hogan Lovells 霍金路伟律师事务所 more in demand than ever. Horace Lam 林俊杰 DLA Piper 欧华律师事务所 And these 15 accomplished Zhongsheng Li 李中圣 King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所 practitioners have shown that Qiang Ma 马强 JunHe LLP 君合律师事务所 they have what it takes to deliver the goods. Yuanchao Ma 马远超 Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所 Baoxin Qi 齐宝鑫 Allbright Law Offices 锦天城律师事务所 随着中国企业在全球科技创新 领域越来越受瞩目,知识产权 Sharon Qiao 谯荣德 Lusheng Law Firm路盛律师事务所 律师们的业务机会也比以往任 Yixia Si 司义夏 Chang Tsi & Partners 铸成律师事务所 何时候都多。今年获奖的十五 Xiaonan Su 粟晓南 Grandall Law Firm 国浩律师事务所 位知识产权律师用业绩很好地 证明了他们的专业实力与行业 Yan Sun 孙彦 Tian Yuan Law Firm天元律师事务所 影响力。 Xiang Wang 王翔 Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe 美国奥睿律师事务所 Lili Wu 吴丽丽 Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所 Jiali Xu 徐家力 Long An Law Firm 隆安律师事务所

BY INES YANG Ye Zhao 赵烨 Jingtian & Gongcheng 竞天公诚律师事务所


Asian Legal Business (ALB) has 《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB)持续关 者域外当事人所选择。”竞天公诚律师事 continually focused on the IP legal 注知识产权法律市场,不断深入了解 务所赵烨律师认为。 market, and continues to be on the 优秀的知识产权律师。ALB通过律所推 展望2019年,赵烨律师认为热点可能 look-out for top IP lawyers. Based on law 荐、律师成就、执业特色、新增客户数 出现在:第一,二线城市的专利诉讼或 firm recommendations, lawyer accom- 量、客户采访和律师市场口碑,完成了 者技术诉讼等的数量上升;第二,国外 plishments, practice specialization, 知识产权律师调研,评选出了2018年中 的原告数量也将上升;第三,由于最高 国15佳知识产权律师。 院审理二审垄断案件,垄断案件的审理 new client wins, client interviews and 他们执业生涯至今取得的成就是助力 尺度将会统一,也会进一步促进反垄断 market reputation of lawyers, ALB has 中国一路发展、直至在2018年全球创新 诉讼市场的发展。” completed its survey of IP lawyers, and 指数报告中首次跻身最具创新力经济体 随着全球贸易摩擦的时而加剧,陈 compiled the list of the top 15 IP lawyers. 20强背后的一支重要力量。 浩律师认为涉外知识产权业务也值得关 Their career highlights contrib- 本文将着眼15佳知识产权律师在过 注,尤其是信息技术、新材料、生物科 uted significantly to China’s number 17 去12个月中的主要项目(要求保密的除 技、文化产业等热门行业领域,并指出 ranking this year in the Global Innovation 外)以此来看:这一年哪类知识产权案 国外企业在中国进行商标和专利注册、 Index report, a breakthrough for an 件相对占比较大?哪些代表性案件推动 版权登记、知识产权侵权纠纷、商业秘 economy witnessing rapid transforma- 了行业发展?哪些重大问题值得关注? 密保护等案件将持续增多。 tion guided by government policy priori- 哪些业务领域仍保持良好势头?当下这 在齐宝鑫律师看来,能源、AI、智能 tizing research and development-inten- 个行业哪些挑战亟待攻关? 设备、沉浸式体验、数字产业、游戏、 作为中国最有影响力的一批知识产权 娱乐等领域值得重点关注,自动驾驶、 sive creativity. 律师,我们想知道他们对这个行业的观 机器人、无人机、智能化应用的自主设 This article will revisit the Top 15’s 察、实践、体悟和思考是什么?促使他 备产业、通信及电子装备制造业、货币 most significant work in the last 12 们优秀的动力,也一定是成就他们优秀 金融服务等技术驱动型领域的业务机会 months (exclusive of confidential work) 的原因。 预计将保持良好势头。 by learning what types comprises the majority of IP work they take. What 观察 实践 milestone cases have they handled that 2018年即将过去,对于知识产权界来 15位知识产权律师的平均从业年限为 promote IP development in China? What 说,发生了两件大事值得回顾。 20年,执业最久的三位业界贤达分别是 major issues should we be aware of? 2017年底修订的《反不正当竞争法》 金杜律师事务所合伙人李中圣律师、隆 What are the fields that have sustained 在2018年1月1日开始实施,适用了24 安律师事务所合伙人徐家力律师、铸成 opportunities in 2019? What challenges 年的旧法正式告退。“随着时代的发展, 律师事务所合伙人司义夏律师。 一些妨碍公平竞争的新现象相继出现, 从业年限达35年的李中圣律 or problems need to be resolved without 针对这些问题,新法做出了调整。例如 师,2004年加入金杜之前曾任深圳中级 any delay? 新法提到几种利用网络从事生产经营活 人民法院知识产权庭庭长职务。回顾过 These respondents represent the 动不得实施的行为;进一步明确了混淆 往执业成就,多项案件均在业界产生巨 most influential IP lawyers in China. We 行为的概念,将‘引人误认’作为其重要判 大影响力:曾代表高通公司诉魅族通信 were curious to know what their observa- 断标准;明确列举了侵犯企业名称、字 标准必要专利侵权纠纷案,在诉讼中使 tions, practices, reflections, and insights 号、姓名包括笔名、译名、艺名等不正 用高通9项通信方面的标准必要专利和非 were towards the IP industry in China. 当竞争行为。” 北京德和衡律师事务所陈 标准必要专利,对魅族发起系统诉讼, Looking into their personal drive to 浩律师谈到。 给魅族施加了巨大诉讼压力,迫使魅族 achieve excellence also allows us insight 2018年10月26日,第十三届全国人 接受高通专利许可;也曾代表华为公司 into the causes of their excellence. 大常委会通过了最高人民法院提请审议 起诉IDC垄断民事纠纷案件,成为中国 法院在全球范围内率先以判决方式确定 的《关于专利等案件诉讼程序若干问题 的决定》,决定自2019年1月1日起最高 标准必要专利的许可费率,被美国和欧 Observations 院统一审理专利侵权案件、行政案件、 洲法院仿效。 2018 is a remarkable year in China’s IP 反垄断案件、技术秘密案件以及软件著 隆安律师事务所合伙人徐家力律师从 world. The most eye-catching news are: 作权案件等案件的上诉审。 业年限达28年之久,创办隆安之前,曾 On 4 November 2017, China authority “该举措有利于统一和规范知识产权案 在最高人民检察院供职6年。徐律师代 passed the amendment to the RPC 件的裁判尺度,同时也为知识产权法律 理的中粮与嘉裕长城葡萄酒商标案被最 Anti-Unfair Competition Law, the first 行业带来了新的机遇和挑战。”锦天城律 高院认定为第一起未注册的驰名商标, amendment since its implementation in 师事务所齐宝鑫律师指出。 对防止驰名商标的异化使用具有重要意 1993. The revised Law became effective “这一改革力度前所未见,对于整个改 义;代理的珠海炬力与美国西格玛专利 on 1 January 2018, providing new armor 革开放的进程都会有深远影响,对于知 纠纷案也被选为当年中国司法保护十大 in battle against unauthorized use of 识产权领域更有天翻地覆的影响。由于 案件。 最高院直接介入二审,实际的审判层级 铸成律师事务所主任、管理合伙人司 trademarks. 有可能会减少,地方保护主义将下降, 义夏律师从业已进26个年头,其作为知 “The revisions regulate newly 众多二线甚至三线城市的知识产权法院 识产权律师的执业经历与中国知识产权 emerged unfair competition behaviors 或者知识产权法庭将会被外地当事人或 的发展历程在很大层面上是重合的。回


