DOT Spring 2012

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DOT Spring 2012 Art Center College of Design SPRING 2012 • 01 ARTCENTER.EDU/DOT SCAN QR CODE FOR INSTANT ACCESS. BESPOKE INNOVATIONS’ CUSTOMIZED “FAIRINGS” FOR PROSTHETIC LIMBS ADDRESS THE HUMAN NEEDS OF THE USER. SEE PAGE 8. Dot magazine is published by the Department of Marketing and Communications Art Center College of Design 1700 Lida Street, Pasadena, CA 91103 Interim Co-Editors: Jered Gold, Mike Winder Writer s: Rebecca Epstein, Jered Gold, Mike Padilla, Mike Winder Art Director : Winnie Li Designers : Andrea Carrillo, Winnie Li, Miguel Ramirez Production Manager : Audrey Krauss Web Designer: Eliana Dominguez 02 27 A Web Production: Chuck Spangler SPRING 2012 r around the world feature t Center Dot Board Chairman: Robert C. Davidson, Jr. Smartproducts,exhibitions,ventures Replacing Pigment with People President: Lorne M. Buchman Senior Vice President, Development and andexperiencesbyArtCenter ArtistandGraduateArtfaculty External Affairs : Arwen Duffy students,alumniandfaculty. memberLitaAlbuquerquerevisits Associate Vice President, Advancement andexpandsherseminal1980 Services : Armik Allen Associate Vice President, Development : 08 earthwork,Spine of the Earth,in Maya Chalich LosAngeles’BaldwinHillsScenic Associate Vice President, Marketing and feature Communications : Wendy Shattuck OutlookfortheGetty’sPacific Director, Communications: Teri Bond Custom Made for the Soul Standard Time. Director, Design Office: Ellie Eisner StudentSethAstle,designerof Director, Promotion and Public Affairs: anaward-winningfootandpedal Jered Gold systemforpara-cyclists,and 35 Cover: Stellar Axis: Antarctica by Lita BespokeInnovations,themakers dot news Albuquerque. Photo by Jean de Pomereu. of“Fairings”forprostheticlimbs, Campusnews:TEDxmeetsArt Photography: © Art Center College of sharethesamegoal:improving Center,DwellonDesign,Kickstarter, Design/Steven A. Heller; Vahé D’Ala; thequalityofpeople’slives. SouthCampusexpansion,Honoring Catherine R. Wygal & Deanna McClure Civility,DOTLaunch. © 2012 Art Center College of Design. All rights reserved. Dot, Art Center, and 15 Art Center College of Design are trade- annual report 39 marks of Art Center College of Design. AlookatmanyofArtCenter’s spotted Student works reproduced or referenced accomplishmentsforfiscalyear Wereyouthere?Recenteventsboth in this publication are for educational 2010–2011,includingthe“80for80” onandoffcampus. purposes only. No part of this publication scholarshipinitiative,ArtCenter’s may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or strategicplan,theDesignmatters mechanical, including photocopying, concentrationandmore. Lita Albuquerque recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without written Forher2006workStellar Axis: Antarctica (seecover),artist permission of the publisher. andGraduateArtfacultymemberLitaAlbuquerqueled ateamofscientists,researchersandartiststoAntarctica Printed on Utopia 1X: Green with 20% post-consumer waste and French Paper, tocreateasculptureandephemeraleventonanunprece- Construction, both FSC-certified Mix. dentedscale—99fabricatedbluesphereswereplacedon