TOP 15 IP LAWYERS METHODOLOGY 评选方法 The list of top 15 IP lawyers was chosen based on the following criteria: 2018 1) Major transactions and cases that a candidate has acted for; 2) Significant work of a candidate in the past 12 months; 25 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 3) Key clients of a candidate; 4) Relevant accolades a candidate has ALB CHINA received; and 5) Clients’ review and colleagues’ comments. 评委会主要依据以下方面的成绩进行评审: TOP 15 1)候选人代理过的重大交易和案件; 2)候选人过去12个月的主要工作内容; 3)候选人的主要客户; 4)候选人所获得的相关奖项; IP LAWYERS 5)客户评价和同事评价。 LIST OF WINNERS 获奖名单 2018中国15佳 Winners are listed below by their surnames in alphabetical order. 以下名单按照获奖者姓氏首字母顺序排列。 知识产权律师 Top 15 IP Lawyers Firm With Chinese companies being 15佳知识产权律师 律所名称 increasingly recognised on the Paul Chen 陈浩 Beijing DHH Law Firm 北京德和衡律师事务所 world stage for their technology and innovation, IP lawyers are Feng(Katie)Zheng 冯真 Hogan Lovells 霍金路伟律师事务所 more in demand than ever. Horace Lam 林俊杰 DLA Piper 欧华律师事务所 And these 15 accomplished Zhongsheng Li 李中圣 King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所 practitioners have shown that Qiang Ma 马强 JunHe LLP 君合律师事务所 they have what it takes to deliver the goods. Yuanchao Ma 马远超 Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所 Baoxin Qi 齐宝鑫 Allbright Law Offices 锦天城律师事务所 随着中国企业在全球科技创新 领域越来越受瞩目,知识产权 Sharon Qiao 谯荣德 Lusheng Law Firm路盛律师事务所 律师们的业务机会也比以往任 Yixia Si 司义夏 Chang Tsi & Partners 铸成律师事务所 何时候都多。今年获奖的十五 Xiaonan Su 粟晓南 Grandall Law Firm 国浩律师事务所 位知识产权律师用业绩很好地 证明了他们的专业实力与行业 Yan Sun 孙彦 Tian Yuan Law Firm天元律师事务所 影响力。 Xiang Wang 王翔 Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe 美国奥睿律师事务所 Lili Wu 吴丽丽 Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所 Jiali Xu 徐家力 Long An Law Firm 隆安律师事务所 BY INES YANG Ye Zhao 赵烨 Jingtian & Gongcheng 竞天公诚律师事务所 LEGALBUSINESSONLINE.COM/CHINA ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 25 TOP 15 IP LAWYERS Asian Legal Business (ALB) has 《亚洲法律杂志》(ALB)持续关 者域外当事人所选择。”竞天公诚律师事 continually focused on the IP legal 注知识产权法律市场,不断深入了解 务所赵烨律师认为。 market, and continues to be on the 优秀的知识产权律师。ALB通过律所推 展望2019年,赵烨律师认为热点可能 look-out for top IP lawyers. Based on law 荐、律师成就、执业特色、新增客户数 出现在:第一,二线城市的专利诉讼或 firm recommendations, lawyer accom- 量、客户采访和律师市场口碑,完成了 者技术诉讼等的数量上升;第二,国外 plishments, practice specialization, 知识产权律师调研,评选出了2018年中 的原告数量也将上升;第三,由于最高 国15佳知识产权律师。 院审理二审垄断案件,垄断案件的审理 new client wins, client interviews and 他们执业生涯至今取得的成就是助力 尺度将会统一,也会进一步促进反垄断 market reputation of lawyers, ALB has 中国一路发展、直至在2018年全球创新 诉讼市场的发展。” completed its survey of IP lawyers, and 指数报告中首次跻身最具创新力经济体 随着全球贸易摩擦的时而加剧,陈 compiled the list of the top 15 IP lawyers. 20强背后的一支重要力量。 浩律师认为涉外知识产权业务也值得关 Their career highlights contrib- 本文将着眼15佳知识产权律师在过 注,尤其是信息技术、新材料、生物科 uted significantly to China’s number 17 去12个月中的主要项目(要求保密的除 技、文化产业等热门行业领域,并指出 ranking this year in the Global Innovation 外)以此来看:这一年哪类知识产权案 国外企业在中国进行商标和专利注册、 Index report, a breakthrough for an 件相对占比较大?哪些代表性案件推动 版权登记、知识产权侵权纠纷、商业秘 economy witnessing rapid transforma- 了行业发展?哪些重大问题值得关注? 密保护等案件将持续增多。 tion guided by government policy priori- 哪些业务领域仍保持良好势头?当下这 在齐宝鑫律师看来,能源、AI、智能 tizing research and development-inten- 个行业哪些挑战亟待攻关? 设备、沉浸式体验、数字产业、游戏、 作为中国最有影响力的一批知识产权 娱乐等领域值得重点关注,自动驾驶、 sive creativity. 律师,我们想知道他们对这个行业的观 机器人、无人机、智能化应用的自主设 This article will revisit the Top 15’s 察、实践、体悟和思考是什么?