or tribunals,” says Ye Zhao, partner of 顾2018年,司律师代理了两个业内具有 Jingtian & Gongcheng. 典型性的案例:安德玛诉福建省廷飞龙 Zhao spotted three trends in 2019. 侵犯商标权及不正当竞争纠纷,以及汕 Firstly, the volume of patent litigation 头建发诉迈克尔高司侵犯商标权纠纷。 and technology litigation in China’s 安德玛案是典型的中国公司侵犯国际大 second-tier cities will increase signifi- 品牌商标权的纠纷。一审由福建省高级 人民法院审判,该案中,司律师团队为 cantly. Secondly, the number of foreign 客户争取到了福建省高院历史上支持的 plaintiff is also rising. Thirdly, the 第二例临时禁令,有效维护了安德玛公 prospect of an anti-trust appeal direct 司的利益。该案受到了国内外各大媒体 to the SPC is likely to boost the market 的高度关注,彰显了中国政府对包括美 for antitrust litigation. 国企业在内的知识产权的高水平保护。 As global trade friction resurfaces, 迈克尔高司(MK)案则刚好与安德玛案 Chen points out that foreign IP business 相反,是中国一个民营企业以侵犯商标 in the marketplace and prohibit a in the areas of information technology, 权为由起诉国际知名轻奢品牌MK公司, business entity from carrying out acts new materials, biotechnology, or 索赔额高达一亿元人民币。本案涉及“反 向混淆”以及原告对被告构成商标侵权和 intending to cause confusion, which culture will gain momentum, which means business for China IP lawyers 不正当竞争,因此获评国际法律评级机 would mislead others into thinking that 构 “2018年度最佳交易奖”。 to address foreign IP clients’ increasing its products belong to another party or 在15位顶尖知识产权律师中,具有 that there is an association with another legal needs in trademark registration, 最跨界独特经历的王翔律师来自美国奥 party. The main criterion for an act to patent registration, copyright registra- 睿律师事务所。王律师目前担任律所全 caused confusion is that the act must be tion, IP infringement, trade secret litiga- 球顾问委员会联席主席兼亚洲资深合伙 “misleading”, which is in contrast with tion, etc. in China. 人,是极少数同时拥有电子与计算机工 the current position that the act must Qi adds that IP developments in 程专业博士学位、中国法律进修文凭, be unfair and cause harm to competi- the areas of energy, AI, smart devices, 以及在纽约州、印第安纳州和美国专 tors,” says Paul Chen, senior partner of immersive experience, digital industry, 利与商标局拥有律师资格的知识产权律 Beijing DHH Law Firm. online games, entertaining industry 师。成为律师前,王律师拥有在国际知 名医疗和电子设备企业长达十余年的从 On 26 October 2018, China authority deserve a close watch. IP businesses in self-driving cars, robots, UAV, telecom- 业经历。 issued the Decision on Several Issues 王律师告诉ALB:“在担任工程师的那 munications, electric equipment manu- Concerning the Litigation Procedures in 十多年间,我的数项发明以个人名义获 Patent and Other Intellectual Property facturing, etc. will also prosper. 得了美国专利。这独特经验让我真正理 cases and from 1 January 2019 a new 解发明是怎么产生,而在真实工程世界 IP-focused Tribunal within the Supreme Practices 又是如何运作。除了运用‘律师’思维,我 People’s Court will decide patent and The average years of legal career of 还能以‘工程师’的模式思考,更容易、更 other complex technical IP case appeals. the Top 15 IP lawyers is 20 years, the top 迅速地了解发明人和发明本身,从而制 This SPC Tribunal will hear appeals from three are partner Zhongsheng Li at King 定进攻性或防守性的诉讼策略”。 civil (first-instance court) decisions & Wood Mallesons, partner Jiali Xu at 王律师也是奥睿知识产权业务部主 and administrative (CNIPA Patent Longan Law Firm, and partner Yixia Si 管。除了法律学位之外,其团队的许多 成员拥有高级科学和工程学位,并经常 Re-examination Board) law cases. at Chang Tsi & Partners. 代表公司处理知识产权诉讼以及所有科 Li, 35-year experiences in IP legal “This will ensure uniformity of legal 技交易。 decisions and improve judicial protection industry, worked as the judge of IP 从业20年来,王律师拥有为客户就 of intellectual property. In the meantime, tribunal at Shenzhen Intermediate 其在美国、中国和亚洲的知识产权事宜 this also means business and new chal- People’s Court prior to joining KWM in 提供全方位法律服务之丰富经验。被问 lenges for IP lawyers,” says Baoxin Qi, 2004. Li is “highly knowledgeable” about 及曾处理的最具代表性案件,王律师指 partner of Allbright Law Offices. domestic litigation, of which he handles 出,“最近代理的几起跨境争议解决案 “The reform is unprecedented and is a great deal with big impacts--repre- 中,由美日企业(日立金属及Metglas) reverberating China’s IP landscape. As sented Qualcomm in a series of Standard 在美国国际贸易委员会指控中国国企安 appeals will be centralized to the SPC Essential Patent infringement cases 泰科技涉及商业秘密盗用的案件具有重 so differences at the lower court levels against a handset manufacturer Meizu. 大意义,特别是在中美贸易摩擦敏感期 间,该案既备受瞩目,也较难获胜。” may be less of an issue. The removal of Nine patents including five SEPs in the 从15佳律师过去12个月经手的重要项 telecommunications sector and four a layer of appeal will also help remove 目来看,我们发现商标侵权等各类争议 local protectionism and encourage non-SEPs were asserted by Qualcomm 占比最多,其次是专利侵权和不正当竞 more parties to resort to local IP courts against Meizu. The systematic litigation 争纠纷,此外还包括著作权侵权、知识


strategy exerted tremendous pressure infringement of its trademark rights and on Meizu, forcing Meizu to enter into requested Michael Kors (Switzerland) a patent license agreement with International GMBH to compensate Qualcomm at an early stage of the liti- economic losses and other reason- gation; represented Huawei in the anti- able expenses of RMB 95 million. The monopoly case against IDC. This case key legal issues involved are whether is the first anti-monopoly case adjudi- the involved trademark and the cited cated by a Chinese court in the telecom trademark constituted confusing simi- industry. The trial court and appellate larity, whether there was reversed court both supported the claims of trademark confusion, counteraction Huawei, and took the lead worldwide in filing, choice of the jurisdictional court, determining the royalty rates of SEPs in and whether the plaintiff’s lawsuit was the judgments, which was later followed carefully planned. This case was recog- by European and US courts. nized as top 10 the most valuable IP case Xu has been in IP legal industry for for research in 2017. 28 years. Before founding Longan, he Among the Top 15 IP lawyers, Xiang 产权战略布局、以及商业秘密侵权等。 had a stint at the Supreme People’s Wang, Co-Chair of Orrick’s Global “近年来,国家越来越重视企业创新, Procuratorate of the PRC for 6 years. Advisory Board and Senior Partner for 大力倡导自主知识产权,商标、专利、 Xu has acted for clients in a great Asia, boasts the most unique and multi- 版权的注册与登记数量也逐年攀升,伴 number of well-known and influential disciplinary experience as one of the 随而来的知识产权侵权案件日益增多。 cases, among which are COFCO’s suit few IP lawyers who has a doctorate in 目前业内比较关注的问题主要有傍名牌 against Dongfang Jiayu for infringe- electrical and computer engineering, 恶意抢注商标、诉讼维权成本高但是赔 ment of exclusive right to use the a Chinese Certificate of Laws and 偿额低、商业秘密维权难度大等问题,” trademark of “Great Wall”, and the admission to practice law in New York, 陈浩律师指出。 patent dispute between SigmaTel and Indiana and before the U.S. Patent and ALB发现,在商标侵权和不正当竞争 a Zhuhai-based company. Trademark Office. Before becoming a 侵权方面,过去12个月中、15佳知识产 权律师代理的主要项目有: The director and managing partner lawyer, Wang has more than 10 years 金杜律师事务所合伙人李中圣律师代 of Chang Tsi & Partners, Si’s career of experience at medical and electronic 表高通公司应对上海高通公司提起1亿元 spans 26 years, having many overlap- device businesses before becoming a 商标和不正当竞争侵权诉讼案件。李律 ping with China’s IP developments in lawyer. 师带领团队有效抗辩,促使上海市高级 the past three decades. This year, Si “By having actually worked as an 人民法院一审判决驳回原告的全部诉讼 handled two significant cases. One engineer for more than a decade, and 请求。此案是彰显中国法院平等保护外 is the case of Under Armour v. also with multiple inventions during 国当事人权益的典型案例。 Tingfeilong on Trademark Rights that period which resulted in multiple 路盛律师事务所高级合伙人谯荣德律 Infringement and Unfair Competition, US patents under my name, such unique 师代表环球标牌公司诉国家工商行政管 where a small company in China experience gave me a real sense of how 理总局商标评审委员会、第三人万金刚 plagiarized a globally well-known inventions are created and how they 商标争议行政纠纷案,成功在再审程序 中推翻一、二审法院关于商标近似性并 brand and conducted trademark work in the real engineering world. It 无效客户商标的裁定,维护了客户的注 rights infringement and unfair compe- enables me to think ‘like an engineer’ 册商标使用权。本案的争议焦点是诉争 tition. Si’s team rapidly brought the in addition to ‘think like a lawyer’, which 商标和印证商标是否构成使用在类似商 case of first instance to Fujian Higher in turn helps me understand inventors 品上的近似商标。该案的裁判标准对于 People’s Court and convinced the Court and inventions better and quicker, thus 明确划分不同主体的商标使用界限以及 to issue a preliminary injunction that helping formation of litigation strategy, 维持公平合理的市场竞争秩序具有重要 is the second preliminary injunction in whether offensive or defensive,” Wang 参考意义。 the history of Fujian Higher People’s tells ALB. 君合律师事务所合伙人马强律师代表 Court. This case has been covered by Wang also heads the firm’s China IP 宝马公司在上海知识产权法院对天津宝 The New York Times and The Wall Street Practice. Many members of his team 马、大庆庆炼公司及某自然人的润滑油 Journal. have earned advanced science and 提出商标侵权和不正当竞争诉讼,本案 是润滑油领域的典型“傍名牌”案件。 The other case is Shantou Jianfa engineering degrees in addition to 中伦律师事务所合伙人马远超律师代 v. Michael Kors trademark infringe- law degrees. Apart from IP litigation, 理北京爱奇艺科技有限公司诉杭州飞益 ment dispute. In this case, Jianfa they are also experienced in repre- 信息科技有限公司、吕某、胡某不正当 Handcraft Factory sued Michael Kors for senting companies in all technology 竞争纠纷案,该案一审宣判后,被誉为“