th Ro theice,eachcorrespondingtoaspecificstarinthesky above,resultinginanearthlyconstellationattheplanet’s rissa Ma pole.FormoreonAlbuquerqueandhermostrecent VISIT US ON large-scaleephemeralworkinLosAngeles,Spine of the FACEBOOK AND TWITTER Earth 2012(picturedhere),seepage27. FACEBOOK.COM /ARTCENTER.EDU Photograph: TWITTER.COM /ART_CENTER • 02 SPRING 2012 • 03 ARTCENTER.EDU/DOT Not Your Father’s Magic 8 Ball A Portrait of a Celebrated Artist DIANE LANE, AudreyLiuPROD07 RichardBunkallILLU75 ROBERT PULCINI, around SHARI SPRINGER BERMAN, AFFONSO BEATO. Areyoua“TunnelVisionary,”“FuzzyForecaster”or“Idle ArtCenteralumnusandformerfacultymemberRichard PHOTOGRAPHER: Achiever?”BetterdownloadUnstuck,aniPadappthat BunkallILLU75passedawayfromLouGehrig’sdisease PETER LOVINO, COURTESY HBO the promisestokick-start“personalgrowthforanyonewho in1999,buthisinfluenceandimpactliveson.Duringhis FILMS. wantstolivebettereveryday.”AnoffshootofSYPartners, 25-yearcareerasapainterandsculptor,hecreateda acreativeconsultancywhoseclientsrangefromJohnson significantbodyofartworkthatwasbothoriginaland &JohnsontoTarget,UnstuckwasdesignedbySYPartners’ emotionallycompelling.ThePasadenaMuseumofCalifornia world AudreyLiuPROD03andoffersinteractivetoolstohelp Artrecentlymountedanexhibition,Richard Bunkall: A “stuck”usersgetmotivated,makedecisionsandovercome Portrait,andhostedabooklaunchcelebrationforRichard obstacles.Inotherwords,thefreeappoffersthesame Bunkall,thefirstpublishedsurveyoftheartist’swork. servicesthatSYPartnersoffersallitsbig-nameclients. Featuringmorethan200colorplatesofpaintings,workson “(SYPartnersFounderandChairman)KeithYamashitareally paper,sculpturesandpersonalsketches,aswellasessays believesinmakingwhatwedoaccessibletoanyone,” byartcriticsPeterFrank,B.R.GilbertandPeterClothier,the saysLiu,whobelievesthatwithUnstuck,hercompanyis 300-pagetomeisthedefinitivehomagetothemanandhis blazingatrailforotherstofollow.Signspointtoyes. extraordinarytalent. Keeping it Real AffonsoBeatoFILMFACULTY LongbeforeSnookigotpunchedorJonandKatehadeight, thereweretheLoudsofAn American Family.Thatground- breaking12-partPBSdocumentaryseriesfrom1973 chronicledtheeventsthatledtothedivorceofBilland AROUND THE WORLD PatriciaLoud,thecoupleattheheadofanupper-middle Art Center Dot classAmericanfamilylivinginSantaBarbara,andeffectively gavebirthtotherealitytelevisiongenre.LastyeartheHBO filmCinema Veritetoldthebehind-the-scenesstoryofthe Art Center Dot series,andtheretorecapturethelookandfeelofearly1970s AROUND THE WORLD CaliforniawasFilminstructorAffonsoBeato,thepicture’s directorofphotography.Thefilm,whosepredominant lookBeatodescribedtoAmerican Cinematographeras“a Kodachromedream:colorful,brightandsunny,”starsTim coming RobbinsandDianeLaneandisnowavailableonBlu-ray. TRON: UPRISING The Game Has Changed summer COURTESY 2012 DISNEY XD. AnnisNaeemENTD6THTERM FansofTronandits2010sequel,Tron: Legacy,arealready PATRICK FUGIT, SHANNA COLLINS, wellacquaintedwithheroesFlynn,SamandQuorraandthe TIM ROBBINS, LightCycles,LightJetsandLightRunnerstheyusetoblaze DIANE LANE. PHOTOGRAPHER: acrossthedigitalfrontier.Now,withthissummer’sTron: PETER LOVINO, Uprisinganimatedseries,Disneyupgradesthegridwith