促使他 备产业、通信及电子装备制造业、货币 most significant work in the last 12 们优秀的动力,也一定是成就他们优秀 金融服务等技术驱动型领域的业务机会 months (exclusive of confidential work) 的原因。 预计将保持良好势头。 by learning what types comprises the majority of IP work they take. What 观察 实践 milestone cases have they handled that 2018年即将过去,对于知识产权界来 15位知识产权律师的平均从业年限为 promote IP development in China? What 说,发生了两件大事值得回顾。 20年,执业最久的三位业界贤达分别是 major issues should we be aware of? 2017年底修订的《反不正当竞争法》 金杜律师事务所合伙人李中圣律师、隆 What are the fields that have sustained 在2018年1月1日开始实施,适用了24 安律师事务所合伙人徐家力律师、铸成 opportunities in 2019? What challenges 年的旧法正式告退。“随着时代的发展, 律师事务所合伙人司义夏律师。 一些妨碍公平竞争的新现象相继出现, 从业年限达35年的李中圣律 or problems need to be resolved without 针对这些问题,新法做出了调整。例如 师,2004年加入金杜之前曾任深圳中级 any delay? 新法提到几种利用网络从事生产经营活 人民法院知识产权庭庭长职务。回顾过 These respondents represent the 动不得实施的行为;进一步明确了混淆 往执业成就,多项案件均在业界产生巨 most influential IP lawyers in China. We 行为的概念,将‘引人误认’作为其重要判 大影响力:曾代表高通公司诉魅族通信 were curious to know what their observa- 断标准;明确列举了侵犯企业名称、字 标准必要专利侵权纠纷案,在诉讼中使 tions, practices, reflections, and insights 号、姓名包括笔名、译名、艺名等不正 用高通9项通信方面的标准必要专利和非 were towards the IP industry in China. 当竞争行为。” 北京德和衡律师事务所陈 标准必要专利,对魅族发起系统诉讼, Looking into their personal drive to 浩律师谈到。 给魅族施加了巨大诉讼压力,迫使魅族 achieve excellence also allows us insight 2018年10月26日,第十三届全国人 接受高通专利许可;也曾代表华为公司 into the causes of their excellence. 大常委会通过了最高人民法院提请审议 起诉IDC垄断民事纠纷案件,成为中国 的《关于专利等案件诉讼程序若干问题 法院在全球范围内率先以判决方式确定 的决定》,决定自2019年1月1日起最高 标准必要专利的许可费率,被美国和欧 Observations 院统一审理专利侵权案件、行政案件、 洲法院仿效。 2018 is a remarkable year in China’s IP 反垄断案件、技术秘密案件以及软件著 隆安律师事务所合伙人徐家力律师从 world. The most eye-catching news are: 作权案件等案件的上诉审。 业年限达28年之久,创办隆安之前,曾 On 4 November 2017, China authority “该举措有利于统一和规范知识产权案 在最高人民检察院供职6年。徐律师代 passed the amendment to the RPC 件的裁判尺度,同时也为知识产权法律 理的中粮与嘉裕长城葡萄酒商标案被最 Anti-Unfair Competition Law, the first 行业带来了新的机遇和挑战。”锦天城律 高院认定为第一起未注册的驰名商标, amendment since its implementation in 师事务所齐宝鑫律师指出。 对防止驰名商标的异化使用具有重要意 1993. The revised Law became effective “这一改革力度前所未见,对于整个改 义;代理的珠海炬力与美国西格玛专利 on 1 January 2018, providing new armor 革开放的进程都会有深远影响,对于知 纠纷案也被选为当年中国司法保护十大 in battle against unauthorized use of 识产权领域更有天翻地覆的影响。由于 案件。 最高院直接介入二审,实际的审判层级 铸成律师事务所主任、管理合伙人司 trademarks. 有可能会减少,地方保护主义将下降, 义夏律师从业已进26个年头,其作为知 “The revisions regulate newly 众多二线甚至三线城市的知识产权法院 识产权律师的执业经历与中国知识产权 emerged unfair competition behaviors 或者知识产权法庭将会被外地当事人或 的发展历程在很大层面上是重合的。回 26 ASIAN LEGAL BUSINESS CHINA • 亚洲法律杂志-中国版 DECEMBER 2018 TOP 15 IP LAWYERS or tribunals,” says Ye Zhao, partner of 顾2018年,司律师代理了两个业内具有 Jingtian & Gongcheng. 典型性的案例:安德玛诉福建省廷飞龙 Zhao spotted three trends in 2019. 侵犯商标权及不正当竞争纠纷,以及汕 Firstly, the volume of patent litigation 头建发诉迈克尔高司侵犯商标权纠纷。 and technology litigation in China’s 安德玛案是典型的中国公司侵犯国际大 second-tier cities will increase signifi- 品牌商标权的纠纷。一审由福建省高级 人民法院审判,该案中,司律师团队为 cantly. Secondly, the number of foreign 客户争取到了福建省高院历史上支持的 plaintiff is also rising. Thirdly, the 第二例临时禁令,有效维护了安德玛公 prospect of an anti-trust appeal direct 司的利益。该案受到了国内外各大媒体 to the SPC is likely to boost the market 的高度关注,彰显了中国政府对包括美 for antitrust litigation. 国企业在内的知识产权的高水平保护。 As global trade friction resurfaces, 迈克尔高司(MK)案则刚好与安德玛案 Chen points out that foreign IP business 相反,是中国一个民营企业以侵犯商标 in the marketplace and prohibit a in the areas of information technology, 权为由起诉国际知名轻奢品牌MK公司, business entity from carrying out acts new materials, biotechnology, or 索赔额高达一亿元人民币。