百舸争流立浪头 一如始终求极致 —专访ALB中国十五佳IP律师齐宝鑫 Focus on the Frontiers, 齐宝鑫,锦天城律师事务所 高级合伙人 Never Settle for the Second Best Baoxin Qi, Senior Partner at – Interview with ALB Top 15 IP Lawyers Boris Armstrong Qi AllBright Law Offices

齐宝鑫律师是锦天城律师事务所高级合伙人,执业以来先后经 Boris Armstrong Qi (Baoxin Qi) is a senior partner at AllBright 办知识产权各类案件数千件,积累了丰富的理论与实务经验。与 Law Offices in Shanghai. Since his legal practice, he has handled thousands of IP cases and accumulated rich theoretical and practical 优秀的知识产权律师一样,面对案件本身的复杂性和技术难点, experience. Like every excellent IP lawyer, in the face of the complexity 齐律师一定会不断研究攻克直至找到最佳解决方案。齐律师更是 and technical difficulties of the case itself, Qi will certainly keep on 一位敢为人先的探索者,专注行业前沿,不断追求极致。 studying until finds the best solution. Qi is also a pioneer who closely follows frontier trends in industry and pursues the best solutions. 专注行业前沿 知识产权领域普遍存在“评估难、处置难、变现难”问题,原因 Focus on Frontier Trends in Industry 是没有形成系统、完整的产学研融合的内在机制。在多年的执业 In the field of IP rights, there are widespread difficulties in valuation, disposition and commercialization of IP assets. The reason is that 生涯中,齐律师一直深入研究中国知识产权市场动向以及知识产 there is no systematic and complete internal mechanism for the 权相关法律法规。在齐律师看来,产业、金融与知识产权融合发 integration of production, education and research. During his many 展势在必行。“尤其在经办吉利汽车‘一带一路’项目和为中国科学 years of practice, Qi has been researching China’s IP market trends 院大连化学物理研究所、上海交大教育(集团)有限公司等提供 and IP laws and regulations in depth. In the view of Qi, the inte- 法律服务中积累的经验,更令我坚信:只有知识产权、产业、资 gration of technology, industry, finance and IP is imperative. “I am even more convinced of it after representing Geely Automobile in its 本三者高度融合才能释放出最大的经济动能。”齐律师谈到。 B&R project and providing legal services for the Dalian Institute of 执业期间,齐律师致力于帮助企业运用市场机制实现知识产权 Chemical Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shanghai Jiao 与金融资本对接,统筹推进科技成果从研发、策划、孵化一直到 Da Education Group, etc. The high degree of integration of IP, industry 实现产业化的资金供给。围绕创新链部署产业链,产业链完善资 and capital will release the greatest economic momentum.” Qi said. 金链,资金链助力创新链,从而成功建立创新型知识产权法律服 During his practice, Qi is committed to helping enterprises use market mechanisms to achieve the docking of IP and financial capital, 务平台,并在某国家能源战略知识产权项目中获得了中国工程院 and to promote scientific achievements from lab to market. His efforts 某院士的高度认可。 in an IP project for national energy strategy were highly recognized by a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. 世博会法国馆案件列为十大案件之首 齐律师代理的诸多案件入选为知识产权司法保护十大案例,曾 Milestone Case of the French Pavilion 代理的澳大利亚五合国际企业名称案例也入选了“2010年上海法院 Many cases represented by Qi were selected as the top ten cases 知识产权司法保护十大案件”。 of IP judicial protection. The case of the Woodhead International Pty. Ltd. 齐律师师从知名的知识产权专家陈乃蔚教授,最让齐律师引以 regarding its name dispute was also recognized by the Shanghai High People’s Court as one of the Top Ten IPR Cases in 2010. 为傲的是经办的上海世博会法国馆发明专利案,该案被评为“2010 Qi studied under Professor Naiwei Chen, a well-known IP expert. As 年上海法院知识产权司法保护十大案件”,也被最高人民法院评 to Qi, he is most proud of his outstanding performance in the patent 为“2010年中国法院知识产权司法保护十大案件”之首。 infringement dispute on behalf of the French Pavilion at the Shanghai 该案发生在上海世博会期间,稍微处理不当将造成重大国际影 World Expo, which was also ranked as the Top Ten IPR Cases in 2010 by 响。据齐律师介绍,处理本案时如何迅速解决纠纷,采取何种策 both the Shanghai High People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Court. The case occurred during the Shanghai World Expo, which means 略防止原告专利权不当扩张,既能维护世博会展馆的正常运行, even a slight mishandling would cause a major international impact. 又能维护被告的合法权益及社会公共利益,是当时面临的重大挑 According to Qi, the most challenging issue was to find an effective 战。为此,齐律师组织了大量技术研究分析会议,咨询技术专家 strategy to solve the dispute in a timely manner, which couldn’t afford 意见,对专利权人的专利技术方案和法国馆建筑物的技术特征进 any sloppiness. Qi therefore organized a large number of researches and 行专业分析和比对,从而精准选择了专利侵权应对策略。最高人 analysis meetings, consulted number of experts, and gave a compre- hensive comparison and analysis on the patent technology solution of 民法院在发布“2010年中国法院知识产权司法保护十大案件”时评 the patentee and on the architectural technology of the French Pavilion 价世博会法国馆发明专利案是“一起正确运用专利侵权判定方法, before producing the effective strategy to cope with patent infringe- 防止专利权不当扩张、压缩创新空间和损害公共利益的典型案 ment. This case was regarded by the Supreme People’s Court as “a 例。” case properly using patent infringement judgment methods to prevent improper expansion of patent rights, compressing the innovation space 不断追求极致 and harming the public interests.” 得到客户认可、突破客户预期,一直是律师面临的最大挑战。 Never Settle for the Second Best 挑战不同业务领域和方向、不断处理新的前沿法律问题、时刻处 It’s always challenging for lawyers to provide the clients quality legal 于探索状态以及追求极致是齐律师的兴趣所在。齐律师经办的吉 services that exceed their expectations. It’s equally challenging to venture 利、沃尔沃与福特汽车三方知识产权会谈项目、国家磁浮交通中 into new frontiers in the IP industry and to tackle with emerging IP issues. 心沪杭磁悬浮专有技术许可协议项目、国际商会仲裁院ICC涉及 Qi takes the challenges as good opportunities to be further specialized 汽车行业巨头之间标的额高达数亿元人民币纠纷案件等均系具有 in IP areas and he never settles for second best. Qi provided legal service in many cases of significant social influence, 重大社会影响力的案件,均获得了客户的一致好评,取得了良好 which has been well received by clients and achieved good social results. 的社会效果。因在为上海市某政府部门提供法律服务过程中的出 Due to his outstanding performance, Qi received a formal commenda- 色表现,齐律师更是于2018年3月获得上海市司法局通报表扬。 tion from the Shanghai Judicial Bureau in March 2018. TOP 15 IP LAWYERS