COURTESY HBO newcharacters—Beck(ElijahWood),Mara(MandyMoore) FILMS. andPavel(PaulReubens)—newvehicles—LightCrawlers andthemasstransitLightRail—andanarrativethatbridges thegapbetweenthetwofilms.Andrightthereinthemiddle oftheuprisingiscurrentEntertainmentDesignstudent AnnisNaeem,whobeganworkingontheDisneyXDchannel showbetweenhisfourthandfifthtermsandwhose“user powers”touchedboththeshow’svehiclesandfuturistic environments.Endofline. • 04 SPRING 2012 • 05 ARTCENTER.EDU/DOT Appetite for Discussion AmieThăoILLU07 Thissummer,AmieThăoILLU07andFinnishmusicianOlli Tumeliuswillcycle15,000milesacrossEuropeandAsia todocument“realpeople,realfood,andrealstories,”for theirstorytellingproject“TheInternationalSupperClub,” whichaimstobuildconnectionsamongpeopleusingthe socialspaceofsharedmealsandstories.Thăobelieves storiesareimportantbecausetheyhelpusempathize andconnectwitheachotherandremindusofourshared humanity.TheideacametoThăoduringasolocyclingtrip shetookthrough15differentEuropeancountriesin2011. “EverywhereIwent,Ifoundthatpeoplewerestruggling withhowtomakemeaningfromtheirlives,”shesays.“Meal timeistheperfectspacetosittogetherandtellstories.” “Three Boys” Return Home WhileenrolledinArtCenter’sPhotographyprogramin AROUND THE WORLD 1979,MarkArbeitPHOT79,GeorgeHolzPHOT80andJust Art Center Dot LoomisPHOT80foundthemselvesintheenviableposition ofassistingfashionphotographerHelmutNewtonduring oneofhismostprolificperiods.Followinghisdeathin 2004,Newton’swifeconceivedofandcuratedThree Boys Art Center Dot from Pasadena: A Tribute to Helmut Newton,anunusual AROUND THE WORLD memorialtotheiconicphotographerandarevealinglook atthepersonalandprofessionalrelationshipsthatexist betweenartistsandtheirprotégés.Theexhibitionincludes eachphotographer’sindividualworkaswellassnap- shots,hand-writtennotes,journalpages,contactsheets A Ghostly Win andothermementos.TheexhibitiondebutedinBerlin, traveledtoParisandNewYork,andthissummertheboys returnhome—anexpandedversionoftheoriginalshow ThankstothecombinedtalentofnineArtCenteralumni willruninArtCenter’sWilliamsonGalleryfromJune14to —DavidGoodwinTRAN97,DerekHibbsENVL05,Sameer August26,2012. KawashENVL96,EdLiILLU98,ChuckRobertsILLU84,Ken Of Maps and Men SabaGFILM01,LidatTruongILLU07,KyleValenticGRPH07 andNathanielWestILLU03—BRCImaginationArtsrecently WendyMacNaughtonFINE99 tookhometheThemedEntertainmentAssociation’s2012 TheaAwardforBestCulturalHeritageAttractionona Foryears,WendyMacNaughtonFINE99hasdocumented LimitedBudgetforThe Ghost of the Castle.Thefocalpoint SanFranciscoresidents—everyonefromMarketStreet ofthevisitorexperienceattheLouisianaOldStateCapitolin chessplayerstoCivicCenterFarmer’sMarketfarmers— BatonRouge—theformerstatehousenowactsasapolitical intheirownwords.Nowshe’sbeennameda2012Artist historymuseum—The Ghost of the Castleisanimmersive inResidenceattheIntersectionfortheArts,acommunity- theatricalpresentationinwhichtheghostofSarahMorgan, oriented,multidisciplinaryartists’spaceintheCityby anauthenticCivilWar-eraheroine,tellsthecastle’shistory theBay.Duringherresidency,she’llbebuildinguponthe aschronicledinherbook,A Confederate Girl’s
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