本案涉及“反 向混淆”以及原告对被告构成商标侵权和 intending to cause confusion, which culture will gain momentum, which means business for China IP lawyers 不正当竞争,因此获评国际法律评级机 would mislead others into thinking that 构 “2018年度最佳交易奖”。 to address foreign IP clients’ increasing its products belong to another party or 在15位顶尖知识产权律师中,具有 that there is an association with another legal needs in trademark registration, 最跨界独特经历的王翔律师来自美国奥 party. The main criterion for an act to patent registration, copyright registra- 睿律师事务所。王律师目前担任律所全 caused confusion is that the act must be tion, IP infringement, trade secret litiga- 球顾问委员会联席主席兼亚洲资深合伙 “misleading”, which is in contrast with tion, etc. in China. 人,是极少数同时拥有电子与计算机工 the current position that the act must Qi adds that IP developments in 程专业博士学位、中国法律进修文凭, be unfair and cause harm to competi- the areas of energy, AI, smart devices, 以及在纽约州、印第安纳州和美国专 tors,” says Paul Chen, senior partner of immersive experience, digital industry, 利与商标局拥有律师资格的知识产权律 Beijing DHH Law Firm. online games, entertaining industry 师。成为律师前,王律师拥有在国际知 名医疗和电子设备企业长达十余年的从 On 26 October 2018, China authority deserve a close watch. IP businesses in self-driving cars, robots, UAV, telecom- 业经历。 issued the Decision on Several Issues 王律师告诉ALB:“在担任工程师的那 munications, electric equipment manu- Concerning the Litigation Procedures in 十多年间,我的数项发明以个人名义获 Patent and Other Intellectual Property facturing, etc. will also prosper. 得了美国专利。这独特经验让我真正理 cases and from 1 January 2019 a new 解发明是怎么产生,而在真实工程世界 IP-focused Tribunal within the Supreme Practices 又是如何运作。除了运用‘律师’思维,我 People’s Court will decide patent and The average years of legal career of 还能以‘工程师’的模式思考,更容易、更 other complex technical IP case appeals. the Top 15 IP lawyers is 20 years, the top 迅速地了解发明人和发明本身,从而制 This SPC Tribunal will hear appeals from three are partner Zhongsheng Li at King 定进攻性或防守性的诉讼策略”。 civil (first-instance court) decisions & Wood Mallesons, partner Jiali Xu at 王律师也是奥睿知识产权业务部主 and administrative (CNIPA Patent Longan Law Firm, and partner Yixia Si 管。除了法律学位之外,其团队的许多 成员拥有高级科学和工程学位,并经常 Re-examination Board) law cases. at Chang Tsi & Partners. 代表公司处理知识产权诉讼以及所有科 Li, 35-year experiences in IP legal “This will ensure uniformity of legal 技交易。 decisions and improve judicial protection industry, worked as the judge of IP 从业20年来,王律师拥有为客户就 of intellectual property. In the meantime, tribunal at Shenzhen Intermediate 其在美国、中国和亚洲的知识产权事宜 this also means business and new chal- People’s Court prior to joining KWM in 提供全方位法律服务之丰富经验。被问 lenges for IP lawyers,” says Baoxin Qi, 2004. Li is “highly knowledgeable” about 及曾处理的最具代表性案件,王律师指 partner of Allbright Law Offices. domestic litigation, of which he handles 出,“最近代理的几起跨境争议解决案 “The reform is unprecedented and is a great deal with big impacts--repre- 中,由美日企业(日立金属及Metglas) reverberating China’s IP landscape. As sented Qualcomm in a series of Standard 在美国国际贸易委员会指控中国国企安 appeals will be centralized to the SPC Essential Patent infringement cases 泰科技涉及商业秘密盗用的案件具有重 so differences at the lower court levels against a handset manufacturer Meizu. 大意义,特别是在中美贸易摩擦敏感期 间,该案既备受瞩目,也较难获胜。” may be less of an issue. The removal
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