transactions. Tong Semiconductor Co., Ltd in which 全国首例视频刷量不正当竞争案”,彰 Being in this trade for 20 years, Wang SHGT claimed damages of 100 million 显了马律师团队对互联网行业、对《不 has extensive experiences in assisting RMB. Li and his team raised effective 正当竞争法》适用的深刻理解与娴熟运 clients with all aspects of their IP rights defenses and Shanghai High People’s 用,本案同时也对遏制破坏网络公平竞 争规则的不正当刷量行为,具有重要警 in the U.S., China and Asia. When asked Court rejected all the claims brought by 示作用。目前本案正在二审审理阶段。 SHGT in the first-instance judgment. This to share one case that impressed him 欧华律师事务所合伙人Horace Lam most, Wang tells ALB that “the most case highlights equal protection of the 在西班牙、意大利、德国、英国、奥地 recent series of cross-border disputes rights and interests of foreign entities by 利、波兰、美国、澳大利亚等多个司法 including among other things, misappro- Chinese courts and is widely influential. 辖区就创维的核心标识SKYWORTH代 priation of trade secrets allegations by a Sharon Qiao is a senior partner 理其商标侵权案。 Japanese-US consortium (Hitachi Metal and head of the litigation group at ALB发现,在专利侵权方面,过去12 and Metglas) against Chinese state- the Lusheng Law Firm. She has led 个月中、15佳知识产权律师代理的主要 owned enterprise Advanced Technology hundreds of IP cases, many of which 项目有: & Materials, Co. and several of its related have been selected as noteworthy 金杜律师事务所合伙人李中圣律师代 companies both at US ITC and in China cases of the year by courts at all levels. 表北京四环制药公司起诉齐鲁制药公司 药品标准必要专利侵权纠纷案件。被告 likely is among the cases that I believe In the past 12 months, she represented 抗辩药品专利不适用禁令的要求,李律 Worldwide Brands regarding the represents important significance, 师带领团队代表四环认为药品专利属于 because such allegations are high- trademark “camel active” infringement 必须以标准方式实施的专利,不适用专 profile and difficult to win, especially case, which was recognized as Typical 利法司法解释二第24条的调整,得到两 during the sensitive US-China trade IP cases of 2017 by China IP magazine. 审法院的支持,本案在制药跨国公司中 friction period”. According to Qiao, the thorny issue of 产生很大影响。 ”When revisiting the Top 15’s most this case is to identify what constitute 竞天公诚律师事务所赵烨律师代理 significant work in the last 12 months, we the similarity of trademarks on similar 华为诉三星侵害发明专利权纠纷案,为 found that trademark infringement took products. This case serves as a good 华为赢得国内首个标准必要专利的司法 the majority of the cases they handled, example to distinguish different trade- 禁令。此案复杂性在于:违反公平、合 followed by patent infringement and marks in usage and help maintain a fair 理、无歧视承诺的认定,是对司法禁令 救济的独创性适用等,此案的创新性在 unfair competition. Others include competition in the market. 于是国内首例无线通信国际标准必要专 Qiang Ma is a partner and co-head of copyright infringement, IP strategic 利侵权案件。 planning, trade secret infringement, etc. the IP practice of JunHe LLP. He has a 北京德和衡律师事务所合伙人陈浩律 DHH’s Chen points out that “IP profound knowledge of trademark law 师代理三井金属爱科特(上海)管理有 infringement cases are on the rise in and a wealth of experience in brand 限公司诉烟台某公司“车门闩锁设备”实 China due to a combination of factors. protection and handling complex 用新型专利权侵权纠纷(一审、二审)。 In recent years, the government encour- trademark matters. Cases handled by 本案难点在于:很难固定侵权证据,且很 ages innovation and makes the protec- Ma have been listed among the top 10 难确定侵权产品的数量,陈律师带领团队 tion of IPR as one of China’s strategic cases and representative cases of the 完成了一审、二审的胜诉。该案提升了外 goals. China is witnessing a steady year by the Chinese Supreme Court 资企业对中国知识产权维权体系的认可, increase in trademark registration, and the Beijing Higher Court. A recent 为外资企业在中国境内进行专利维权树立 了典范。 patent registration and copyright regis- trademark case, in which Ma successfully 天元律师事务所合伙人孙彦律师代表厦 represented BMW before the Shanghai tration, which also led to an increase of 门宏发电力电气有限公司处理其诉杭州西 IP infringements in the form of malicious Intellectual Property Court, was recog- 力智能科技股份 有限公司专利侵权案件, registration of trademarks, higher liti- nized as a landmark case due to the 该案难度在于侵权产品数量的调查,最终 gation costs but negligible punitive court’s decision to protect BMW’s well- 协助客户通过和解获得满意的赔偿。 damages, or too complicated to win a known trademarks against infringing ALB发现,在著作利侵权、商业秘密 trade-secret misappropriation case, etc.” registered marks. 侵权方面,过去12个月中、15佳知识产 According to our research, the main Partner Yuanchao Ma of Zhong Lun 权律师代理的主要项目有: cases on trademark infringement and Law Firm acted for Iqiyi to sue an informa- 国浩律师事务所粟晓南律师代理中国华 unfair competition handled by the Top tion technology company in . 能集团有限公司著作权侵权案。本案的复 15 IP lawyers in the last 12 months are: In this case, Iqiyi has infringed its legit- 杂性在于当存在相当多不利在先判例的情 况下,如何通过深挖对方证据的瑕疵点并在 KWM partner Zhongsheng Li repre- imate rights and interests because of 庭审中影响法官审理心证,同时通过协调沟 the “brush quantity” of this technology sented Qualcomm to defend an accused 通快速积极并且在委托人可接受预期范围之 trademark infringement and unfair company. This is a milestone case, also 内解决问题。本案的影响力是进一步完善了 competition case against Shanghai Gao China’s first case of unfair competition 委托人企业内部,包括下属众多关联公司之


caused by the “brush region, the US and Australia. The 间的知识产权保护制度。 amount” of the video outcome of the dispute may well 金杜律师事务所合伙人李中圣律师代 website. The court iden- determine the ability of Skyworth, 表浙江新和成公司起诉附件海欣公司和福 tified video brushing one of the largest TV makers in the 抗公司商业秘密侵权纠纷案件。两审法院 behaviors as unfair world, to continue using its core brand 在判决被告停止侵权的条件下,使用举证 competition, which is “SKYWORTH” in Europe and other 妨碍制度,判决被告承担惩罚性赔偿责任 of great significance to parts of the world. 3.5千万元,此案是中国法院审理商业秘 密案件中,判决赔偿数额较高的案例之 clean up the competi- According to our research, the 一。同时,通过民事诉讼和刑事诉讼并行 tive environment of the main cases on patent infringement 的策略,法院还判决附件海欣公司、福 network video industry handled by the Top 15 IP lawyers in 抗公司构成法人犯罪,处罚罚金3.1千万 and maintain the normal the last 12 months are: 元,主要责任人7人被判处6年半不等的有 operation of the video KWM’s partner Zhongsheng Li 期徒刑。 industry. represented Beijing Sihuan Pharma Horace Lam is the Managing in a drug-related SEP infringement 体悟 Partner of DLA Piper’s Beijing office, case against Qilu Pharma. Qilu 作为知识产权律师,接触的案件案情 and Co-head of the Intellectual Pharma defended that an injunc- 繁杂种类多、也没有固定的代理思路, Property and Technology (IPT) group tion shall not be granted in a drug- 每个案件都有不同的技术难点与诉讼难 in Asia. He has advised Skyworth on related SEP dispute. However, Li and 点,我们想知道他们迎难而上的动力所 在,便采访了几位十五佳律师,得到的 a global trademark dispute with SKY his team represented Sihuan Pharma 普遍回答是:最大的挑战的反面,正是 International regarding its core brand to argue that the asserted drug-related 作为知识产权律师获得的最大乐趣。 “SKYWORTH” across multiple jurisdic- patent is a patent that must be imple- 赵烨律师说,身为一名知识产权律 tions, including the entire European mented in accordance with standards, 师,他感受到的最大乐趣是庭审中能够


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司义夏律师是铸成律师事务所主任、管理合伙人。有着丰富 发诉MK侵害商标权案”被Asialaw & Benchmark Litigation评选 的人生阅历和专业经验,曾经在高等院校、司法机关、国家部 为“2018年度最佳交易”,并获评上海知识产权研究所“2017中国 委、大型国有公司任职,对其运行管理体制十分熟悉,积累了 十大最具研究价值知识产权裁判案例”;“安德阿镆诉福建廷飞 丰富的经验并具备良好的与这些机构沟通协调的能力。 龙商标权及不正当竞争诉讼案”被中华商标协会评选为“2017- 司律师在为客户提供法律服务的过程中,始终站在客户的角 2018优秀商标代理案例”;“斯凯杰美国公司诉斯哌纹奇体育 度,把客户的合法权益最大化作为从事各项工作的宗旨,能够 用品有限公司等商标侵权及不正当竞争二审”,受到各大媒体 根据客户的实际情况和需要,为客户提供量身定制、切实有效 的广泛报道。 的解决方案。他为众多500强公司提供知识产权保护战略、知 作为在市场和服务两方面均已长期、深入地融入国际社会法律 识产权交易、品牌许可与品牌增值、知识产权尽职调查、知识 服务机构的管理合伙人,司义夏律师对国际律师行业的服务规范 产权侵权救济等法律服务,也因对客户的忠诚及专业获得所有 和标准谙熟于心,能够把本土律师的优势和国际上最优秀的法律 客户的信赖和尊重。一位客户曾评价他:“司义夏律师是一位仍 服务机构的经验和标准有机结合起来,发挥本土律师和国际化视 然奋斗在第一线的高水平律师。他带领的团队的业务水平令人 野有机结合的优势,为国内外客户提供专业的法律服务。 佩服,为我们制定知识产权保护战略布局,综合考虑我们的法 律问题及商业需求。他的策略总能将我们的风险降到最低,并 联系人:程路 E-mail: [email protected] 不拘泥于频繁起诉,而是经常配合执法机关,协调有关部门进 地 址:北京市西城区北展北街华远企业号A座6/7/8层 行积极改正或者和解。” 邮 编:100044 司义夏律师代理的案件在2018年成绩斐然,其中,“汕头建 电话: +86 10 88369999

LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 31 BROUGHT TO YOU BY DHH LAW FIRM 陈浩 高级合伙人 、知识产权团队主任 Paul Chen Senior Partner, Director of IP Team

联系方式 / Contact info: 地址:北京市朝阳区建国门外大街2号银泰中心 C座12层 Add: 12/F, Tower C, Beijing Yintai Centre, No.2 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R.China 电话/Tel: +86-10-85407765 专业度与执行力并存 +86-13910886858 邮件/E-mail:[email protected] —专访ALB中国十五佳IP律师陈浩

老字号“瑞蚨祥”保卫战告捷 依帕超高压电器有限公司侵害“开闭器用操 训,进行案例及理论研讨,提升团队成员 百年老字号“瑞蚨祥”(权利人为山东天业 作器”发明专利权,要求停止使用涉案专利 的专业度,”陈浩律师说。 恒基股份有限公司)的商标行政上诉案是 并提出高额赔偿。陈浩律师首先向当事 另外,他认为,团队内工作要有明确分 陈浩律师的代表案例之一。 人详细了解案情,积极准备案件资料, 工,专利、商标、版权等案件,不同专业 2012年,北京某公司对天业恒基公司名 在庭审前就发现原告专利文件权利要求 的人处理不同类型的案件,每个案件都 下“瑞蚨祥及图”商标提起“连续三年停止使 中的缺陷。中日专利法对于授予专利权 实行双人办案制,A角侧重于案件实体处 用”撤销申请,经商标局审查予以撤销。天 标准的规定不同,但是原告公司在申请 理,B角侧重于案件程序处理,AB角可以 业恒基公司向商评委提出复审后,商评委 中国专利时未依据中国专利法作调整而 互相补位,既能够为客户提供专业服务, 做出维持商标注册的决定。对此,北京某 造成这缺陷。在庭审中,陈浩律师对原 也能够很好应对意外状况发生。 公司在法定期限内向北京知识产权法院提 告的专利文件、原告的取证方式,以及 在加强执行力方面,陈浩律师要求团队 起行政诉讼,北京知识产权法院撤销商评 原告证据是否形成证据链提出质疑,并 在规定的时间内完成规定的工作要求,并 委做出的被诉决定,责令商评委重新做出 通过大量证据证实原告提供产品并非被 且要高质量完成。“这就要靠团队制度来 决定。至此,如天业恒基公司二审上诉不 告使用,而且被告产品也不落入原告专 保证,做事情没有章法、流程或者期限管 能改判,“瑞蚨祥”商标将被撤销,则这家百年 利的保护范围。最终,一审法院判决驳 理,执行力再高的人,也无法施展自己的 老字号将永远失去这一商标。 回了原告的全部诉讼请求,原告不再上 才能,体现团队的执行力。” 接受天业恒基公司的委托后,陈浩律师多 诉。这场发明专利侵权诉讼案,在陈浩 次奔赴泉城,与天业恒基公司负责人及员工 律师及团队的不懈努力下,被告公司完 商业秘密维权激增得益于法治环境优化 反复沟通。他意识到二审时如果不能提供新 胜。 纵观近年来知识产权领域的案件,陈浩 证据,则此案几乎没有改判的可能性。 律师认为涉及商业秘密案件数量增长迅 为此,天业恒基公司及德和衡投入大量 专业不止于专业 速。 人力,走访国家图书馆、山东图书馆、济 由于客户遍布全球,在与国际客户沟通 “一直以来,商业秘密维权难度比较大, 南图书馆及全国各地电视台,调取原始档 时,陈浩律师积累了丰富的客户管理经 主要原因在于两点,一点是原告需要证明 案,逐一翻阅、搜寻、筛选“瑞蚨祥”商标使 验。 自己拥有商业秘密,另一点是同时需要证 用的有利证据。这个过程中,最大的困难 “与外国客户沟通,要使用外国客户容 明被告侵犯商业秘密“,他介绍道。具体而 在于如何在海量的媒体报道中,有效选取 易理解的方式。”陈浩律师告诉ALB杂志, 言,与知识产权局授权的专利证书不同, 出能直接体现“瑞蚨祥”商标使用的特定证 他用工作中经常碰到的电子邮件问题举例 商业秘密不需要国家机关的授权,所以权 据。由于早年大部分媒体报道没有电子文 说,“外国客户抱怨看不懂中国律师发过来 利人要证明拥有商业秘密权利时需要提供 档化,陈浩律师带领团队历经多日连续作 的邮件,原因就在于大家撰写邮件的习惯 较多的证据,而证明拥有专利权仅需提供 战,逐页核查,才将证据收集完毕。 不同。” 专利证书即可。 通过直接证据与间接证据相结合,陈浩 陈浩律师解释道,中国律师常常先用大 另外,此类侵权极具隐蔽性。商业秘密侵 律师和团队成员终于有效地证明了济南瑞 篇幅介绍案情情况,然后再告诉客户结 权主要发生在公司员工和合作伙伴两类人群 蚨祥绸布店持续经营及商标使用情况。北 论;而外国客户更习惯将最重要的结论放 中,所以窃取商业秘密、使用商业秘密的行 京市高级人民法院为此作出判决,撤销一 在邮件最前面,再交代细节。 为很难被发现。即使被发现,权利人也很难 审判决,天业恒基公司二审获胜。“瑞蚨祥 另外,外国客户比较关注律师回复邮件 提供证据予以证明。 及图”商标得以维持,存在百余年的济南瑞 的速度。陈浩律师要求团队必须在24小时 “近期商业秘密维权案件的增加,一方面 蚨祥老字号终将维继。 内回复全部邮件,如果24小时内确实不能 是因为企业对商业秘密越来越重视,从制 完成,也会在24小时内告知客户具体完成 度及软硬件等方面预防侵权行为——这些 发明专利侵权案对垒完胜 时间。 措施虽然不能完全避免商业秘密侵权的发 除了熟悉我国知识产权领域的工作外, 为了培养一支强大而高效的专业队伍,陈 生,但是在侵权发生后,令收集证据、启 陈浩律师也深谙各国知识产权法规与中国 浩律师对于团队的要求是专业度与执行力。 动维权的过程变得更容易。” 陈浩律师说 国内相关要求的不同之处,并凭借这一优 “对于知识产权团队律师,要保持足够 道,另一方面的原因是企业对法治环境越来 势成功处理了很多涉外案件。 的专业度。首先要有培训机制,我会选择 越有信心——各级法院为权利人维权提供完 某日资公司起诉特变电工(上海)中发 团队内外的专业人士,为团队成员定期培 善的司法环境,提升了权利人的维权信心。 In addition, foreign clients request timely response to emails. Mr. Chen has asked his Combination of team to respond to any emails within 24 hours with an answer or a notice on when the answer will be provided. Professionalism and Execution In order to build a strong and efficient professional team, Mr. Chen puts great - An interview with Paul Chen, an“ALB China 2018 Top 15 IP Lawyer” emphasis on professionalism and execution. “For IP lawyers, a training mechanism Paul Chen, a senior partner of Beijing proved the continuous operation and use of to maintain sufficient professionalism is DHH Law Firm, has been named as one of the trademark by Ruifuxiang Silk Cloth essential. We organize regular trainings for ALB China 2018 Top 15 IP Lawyers. Mr. Chen Store through the combination of direct all team members, and conduct case studies has thorough knowledge of Chinese and evidence and indirect evidence. Eventually, and theoretical discussions, to enhance the foreign intellectual property laws and regu- the Beijing Higher People’s Court ruled in professionalism of our team members,” said lations, and is sharing with us his valuable favor of Tyan Home and revoked the judgment Mr. Chen. insights and experience accumulated during of the first instance. In the end, the trademark Mr. Chen also believes that there must be his practice. of“Rui Fu Xiang and the image”was sustained a clear division of specific practice focuses and the Jinan Ruifuxiang Silk Store, which has within the team. Different lawyers focus on Success in Protecting the Time-honored existed for more than a century, can continue different types of cases, such as patents, Brand of “Rui Fu Xiang” to flourish. trademarks, copyrights, etc. Each case is The trademark administrative appeal handled by a team of two lawyers with one of the century-old brand of “Rui Fu Xiang” Victory in an Invention Patent Infringement focusing on the merits of the case while the owned by Tyan Home Co., Ltd. Case other the procedural matters. The two lawyers (“Tyan Home”) is one of Mr. Chen’s repre- Mr. Chen has a deep understanding of the can support each other, providing profes- sentative cases. differences between IP laws in various juris- sional services to clients as well as dealing In 2012, a Beijing company filed an dictions and China, and thus has successfully with unexpected situations. application to cancel the trademark of“Rui handled many foreign-related cases. In terms of achieving better execution, Mr. Fu Xiang and the image” registered under A Japanese company sued TBEA Zhongfa Chen asks the team to complete the assigned the name of Tyan Home on the grounds of (Shanghai) Super High Voltage Electric Co., work within the required time and with high “non-use for 3 consecutive years”, and the Ltd. for infringing the patent of the“operator quality. “The teamwork system is essential to trademark was cancelled by the trademark for the shutter”, demanding to stop using effective execution. Without rules, processes office after examination. After Tyan Home the patent in question and claiming for high or deadlines, we can’t guarantee the result of submitted a review application to the compensation. Mr. Chen first communi- our execution,” he said. Trademark Review and Adjudication Board cated with client thoroughly and prepared (the TRAB), the TRAB decided to maintain case materials and identified the defects The Surge of the Trade Secrets Protection the trademark registration. In response, the in the plaintiff’s patent files. The standards Cases due to the Improvement of the Legal Beijing company initiated an administrative of granting patents are different under the Environment proceeding in Beijing Intellectual Property patent laws of China and Japan. However, “It has always been difficult to protect Court within the statutory time limit. The court the plaintiff did not make any adjustment trade secrets. The main reason is that the revoked the decision made by the TRAB and in accordance with the Chinese patent law, plaintiff needs to prove that he owns the ordered the TRAB to make a new decision. which resulted in these defects. Mr. Chen chal- trade secrets, and the defendant has infringed At this point, if this case cannot be overruled lenged the patent documents of the plaintiff those trade secrets,” said Mr. Chen. In this during Tyan Home’s appeal, the trademark and the method of obtaining evidence by the regard, different from the patent certificate of “Rui Fu Xiang” will be removed and Tyan plaintiff, including whether the evidence of issued by the IP authority, trade secrets do Home will lose the century-old brand forever. the plaintiff could form the evidence chain in not require any authorization from any regu- After being engaged by Tyan Home, the trial. He also provided a large amount of lators. Therefore, the right holder in a trade Mr. Chen communicated with the client evidence to prove that the product provided by secrets case must provide more evidence than and its employees during his multiple trips the plaintiff is not used by the defendant, and in a patent infringement case. to Quancheng. He realized that if no new the products of the defendant is not within the In addition, the infringement of trade evidence could be provided during the appeal, scope of the plaintiff’s patent. In the end, the secrets is extremely difficult to discover. Trade the possibility of overruling the case would court of first instance dismissed all the claims secret infringement mainly occurs among the be slim. of the plaintiff and the plaintiff did not file an company’s employees and partners, and it For the purposes of gathering new appeal. Mr. Chen and his team successfully is difficult to detect any stealing or misuse evidence, Tyan Home and DHH devoted signif- achieved the goal of the client in this lawsuit. of trade secrets., or it is difficult for the right icant amount of time and resources to visiting holder to prove such stealing or misuse. national, provisional and municipal libraries Professionalism Is More than Practice “The recent increase in the trade secrets and TV stations across the country, retrieving “To communicate with foreign clients, protection cases is due to the fact that enter- original archives, and reviewing, searching you need to use a way that foreign clients prises are paying more and more attention to and selecting any evidence of proving the use can easily understand”Mr. Chen used work trade secrets, and preventing infringements of the trademark of“Rui Fu Xiang”. The most emails as an example, “Foreign clients used by utilizing systems, software and hardware. difficult part of this process is the selection to complain that they could not understand These measures cannot completely prevent of specific evidence that directly reflects the the emails sent by Chinese lawyers because infringement of trade secrets, but they make use of the trademark among a huge amount of the differences in the style of writing.” it easier to collect evidence and initiate the of media reports. Since most of the media He explained that Chinese lawyers often procedures of safeguarding rights,” said Mr. reports in the early years were not electroni- begin with an extensive introduction of the Chen. “Another reason is that enterprises cally documented, Mr. Chen and his team had case before offering any conclusion, while are increasingly confident in the legal envi- to review the files page by page for several foreign clients are more accustomed to ronment - the courts at all levels are now days and nights to successfully obtain the putting the most important conclusions at providing a friendly judicial environment for evidence required. the beginning of the email before elaborating right holders, which boots their confidence Mr. Chen and his team members effectively the details. in safeguarding their rights.” TOP 15 IP LAWYERS

and therefore, shall not be subject to 棋逢对手、酣畅淋漓地庭辩,并且庭辩 Article 24 of Judicial Interpretation 能对结果产生实质影响,“诉讼就是当事 II. The trial court and the appellate 人的博弈,服务附加值就是除了案件事 court supported Li’s argument. This 实本身,由律师的能力差异所带给当事 case draws high attention from multi- 人博弈中的优势。” 从业11年、虽然是今年15佳知识产权 national pharmaceutical companies. 律师中从业年限最“年轻”的一位,赵律 Partner Ye Zhao of Jingtian & 师代理的华为起诉InterDigital案件被评 Gongcheng is well-experienced in 为改革开放40周年40个重大司法案例。 patent litigation field and has repre- 赵律师很看好中国知识产权法律人在全 sented Huawei against Samsung in about 球案件中日益担任重要决策者的趋势, ten patent infringement cases, concerning 认为以规则为基础的世界经济主流不会 both SEP and non-SEP patents, and won 发生变化,知识产权法或者竞争法也仍 most of the cases, including which an injunc- that the defendants misappropriated 将是各个企业甚至国家之间竞争中不可 tion was awarded to a SEP holder in China the trade secrets of Zhejiang NHU, and 或缺的部分。 for the first time. awarded damages of 35 million RMB by 陈浩律师的执业领域涵盖专利诉讼、 商标诉讼与版权纠纷。在陈律师看来, Senior partner Paul Chen of DHH reasonably shifting the burden of proof 知识产权律师的底色一定是技术很过硬 processed the “door latch equipment” to the defendants to produce evidence 的,“比如专利案件要理解不同专利的 patent infringement dispute case of Mitsui about damages. This is one of the top 技术原理,商标案件可能需要从客户公 Kinzoku ACT (Shanghai) Management Co., trade secret misappropriation cases in 司、市场、媒体、图书馆等多地收集证 Ltd. According to Chen, the thorny issue which the court awards damages in a high 据,商业秘密案件首先需要证明技术的 of the case is hard to keep the evidence of account. Aside from the relief acquired 秘密性等。”而最大的犒赏,则来自攻 the infringement and hard to quantify the through civil actions, the court also ruled in 克每一个疑难案件带来的喜悦。近期陈 number of the infringement products. Chen’s a parallel criminal case that Fujian Haixin 律师正在处理“瑞蚨祥”商标行政诉讼二 team won the first and second trial. This case Pharma and Fukang Pharma committed 审,“因涉及老字号商标该案意义重大, boosted the confidence in foreign entities for a corporate crime with a fine of 31 million 但在收集证据方面确实存在困难,好在 China’s IPR. RMB, and that 7 persons who were mainly 案件成功、结果喜人。”陈律师跟ALB分 享。 Partner Yan Sun of Tian Yuan represented responsible were sentenced to imprison- 从业16年来,除了对客户提供专业法 Xiamen Hongfa EPC to sue Hangzhou Xili ment of six and a half years. 律服务、最大限度维护客户合法利益之 Intelligent Technology Co.Ltd. on a patent 外,陈律师认为与客户的及时沟通、与 infringement dispute. The thorny issue of Reflections 客户建立充分信任尤为重要:一方面可 the case is hard to do the due diligence on Unlike every other type of lawyer, IP 随时知道客户想法,在沟通中更深入地 the number of infringed products. lawyer are expected to have a technolog- 了解案情、寻找更多突破口;另一方面 According to our research, the main ical background. Most of the cases they 也能让客户了解案件进展以及律师的工 cases on copyright infringement and are handling are technologically chal- 作内容。 trade secret infringement handled by the lenging. There is no fixed approach to 司义夏律师秉承将律师与客户的关 Top 15 IP lawyers in the last 12 months each case as the complexities of tech- 系拓展成价值共同体或利益共同体的理 are: nology in different industries demand a 念。“除为客户提供专业法律服务外,我 们还提供战略规划、课题调研、专题培 Partner Xiaonan Su of Grandall Law tailor-made approach. We were curious 训、内外交流、年度白皮书及其他客户 Firm acted for China Huaneng Group to know their motivation behind each 需要的支持帮助,在各种合作的过程中 Co., Ltd on its copyright infringement. complicated case. Based on our survey, 与客户建立起深度信赖的战略合作伙伴 According to Su, the thorny issue of the they enjoy being an IP lawyers when chal- 关系。” case is how to convince the judge when lenges turned into achievements, which 通过长期的执业生涯,司律师深刻地 there were abundant precedents that is the biggest pleasure that could be well 体会到,“服务客户最大的挑战在于如何 were unfavorable to this case. This worth all their efforts. 最大限度地了解不同行业客户的特定需 case helps the Group and its affili- Ye Zhao told ALB that he got fascinated 求,出具量身定制的法律意见,在解决 ated companies to improve their IP by the art of litigation, “Litigation is not just 具体法律问题的同时帮助客户实现整体 management. about a zero sum game with a winner and 战略、实现客户利益最大化;而乐趣也 KWM’s Zhongsheng Li represented a loser. Litigation should be viewed as the 正是在服务全球顶尖企业的过程中,和 客户相互沟通、相互学习,随客户风雨 Zhejiang NHU in the trade secret misap- continuation of negotiations. Litigation 同舟、共成长带来的满足。” propriation case against Fujian Haixin lawyers are trained to attack and coun- Pharma and Fukang Pharma. Both the terattack. It is intellectually stimulating 思考 trial court and the appellate court ruled to use all the weapons in the arsenal of 被问及当下有哪些问题亟待解决时,


赵烨,竞天公诚律师事 务所合伙人 Zhao Ye, Partner of 以创新的方式来解决创新带来的问题 Jingtian & Gongcheng

专访2018年ALB China十五佳知识产权律师竞天 地址/Add: 中国北京市朝阳区建国路77号华贸中心3号写字 公诚律师事务所合伙人赵烨律师 楼34层 34th Floor, Tower 3, China Central Place, 77 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100025, China. An interview with 2018 ALB China Top 15 IP Lawyers – 电话/Tel: +86 134 8886 6483 Zhao Ye, Partner of Jingtian & Gongcheng 邮箱/E-mail: [email protected]

竞天公诚律师事务所合伙人赵烨律师荣登2018年ALB Zhao Ye, partner of Jingtian & Gongcheng, spoke to Asian Legal China十五佳知识产权律师榜单。就中国知识产权法律实践 Business (ALB) about the practice and development of IP protection in 与发展,ALB与赵律师展开对话。 China after being named one of the 2018 ALB China Top 15 IP Lawyers. ALB: Could you give us a brief introduction to the cases you handed ALB:作为ALB十五佳IP律师之一,赵律师在知识产权与反 on IP and anti-monopoly? 垄断领域颇有着闪亮的成就,可否简单介绍一些您的代表案 Zhao: My expertise is in IP and anti-monopoly law, especially when 例? these two areas overlap. For example, the case where Qihoo 360 赵律师:我执业的主要领域为知识产权和反垄断,尤其是这 sued Tencent for abusing its dominant market position is the first anti-monopoly case in the Internet space. The second significant case 两个领域交叉的部分。典型案例包括:第一,奇虎360诉腾 is Huawei suing InterDigital for abusing its dominant market position. 讯滥用市场支配地位一案,该案是中国互联网领域反垄断案 It marked the first anti-monopoly case concerning essential patents in 件的首例。第二,华为诉InterDigital滥用市场支配地位纠纷 China, and it is also one of the top 40 judicial cases for the 40th anni- 案,该案是中国首例涉及标准必要专利的反垄断案件,也被 versary of China’s economic reform and opening up. The third case 评为了改革开放四十周年40个重大司法案例。第三,新浪 was Sina Weibo suing Maimai for unfair competition, which is China’s 微博诉脉脉不正当竞争纠纷案,这是中国首例商业数据维权 first case involving commercial data. It was named by Beijing’s Supreme 案件,被北京高院评为年度十大案例。第四个案例是华为诉 Court as one of the top 10 cases of the year. The fourth case is Huawei suing 三星标准必要专利纠纷案,该案是中国首例法院发布禁令的 Samsung, which is the first essential patent infringement case that saw the Court hand down a permenant injunction in China’s wireless commu- 无线通信国际标准必要专利侵权案。这些案件都在行业内有 nication sector. They are landmark cases that have far-reaching influence 一定的影响。 in the industry. ALB: 您代理了多个国内首例的案件,面对这样多的极具挑 ALB: How did you solve the challenging legal issues centering on the 战性的前沿性知识产权法律问题,您是如何成功解决的? first-its-kind cases in China you handled? How do these cases improve 这些典型案件如何推动中国知识产权法律实践的完善发展? the development of China’s IP law practice? Zhao: When the industry develops to a certain level, companies in the 赵律师:当产业发展到某阶段,市场中的企业便有需求利用 market will have a demand for legal services to solve problems arising 法律的工具,尤其是竞争法中的工具来解决竞争中所产生的 from competition, especially by using the Competition Law. China’s 问题。中国的互联网发展已走到世界前列,国内市场竞争激 Internet development has come to the forefront, and the competition in 烈,所以企业对于法律创新有着较高的需求,我们同样通过 China is fierce. Innovation in legal services is much needed to meet 提供创新性的服务来解决创新所带来的问题。产业在创新, the companies’ demand, so we solved problems created by innovation 法律亦如此。 innovatively. The industry is evolving, so is law. 提供创新性的法律服务也需要有着广泛的知识基础,我们的 A comprehensive knowledge base is essential to provide innovative 团队人员不仅有技术背景、法律背景,也还有经济学背景。 legal services. Our team members have different areas of expertise: technical, legal and economic. We come up with solutions by integrating 在此情况下,可以通过知识融合、观点碰撞产生优秀的解决 different knowledge and perspectives. Furthermore, we don’t just look 方案。进一步,我们提供的方案并非简单着眼于法律本身, at law itself but the nature of the business and the industry to provide a 而是从商业实质与产业本质提供一套符合案件与客户自身情 solution that works for the case and the client. For example, the case in 况的解决方案。例如,微博诉脉脉的案件本身是产业发展到 which Weibo sued Maimai was an inevitable outcome of the development 一定阶段的必然结果。数据越来越重要了,平台商家迫切需 of the industry. As data has become more important, businesses urgently 要针对数据有产权性质的保护。有了产权保护,新型的资 need the IP rights of their data to be protected. Only when data 产才能发挥最大的效用价值。最终,通过这个案件,新浪微 is protected by IP rights can we maximize the value of the novel types of assets. Through this case, the data on Weibo is recognized as property 博的数据被确认权利人享有的财产,这样的判决对于客户而 owned by the holder. For the client, this ruling is more valuable than the 言,其价值远大于个案的赔偿。 compensation itself. ALB: 随着互联网、大数据的进一步发展与应用,您觉得专 ALB: Given the development of Internet and big data, what are the 利相关案件发展的主要趋势是什么?律师们应如何应对这些 major trends of patent-related cases and how should lawyers respond 变化带来的挑战? to the related challenges? Zhao: The first trend is that China will see a surge in these cases. The 赵律师:第一个趋势是中国的案件数量会大幅上升;第二个 second trend is that these cases will be more complicated, and the require- 趋势是案件越发复杂,需要律师有更强的能力来看穿商业本 ments for the lawyers’ capability and dispute resolution skills will be 质,洞察商业的能力;第三个趋势是案件会越来越全球化。 higher. The third trend is that these cases will go global. As there is 技术没有边界,竞争也往往没有国界,所以此后的案件可能 no border for technology or competition, these cases might be found 会在全球各地同时进行,对于律师的语言能力、沟通能力要 elsewhere in the world. Requirements for the lawyers’ language profi- 求也会越来越高。 ciency and communication skills will be higher. TOP 15 IP LAWYERS

litigator to counterattack and to convince into a long-term strategic partnership,” the judge.” Si told ALB. Zhao is the “youngest” among the Top According to Si, the biggest challenge 15 IP lawyers this year with only 11 years of for an IP lawyer is to really understand legal career but he has a shining career. clients’ businesses in different industries He acted for one of China’s most influ- thus producing the tailor-made solution ential cases of Huawei vs. InterDigital for them. This in turn do lawyers benefit which was recognized as one of the 40 as lawyers can also gain many business significant judicial cases in the past insights from their clients. 40 years since China’s opening and reform. Zhao saw the great potential in Insights 齐宝鑫律师指出,“当下中国核心技术领 Chinese IP lawyers’ leading role in the When asked about what challenges 域里的知识产权仍存在一定短板,影响 world arena and trust that IP law and or problems need to be resolved without 了知识产权国际竞争力的提高。”在担 competition law continue to be the key any delay? Baoxin Qi provided his insight, 任吉利汽车首席法律顾问期间,齐律师 theme among competitors. “China still needs to boost its IPR in 参与了众多“一带一路”项目,对企业在 国际竞争中面临的海外知识产权壁垒与 To Paul Chen, his biggest pleasure core technologies, which would hinder 诉讼风险、技术引进或出口中涉及的知 of being an IP lawyer comes from China’s innovation capabilities in today’s 识产权问题、不同地区国家的知识产权 conquering each technological thorny IP world.” Qi felt this urgency when he 环境差异带来的巨大挑战等问题进行了 issue in different cases. Chen says that served as the legal counsel o Geely Auto 深入思考,认为知识产权法律服务必须 “IP lawyer must have a hard-science back- in its B&R projects. According to Qi’s 适应新兴技术的发展和企业国际竞争需 ground that will enable patent lawyer to observations, China’s ‘going global’ is 求。 understand how it really works behind bound to face plenty of IP risks due to 面对新兴行业的跨国知识产权保护, each patent, to figure out how to prove vastly different IP landscape in different 特别是中国企业如何走向国际,突破不 the secret for a trade secret. Chen told jurisdiction, especially rising from tech- 同法律体系、司法程序的障碍,如何在 ALB that he was handing the second nology import or export. Qi pointed out that 非本土领域内寻求一席之位,齐律师也 hearing of the trademark administrative IP legal service must include the latest devel- 进行了不断探索。据齐律师介绍,其参 与的“三国杀”案是桌游领域知识产权诉 litigation case for the time-honored brand opments of new technology. 讼中最具影响力的里程碑案件之一,中 “REFOSIAN”, “it posed many challenges The most recent case Qi is handling, 国企业在美国应诉过程中获得了全面胜 to collect sufficient proofs but we are so San Guo Sha, turned out to be one of the 利,为这个风靡全国的桌游开拓海外 happy to have a very successful ending,” most influential IP litigation cases in table 市场解决了知识产权涉诉的后顾之忧。 Chen concluded. games. Qi helped San Guo Sha achieve 作为熟稔中美两国法律制度的知 Chen also leads DHH’s IP practice and a big win in US market by resolving its IP 识产权专家,王翔律师认为,“无容 puts risk control and innovation to equal problems. 置疑,中国知识产权的法律制度和服 importance. According to Chen, besides As an IP expert in both the US and 务发展日趋完善。如果中国的法律体 providing high quality service to clients to China legal systems, Wang says that “the 制能够进一步对外开放,那么中国的 protect their rights and interests, respond Chinese IP legal system and service are both 知识产权系统也会变得更好;另一方 promptly to client inquiry plays a key role improving over the years, without a doubt. 面,缺乏有效的证据开示制度将会继 续对在中国知识产权法制下进行执法 in building and maintaining client rela- If China further opens the legal system to 的效率造成一定障碍。” tionships. Chen says that “It is actually the rest of the world, China’s IP system will 在现今知识产权业务越来越趋于多 a mutual benefit for lawyers and clients. become better. Among other things, a 元的背景下,对知识产权律师的要 Lawyers can better learn the case, and lack of effective fact discovery mechanism 求是不仅具有非凡的理论功底与丰 clients are kept in the loop and better continues to hinder the effectiveness of IP 富的实务经验,还要具有良好的国 understand lawyers’ work. ” enforcement in the Chinese IP system.” 际化视野和前瞻性战略眼光。“不 Yixia Si would like to have the idea As today’s IP business becomes more 仅要帮客户构建‘事前论证、事中 of “community of shared values” diverse and complicated, IP lawyers must 处置、事后预防’的风险控制体系, or “community of shared interests” adapt, evolve and thrive. Baoxin Qi empha- 更要将客户的知识产权、资本和市 between lawyers and clients. “On top of sized that “we should redefine the role of 场等结合起来,为企业创造更多价 providing best legal service, we also help an IP lawyer. It is more about a role 值。致力于成为法律和商业跨界整 合的战略型知识产权律师:让企业 our clients to map out the development to provide strategic guidance that 和企业家更懂知识产权,让知识产 strategy and help with research work and combines legal advice and business 权律师更懂企业和企业家,从而为优秀 trainings, etc. The trust is strengthened insights to help them create more value 的中国企业走向国际提供优质法律服务 and our relationship with clients grows and benefit from their IP assets.”. 支持。”齐宝鑫律师最后强调。